HomeMy WebLinkAbout1 Broadcast Lane Inspection Report2/ Address THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH TOWN OF YARMOUTH ,I146 ROUTE 28 SOUIH YARMOUTH MASSACHUSETTS 02664.M51 Tslophone (508) 398-223'1, Ext- 1240 - Fax (508) 398-2365I B{o*Det+r /-t tJnit noor-------Llpartment No.-Max. Occupants of Habirable Rooms y' No. Sleeping Foom No. Dwelling or Rooming Units_No. Stories ol Owner B O o,J AName and Add Type: E Annual E S€asonal lnspection: Zt*n our* Basemerl: tr Finished Unfinished to Occupancy D Complaint COMMENTS: Detgrors: tr Smolgds) Not Pr6€nt E Carbon Monoxtde Not present dwattslFt*, d c.iting B@ting s,yste,In: d-c"", Oit, Et*ta", e.p"n" EI Pumolns .6 y*icat E Pan€t Nor Labotod A{altet Larxina Zfsafety Concems E/Kn** stor" z/et*rn" auu dl,ppearurr;eot uoto 8int""t"tion E Rats, Mice, Roach6 or Olher B-fo-one Oxerved Edarbage and Rubbish ^El/OontainsrVCovers dea Ctean E 6\'terior Yard 4/Extg)or ot uouse E4iocks on Doors di.:gro" *ffiorrtl*rerr,' Door i.atror ctosure A4\(adows trl.fttc+|en at .rZ- E ,h /Wo Pr€sent 4(24-- eon2, f-1./1 3 ,ea-,.rr E Rgmove/Fleseal Sealant Base of Shower ! Top of Tub ! Bas€ ol Tub (Floor) deneral Appearance Bedroom !1 tr2 tr3 tr4 D5 tr6 NoNE Ots9oe,/wD N>NE o ric,Lt/<-D c /l)LE e n 714- LF aa-fn ++i(.).fYlt v RE A"r', r r)i\4 l# 3 ll .t{ vr 1 1 E A Copy ol *Iena s Rlglils' Has Been lssuod lo Tanant, On€ or more of the violations chscked above is a condition which may mal€rially impair tho h€alth or satety and well-being oflhe occupant asdet€rmined by 105CMR 410.750 ot the code or tho authorized insp€ctor (se€ over). This inspection R6 ts Under tho Palos and Penaltlos ol Perlury. lnspector Date {- zs Title U,t11 J-/1 7 The next schsduled roinspec'tion and €t-^,e.szFD Time z':oa €crat( A,M. PM. A.M. PM. n-r -S*r3f rrhfis z) l{' I