HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023 Sign Off Transmittal - Pool pump room repair 01.Y44 TOWN OF YARMOUTH y HEALTH DEPARTMENT • '^4 M•*" PERMIT APPLICATION SIGN OFF TRANSMITTAL SHEET To be completed by Applicant: Building Site Location: 'j LAI c '- %>c,,.,(:;em s ri N c„.9-c , Proposed Improvement: 'oo r �, ,.� ���.,`-,� 4. ,�- Applicant: CR,4 L b �t Tel. No.: 50 g 9,2,7 c) I I Address: 39 Tn,J ci "RA 5 V,r m d„t t4(\ o C..4 y Date Filed: 3 is , ' . **If you would like e-mail notification of sign off,please provide e-mail address: Owner Name: 5 AM.E Owner Address: Owner Tel. No.: RESIDENTIAL AND/OR COMMERCIAL BUILDING HEALTH DEPARTMENT: Determines Compliance to State and Town Regulations; i.e., Requirements For Septage Disposal and other Public Health Activities. Please submit three (3) copies of plans, to include: (1.) Site Plan showing existing buildings, water line location, and septic system location; (2.) Floor plan labeling ALL rooms within building RECEIVED (all existing and proposed) — Z023 Note:Floor plans not required for decks,sheds, windows, roofing; AI'K (3.) If necessary, Title 5 application signed by licensed installer HEALTH DEPT. with fee. REVIEWED BY:7C-,,,,--40 DATE: ''Z} J 'l i 02- 3 PLEASE NOTE COMMENTS/CONDITIONS: 4,,--1-.7-N-.)p XP . /4i / I \ vJ s c / ' l I v I ' 4.)-->f\•-,,,,z,, \ t- ' \ so 0 ¢q lit.----- 1 Tc' \ &j I � o 3 _ l - / o % / /„P-r,.'t ri. 1// p.iAi It . fiC 0 x�, :I / T�ry,,v QlL /� 1' (/ T( J )-NE ? / 11 I /` ti c v / 0 / kl...-1 e, c.1".t, ) lvIt-zr' 0 ..--' t-0 lit \ 7-1 -/ f -A%, vilV i IC)/ ,/ L —ft- (.9.- _____ 777 ,-_______Q \., e. 2 , 11( 8/ i ••tz,$_„.--- x ...„, ,,,, , 1jN ( k � � 0.— _J 1 n r o r 1 0 4to /40 /.6...._ ,,, , ,,., Jr GJ'r h WOO 'V / ""L�_ 11 .1.11,N- \‘.. "Q/L! P /. Ir-- ip (Ik d" 4�wN, ` N a. \c1/ i X \ o,� 411* ,wVL, rvE�`ow „ 1—"--- \ --f=' Q c:. ,>',,V,,,-- C j- MoTo2TJJN �r S >4 :1 , l4• / -.,7 51� G�Y E �, ,r C 7 C: k PY . ate x'v L -\— OR U 2023A\ ^ �41\" —�—� 1_ C+ ^rye. 1 Zz" HEALTH DEPT. �\b .. 44` l Pe �Z ~ if Phc /, Property Location:39 TODD RD MAP ID:100/89/// Bldg Name:BLUE ROCK MOTOR INN/GOLI State Use:3010 Vision ID:13486 Account#13486 Bldg#: 1 of 5 Sec#: 1 of 1 Card 1 of 6 Print Date:09/01/2017 09:38 CONSTRUCTION DETAIL CONSTRUCTION DETAIL(CONTINUED) Element Cd. Ch. Description Element Cd. Ch. Description Style 30 Restaurant UBM 21 Model 94 Comm/Ind 9 21 9 Grade 03 Average BAS 36 Stories 1 FBM Occupancy 0 MIXED USE Exterior Wall 1 25 Vinyl Siding Code Description I Percentage 2 Exterior Wall 2 13 Pre-Fab Wood 3010 MOTELS M94 100 Roof Structure 03 Gable/Hip Roof Cover 03 Asph/F Gis/Cmp .5 21 BAS 21 Interior Wall 1 05 Drywall/Sheet UBM Interior Wall 2 06 Cost Wd Panel COST/MARKET VALUATION Interior Floor 1 14 Carpet Adj.Base Rate: 69.38 DK e0 21 Interior Floor 2 312,696 14 15 21 Heating Fuel 04 Electric Net Other Adj: D. FOP FUS 21 Replace Cost 312,696 Heating Type 03 Hot Air-no Duc AYB 1965 .BAS BAS AC Type 02 Heat Pump _ 1:16 Dep Code VG •, 9 Bldg Use 3010 MOTELS M94 Remodel Rating 9 Total Rooms Year Remodeled 3^ Total Bedrms 00 Dep% 16 ..119' Total Baths 0 Functional Obslnc 0 External Obsinc 20 10 20 Cost Trend FactorCondition fielHeat/AC 01 HEAT/AC PKGS %Complete Frame Type 02 WOOD FRAME Overall%Cond 64 Baths/Plumbing 02 AVERAGE Apprais Val 200,100 N _ Ceiling/Wall 06 CEIL&WALLS Dep%Ow 0 '"� ' ,n 4 , Rooms/Prins 02 AVERAGE DE! rnent %ComnWall 4 i ,.. Cost to Cure Ovr 0 t -' Cost to Cure Ovr Comment dlr. �t OB-OUTBUILDING&YARD ITEMS(L)/XF-BUILDING EXTRA FEATURES(B) 0. #`' Code Description Sub Sub Descript L/B Units Unit Price Yr Gdc 1 Dp Rt Cnd %Cnd Apr Value SGN2 DOUBLE SIDI L 24 35.00 1980 0 60 500 PAV1 PAVING-ASPI L 16,5011.35 1965 0 60 13,400 ' ', SHD1 SHED FRAME L 60 8.00 1970 0 60 300 _, SHD1 SHED FRAME L 104 8.00 1970 0 60 500 SPL1 POOL-INGR C L 1,152 18.00 1965 0 60 12,400 x `a 4f. SHD1 SHED FRAME L 48 8.00 1970 0 60 200 CLR1 COOLER B 36 20.00 1999 1 100 500 .. ` '- "- CLR1 COOLER B 25 20.00 1999 1 100 300 WHL WHIRLPOOL B 1 3,500.00 1999 1 100 2,200 r BUILDING SUB AREA SUMMARY SECTION :; 4 . Code Description Living Area Gross Area I Eff Area I Unit Cost IUnde,rec. Value , BAS First Floor 2,802 2,802 2,802 69.38 194,403 FBM Basement,Finished 0 1,200 600 34.69 41,628 FOP Porch,Open,Finished 0 208 52 17.35 3,608 FUS Upper Story,Finished 906 906 906 69.38 62,858 UBM Basement,Unfinished 0 609 122 13.90 8,464 WDK Deck,Wood 0 166 25 10.45 1,735 fiffiriffiiiiii try TEL Gross l iv/Lease Area: 3.708 5.891 4.507 312.696 Property Location:39 TODD RD MAP ID:100/89/// Bldg Name:BLUE ROCK MOTOR INN/GOLI State Use:3010 Vision ID:13486 Account#13486 Bldg#: 1 of 5 Sec#: 1 of 1 Card 1 of 6 Print Date:09/01/2017 09:38 CURRENT OWNER TOPI UTILITIES . RT✓ROAD LOCATION CURRENT ASSESSMENT DAVENPORT DEWITT TR 1 Level 2 ublic Water 1 aved 2 Suburban Description Code Appraised Value Assessed Value DAVENPORT REALTY TRUST 4 as COMMERC. 3010 462,500 462,500 815 20 NORTH MAIN ST COM LAND 3010 396,000 396,000 YARMOUTH,MA 6 eptic COMMERC. 3010 27,300 27,300 SOUTH YARMOUTH,MA 02664-3150 SUPPLEMENTAL DATA COMMERC. 3222 361,600 361,600 Additional Owners: Other ID: 89/T070/// OTE MISC 240 OTE DATE CHANGES RIVATE R( BETTERMENT VISION PLAN NUMBEI481F ZIP CODE 2664 GIS ID: M_310054_827180 ASSOC PID# Total 1,247,400 1,247,400 RECORD OF OWNERSHIP BK VOL/PAGE SALE DATE q/u vA SALE PRICE V.C. PREVIOUS ASSESSMENTS(HISTORY) DAVENPORT DEWITT TR D791786 02/04/2000 U I 1F Yr. Code Assessed Value Yr. Code Assessed Value Yr. Code Assessed Value DAVENPORT DEWITT P TR 67326 11/25/1960 I 2018 3010 462,5002017 3010 462,5002016 3010 462,500 DAVENPORT PALMER TR I 0 2018 3010 396,000 2017 3010 396,000 2016 3010 396,000 2018 3010 27,300 2017 3010 27,300 2016 3010 27,300 2018 3222 361,6002017 3222 361,6002016 3222 361,600 Total: 1,247,400 Total: _ 1,247,400 Total: 1,247,400 EXEMPTIONS OTHER ASSESSMENTS This signature acknowledges a visit by a Data Collector or Assessor Year Type Description Amount Code Description Number Amount 1 Comm.Int - APPRAISED VALUE SUMMARY Total: Appraised Bldg.Value(Card) 200,100 ASSESSING NEIGHBORHOOD Appraised XF(B)Value(Bldg) 4,900 NBHD/SUB NBHD Name _ Street Index Name Tracing _ Batch Appraised OB(L)Value(Bldg) 27,300 0000/A Appraised Land Value(Bldg) 396,000 NOTES - Special Land Value 0 BLUE ROCK MOTOR INN/GOLF COURSECO 66 SEATS MMUNITY/44-1 BDRM&MGR APT REST CARD 1 FUS=MGR'S APT Total Appraised Parcel Value 1,247,400 45TH GUEST ROOM IS FUS APARTMENT OF BAS=MOTEL OFF&REST Valuation Method: C BLUE ROCK COUNTRY CLUB LOT 57 FBM HAS GAS FHS HEAT&CENTRAL A/C Adjustment: 0 Net Total Appraised Parcel Value 1,247,400 BUILDING PERMIT RECORD VISIT/CHANGE HISTORY Permit ID Issue Date Type 'Description Amount Insp.Date %Comp. Date Comp. Comments Date Type IS ID Cd. Purpose/Result 17-001573 10/03/2016 CM Commercial 5,000 01/19/2017 0 Blue Rock Golf-Install s01/19/2017 02 KL BP Building Permit 14-1023 02/04/2014 RP Repair 8,000 100 4 REPLACEMENT DO(04/24/2014 GM 00 Measur+Listed 14-656 11/01/2013 WIN Windows 4,000 100 8 REPLACEMENT WIP02/02/2006 GM BP Building Permit 09-622 11/26/2008 RP Repair 15,000 04/24/2014 100 STRIP RUBBER ROOF 10/13/2004 GM 00 Measur+Listed 05-924 01/31/2005 MC Misc/Mechanica 10,000 04/24/2014 100 INSTALL EXAUST HO406/19/1998 BD 00 Measur+Listed 00-553 02/11/2000 CM Commercial 13,000 100 01/01/2001 RESIDING 108 03/07/1997 CM Commercial 183,000 06/19/1998 100 01/01/1998 4 HANDICA LAND LINE VALUATION SECTION B Use Use Unit Acre ST. S Adj # Code Description Zone D Front Depth Units Price I.Factor S.A. Disc _C.Factor Idx Adj. Notes-Adj Special Pricing Fact Adj. Unit Price Land Value 1 3010 MOTELS M94 F 44.00 BL 10,000.00 1.0000 0 1.0000 0.90 0000 1.00 SITE 1.73 AC/-10%LI 1.00 9,000.00 396,000 i01( 3010 F 1.73 AC0.00 1.0000 0 1.000 0.00 0.0000 0.00 .00 0 Acre Total Card Land Units: 1.73 AC Parcel Total Land Area:1.73 AC I Total Land Value: 396,000 LOT NO. : 4 j- 7 7t ADDRES S : ,: 77 J OWNERS NAME : ' ( S. r---di/L 7.1'Cori , SEWAGE PERMIT NO. : 7-4 -- 70 NEW: REPAIR: t, y/ DATE ISSUED : 12 j519 DATE INSTALLED : _,9 INSTALLERS NAME : ! i ;�Cai- S`�111 (;* INSTALLATION OF : J.5..- (,fry .r5o/ig WATER TABLE : FINAL INSPECTION BY : 4 DRAWING OF INSTALLATION ON REVERSE SIDE : 9 )