HomeMy WebLinkAbout25 and 27 Television Rental ApplicationN1- Rental Propcrty Address cn e.4al-a- Ir"lr,w 3 6 ATTENTION LANDLORDS ofHouses, Aparir,ents, Duprexes, condonriniums, Room Rentars. (rn owneroccupied dwellings) and Shon Tenn Renrals. Excluding I{oielrMoiel, Inn, Lodging House or Bed and Breakfastoperarions. (CItApTER 108 _. OCCUPANCy Or SUlLOtNbigyLaW). ote: compriance with zoning regurations is not inferred, nor intended.RENTAL/LEASE Rcgistrations EXPIRE on urceMson sl ofeach ycar. FuE IS $80 pER RENTAL/Lf,'{sE UNIT. comprete this form and return to the Health office. chccks payabre to:.TowN oFYARMOUI'H". !'or additionar FoRIvrs AND/OR QUES.TIONS, contact rhc HI,rAr,l.H ol-r.rcE A.I. 2023 RENTAL/LIiASE REGIS'TRATION TOWN OF YARMOLJTH _ BOARD OF HEALTH I I46 ROUTI 28, SOUTIJ YARM OU"TH MA 02664 508-:l!r8-221l. xt 240 Owncr Name (Requircd ln ailing Address I'.mail and Phonc /t o ZI? -t4J$ Ilrnail and P one # Disposal w/Sticker at Landfill S fl trl rom road aftcr pick up day. 0 nqs q &{City/n C'---Rcntal gent (if an1) Rental Period: Annual _ Scasona tv/Snort'fr:rm: Rental of: l{ousc Dupicx FC'r-ondo_Apartnrcnt Roorlt Trash Removal by: Owner Tenant -Smokc Detectors and Carbon lllonoxide Detectors Required_Owners: I havc ensured the batterics arc changed, and have tested,,\,LL Smok€Dctectors/Carbon Monoxidc Detectors?Smokc,,CO derectors oldcr than l0 ycars must be replaced.call firc dcpanurenr rega.ding quesrions on nerr rype and rocarion prior ri purchasrng. 508-J9ii-22r2 I Uncc a wccI rnlnlmurn] Pard Pickup 1a Name of Conrpany Note: Please remove trash & recyclc bins f $80.00 Annual fee: Owner may also register o(follow online services icon, then permitl &, lic nline: https://yarmouth.ma.us S.ignatul'e PENAI,'IIES - I-are registrario zay be subjcct to non-criminal ls' Offense $100.00 / 2na Offens Reprcscntativc. n of rnore than 30 DAyS after receipt or violations of any part of Chapter I0g,citations issued as lbllorvs. Each day's violation deemeja."pu.uta offan.".c $100.00 (and each additional) g200,00. This applies ro any OWNER or l(!\ l0rl7 2l (Rcqu ire es). ffijKP/ Ti\l-