HomeMy WebLinkAboutPercolation Test Log _-PERCOLATION TEST LOG - Time: j i neN Date: 5-y-a '3 Map/Lot No. Addess: 15o e r el., r,, Engineer: 1 - L Health Agent: L• _C A-czaw�r L N Expansion Area: Yes: o: Suitable/Subsurface Sewage: Yes: No: i i Expansion Area Tested: Yes No: Leaching Field: Pits: Trenches: f If No, Why? Unsuitable: _ Why? Well: Town•Water: Subdivision/Owner's Name: �. SKETCH: - I V e c,,_) k 0 u 'C -e_ - - L.) 004-e.t /-N, 0C ...._____, .. Notes: , / Water At: 1� Ft. A 0 1 DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG Depth fromSurface Soil Horizon Soil Texture (inches) (USDA) Soil Color Soil Molting Other ISinunuee,Stoma,t1odden, I - Cauiu nve enc, S Gl 6 ,..., j_g ''' ,3 (---) '\'`c S / Oilk 6—I 6)S — I 3 . C / 1 (Nyr_ ; c) .3--t-61 . . • _ , . . 0 DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG Depth fromSurface Soil Horizon Soil Texture (inches) (USDA) Soil Color Soil Mooing Other ISuuclure,Siow1 Blda uut, COittit$ 3/4 Gra I-'. " n . i.:_s _ . /0 tft 1-7, a Merrill Engineers-Land Surveyors FORM 11 -SOIL EVALUATOR FORM 427 Columbia Rd.,Hanover,MA.02339 781-826-9200 26 Union St.,Plymouth,MA. 02360 508-746-6060 Project No. 22-199.1 Date: 5/4/2023 Revision: Commonwealth of Massachusetts Yarmouth , Massachusetts Soil Suitability Assessment for On-site Sewage Disposal Performed By: Paul Louderback SE# 14618 Test Dates: 5/4/2023 Performed By: Test Dates: Witnessed By: Jay Gardiner-Yarmouth Health Director Testhole#: 23-01 &23-02 Witnessed By: Testhole#: FACILITY INFORMATION Site Location: Owner/Applicant Information: Builder's lot#: Name: Jose Ruisanchez Street Address: 150 Merchant Ave Address: 660 St Andrews Drive Town, State, Zip: Yarmouth, MA 02675 Town, State,Zip: Egg Harbor NJ, 09215 Assessor's Map: 127-23 Telephone no.: SITE INFORMATION Construction Type: New Construction: EX Repair: Upgrade:0 Drainage: Published Soil Survey Available: No:0 Yes:0 Year Published: 2023 Publication Scale: 1:12,000 a. Soil Map Unit: 252D Drainage Class: HSG A b. Soil Map Unit: Drainage Class: Soil Name: a. Carver Course b. Soil Limitations: None Surficial Geologic Report Available: No:0 Yes: Year Published: 2018 Publication Scale: 1:250,000 Geological Material/map unit: Course Deposits-Gravel,Sand&Gravel, &Sand deposits. Landform: Hill Flood Insurance Rate Map: Above 500 year flood boundary? No:0 Yes:�X Within a velocity zone? No:❑X Yes: Within 500 year flood boundary? No:�X Yes: Within 100 year flood boundary? No:�X Yes: Wetland Area: National Wetland Inventory Map: (map unit) n/a Name: Wetlands Conservancy Program Map: (map unit) n/a Name: Current Water Resource Conditions (USGS): (Month/year) April-2023 Range: Above Normal:0 Normal: Below Normal: Other References Reviewed: WELL: MA-A1W 247R Barnstable MA Comments: L:!(ob no)Soil Evaluation Form 22-199.1.xls Merrill Engineers Land Surveyors FORM 11-SOIL EVALUATOR FORM 427 Columbia Rd.,Hanover,MA.02339 26 Union St.,Plymouth,MA.02360 Project No.: 22-199.1 Date: 5/4/23 Revised: *Deep Hole# 22-01 Builder's lot#: Street Address: 150 Merchant Ave Town: Yarmouth, MA 02675 Assessor's Map: 127-23 DETERMINATION OF HIGH GROUNDWATER ELEVATION Method Used: Depth observed standing in observation hole: A: inches B: inches Depth weeping from side of observation hole: A: inches B: inches ElDepth to soil mottles: inches Ground water adjustment: feet Index Well Number: Reading Date: Index well level: Adjustment factor: None Adjustment groundwater level: DEPTH OF PERVIOUS MATERIAL Depth of Naturally Occurring Pervious Material Does at least four feet of naturally occurring pervious material exist in all areas observed throughout the area proposed for the soil absorption system? Yes:p No:El If yes, at what depth was it observed? Upper Boundary(inches): see logs Lower Boundary(inches): see logs CERTIFICATION I certify that I have passed the soil evaluator examination approved by the Department of Environtmental Protection and that the above analysis was performed by me conistent with the required training, expertise and experience described in 310 CMR 15.017. f Signature of Soil Evaluator: Date: May 9,2023 Typed or Printed Name of Soil Evaluator: Paul Louderback SE# 14618 Date of Soil Evaluator Exam: May 27, 2022 Name of Board of Health Witness: Jay Gardiner-Yarmouth Health Director Board of Health: Yarmouth *If applicable, only deep hole with shallowest ESHGW listed. Soil Evalualon Form 22-199.1.xis Merrill Engineers-Land Surveyors FORMS 11 AND 12 427 Columbia Rd.,Hanover,MA.02339 781-826-9200 SOIL EVALUATOR FORM 26 Union St.,Plymouth,MA. 02360 508-746-6060 ON-SITE REVIEW DEEP HOLE#: 23-01 DATE: 5/4/2023 TIME: 1:00 WEATHER Overcast 50° SITE ADDRESS or MAP/LOT#: 150 Merchant Avenue,Yarmouth Port 127/23 OWNER: Jose Ruisanchez JOB NO.: 22-199.1 LOCATION(Identify on Plan): See Attached Plan GROUND ELEVATION AT SURFACE OF HOLE: 35± LAND USE: Residential SURFACE STONES: Yes:❑ No:n SLOPE(%): 10-15% VEGETATION: Wooded lot-Medium/Large pines LANDFORM: Hill DISTANCES FROM: OPEN WATER BODY: >100 ft PROPERTY LINE: 50±ft POSSIBLE WET AREA: >100 ft DRAINAGEWAY: 80±ft DRINKING WATER WELL: >100 ft OTHER: DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG Depth Soil Her./ Soil Texture (USDA) Soil Color Redoximorphic Other(Structure,Consistency,%Gravels,Stones, (inches) Layer (Munsell) Features Boulders 0-6 A Loamy Sand 10YR 4/3 Massive Fnable 6-28 Bw Medium Sand 10YR 5/6 Loose single grain 28-132 C Medium/Fine Sand 2 5 6/4 Loose single grain 'PARENT MATERIAL: Outwash Unsuitable Material Present? Yes: No:D If Yes: Disturbed Soii:0 Fill Mat'LlE1 Impervious Layer(s):E Weathered/Fractured Rock: Bedrock: GROUNDWATER OBSERVED: Yes: No:El If Yes: What is the depth of Groundwater. Standing in Hole: - Weeping from Face: - Saturating the Face: - Mottling: - Estimated Depth to Seasonal High Ground Water: none observed PERCOLATION TEST Percolation Hole#: 23-01 Percolation Hole#: Test Date: 5/4/2023 Test Date: Depth of Perc: 30-48 Depth of Perc: Start of Presoak: 1:10 AM Start of Presoak. End of Presoak: 1:22 AM End of Presoak: Time @ 12": - Time @ 12 Time @9": - Time i9": Time Elapse:(12"-9") _ Time Elapse:(12"-9") Time AT 6": - Time AT 6": Time Elapse:(9"-6"): - Time Elapse:(9"-6"): Rate.(min/in.): <2"lln Rate:(minln.): Test Passed!Failed/ Test Passed/Failed/Discon/ • Discon!Add.Test Req'd: Add.Testing Req'd: Performed By: Paul Louderback Witnessed By: Jay Gardiner-BOH Mach.lOper.: Bortolloti Construction Comments: Bands of oxidation in change of sand layers in C layer from surface water. An indication that the"site passed"indicates only that the basic criteria for a soil evaluation and percolation test under Title 5 have been met in the area tested. Further soil evaluations and design work are necessary to determine whether a septic system for a particular use,meeting the requirements of Title5 and applicable local bylaws,will in fact be feasible on this site. An indication that the'site failed"indicates only that the area tested did not meet the minimum criteria(at the time of testing)for a successful soil evaluation and/or percolation test in the area tested. Additional testing at another depth or other areas may result In passing results. File:Soil Evaluation Form 22-199.1.xls Test Hole:19-01 Merrill Engineers-Land Surveyors FORMS 11 AND 12 427 Columbia Rd.,Hanover,MA.02339 781-826-9200 SOIL EVALUATOR FORM 26 Union St,Plymouth,MA. 02360 508-746-6060 ON-SITE REVIEW DEEP HOLE#: 23-02 DATE 5/4/2023 TIME: 1:30 WEATHER:Overcast 50° SITE ADDRESS or MAP/LOT#: 150 Merchant Avenue,Yarmouth Port 127/23 OWNER: Jose Ruisanchez JOB NO.: 22-199,1 LOCATION(Identify on Plan): See Attached Plan GROUND ELEVATION AT SURFACE OF HOLE: 35± LAND USE: Residential SURFACE STONES Yes No:n SLOPE(%): 10-15% VEGETATION: Wooded lot-Medium/Large pines LANDFORM• Hill DISTANCES FROM: OPEN WATER BODY: >100 ft PROPERTY LINE: 50±ft POSSIBLE WET AREA' >100 ft DRAINAGEWAY: 80±ft DRINKING WATER WELL: >100 ft OTHER: DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG Depth Soil Hon Soil Texture (USDA) Soil Color Redoximorphic Other(Structure,Consistency,%Gravels,Stones, (inches) Layer (Munsell) Features Boulders 0-6 A Loamy Sand 10YR 4/3 Massive Fnable 6-18 Bw Medium Sand 10YR 5/6 Loose single grain 18-120 C Medium/Fine Sand 2.5 6/4 Loose single grain PARENT MATERIAL: Outwash Unsuitable Material Present? Yes: No:❑X If Yes: Disturbed Soil:0 Fill Mat'1:0 Impervious Layer(s): Weathered/Fractured Rock: Bedrock: GROUNDWATER OBSERVED: Yes0 No nX If Yes: What is the depth of Groundwater: Standing in Hole: - Weeping from Face: - Saturating the Face: - Mottling: - Estimated Depth to Seasonal High Ground Water: none observed PERCOLATION TEST Percolation Hole#: 23-02 Percolation Hole#: Test Date: 5/4/2023 Test Date Depth of Perc: 30-48 Depth of Perc: Start of Presoak' 1:45 AM Start of Presoak: End of Presoak: 1:55 AM End of Presoak: Time @ 12": - Time @ 12": Time @ 9": - Time @ 9": Time Elapse:(12"-9") - Time£lapse:(12"-9") Time AT 6": - Time AT 6": Time Elapse:(9"-6"): - Time Elapse:(9"-6"): Rate:(min/in.): <2"/in Rate:(min/in.): Test Passed/Failed/ Test Passed/Failed/Discon/ Discon/Add.Test Req'd: Add.Testing Req'd: Performed By: Paul Louderback Witnessed By: Jay Gardiner-BOH _ Mach.lOper,: Bortolloti Construction Comments: Bands of oxidation in change of sand layers in C layer from surface water. An indication that the"site passed"indicates only that the basic criteria for a soil evaluation and percolation test under Title 5 have been met in the area tested. Further soil evaluations and design work are necessary to determine whether a septic system for a particular use,meeting the requirements of Title5 and applicable local bylaws,will in fact be feasible on this site. An indication that the"site failed'indicates only that the area tested did not meet the minimum criteria(et the time of testing)for a successful soil evaluation and/or percolation test in the area tested. Additional testing at another depth or other areas may result in passing results. File:Soil Evaluation Form 22-199.1.xis Test Hole:19-01