HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLDE-21-07090 Commonwealth of Official Use Only '- cam, Massachusetts Permit No. BLDE-21-007090 BOARD OF FIRE PREVENTION REGULATIONS Occupancy and Fee Checked [Rev.1/07] APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO PERFORM ELECTRICAL WORK All work to be performed in accordance with the Massachusetts Electrical Code (MEC),527 CMR 12.00 (PLEASE PRINT IN INK OR TYPE ALL INFORMATION) City or Town of: YARMOUTH Date th 6I Inspector of Wires: By this application the undersigned gives notice of his or her intention to perform the electrical work described below. Location(Street&Number) 2 COUNTRY CLUB DR Owner or Tenant Sandy&Jennifer Pope Owner's Address YesTelephone No. Is this permit in conjunction with a building permit? ❑ No 0 (Check App to Bo O Purpose of Building Utility Authorization No. e Existing Service Amps Volts Overhead ❑ New Service Amps VoltsUndgrd 0 No.o t rs Overhead 0 Undgrd ❑ No.of Me s Number of Feeders and Ampacity Location and Nature of Proposed Electrical Work: Recessed light in kitchen, replace kitchen receptacles, add additional receptacles, &under counter light. Completion of the following table may be waived by the Inspe . JP res. No.of Recessed Luminaires No.of Ceil:Susp.(Paddle)Fans No.of Transformers Total KVA No.of Luminaire Outlets No.of Hot Tubs Generators KVA No.of Luminaires Swimming Pool Above ❑ grnd ❑ No.of Emergency Lighting No.of Receptacle Outlets Battery Units No.of Oil Burners FIRE ALARMS I No.of Zones No.of Switches No.of Gas Burners No.of Detection and No.of Ranges Initiating Devices No.of Air Cond. Total No.of Alerting Devices No.of Waste Disposers Heat Pump Number I Tons I KW No.of Self-Contained ITotals: Detection/Alerting Devices No.of Dishwashers Space/Area HeatingKW Local 0 Municipal 0 Other: No.of Dryers Connection Heating Appliances KW Security Systems:* No.of Water No.of Devices or Equivalent Heaters KW No.o of No.of Data Wiring: Signs Ballasts No.of Devices or Equivalent No.Hydromassage Bathtubs No.of Motors Total HP Telecommunications Wiring: OTHER: No.of Devices or Equivalent Attach additional detail if desired,or as required by the Inspector of Wires. Estimated Value of Electrical Work: Work to start: (When required by municipal policy.) Inspection to be requested in accordance with MEC Rule 10,and upon completion. INSURANCE COVERAGE:Unless waived by the owner,no permit for the performance of electrical work may issue unless the licensee provides proof of liability insurance including"completed operation"coverage or its substantial equivalent.The undersigned certifies that such coverage is in force,and has exhibited proof of same to the permit issuing office. CHECK ONE:INSURANCE 0 BOND 0 OTHER I certify, f perjury, J,under the pains and penalties o erry' u that the information on on this application is true and complete. FIRM NAME: Licensee: Nicholas McEloy (If applicable,enter"exempt"in the license number line.) Signature Tel. NO.: 22642 Address:31 Captain Carleton Road, Cotuit Ma 02635 M.Tel.No.: Alt.Tel.No.: *Per M.G.L.c. 147,s.57-61,security work requires Department of Public Safety"S"License: OWNER'S INSURANCE WAIVER:I am aware that the License does not have the liability insurance coverage normally required by law.But signature below,I hereby waive this requirement.I am the(check one ) 0 owner 0 owner's agent. Signature Telephone No. PERMIT FEE:$50.00 Coomosesstmai of MitedachowNo Offtrslal Usee Only Permit No. r(0 I Q Zeposime#.1 el glow Sawdeo4 Q 1 8C?Af �+ Fa Checked d OF FIRE PREVENTION REGULATIONS [Rev. 1�7) S � APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO PERFORM ELECTRICAL WORK Ail work to be permed la accordano*with the Massachusetts Etoctricei Cods(MEC),1 ?CMR .00 (PLEASE PRINT ININX OR TYPE LL INPORMATIO Niter �47. a/ City of Town oft �eIW h i To the 1 d qf Hy this appliaestion the Lueders! an to stirs:desoribed below. Location(Simi eS Mouth ') a— 6o btaal wank Owner or Tenet S R i'V D -y- _ Owner's Address • Is tbh putout In oe*jeuetloo with,bedding wok? Yes Er No El (Chick Appropriate Host) Purpose of Su ei* I'??h2Q qe f fiddly Aothorkatirm No. Its;isMt thorwhoe► Amps / Volts Overk eed 0 Vadprd 0 No.of Meters .,..�. ... • liegjiggio Amps / Volts Overhand 0 ..-,...,. NumberofFodor*cad Ampaehty No.of Mshne ,_„�„� � potion slot Nature of Proposed I Works I _ < �^ e o z¢S Ul.( f, ,r .i s 6,9 C mp efOoshikeseetlii.eigir loll imbed by ON lwr al'Wiles, No.of Roma t sires j No.of (Peddle)Fps X0,o /AtoCt} Al No,of Lominalre Oudot No,of Hot Tabs G.NrsAtors KVA No.of Lumblaires imam*tool Ahoy. 0 love. 0 ttl.ohmerekiey Linnet No.of No,of Oil Sernors FIRE ALARMS Na of Zones 1 No,of Switches ,No.of Gas Bo nor* a .. �""}" ; .* ' t"t� l�. a�iA. No.of RoweNa of Air Loud. No.o1'Aie ,s No.of Wee* 71 : t e 'o Nlo.of L�Mb .. Sp*es/Asaa htaetts5 KW Load i .:, ." 0 shier No. of Dryers ILoetiap Applhss �r uoa .. Kw No. d i ,� a' j, 'i< : 11j" r�smosempr ladetahts No.of Moton Total ' ` ";� ' O THERt ►7�► rw* .a ` . t Bedewed Valve of os►!Work: �a'Od '`ip .Dash tokfite esal'*kW ltd�►sl or as meshed by this! .oll ,s. WOrIt to : .�.... (When required by lltlotla�el Iwllay) INSURANCE �ti i�3 Unless waived by�enequested in s000rthmee with tt0 the IOC 1� completion. the Howse provides proof of liability Maroc*including"compload*petition" ***kW work may Issue The undersigned osrtitles t such cov r is In loco,and hasIts s l seguhnttstrt, Thee CHECK ONE: INSURANCE [ia BOND CI OTHER 0 fot"suwrtr to the permit!suing Aloe. I crrr ►►eater the polio essi�teipsy ,',m Ors tsl +es Mir sps//eswiar is owe,raast FIAMNAMErCan. Cod Electrical LIC.NO.t LImesoot 1 it>< M 9 r 9 y tastie '""' `. °16'4"2`i d►... agntkabie,ore""swore"In the hem*.nnrber lime) ''"" LtC.NO.t Addwest .O �i ss 1594 # !I Q 0 Milli MA Q 2(i 4 E ft TeL No. .+:.?i�?r...—-; *Per M.O.L.o. 147,s,5141,sou ty work requires Department of Public Ak.T41.Ned VIIANCE WALVER, I an aware that the Lio s does not hew the liability Inst anoe OWN �*Malatw. By my si p us below,I hereby waive this requirem nst. i Am ` 3ti Sisaah►n Telephone No. PERWT FEE:$ 5 b•" Entails OfflooffeepecodoketrIMenaom