HomeMy WebLinkAboutAttorney Senie Letter Received 05.25.23SENIE.1 ASSOCIATES, P.C. A T T O R N E Y S A T L A W 15 Cape Lane Brewster, MA 02631 Phone (774) 323-3027 Fax (774) 323-3008 csenie@senie-law.com WWW.SENIE-LAW.COM May 25, 2023 Mr. Steven DeYoung, Chair Ms. Delores Fallon, ZBA Administrator Yarmouth Zoning Board of Appeals 1146 Route 28 South Yarmouth, MA 02664 Tel (508) 398-2231 x 1285 dfallonAyarmouth. ma. us RECEIVED Lmm 25 2013 YA R M O U' F-i BOARD OF APPEALS Re: Petition 5019 (continued from 05/11/23) Application of Maria Curtis, DBA Lightning Speed Go -Karts, Property Location: 228 Route 28 West Yarmouth, Assessors' Map 37 Parcel 148, Zoning District B-2 Dear Chair DeYoung, members of the Yarmouth ZBA and Administrator Fallon; This office represents Marilyn Lucht of 481 Buck Island Road, Unit 7E, West Yarmouth and Wagner Quintanilha of Wagner Hospitality Management, President, Sunbird Cape Cod Resort and Annex, 216-226 Route 28 West Yarmouth MA 02673. My clients have asked me to appear before the board this evening at the continuation of the public hearing on this matter to express their concerns about the potential adverse impacts from the proposed go-kart track at 228 Route 28 in West Yarmouth. I plan to ask to be recognized and given an opportunity to speak during the public comment period. In case you need to reach me, my cell phone number is (508) 330-6640. Thank you. Sincerely, Christopher G. Senie Senie & Associates, P.C.