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5034 0 Forsyth Ave Design Review Comments 02.07.23
Review is: 0 Conceptual 9 Formal EI Binding (404 MotelsA/CODIR,O.A.0, Project) ♦] Non -binding (All other commercial projects) Review is t7 Planmm LBoard 9 Design Review Committee YARMOUTH TOWN CLERK DESIGN A'EVIEW COMMENT SHEET '23FEBOPHI.53 RFC Meeting bale: February 7, 2023 Map: 88 Lots: 94 Applicant Coastal Medical Transportation Services LLC Zane s : B1/APD Site Location: 0 Forsyth Avenue, South Yarmouth Persons Present: DCR Members Present Yarmouth Town Staff Present Guests Charlie Adams Kath Williams John Lavelle Baxter -Nye Steve O'Neil Rich Quirk Coastal Medical Sara Porter DRC Review for this project started at: 4:17 PM ❑RC Review for this project and DRC meeting of ebruary 7, 2023 ended at: 4:53 PM On a motion by Sara Porter, seconded by Charlie Adams, the Design Review Committee (DRC) voted (3.0) to adjourn the February 7, 2023 DRC meeting at 4:53 PM. Project Summa _General Description: The Applicant is proposing to construct a 9,680 square foot (sf) transportation services building with 3,000 sf of office space and 6,680 sf interior vehicle storage area for up to 21 ambulance vehicles. Site work will include new septic system, bituminous parking lot and driveway, site lighting and landscaping Summary, Presentation: John Lavelle gave an overview of the ambulance storage building and office space. The project has 28 paved parking spaces and landscaping along with new septic and drainage. A new enclosed dumpster is proposed. The building meets the zoning setbacks Landscaping includes buffer and in -lot trees along with shrubs and ground cover. The drainage forebay is for treatment and conveyed into underground infiltration structures. Mr, Quirk briefly went over the building materials, noting the use the fiberboard panels to look like shingles in the office area and insulated metal panels with smooth side for the warehouse portion of the building in the rear. _DRC Questions & Discussions: Charlie Adams asked if there would be any vehicle repairs on site, Mr. Quirk indicated no. Mr. Adams asked about the number of vehicles in the building with Mr. Quirk noting typically 10- 12 ambulances at nighttime, indicating the warehouse is a little larger to take into consideration fitting up new ambulances. Ms. Porter suggested that the office portion of the building be treated very differently than the rest of the building, noting the Johnstone Supply building on Whites Path. She felt the canopy is not enough of a distinction with the rest of the warehouse building. Mr. Adams also thought the Johnston Supply looked good and would be more attractive for the Coastal Medical building and for representing the company. Mr. Quirk noted that he wanted to make it took nice. Sara Porter showed a sketch of how the roof could be modified with a steeper roof in the office with an entry porch in proportion to the building. Mr. Quirk noted they want to retain as much buffer vegetation in the front as they are not trying to attract customers to the property. Sara Porter felt that you can make a nice metal building. Mr. Lavelle noted the stone veneer to cover the concrete. Kathy Williams indicated there is not a lot of foundation showing and it could be concrete with foundation planting in the front. Mr. O'Neil was in agreement about modifications to the office area. Sara Porter noted that instead of shutters, utilize thicker trim boards. Review Comments In Relation To The Design Standards YARMOUTH TOWN CLERK SITING STRATEGIES '23FEBOPHI:53 REC Sect. 1, Streetscape © NIA 17 Meets Standards, or ❑ Discrepancies: Building is fronting along the street and has a narrow canopy. Recommend minimum canopy/porch depth of 5'. Sect. 2, Tenant Spaces 0 NIA ❑ Meets Standards, or ❑ Discrepancies: Sect. 3 Define Street Ede ❑ NIA 0 Meets Standards, or ❑ Discrepancies: Building location and street trees define the street edge. Sect. 4, Shield Large Buildings © NiA ❑ Meets Standards, or [I Discrepancies: Sect. 5 Design a 21tl Story F NIA ❑ Meets Standards, or 0 Discrepancies: Sect B, Use Topo to Screen New Development ff] NIA © Meets Standards, or ❑ Discrepancies: Sect. 7 Landscape BufferslScreenin El N/A 0 Meets Standards, or ❑ Discrepancies: Retain quality trees 4" in diameter and greater In the buffer areas, supplement with 3" caliper trees as needed. Sect, 8, Parking Lot Visibility ❑ NIA ® Meets Standards, or ❑ Discrepancies: Parking Is to the side of the building, behind the front yard setback. Sect. 9 Break tip Large Parking Lots 0 NIA ❑ Meets Standards, or 0 Discrepancies: The plans include two in -lot trees, whereas four are required by zoning. One tree is over the stormwater infiltration structure and one of them will need to be relocated. Sect. 10 Locate Utilities U d r round ❑ NIA ❑x Meets Standards, or ❑ Discrepancies: Sect. 11, Shield Loading Areas M NIA ❑ Meets Standards, or ❑ Discrepancies: BUILDING STRATEGIES: Sect. 1 Break Down Building Mass-- Multiple Bldgs. ❑ N/A ❑ Meets Standards, or © Discrepancies: The building is one large rectangular mass of 121WO , with no modulation or changes in fapade lines, roof lines or wall heights, except for a 4' deep canopy In the front, Besides the front canopy, the office area shape is the same as the warehouse and is differentiated from the warehouse section by a change in materials (insulated metal siding to fibercement shingles), a short section ofbrick veneer wainscoting, and the addition of windows with shutters. The building is a typical warehouse structure to be located in a B1 zoning district. Additional effort should be made to the office portion of the building facing Old Town House Road. This section does not require the roof height of the warehouse portion and could be significantly improved by having a more traditional roof pitch, bringing down the wall heights, and having a lower, deeper front parch entrance, and no shutters but thicker trim boards. The stone veneer doesn't appear necessaryas there is little foundation exposed and there are foundation planting shown. YnIPHOUTH TOWN CLERK 123FF98PMI:53 REC Sect. 2 Break Down Building Mass — Sub -Masses ❑ NIA ❑ Meets Standards, or 0 Discrepancies: Sea comments from Sect 1 above. sect. 3 Vary Fa ade Lines ❑ NIA ❑ Meets Standards, or W Discrepancies: See comments from Sect 1 above. Sect. 4 Vary Wall FIi hts ❑ NIA ❑ Meets Standards, or 0 Discrepancies: See comments from Sect i above. Sect. 5 VaBLEgof Lines ❑ NIA LI Meets Standards, or 9 Discrepancies: See comments from Sect 1 above. Sect. 8 Bring Down Building Edges ❑ NIA ❑ Meets Standards, or 0 Discrepancies: See comments from Sect 1 above. Sect 7. Vary Building Mat'is For Dep_t_h ❑ NIA ❑ Meets Standards, or 19 Discrepancies: See comments from Sect 1 above. Sect. 8 Use Traditional & Nat'l. Buildin Mat'Is ❑ NIA 0 Meets Standards, or ❑k Discrepancies: Fiber cement shingles are proposed for the office area with insulated aluminum panels for the warehouse section. Provide colorsamples. Sect 9 IncorporatePedestrian-scaled Features ❑ NIA (] Meets Standards, or ❑ Discrepancies: There is a canopy in the front, but the height is very tall and only 4' deep. Sect. 10 Incorporate Ener- ficient Design ❑ NIA i] Meets Standards, or ❑ Discrepancies: Next step for applicant: 0 Go to Site Plan Review ❑ Return to Design Review for Formal Review On a motion by Sara Porter, seconded by Charlie Adams, the Design Review Committee (DRC) voted (3-0) to approve these DRC Comments as meeting minutes for February 7, 2023 DRC meeting for the proposed Coastal Medical project at 0 Forsyth Ave. Received by Applicant(s) YARMOUTH TOWN CLERK ATTACHMENTS: '2$FEB$FmI:53 REC • February 7, 2023 DRC Agenda • February 3, 2023 e-mail with attachments from Kathy Williams, Town Planner • DRC Application: DRC Application and Materials Specification Sheet, window cut sheet and photo of stone veneer Site Plans; All plans prepared by Baxter Nye Engineering & Surveying, dated October 11, 2022, unless otherwise noted: ■ CO.0 —Cover Sheet ■ C1.0 — Legend and General Notes ■ C2.0 -- Existing Conditions Plan, dated July 29, 2022 ■ C3.0 — Site Layout Plan • C3.1 —Truck Turning Template Plan ■ C4.0 —Grading and Drainage Plan ■ C5.0 —Utility Plan ■ C5.1 —Septic Profile and Details Plan ■ C6.0 — Details Plan ■ C6f1 —Details Plan C6.2 — Cultec Recharger 330XL HD Chamber Detail Sheet Architectural Plans: Prepared by Chester L. Field, Jr„ Whitman MA, ■ Floor Plan, dated 619122 ■ Al -Exterior Elevations, dated 12J19122