HomeMy WebLinkAbout5019 228 Route 28 Letter of Opposition 15Fallon, Dolores
5019 - 228 Route 28
From: Cheryl Ryan
Sent: Wednesday, May 10, 2023 11:55 AM
To: Fallon, Dolores <dfallon@yarmouth.ma.us>
Subject: Go Kart Race Track
Board of appeals,
MAY 10 2023
My name is Cheryl Ryan, 481 Buck island Road, #10C, an abutter to the proposed Go Kart
track. I am vehemently opposed to the proposed track for many reasons.
1. Noise!! The peace and quiet of our condo homes will be disrupted by the noise of the
go carts which, according to the applicant, create approximately 70-75 decibels of sound,
EACH. with up to 8 carts on the track at a time, it will be very loud. As it is, we hear
music from the cove so that we know how far the sound can travel, and Go Kart noise would
be horrendous.
2. other abutters include several hotels and resorts. No one would want to stay at a
hotel with a Go Kart track nearby!
3. I would think that the nearby restaurants will be adversely affected by the track.
4. Nearby homeowners will see their property values decrease which includes me.
S. There is a track 2.7 miles down Rt. 28. Do we really need another one?
6. Dennis has a track; Harwich has a track. Neither is close to residential areas.
7. The intent is to make the Go Karts a year -round -experience. Is there a market for
this? I can't believe there is. would you buy a property knowing it would be exposed to
the sound of "6 to 8 lawnmowers" racing year round? or even seasonally!
8. what about the wildlife that lives in the wetlands and cranberry bog?. what happens to
them with the noise?
9. what will be the effect on the air quality/pollution with 8-10 extra gas engines
running non stop?
10. This business is inappropriate for the proposed parcel of land. It will drive
business away and decrease property values.
Please REJECT this.
Cheryl J. Ryan
481 Buck Island Road, #10c
West Yarmouth, MA 02673