HomeMy WebLinkAboutConstruction + Erosion Control_20230417Construction Period Pollution Prevention
and Erosion & Sedimentation Control
473, 479 & 487 Station Ave, Yarmouth, MA
Prepared By:
31 Hayward Street, Ste. E-1
Phone: 508-528-0770
Garrett Small, P.E.
Date: 02/23/2023
HFA Project No. 42-21-20002
3.Inspection and Maintenance Schedule
The roofs, building, and canopy gutters, decking and downspouts will be inspected at least
once a week for any debris, particularly such as leaves, and cleaned as necessary but at a
minimum of once each late autumn after all the leaves of nearby trees have fallen. All
scuppers, downspouts and drainage structures will be maintained in good condition so that no
runoff is diverted to overflow elsewhere.
The subsurface infiltration system inlets will be inspected prior to putting into service..
Removed any debris that might clog the system, and per the StormTech design manual
cleaning is required when sediment is at a depth of about 25% pipe volume or 25% pipe
The catch basin storm drain filters will be inspected at least once a week and at the end of the
foliage and snow removal seasons. Cleaning or filter replacement is required when capacity is
reached, or per manufactures’ guidelines.
The bioretention areas should be protected from vehicles and inspected regularly after vegetation
has been established and replanted/reseeded as needed to maintain a stabilized cover.
The infiltration system’s Isolator Rows shall be inspected at the completion of construction and
cleaned of any sediment that may have accumulated. This structure should also be inspected
after any fuel spill (gas station) or major storm. Polluted water or sediments removed from the
chambers should be disposed of in accordance with all applicable local, state and federal laws
and regulations. Cleaning includes jetting the chamber row and removal of accumulated oil and
grease and sediment using a vacuum truck or other ordinary catch basin cleaning device.
The Oil/grit separators will be inspected at least every month and after every major storm.
Cleaning is required twice a year and includes removal of accumulated oil and grease and
sediment using a vacuum truck or other ordinary catch basin cleaning device.
The trash enclosure area is to be inspected daily during construction, and to be maintained so
that no unsecured containers are stored there that may leak onto the pavement. Any spills will be
cleaned up immediately. The enclosures will be swept occasionally to keep them in a clean and
orderly condition. Trash containers must be kept covered to keep stormwater from contacting the
At the end of each work day the lot including access ways, parking areas, fences, walls
and landscape will be inspected and any trash will be collected and properly disposed.
At the completion of construction, the pavement areas will be swept if required and all
sediment, leaf litter and other organic debris will be collected and properly disposed.
The existing project area has no stormwater management components, with the rear third of
the site sloping toward the abutter to the south, which contains abandoned railroad tracks. The
front two thirds of the site flows to two depressed areas on site which retain and infiltrate
The proposed stormwater management system design consists of two Bioretention Areas with
1,500 gallon oil/grit separators, and two subsurface infiltration chamber systems using ADS
Stormtech MC-4500 chambers, with treatment provided by Isolator Rows. The proposed
condition will collect and treat runoff prior to discharge. A concrete curb along the edge of the
pavement separating the paved areas of the site from the landscape areas will help convey runoff
to the proposed on-site drainage system.
Erosion control & soil stabilization program-temporary stabilization
1. Denuded slopes shall not be unattended or exposed for excessive periods of time.
2. All disturbed slopes, shall be seeded and protected.
3. The topsoil shall have a sandy loam texture substantially free of deleterious materials such
as; stones, roots, and clumps of soil, and completely free of tree limbs, trash and
construction debris and shall conform with the local & state d.o.t standards.
4. The seed mix shall be inoculated within 24 hours, before mixing and planting, with
appropriate inoculum for each variety.
5. The design mix shall be comprised of the following permanent seeding mixtures:
Mixture pounds per 1000 s.f.
red fescue 1.75
colonial bentgrass, 'exeter' .11
perennial ryegrass .11
birdsfoot trefoil, 'empire' .35
Recommended planting dates: 5/1-6/15 & 8/15-9/30
6. Temporary treatments shall consist of a hay, straw, or fiber mulch or protective cover such
as a mat or fiber lining (burlap, jute, fiberglass netting, excelsior blankets). they shall be
incorporated into the work as needed.
7. Hay or straw applications should be in the amount of 3 tons/acre maximum.
8. All hay bales or temporary protection shall remain in place until an acceptable stand of grass
or approved ground cover is established.
9. The contractor must repair and/or reseed any areas that do not develop within a period of
one year and shall do so at no additional expense.
10. All fill shall be thoroughly compacted upon placement.
11. Stabilization of one form or another as described above shall be achieved within 15 days of
final grading. stockpiles of topsoil shall not be located near waterways, shall have side
slopes no greater than 30% and shall also be seeded and/or stabilized.
12. On both steep and long slopes consideration shall be given to "crimping" by use of a mulch
anchoring tool to punch mulch down into the soil.
13. The drainage system shall receive one final cleaning prior to acceptance of the overall
project by the owner. Sediments shall be disposed of in a proper manner.
Order of Procedure
1. Immediately upon completion of the clearing operation and prior to any rough grading,
temporary compost filter socks shall be placed outside the limits of construction per plans.
2. All erosion and sedimentation control structures shall be periodically maintained as follows:
compost filter socks and catch basin filters shall be inspected weekly, and after significant
storm events, at a minimum. construction entrance/exit aprons should be inspected daily.
repairs and maintenance shall be provided as needed.
3. If work progress is suspended for 14 days or more, implement temporary controls.
4. Temporary control structures along and at the ends of roadways may also be removed after
final soil stabilization has been achieved and approved.
5. Inlet protections must remain until such time that a desirable stand of grass or cover has
been established and the project receives a favorable approval for final acceptance from
the engineer.
6. Estimated time of construction, 4 months.
1. Site construction entrance/exit installation, temporary compost filter socks and construction
fencing shall be placed outside the limits of construction per plans.
2. Site clearing of trees, except for those marked to remain.
3. Scraping and stockpiling of loam for reuse, and rough grading.
4. Excavation and installation of the building foundation and canopy footings.
5. Installation of the underground fuel storage tanks and fuel piping.
6. Construction of the seasons corner market building.
7. Installation of the canopy, fuel islands, and fuel dispensers.
8. Installation of site utilities and septic system.
9. Installation of stormwater management system and bioretention areas.
10. Installation of curbing, concrete sidewalk, concrete parking area, concrete tank pad, fuel
island mat, and concrete drive-thru mats.
11. Construction of trash enclosure.
12. Final grading.
13. Installation of asphalt pavement.
14. Placement of loam in turf and landscape bed areas.
15. Installation of landscaping, and seeding of turf areas.
16. Parking lot pavement paint striping.
17. Placement of mulch in landscape areas.
18. Stocking of the store and filling of the fuel storage tanks.
19. Completion of punch list items and final clean up.
20. Estimated time of construction, 4 months.