HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230606-VerificationLetter-NAE-2021-02499DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY
CONCORD MA 01742-2751
June 6, 2023
Regulatory Division
File Number: NAE-2021-02499
Joel Bois
24 Starbuck Lane
Yarmouth, Massachusetts 02675
Sent by email: joel.bois@hotmail.com
Dear Mr. Bois:
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) has reviewed your application to
perform work and place structures below the mean high water mark in order to cultivate
eastern oysters and quahogs within a 3-acre site. Gear would consist of fifty 10 ft. x 20
ft. ¼” bottom nets and floating bags on lines. The floating bags would consist of six bags
per line with 25 total strings. Mushroom anchors will be used to hold the lines. Gear is
proposed to be left on the site during all seasons. Gear will be tended weekly. The
applicant also proposes the removal of 34 existing bottom cages that were abandoned
on the site by the previous lease holder. This project is located in Lewis Bay off Pine
Island, Yarmouth, Massachusetts. The work is shown on the enclosed plans titled
“Proposal for Aquaculture Project in Yarmouth Waters in Lewis Bay,” on four sheets,
and dated “February 2021.”
Based on the information that you have provided, we verify that the activity is
authorized under General Permit # 18 of the enclosed June 2, 2023, federal permit
known as the Massachusetts General Permits (GPs). The GPs are also available at
Please review the enclosed GPs carefully, in particular the general conditions
beginning on page 35, and ensure that you and all personnel performing work authorized
by the GPs are fully aware of and comply with its terms and conditions. A copy of the
GPs and this verification letter shall be available at the work site as required by General
Condition 17.
This authorization expires on June 1, 2028. You must commence or have under
contract to commence the work authorized herein by June 1, 2028, and complete the
work by June 1, 2029. If not, you must contact this office to determine the need for
further authorization and we recommend you contact us before the work authorized
herein expires. Please contact us immediately if you change the plans or construction
methods for work within our jurisdiction as we must approve any changes before you
undertake them. Performing work within our jurisdiction that is not specifically
authorized by this determination or failing to comply with the special condition(s)
provided above or all the terms and conditions of the GPs may subject you to the
enforcement provisions of our regulations.
This authorization does not obviate the need to obtain other federal, state, or local
authorizations required by law. Applicants are responsible for applying for and obtaining
any other approvals.
Your project is located within, or may affect resources within, the coastal zone. The
Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM) has already determined that
no further Federal Consistency Review is required.
We continually strive to improve our customer service. To better serve you, we
would appreciate your completing our Customer Service Survey located at
Please contact Christine Jacek of my staff at (978) 318-8026 or
Christine.M.Jacek@usace.army.mil if you have any questions.
Paul M. Maniccia
Chief, Permits & Enforcement Branch
Regulatory Division
Ed Reiner, U.S. EPA, Region 1, Boston, MA, reiner.ed@epa.gov
Rachel Croy, U.S. EPA, Region 1, Boston, MA, croy.rachel@epa.gov
Robert Boeri, Coastal Zone Management, Boston, MA, robert.boeri@mass.gov
Gabriel Lundgren, MA DMF Shellfish Program, Gabriel.Lundgren@state.ma.us
Town of Yarmouth Conservation Commission, bdirienzo@yarmouth.ma.us
MA GPs 1 June 2023
General Permit No.: NAE-2022-02649
Applicant: General Public, Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Final Effective Date: June 2, 2023
Expiration Date: June 1, 2028
Department of the Army
General Permits for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
The New England District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) hereby issues twenty-five
(25)regional general permits (GPs) for activities subject to USACE jurisdiction in waters of the U.S.,
including wetlands, navigable waters within the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and adjacent
ocean waters to the seaward limit of the outer continental shelf. The Massachusetts GPs (hereafter
referred to as the MA GP or GP) are issued in accordance with USACE regulations at 33 CFR 320 –
332 [see 33 CFR 325.5(c)(1)]. These GPs establish criteria and contain permit conditions to ensure
that the authorized activities have no more than minimal individual and cumulative adverse impacts
to the environment.
This document contains the following sections: Pages
SECTION I Statutory Authorities & Regulated Activities 2
SECTION II Review Categories & Application Procedures 3-7
SECTION III Massachusetts General Permits 8-34
SECTION IV General Conditions 35-51
SECTION V Mitigation Standards 52-54
SECTION VI Federal & State Agency Contact Information & Websites 55-56
SECTION VII Definitions & Acronyms 57-66
APPENDIX A Guidance for Section 106 NHPA Compliance in Massachusetts 67-71
APPENDIX B Pre-Construction Notification 72-77
APPENDIX C Self-Verification Notification 78-81
APPENDIX D Pre-Construction Notification Application Checklist 82-88
In issuing these GPs, the Federal Government does not assume any liability for the following:
(a)damages to the permitted project or uses thereof as a result of other permitted or unpermitted
activities or from natural causes; (b) damages to the permitted project or uses thereof as a result of
current or future activities undertaken by or on behalf of the U.S. in the public interest; (c) damages
to persons, property or to other permitted or unpermitted activities or structures caused by the
activity authorized by any of the GPs; (d) design or construction deficiencies associated with the
permitted work; or (e) damage claims associated with any future modification, suspension or
revocation of these permits.
Tammy R. Turley Date
Chief, Regulatory Division
MA GPs 2 June 2023
1. Work Requiring USACE Authorization
a. Section 10: Work and structures that are located in, over, under or that affect navigable waters
of the United States (U.S.) (see 33 CFR 329). The USACE regulates these activities under section
10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 (see 33 CFR 322).
b. Section 404: The discharge of dredged or fill material into waters of the U.S (see 33 CFR 328).
The USACE regulates these activities under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA). The term
“discharge of dredged or fill material” also includes certain discharges resulting from excavation.
Applicants should contact USACE to determine if a particular excavation discharge occurring within
waters of the U.S., is a regulated activity. See 33 CFR 323.4 of the CWA for exempted activities.
For additional information on the limits of USACE jurisdiction, please see:
2. Authority to Issue General Permits
a. In accordance with 33 CFR 322.2(f), 325.2(e)(2), and 325.5(c), USACE may issue regional
general permits authorizing activities under Section 10 of the RHA.
b. In accordance with Section 404(e) of the CWA, 33 USC 1344(e), and 33 CFR 323.2(h),
325.2(e)(2), and 325.5(c), after notice and opportunity for public hearing, USACE may issue
regional general permits for any category of activities involving discharges of dredged or fill
material if the activities in such category are similar in nature, will cause only minimal adverse
environmental effects when performed separately, and will only have minimal cumulative adverse
effect on the environment.
3. Related Laws
33 CFR 320.3 includes a list of related laws including, but not limited to, Section 408 of the Rivers
and Harbors Act of 1899, Section 401 of the Clean Water Act, Section 402 of the Clean Water Act,
Section 307(c) of the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972, Section 106 of the National Historic
Preservation Act of 1966, Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act, the Fish and Wildlife
Coordination Act of 1956, the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act, the
Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act, Section 302 of the Marine Protection, Research and
Sanctuaries Act of 1972, Section 7(a) of the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act, the Golden Eagle
Protection Act, and the Migratory Bird Treaty Act.
MA GPs 3 June 2023
To qualify under these GPs, the design, construction, and maintenance associated with each
proposed activity must meet the terms and eligibility criteria listed in Section III, all applicable
general conditions (GCs) in Section IV, and any specific mitigation requirements in Section V.
Applicants should first review the GPs to see if a project is eligible for authorization under one or
more of the GPs within this document. Any activity not specifically listed may still be eligible for
authorization under these GPs; applicants are advised to contact USACE for specific eligibility
Please note that these GPs allow for Self-Verification (SV) contingent upon meeting all criteria and
with full adherence to all GCs. Projects that do not qualify for SV, may meet criteria for Pre-
Constriction Notification (PCN). Tables are provided under each activity, which outline criteria for
SV and PCN. Activities that do not meet criteria for SV or PCN may require review as an Individual
Permit (IP). Activities may require a PCN or IP as noted in Sections III and/or IV of this GP.
Notwithstanding compliance with the terms of these GPs, USACE retains discretionary authority to
require either PCN review or IP review on a case-by-case basis for any project based on concerns
for the environment or for any of the other public interest factors found in 33 CFR 320.4(a). These
GPs also do not replace or change those activities identified as exempt from USACE regulation (33
CFR 323.4).
1. Pre-Application Assistance
Prospective applicants may request a pre-application meeting to address any questions they may
have. USACE may also request a pre-application meeting or additional information to facilitate
review of the request. Pre-application meetings and/or site visits help streamline the authorization
process by alerting the prospective applicant to potentially time-consuming factors that may arise
during the evaluation of their project (e.g., avoidance, minimization and compensatory mitigation
requirements, historic properties, endangered species, essential fish habitat, impacts to federal
projects, and/or dredging of contaminated sediments).
To schedule a pre-application meeting, present questions, or if you need further assistance, please
contact USACE at:
Email: cenae-r-ma@usace.army.mil (strongly preferred) Phone: (978) 318-8338
Mail: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
New England District
Regulatory Division, Massachusetts Section
696 Virginia Road
Concord, MA 01742
2. Submitting a Request
Please follow the procedures outlined in Sections II.2-5 when requesting an SV or applying for
PCN authorization for activities covered by these GPs. The GPs are provided in Section III below.
For SV-eligible projects, the Self-Verification Notification (SVN) must be submitted within 30 days
of commencing work. Otherwise, a Pre-Construction Notification (PCN) must be submitted for work
that is not SV-eligible. Please include appropriate drawings and attachments and submit your
request using the mailbox identified in Section II.4 or II.5 below. USACE will promptly confirm
receipt of your request and notify you in the event additional information is required. Guidance on
MA GPs 4 June 2023
how to submit electronic correspondence is located on the NAE Regulatory website here:
3. Local, State & Federal Approvals
Applicants are responsible for applying for and obtaining any required local, state, and federal
permits or approvals. These must be obtained prior to the commencement of work in waters. Such
authorizations may include a Water Quality Certification, a Coastal Zone Management Act
consistency determination, and other approvals as noted below. Authorization under these GPs
does not obviate the need for the permittee to obtain other Federal, State, or local permits,
approvals, or authorizations required by law.
I. Water Quality Certification under Section 401 of the Federal Clean Water Act (33 USC 1341).
Applicants are responsible for determining the appropriate 401 Water quality Certification (WQC)
requirements and submitting this information to the USACE at the time of their PCN application or
when completing their SVN. Applicants that are unsure of whether their activity has been certified
should contact MassDEP, or EPA Region 1 when the activity is located on tribal lands, for a
determination. The 401 WQC requirement must be satisfied by acquiring one of the following
WQCs from MassDEP (see GC 8):
General 401 WQC: The MassDEP issued a WQC on April 21, 2023 conditionally certifies all
activities in GPs 1 – 24 eligible for SV and PCN so long as the activity is described in 314 CMR
9.03, and is not an activity described in 314 CMR 9.04, and so long as the activity meets all
other requirements, terms and conditions of this WQC. The MassDEP WQC also conditionally
certifies activities described in GP 25 so long as the activity meets all other conditions of the
WQC. Emergency projects described in GP 25 must obtain an emergency certification or
otherwise be authorized pursuant to 310 CMR 10.06, qualify under a Severe Weather
Emergency Declaration pursuant to 310 CMR 10.06(8) issued by the MassDEP, or meet the
requirements of 9.12(2) or (3) in order to be certified under the WQC
Applicants should refer to the following link to determine if their activity is eligible:
https://www.nae.usace.army.mil/Missions/Regulatory/ State-General-Permits/ Massachusetts-
General-Permit/. If eligible, you must comply with all applicable WQC conditions. Activities
listed in 314 CMR 9.03 that are not exempt from the Wetland Protection Act must have a valid
Final Order of Conditions (OOC) or Final Restoration Order of Conditions pursuant to 310 CMR
10.00 to be eligible under the General 401 WQC.
Individual 401 WQC: In the event the proposed activity is not covered by the general WQC,
applicants shall contact MassDEP and apply for an individual 401 WQC if their activity does not
qualify for a General 401 WQC as outlined above. MassDEP may issue, waive, or deny the
individual 401 WQC on a case-by-case basis. All activities listed in 314 CMR 9.04 must obtain
an individual 401 WQC from MassDEP to be eligible under these GPs. When an Individual 401
WQC is required for PCN activities, the applicant shall submit their Individual 401 WQC
application concurrently to MassDEP and the USACE to comply with 40 CFR 121.
Activities Proposed on Tribal Lands: When an activity is proposed on Tribal lands, the applicant
shall refer to the general 401 WQCs granted by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA),
Region 1 on May 15, 2023. These 401 WQCs are located on the USACE Regulatory website:
MA GPs 5 June 2023
II. Coastal Zone Management Act Federal Consistency Concurrence pursuant to Section 307
of the CZMA of 1972, as amended. Federal consistency concurrence is required for all activities
located within the coastal zone, unless determined otherwise by the Massachusetts Office of
Coastal Zone Management (MA CZM) (see GC 9). As applicable, this requirement must be
satisfied by acquiring one of the following from the MA CZM:
General CZM Federal Consistency Concurrence (General Concurrence): MA CZM has
granted General Concurrence for all SV and PCN activities for GPs 1-25 and this can be found
at: https://www.nae.usace.army.mil/Missions/Regulatory/State-General-Permits/Massachusetts
-General-Permit/. The applicant must obtain all applicable permits and approvals prior to the
commencement of work in USACE jurisdiction (i.e., construction begins on site). For SVs,
General Concurrence is automatically granted and no further action is required from the
applicant. For PCNs, the USACE will coordinate with MA CZM to acquire General Concurrence
as part of the PCN application review. During review of the PCN application, USACE may
request additional information from the applicant to support CZM’s evaluation of the activity.
Individual CZM Federal Consistency Concurrence (Individual Concurrence): In certain
cases, MA CZM may elevate any GP activity 1-25 to require Individual Concurrence. The
applicant must contact MA CZM and follow the procedures to obtain Individual Concurrence as
determined appropriate by MA CZM.
The MA CZM program includes five regional offices that serve 78 coastal municipalities. The
following map provides more information about these offices: https://www.mass.gov/service-
III. Other Approvals: Approvals typically required in Massachusetts include, but are not limited to,
a Chapter 91 Permit/License, Massachusetts Environmental Protection Act (MEPA) review,
Wetlands Protection Act Order of Conditions, and/or Aquaculture Certification. Applicants should
also be aware that USACE may not be able to render a permit decision in the event the proposed
activity is denied by another local, state and/or federal agency.
4. Procedures for Self-Verification (SV) Eligible Projects
If the activity is eligible for an SV, the Self-Verification Notification (SVN) must be completed prior
to the start of project construction and submitted to USACE within 30 days of commencing work.
The purpose of the SVN is to provide applicants with a tool to assist them when determining if the
activity as proposed is SV-eligible. The following GPs do not require submission of the SVN: GP 1
(SV #1), GP 3 (SV #2-3), GP 4 (SV #2), GP 11, GP 12 (note #2), GP 14 (see note), GP 15 (see
note), and GP 24 (SV #3). For the activities not listed above, the SVN must be completed
prior to the start of work and be kept on site at all times during project construction. The
applicant shall not begin work for SV-eligible activities until they have completely verified the
bulleted items below.
Digital submittals by email are strongly encouraged to facilitate the most efficient processing of
the SVN submittal. Please communicate with USACE staff if you are unable to provide a digital
copy. Addresses are cenae-r-ma-sv@usace.army.mil (email) or Regulatory Division, U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers, New England District, 696 Virginia Road, Concord, MA 01742-2751 (mail).
Eligible SV Activities:
• Are subject to USACE jurisdiction (see GC 2); and
• Qualify for one or more of the GPs within this document (Section III); and
• Meet the GCs within this document (Section IV); and
MA GPs 6 June 2023
• When required, are supported by a complete SVN (Appendix C); and
• Receive all other required local, State, and/or Federal approvals.
5. Procedures for Pre-Construction Notification (PCN) Eligible Projects
For activities that require a PCN, an application to and written authorization from USACE is
required. No work requiring a PCN may proceed until the applicant receives written authorization
from USACE verifying that the activity is authorized. The verification letter may include special
conditions that the applicant must comply with. When possible, it is highly recommended that PCN
application materials are submitted at least 90 days before the target start date to allow for USACE
evaluation and any necessary agency consultations. PCN applications shall demonstrate in writing
how the proposed activity complies with all GCs, as applicable to their activity.
Digital submittals by email are strongly encouraged to facilitate the most efficient processing of
the PCN application. Please communicate with USACE staff if you are unable to provide a digital
copy. Addresses are cenae-r-ma@usace.army.mil or Regulatory Division, U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers, New England District, 696 Virginia Road, Concord, MA 01742-2751 (mail).
Eligible PCN Activities:
• Are subject to USACE jurisdiction (see GC 2); and
• Qualify for one or more of the GPs within this document (Section III); and
• Meet the GCs within this document (Section IV); and
• Comply with the Mitigation Standards within this document (Section V); and
• Are supported by a complete PCN document (Appendix B); and
• When required, are supported by the submittal of project information to the appropriate
parties identified in Appendix A; and
• Receive all other required local, State, and/or Federal approvals.
6. Interagency Review Procedures
The USACE reserves the opportunity to coordinate PCN activities with Federal and State agencies
to ensure that the proposed activity results in no more than a minimal impact to the aquatic
environment. In some cases, USACE may require project modifications involving avoidance,
minimization, and/or compensatory mitigation for unavoidable impacts to ensure the net effects of
a project are minimal. The USACE determines, after review and coordination with the agencies
and/or the applicant, if PCN applications:
a. Meet the terms and conditions of the GP as proposed;
b. Require additional information;
c. Require avoidance, minimization, compensatory mitigation, construction sequencing,
project modification, or other special conditions to avoid or minimize adverse impacts to the
aquatic environment;
d. Require individual permit review regardless of whether the terms and GCs of these GPs are
met, based on concerns for the aquatic environment or any other factor of the public interest
(see Section 9 below).
For activities requiring a PCN, the applicant must wait for written authorization from USACE before
commencing activities in waters of the U.S. Beginning work for PCN required activities without a
USACE written authorization is a violation of these GPs, and the terms and conditions of this
document. The applicant may be subjected to an enforcement action by USACE and/or the
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
MA GPs 7 June 2023
7. Construction of Solid Fill Structures and Fills Along the Coastline or Baseline from Which
the Territorial Sea is Measured.
Projects involving the construction of solid fill structures or discharge of fill that may extend beyond
the coastline or the baseline from which the territorial sea is measured (i.e., mean low water) will
require a PCN. The USACE will submit a description of the proposed work and a copy of the plans
to the Solicitor, Department of the Interior, Washington, DC 20240, and request comments
concerning the effects of the proposed work on the outer continental rights of the United States.
These comments will be included in the administrative record of the application. After completion of
permit review, the record will be forwarded to the Chief of Engineers. The decision on the
application will be made by the Secretary of the Army after coordination with the Attorney General.
8. Emergency Activities
Per 33 CFR 325.2(e)(4), an emergency is limited to a situation that would result in an unacceptable
hazard to life, a significant loss of property, or an immediate, unforeseen, and significant economic
hardship if corrective action requiring a permit is not undertaken within a time period less than the
normal time needed to process an application under standard procedures. Emergency work shall
be limited to that which is necessary to stabilize and secure the situation. Additional work needed
for final repairs shall not be completed until approval is obtained through the appropriate, non-
emergency process. Emergency work is subject to the same terms and conditions of these GPs as
non-emergency work, and similarly, must qualify for authorization under these GPs; otherwise, an
IP is required. See GP 25 Emergency Situations for additional information.
9. Individual Permit
Projects that do not meet the terms and conditions of this GP may require review as an IP (33 CFR
325.5 (b)). Proposed work in this category will require a separate Federal application for an
individual permit from USACE (33 CFR 325.1). In addition, USACE retains discretionary authority
on a case-by-case basis to elevate GP-eligible activities to an IP based on concerns for the
environment or any other factor of the public interest (33 CFR 320.4 (a)). Applicants are required to
submit the appropriate application materials directly to USACE as early as possible to expedite the
permit review process. General information and application forms can be obtained at our website
or by contacting our office at cenae-r-ma@usace.army.mil or (978) 318-8338. Individual 401 WQC
and/or CZMA Federal consistency concurrence from the appropriate MA agencies are required
before USACE can issue an individual permit. Applying for an IP does not relieve the applicant
from their obligation to obtain all required Federal, State and/or local approvals.
10. Compliance
Applicants shall ensure compliance with all applicable GPs in Section III, GCs in Section IV, and
any special conditions included in USACE verification letters. Noncompliance with these GPs,
GCs, and special conditions may subject the applicant to criminal, civil, or administrative penalties,
and/or an ordered restoration, and/or the permit may be modified, suspended or revoked by
USACE. The USACE will consider any activity requiring USACE authorization to be noncompliant if
that activity does not comply with all GP terms and conditions at all times, including while the
project is under construction and when work is completed.
MA GPs 8 June 2023
Applicants are encouraged to review Sections I & II prior to submitting an application to confirm
that the activity as proposed complies with all terms and conditions of the 2023 MA GPs.
Applicants are also encouraged to review the definitions in Section VII, Definitions & Acronyms, of
this document. Several terms are frequently used throughout the GPs, and it is important for the
reader to understand these terms. If seeking verification for an activity previously verified under the
2018 MA GPs, please contact the USACE to discuss permitting needs in advance of submitting an
General Permits
1. Aids to Navigation and Temporary Recreational Structures
2. Maintenance
3. Moorings
4. Structures in Navigable Waters of the U.S.
5. Boat Ramps and Marine Railways
6. Utility Lines, Oil or Natural Gas Pipelines, Outfall Or Intake Structures, and Appurtenant Features
7. Dredging, Disposal of Dredged Material, Beach Nourishment, Rock Removal and Rock Relocation
8. U.S. Coast Guard Approved Bridges
9. Bank and Shoreline Stabilization
10. Aquatic Habitat Restoration, Enhancement, and Establishment Activities
11. Fish and Wildlife Harvesting and Attraction Devices and Activities
12. Response Operations, Oil and Hazardous Substances
13. Cleanup of Hazardous and Toxic Waste
14. Scientific Measurement Devices
15. Survey Activities
16. Land and Water-Based Renewable Energy Generation Facilities and Hydropower Projects
17. Residential, Commercial and Institutional Developments, and Recreational Facilities
18. Aquaculture
19. Mining Activities
20. Living Shorelines
21. Agricultural Activities
22. Reshaping Existing Drainage Ditches, Construction of New Ditches, and Mosquito Management
23. Linear Transportation Projects and Wetland/Stream Crossings
24. Temporary Construction, Access, and Dewatering
25. Emergency Situations
MA GPs 9 June 2023
(a) The placement of aids to navigation and regulatory markers that are approved by and installed in
accordance with the requirements of the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG). See 33 CFR, Part 66; and (b)
Temporary buoys, markers, and similar structures placed for recreational use during specific events
such as water skiing competitions and boat races or seasonal use. See GC 16.
Self-Verification Eligible
1. Aids to navigation and regulatory markers
approved by and installed in accordance with the
requirements of the USCG.
2. Temporary buoys, markers and similar structures
that are: (a) placed for recreational use during
specific events and removed within 30 days after
event; or (b) placed during winter events on ice and
removed before spring thaw. These structures must
be authorized by the local harbormaster, not located
within an FNP or its buffer zone, and not located in
saltmarsh or tidal vegetated shallows.
Pre-Construction Notification Required
1. Impacts in saltmarsh or tidal vegetated
2. Activities that are not SV eligible.
Note: An SVN submittal to USACE is not required for work authorized under SV #1 above.
MA GPs 10 June 2023
GP 2. MAINTENANCE (Authorities: §10 and §404)
Repair, rehabilitation, or replacement of any previously authorized 1, currently serviceable structure, or
fill, or of any currently serviceable structure or fill authorized by 33 CFR 330.3 (activities occurring before
certain dates), provided that the structure or fill is not to be put to uses differing from those uses
specified or contemplated for it in the original permit or the most recently authorized modification. Minor
deviations in the structure's configuration or filled area, including those due to changes in materials,
construction technique requirements of other regulatory agencies, or current construction codes or
safety standards that are necessary to make the repair, rehabilitation, or replacement are authorized.
This GP also authorizes temporary structures, fills, and work, including the use of temporary mats,
necessary to conduct the activities above. Maintenance dredging and beach nourishment are not
eligible under GP 2 (see GP 7). Stream crossing modifications (including sliplining), replacements or
extensions are not eligible under GP 2 (see GPs 6, 17, 23). See GP 25 Emergency Situations for
expedited review of emergency activities.
Not authorized under GP 2 (IP required): (a) Permanent impacts in >1 acre in non-tidal waters and/or
wetlands; or (b) Permanent impacts >1/2 acre in tidal waters; >1000 SF in saltmarsh, mud flats, riffle
and pool complexes, or non-tidal vegetated shallows; or >100 SF in tidal vegetated shallows; or
(c) Temporary impacts >1 acre in tidal waters; >5000 SF in saltmarsh, mud flats, riffle and pool
complexes, or non-tidal vegetated shallows; or >1000 SF in vegetated shallows; (d) New stream
channelization or stream relocation projects (e.g., those in response to storm or flood events).
Self-Verification Eligible
Maintenance activities that meet all of the
following terms:
1. In non-tidal waters, the combined permanent
and temporary impacts extending beyond the
original footprint are ≤5,000 SF 2 and not located
in vegetated shallows or riffle and pool
2. In tidal waters, the combined permanent and
temporary impacts extending beyond the original
footprint are ≤5,000 SF, ≤1,000 SF in mudflats
and/or natural rocky habitat, and not located in
saltmarsh and tidal vegetated shallows.
3. Minor deviations in the repair, rehabilitation, or
replacement of previously authorized, currently
serviceable structures or fills.
4. Bulkhead replacement in tidal and non-tidal
waters via installation of new bulkhead within 18
inches of the existing bulkhead and associated
5. Drawdown of an impoundment for dam/levee
repair provided it does not exceed 18 months and
one growing season (April through September).
Pre-Construction Notification Required
1. Discharges associated with removal of
accumulated sediments and debris in the vicinity of
existing structures, including intake and outfall
structures and associated canals.
2. The removal of sediment outside the immediate
vicinity of existing structures (e.g., bridges, culverted
road crossings, water intake structures, etc.) that is
≥200 linear feet. This activity is limited to the
minimum necessary to restore the waterway in the
vicinity of the structure to the approximate
dimensions existing when the structure was built.
3. Dam and flood control or levee repair,
rehabilitation, or replacement involves:
a. A change in the flood elevation or permanent
water surface elevation of the impoundment; or
b. Drawdown of impoundment for construction
exceeding one growing season (see SV eligible #5);
c. Any modification that changes the character,
scope, or size of the original fill design; or
d. Does not meet SV eligible 1-7.
4. Installation of steel piles, including steel sheet
piles, that cannot be done in the dry and where
NOAA-ESA listed species are mapped as present.
1 Some maintenance activities may not be subject to regulation under Section 404 of the CWA in accordance
with 33 CFR 323.4(a)(2). Per 33 CFR 330.3, Vested dates are: a) Work performed and structures installed
before December 18, 1968 (Section 10); and b) Fill placed before July 25, 1975 (Section 404).
2 This excludes dam projects that may require a temporary drawdown with impacts >5,000 SF in non-tidal
waters. Instead, the drawdown shall comply with SV #5 to be eligible under Self-Verification.
MA GPs 11 June 2023
6. Any stream channel modification is limited to
the minimum necessary for the repair,
rehabilitation, or replacement of the structure or
fill; such modifications, including the removal of
material from the stream channel, must be
immediately adjacent to the project or within the
boundaries of the structure or fill.
7. Work to previously approved tide gates not
affecting upstream tidal resource areas.
5. Activities located in the Connecticut River or
Merrimack River, unless they are completed in the
dry or when the tide is waterward of the work area.
6. Activities on USACE properties & USACE-
controlled easements.
7. Activities that do not require an IP. Activities that
do not require a PCN or an IP may be SV eligible.
1. This authorizes the repair, rehabilitation, or replacement of any previously authorized structure or fill
that does not qualify for the CWA §404(f) exemption for maintenance. See 33 CFR 323.4(a)(2). Prior
USACE permits may have included authorization to maintain the activity, in which case authorization
under this GP is not necessary.
2. See GC 22 for information on temporary construction mats.
MA GPs 12 June 2023
GP 3. MOORINGS (Authority: §10)
New moorings and mooring fields; the relocation of previously authorized moorings; expansions,
boundary reconfigurations or modifications of previously authorized mooring fields; and maintenance
and replacement of moorings.
Not authorized under GP 3 (IP required): (a) Moorings or mooring fields converted to or associated
with a new boating facility 1; or (b) Moorings in a USACE Federal Navigation Anchorage or USACE
Federal Navigation Channel, except municipal-operated mooring fields.
Self-Verification Eligible
1. New or relocated moorings that meet all the
following terms:
a. Authorized by a local harbormaster/
municipality under MGL Chapter 91 §10A; and
b. No interference with navigation; and
c. Single boat, single-point and non-
commercial; and
d. Not associated with a boating facility, and
e. Neither placed within nor impact tidal
vegetated shallows (e.g., eelgrass); and
f. Not located within a USACE Federal
navigation project (FNP) or the FNP buffer
2. Existing, authorized moorings are
converted from traditional moorings to low
impact mooring technology (see note below)
and/or helical anchors.
3. Maintenance and replacement of moorings
authorized by the USACE.
Pre-Construction Notification Required
1. New mooring fields; or expansions, boundary
reconfigurations or modifications of existing,
authorized mooring fields.
2. Moorings located such that they, and/or vessels
docked or moored at them, are within the buffer zone
of the horizontal limits of a Federal Anchorage. The
buffer zone is equal to 3 times the authorized depth of
that channel (see GC 15).
3. New individual moorings located in saltmarsh,
mudflats, natural rocky habitat, and tidal vegetated
shallows. Locating moorings these areas should be
avoided to the maximum extent practicable. If these
areas cannot be avoided, plans should show
conservation mooring or low-impact mooring systems
that prevent mooring chains from resting or dragging
on the bottom substrate at all tides, where practicable.
USACE may require a survey in areas previously
mapped as containing eelgrass or within 100 ft. of
existing eelgrass beds to document presence or
absence of eelgrass and to determine the appropriate
type and amount of compensatory mitigation for
impacts to eelgrass.
4. Replacement moorings located in tidal vegetated
5. Moorings that are not SV eligible and do not
require an IP.
1. Low impact mooring systems, including conservation moorings, are encouraged to minimize impacts
of chain scouring from conventional moorings during the tidal cycle.
2. An SVN submittal to USACE is not required for work authorized under SV #2-3 above.
1 Boating facilities are marinas, yacht clubs, boat clubs, boat yards, dockominiums, town facilities,
land/homeowner’s associations, etc. that provide for a fee, rent or sell mooring or docking space. Not
classified as boating facilities are municipal moorings or municipal mooring fields that charge an equitable
user fee based only on the actual costs incurred.
MA GPs 13 June 2023
New, expansions, reconfigurations or modifications of structures for navigational access in waters of the
U.S. including but not limited to temporary/seasonal or permanent pile and pole-supported piers, floats,
stairs, shore outhauls, and boat and float lifts.
Not authorized under GP 4 (IP required): (a) Structures associated with a new boating facility;
(b) Structures in a USACE Federal anchorage or channel; or (c) Artificial reefs.
Self-Verification Eligible
1. Private, non-commercial piers, floats and lifts that meet
all the following terms:
a. Piers and floats in: (i) Tidal waters total ≤600 SF
combined; and (ii) Non-tidal navigable waters of the U.S.
total ≤600 SF combined; and
b. Piers are ≤4 feet wide and ≥6 feet above the marsh
substrate (the height is measured from the marsh substrate
to the bottom of the lowest longitudinal support); and
c. Floats and lifts in tidal waters and non-tidal navigable
waters of the U.S. are ≥24 inches above the substrate
during all tidal cycles. Float stops are preferred when site
conditions warrant them (i.e., low tide exposes substrate),
and skids can only be used in areas where piles are not
feasible and on sandy or hard bottom substrates; and
d. Piers, floats and lifts: (i) Are ≥25 feet from previously
mapped or existing vegetated shallows, or riparian
property line extensions; (ii) Extend ≤25% of the waterway
width in non-tidal navigable waters of the U.S. or MHW in
tidal navigable waters of the U.S.
e. Installation of ≤12-inch diameter timber piles.
Installation of ≥12-inch diameter piles of any material type
when installed in the dry.
2. Fenders and similar structures.
Pre-Construction Notification Required
1. Shore outhauls.
2. Expansions, modifications, or new
reconfiguration zones at any authorized
boating facility.
3. New, expansions, reconfigurations,
reconfiguration zones, or modifications of
structures that provide public, community
or government recreational uses such as
boating, fishing, swimming, access, etc.
4. Installation of steel piles, including steel
sheet piles, that cannot be done in the dry
and where NOAA-ESA listed species are
mapped as present.
5. Located within the buffer zone of the
horizontal limits of an FNP (GC 15).
6. Miscellaneous structures.
7. Impacts in tidal vegetated shallows.
8. Structures that are not SV eligible and
do not require an IP.
1. See GC 19 regarding pile driving and pile removal in navigable waters and
2. See GC 20 regarding time of year restrictions in tidal waters.
3. Boating facilities are facilities that provide for a fee, rent, or sell mooring space, such as marinas,
yacht clubs, boat clubs, boat yards, town facilities, dockominiums, etc. Pile supported structures with no
discharges of dredged or fill material are not regulated by USACE in non-navigable waters.
4. A SVN submittal to USACE is not required for SV #2 above.
MA GPs 14 June 2023
GP 5. BOAT RAMPS AND MARINE RAILWAYS (Authorities: §10 and §404)
Activities required for the construction of boat ramps and marine railways, including excavation and fill.
Not authorized under GP 5 (IP required): (a) Permanent impacts that are >1 acre in non-tidal waters of
the U.S., >½ acre in tidal waters; >1000 SF in saltmarsh, mud flats, riffle and pool complexes, or non-
tidal vegetated shallows; or >100 SF in tidal vegetated shallows; (b) Temporary impacts in tidal waters
that are >1 acre; >5000 SF in saltmarsh, mud flats, or riffle and pool complexes; or >1000 SF in
vegetated shallows1; or (c) dredging in navigable waters of the U.S. (see GP 7).
Self-Verification Eligible
1. In non-tidal waters, the combined permanent
and temporary impacts are (a) ≤5,000 SF, and (b)
not located in riffle and pool complexes and non-
tidal vegetated shallows.
2. In tidal waters, the combined permanent and
temporary impacts are (a) ≤5,000 SF, (b) ≤1,000
SF in mudflats and/or natural rocky habitat, and
(c), not located in saltmarsh and tidal vegetated
Pre-Construction Notification Required
1. Boat ramps are located within 25 feet of property
line extensions unless the properties are owned by
the same owner. The USACE may require a letter
of no objection from the abutter(s).
2. Activities that are not eligible for SV and do not
require an IP.
MA GPs 15 June 2023
AND APPURTENANT FEATURES (Authorities: §10 & §404)
Activities required for: (a) The construction, maintenance, repair or removal of utility lines, oil or natural
gas pipelines 1, outfall or intake structures2, and appurtenant features including the associated
excavation, backfill, or bedding for these structures. (b) The construction, maintenance, or expansion of
substations and other appurtenant facilities associated with a utility line, oil or natural gas pipeline, and
outfall or intake structure in non-tidal waters of the U.S.; and (c) The construction and maintenance of
foundations for overhead utility line towers, poles, and anchors in tidal and non-tidal waters of the U.S.,
provided the foundations are the minimum size necessary and separate footings for each tower leg
(rather than a larger single pad) are used where feasible. This GP authorizes the construction of access
roads to facilitate construction of the above activities provided the activity, in combination with all other
activities included in one single and complete project, does not exceed the thresholds identified below
(IP required). Access roads used solely for construction of the utility line must be removed upon
completion of the work. This GP also authorizes temporary structures, fills, and work, including the use
of temporary mats, necessary to conduct the activities above.3
Not authorized under GP 6 (IP required): (a) Permanent impacts for any single and complete project
that are >1 acre in non-tidal waters of the U.S.; >½ acre in tidal waters; >1000 SF in saltmarsh, mud
flats, riffle and pool complexes, or non-tidal vegetated shallows; or >100 SF in tidal vegetated shallows;
(b) Temporary impacts in tidal waters that are >1 acre; >5000 SF in saltmarsh, mud flats, or riffle and
pool complexes; or >1000 SF in vegetated shallows; (c) Stormwater treatment or detention systems, or
subsurface sewage disposal systems in waters of the U.S.; or (d) New tide gates that do not meet SV
criteria below.
Self-Verification Eligible
1. In non-tidal waters, the combined permanent
and temporary impacts are (a) ≤5,000 SF, and
(b) not located in riffle and pool complexes and
non-tidal vegetated shallows.
2. In tidal waters, the combined permanent and
temporary impacts are (a) ≤5,000 SF, (b)
≤1,000 SF in mudflats and/or natural rocky
habitat, and (c), not located in saltmarsh and
tidal vegetated shallows.
3. Intake structures that are dry hydrants used
exclusively for firefighting activities with no
stream impoundments.
4. New tide gates on outfall structures for pipes
conveying stormwater and/or industrial
NPDES-permitted discharges from waters that
are not waters of the U.S.
Pre-Construction Notification Required
1. New outfall and/or intake structures.
2. Unconfined work or silt producing activities in
streams with diadromous fish.
3. Submarine cables, conduits, or pipelines that occur
in, over or under navigable waters of the U.S.
4. Stream channelization, relocation, impoundment,
or loss of streambed occurs.
5. The activity is placed within and runs parallel to or
along a streambed within waters of the U.S.
6. There is a permanent change in preconstruction
contours in waters of the U.S.
7. Installation of utility lines or gas/oil pipelines using
trench excavation where material is temporarily
sidecast into waters of the U.S. for >3 months.
Applicants must demonstrate how the material would
not be dispersed by currents or other forces.
8. Activities that are not SV eligible and do not
require an IP.
1 See the definitions of a “utility line” and “oil or natural gas pipeline” in Section VII.
2 Outfall structures must be in compliance with regulations issued under the National Pollutant Discharge
Elimination System Program (Section 402 of the Clean Water Act).
3 Temporary impacts shall comply with all GCs, including GC 32 Utility Line Installation and Removal.
MA GPs 16 June 2023
GP 7. DREDGING (Authority: §10), DISPOSAL OF DREDGED MATERIAL (Authorities: §10, §404),
BEACH NOURISHMENT (Authorities: §10 & §404), ROCK REMOVAL (Authority: §10) AND ROCK
RELOCATION (Authorities: §10 & §404)
New, improvement and maintenance dredging (see notes below) including: (a) Disposal of dredged
material at a confined aquatic disposal cell, beach nourishment location, near shore site, or ocean
disposal site selected under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act pursuant to the 404(b)(1) Guidelines,
provided the dredged material meets the requirements for such disposal; (b) Beach nourishment not
associated with dredging; and (c) Rock removal and relocation for navigation.
Not authorized under GP 7 (IP required): (a) Dredging where ocean disposal is required for the
disposal of dredged material (Section 103); New dredging >½ acre; ≥10,000 CY; >1000 SF permanent
impacts to intertidal areas, saltmarsh, mud flats, riffle and pool complexes, or non-tidal vegetated
shallows; or >100 SF permanent impacts to tidal vegetated shallows; (b) Maintenance or improvement
dredging and/or disposal with >1 acre of impacts to intertidal areas, saltmarsh, mudflats, riffle and pool
complexes, or non-tidal vegetated shallows; (c) New dredging where the primary purpose is sand mining
for beach nourishment; (d) Beach scraping; (e) Boulder removal and relocation for navigation >½ acre;
or (f) Blasting.
Self-Verification Eligible
1. Maintenance dredging of previously dredged areas, with
upland disposal, that meet all of the following terms:
a. Dredged area ≤1/2 acre; and
b. Activities comply with GC 20, TOY Restrictions. The
time-of-year restriction(s) stated in Appendix B of the MA
Division of Marine Fisheries (DMF) Technical Report TR-
471 can apply instead if the general TOY restriction if a
TOY is provided for a specific waterbody and is less
restrictive. This is to protect endangered species, EFH,
and other species; and
c. The dredge footprint is located >25’ from salt marsh or
>100’ from vegetated shallows; and
d. Combined permanent and temporary impacts that are
(i) ≤1,000 SF in mudflats or natural rocky habitat, or (ii)
≤5,000 SF within intertidal habitat and areas containing
shellfish (an area contains shellfish unless: it is verified
that minimal shellfish are present per the local shellfish
constable or a shellfish survey; or it is not mapped as a
MassGIS shellfish suitability area).
e. No return water from upland disposal areas.
2. Boulder relocation with ≤1,000 SF of impacts, relocated
to a similar depth and substrate.
Pre-Construction Notification Required
1. Maintenance dredging where the
primary purpose is sand mining for beach
2. New dredging and associated disposal
≤1/2 acre or <10,000 cubic yards.
3. Improvement dredging.
4. Beach nourishment in waters of the U.S.
not associated with dredging.
5. Activities that are located in saltmarsh
and tidal vegetated shallows.
6. Dredging in a Federal Navigation Project
or within the buffer zone (see GC 15).
7. Activities that are not eligible for SV and
do not require an IP.
1. See Section VII for definitions of improvement and maintenance dredging.
2. For PCN activities, the USACE may waive or adjust the time of year requirement on a case-by-case
basis after consultation with resource agencies.
3. Disposal site of any dredged material must be identified prior to obtaining USACE authorization.
4. Contact the USACE if a ten-year authorization to maintain an area is desired.
1 The MA DMF Technical Report TR-47: https://www.nae.usace.army.mil/Missions/Regulatory/State-General-
MA GPs 17 June 2023
Discharges of dredged or fill material incidental to the construction and modification of bridges across
navigable waters of the U.S., including cofferdams, abutments, foundation seals, piers, and temporary
construction and access fills provided that the USCG authorizes the construction of the bridge structure
under Section 9 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 or other applicable laws. A USCG Authorization
Act Exemption or a Surface Transportation and Uniform Relocation Assistance Act (STURRA) (144h)
exemption do not constitute USCG authorization.
Not authorized under GP 8 (IP Required): Causeways and approach fills (see GP 23).
Self-Verification Eligible
1. Discharges of dredged or fill material that are
incidental to the construction of bridges across
navigable waters and meet all of the following:
a. Combined permanent and temporary impacts
that are ≤5,000 SF.
b. Combined permanent and temporary impacts
that are ≤1,000 SF in mudflats and natural rocky
c. Not located in saltmarsh and tidal vegetated
Pre-Construction Notification Required
1. Activities on USACE properties & USACE
controlled easements.2. Installation of steel piles,
including steel sheet piles, that cannot be done in
the dry and where NOAA-ESA listed species are
mapped as present.
3. Activities that are not eligible for SV and do not
require an IP.
1. GP 8 is not applicable to bridges over inland waters or wetlands that are not tidally influenced or
regulated as navigable under Section 10.
2. See eligibility criteria for GPs 2 & 23 for projects that are not subject to USCG regulations.
MA GPs 18 June 2023
GP 9. BANK AND SHORELINE STABILIZATION (Authorities: §10 & §404)
Bank stabilization activities necessary for erosion protection along the banks of lakes, ponds, streams,
estuarine and ocean waters, and any other open waters. Includes bulkheads, seawalls, riprap,
revetments, living seawalls, or slope protection & similar structures, specifically for the purpose of
shoreline protection. This GP also authorizes temporary structures, fills, and work, including the use of
temporary mats, necessary to conduct the activities above.
Activities must meet the following criteria: (a) No material is placed in excess of the minimum needed for
erosion protection; (b) No material is of a type, or is placed in any location, or in any manner, that will
impair surface water flow into or out of any waters of the U.S.; (c) No material is placed in a manner that
will be eroded by normal or expected high flows (properly anchored native trees and treetops may be
used in low energy areas); (d) Native plants appropriate for current site conditions, including salinity,
must be used for bioengineering or vegetative bank stabilization; (e) The activity is not a stream
channelization activity; and (f) The activity must be properly maintained, which may require repairing it
after severe storms or erosion events. This GP authorizes those maintenance and repair activities if they
require authorization. This GP also authorizes temporary structures, fills, and work, including the use of
temporary mats, necessary to construct the bank stabilization activity. See GP 20 for living shoreline
stabilization structures or fills.
Not authorized under GP 9 (IP required): (a) New bank stabilization >500 feet in total length (>1,000
linear feet in total length when necessary to protect transportation infrastructure) or permanent loss of
saltmarsh >1,000 SF, unless the District Engineer waives this criterion by making a written
determination concluding that the discharge of dredged or fill material will result in no more than minimal
adverse environmental effects (an exception is for bulkheads – the district engineer cannot issue a
waiver for a new bulkhead that is >1,000 feet in length along the bank); (b) Stream channelization or
relocation activities; or (c) Breakwaters, groins or jetties.
Self-Verification Eligible
1. Activities in tidal and non-
tidal waters that are:
a. <200 feet in length.
b. <400 feet in length when
necessary to protect
transportation infrastructure.
c. ≤1 cubic yard of fill per
linear foot average along
the bank waterward of the
plane of OHW or HTL.
d. Not located in non-tidal
wetlands, saltmarsh,
vegetated shallows.
Pre-Construction Notification Required
1. Activities in tidal and non-tidal waters that are:
a. ≥200 feet to ≤500 feet in total length. Activities >500 feet in total
length must have a written waiver from USACE.
b. ≥400 feet to ≤1,000 feet in total length when necessary to protect
transportation infrastructure. Activities >1,000 feet in total length must
have a written waiver from USACE.
c. >1 cubic yard of fill per linear foot average along the bank
waterward of the plane of OHW or HTL.
d. Located in non-tidal wetlands, saltmarsh, vegetated shallows.
2. Activities with permanent loss of tidal or non-tidal waters that is (a)
≥5,000 SF or (b) ≥1,000 SF in mudflats and natural rocky habitat.
3. Activities that are (a) located in the Connecticut River or Merrimack
River and/or (b) require installation of steel piles/steel sheet piles that
cannot be done in the dry where NOAA ESA-listed species are mapped
as present.
4. Activities on USACE properties & USACE-controlled easements.
5. Activities that require grouted riprap and/or poured/unformed concrete.
6. Activities that are not eligible for SV and do not require an IP.
Note: The applicant shall comply with GC 24. This includes utilization of bioengineering techniques in
lieu of hard armoring to the maximum extent practicable as site conditions allow.
MA GPs 19 June 2023
(Authorities: §10 and §404)
Activities for the restoration, enhancement and establishment of non-tidal and tidal wetlands and riparian
areas, including invasive, non-native or nuisance species control; the restoration and enhancement of
non-tidal streams and other non-tidal open waters; the relocation of non-tidal waters, including non-tidal
streams & associated wetlands for reestablishment of a natural stream morphology and reconnection of
the floodplain; the restoration and enhancement of shellfish, finfish and wildlife; and the rehabilitation or
enhancement of tidal streams, tidal wetlands and tidal open waters; provided those activities result in
net increases in aquatic resource functions and services. See GP 9 for bank and shoreline stabilization.
See GP 20 for living shorelines.
Not authorized under GP 10 (IP required): Stream channelization activities and artificial reefs.
Self-Verification Eligible
1. In tidal and non-tidal waters
excluding tidal vegetated shallows,
the combined permanent and
temporary impacts are ≤5,000 SF.
2. Eelgrass (vegetated shallows)
planting and transplanting ≤100
SF in tidal waters.
Pre-Construction Notification Required
1. In tidal and non-tidal waters excluding tidal vegetated shallows,
the combined permanent and temporary impacts are >5,000 SF.
2. Eelgrass (vegetated shallows) planting and transplanting >100
SF in tidal waters.
3. Permanent water impoundments, dam removal, fish ladders, or
tide gates.
4. Stream relocation, impoundment, or loss of streambed occurs.
5. Runneling projects with the purpose of restoring saltmarsh by
removing excess water that ponds on the saltmarsh surface.
6. The conversion of: (a) a stream or natural wetlands to another
aquatic habitat type (e.g., stream to wetland or vice versa, wetland
to pond, etc.) or uplands, (b) one wetland type to another (e.g.,
forested wetland to an emergent wetland).
7. Activities in the Connecticut River from the Turners Falls Dam
to the MA/CT border, or Merrimack River from the Essex Dam to
the mouth, involving permanent or temporary impacts unless they
are performed <5 feet waterward from OHW or HTL and in the
dry. This is to protect endangered species.
8. Activities on USACE properties & USACE-controlled easements.
9. Activities that are not eligible for SV and do not require an IP.
1. Changes in wetland plant communities that occur when wetland hydrology is more fully restored
during wetland rehabilitation activities are not considered a conversion to another aquatic habitat type.
2. See RGL 18-01 for guidance on removal of obsolete dams and other structures from rivers and streams.
3. An ecological reference site may be used for a design basis of the restoration activity. The reference
site should possess characteristics of an intact aquatic habitat or riparian area that exists in the region.
The reference site shall represent the target habitat type of the proposed activity. A reference site may
be required at the discretion of USACE.
MA GPs 20 June 2023
(Authorities: §10 and §404)
Fish and wildlife harvesting and attraction devices and activities in waters of the U.S. such as pound
nets, crab traps, crab and shellfish dredging, eel pots, lobster traps, duck blinds, clam and oyster
digging, fish aggregating devices, and small fish attraction devices such as open-water fish
concentrators (sea kites, etc.).
Not authorized under GP 11 (IP required): Artificial reefs; or new, or expansions of, impoundments
and semi-impoundments of waters of the U.S. for the culture or holding of motile species such as lobster
with an impounded area >½ acre.
Self-Verification Eligible
1. In non-tidal waters, the combined permanent
and temporary impacts are (a) ≤1/2 acre, and
(b) not located in riffle and pool complexes and
non-tidal vegetated shallows.
2. Fish and wildlife harvesting and attraction
devices and activities that do not require a
PCN or IP.
Pre-Construction Notification Required
1. Pound nets, impoundments or semi-impoundments
of waters of the U.S. for the culture or holding of
motile species such as lobster with an impounded
area ≤½ acre, fish aggregating devices, or small fish
attraction devices.
2. Devices and activities that are located in tidal
vegetated shallows, mud flats, or saltmarsh.
3. Devices and activities that do not require an IP.
Note: An SVN submittal to USACE is not required for work authorized under GP 11.
MA GPs 21 June 2023
(a) Activities conducted in response to a discharge or release of oil and hazardous substances that are
subject to the National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan (40 CFR 300)
including containment, cleanup, and mitigation efforts, provided that the activities are done under either:
(i) The Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure Plan required by 40 CFR 112.3; (ii) The direction
or oversight of the Federal on-scene coordinator designated by 40 CFR 300; or (iii) Any approved
existing State, regional or local contingency plan provided that the Regional Response Team concurs
with the proposed response efforts or does not object to the response effort; (b) Activities required for
the cleanup of oil releases in waters of the U.S. from electrical equipment that are governed by EPA’s
polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) spill response regulations at 40 CFR 761; (c) Booms placed in navigable
waters of the U.S. for oil and hazardous substance containment, absorption and prevention; and (d) The
use of structures and fills for spill response training exercises. Wetlands, vegetated shallows, mudflats,
and riffle and pool complexes should be restored in place at the same elevation.
Self-Verification Eligible
1. Activities are conducted in accordance with (a) or (b)
above that are not planned or scheduled, but an
emergency response (see Note 1).
2. Booms placed in navigable waters of the U.S. for oil
and hazardous substance containment, absorption and
3. Temporary impacts for spill response training exercises
≤5000 SF in non-tidal waters and ≤1000 SF in tidal waters
with no impacts to wetlands, saltmarsh, mudflats, or
vegetated shallows.
4. Temporary structures in tidal waters with no impacts to
wetlands, saltmarsh, mudflats, vegetated shallows, or
riffle and pool complexes and in place ≤30 days.
Pre-Construction Notification Required
1. Activities (a) or (b) above are planned or
scheduled, not an emergency response; or
2. Activities that are not eligible for SV and
do not require an IP.
1. For emergency response activities in the Connecticut River from the Turners Falls Dam to the MA/CT
border, Merrimack River from the Essex Dam to the mouth, and remaining tidal waters that are not
rivers, the permittee must contact the USACE at (978) 318-8338 before or as soon as possible after the
work authorized under GP 12(a) - (c) commences for the USACE to address effects under the
Endangered Species Act.
2. An SVN submittal to USACE is not required for booms used for spill prevention, or properly contained
and cleaned de minimus oil or hazardous substance discharges into navigable waters of the U.S.
MA GPs 22 June 2023
GP 13. CLEANUP OF HAZARDOUS AND TOXIC WASTE (Authorities: §10 and §404)
Specific activities required to affect the containment, stabilization, or removal of hazardous or toxic
waste materials, including court ordered remedial action plans or related settlements, which are
performed, ordered or sponsored by a government agency with established legal or regulatory authority.
Not authorized under GP 13: (a) Establishment of new disposal sites; or (b) Expansion of existing sites
used for the disposal of hazardous or toxic waste.
Self-Verification Eligible
1. In non-tidal waters, the combined permanent
and temporary impacts are (a) ≤5,000 SF, and
(b) not located in vegetated shallows and riffle
and pool complexes.
Pre-Construction Notification Required
1. In non-tidal waters, the combined permanent and
temporary impacts are (a) >5,000 SF, and (b) located
in vegetated shallows and riffle and pool complexes.
2. Permanent and temporary impacts in tidal waters
or navigable waters of the U.S.
3. Stream channelization, relocation, impoundment,
or loss of streambed occurs.
4. Activities that are not eligible for SV and do not
require an IP.
1. Wetlands, vegetated shallows, mudflats, and riffle and pool complexes should be restored in place at
the same elevation to the maximum extent practicable.
2. Activities undertaken entirely on a Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and
Liability Act (CERCLA) site by authority of CERCLA, are not required to obtain permits under Section
404 of the CWA or Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act.
MA GPs 23 June 2023
GP 14. SCIENTIFIC MEASUREMENT DEVICES (Authorities: §10 and §404)
Scientific measurement devices for measuring and recording scientific data, such as staff gauges, tide
and current gauges, meteorological stations, water recording and biological observation devices, water
quality testing and improvement devices, and similar structures. Also eligible are small weirs and flumes
constructed primarily to record water elevation, flow and/or velocity. Upon completion of the use of the
device to measure and record scientific data, the measuring device and any other structures or fills
associated with that device (e.g., foundations, anchors, buoys, lines, etc.) must be removed to the
maximum extent practicable and the site restored to preconstruction elevations.
Not authorized under GP 14 (IP required): (a) Permanent impacts that are >5,000 SF in tidal and non-
tidal waters of the U.S.; >1000 SF in tidal saltmarsh, mud flats, riffle and pool complexes; or >100 SF in
tidal vegetated shallows; or (b) Temporary impacts in tidal waters that are >1 acre, unless the District
Engineer waives this criterion by making a written determination concluding that the discharge of
dredged or fill material will result in no more than minimal adverse environmental effects; >5000 SF in
saltmarsh, mud flats, or riffle and pool complexes; or >1000 SF in vegetated shallows.
Self-Verification Eligible
1. In non-tidal waters, the combined permanent and
temporary impacts are (a) ≤5,000 SF, (b) not located in
riffle and pool complexes and non-tidal vegetated
2. In tidal waters, the combined permanent and
temporary impacts are (a) ≤5,000 SF, (b) ≤1,000 SF in
mudflats and/or natural rocky habitat, (c) not located in
saltmarsh and tidal vegetated shallows.
3. Temporary, non-biological sampling devices in waters
that do not restrict or concentrate movement of aquatic
organisms and will not adversely affect the course,
condition, or capacity of a waterway for navigation.
4. Scientific measurement devices, and small weirs and
flumes constructed primarily to record water quantity and
velocity provided the discharge of fill is limited to 25
cubic yards. These cannot obstruct or restrict the
waterway course, condition, capacity, and location.
5. Temporary measuring devices and associated
structures (e.g., anchors, buoys, etc.) in tidal and non-
tidal waters that do not require a PCN or IP.
Pre-Construction Notification Required
1. Biological sampling devices, weirs or
flumes, or the activity restricts or
concentrates movement of aquatic
2. Permanent towers located in navigable
waters that record and measure scientific
3. Devices that are not eligible for SV and
do not require an IP.
Note: An SVN submittal to USACE is not required for temporary measuring devices with a footprint of
<10 SF, with a profile of <3 feet high measured from the substrate and located in water deeper than -10
feet MLW.
MA GPs 24 June 2023
GP 15. SURVEY ACTIVITIES (Authorities: §10 and §404)
Survey activities such as soil borings, core sampling, seismic exploratory operations, plugging of
seismic shot holes and other exploratory-type bore holes, exploratory trenching, soil surveys, sampling,
sample plots or transects for wetland delineations, and historic resources surveys.
Not authorized under GP 15 (IP required): (a) Permanent impacts that are >1 acre in tidal and non-
tidal waters; >1000 SF in tidal saltmarsh, mud flats, or riffle and pool complexes; or >100 SF in tidal
vegetated shallows; or (b) Temporary impacts in tidal waters that are >1 acre, unless the District
Engineer waives this criterion by making a written determination concluding that the discharge of
dredged or fill material will result in no more than minimal adverse environmental effects; >5000 SF in
saltmarsh, mud flats, or riffle and pool complexes; or >1000 SF in vegetated shallows.
Self-Verification Eligible
1. In non-tidal waters, the combined
permanent and temporary impacts
are (a) ≤5,000 SF, (b) not located in
riffle and pool complexes and non-
tidal vegetated shallows.
2. In tidal waters, the combined
permanent and temporary impacts
are (a) ≤5,000 SF, (b) ≤1,000 SF in
mudflats and/or natural rocky habitat,
(c) not located in saltmarsh and tidal
vegetated shallows.
Pre-Construction Notification Required
1. Exploratory trenching (see Note 2) occurs in waterways
(e.g., streams, tidal waters).
2. Activities associated with the recovery of historic resources,
and the drilling and discharge of excavated material from test
wells for oil and gas exploration.
3. Seismic exploratory operations occur in tidal waters, the
Connecticut River from the Turners Falls Dam to the MA/CT
border, or the Merrimack River from the Essex Dam to the
mouth. This is to protect endangered species.
4. Activities that are not eligible for SV and do not require an IP.
1. An SVN submittal is not required for wetland delineations, and core sampling conducted for
preliminary evaluation of dredge project analysis.
2. For the purposes of GP 15, the term “exploratory trenching” means mechanical land or underwater
clearing of the upper soil profile to expose bedrock or substrate for the purpose of mapping or sampling
the exposed material.
3. The discharge of drilling mud and cuttings may require a permit under §402 of the CWA.
MA GPs 25 June 2023
§10 and §404), AND HYDROPOWER PROJECTS (Authority: §10 and §404)
Structures and work in tidal waters and discharges of dredged or fill material into tidal and non-tidal
waters for the construction, expansion, modification or removal of: (a) Land-based renewable energy
production facilities (e.g., solar, wind, biomass, geothermal) and their attendant features; (b) Water-
based wind or hydrokinetic renewable energy generation projects and their attendant features; and (c)
Discharges of dredged or fill material associated with hydropower projects. Attendant features may
include, but are not limited to, land-based collection and distribution facilities, control facilities, and
parking lots. For each single and complete project in (b) above, no more than 10 generation units (e.g.,
wind turbines or hydrokinetic devices) are authorized in navigable waters of the U.S. Upon completion of
the pilot project (see note 2), the generation units, transmission lines, and other structures or fills
associated with the pilot project must be removed to the maximum extent practicable.
Not authorized under GP 16 (IP required): (a) Permanent impacts that are >1 acre in non-tidal waters,
>½ acre in tidal waters; >1000 SF in saltmarsh, mud flats, riffle and pool complexes, or non-tidal
vegetated shallows; or >100 SF in vegetated shallows; or (b) Temporary impacts in tidal waters that are
>1 acre; >5000 SF in saltmarsh, mud flats, or riffle and pool complexes; or >1000 SF in vegetated
Self-Verification Eligible
In non-tidal waters, the combined
permanent and temporary impacts for
land-based activities are (a) ≤5,000
SF, (b) not located in riffle and pool
complexes and non-tidal vegetated
Pre-Construction Notification Required
1. In non-tidal waters, the combined permanent and temporary
impacts for land-based activities are (a) >5000 SF, or (b)
located in vegetated shallows or riffle and pool complexes.
2. Permanent and temporary impacts in tidal waters.
3. Water-based wind or hydrokinetic renewable energy
generation projects, and hydropower projects.
4. For all activities eligible for authorization under GP 16:
a. The activity occurs in tidal waters or in, over or under
navigable waters.
b. Stream channelization, relocation, impoundment, or loss
of streambed occurs.
5. Activities that are not eligible for SV and do not require an IP.
1. Utility lines constructed to transfer the energy from the land-based renewable generation or collection
facility to a distribution system, regional grid, or other facility may be authorized by GP 6.
2. For the purposes of this GP, the term “pilot project” means an experimental project where the
renewable energy generation units will be monitored to collect information on their performance and
environmental effects at the project site.
MA GPs 26 June 2023
Discharges of dredged or fill material into non-tidal waters for the construction or expansion of:
(a) Residences and residential subdivisions; (b) Residential, commercial and institutional building
foundations and building pads; and (c) Recreational facilities such as playgrounds, playing fields,
bikeways, trails, etc. This GP also authorizes attendant features that include, but are not limited to,
roads, parking lots, garages, yards, and utility lines, and stormwater management facilities. This GP
authorizes attendant features if they are necessary for the use of the project purpose.
Not authorized under GP 17 (IP required): (a) Permanent impacts that result in loss of non-tidal
waters >1/2 acre; >1000 SF in riffle and pool complexes or vegetated shallows; or (b) Subsurface
sewerage disposal systems in non-tidal waters.
Self-Verification Eligible
1. In non-tidal waters, the combined permanent
and temporary impacts are (a) <5,000 SF, and
(b) not located in riffle and pool complexes and
non-tidal vegetated shallows.
2. Stream channelization or relocation resulting
in loss of streambed that is <200 LF.
Pre-Construction Notification Required
1. In non-tidal waters, the combined permanent and
temporary impacts are (a) ≥5,000 SF, or (b) located
in riffle and pool complexes or non-tidal vegetated
2. Stream and wetland crossings that require a PCN
per GCs 20 TOY Restrictions and GC 31 Stream
Work and Crossings & Wetland Crossings.
3. Stream channelization or relocation resulting in loss
of streambed that is ≥200 LF. Stream impoundment
activities of any kind.
4. Activities on USACE properties & USACE-
controlled easements.
5. Activities that are not SV eligible and do not
require an IP.
1. Stream and wetland crossings (permanent and temporary), including those built with construction
mats; and modifications (including sliplining), replacements or extensions to existing crossings.
2. See GC 22 for information on temporary construction mats.
3. Subdivisions: For residential subdivisions, the aggregate total loss of waters of United States
authorized by this GP cannot exceed 1/2-acre. This includes any loss of waters of the United States
associated with development of individual subdivision lots.
MA GPs 27 June 2023
GP 18. AQUACULTURE (Authorities: §10 and §404)
(a) The installation of buoys, floats, racks, trays, nets, lines, tubes, containers, and other structures into
navigable waters of the U.S.; (b) Discharges of dredged or fill material into tidal and non-tidal waters
necessary for shellfish seeding, rearing, cultivating, transplanting, and harvesting activities; and (c)
Shellfish seeding or brushing the flats projects. Any fill material imported to the project from offsite (this is
limited to mineral growth medium used in culture trays) shall be clean and of comparable grain size to the
native substrate. Activities authorized under this GP must have (a) their MA DMF Aquaculture Certificate
letter for licensed shellfish aquaculture sites, (b) documentation that the applicant has coordinated with the
U.S. Coast Guard regarding USCG Private Aids to Navigation standards, (c) their MEPA Certificate (if
required), and (d) documentation that the applicant has contacted their local authorities (ex.
harbormaster, select board, shellfish constable) for authorization of their facility.
Not authorized under GP 18 (IP required): (a) New, or expansions of, impoundments and semi-
impoundments of tidal and non-tidal waters for the culture or holding of motile species such as lobster with
an impounded area >½ acre; (b) Cultivation of a nonindigenous species (see Note 1) unless that species
has been previously cultivated in the waterbody; (c) Cultivation of an aquatic nuisance species (see Note
1); (d) Attendant features such as docks, piers, boat ramps (see GP 4); (e) stockpiles, staging areas, or the
deposition of shell material back into tidal and non-tidal waters as waste.
Self-Verification Eligible
1. In tidal waters, a new lease site area is (a) ≤2-
acre, (b) not located in salt marsh, natural rocky
habitat, or tidal vegetated shallows.
2. In tidal waters, expansions of existing lease sites
not to exceed 2 acres for the entire site (e.g. 1 acre
lease site increasing to a 2 acre lease site may
qualify as SV). A PCN is required for expansions in
salt marsh, natural rocky habitat, and tidal vegetated
3. Cages, racks that are elevated ≥2 feet above the
ocean floor with legs within a lease site with ≤4
buoys marking the corners.
4. Floating cage strings with a single connecting line,
≤2 anchors and ≤2 end marker buoys per string within
a lease site with ≤4 buoys marking the corners.
5. No activities located within 25 feet of tidal
vegetated shallows.
6. Culture only indigenous species.
7. Not located in FNP or within a distance of three
times the authorized depth of an FNP (see GC 15).
8. Not located in or impinge upon the value of any
National Lands or Federal Properties.
9. Floating upweller docks that total ≤600 SF in area.
Pre-Construction Notification Required
1. Discharges of fill material associated with
aquaculture >5,000 SF.
2. Research, educational, commercial-viability or
experimental aquaculture gear activities >1,000 SF.
3. Kelp or finfish aquaculture.
4. Land-based hatchery intakes >3 inches in
5. Activities in water depths >10 feet mean low
lower water (MLLW).
6. Activities with in-water lines, ropes or chains that
are not SV eligible (see #3-4).
7. Activities occur in the Connecticut River from the
Turners Falls Dam to the MA/CT border or the
Merrimack River from the Essex Dam to the mouth.
This is to protect endangered species.
8. New, or expansions of, impoundments and semi-
impoundments for the culture or holding of motile
species such as lobster with an impounded area
≤1/2 acre.
9. Activities that do not require an IP. Activities that
do not require a PCN or an IP may be SV eligible.
Note: The Nonindigenous Aquatic Nuisance Prevention and Control Act of 1990 defines: (a) nonindigenous
species as “any species or other viable biological material that enters an ecosystem beyond its historic range,
including any such organism transferred from one country into another”; and (b) aquatic nuisance species as “a
nonindigenous species that threatens the diversity or abundance of native species or the ecological stability of
infested waters, or commercial, agricultural, aquacultural, or recreational activities dependent on such waters.”
MA GPs 28 June 2023
GP 19. MINING ACTIVITIES (Authorities: §10 and §404)
Discharges of dredged or fill material into non-tidal waters for mining activities, except for coal mining and
metallic mineral mining activities.
Not authorized under GP 19 (IP required): (a) Permanent impacts >1 acre in non-tidal waters; or (b)
Activities in tidal waters.
Self-Verification Eligible
In non-tidal waters, the combined permanent and
temporary impacts are (a) ≤5,000 SF, and (b) not
located in riffle and pool complexes, non-tidal
vegetated shallows, and streams.
Pre-Construction Notification Required
1. In non-tidal waters, the combined permanent and
temporary impacts are (a) >5,000 SF, or (b) located in
riffle and pool complexes, non-tidal vegetated shallows,
and streams.
2. The activity occurs in non-tidal navigable waters of
the U.S.
3. Stream channelization, relocation, impoundment,
loss of streambed, or discharge of tailings into
streams occurs.
4. Work on USACE properties & USACE-controlled
5. Activities that are not eligible for SV and do not
require an IP.
MA GPs 29 June 2023
GP 20. LIVING SHORELINES 1 (Authorities: §10 and §404)
Construction and maintenance of living shorelines to stabilize banks and shores in tidal waters. In non-
tidal waters that are not subject to the ebb and flow of the tide, nature-based bank stabilization
techniques such as bioengineering and vegetative stabilization may be authorized by GP 9. This GP
authorizes those maintenance and repair activities in-kind that are necessary to address changing
environmental conditions.
The following terms must be met for both SVs and PCNs as applicable: (a) Coir logs, coir mats, stone,
native oyster shell, native wood debris, and other structural materials must be adequately anchored, of
sufficient weight, or installed in a manner that prevents relocation in most wave action or water flow
conditions, except for extremely severe storms; (b) For living shorelines consisting of tidal fringe
wetlands, native plants appropriate for current site conditions, including salinity and elevation, must be
used if the site is planted by the permittee; (c) Discharges of dredged or fill material into waters of the
U.S., and oyster or mussel reef structures in navigable waters, must be the minimum necessary for the
establishment and maintenance of the living shoreline; (d) If sills or other structural materials per PCN
#4 must be constructed to protect fringe wetlands for the living shoreline, those structures must be the
minimum size necessary to protect those fringe wetlands; (e) The activity must be designed,
constructed, and maintained so that it has no more than minimal adverse effects on water and sediment
movement between the waterbody and the shore and the movement of aquatic organisms between the
waterbody and the shore; and (f) The living shoreline must be properly maintained and monitored, which
may require periodic repair of sills, bioengineered components, or replacing sand fills after severe
storms or erosion events. Vegetation may be replanted to maintain the living shoreline.
Not authorized under GP 20 (IP required): (a) The activity is ≥1000 feet in length along the bank
(≥2000 LF both banks) unless waived by the District Engineer; or (b) The activity is >30 feet channel
ward of mean low water in tidal waters; or (c) Upland reclamation activities; or (d) Stream channelization
or relocation activities; or (e) Breakwaters, groins, jetties, or artificial reefs; or (f) Permanent impacts
>1,000 SF in existing saltmarsh; >100 SF in existing tidal vegetated shallows.
Self-Verification Eligible
1. Tidal and non-tidal living
shorelines ≤100 LF for each bank
(≤200 LF for both banks).
2. Combined permanent and
temporary impacts ≤5,000 SF in tidal
waters, excluding existing salt
marsh, tidal vegetated shallows,
natural rocky habitat, and mudflats.
Pre-Construction Notification Required
1. Tidal and non-tidal living shorelines >100 LF to <1000 LF
(>200 LF to <2000 LF for both banks).
2. Permanent and temporary impacts in existing salt marsh,
tidal vegetated shallows, or mudflats.
3. Work on USACE properties & USACE-controlled easements.
4. Use of stone sills, native oyster shell, native wood debris, or
other structural materials.
1. PCNs require monitoring for a minimum of 5 years in accordance with an approved restoration plan,
unless otherwise determined by the USACE. The first year of monitoring will be the first year that the
site has been through a full growing period after completion of construction and planting.
2. Applicants are encouraged to obtain a MEPA certificate prior to submitting a USACE permit application.
1 A living shoreline has a footprint that is made up mostly of native material. It incorporates vegetation or
other living, natural “soft” elements alone or in combination with some type of harder shoreline structure
(e.g., oyster or mussel reefs or rock sills) for added protection and stability. Living shorelines should
maintain the natural continuity of the land-water interface and retain or enhance shoreline ecological
processes. Living shorelines must have a substantial biological component, either tidal or lacustrine fringe
wetlands or oyster or mussel reef structures.
MA GPs 30 June 2023
Discharges of dredged or fill material in non-tidal waters for agricultural activities, including the
construction of building pads for farm buildings. Authorized activities include: (a) installation, placement,
or construction of drainage tiles, ditches, or levees; mechanized land clearing; land leveling; the
relocation of existing serviceable drainage ditches; and similar activities; (b) construction of farm ponds,
excluding perennial streams, provided the farm pond is used solely for agricultural purposes; and (c)
discharges of dredged or fill material to relocate existing serviceable drainage ditches constructed in
non-tidal streams.
Not authorized under GP 21 (IP required): (a) Permanent impacts that are >1 acre in non-tidal waters;
or >1000 SF in riffle and pool complexes, or non-tidal vegetated shallows; (b) Work in tidal waters; or (c)
Construction of farm ponds in perennial streams.
Self-Verification Eligible
In non-tidal waters, the combined permanent and
temporary impacts are (a) ≤5,000 SF, and (b) not
located in riffle and pool complexes and non-tidal
vegetated shallows.
Pre-Construction Notification Required
1. In non-tidal waters, the combined permanent and
temporary impacts are (a) >5,000 SF, or (b) located
in riffle and pool complexes and non-tidal
vegetated shallows.
2. Activities occur in non-tidal navigable waters of
the U.S.
3. Stream channelization, relocation, impoundment,
loss of streambed, or farm ponds in non-perennial
streams occurs.
4. Activities that are not eligible for SV and do not
require an IP.
Note: Some discharges for agricultural activities may qualify for an exemption under Section 404(f) of
the CWA (see 33 CFR 323.4). This GP authorizes the construction of farm ponds that do not qualify for
the CWA §404(f)(1)(C) exemption because of the recapture provision at §404(f)(2).
MA GPs 31 June 2023
MOSQUITO MANAGEMENT (Authorities: §10 and §404)
Discharges to modify the cross-sectional configuration of currently serviceable drainage ditches
constructed in tidal and non-tidal waters, for the purpose of improving water quality by regrading the
drainage ditch with gentler slopes, which can reduce erosion, increase growth of vegetation, and
increase uptake of nutrients and other substances by vegetation. Also authorized are mosquito
reduction activities.
Not authorized under GP 22 (IP required): Stream channelization, relocation, impoundments, or loss
of streambed.
Self-Verification Eligible
≤500 linear feet of drainage ditch
will be reshaped provided
excavated material is deposited in
an upland area.
Pre-Construction Notification Required
1. >500 linear feet of drainage ditch will be reshaped, excavated
material is deposited in a water of the U.S., or the reshaping of
the ditch increases the drainage capacity beyond the original as-
built capacity or expands the area drained by the ditch as
originally constructed (i.e., the capacity of the ditch is not the
same as originally constructed or drains additional wetlands or
other waters of the U.S.).
2. Permanent and temporary impacts in tidal vegetated shallows.
3. New ditches or relocation of drainage ditches constructed in
waters of the U.S. (i.e., the location of the centerline of the
reshaped drainage ditch is not approximately the same as the
location of the centerline of the original drainage ditch).
4. Activities that are not eligible for SV and do not require an IP.
Note: Some ditch activities are exempt under Section 404(f) of the CWA (see 33 CFR 323.4).
MA GPs 32 June 2023
§10 & §404)
Activities 1 required for the construction, expansion, modification, or improvement of linear transportation
projects (e.g., driveways, roads, highways, railways, trails, airport runways, and taxiways) and attendant
features. This GP also authorizes temporary structures, fills, and work, including the use of temporary
mats (see Note 1), necessary to construct the linear transportation project.
Not authorized under GP 23 (IP required): (a) Permanent impacts for any single and complete project
that are >1 acre in non-tidal waters; >½ acre in tidal waters; >1000 SF in saltmarsh, mud flats, riffle and
pool complexes, or non-tidal vegetated shallows; or >100 SF in tidal vegetated shallows; (b) Temporary
impacts in tidal waters that are >1 acre; >5000 SF in saltmarsh, mud flats, or riffle and pool complexes;
or >1000 SF in vegetated shallows; (c) Non-linear features commonly associated with transportation
projects, such as vehicle maintenance or storage buildings, parking lots, train stations, or aircraft hangars
(see GP 17); or (d) New tide gates.
Self-Verification Eligible
1. In non-tidal waters, the combined permanent
and temporary impacts are a) ≤5,000 SF; b) not
located in riffle and pool complexes and non-
tidal vegetated shallows; and c) meet the
Massachusetts River and Stream Crossing
2. Existing crossings (e.g., culverts, elliptical or
arch pipes, etc.) are not modified by (a)
decreasing the diameter of the crossing or (b)
changing the friction coefficient, such as through
slip lining (retrofitting an existing culvert by
inserting a smaller diameter pipe), culvert
relining or invert lining.
3. Stream channelization or relocation resulting
in loss of streambed that is <200 LF.
Pre-Construction Notification Required
1. In non-tidal waters, the combined permanent and
temporary impacts are a) >5,000 SF; b) located in
vegetated shallows or riffle and pool complexes; or c)
do not meet the Massachusetts River and Stream
Crossing Standards (see note 4).
2. The activity occurs in tidal waters, salt marsh, or
in, over or under navigable waters of the U.S.
3. Stream and wetland crossings that require a PCN
per GC 20 TOY Restrictions and GC 31 Stream
Work and Crossings & Wetland Crossings.
4. Stream channelization or relocation resulting in
loss of streambed that is ≥200 LF. Stream
impoundment activities of any kind.
5. Work on USACE properties & USACE-controlled
6. Activities that are not eligible for SV and do not
require an IP.
1. See GC 22 for information on temporary construction mats.
2. Discharges of dredged or fill material incidental to the construction of bridges across navigable waters
of the U.S. may be authorized under GP 8.
3. Loss of streambed does not require a PCN when bridge piers or similar supports are used.
4. In their PCN application submission to the USACE, applicants must explain why they are unable to
meet the Massachusetts River and Stream Crossing Standards.
5. For tidal crossings, modeling is encouraged as a method to verify the proposed crossing would not be
undersized and resilient to the effects of sea level rise.
1 Stream crossings must conform with the MA Stream Crossing Guidelines when practicable and comply
with all applicable GCs of this document (Section IV).
MA GPs 33 June 2023
Temporary structures, work, and discharges, including cofferdams, necessary for construction activities
or access fills or dewatering of construction sites that are not authorized under another GP activity.
Not authorized under GP 24 (IP required): (a) Permanent structures or impacts; (b) Temporary impacts
in tidal waters that are >1 acre; >5000 SF in saltmarsh, mud flats, or riffle and pool complexes; or >1000
SF in vegetated shallows; (c) Use of cofferdams to dewater wetlands or other aquatic areas to change
their use; (d) Temporary stream crossings (see GPs 6, 17, 23); (e) Structures or fill left in place after
construction is completed.
Self-Verification Eligible
1. In non-tidal waters, temporary impacts are
a) ≤5,000 SF; b) not located in riffle and pool
complexes and non-tidal vegetated shallows.
2. In tidal waters, temporary impacts are a)
≤5,000 SF, b) ≤1,000 SF in mudflats and/or
natural rocky habitat, and c) not located in
saltmarsh and tidal vegetated shallows.
3. Structures in navigable waters of the U.S.
provided impacts do not require a PCN and
they are left in place ≤30 days.
Pre-Construction Notification Required
1. In non-tidal waters, temporary impacts are a) >5,000
SF; b) located in riffle and pool complexes or non-tidal
vegetated shallows.
2. In tidal waters, temporary impacts are a) >5,000 SF; b)
>1,000 SF in mudflats and/or natural rocky habitat, or (c)
located in saltmarsh and tidal vegetated shallows.
3. Activities in the Connecticut River from the Turners
Falls Dam to the MA/CT border, or Merrimack River from
the Essex Dam to the mouth, involving temporary impacts
unless they are performed <5 feet waterward from OHW
or HTL and in the dry. This is to protect endangered
species; or
4. Activities not eligible for SV and do not require an IP.
1. Turbidity or sediment resuspension is generally not considered to occur when properly using
management techniques to work in dry conditions. See GC 25.
2. Total impact areas under SV Eligible 1-2 exclude use of temporary construction mats. See GC 22 for
information on temporary construction mats.
3. An SVN submittal to USACE is not required for SV #3 above.
MA GPs 34 June 2023
GP 25. EMERGENCY SITUATIONS (Authorities: §10 and §404)
Structures or work in or affecting navigable waters of the U.S. and the discharge of dredged or fill material
into waters of the U.S., including wetlands, necessary for repair or protection measures associated with an
emergency situation 1, MassDEP Emergency Declaration/Certification, or FEMA Declared Disaster. The
activity shall be the minimum necessary to alleviate the immediate emergency unless that additional work
would result in no more than minimal effects to aquatic environment and is necessary to reduce the potential
for future failure or loss of the structure or site. Typical activities authorized under this GP include, but are not
limited to, restoration of damaged areas; bank stabilization; temporary fills for staging, access, and
dewatering; and, repair, replacement, or rehabilitation of existing structures and/or fills (i.e., roads, bridges,
utility pipelines and flood control structures, including attendant features, and other existing structures
located in waters of the U.S.).
For the restoration of areas damaged by storms floods, or other discrete events: (a) The restored area must
not extend waterward of the ordinary high-water mark or high tide line that existed prior to the damage. (b)
The slope of the restored area below the ordinary high-water mark or high tide line must not exceed the
slope that existed prior to the damage. (c) The bottom elevation of the restored area must not exceed the
bottom elevation that existed prior to the damage (i.e., the restored area must not result in a reduction in the
depth of the waterbody that existed prior to the damage). (d) Except in cases of FEMA reimbursement, the
activity must be initiated, under contract to commence, or funds shall be allocated for the activity within 30
days of authorization under GP 25.
Not authorized under GP 25 (IP required): (a) Permanent impacts for a single and complete project >1/2
acre in tidal waters, unless the district engineer waives this criterion by making a written determination
concluding that the activity will result in no more than minimal adverse environmental effects; >1,000 SF in
saltmarsh, mud flats, riffle and pool complexes, or non-tidal vegetated shallows; or >100 SF in tidal
vegetated shallows; (b) Temporary impacts in tidal waters that are >5,000 SF in saltmarsh, mud flats, or riffle
and pool complexes; or >1,000 SF in vegetated shallows; (c) New structures or fills that did not previously
exist before the storm event or other discrete event (see other GPs).
Self-Verification Eligible
1. Activities that qualify under a Severe
Weather Emergency Declaration pursuant
to 310 CMR 10.06(8) and/or receive an
Emergency Certification pursuant to 310
CMR 10.06 and/or meet the requirements
of 314 CMR 9.12(2) or (3); and
2. Activities eligible under a FEMA
Declared Disaster that also comply with
#1 above.
Pre-Construction Notification Required
1. Activities that are eligible under a FEMA Declared Disaster
and do not qualify under SV #1.
2. Minor deviations in the structure or fill area, including
those to existing structures or fills are authorized due to
changes in materials, construction techniques, requirements of
other regulatory agencies, or current construction codes or
safety standards that are necessary to alleviate the emergency.
3. Activities that are not eligible for SV and do not require an IP.
1. Review the GCs (Section IV) to confirm if a PCN is not required elsewhere in this document.
2. If the activity is not a MassDEP Emergency Declaration/Certification, does not meet the requirements of
314 CMR 9.12(2) or (3), or is not a FEMA Declared Disaster, applicants must explain in writing why their
activity qualifies as an emergency (see footnote) to be eligible under GP 25.
3. SV eligible activities qualify under the general 401 WQC MassDEP issued for the 2023 MA GPs (GC 9).
1 An emergency, as determined by this office and 33 CFR 325.2(e)(4), is one which would result in an
unacceptable hazard to life, a significant loss of property, or an immediate, unforeseen, and significant
economic hardship if corrective action requiring a Department of the Army permit is not undertaken within a
time period less than the normal time to process the request under standard processing procedures.
MA GPs 35 June 2023
To qualify for GP authorization, the applicant must comply with the following general conditions, as
applicable, in addition to authorization-specific conditions imposed by the division or district engineer.
1. Other Permits
2. Federal Jurisdictional Boundaries
3. Single and Complete Projects
4. Use of Multiple General Permits
5. Suitable Material
6. Tribal Rights & Burial Sites
7. Avoidance, Minimization, and Compensatory Mitigation
8. Water Quality & Stormwater Management
9. Coastal Zone Management
10. Federal Threatened and Endangered Species
11. Essential Fish Habitat
12. National Lands
13. Wild and Scenic Rivers
14. Historic Properties
15. USACE Property and Federal Projects (§408)
16. Navigation
17. Permit/Authorization Letter On-Site
18. Storage of Seasonal Structures
19. Pile Driving and Pile Removal in Navigable Waters
20. Time of Year Restrictions
21. Heavy Equipment in Wetlands
22. Temporary Fill & Construction Mats
23. Restoration of Wetland Areas
24. Bank Stabilization
25. Soil Erosion and Sediment Controls
26. Aquatic Life Movements and Management of Water Flows
27. Spawning, Breeding, and Migratory Areas
28. Vernal Pools
29. Invasive Species
30. Fills Within 100-Year Floodplains
31. Stream Work and Crossings & Wetland Crossings
32. Utility Line Installation and Removal
33. Water Supply Intakes
34. Coral Reefs
35. Blasting
36. Inspections
37. Maintenance
38. Property Rights
39. Transfer of GP Verifications
40. Modification, Suspension, and Revocation
41. Special Conditions
42. False or Incomplete Information
43. Abandonment
44. Enforcement Cases
45. Previously Authorized Activities
46. Duration of Authorization
MA GPs 36 June 2023
1. Other Permits. Authorization under these GPs does not obviate the need for the permittee to
obtain other Federal, State, or local permits, approvals, or authorizations required by law. Permittees
are responsible for obtaining all required permits, approvals, or authorizations. Activities that are not
regulated by the State, but subject to USACE jurisdiction, may still be eligible for these GPs.
2. Federal Jurisdictional Boundaries.
a. Applicability of these GPs shall be evaluated with reference to Federal jurisdictional boundaries.
Activities shall be evaluated with reference to “waters of the U.S.” under the CWA (33 CFR 328) and
“navigable waters of the U.S.” under §10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 (33 CFR 329).
Permittees are responsible for ensuring that the boundaries used satisfy the Federal criteria defined
at 33 CFR 328-329. These sections prescribe the policy, practice, and procedures to be used in
determining the extent of the USACE jurisdiction. Note: Waters of the U.S. includes all waters
pursuant to 33 CFR 328.3(a), and adjacent wetlands as the term is defined in 33 CFR 328.3(c).
b. Wetlands shall be delineated in accordance with the USACE Wetlands Delineation Manual and
the most recent Northcentral/Northeast Regional Supplement. Wetland delineation and jurisdiction
information is located at: www.nae.usace.army.mil/missions/regulatory/jurisdiction-and-wetlands
and maps are located at www.nae.usace.army.mil/missions/regulatory/state-general-
c. Vegetated shallows shall be delineated when present on the project site. Vegetated shallow
survey guidance and maps are located at: www.nae.usace.army.mil/missions/regulatory/state-
d. Natural rocky habitats shall be delineated when present on the project site. The definition of
natural rocky habitats is in Section VII of the MA GP. Natural rocky habitat survey guidance and
maps are located at: www.nae.usace.army.mil/ missions/regulatory/state-general-
3. Single and Complete Projects. The MA GP shall not be used for piecemeal work and shall
be applied to single and complete projects. The term “single and complete project” is defined at 33
CFR 330.2(i) as the total project proposed or accomplished by one owner/developer or
partnership or other association of owners/developers.
a. For non-linear projects, a single and complete project must have independent utility. Portions
of a multi-phase project that depend upon other phases of the project do not have independent
utility. Phases of a project that would be constructed, even if the other phases were not built, can
be considered as separate single and complete projects with independent utility.
b. Unless USACE determines the activity has independent utility, all components of a single project
and/or all planned phases of a multi-phased project (e.g., subdivisions should include all work such
as roads, utilities, and lot development) shall be evaluated as one single and complete project.
c. For linear projects such as power lines or pipelines with multiple crossings, a “single and
complete project” is all crossings of a single water of the U.S. (i.e., single waterbody) at a specific
location. For linear projects crossing a single waterbody several times at separate and distant
locations, each crossing is considered a single and complete project. However, individual
channels in a braided stream or river, or individual arms of a large, irregularly shaped wetland or
lake, etc., are not separate waterbodies, and crossings of such features cannot be considered
separately. If any crossing requires a PCN review or an individual permit review, then the entire
linear project shall be reviewed as one project under PCN or the individual permit procedures.
4. Use of Multiple General Permits. The use of more than one GP for a single and complete
project is prohibited, except when the acreage loss of waters of the U.S. authorized by the GPs
does not exceed the acreage limit of the GPs with the highest specified acreage limit. For
example, if a road crossing over waters is constructed under GP 23, with an associated utility line
MA GPs 37 June 2023
crossing authorized by GP 6, if the maximum acreage loss of waters of the U.S. for the total
project is ≥1 acre it shall be evaluated as an IP.
5. Suitable Material & Discharge of Pollutants. No activity may use unsuitable material (e.g.,
trash, debris, car bodies, asphalt, etc.). All activities involving any discharge into waters of the U.S.
authorized under these GPs shall be consistent with applicable water quality standards, effluent
limitations, standards of performance, prohibitions, and pretreatment standards and management
practices established pursuant to the CWA (33 U.S.C. 1251), and applicable state and local laws.
If applicable water quality standards, limitations, etc., are revised or modified during the term of
this GP, the authorized work shall be modified to conform with these standards within six months
from the effective date of such revision or modification, or within a longer period of time deemed
reasonable by the District Engineer in consultation with the Regional Administrator of the EPA.
Unless monitoring data indicates otherwise, applicants may presume that their activity complies
with state water quality standards provided they are in compliance with the Section 401 WQC
(Applicable only to the Section 404 activity).
6. Tribal Rights & Burial Sites
a. For all SV and PCN applications, prospective permittees shall follow the guidance set forth in
Appendix A, Guidance for NHPA Section 106 Compliance in Massachusetts.
b. No activity or its operation may impair reserved tribal rights, including, but not limited to, reserved
water rights and treaty fishing and hunting rights.
c. Many tribal resources are not listed on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) and
may require identification and evaluation in collaboration with the identifying tribe and by qualified
professionals. The Tribal Historic Preservation Officer (THPO) and State Historic Preservation
Officer (SHPO) may be able to assist with locating information on:
i. Previously identified tribal resources; and
ii. Areas with potential for the presence of tribal resources.
d. Discovery of Previously Unknown Remains and Artifacts: If any previously unidentified human
remains, cultural deposits, or artifacts are discovered while accomplishing the activity authorized
by this permit, you must immediately notify the USACE of what you have found, and to the
maximum extent practicable, cease work and avoid construction activities that may affect the
remains and artifacts until the required coordination has been completed. The USACE will initiate
the appropriate the Federal, Tribal, and state coordination required to determine if the items or
remains are eligible for listing in the NRHP and warrant a recovery effort or can be avoided.
e. Burial Sites: Burial sites, marked or unmarked, are subject to state law (Massachusetts
Unmarked Burial Law). Native American burial sites on federal or tribal land are subject to the
provisions of Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA). Regulated
activities may not result in disturbance or removal of human remains until disposition of the
remains has been determined by the appropriate authority under these laws, and the work is
authorized by the USACE. Regulated activities which result in an inadvertent discovery of human
remains must stop immediately, and the USACE, as well as the appropriate state and tribal
authority, must be notified. Regulated work at inadvertent discovery sites requires compliance with
state law or NAGPRA, as appropriate, prior to re-starting work.
7. Avoidance, Minimization, and Compensatory Mitigation. To qualify under the MA GP,
activities must comply with Section V Mitigation Standards and the following as applicable:
a. Avoid and Minimize: Activities must be designed and constructed to avoid and minimize adverse
effects, both temporary and permanent, to waters of the U.S. to the maximum extent practicable at
the project site. Avoidance and minimization are required to the extent necessary to ensure that the
adverse effects to the aquatic environment (both area and function) are no more than minimal.
MA GPs 38 June 2023
b. Compensatory mitigation for unavoidable impacts to waters of the U.S., including direct,
indirect, secondary, and temporal loss, will generally be required for permanent impacts that
exceed the thresholds identified in Section V, and may be required for temporary impacts, to offset
unavoidable impacts which remain after all appropriate and practicable avoidance and
minimization has been achieved and to ensure that the adverse effects to the aquatic environment
are no more than minimal. Proactive restoration projects or temporary impact work with no
secondary effects may generally be excluded from this requirement.
c. Mitigation proposals shall follow the guidelines found in the Compensatory Mitigation for
Losses of Aquatic Resources; Final Rule April 10, 2008; 33 CFR 332. Prospective permittees may
purchase mitigation credits in-lieu of permittee-responsible mitigation as compensation for
unavoidable impacts to waters of the U.S. in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
8. Water Quality & Stormwater Management. The 401 WQC requirement applies to all activities
listed under GPs 1-25, unless determined otherwise by MassDEP. Permittees shall also satisfy
stormwater management requirements in Massachusetts.
a. General 401 WQC: MassDEP issued a WQC on April 21, 2023 which conditionally certifies all
activities in GPs 1 – 24 eligible for SV and PCN so long as the activity is described in 314 CMR
9.03, and is not an activity described in 314 CMR 9.04, and so long as the activity meets all other
requirements, terms and conditions of the WQC. The MassDEP WQC also conditionally certifies
activities described in GP 25 so long as the activity meets all other conditions of the WQC.
Emergency projects described in GP 25 must obtain an emergency certification or otherwise be
authorized pursuant to 310 CMR 10.06, qualify under a Severe Weather Emergency Declaration
pursuant to 310 CMR 10.06(8) issued by the MassDEP, or meet the requirements of 9.12(2) or (3)
in order to be certified under the WQC. Prospective permittees may refer to the following link to
determine if their activity is eligible: https://www.nae.usace.army.mil/Missions/Regulatory/State-
General-Permits/ Massachusetts-General-Permit/. The General 401 WQC is located here, and it
provides detailed information regarding what activities are certified and the conditions for
certification. Activities listed in 314 CMR 9.03 that are not exempt from the Wetland Protection Act
must have a valid Final Order of Conditions (OOC) or Final Restoration Order of Conditions
pursuant to 310 CMR 10.00 to be eligible under the General 401 WQC.
b. Individual 401 WQC: Prospective permittees shall contact MassDEP and apply for an individual
401 WQC if their activity does not qualify for a General 401 WQC as outlined above. MassDEP may
issue, waive, or deny the individual 401 WQC on a case-by-case basis. All activities listed in 314
CMR 9.04 must obtain an individual 401 WQC from MassDEP to be eligible under these GPs. When
an Individual 401 WQC is required for PCN activities, the prospective permittee shall submit their
Individual 401 WQC application concurrently to MassDEP and USACE to comply with 40 CFR 121.
c. The prospective permittee is responsible for determining the appropriate 401 WQC requirement
and submitting this information to the USACE at the time of their PCN application or when
completing their SVN. Prospective permittees that are unsure of whether their activity has been
certified should contact MassDEP for a determination.
d. As applicable, all activities shall be compliant with the Massachusetts Stormwater Handbook.
The Stormwater Handbook can be accessed on the NAE Regulatory website here: https://www.
e. No work requiring authorization under Section 404 of the CWA may be performed unless (1) the
prospective permittee qualifies for coverage under the April 21, 2023 General 401 WQC, (2) the
prospective permittee receives an individual Section 401 WQC from the MassDEP, or (3) the
MassDEP waives individual Section 401 WQC.
9. Coastal Zone Management. The permittee must obtain CZM consistency concurrence when an
activity is located in the coastal zone in order to be eligible under the MA GP. This requirement
MA GPs 39 June 2023
shall be satisfied by acquiring one of the following from the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone
Management (MA CZM):
a. General CZM Federal Consistency Concurrence (General Concurrence): MA CZM has granted
General Concurrence for all SV and PCN activities for GPs 1-25. The prospective permittee must
obtain all applicable permits and approvals before construction of the authorized activity begins
(e.g., before work begins on site). For SVs, General Concurrence is automatically granted and no
further action is required from the prospective permittee. For PCNs, the USACE will coordinate
with MA CZM to acquire General Concurrence as part of the PCN application review.
b. Individual CZM Federal Consistency Concurrence (Individual Concurrence): In certain cases,
MA CZM may elevate any GP activity 1-25 and require Individual Concurrence. The prospective
permittee must contact MA CZM and follow the procedures to obtain Individual Concurrence as
determined appropriate by MA CZM.
c. Permittees must obtain CZM consistency concurrence as outlined above before commencing
work authorized under these GPs.
10. Federal Threatened and Endangered Species
a. No activity is authorized under any GP which is likely to directly or indirectly jeopardize the
continued existence of a threatened or endangered species or a species proposed for such
designation, as identified under the Federal Endangered Species Act (ESA), or which will directly
or indirectly destroy or adversely modify designated critical habitat or critical habitat proposed for
such designation. No activity is authorized under any GP which “may affect” a listed species or
critical habitat, unless ESA section 7 consultation addressing the consequences of the proposed
activity on listed species or critical habitat has been completed. See 50 CFR 402.02 for the
definition of “effects of the action” for the purposes of ESA section 7 consultation, as well as 50
CFR 402.17, which provides further explanation under ESA section 7 regarding “activities that are
reasonably certain to occur” and “consequences caused by the proposed action.”
b. Other Federal agencies should follow their own procedures for complying with the requirements
of the ESA (see 33 CFR 330.4(f)(1)). If a PCN is required for the proposed activity, the Federal
permittee must provide USACE with the appropriate documentation to demonstrate compliance
with those requirements. The USACE will verify that the appropriate documentation has been
submitted. If the appropriate documentation has not been submitted, additional ESA section 7
consultation may be necessary for the activity and the respective federal agency would be
responsible for fulfilling its obligation under section 7 of the ESA.
c. USFWS ESA-Listed Species: Non-federal applicants shall use the USFWS website,
Information for Planning and Consultation (IPAC), to determine if their activity is located within the
ESA-listed species range. The IPAC website can be accessed on the NAE Regulatory website:
https://www. nae.usace.army.mil/Missions/Regulatory/State-General-Permits/Massachusetts-
General-Permit/. Applicants shall ensure they have an updated, valid species list before
construction begins. This may require applicants to update their species list in IPAC before the
start of construction. Note: Applicants should refer to the NAE Regulatory Website at the link above
to determine if they have been designated as a non-federal representative. Applicants shall
complete Section 7 consultation according to the guidance document located on the NAE
Regulatory Website. After completing the Rangewide Determination Key and reaching the outcome
“may affect, not likely to adversely affect”, you may be required to wait up to 15 days before that
outcome is final and compliance under Section 7 of the ESA is fulfilled.
i. Self-Verification Criteria: The activity is SV-eligible if:
1) The activity is not located within the ESA-listed species range;
2) Another (lead) Federal agency has completed Section 7 consultation; or
3) The activity is located within the ESA-listed species range and USACE has designated
the applicant as a non-federal representative under 50 CFR 402.08 of the ESA for all
MA GPs 40 June 2023
species within the project’s action area. As the non-federal representative, the applicant
shall complete consultation through IPAC and reach the outcome of “no effect” or “not likely
to adversely affect”.
ii. Pre-Construction Notification Criteria: The activity requires a PCN if:
1) The activity is located within the ESA-listed species range and USACE has NOT
designated the applicant as a non-federal representative under 50 CFR 402.08 of the ESA
for all species within the project’s action area;
2) The activity is located in designated or proposed critical habitat; or
3) The activity is located within the ESA-listed species range and completion of the IPAC
determination key has resulted in the outcome of “may affect” or “may affect, likely to
adversely affect”; or
4) A PCN is required elsewhere in this document.
d. NOAA-Listed Species: Non-federal applicants shall refer to the Section 7 Mapper for federally
listed species to determine if any species are mapped as present. When NOAA-listed species are
present, the applicant shall generate a species report through the mapper and submit this
document as part of their PCN or SVN submission. The NOAA Fisheries’ Section 7 Mapper can be
accessed here on the NAE Regulatory website here: https://www.nae.usace.
e. Authorization of an activity by an GP does not authorize the “take” of a threatened or
endangered species as defined under the ESA. In the absence of separate authorization (e.g., an
ESA Section 10 Permit, a Biological Opinion with “incidental take” provisions, etc.) from the FWS
or the NMFS, the Endangered Species Act prohibits any person subject to the jurisdiction of the
United States to take a listed species, where "take" means to harass, harm, pursue, hunt, shoot,
wound, kill, trap, capture, or collect, or to attempt to engage in any such conduct. The word “harm”
in the definition of “take'' means an act which actually kills or injures wildlife. Such an act may
include significant habitat modification or degradation where it actually kills or injures wildlife by
significantly impairing essential behavioral patterns, including breeding, feeding or sheltering.
11. Essential Fish Habitat (EFH).
a. SV eligible activities have been determined to result in no more than minimal adverse effects,
provided the permittee complies with all terms and conditions of the MA GP as appliable to the
activity. NMFS has granted General Concurrence [50 CFR 600.920(g)] for all SV eligible activities.
These activities do not require project specific EFH consultation.
b. For PCN required activities, the applicant is required to describe and identify potential adverse
effects to EFH and should refer to NOAA Fisheries’ EFH Mapper
(http://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/resource/map/essential-fish-habitat-mapper) and Omnibus
Essential Fish Habitat Amendment 2 Volume 2: EFH and HAPC Designation Alternatives and
Environmental Impacts (https://www.habitat.noaa.gov/application/efhmapper/oa2_efh_hapc.pdf). If
an activity is located within EFH, the PCN application must contain:
1. A description of the action located in EFH.
2. An analysis of the potential adverse effects of the action on EFH and the managed Species.
3. Conclusions regarding the effects of the action on EFH.
4. Proposed mitigation, if applicable (refer to the mitigation thresholds located in Section V).
c. Federal agencies shall follow their own procedures for complying with the EFH requirements of
the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act. For activities requiring a PCN,
the applicant is responsible for furnishing documentation that demonstrates consultation for EFH
has been completed.
d. For PCN activities, no work may commence until EFH consultation as required by the
Magnuson-Stevens Act has been completed.
MA GPs 41 June 2023
12. National Lands. Activities that impinge upon the value of any National Wildlife Refuge,
National Forest, National Marine Sanctuary, National Historic Landmarks or any other area
administered by the National Park Service, U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) or U.S. Forest
Service (USFS) require a PCN or Individual Permit. Federal land managers seeking authorization
for activities located in the above listed National Lands may proceed under SV, unless a PCN is
required elsewhere in this document.
13. Wild and Scenic Rivers. The following activities in designated river or study river segments in
the National Wild and Scenic River (WSR) System require a PCN unless the Federal agency with
direct management responsibility for such river, in Massachusetts this is generally the National
Park Service, has determined in writing to the proponent that the proposed work will not adversely
affect the WSR designation or study status:
a. Activities that occur in WSR segments, in and 0.25 miles up or downstream of WSR
segments, or in tributaries within 0.25 miles of WSR segments;
b. Activities that occur in wetlands within 0.25 miles of WSR segments;
c. Activities that have the potential to alter free-flowing characteristics in WSR segments.
No GP activity may occur in a component of the National Wild and Scenic River System, or in a
river officially designated by Congress as a “study river” for possible inclusion in the system while
the river is in an official study status, unless the appropriate Federal agency with direct
management responsibility for such river, has determined in writing that the proposed activity will
not adversely affect the Wild and Scenic River designation or study status.
As of May 10, 2023, affected rivers in Massachusetts include: the Taunton River (40 miles),
Sudbury River (16.6 miles), Assabet River (4.4 miles), Concord River (8 miles), Nashua River (27
miles), Squannacook River (16.3 miles), Nissitissit River (4.7 miles), and the Westfield River,
including West Branch, Middle Branch, Gendale Brook, East Branch, Drowned Land Brook, Center
Brook, Windsor Jambs Brook, Shaker Mill Brook, Depot Brook, Savery Brook, Watson Brook,
Center Pond Brook (78.1 miles). The most up to date list of designated and study rivers and their
descriptions may be obtained from the appropriate Federal land management agency responsible
for the designated Wild and Scenic River or study river (e.g., National Park Service, U.S. Forest
Service, Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service). Information on these rivers
is also available at: http://www.rivers.gov/.
14. Historic Properties
a. For all SV and PCN applications, permittees shall follow the guidance set forth in Appendix A,
Guidance for NHPA Section 106 Compliance in Massachusetts.
b. No undertaking authorized by these GPs shall cause effects 1 (defined in 36 CFR Part 800 and
33 CFR Part 325, Appendix C, and its Interim Guidance) on properties listed on, determined to be
eligible for listing on, or potentially eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places
(NRHP)2, including previously unknown historic properties within the permit area, unless the
USACE or another Federal action agency has satisfied the consultation requirements of Section
106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (Section 106). If another Federal agency is
determined the lead federal agency for compliance with Section 106, applicant must obtain the
appropriate documentation and provide this information to the USACE to demonstrate compliance
with Section 106. The applicant shall not begin the activity until the USACE notifies them in writing
that the documentation provided satisfies Section 106 requirements.
1 Effect means the alteration to the characteristics of a historic property qualifying it for inclusion in or
eligibility for the National Register of Historic Properties.
2 See the NAE Regulatory website, National Register of Historic Places link here: https://www.nae.
MA GPs 42 June 2023
c. Many historic properties are not listed on the NRHP and may require identification and
evaluation by qualified historic preservation and/or archaeological consultants. The State Historic
Preservation Officer (SHPO), Massachusetts Board of Underwater Archaeological Resources
(BUAR), local historical societies, certified local governments, general public, and NRHP may also
be able to assist with locating information on:
i. Previously identified historic properties; and
ii. Areas with potential for the presence of historic properties.
d. Discovery of Previously Unknown Remains and Artifacts: If any previously unidentified human
remains, cultural deposits, or artifacts are discovered while accomplishing the activity authorized
by this permit, you must immediately notify the USACE of what you have found, and to the
maximum extent practicable, cease work and avoid construction activities that may affect the
remains and artifacts until the required coordination has been completed. The USACE will initiate
the Federal, State and tribal coordination required to determine if the items or remains warrant a
recovery effort and/or if the site is eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places.
e. Section 110k: Prospective permittees should be aware that section 110k of the NHPA (54
U.S.C. § 306113) prevents the USACE from granting a permit or other assistance to an applicant
who, with intent to avoid the requirements of Section 106, has intentionally significantly adversely
effected a historic property to which the permit would relate, or having legal power to prevent it,
allowed such significant adverse effect to occur, unless the USACE, after consultation with the
Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP), determines that circumstances justify granting
such assistance despite the adverse effect created or permitted by the applicant. If circumstances
justify granting the assistance, the USACE is required to notify the ACHP and provide
documentation specifying the circumstances, the degree of damage to the integrity of any historic
properties effected, and proposed mitigation. This documentation must include any views obtained
from the applicant, SHPO/THPO, appropriate Indian tribes if the undertaking occurs on or effects
historic properties on tribal lands or effects properties of interest to those tribes, and other parties
known to have a legitimate interest in the impacts to the permitted activity on historic properties.
f. Underwater Archaeological Resources: Under Massachusetts General Law Ch. 6, s.’s 179-180,
and Ch. 91, s. 63, the BUAR has statutory jurisdiction within state waters and is the sole trustee of
the Commonwealth’s underwater heritage, charged with the responsibility of encouraging the
discovery and reporting, as well as the preservation and protection, of underwater archaeological
resources. Underwater archaeological resources located within the waters of the Commonwealth
of Massachusetts are property of the Commonwealth, which holds title to these resources and
retains regulatory authority over their use. Under Massachusetts General Law, no person,
organization or corporation may “remove, displace, damage, or destroy” any underwater
archaeological resources located within the Commonwealth’s submerged lands except through
consultation with the BUAR and in conformity with the permits it issues. https://www.mass.gov/
15. USACE Property and Federal Projects. (33 USC §408)
a. USACE projects and property can be found at: https://www.nae.usace.army.mil/Missions/Civil-
b. In addition to any authorization under these GPs, prospective permittee shall contact the
USACE Real Estate Division (https://www.nae.usace.army.mil/Missions/Real-Estate-Division/) at
(978) 318-8585 for work occurring on or potentially affecting USACE properties and/or USACE-
controlled easements. Work may not commence on USACE properties and/or USACE-controlled
easements until they have received any required USACE real estate documents evidencing site-
specific permission to work.
c. Any proposed temporary or permanent occupation or alteration of a Federal project (including,
but not limited to, a levee, dike, floodwall, channel, anchorage, breakwater, seawall, bulkhead,
jetty, wharf, pier, or other work built or maintained but not necessarily owned by the United States),
MA GPs 43 June 2023
is not eligible for SV and requires a PCN. This includes all proposed structures and work in, over,
or under a USACE federal navigation project (FNP) or in the FNP’s buffer zone. The buffer zone is
an area that extends from the horizontal limits of the FNP to a distance of three times the FNP’s
authorized depth. The activity also requires review and approval by the USACE pursuant to 33
USC 408 (Section 408 Permission). The prospective permittee may reach out to the POCs located
here: https://www.nae.usace.army.mil/ Missions/Section-408/.
d. Any structure or work constructed in a FNP or its buffer zone shall be subject to removal at the
owner’s expense prior to any future USACE dredging or the performance of periodic hydrographic
e. Where a Section 408 permission is required, written verification for the PCN will not be issued
prior to the decision on the Section 408 permission request.
16. Navigation
a. No activity may cause more than a minimal adverse effect on navigation.
b. Any safety lights and signals prescribed by the U.S. Coast Guard, must be installed, and
maintained at the permittee’s expense on authorized facilities in navigable waters of the U.S.
c. There shall be no unreasonable interference with navigation by the existence or use of the
activity authorized herein, and no attempt shall be made by the permittee to prevent the full and
free use by the public of all navigable waters at or adjacent to the activity authorized herein.
d. The permittee understands and agrees that if future U.S. operations require the removal,
relocation, or other alteration of the structure or work herein authorized, or if, in the opinion of the
Secretary of the Army or his authorized representative, said structure or work shall cause
unreasonable obstruction to the free navigation of the navigable waters, the permittee will be
required, upon due notice from USACE, to remove, relocate, or alter the structural work or
obstructions caused thereby, without expense to the U.S. No claim shall be made against the U.S.
on account of any such removal or alteration.
17. Permit/Authorization Letter On-Site. For PCNs, the permittee shall ensure that a copy of
these GPs and the accompanying authorization letter are at the work site (and the project office)
whenever work is being performed, and that all personnel with operational control of the site
ensure that all appropriate personnel performing work are fully aware of its terms and conditions.
The entire permit authorization shall be made a part of any and all contracts and sub-contracts for
work that affects areas of USACE jurisdiction at the site of the work authorized by these GPs. This
shall be achieved by including the entire permit authorization in the specifications for work. The
term “entire permit authorization” means these GPs, including GCs and the authorization letter
(including its drawings, plans, appendices, special conditions, and other attachments), and any
permit modifications. If the authorization letter is issued after the construction specifications, but
before receipt of bids or quotes, the entire permit authorization shall be included as an addendum
to the specifications. If the authorization letter is issued after receipt of bids or quotes, the entire
permit authorization shall be included in the contract or sub-contract as a change order. Although
the permittee may assign various aspects of the work to different contractors or sub-contractors, all
contractors and sub-contractors shall be obligated by contract to comply with all environmental
protection provisions contained within the entire authorization letter, and no contract or sub-
contract shall require or allow unauthorized work in areas of USACE jurisdiction. For SVs, the
permittee shall ensure that a complete and signed copy of the SVN is present on site during
construction and is made available for review at any time by USACE and other Federal, State, &
Local regulatory agencies. A complete and signed copy of the SVN must be submitted to USACE
Regulatory within 30 days of initiating construction of the authorized activity, unless stated
otherwise in the applicable GP.
18. Storage of Seasonal Structures. Coastal structures such as pier sections, floats, etc., that
MA GPs 44 June 2023
are removed from the waterway for a portion of the year (often referred to as seasonal structures)
shall be stored in an upland location, located above MHW and not in tidal wetlands. These
seasonal structures may be stored on the fixed, pile-supported portion of the structure that is
seaward of MHW. This is intended to prevent structures from being stored on the marsh substrate
and the substrate seaward of MHW.
19. Pile Driving and Pile Removal in Navigable Waters.
a. Derelict, degraded or abandoned piles and sheet piles in navigable waters of the U.S., except
for those inside existing work footprints for piers, must be completely removed, cut and/or driven to
3 feet below the substrate to prevent interference with navigation, and existing creosote piles that
are affected by project activities shall be completely removed if practicable. In areas of fine-grained
substrates, piles must be removed by the direct, vibratory or clamshell pull method 1 to minimize
sedimentation and turbidity impacts and prevent interference with navigation from cut piles.
Removed piles shall be disposed of in an upland location landward of MHW or OHW and not in
wetlands, tidal wetlands or mudflats.
b. A PCN is required for the installation or removal of structures with jetting techniques.
c. A PCN is required for the installation of >12 inch-diameter piles of any material type or steel piles
of any size in tidal waters, unless they are installed in the dry. If piles are not installed in the dry:
i. Impact pile driving shall commence with an initial set of three strikes by the hammer at 40%
energy, followed by a one-minute wait period, then two subsequent 3-strike sets at 40% energy,
with one minute waiting periods, before initiating continuous impact driving.
ii. Vibratory pile driving shall be initiated for 15 seconds at reduced energy followed by a one-
minute waiting period. This sequence of 15 seconds of reduced energy driving, one-minute waiting
period shall be repeated two more times, followed immediately by pile-driving at full rate and energy.
iii. In addition to using a soft start at the beginning of the workday for pile driving as described
in 19c(i-ii), a soft start must also be used at any time following a cessation of pile driving for a
period of 30 minutes or longer.
d. Bubble curtains may be used to reduce sound pressure levels during vibratory or impact hammer
pile driving.
20. Time-of-Year (TOY) Restrictions. Activities that include in-water work must comply with the
TOY Restrictions below to be SV eligible, otherwise a PCN is required. PCN submittals shall contain
written justification for deviation from the TOY Restrictions. The term “in-water work” does not
include conditions where the work site is “in-the-dry” (e.g., intertidal areas exposed at low tide). The
term “in-the-dry” includes work contained within a cofferdam so long as the cofferdam is installed
and subsequently removed outside the TOY Restriction. The TOY restrictions stated in Appendix B
of the MA DMF Technical Report TR-47 2 can apply instead for activities in tidal waters if (1) TOYs
are provided for a specific waterbody where the activity is proposed and (2) the TOYs are less
restrictive than below. The activity must also not require a PCN elsewhere in this document to be
SV eligible.
1 Direct Pull: Each piling is wrapped with a choker cable or chain that is attached at the top to a crane.
The crane then pulls the piling directly upward, removing the piling from the sediment. Vibratory Pull: The
vibratory hammer is a large mechanical device (5-16 tons) that is suspended from a crane by a cable.
The vibrating hammer loosens the piling while the crane pulls up. Clamshell Pull: This can remove intact,
broken or damaged pilings. The clamshell bucket is a hinged steel apparatus that operates like a set of
steel jaws. The bucket is lowered from a crane and the jaws grasp the piling stub as the crane pulls up.
The size of the clamshell bucket is minimized to reduce turbidity during piling removal.
2 The MA DMF Technical Report TR-47: https://www.nae.usace.army.mil/Missions/Regulatory/State-
MA GPs 45 June 2023
TOY Restriction (No work)
Non-tidal Waters Defer to TR-47
Tidal Waters January 15 – November 15
Alternate work windows proposed under a PCN will generally be coordinated with the USFWS and
NMFS. Resulting written verifications may include species-specific work allowed windows.
21. Heavy Equipment in Wetlands. Operating heavy equipment (drill rigs, fixed cranes, etc.)
within wetlands shall be minimized, and such equipment shall not be stored, maintained, or
repaired in wetlands, to the maximum extent practicable. Where construction requires heavy
equipment operation in wetlands, the equipment shall:
i. Have low ground pressure (typically ≤3 psi);
ii. Be placed on swamp/construction/timber mats (herein referred to as “construction mats” or
“mats”) that are adequate to support the equipment in such a way as to minimize disturbance of
wetland soil and vegetation. See GC 22 for information on the placement of construction mats; or
iii. Be operated on adequately dry or frozen wetlands such that shear pressure does not cause
subsidence of the wetlands immediately beneath the equipment and upheaval of adjacent
wetlands. Construction mats are to be placed in the wetland from the upland or from equipment
positioned on mats if working within a wetland. Dragging construction mats into position is
prohibited. Other support structures that are capable of safely supporting equipment may be used
with written USACE authorization.
22. Temporary Fill, Work & Construction Mats.
a. Construction mats in non-tidal waters: Temporary construction mats shall be in place ≤1 year
and for one growing season or less to be SV eligible. A PCN is required if construction mats are in
place >1 year or for more than one growing season. Construction mats can be placed in an area of
any size in non-tidal waters. The activity may occur in segments to ensure the requirements for SV
above are met, otherwise a PCN is required.
b. Construction mats in tidal waters: Temporary construction mats placed in an area <5,000 SF in
tidal waters are SV eligible, provided those mats are in place ≤6 months. Temporary construction
mats placed in an area ≥5,000 SF or in place >6 months in tidal waters require a PCN.
c. Management of construction mats: At a minimum, construction mats shall be managed in
accordance with the following construction mat best management practices (BMPs):
1. Mats shall be in good condition to ensure proper installation, use, and removal.
2. As feasible, mats shall be placed in a location that will minimize the amount of mats needed
for the wetland crossing(s).
3. Inspect mats prior to their re-use and remove any plant debris. Mats are to be thoroughly
cleaned before re-use to prevent the spread of invasive plant species.
4. Impacts to wetland areas shall be minimized during installation, use, and removal of the mats.
5. Adequate erosion & sediment controls shall be installed at approaches to mats to promote a
smooth transition to, and minimize sediment tracking onto, the mats.
6. In most cases, mats should be placed along the travel area so that the individual boards are
resting perpendicular to the direction of traffic. No gaps should exist between mats. Place mats
far enough on either side of the resource area to rest on firm ground.
d. A PCN is required for temporary fills in place >2 years. All temporary fills and disturbed soils
shall be stabilized to prevent the material from eroding into waters of the U.S. where it is not
authorized. Work shall include phased or staged development to ensure only areas under active
development are exposed and to allow for stabilization practices as soon as practicable. Temporary
fill must be placed in a manner that will prevent it from being eroded by expected high flows.
MA GPs 46 June 2023
e. Activities that require unconfined temporary fill and are authorized for discharge into waters of
the U.S. shall consist of material that minimizes effects to water quality.
f. Appropriate measures must be taken to maintain normal downstream flows and minimize
flooding to the maximum extent practicable when temporary structures, work, and discharges of
dredged or fill material, including cofferdams, are necessary for construction activities, access fills,
or dewatering of construction sites. Materials shall be placed in a location and manner that does
not adversely impact surface or subsurface water flow into or out of the wetland. Temporary fill
authorized for discharge into wetlands shall be placed on geotextile fabric or other appropriate
material laid on the pre-construction wetland grade where practicable to minimize impacts and to
facilitate restoration to the original grade. Construction mats are excluded from this requirement.
g. Construction debris and deteriorated materials shall not be located in waters of the U.S.
h. Temporary fills, construction mats, and corduroy roads shall be entirely removed as soon as
they are no longer needed to construct the authorized activity and the disturbed areas be restored
to pre-construction contours and conditions.
i. Construction equipment, such as temporary barges in tidal waters, shall provide clearance
above the substrate to avoid grounding onto the substrate during all tides.
23. Restoration of Wetland Areas.
a. Upon completion of construction, all disturbed wetland areas shall be stabilized with a wetland
seed mix or plant plugs containing only plant species native to New England, and be appropriate
for site conditions, including salinity and frequency of inundation, and shall not contain any species
listed in the “Invasive and Other Unacceptable Plant Species” Appendix K of the New England
District “Compensatory Mitigation Standard Operating Procedures” found at
b. The introduction or spread of invasive plant species in disturbed areas shall be prevented and
controlled. Equipment shall be thoroughly cleaned before and after project construction to prevent
the spread of invasive species. This includes, but is not limited to, tire treads and construction mats.
c. In areas of authorized temporary disturbance, if trees are cut in USACE jurisdiction, they shall be
cut at or above ground level and not uprooted in order to prevent disruption of any kind to the wetland
soil structure and to allow stump sprouts to revegetate the work area, unless otherwise authorized.
d. Wetland areas where permanent disturbance is not authorized shall be restored to their original
condition and elevation, which under no circumstances shall be higher than the pre-construction
elevation. Original condition means careful protection and/or removal of existing soil and
vegetation, and replacement back to the original location such that the original soil layering and
vegetation schemes are approximately the same, unless otherwise authorized.
24. Bank Stabilization.
a. Projects involving construction or reconstruction/maintenance of bank stabilization within USACE
jurisdiction shall be designed to minimize environmental effects, effects to neighboring properties,
scour, conversion of natural shoreline to hard armoring, etc. to the maximum extent practicable.
b. Projects involving the construction of new bank stabilization within USACE jurisdiction shall use
bioengineering techniques and natural materials in the project design to the maximum extent
practicable. Use of hard structures shall be eliminated or minimized unless the prospective permittee
can demonstrate that use of bioengineering techniques is not practicable due to site conditions.
c. Where possible, bank stabilization projects shall optimize the natural function of the shoreline,
including self-sustaining stability to attenuate flood flows, fishery, wildlife habitat and water quality
protection, while protecting upland infrastructure from storm events that can cause erosion as well
as impacts to public and private property.
d. No material shall be placed in excess of the minimum needed for erosion protection.
e. No material shall be placed in a manner that will be eroded by normal or expected high flows
(properly anchored native trees and treetops may be used in low energy areas).
MA GPs 47 June 2023
f. Native plants appropriate for current site conditions, including salinity, must be used for
bioengineering or vegetative bank stabilization.
g. The activity must be properly maintained, which may require repairing it after severe storms or
erosion events.
25. Soil Erosion and Sediment Controls.
a. Appropriate soil erosion and sediment controls 1 (hereinafter referred to as “controls”) must
installed prior to earth disturbance and maintained in effective operating condition during
construction. Biodegradable wildlife friendly erosion controls should be used whenever practicable
to minimize effects to water quality.
b. Activities in streams (rivers, streams, brooks, etc.) and tidal waters that are capable of
producing sedimentation or turbidity should be done during periods of low-flow or no-flow, when
the stream or tide is waterward of the work area. Controls may also be used to obtain dry work
conditions (e.g., coffer dam, turbidity curtain). The prospective permittee must demonstrate in the
project plans where the controls are proposed and how these controls would avoid and/or minimize
turbidity or sedimentation.
c. A PCN is required for controls that encroach: i) >25% of the stream width measured from OHW
in non-tidal diadromous streams from March 15 to June 30; or ii) >25% of the waterway width
measured from MHW in tidal waters from Feb. 1 to June 30, or >50% of the waterway width
measured from MHW in tidal waters from July 1 to Jan. 14. This is to protect upstream fish
passage. Proponents must also maintain downstream fish passage throughout the project.
d. No dewatering shall occur with direct discharge to waters or wetlands. Excess water in isolated
work areas shall be pumped or directed to a sedimentation basin, tank or other dewatering
structures in an upland area adequately separated from waters or wetlands. Suspended solids
shall be removed prior to discharge back into waters or wetlands from these dewatering structures.
All discharge points back into waters and wetlands shall use appropriate energy dissipaters and
erosion and sedimentation control BMPs.
e. Temporary controls shall be removed upon completion of work, but not until all exposed soil
and other fills, as well as any work waterward of OHW or the HTL, are permanently stabilized at
the earliest practicable date. Sediment and debris collected by these devices shall be removed and
placed at an upland location in a manner that will prevent its later erosion into a waterway or
wetland. Controls may be left in place if they are biodegradable and flows and aquatic life
movements are not disrupted.
26. Aquatic Life Movements and Management of Water Flows.
a. No activity may substantially disrupt the necessary life cycle movements of those species of
aquatic life indigenous to the waterbody, including those species that normally migrate through the
area, unless the activity’s primary purpose is to impound water. All permanent and temporary
crossings of waterbodies and wetlands shall be:
i. Suitably spanned, bridged, culverted, or otherwise designed and constructed to maintain
low flows to sustain the movement of those aquatic species; and
ii. Properly aligned and constructed to prevent bank erosion or streambed scour both adjacent
to and inside the crossing.
1 Appropriate soil erosion, sediment and turbidity controls include cofferdams, bypass pumping around
barriers immediately up and downstream of the work footprint (i.e., dam and pump), installation of
sediment control barriers (i.e., silt fence, vegetated filter strips, geotextile silt fences, filter tubes, erosion
control mixes, hay bales or other devices) downhill of all exposed areas, stream fords, retention of
existing vegetated buffers, application of temporary mulching during construction, phased construction,
and permanent seeding and stabilization, etc.
MA GPs 48 June 2023
b. To avoid adverse impacts on aquatic organisms, the low flow channel/thalweg shall remain
unobstructed during periods of low flow, except when necessary to perform the authorized work.
c. For work in tidal waters, in-stream controls (e.g., cofferdams) should be installed in such a way
as to not obstruct fish passage.
d. Riprap and other stream bed materials shall be installed in a manner that avoids organism
entrapment in rock voids or water displaced to subterranean flow with crushed stone and riprap.
e. To the maximum extent practicable, the preconstruction course, condition, capacity, and
location of open waters must be maintained for each activity, including stream channelization,
storm water management activities, and temporary and permanent road crossings, except as
provided below. The activity must be constructed to withstand expected high flows. The activity
shall not restrict or impede the passage of normal or high flows unless the primary purpose of the
activity is to impound water or manage high flows. The activity may alter the pre-construction
course, condition, capacity, and location of open waters if it benefits the aquatic environment (e.g.,
stream restoration or relocation activities).
27. Spawning, Breeding, and Migratory Areas.
a. Activities in spawning areas during spawning seasons must be avoided to the maximum extent
practicable. Activities that result in the physical destruction (e.g., through excavation, fill, or
downstream smothering by substantial turbidity) of an important spawning area are not authorized
under these GPs.
b. Activities in waters of the U.S. that serve as breeding areas for migratory birds must be avoided
to the maximum extent practicable.
c. The applicant is responsible for obtaining any “take” permits required under the USFWS’s
regulations governing compliance with the Migratory Bird Treaty Act or the Bald and Golden Eagle
Protection Act. The applicant should contact the appropriate local office of the USFWS to
determine if such “take” permits are required for a particular activity.
d. Information on spawning habitat for species managed under the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery
Conservation and Management Act (i.e., EFH for spawning adults) can be obtained from NAE
Regulatory website, Essential Fish Habitat section, at: https://www.nae.usace.army.mil/
e. Information regarding diadromous fish habitat can be obtained from the following DMF website
at: https://www.mass.gov/info-details/massgis-data-diadromous-fish.
28. Vernal Pools.
a. A PCN is required if a discharge of dredged or fill material is proposed within a vernal pool
depression that is also a water of the U.S.
b. Vernal pools must be identified on the plans that show aquatic resource delineations.
c. Adverse impacts to vernal pools shall be avoided & minimized to the maximum extent practicable.
29. Invasive Species.
a. The introduction, spread or the increased risk of invasion of invasive plant or animal species on
the project site, into new or disturbed areas, or areas adjacent to the project site caused by the site
work shall be avoided. Construction mats shall be thoroughly cleaned before reuse to avoid spread
of invasive species.
b. Unless otherwise directed by USACE, all applications for PCN non-tidal projects proposing fill
in USACE jurisdiction shall include an Invasive Species Control Plan. Additional information can be
found at: https://www.nae.usace.army.mil/Missions/Regulatory/Invasive-Species/,
30. Fills Within 100-Year Floodplains. The activity shall comply with applicable Federal
Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) approved, Massachusetts Emergency Management
MA GPs 49 June 2023
Agency (MEMA) approved and/or local floodplain management requirements. Applicants should
contact FEMA and/or MEMA regarding floodplain management requirements.
31. Stream Work and Crossings & Wetland Crossings.
a. When feasible, all temporary and permanent crossings of waterbodies and wetlands
(hereinafter referred to as “crossings”) shall conform to the “Massachusetts River and Stream
Crossing Standards” located at: https://www.mass.gov/doc/massachusetts-river-and-stream-
crossing-standards/download or https://www.nae.usace.army.mil/Missions/Regulatory/State-
General-Permits/Massachusetts-General-Permit/. Projects that do not conform to these guidelines
shall be reviewed under PCN or IP procedures.
b. Crossings shall be suitably culverted, bridged, or otherwise designed to withstand and to prevent
the restriction of high flows, to maintain existing low flows, maintain water quality, and not obstruct
the movement of aquatic life indigenous to the waterbody beyond the duration of construction.
c. Crossings shall be installed in such a manner as to preserve hydraulic capacity and flow,
sediment transport, and organism passage at its present level, between the wetlands on either side
of the road. The applicant shall take necessary measures to correct any wetland damage resulting
from deficiencies in hydraulic capacity, sediment transport and organism passage.
d. Stream crossings shall utilize a natural mixed grain-size streambed material composition that
matches upstream and downstream substrates to create a stable streambed. Substrate should
function appropriately during normal and high flows without washing out. If natural streambed
material is not utilized, a PCN is required.
e. Activities involving open trench excavation in flowing waters require a PCN. Work should not
occur in flowing waters (requires using management techniques such as temporary flume pipes,
culverts, cofferdams, etc.). Normal flows should be maintained within the stream boundary’s
confines when practicable. Projects utilizing these management techniques must meet all
applicable terms and conditions of the GP, including the GCs in Section IV.
32. Utility Line Installation and Removal
a. Subsurface utility lines must be installed at a sufficient depth to avoid damage from anchors,
dredging, etc., and to prevent exposure from erosion and stream adjustment.
b. When utility lines are installed via horizontal directional drilling, a frac-out contingency plan shall
be present on site for the duration of construction. As necessary, the applicant shall immediately
contain, control, recover, and remove drilling fluids released into the environment.
c. Abandoned or inactive utility lines must be removed and faulty lines (e.g., leaking hazardous
substances, petroleum products, etc.) must be removed or repaired. A written verification from the
USACE is required if they are to remain in place, e.g., to protect sensitive areas or ensure safety.
d. Utility lines shall not adversely alter existing hydrology, and trenches cannot be constructed or
backfilled in such a manner as to drain waters of the U.S. (e.g., backfilling with extensive gravel
layers, creating a French drain effect). In wetland areas, structures such as ditch plugs, cut-off
walls, clay blocks, bentonite, or other suitable material shall be used within utility trenches to
ensure that the trench through which the utility line is installed does not drain waters of the U.S.
including wetlands.
e. Stockpiling of tree debris, to the extent where it has the effect of fill material, shall not occur in
waters of the U.S. Tree debris shall be removed from waters of the U.S. and placed in uplands
without causing additional disturbance to aquatic resources. Failure to meet this condition could
change the bottom elevation of the wetland and be considered a discharge of fill material, and
depending on the area of alteration, may require a PCN or IP.
33. Water Supply Intakes. No activity may occur in the proximity of a public water supply intake,
except where the activity is for the repair or improvement of public water supply intake structures or
adjacent bank stabilization.
MA GPs 50 June 2023
34. Coral Reefs. Impacts to coral reefs are not authorized under these GPs. Coral reefs consist of
the skeletal deposit, usually of calcareous or silicaceous materials, produced by the vital activities of
anthozoan polyps or other invertebrate organisms present in growing portions of the reef.
35. Blasting. Blasting in waters of the U.S. associated with work such as dredging, trenching, pile
installation, etc. is not authorized under these GPs.
36. Inspections. The permittee shall allow USACE to make periodic inspections at any time
deemed necessary to ensure that the work is being or has been performed in accordance with the
terms and conditions of this permit. To facilitate these inspections, for activities requiring a PCN,
the permittee shall complete and return the Certificate of Compliance when it is provided with a
PCN verification letter. For SV-eligible activities, the permittee shall complete and submit the SVN
to USACE within 30 days of initiating project construction, at which point, USACE may opt to
inspect the activity to verify compliance with the terms and conditions of the GP. Post-construction
engineering drawings may be required by USACE for completed work. This includes post-dredging
survey drawings for any dredging work.
37. Maintenance. The permittee shall maintain the activity authorized by these GPs in good
condition and in conformance with the terms and conditions of this permit. Some maintenance
activities may not be subject to federal regulation under Section 404 in accordance with 33 CFR
323.4(a)(2). This condition is not applicable to maintenance of dredging projects. Prospective
permittees should contact USACE to inquire about maintenance of dredging projects, and its
eligibility under these GPs. Maintenance dredging is subject to the review thresholds in GP #7 as
well as any conditions included in a written USACE authorization. Maintenance dredging includes
only those areas and depths previously authorized and dredged.
38. Property Rights. Per 33 CFR 320.4(g)(6), these GPs do not convey any property rights, either
in real estate or material, or any exclusive privileges, nor do they authorize any injury to property or
invasion of rights or any infringement of Federal, State, or local laws or regulations.
39. Transfer of GP Verifications. When the work authorized by these GPs is still in existence at the
time the property is transferred, the terms and conditions of these GPs, including any special
conditions, will continue to be binding on the entity or individual who received the GP authorizations,
as well as the new owner(s) of the property. If the permittee sells the property associated with a GP
authorization, the applicant may transfer the GP authorization to the new owner by submitting a
letter to USACE to validate the transfer. A copy of the GP authorization letter must be attached to
the letter, and the letter must include the following statement: “The terms and conditions of these
general permits, including any special conditions, will continue to be binding on the new owner(s) of
the property.” This letter shall be signed by both the seller and new property owner(s).
40. Modification, Suspension, and Revocation. These GPs and any individual authorization
issued thereof may be either modified, suspended, or revoked in whole or in part pursuant to the
policies and procedures of 33 CFR 325.7; and any such action shall not be the basis for any claim
for damages against the U.S.
41. Special Conditions. The USACE may impose other special conditions on a project authorized
pursuant to these GPs that are determined necessary to minimize adverse navigational and/or
environmental effects or based on any other factor of the public interest. Failure to comply with all
conditions of the authorization, including special conditions, constitutes a permit violation and may
subject the applicant to criminal, civil, or administrative penalties or restoration.
MA GPs 51 June 2023
42. False or Incomplete Information. If USACE makes a determination regarding the eligibility of
a project under these GPs, and subsequently discovers that it has relied on false, incomplete, or
inaccurate information provided by the applicant, the authorization will not be valid, and the U.S.
Government may institute appropriate legal proceedings.
43. Abandonment. If the permittee decides to abandon the activity authorized under these GPs,
unless such abandonment is merely the transfer of property to a third party, he/she/they may be
required to restore the area to the satisfaction of USACE.
44. Enforcement cases. These GPs do not apply to any existing or proposed activity in USACE
jurisdiction associated with an on-going USACE or EPA enforcement action, until such time as the
enforcement action is resolved or USACE or EPA determines that the activity may proceed
independently without compromising the enforcement action.
45. Previously Authorized Activities.
a. Completed projects that received prior authorization from USACE (SV or PCN), shall remain
authorized in accordance with the original terms and conditions of those authorizations, including
their terms, GCs, and any special conditions provided in a written verification.
b. Activities authorized pursuant to 33 CFR 330.3 (activities occurring before certain dates) are
not affected by these GPs.
46. Duration of Authorization.
These GPs expire on June 1, 2028. Activities authorized under these GPs will remain authorized
until the GPs expire, unless discretionary authority has been exercised on a case-by-case basis to
modify, suspend, or revoke the authorization in accordance with 33 CFR 325.2(e)(2). Activities
authorized under GPs 1-25 that have either commenced (i.e., are under construction) or are under
contract to commence in reliance upon this authorization will have until June 1, 2029 to complete
the work. If requested by USACE, the permittee shall furnish documentation that demonstrates the
project was under construction or under contract to commence by June 1, 2028. If work is not
completed before June 1, 2029, the permittee must contact USACE. The USACE may issue a new
authorization provided the project meets the terms and conditions of the MA GPs in effect at the
time. Activities completed under the SV or PCN authorizations of these GPs will continue to be
authorized after their expiration date.
MA GPs 52 June 2023
1. Mitigation Types
For all activities, applicants must (a) demonstrate how the project has been designed to avoid or
minimize impacts to aquatic resources; and (b) describe measures taken to avoid or minimize
impacts to aquatic resources through construction techniques and/or site access. Please see
https://www.nae.usace.army.mil/Missions/Regulatory/Mitigation/ for assistance with preparing
mitigation in accordance with the 2008 Compensatory Mitigation for Losses of Aquatic Resources;
Final Rule (33 CFR 332.3), hereafter referred to as “2008 Mitigation Rule.”
Avoidance - Avoidance of impacts (direct and indirect) to aquatic resources means that project
activities would not result in the placement of fill material or installation of a structure that could
impact the resource area. Avoidance can include, but is not limited to, designing the project to
avoid impacts to all or a portion of the aquatic resource areas.
Minimization - Minimization of impacts (direct and indirect) to aquatic resources means that
measures are taken to ensure the amount and duration of impacts are limited to the maximum
extent practicable. There are many minimization measures that could be implemented, prior to,
during, or after the proposed activity, to ensure impacts are minimized. Examples include, but are
not limited to:
• Permanent preservation of avoided aquatic features and buffer zone, in perpetuity. In these
cases, the preserved area would be under a conservation easement and managed by
conservation oriented third-party manager.
• Utilization of best management practices (BMPs) to ensure impacts are limited, and do not
result in adverse impacts to the integrity and long-term functions of preserved/avoided features.
Compensatory Mitigation - Compensatory mitigation is generally required for PCN activities in
which the impacts to the aquatic resources have been avoided and minimized to the maximum
extent practicable but would still result in unavoidable adverse effects to the environment that are
considered more than minimal or are contrary to the public interest. Whatever the case may be,
compensatory mitigation is no substitute for avoidance and minimization.
2. Thresholds for Compensatory Mitigation
The basic objective of compensatory mitigation in the USACE Regulatory Program is to offset
environmental losses resulting from unavoidable impacts to waters of the U.S. authorized by
Department of the Army permits. The following compensatory mitigation thresholds apply to
all PCN activities that result in loss1 of the resource area types listed below. Activities 2 in
waters of the U.S. associated with the restoration, enhancement, and establishment of tidal
and non-tidal aquatic resources are not considered loss and are not subject to the
thresholds below. Thresholds for different resource areas may not be combined to exceed 5,000
SF of total loss of all waters. The USACE will continue to evaluate projects on a case-by-case
basis, and may in some cases require compensatory mitigation below these thresholds (e.g. minor
impacts that add to a cumulative loss).
1 See definition of loss in Section VII.
2 These activities must result in net increases in aquatic resource functions and services to be exempted
from the thresholds above.
MA GPs 53 June 2023
Compensatory Mitigation Thresholds in Massachusetts
Resource Area Non-Tidal Threshold Tidal Threshold
Stream 200 LF 200 LF
Bank Stabilization 500 LF 500 LF
Open Water Project Dependent Project Dependent
Wetland 5,000 SF 500 SF
Vernal Pool All N/A
SAV Project dependent 25 SF
Mudflat N/A 1,000 SF
Intertidal N/A 1,000 SF
These thresholds can be utilized to determine at what point compensatory mitigation is required
but are not used to determine how much mitigation may be needed to offset impacts to resources.
Per the 2008 Mitigation Rule (33 CFR 332.3(f)(1)) “the amount of required compensatory mitigation
must be, to the extent practicable, sufficient to replace lost aquatic resource functions. In cases
where appropriate functional or condition assessment methods or other suitable metrics are
available, these methods should be used where practicable to determine how much compensatory
mitigation is required. If a functional or condition assessment or other suitable metric is not used, a
minimum one-to-one acreage or linear foot compensation ratios must be used.”
3. Compensatory Mitigation Hierarchy
Compensatory mitigation should follow the hierarchy as outlined in 33 CFR 332.3(b)(2-6) or current
regulation. This hierarchy in order of preference includes: (1) Mitigation Bank credits, (2) In-Lieu
Fee program credits, (3) permittee-responsible mitigation under a watershed approach, (4)
permittee-responsible mitigation through on-site and in-kind mitigation, and (5) permittee-
responsible mitigation through off-site and/or out-of-kind mitigation. If the proposed mitigation
deviates from this mitigation hierarchy, the applicant must justify in writing why the proposed
mitigation is environmentally preferable to the preferred method of compensatory mitigation (See
2008 Mitigation Rule). In order for your application to be considered complete, you must
provide a statement that discusses how your project will compensate for the loss or impact
to aquatic resources. If you are proposing permittee responsible mitigation, the 12 components of
a mitigation plan (33 CFR 332.4(c)(2-14) must be addressed for your application to be considered
complete. Prospective applicants are encouraged to contact USACE with questions at any time.
Addressing the 12 components of a mitigation plan is commensurate with the amount of
compensatory mitigation required, and USACE can assist prospective applicants with the level of
information needed to satisfy each component.
For activities resulting in the loss of marine or estuarine resources, permittee-responsible mitigation
may be environmentally preferable if there are no mitigation banks or in-lieu fee programs in the area
that have marine or estuarine credits available for sale or transfer to the permittee.
4. In-Lieu Fee (ILF)
The purchase of credits from the Massachusetts In-Lieu Fee Program (MA ILFP) is the preferred
method of compensatory mitigation in Massachusetts since, as of the issuance date of this GP,
there are no mitigation banks available in Massachusetts. The applicant shall develop a mitigation
plan that addresses the baseline conditions at the impact site and the number of credits to be
provided (see 33 CFR 332.4(c)(1)(ii)).
MA GPs 54 June 2023
The MA ILFP is administered by the Massachusetts Department of Fish & Game (DFG) in
accordance with the 2008 Mitigation Rule at 33 CFR 332. The Mitigation Rule governs in-lieu fee
compensatory mitigation associated with USACE permits under §404 of the Clean Water Act
and/or §9 or §10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899.
MA ILFP Website: https://www.mass.gov/in-lieu-fee-program
Acceptance of an ILF payment into the ILFP established by the 2014 MA ILFP Instrument (link
below) is an acknowledgement by DFG that it assumes all legal responsibility for satisfying the
mitigation requirements of the USACE (i.e., the implementation, performance, and long-term
management and monitoring of the compensatory mitigation project(s) approved under this
Instrument and subsequent Compensatory Mitigation Plans). This transfer of legal responsibility is
established by: 1) the approval of this In-Lieu Fee Instrument; 2) receipt by the district engineer of
a Notice of Credit Sale and Transfer of Legal Responsibility to DFG that is signed by the DFG and
the permittee and dated; and 3) the transfer of fees from the permittee to DFG.
MA ILFP Fact Sheet: https://www.mass.gov/files/documents/2017/01/sj/ilfp-fact-sheet-ma-ilfp-fees.pdf
MA ILFP Instrument: https://www.mass.gov/files/documents/2016/08/nd/ilfp-final-instrument-dfg.pdf
5. Permittee-Responsible
The USACE may determine that the proposed permittee-responsible compensatory mitigation is
appropriate on a case-by-case basis. As described in the Compensatory Mitigation Hierarchy
section above, applicants must justify in writing why the proposed mitigation is environmentally
preferable to the purchase of ILF credits. Applicants are encouraged to contact the USACE prior to
submission of a permit application to seek further guidance regarding USACE mitigation
Applicants will demonstrate their proposed compensatory mitigation in writing by addressing the 12
components of a mitigation plan (33 CFR 332.4(c)(2-14). Please note that all elements must be
addressed, or the permit application will be deemed incomplete. In certain circumstances, the
district engineer may determine that prior approval of the final mitigation plan is not practicable or
not necessary to ensure timely completion of the required compensatory mitigation (see 33 CFR
332.3(k)(3)). Guidance on how to address these components can be found on the New England
District Mitigation webpage: https://www.nae.usace.army.mil/Missions/Regulatory/Mitigation/
Performance standards will be used to measure the successfulness of the mitigation project. A
successful mitigation project is one that is self-sustaining. For a mitigation project that will restore,
enhance, or create wetlands, proper performance standards must address hydrology, hydric soils,
and hydrophytic vegetation. The mitigation proposal must include an explanation of quantitative
methods used to measure the success of performance standards (i.e., percent cover may be
measured using vegetation plots, hydrology may be measured using data loggers, soil cores may
be taken and evaluated for hydric soil indicators).
Monitoring methods should include quantitative sampling methods following established, scientific
protocols. Sampling documentation, as part of monitoring reports, should include maps and
coordinates (also shapefiles, if available) showing locations of sampling points, transects,
quadrats, etc. In addition, permanent photo stations should be established coincident with
sampling locations.
MA GPs 55 June 2023
Federal Agencies
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Regulatory Division Navigation Division – Section 408
696 Virginia Road 696 Virginia Road
Concord, Massachusetts 01742-2751 Concord, Massachusetts 01742-2751
(978) 318-8338 (phone); (978) 318-8303 (fax) See link below for contact information:
www.nae.usace.army.mil/missions/regulatory https://www.nae.usace.army.mil/Missions/Section-408/
National Marine Fisheries Service U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
55 Great Republic Drive 70 Commercial Street, Suite 300
Gloucester, Massachusetts 01930 Concord, New Hampshire 03301
(978) 281-9300 (phone) (603) 223-2541 (phone)
(Federal endangered species & EFH) (Federal endangered species)
National Park Service Bureau of Ocean and Energy Management
15 State Street 1849 C Street, NW
Boston, Massachusetts 02109 Washington D.C. 20240
(617) 223-5191 (phone) 202-208-6474 (phone)
(Wild and Scenic Rivers) (Offshore Wind Facilities)
Chief, Risk Analysis Branch Commander (dpb)
FEMA Region 1 First Coast Guard District
99 High Street, 6th Floor Battery Building
U.S. Department of Homeland Security One South Street
Boston, Massachusetts 02110 New York, New York 10004-1466
(617) 956-7576 (phone) (212) 514-4331 (phone); (212) 514-4337 (fax)
(Bridge permits)
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
5 Post Office Square
Suite 100 (OEP06–3)
Boston, Massachusetts 02109-3912
(617) 918-1692 (phone)
MA GPs 56 June 2023
State Agencies in Massachusetts
Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP)
DEP Division of Wetlands
& Waterways
100 Cambridge Street, Suite 900
Boston, Massachusetts 02114
(617) 292-5695
Northeast Region 150 Presidential Way, Suite 300
Woburn, Massachusetts 01801
(978) 694-3200
Southeast Region 20 Riverside Drive, Route 105
Lakeville, Massachusetts 02347
(508) 946-2800
Central Region 8 New Bond Street
Worcester, Massachusetts 01606
(508) 792-7650
Western Region 436 Dwight Street
Springfield, Massachusetts 01103
(413) 784-1100
Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM)
Emails may be sent to: czm@mass.gov
MA Office of Coastal Zone
100 Cambridge Street, Suite 900
Boston, Massachusetts 02114
(617) 626-1200
North Shore Region 2 State Fish Pier
Gloucester, Massachusetts 01930
(978) 281-3972
South Shore Region 175 Edward Foster Road
Scituate, Massachusetts 02066
Cape Cod and Islands
3195 Main Street, P.O. Box 220
Barnstable, MA 02630
South Coastal Region 81-B County Road, Suite E
Mattapoisett, MA 02739
Massachusetts Historical Commission (MHC)
Office Location: 220 Morrisey Boulevard
Boston, Massachusetts 02125
(617) 727-8470
Massachusetts Board of Underwater Archaeological Resources (BUAR)
Emails may be sent to: david.s.robinson@mass.gov
Office Location: 100 Cambridge Street, Suite 900
Boston, Massachusetts 02114
(617) 626-1014
MA GPs 57 June 2023
SECTION VII: Definitions & Acronyms
Artificial or Living Reef: A structure which is constructed or placed in waters for the purpose of
enhancing fishery resources and commercial and recreational fishing opportunities.
Attendant Features: Occurring with or as a result of; accompanying.
Biodegradable: A material that decomposes into elements found in nature within a reasonably
short period of time and will not leave a residue of plastic or a petroleum derivative in the
environment after degradation. In contrast, degradable plastics break down into plastic fragments
that remain in the environment after degradation. Examples of biodegradable materials include
jute, sisal, cotton, straw, burlap, coconut husk fiber (coir) or excelsior. In contrast, degradable
plastics break down into plastic fragments that remain in the environment after degradation.
Photodegradable, UV degradable or Oxo-(bio)degradable plastics are not considered
biodegradable under this GP.
Boating facilities: These provide, rent or sell mooring space, such as marinas, yacht clubs, boat
yards, dockominiums, municipal facilities, land/home owners, etc. Not classified as boating facilities
are piers shared between two abutting properties or municipal mooring fields that charge an
equitable user fee based on the actual costs incurred.
Compensatory mitigation: The restoration (re-establishment or rehabilitation), establishment
(creation), enhancement, and/or in certain circumstances preservation of aquatic resources for the
purposes of offsetting unavoidable adverse impacts which remain after all appropriate and
practicable avoidance and minimization has been achieved. Must comply with the applicable
provisions of 33 CFR 332. See also the New England District Compensatory Mitigation Guidance
at http://www.nae.usace.army.mil/Missions/Regulatory/Mitigation.aspx.
Construction mats: Constructions, swamp and timber mats (herein referred to as “construction
mats”) are generic terms used to describe structures that distribute equipment weight to prevent
wetland damage while facilitating passage and providing work platforms for workers and
equipment. They are comprised of sheets or mats made from a variety of materials in various
sizes. A timber mat consists of large timbers bolted or cabled together. Corduroy roads, which are
not considered to be construction mats, are cut trees and/or saplings with the crowns and
branches removed, and the trunks lined up next to one another. Corduroy roads are typically
installed as permanent structures. Like construction mats, they are considered as fill whether they
are installed temporarily or permanently.
Cumulative Impacts: The impact on the environment, which results from the incremental impact of
the action when added to other past, present, and reasonably foreseeable future actions,
regardless of what agency or person undertakes such other actions. Cumulative impacts can result
from individually minor but collectively significant actions taking place over a period of time (40 CFR
1508.1). Although the impact of a particular discharge may constitute a minor change in itself, the
cumulative effect of numerous such piecemeal changes can result in a major impairment of the
water resources and interfere with the productivity and water quality of existing aquatic ecosystems.
See 40 CFR 230.11(g).
Currently serviceable: Useable as is or with some maintenance, but not so degraded as to
essentially require reconstruction.
Improvement Dredging: For the purposes of these GPs, this is dredging deeper than previously
authorized by the USACE and dredged under that authorization.
Maintenance Dredging: For the purposes of these GPs, this is dredging from an area previously
authorized by the USACE and dredged under that authorization. The USACE may require proof of
authorization and dredging. Maintenance dredging typically refers to the routine removal of
accumulated sediment to maintain the design depths of serviceable navigation channels, harbors,
marinas, boat launches and port facilities. Maintenance dredging is conducted for navigational
purposes and does not include any expansion of the previously dredged area. The USACE may
MA GPs 58 June 2023
review a maintenance dredging activity as new dredging if sufficient time has elapsed to allow for
the colonization of SAS, shellfish, etc.
New Dredging: For the purposes of these GPs, this is a) first time the USACE authorizes dredging
of a particular location or b) dredging has not occurred for an extended period of time, and this has
allowed for aquatic resources (i.e., eelgrass, shellfish, etc.) to redevelop in the area.
Dredged material & discharge of dredged material: These are defined at 33 CFR 323.2(c) and
(d). The term dredged material means material that is excavated or dredged from waters of the U.S.
Enhancement: The manipulation of the physical, chemical, or biological characteristics of an
aquatic resource to heighten, intensify, or improve a specific aquatic resource function(s).
Enhancement results in the gain of selected aquatic resource function(s) but may also lead to a
decline in other aquatic resource function(s). Enhancement does not result in a gain in aquatic
resource area.
Ephemeral stream: A stream with flowing water only during, and for a short duration, after
precipitation events in a typical year. Ephemeral stream beds are located above the water table
year-round. Groundwater is not a source of water for the stream. Runoff from rainfall is the primary
source of water for stream flow.
Erosion Controls: Appropriate soil erosion, sediment and turbidity controls include cofferdams,
bypass pumping around barriers immediately up and downstream of the work footprint (i.e., dam
and pump), installation of sediment control barriers (i.e., silt fence, vegetated filter strips, geotextile
silt fences, filter tubes, erosion control mixes, hay bales or other devices) downhill of all exposed
areas, stream fords, retention of existing vegetated buffers, application of temporary mulching
during construction, phased construction, and permanent seeding and stabilization, etc.
Establishment (creation): The manipulation of the physical, chemical, or biological characteristics
present to develop an aquatic resource that did not previously exist at an upland site.
Establishment results in a gain in aquatic resource area (33 CFR 332.2).
Expansions: Work that increases the footprint of fill, structures, depth of basin or drainage
features, or floats, or slip capacity.
Essential Fish Habitat (EFH): The Federal Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Management and
Conservation Act broadly defines EFH to include those waters and substrate necessary to fish for
spawning, breeding, feeding, or growth to maturity. See
www.greateratlantic.fisheries.noaa.gov/habitat for more information.
Fill material & discharge of fill material: Material placed in waters of the U.S. where the material
has the effect of either replacing any portion of a water of the U.S. with dry land or changing the
bottom elevation of any portion of a water of the U.S. Fill material does not include any pollutant
discharged into the water primarily to dispose of waste. These are defined at 33 CFR 323.2 (e) & (f).
Federal navigation projects (FNPs): These areas are maintained by the USACE; authorized,
constructed and maintained on the premise that they will be accessible and available to all on
equal terms; and comprised of USACE Federal anchorages, Federal channels and Federal turning
basins. The buffer zone is equal to three times the authorized depth of a FNP. The following are
FNPs in MA and more information, including the limits, is provided at
www.nae.usace.army.mil/missions/navigation >> Navigation Projects:
Andrews River, Harwich, MA
Aunt Lydia’s Cove
Beverly Harbor
Boston Harbor
Buttermilk Bay Channel
Canapitsit Channel
Cape Cod Canal
Chatham Harbor
Cohasset Harbor
Cross Rip Shoals, Nantucket
Cuttyhunk Harbor
Dorchester Bay and Neponset
Duxbury Harbor
Edgartown Harbor
Essex River
Fall River Harbor
Falmouth Harbor
Gloucester Harbor and
Annisquam River
Green Harbor
Hingham Harbor
Hyannis Harbor
Ipswich River
Island End River (Chelsea, MA)
Kingston Harbor
Lagoon Pond
Little Harbor Woods Hole
MA GPs 59 June 2023
Lynn Harbor
Malden River
Menemsha Creek
Merrimack River
Mystic River
Nantucket Harbor of Refuge
New Bedford and Fairhaven
Newburyport Harbor
Oak Bluffs Harbor
Pigeon Cove Harbor
Plymouth Harbor
Pollock Rip Shoals, Nantucket
Provincetown Harbor
Red Brook Harbor
Rockport Harbor
Salem Harbor
Sandy Bay Harbor of Refuge
Saugus River
Scituate Harbor
Sesuit Harbor
Taunton River
Vineyard Haven Harbor
Wareham Harbor
Wellfleet Harbor
Westport River and Harbor
Weymouth Back River
Weymouth Fore and Town
Winthrop Harbor
Woods Hole Channel
Flume: An open artificial water channel, in the form of a gravity chute, which leads water from a
diversion dam or weir alongside a natural flow. A flume can be used to measure the rate of flow.
FNP buffer zone: The buffer zone of a USACE Federal Navigation Project (FNP) is equal to three
times the authorized depth of the FNP.
Frac out: During horizontal directional drilling (HDD) operations, drilling fluid travels up the borehole
into a pit. When the borehole becomes obstructed or the pressure becomes too great inside the
borehole, the ground fractures and fluid escapes to the surface and may affect surface waters.
Ground disturbance: Any activity that compacts, relocates, overturns, removes, mixes, or
otherwise disturbs the ground, including under water. Ground disturbance can be caused by the use
of hand tools (shovels, pick axe, posthole digger, etc.), heavy equipment (excavators, backhoes,
bulldozers, dredgers, trenching and earthmoving equipment, etc.), and heavy trucks (large four
wheel drive trucks, dump trucks and tractor trailers, etc.). Trenching, bulldozing, dredging,
excavating, scraping, and plowing are typical examples of ground disturbance activities.
Height:width ratio: The height of structures shall at all points be equal to or exceed the width of the
deck. For the purpose of this definition, height shall be measured from the marsh substrate to the
bottom of the longitudinal support beam.
High Tide Line (HTL): The line of intersection of the land with the water's surface at the maximum
height reached by a rising tide. The high tide line may be determined, in the absence of actual data,
by a line of oil or scum along shore objects, a more or less continuous deposit of fine shell or debris
on the foreshore or berm, other physical markings or characteristics, vegetation lines, tidal gages, or
other suitable means that delineate the general height reached by a rising tide. The line
encompasses spring high tides and other high tides 58 that occur with periodic frequency but does
not include storm surges in which there is a departure from the normal or predicted reach of the tide
due to the piling up of water against a coast by strong winds. (33 CFR 328). Refer to the highest
predicted tide for the current year at the nearest NOAA tide gage. https://tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov/
Historic Property: Any prehistoric or historic site (including archaeological sites), district, building,
structure, or other object included in, or eligible for inclusion in, the National Register of Historic
Places maintained by the Secretary of the Interior. This term includes artifacts, records, and
remains that are related to and located within such properties. The term includes properties of
traditional religious and cultural importance to an Indian tribe or Native Hawaiian organization and
that meet the National Register criteria (36 CFR part 60).
Direct Impacts: Effects that are caused by the activity and occur at the same time and place (40
CFR 1508.7).
Indirect impacts: Effects that are caused by the activity and are later in time or farther removed in
distance, but are still reasonably foreseeable.
Secondary impacts: Effects on an aquatic ecosystem that are associated with a discharge of
dredged or fill materials, but do not result from the actual placement of the dredged or fill material.
MA GPs 60 June 2023
Information about secondary effects on aquatic ecosystems shall be considered prior to the time
final section 404 action is taken by permitting authorities. Some examples of secondary effects on
an aquatic ecosystem are: aquatic areas drained, flooded, fragmented; fluctuating water levels in
an impoundment and downstream associated with the operation of a dam; septic tank leaching and
surface runoff from residential or commercial developments on fill; and leachate and runoff from a
sanitary landfill located in waters of the U.S. See 40 CFR 230.11(h).
Incidental Fallback: Incidental fallback is the redeposit of small volumes of dredged material that is
incidental to excavation activity in waters of the U.S. when such material falls back to substantially
the same place as the initial removal (33 CFR 323.2(d)(2)(iii)).
In the dry: Work that is done under dry conditions, e.g., work behind cofferdams or when the
stream or tide is waterward of the work.
Independent utility: A test to determine what constitutes a single and complete non-linear project
in the USACE Regulatory Program. A project is considered to have independent utility if it would be
constructed absent the construction of other projects in the project area. Portions of a multi-phase
project that depend upon other phases of the project do not have independent utility. Phases of a
project that would be constructed even if the other phases were not built can be considered as
separate single and complete projects with independent utility.
Individual permit: A Department of the Army authorization that is issued following a case-by-case
evaluation of a specific structure or work in accordance with the procedures of 33 CFR 322, or a
specific project involving the proposed discharge(s) in accordance with the procedures of 33 CFR
323, and in accordance with the procedures of 33 CFR 325 and a determination that the proposed
discharge is in the public interest pursuant to 33 CFR 320.
Intermittent stream: An intermittent stream has flowing water during certain times of the year,
when groundwater provides water for stream flow. During dry periods, intermittent streams may not
have flowing water. Runoff from rainfall is a supplemental source of water for stream flow.
Intertidal: The area in between mean low water and the high tide line.
Living reef: See the definition of “artificial or living reef.”
Living shoreline: A term used to describe a low-impact approach with a substantial biological
component to shoreline protection and restoration along coastal shores, riparian zones, lacustrine
fringe wetlands, or oyster or mussel reef structures. This approach integrates natural features to
restore, enhance, maintain, or create habitat, functions, and processes while also functioning to
mitigate flooding or shoreline erosion. Living shorelines may stabilize banks and shores with small
fetch and gentle slopes that are subject to low-to mid-energy waves. A living shoreline has a
footprint that is made up mostly of native material. It incorporates vegetation or other living, natural
“soft” elements alone or in combination with some type of harder shoreline structure (e.g., oyster or
mussel reefs or rock sills) for added protection and stability. Living shorelines should maintain the
natural continuity of the land-water interface and retain or enhance shoreline ecological processes.
Loss of waters of the United States: Waters of the U.S. that are permanently adversely affected
by filling, flooding, excavation, or drainage because of the regulated activity. The loss of stream
bed includes the acres of stream bed that are permanently adversely affected by filling or
excavation because of the regulated activity. Permanent adverse effects include permanent
discharges of dredged or fill material that change an aquatic area to dry land, increase the bottom
elevation of a waterbody, or change the use of a waterbody. The acreage of loss of waters of the
U.S. is a threshold measurement of the impact to jurisdictional waters or wetlands for determining
whether a project may qualify for a GP; it is not a net threshold that is calculated after considering
compensatory mitigation that maybe used to offset losses of aquatic functions and services.
Waters of the U.S. temporarily filled, flooded, excavated, or drained, but restored to pre-
construction contours and elevations after construction, are not included in the measurement of
loss of waters of the U.S. Impacts resulting from activities that do not require Department of the
Army authorization, such as activities eligible for exemptions under section 404(f) of the Clean
Water Act, are not considered when calculating the loss of waters of the U.S.
MA GPs 61 June 2023
Maintenance: The repair, rehabilitation, or in-kind replacement of any previously authorized,
currently serviceable structure or fill, or of any currently serviceable structure or fill authorized by
33 CFR 330.3 – “Activities occurring before certain dates,” provided that the structure or fill is not to
be put to uses differing from those uses specified or contemplated for it in the original permit or the
most recently authorized modification. Maintenance includes minor deviations in the structure’s
configuration or filled area, including those due to changes in materials, construction techniques, or
current construction codes or safety standards that are necessary to make repair, rehabilitation, or
replacement are authorized. Currently serviceable means useable as is or with some maintenance,
but not so degraded as to essentially require reconstruction.
Maintenance Exemption: In accordance with 33 CFR 323.4(a)(2), any discharge of dredged or fill
material that may result from any of the following activities is not prohibited by or otherwise subject
to regulation under Section 404 of the CWA: “Maintenance, including emergency reconstruction of
recently damaged parts, of currently serviceable structures such as dikes, dams, levees, groins,
riprap, breakwaters, causeways, bridge abutments or approaches, and transportation structures.
Maintenance does not include any modification that changes the character, scope, or size of the
original fill design.”
Mean high water: Line on the shore reached by the plane of the average high water. Where
precise determination of the actual location of the line becomes necessary, it must be established
by survey with reference to the available tidal datum, preferably averaged over a period of 18.6
years. Less precise methods, such as observation of the “apparent shoreline” which is determined
by reference to physical markings, lines of vegetation, or changes in type of vegetation, may be
used only where an estimate is needed of the line reached by the mean high water.
Mechanized land clearing: Land clearing activities using mechanized equipment such as
backhoes or bulldozers with sheer blades, rakes or discs constitute point source discharges and
are subject to section 404 jurisdiction when they take place in wetlands or waters of the U.S
(Regulatory Guidance Letter 90-05).
Metallic mineral: Any ore or material to be excavated from the natural deposits on or in the earth
for its metallic mineral content to be used for commercial or industrial purposes. “Metallic mineral”
does not include thorium or uranium.
Minor deviations: Deviations in the structure’s configuration or filled area, including those due to
changes in materials, construction techniques, or current construction codes or safety standards,
which are necessary to make repair, rehabilitation, or replacement are permitted, provided the
adverse environmental effects resulting from such repair, rehabilitation, or replacement are minimal.
Natural Rocky Habitats: Intertidal and subtidal substrates of pebble-gravel, cobble, boulder, or
rock ledge and outcrops. Manufactured stone (e.g., cur or engineered riprap) is not considered a
natural rocky habitat. Natural rocky habitats are either found as pavement (consolidated pebble-
gravel, cobble, or boulder areas) or as a mixture with fines (i.e., clay and sand) and other
substrates. Rocky habitats as EFH are defined as follows: (1) All pebble-gravel, cobble, or boulder
pavements; (2) Pebble-gravel mixed with fines: mixed substrate of pebble-gravel and fines where
pebble-gravel is an evident component of the substrate (either through visual observation or within
sediment samples). Sediment samples with a content of 10% or more of pebble-gravel in the top
layer (6-12 inches) should be delineated; (3) Scattered cobble, scattered boulder, scattered
cobble/boulder: mixed substate of cobble and/or boulder and other substrates. The aerial extent of
cobbles and/or boulders should be delineated; and (4) All rock ledge outcrops: area should be
delineated along the edge of the ledge/outcrop (as defined by NMFS Habitat and Ecosystems
Services Branch, Gloucester, MA).
Navigable waters or Navigable waters of the U.S.: These waters are subject to section 10 of the
Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 and are defined as those waters that are subject to the ebb and
flow of the tide and/or are presently used, or have been used in the past, or may be susceptible for
use to transport interstate or foreign commerce (33 CFR Part 329). Work or structures in navigable
MA GPs 62 June 2023
waters require permits pursuant to §9 and §10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899. Also see the
definition of “waters of the U.S.” below.
Note: Currently the following non-tidal waters have been determined to be navigable waters of the
U.S. subject to permit jurisdiction in Massachusetts: Merrimack River, Connecticut River, and
Charles River to the Watertown Dam.
Nearshore disposal: This is defined in the USACE Coastal Engineering Manual as “(1) In beach
terminology an indefinite zone extending seaward from the shoreline well beyond the breaker
zone. (2) The zone which extends from the swash zone to the position marking the start of the
offshore zone, typically at water depths of the order of 20m.” A nearshore berm is an artificial berm
built in shallow water using dredged material. Often, the berm is intended to renourish the adjacent
and downdrift shore over time under the influence of waves and currents.
Non-regulated activity: Only structures or fills that were previously authorized and are in
compliance with the terms and condition of the original authorization can be maintained as a non-
regulated activity under 33 CFR 323.4(a)(2). Minor deviations from the previously authorized
footprint do not qualify as a non-regulated activity and require new authorization from the USACE.
The state’s maintenance provisions may differ from the USACE and a project may require
reporting and written authorization from the state.
Non-tidal wetlands: A non-tidal wetland is a wetland that is not subject to the ebb and flow of tidal
waters. Non-tidal wetlands contiguous to tidal waters are located landward of the HTL (i.e., spring
HTL). Also see the definition of “Waters of the U.S.” below.
Oil or natural gas pipeline: Any pipe or pipeline for the transportation of any form of oil or natural
gas, including products derived from oil or natural gas, such as gasoline, jet fuel, diesel fuel.
heating oil, petrochemical feedstocks, waxes, lubricating oils, and asphalt.
Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM): A line on the shore established by the fluctuations of water
and indicated by physical characteristics, or by other appropriate means that consider the
characteristics of the surrounding areas. See 33 CFR 328.3(e).
Overall project: The overall project, for purposes of these GPs, includes all regulated activities
that are reasonably related and necessary to accomplish the project purpose. Also see the
definition of “single and complete linear project.”
Perennial stream: A perennial stream has flowing water year-round during a typical year. The water
table is located above the stream bed for most of the year. Groundwater is the primary source of
water for stream flow. Runoff from rainfall is a supplemental source of water for stream flow.
Practicable: Available and capable of being done after taking into consideration cost, existing
technology, and logistics in light of overall project purposes.
Permanent impacts: Permanent impacts means waters of the U.S. that are permanently affected
by filling, flooding, excavation, or drainage because of the regulated activity. Permanent impacts
include permanent discharges of dredged or fill material that change an aquatic area to dry land,
increase the bottom elevation of a waterbody, or change the use of a waterbody.
Preconstruction notification (PCN): A request submitted by the applicant to the USACE for
confirmation that a particular activity is authorized by these GPs. The request may be a permit
application, letter, or similar document that includes information about the proposed work and its
anticipated environmental effects. Preconstruction notification may be required by the terms and
conditions of these GPs. A PCN may be voluntarily submitted in cases where PCN is not required
and the applicant wants confirmation that the activity is authorized under these GPs.
Preservation: The removal of a threat to, or preventing the decline of, aquatic resources by an
action in or near those aquatic resources. This term includes activities commonly associated with
the protection and maintenance of aquatic resources through the implementation of appropriate
legal and physical mechanisms. Preservation does not result in a gain of aquatic resource area or
functions (33 CFR 332.2).
Real estate subdivision: Includes circumstances where a landowner or developer divides a tract
of land into smaller parcels for the purpose of selling, conveying, transferring, leasing, or
MA GPs 63 June 2023
developing said parcels. This would include the entire area of a residential, commercial or other
real estate subdivision, including all parcels and parts thereof
Reconfiguration zone: A USACE authorized area in which permittees may rearrange pile-
supported structures and floats without additional authorizations. A reconfiguration zone does not
grant exclusive privileges to an area or an increase in structure or float area.
Re-establishment: The manipulation of the physical, chemical, or biological characteristics of a site
with the goal of returning natural/ historic functions to a former aquatic resource. Re-establishment
results in rebuilding a former aquatic resource and results in again in aquatic resource area and
functions (33 CFR 332.2).
Reference Site: Reference sites - Compensatory restoration, rehabilitation, and creation mitigation
projects should seek to duplicate the features of reference aquatic resources or enhance
connectivity with adjacent natural upland and aquatic resource landscape elements. Performance
standards related to reference sites are encouraged. Mitigation project sites must be selected
based on their ability to be, and continue to be, resistant to disturbance from the surrounding
landscape, by locating them adjacent to refuges, buffers, green spaces, and other preserved
natural elements of the landscape. In general, aquatic resource mitigation projects must be
designed to be self-sustaining, natural systems within the landscape and climate in which they are
located, with little or no ongoing maintenance and/or hydrologic manipulation.
Rehabilitation: The manipulation of the physical, chemical, or biological characteristics of a site
with the goal of repairing natural/historic functions to a degraded aquatic resource. Rehabilitation
results in a gain in aquatic resource function, but does not result in a gain in aquatic resource area
(33 CFR 332.2).
Restoration: The manipulation of the physical, chemical, or biological characteristics of a site with
the goal of returning natural/historic functions to a former or degraded aquatic resource. For the
purpose of tracking net gains in aquatic resource area, restoration is divided into two categories:
re-establishment and rehabilitation (33 CFR 332.2).
Riffle and pool complex: Riffle and pool complexes are special aquatic sites under the 404(b)(1)
Guidelines. Riffle and pool complexes sometimes characterize steep gradient sections of streams.
Such stream sections are recognizable by their hydraulic characteristics. The rapid movement of
water over a course substrate in riffles results in a rough flow, a turbulent surface, and high
dissolved oxygen levels in the water. Pools are deeper areas associated with riffles. A slower
stream velocity, a streaming flow, a smooth surface, and a finer substrate characterize pools.
Sedimentation: Sedimentation is defined as the process of deposition of a solid material from a
state of suspension. Deposited sediments may accumulate and have temporal impacts to aquatic
resource areas. See secondary effects definition above. For the purposes of this document,
“greater than minimal sedimentation” is generally not considered to occur when using proper
erosion controls (GC 25) or when sedimentation is considered “de minimis” 33 CFR 323.2(d)(5).
Single and complete linear project: A linear project is a project constructed for the purpose of
getting people, goods, or services from a point of origin to a terminal point, which often involves
multiple crossings of one or more waterbodies at separate and distant locations. The term “single
and complete project” is defined as that portion of the total linear project proposed or accomplished
by one owner/ developer or partnership or other association of owners/developers that includes all
crossings of a single water of the U.S. (i.e., a single waterbody) at a specific location. For linear
projects crossing a single or multiple waterbodies several times at separate and distant locations,
each crossing is considered a single and complete project for the purposes of these GPs.
However, individual channels in a braided stream or river, or individual arms of a large, irregularly
shaped wetland or lake, etc., are not separate waterbodies, and crossings of such features cannot
be considered separately.
Single and complete non-linear project: For non-linear projects, the term “single and complete
project” is defined at 33 CFR 330.2(i) as the total project proposed or accomplished by one
owner/developer or partnership or other association of owners/developers. A single and complete
MA GPs 64 June 2023
non-linear project must have independent utility (see the definition of “independent utility”). Single
and complete non-linear projects may not be “piecemealed” to avoid the limits in a GP
Special aquatic sites (SAS): These include inland and saltmarsh wetlands, mud flats, vegetated
shallows, sanctuaries and refuges, coral reefs, and riffle and pool complexes. These are defined at
40 CFR 230.3 and listed in 40 CFR 230 Subpart E.
Streambed: The stream substrate between the OHW marks on each side. The substrate may be
bedrock or inorganic particles that range in size from clay to boulders. Wetlands contiguous to the
streambed, but outside of the OHW marks, are not considered part of the streambed.
Stream channelization: The manipulation of a stream’s course, condition, capacity, or location
that causes more than minimal interruption of normal stream processes. A channelized stream
remains a water of the U.S.
Structure: An object that is arranged in a definite pattern of organization. Examples of structures
include, without limitation, any pier, boat dock, boat ramp, wharf, dolphin, weir, boom, breakwater,
bulkhead, revetment, riprap, jetty, artificial island, artificial reef, permanent mooring structure,
power transmission line, permanently moored floating vessel, piling, aid to navigation, or any other
manmade obstacle or obstruction.
Temporal loss: The time lag between the loss of aquatic resource functions caused by the
permitted impacts and the replacement of aquatic resource functions at the compensatory
mitigation site(s) (33 CFR 332.2).
Temporary impacts: Temporary impacts include, but are not limited to, jurisdictional waters that
are temporarily filled, flooded, excavated, or drained because of the regulated activity. Impacts are
considered temporary when they are removed immediately upon completion of the activity. Note:
An impact is considered temporary when the aquatic resource is restored to pre-project conditions,
but effects to archaeological and/or cultural resources may be permanent in duration.
Tidal wetlands: A wetland that is subject to the ebb and flow of the tide. See the definition of
“Waters of the U.S.” below.
Tide gates: Structures such as duckbills, flap gates, manual and self-regulating tide gates, etc.
that regulate or prevent upstream tidal flows.
Turbidity: A measure of the level of particles such as sediment, plankton, or organic by-products,
in a body of water. As the turbidity of water increases, it becomes denser and less clear due to a
higher concentration of these light-blocking particles. Suspended solids are more likely to carry
toxic chemicals, and can also negatively affect aquatic organisms, water temperature, and
dissolved oxygen levels.
Utility line: Any pipe or pipeline for the transportation of any gaseous, liquid, liquescent, or slurry
substance, for any purpose that is not oil, natural gas, or petrochemicals. A utility line also includes
any cable, line, or wire for the transmission for any purpose of electrical energy, telephone, and
telegraph messages, and radio and television communication. The term ‘utility line’ does not
include activities that drain a water of the U.S., such as drainage tile or French drains, but it does
apply to pipes conveying drainage from another area.
Vegetated shallows: Permanently inundated areas that under normal circumstances support
communities of rooted aquatic vegetation, such as eelgrass (Zostera marina) and widgeon grass
(Rupia maritima) in marine systems (does not include salt marsh) as well as a number of
freshwater species in rivers and lakes. These are a type of SAS defined at 40 CFR 230.43.
Vegetated shallows are commonly referred to as submerged aquatic vegetation or SAV. Vegetated
shallow survey guidance is located at www.nae.usace.army.mil/missions/regulatory /jurisdiction-
and-wetlands. Maps of vegetated shallows in Massachusetts are located at
Vernal pools: For the purposes of these GPs, vernal pools are depressional wetland basins that
typically dry up in most years and may contain inlets or outlets, typically of intermittent flow. Vernal
pools range in both size and depth depending upon landscape position and parent material(s). In
MA GPs 65 June 2023
most years, vernal pools support one or more of the following obligate indicator species: wood frog,
spotted salamander, blue-spotted salamander, marbled salamander, Jefferson’s salamander and
fairy shrimp. However, they should preclude sustainable populations of predatory fish.
Water diversions: Water diversions are activities such as bypass pumping (e.g., “dam and pump”)
or water withdrawals. Temporary flume pipes, culverts or cofferdams where normal flows are
maintained within the stream boundary’s confines aren’t water diversions. “Normal flows” are
defined as no change in flow from pre-project conditions.
Waters of the United States (U.S.) These waterbodies are the waters where permits are required
for the discharge of dredged or fill material pursuant to §404 of the CWA. These waters include but
are not limited to navigable waters of the U.S. and tidal wetlands and include many non-tidal
wetlands and other waterbodies. See definitions for navigable waters of the U.S., tidal wetlands,
waterbody, and non-tidal wetlands. (33 CFR 328)
Waterbody: Examples of “waterbodies” include oceans, coastal waters, rivers, streams, ditches,
lakes, ponds, and wetlands. If a wetland is adjacent to a waterbody determined to be a water of the
U.S., that waterbody and any adjacent wetlands are considered together as a single aquatic unit
(see 33 CFR 328.4(c)(2)).
Weir: A barrier across a river designed to alter the flow characteristics. In most cases, weirs take
the form of a barrier, smaller than most conventional dams, across a river that causes water to pool
behind the structure and allows water to flow over the top. Weirs are commonly used to alter the
flow regime of a river, prevent flooding, measure discharge and help render a river navigable.
Wetland: Wetlands are areas that are inundated or saturated by surface or ground water at a
frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances do support, a
prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions. Wetlands generally
include swamps, marshes, bogs, and similar areas. The Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation
Manual in conjunction with the associated regional supplement should be used to determine if a
wetland is present and delineate wetland boundaries.
MA GPs 66 June 2023
BMPs Best Management Practices
BUAR Massachusetts Board of Underwater Archaeological Resources
CWA Clean Water Act
CZM Coastal Zone Management
EPA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
ESA Endangered Species Act
EFH Essential Fish Habitat
FNP Federal Navigation Project
GC General Condition
GP General Permit
HTL High Tide Line
IP Individual Permit
LID Low impact development
MassDEP Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection
MA DMF Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries
MHC Massachusetts Historical Commission
MHW Mean High Water
MLLW Mean Lower Low Water
MLW Mean Low Water
NHPA National Historic Preservation Act
NMFS National Marine Fisheries Service
OHW Ordinary High Water Mark
PCN Preconstruction Notification
SAS Special Aquatic Sites
SF Square Feet
SV Self-Verification
SHPO State Historic Preservation Officer
THPO Tribal Historic Preservation Officer
USFWS U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
USCG U.S. Coast Guard
USFS U.S. Forest Service
USGS U.S. Geological Service
WQC Water Quality Certification
MA GPs 67 June 2023
Appendix A: Guidance for NHPA Section 106 Compliance in Massachusetts
1. Purpose & Applicability
Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended (NHPA) (54 U.S.C §
306108), requires Federal agencies to take into account the effects of their undertakings on Historic
Properties and afford the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation a reasonable opportunity to
comment on such undertakings. Therefore, in order for an activity to be eligible for authorization
under the 2023 Massachusetts General Permit, the USACE must consider the effect the activity may
have on historic properties. Historic properties may include, but are not limited to, historic districts,
archaeological districts, sites, buildings, structures, objects, sacred sites, traditional cultural places,
and traditional cultural landscapes that are included in, or eligible for inclusion in, the National
Register of Historic Places (NRHP).
This guidance applies to projects that require authorization under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act
(33 U.S.C. § 1344) and/or Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act (33 U.S.C. §403) and will assist
applicants when evaluating and documenting the presence of historic properties within or near their
project site(s). The prospective applicant will evaluate their proposed project using the criteria below
to determine if their project has the potential to affect historic properties and if so, whether or not
historic properties are present or are likely to be present. All activities authorized under these GPs
shall follow the terms outlined in General Condition 14: Historic Properties and General Condition 6:
Tribal Rights & Burial Sites. Prospective applicants shall complete their due diligence according to
the procedures below for their application to be deemed complete.
2. No Potential to Affect Historic Properties
Certain activities do not have the potential to cause effects on historic properties, assuming such
historic properties were present, based on the nature of the activity and site-specific conditions.
Therefore, these activities do not require historic property identification efforts or notification of the
SHPO, THPOs, and/or BUAR under Section 106. The USACE has determined the following
activities within the stated parameters have no potential to affect historic properties:
General Permit Activity Parameters
1 Temporary buoys, markers and similar structures that are placed during winter
events on ice and removed before spring thaw.
2 Repair or rehabilitation of structures that are less than 45 years in age. Any
temporary structures or fills or work necessary to complete repairs or
rehabilitation must not result in any ground disturbance.
3 Maintenance and replacement of moorings that are less than 45 years in age.
Maintenance, repair, replacement, or removal of utility lines, oil or natural gas
pipelines, outfall or intake structures, and/or appurtenant features that are less
than 45 years in age when all access, staging, and ground disturbance is
strictly limited to previously disturbed areas (including any previous ground
disturbance). Replacement must be in kind or smaller in size.
Installation of tide gates on outfall structures that are less than 45 years in age.
7 Maintenance dredging of previously dredged areas where dredging does not
extend beyond the original bottom elevations.
MA GPs 68 June 2023
Disposal of dredged material at an existing established and USACE-approved
confined aquatic disposal cell.
Beach nourishment in ongoing existing nourishment areas.
11 Fish and wildlife harvesting and attraction devices and activities.
13 Cleanup of hazardous and toxic waste materials, including contaminated
sediments, that are less than 45 years in age.
16 Removal of land-based and water-based renewable energy generation facilities
and hydropower projects that are less than 45 years in age.
Installation of buoys, floats, racks, trays, nets, lines, tubes, containers, and
other structures for previously authorized by the USACE and ongoing
aquaculture activities.
Discharges of dredged or fill material into tidal or non-tidal waters necessary for
shellfish seeding, rearing, cultivating, transplanting, and harvesting activities for
previously authorized and ongoing aquaculture activities.
Maintenance activities for existing living shorelines excluding maintenance
activities that require new ground disturbance such as excavation or re-sloping
of the bank/shoreline.
22 Reshaping or maintenance of existing drainage ditches less than 45 years in
age excluding ditch enlargement.
Placement of temporary and removable linear transportation and
wetland/stream crossings that have no ground disturbance prior to placement,
during placement, and during removal (i.e., placed on the surface and
subsequently removed within one year of placement).
Placement of temporary and removable crossings and cofferdams that have no
ground disturbance prior to placement, during placement, and during removal
(i.e., placed on the surface and subsequently removed within one year of
25 Emergency repair of existing structures and/or fills less than 45 years in age.
3. Historic Property Identification
If the activity does not fit under the criteria above, the following historic property identification efforts
must be completed to demonstrate compliance with Section 106 of the NHPA. This includes
documenting previously identified and unidentified historic properties in the project area.
a. Previously Identified Historic Properties: The prospective applicant shall document if previously
identified historic properties are present on or adjacent to the project site by notifying the
Massachusetts Historical Commission (MHC) and the Massachusetts Board of Underwater
Archaeological Resources (BUAR), as appropriate, of the proposed project. The MHC and BUAR
will check their records for the presence of any previously identified historic properties. The following
outlines how prospective applicants should notify the MHC and BUAR.
MA GPs 69 June 2023
i. The prospective applicant will notify the SHPO and BUAR to identify any previously recorded
cultural resources. Applicants shall mail a completed Project Notification Form18, project narrative,
location (coordinates), plans, soil maps, and information on known cultural resources to the MHC.
The MHC does not accept submissions via email. Applicants shall email or mail this information to
the BUAR when the activity is located in lakes, ponds, rivers, and/or navigable waters in MA.
Emailed file attachments should be <10MB. Any files >10MB shall be delivered via a file exchange
system or the hard copy documents shall be mailed. Preferred contact information is listed below.
ii. When sending this information, applicants must also document proof of receipt OR proof
the information was delivered. Proof of receipt constitutes a certified mail receipt, read email
receipt, or other mail/email/online tracking services that document the information has reached the
intended recipient(s). Proof the information was delivered constitutes a certificate of mailing, email
delivery receipt, or other mail/email/online services that document the information was sent at a
particular time. When using proof of delivery such (e.g., certificate of mailing), applicants should
add 5 days to the 30-day notification period so the mail has time to reach its intended recipient.
When using proof of receipt, the applicant may begin the 30-day notification period from the date
received by the intended recipient.
iii. When mailing or emailing the application materials, applicants should include the following
statement: “Please send responses to this notification directly to the USACE via email: cenae-r-
ma@usace.army.mil or address regular mail responses to: Regulatory Division, U.S. Army Corps
of Engineers, New England District, 696 Virginia Road, Concord, Massachusetts 01742-2751.”
Email responses to the USACE are strongly preferred. The SHPO and BUAR will contact the
USACE and cc the applicant(s) within 30 days of receiving the notification if their records indicate
that historic properties are located in the project vicinity, and if additional review and/or surveys are
recommended to ensure NHPA compliance. If the SHPO and/or BUAR do not respond within 30
days of receiving the notification, is it presumed that no known historic properties are present.
b. Previously Unidentified Historic Properties: The prospective applicant shall evaluate the project
site and determine the sensitivity for the presence of historic properties if the project site has not
been previously surveyed for cultural resources within the last 10 years. If the sensitivity is
determined to be moderate to high, an intensive archaeological and/or architectural survey is
required to investigate the potential presence of historic properties. The individual conducting this
survey must meet the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Professional Qualifications (48 FR
44738-44739) in the discipline relevant to a particular resource type. For example, archeologists
should not document and evaluate buildings or structures and architectural historians should not
document and evaluate archaeological sites. The identification and qualifications for those
participating in any survey and evaluation of resources should be included with the survey results.
The criteria listed below are indicators of low sensitivity for the presence of historic properties for
consideration when determining if an archaeological or architectural survey is needed.
Low sensitivity indicators:
• Previous archaeological and/or architectural survey within the last 10 years with negative results.
• In a location created in modern times (i.e., built on fill placed within the last 45 years or within
an area excavated within the last 45 years).
• USACE has reviewed the project description and determined that a survey is not warranted
based on the proposed activity and its location.
State survey guidance and standards are provided in the September 1995 Historic Properties
Survey Manual Guidelines for the Identification of Historical and Archaeological Resources in
Massachusetts available. State survey guidance and standards for underwater surveys are provided
18 https://www.sec.state.ma.us/mhc/mhcform/formidx.htm
MA GPs 70 June 2023
in the Board of Underwater Archaeological Resources’ 2022 Policy Guidance on Archaeological
Investigations and Related Survey Standards for the Discovery of Underwater Archaeological
Resources. This guidance is available on the NAE Regulatory website: https://www.nae.usace.
Please note, a negative result from MHC and/or BUAR does not necessarily mean no historic
properties are present. Often proposed project sites have not been previously subject to a survey,
so historic properties which may be present have not been previously recorded.
4. Tribal Coordination
Prospective applicants shall mail the Project Notification Form, project narrative, location
(coordinates), plans with locus map, soil maps, and information on cultural resources to the
Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah), Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe, Narragansett Indian
Tribe, and/or Stockbridge-Munsee Community Band of Mohican Indians with interests in the project
location. Preferred tribal contact information, including their respective areas of interest, can be
found below. Applicants shall follow the same procedures as identified in Section 3(a)i-iii above
when notifying Tribes of the proposed activity. Applicants shall provide the USACE with any
responses received from the tribe(s) with their PCN application. If a tribe does not respond within 30
days of receiving the notification, the applicant shall provide USACE with all documentation of tribal
outreach with their SV or PCN submission (e.g., emails, letters, phone call log, etc.). If the tribe
indicates the presence of a previously unrecorded cultural resource, including a traditional cultural
property (TCP) or traditional cultural landscape (TCL), a PCN is required.
5. Effect Determination
The project may have the potential to affect historic properties and/or tribal resources if 1)
notification recipients respond within 30 calendar days of notification with concerns, 2) historic
properties eligible for listing, or potentially eligible for listing in the NRHP, are present or 3) tribal
resources are known to be present. The USACE may need to further review the project to confirm
potential effects to historic properties and/or tribal resources. A PCN is required for any activity that
may affect a historic property.
The USACE may determine the project will have ‘no effect’ on historic properties (i.e., no historic
properties affected) when procedures outlined in Section 3 above are followed and no cultural
resources are identified. Similarly, if historic properties are identified and will be completely avoided,
the USACE may determine ‘no effect.’
6. Contact Information:
Massachusetts Historical Commission
The Massachusetts Archives Building
220 Morrissey Boulevard
Boston, Massachusetts 02125
No email. Applicants or their representatives must send project information via certified mail and
submit the certified mail receipt to the USACE or send via regular mail and submit proof of delivery.
Area of concern: All of Massachusetts.
MA GPs 71 June 2023
Massachusetts Board of Underwater Archaeological Resources (BUAR)
100 Cambridge Street, Suite 900
Boston, Massachusetts 02114
Email: david.s.robinson@mass.gov
Applicants or their representatives must send project information via email (strongly preferred) or
regular mail and provide proof of receipt or proof of delivery.
Area of concern: All waterbodies in Massachusetts.
Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah)
Bettina Washington
Tribal Historic Preservation Officer (THPO)
20 Black Brook Road
Aquinnah, Massachusetts 02535
Email: thpo@wampanoagtribe-nsn.gov
Applicants or their representative must send project information via email (preferred) or regular mail
and provide proof of receipt or proof of delivery.
Area of concern: All of Massachusetts.
Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe
ATTN: David Weeden
Tribal Historic Preservation Officer (THPO)
483 Great Neck Road South
Mashpee, Massachusetts 02649
Email: 106review@mwtribe-nsn.gov
Cc: David.weeden@mwtribe-nsn.gov
Applicants or their representative must send project information via email (preferred) or regular mail
and provide proof of receipt or proof of delivery.
Area of concern: All of Massachusetts.
Narragansett Indian Tribe
ATTN: John Brown
Tribal Historic Preservation Officer (THPO)
Narragansett Indian Longhouse
4425 South County Trail
Charlestown, Rhode Island 02813
Email: tashtesook@aol.com
Applicants or their representative must send project information via email (preferred) or regular mail
and provide proof of receipt or proof of delivery.
Area of concern: Massachusetts east of the Connecticut River.
MA GPs 72 June 2023
Stockbridge-Munsee Community Band of Mohican Indians
ATTN: Jeff Bendremer
Tribal Historic Preservation Manager
Stockbridge-Munsee Community
Tribal Historic Preservation Extension office
86 Spring Street
Williamstown, Massachusetts 01267
Email: thpo@mohican-nsn.gov
Applicants or their representative must send project information via email (preferred) or regular mail
and provide proof of receipt or proof of delivery.
Area of concern: West of the Connecticut River and Northfield, Montague, Miller’s Falls, Turner’s
Falls, Sunderland, Amherst, Hadley, South Hadley, Chicopee, Springfield and Longmeadow.
MA GPs 73 June 2023
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), New England District (NAE)
Authority Rivers and Harbors Act, Section 10, 33 USC 403; Clean Water Act, Section 404, 33 USC 1344; Regulatory Programs of the Corps of
Engineers; Final Rule 33 CFR 320-332.
Principal Purpose The information provided will be used in evaluating activities under Pre-Construction Notification procedures within New England.
Routine Uses
This information may be shared with other federal, state, and local government agencies during the application review process. Submission
of requested information is voluntary. However, if information is not provided the PCN application cannot be fully evaluated nor can USACE
render a permit decision.
The applicant must complete ALL required sections of this document before their submission to USACE. The PCN submission to USACE
shall include one set of drawings which show the location and character of the proposed activity, statements that address each required field
below, and documentation that supports each field (e.g., emails, letters, description/narrative, phone calls, surveys, reports, etc.). Electronic
submissions to the following address are strongly preferred: cenae-r-ma@usace.army.mil. The email subject line shall contain the following:
General Permit #, PCN, City/Town, and date submitted. An application that is not completed in full will be returned.
Middle - Last -
8.AUTHORIZED AGENT'S NAME AND TITLE (agent is not required)
First - Middle - Last -
Company -
E-mail Address -
First -
Company -
E-mail Address -
City - State - Zip - Country - City - State - Zip - Country -
a.Residence b.Business c.Fax d.Mobile
a.Residence b.Business c.Fax d.Mobile
11.I hereby authorize, to act on my behalf as my agent in the processing of this general permit PCN application and to
furnish, upon request, supplemental information in support of this general permit PCN application.
12.PROJECT NAME or TITLE (see instructions)
City: State: Zip: 15. LOCATION OF PROPOSED ACTIVITY (see instructions)
Latitude: °N Longitude: °W
Page 2 of 6
State Tax Parcel ID: Municipality:
Section: Township: Range:
21. PURPOSE OF GENERAL PERMIT ACTIVITY (Describe the reason or purpose of the project, see instructions)
22. Quantity of Wetlands, Streams, or Other Types of Waters Directly Affected by Proposed General Permit Activity (see instructions)
Area (square feet) Length (linear feet) Volume (cubic yards) Duration Purpose
Each PCN must include a delineation of wetlands, other special aquatic sites, and other waters, such as lakes and ponds, and perennial, intermittent,
and ephemeral streams, on the project site.
23.List any other GP(s), regional general permit(s), or individual permit(s) used or intended to be used to authorize any part of the proposed project on any
related activity (see instructions)
24. If the proposed activity will result in the loss of aquatic resources that exceed those identified in the New England District Compensatory Mitigation Thresholds,
explain how the compensatory mitigation requirement will be satisfied. (see instructions)
Page 3 of 6
25.Is Any Portion of the General Permit Activity Already Complete?Yes No If Yes, describe the completed work:
26.List the name(s) of any species listed as endangered or threatened under the Endangered Species Act that might be affected by the proposed GP activity or
utilize the designated critical habitat that might be affected by the proposed GP activity. (see instructions)
27.List any historic properties that have the potential to be affected by the proposed GP activity or include a vicinity map indicating the location of the historic
property or properties. Attach relevant project information, along with any responses received from project notifications to this submittal. (see instructions)
28. For a proposed GP activity that will occur in a component of the National Wild and Scenic River System, or in a river officially designated by Congress as a
“study river” for possible inclusion in the system while the river is in an official study status, identify the Wild and Scenic River or the “study river”:
29.If the proposed GP activity also requires permission from the USACE pursuant to 33 U.S.C. 408 because it will alter or temporarily or permanently occupy or
use a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers federally authorized civil works project, have you submitted a written request for section 408 permission from the USACE
district having jurisdiction over that project? Yes No
If “yes”, please provide the date your request was submitted to the USACE District:
30.Does the activity require a 401 Water Quality Certification (WQC)? If so, specify the type of 401 WQC that is required (general or individual). In cases where
an individual 401 WQC is required, provide the date the 401 WQC certification request was submitted to the certifying authority and their contact information.
31.If the terms of the GP(s) you want to use require additional information to be included in the PCN (i.e. sampling and analysis plan), please include that
information in this space or provide it on an additional sheet of paper marked Block 30. (see instructions)
32.I certify that the information in this pre-construction notification is complete and accurate. I further certify that I possess the authority to undertake the work
described herein or am acting as the duly authorized agent of the applicant.
The Pre-Construction Notification must be signed by the person who desires to undertake the proposed activity (applicant) and, if the statement in block 11 has
been filled out and signed, the authorized agent.
18 U.S.C. Section 1001 provides that: Whoever, in any manner within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States knowingly and willfully
falsifies, conceals, or covers up any trick, scheme, or disguises a material fact or makes any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements or representations or makes
or uses any false writing or document knowing same to contain any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements or entry, shall be fined not more than $10,000 or
imprisoned not more than five years or both.
Page 4 of 6
Instructions for Preparing a
Department of the Army
General Permit (GP) Pre-Construction Notification (PCN)
Blocks 1 through 4. To be completed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
Block 5. Applicant’ Name. Enter the name and the e-mail address of the responsible party or parties. If the responsible party is an agency, company, corporation,
or other organization, indicate the name of the organization and responsible officer and title. If more than one party is associated with the PCN, please attach a
sheet of paper with the necessary information marked Block 5.
Block 6. Address of Applicant. Please provide the full address of the party or parties responsible for the PCN. If more space is needed, attach an extra sheet of
paper marked Block 6.
Block 7. Applicant Telephone Number(s). Please provide the telephone number where you can usually be reached during normal business hours.
Blocks 8 through 11. To be completed, if you choose to have an agent.
Block 8. Authorized Agent’s Name and Title. Indicate name of individual or agency, designated by you, to represent you in this process. An agent can be an
attorney, builder, contractor, engineer, consultant, or any other person or organization. Note: An agent is not required.
Blocks 9 and 10. Agent’s Address and Telephone Number. Please provide the complete mailing address of the agent, along with the telephone number where
they can be reached during normal business hours.
Block 11. Statement of Authorization. To be completed by the applicant, if an agent is to be employed.
Block 12. Proposed General Permit Activity Name or Title. Please provide a name identifying the proposed GP activity, e.g., Windward Marina, Rolling Hills
Subdivision, or Smith Commercial Center.
Block 13. Name of Waterbody. Please provide the name (if it has a name) of any stream, lake, marsh, or other waterway to be directly impacted by the GP
activity. If it is a minor (no name) stream, identify the waterbody the minor stream enters.
Block 14. Proposed Activity Street Address. If the proposed GP activity is located at a site having a street address (not a box number), enter it in Block 14.
Block 15. Location of Proposed Activity. Enter the latitude and longitude of where the proposed GP activity is located. Indicate whether the project location
provided is the center of the project or whether the project location is provided as the latitude and longitude for each of the “corners” of the project area requiring
evaluation. If there are multiple sites, please list the latitude and longitude of each site (center or corners) on a separate sheet of paper and mark as Block 15.
Block 16. Other Location Descriptions. If available, provide the Tax Parcel Identification number of the site, Section, Township, and Range of the site (if known),
and / or local Municipality where the site is located.
Block 17. Directions to the Site. Provide directions to the site from a known location or landmark. Include highway and street numbers as well as names. Also
provide distances from known locations and any other information that would assist in locating the site. You may also provide a description of the location of the
proposed GP activity, such as lot numbers, tract numbers, or you may choose to locate the proposed GP activity site from a known point (such as the right
descending bank of Smith Creek, one mile downstream from the Highway 14 bridge). If a large river or stream, include the river mile of the proposed GP activity
site if known. If there are multiple locations, please indicate directions to each location on a separate sheet of paper and mark as Block 17.
Block 18. Identify the Specific General Permit(s) You Propose to Use. List the number(s) of the General Permit(s) you want to use to authorize the proposed
activity (e.g., GP 4).
Block 19. Description of the Proposed General Permit Activity. Describe the proposed GP activity, including the direct and indirect adverse environmental
effects of the proposed activity. The description of the proposed activity should be sufficiently detailed for USACE to determine that the adverse environmental
effects of the activity will be no more than minimal. Identify the materials to be used in construction, as well as the methods by which the work is to be done.
Provide drawings to show that the proposed GP activity complies with the terms of the applicable GP(s). Drawings should contain sufficient detail to provide an
illustrative description of the proposed GP activity, but do not need to be detailed engineering plans. The written descriptions and illustrations are an important
part of the application. Please describe, in detail, what you wish to do. If more space is needed, attach an extra sheet of paper marked Block 19.
Block 20: Description of Proposed Mitigation Measures. Describe any proposed mitigation measures intended to reduce the adverse environmental effects
caused by the proposed GP activity. The description of any proposed mitigation measures should be sufficiently detailed for USACE to determine how the
measures would avoid and minimize adverse environmental effects. If adverse effects exceed the New England District compensatory mitigation thresholds, you
must document how compensatory mitigation would be satisfied in Block 24.
Block 21. Purpose of General Permit Activity. Describe the purpose and need for the proposed GP activity. What will it be used for and why? Also include a
brief description of any related activities associated with the proposed project. Provide the approximate dates you plan to begin and complete all work.
Page 5 of 6
Block 22. Quantity of Wetlands, Streams, or Other Types of Waters Directly Affected by the Proposed General Permit Activity. For discharges of dredged
or fill material into Waters of the U.S., provide the amount of wetlands, streams, or other types of waters filled, flooded, excavated, or drained by the proposed GP
activity. For structures or work in Navigable Waters of the U.S. subject to Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899, provide the amount of navigable
waters filled, dredged, occupied by one or more structures (e.g., aids to navigation, mooring buoys) by the proposed GP activity. The area of impact includes the
structures or fills with direct or indirect effects to waters of the U.S. The length of impact includes the length of a stream, including is banks, that are directly affected
by the structures or fills. The duration of impact should be identified as temporary (xx days) or permanent. The impact purpose should briefly describe what structure
or fill is responsible for the impact.
Block 23. Identify Any Other General Permit(s), Regional General Permit(s), or Individual Permit(s) Used to Authorize Any Part of Proposed Activity or
Any Related Activity. List any other GP(s) or individual permit(s) used or intended to be used to authorize any part of the proposed project or any related activity.
For linear projects, list other separate and distant crossings of waters and wetlands authorized by these GPs that do not require PCNs. If more space is needed,
attach an extra sheet of paper marked Block 23.
Block 24. Compensatory Mitigation Statement for Losses Greater Than the New England District Compensatory Mitigation Thresholds. New England
District requires compensatory mitigation at a minimum one for one replacement ratio or greater for all aquatic resource losses that require a PCN and exceed the
New England District Compensatory Mitigation Thresholds, unless USACE determines in writing that either some other form of mitigation is more environmentally
appropriate or the adverse environmental effects of the proposed GP activity are no more than minimal without compensatory mitigation, and provides an activity
specific waiver of this requirement. Describe the proposed compensatory mitigation for wetland losses greater than the New England District Compensatory
Mitigation Thresholds or provide an explanation of why USACE should not require wetland compensatory mitigation for the proposed GP activity. If more space
is needed, attach an extra sheet of paper marked Block 24.
Block 25. Is Any Portion of the General Permit Activity Already Complete? Describe any work that has already been completed for the GP activity.
Block 26. List the Name(s) of Any Species Listed As Endangered or Threatened under the Endangered Species Act that Might be Affected by the
General Permit Activity. If you are not a federal agency, and if any listed species or designated critical habitat might be affected or is in the vicinity of the proposed
GP activity, or if the proposed GP activity is located in designated critical habitat, list the name(s) of those endangered or threatened species that might be affected
by the proposed GP activity or utilize the designated critical habitat that might be affected by the proposed GP activity. If you are a Federal agency, and the
proposed GP activity requires a PCN, you must provide documentation demonstrating compliance with Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act.
Block 27. List Any Historic Properties that Have the Potential to be Affected by the General Permit Activity. If you are not a federal agency, and if any
historic properties have the potential to be affected by the proposed GP activity, list the name(s) of those historic properties that have the potential to be affected
by the proposed GP activity. Provide all relevant documentation about these historic properties in the PCN submittal. If you are a Federal agency, and the proposed
GP activity requires a PCN, you must provide documentation demonstrating compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act.
Block 28. List the Wild and Scenic River or Congressionally Designated Study River if the General Permit Activity Would Occur in such a River. If the
proposed GP activity will occur in a river in the National Wild and Scenic River System or in a river officially designated by Congress as a “study river” under the
Wild and Scenic Rivers Act, provide the name of the river. For a list of Wild and Scenic Rivers and study rivers, please visit http://www.rivers.gov/
Block 29. General Permit Activities that also Require Permission from the USACE Under 33 U.S.C. 408. If the proposed GP activity also requires permission
from the USACE under 33 U.S.C. 408 because it will temporarily or permanently alter, occupy, or use a USACE federal authorized civil works project, indicate
whether you have submitted a written request for section 408 permission from the USACE district having jurisdiction over that project.
Block 30. 401 Water Quality Certification. As described above, specify if the activity requires a 401 WQC from the certifying authority.
Block 31. Other Information Required For General Permit Pre Construction Notifications. The terms of some of the General Permits include additional
information requirements for preconstruction notifications:
*Maintenance – information regarding the original design capacities and configurations of the outfalls, intakes, small impoundments, and canals.
* Temporary Construction, Access, and Dewatering – a restoration plan showing how all temporary fills and structures will be removed and the area restored
to pre-project conditions.
* Repair of Uplands Damaged by Discrete Events – documentation, such as a recent topographic survey or photographs, to justify the extent of the
proposed restoration.
* Commercial Shellfish Aquaculture Activities – (1) a map showing the boundaries of the project area, with latitude and longitude coordinates for each corner
of the project area; (2) the name(s) of the species that will be cultivated during the period this GP is in effect; (3) whether canopy predator nets will be used; (4)
whether suspended cultivation techniques will be used; and (5) general water depths in the project area (a detailed survey is not required).Dredging – (1) a
proposed sampling and analysis plan shall be provided to USACE for approval prior to its execution. Pre-application meetings are encouraged.
* Beach Nourishment – sediment grain size should be determined for the length of the beach where nourishment is proposed. The frequency and locations of
sediment sampling shall be sufficient to identify the sediment composition of the beach profile. This data shall be consolidated to generate a sediment
gradation curve for each sampled transect. Each sampled transect should also be identified on the project plans (drawings).
If more space is needed, attach an extra sheet of paper marked Box 31.
Page 6 of 6
Block 32. Signature of Applicant or Agent. The PCN must be signed by the person proposing to undertake the GP activity, and if applicable, the authorized
party (agent) that prepared the PCN. The signature of the person proposing to undertake the GP activity shall be an affirmation that the party submitting the PCN
possesses the requisite property rights to undertake the GP activity (including compliance with special conditions, mitigation, etc.).
Each PCN must include a delineation of wetlands, other special aquatic sites, and other waters, such as lakes and ponds, and perennial, intermittent, and
ephemeral streams, on the project site. Wetland delineations must be prepared in accordance with the current wetland delineation manual and regional
supplement published by the USACE. The permittee may ask the USACE to delineate the special aquatic sites and other waters on the project site, but there
may be a delay if the USACE does the delineation, especially if the project site is large or contains many wetlands, other special aquatic sites, and other waters.
The 60-day PCN review period will not start until a delineation has been completed.
General Information.
Three types of illustrations are needed to properly depict the work to be undertaken. These illustrations or drawings are identified as a Vicinity Map, a Plan View
or a Typical Cross Section Map. Identify each illustration with a figure or attachment number. For linear projects (e.g. roads, subsurface utility lines, etc.) gradient
drawings should also be included. Please submit one copy of all drawings on 8½ x 11 inch plain white paper (electronic submissions preferred). Use the fewest
number of sheets necessary for your drawings or illustrations. Each illustration should identify the project, the applicant, and the type of illustration (vicinity map,
plan view, or cross section). While illustrations need not be professional (many small, private project illustrations are prepared by hand), they should be clear,
accurate, and contain all necessary information.
For proposed GP activities that involve discharges into waters of the United States, water quality certification from the State, Tribe, or EPA must be obtained or
waived. Some States, Tribes, or EPA have issued water quality certification for one or more GPs. Please check the New England District website to see if water
quality certification has already been issued for the GP(s) you wish to use. For proposed GP activities in coastal states, state Coastal Zone Management Act
consistency concurrence must be obtained, or a presumption of concurrence must occur. Some States have issued Coastal Zone Management Act consistency
concurrences for one or more GPs. Please check the New England District website to see if Coastal Zone Management Act consistency concurrence has
already been issued for the GP(s) you wish to use.
MA GPs 74 June 2023
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)
Authority Rivers and Harbors Act, Section 10, 33 USC 403; Clean Water Act, Section 404, 33 USC 1344; Regulatory Programs of the Corps of
Engineers; Final Rule 33 CFR 320-332.
Principal Purpose This information will be used in evaluating activities under Self-Verification procedures within Massachusetts.
Routine Uses
Routine uses will include: (1) Documenting compliance with the terms and conditions of the General Permit (GP) for activities that may
require authorization pursuant to one or more of USACE’s Regulatory authorities. (2) Records may be referred to other Federal, State,
and local agencies for evaluation and enforcement purposes.
Failure to fully comply and abide by the GP terms and conditions prior to commencing work and after completion project may result in
formal enforcement action, up to and including monetary penalties and/or legal action, pursuant to 33 CFR Part 326.
Instructions The permittee must complete ALL required sections of this document before commencing USACE-regulated activities. A copy of this
completed SVN must be kept on site during construction and be made available for review by USACE and other Federal, State, & Local
regulatory authorities at any time. Within 30 days of initiating project construction, the permittee shall submit the completed SVN to
USACE. The SVN shall be submitted to USACE as ONE signed document that includes project plans and documentation that supports
each field (e.g., emails, letters, description, phone calls, surveys). Electronic submissions to the following address are strongly preferred:
cenae-r-ma-sv@usace.army.mil. The email subject line shall contain the following: GP #, SVN, City/Town, and date submitted.
First -Middle - Last -
First -Middle - Last -
Company -Company -
E-mail Address -E-mail Address -
City -State - Zip - Country - City -State - Zip - Country -
a. Residence b. Business c.Fax
a. Residence b. Business c.Fax
13.PROJECT COORDINATES (in decimal degrees)
Latitude: ◦N Longitude: ◦W
14.PROJECT STREET ADDRESS (if applicable)
City - State - Zip -
1 6 11 16 21
2 7 12 17 22
3 8 13 18 23
4 9 14 19 24
5 10 15 20 25
16.SUMMARY OF PROJECT IMPACTS (see instructions)
Area (square feet) Length (linear feet) Volume (cubic yards) Duration
a.Plans shall at least contain the following: Vicinity Map, Plan View, and Typical Cross Section View of the proposed activity.
b.All direct, indirect and secondary impacts from USACE regulated activities are shown on the project plans.
c.The size of the impact area for each activity (acre, square feet, linear feet) are shown on the project plans.
d.For discharges of fill material (§404), the volume of fill material is identified on the project plans.
e.The duration of each impact, permanent or temporary (X days), is identified on the project plans.
f.Do activities with permanent impacts result in the loss of waters? If so, this is identified on the project plans.
g.All aquatic resources in the vicinity of the USACE regulated activities are delineated on the project plans.
a. The project has been designed to avoid and minimize impacts to aquatic resources.
b. The footprint of activities in waters of the U.S. has been reduced to only what is necessary to achieve the overall project purpose.
c.All practicable measures have been taken to avoid and minimize impacts to aquatic resources through construction techniques and site access (e.g.,
Best Management Practices, Time of Year Restrictions).
d.All temporary impacts from USACE regulated activities will be restored upon completion of construction and the project area will be returned to pre-
construction contours and conditions.
19.DUE DILIGENCE (see instructions)
Complete the entries below to document compliance with the following Federal requirements. Construction may NOT begin if a PCN is/may be required,
and you must contact USACE to determine permitting requirements. Documentation that demonstrates how the activity complies with each field below shall
be submitted to the USACE as noted in the instructions block. See each General Condition (GC) in the GP for how to comply with each requirement.
a.State Historic Preservation Officer
b.Massachusetts BUAR
c.Tribal Historic Preservation Officers
d.Endangered Species Act - NOAA
e.Endangered Species Act - USFWS
f.Northern Long Eared Bat (ESA)
g.Essential Fish Habitat
h.Wild & Scenic Rivers
i.401 Water Quality Certification 401
j.Section 408 Permission
k.Coastal Zone
l.Construction Mats
m.Time of Year Restrictions
n.Vernal Pools
o.Sediment & Erosion Controls
p.Stream/Wetland Crossings
20.AQUACULTURE ACTIVITIES - GP 18 (see instructions)
a.If required, an Aquaculture Certification from the Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries was obtained prior to commencing work.
b.Coordination with the U.S. Coast Guard pursuant to Private Aids to Navigation has occurred prior to commencing work.
c.If required, a MEPA Certificate was obtained from the Massachusetts Environmental Protection Agency prior to commencing work.
d.The prospective permittee contacted local authorities (e.g. harbormaster, select board, shellfish constable) for authorization of their facility prior to
commencing work.
a.The project plans are enclosed in this SVN submittal (see block 17).
b.The activity funded through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill (also known as the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act).
c.All required state, local and federal approvals were acquired prior to starting construction in USACE jurisdiction.
d.After construction of the activity is completed, a complete Certificate of Compliance will be submitted to USACE.
OOC issued:401 issued:401 WQC/OOC File Number:
23.STATEMENT OF AUTHORIZATION (see instructions)
I certify that I possess the authority to undertake the work described herein or am acting as the duly authorized agent of the applicant.
24. SIGNATURES (see instructions)
I hereby certify that the information in this Self-Verification Notification is complete and accurate. As the applicant or their duly authorized agent, I certify the
activity was completed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the GP. This includes all applicable terms, general conditions, and activity-specific GP
criteria. I agree to allow the duly authorized representatives of the Corps of Engineers Regulatory Program and other regulatory or advisory agencies to enter
upon the premises of the project site at reasonable times to evaluate inspect and photograph site conditions. This consent to enter the property is superior
to, takes precedence over, and waives any communication to the contrary. For example, if the property is posted as “no trespassing” this consent specifically
supersedes and waives that prohibition and grants permission to enter the property despite such posting.
18 U.S.C. Section 1001 provides that: Whoever, in any manner within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United Stat es knowingly and willfully
falsifies, conceals, or covers up any trick, scheme, or disguises a material fact or makes any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements or representations or
makes or uses any false writing or document knowing same to contain any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements or entry, shall be fined not more than
$10,000 or imprisoned not more than five years or both.
Instructions for Preparing a
Department of the Army
General Permit (GP) Self-Verification
Blocks 1 through 3. To be completed by the Corps of Engineers.
Block 4. Applicant’ Name. Enter the name and the e-mail address of the responsible party or parties. If the responsible party is an agency, company,
corporation, or other organization, indicate the name of the organization and responsible officer and title. If more than one party is associated with the self-
verification, please attach a sheet of paper with the necessary information marked Block 4.
Block 5. Address of Applicant. Please provide the full address of the party or parties responsible for the self-verification. If more space is needed, attach an
extra sheet of paper marked Block 5.
Block 6. Applicant Telephone Number(s). Please provide the telephone number where you can usually be reached during normal business hours.
Blocks 7 through 9. To be completed, if you choose to have an agent.
Block 7. Authorized Agent’s Name and Title. Indicate name of individual or agency, designated by you, to represent you in this process. An agent can be an
attorney, builder, contractor, engineer, consultant, or any other person or organization. Note: An agent is not required.
Blocks 8 and 9. Agent’s Address and Telephone Number. Please provide the complete mailing address of the agent, along with the telephone number
where they can be reached during normal business hours.
Block 10. Proposed General Permit Activity Name or Title. Please provide a name identifying the proposed GP activity, e.g., Windward Marina, Rolling
Hills Subdivision, or Smith Commercial Center.
Block 11. File Number(s) of Previous USACE Actions on the Site Please provide any known USACE file number. If the activity does not have a known
USACE file number, you may state N/A.
Block 12. Name of Waterbody. Please provide the name (if it has a name) of any stream, lake, marsh, or other waterway to be directly impacted by the GP
activity. If it is a minor (no name) stream, identify the waterbody the minor stream enters.
Block 13. Proposed Activity Coordinates. Please enter the latitude and longitude of where the proposed GP activity is located. Indicate whether the project
location provided is the center of the project or whether the project location is provided as the latitude and longitude for each of the “corners” of the project
area. If there are multiple sites, please list the latitude and longitude of each site (center or corners) on a separate sheet of paper and mark as Block 13.
Block 14. Proposed Activity Street Address. If the proposed activity is located at a site having a street address (not a box number), enter it in Block 14.
Block 15. General Permit Activity Type. Please select all GP activity types that apply to the proposed activity. A list of GP activity types can be found in
Section III of the GP.
Block 16. Summary of Project Impacts. Please provide ALL proposed impacts, both temporary and permanent in duration, that are located in Waters of the
United States. The area of impact shall be provided in square feet (SF). When applicable, impacts that result in conversion of stream bank or shoreline must
also be identified in linear feet (LF). Dredging or the discharge of dredged or fill material shall also include the volume, cubic yards (CY), of material removed
from or placed into Waters of the U.S. If more entries are required, please attach a table matching the desired format in Block 16.
Block 17. Project Plans. Please verify that items a-g are included in the project plans. Three types of illustrations are necessary to properly depict the
proposed work. These illustrations or drawings are identified as a Vicinity Map, a Plan View (Aerial view) and a Cross Section Map. For linear projects (e.g.
roads, subsurface utility lines, etc.) gradient drawings (longitudinal profile) should also be included. Plans must accurately depict the existing conditions and all
aspects of the proposed activity located in waters of the U.S. Please submit one copy of all drawings formatted to print on 8½ x 11 inch or 11 x 17 inch plain
white paper. Use the fewest number of sheets necessary for your drawings or illustrations. Each illustration should identify the project, the applicant, and the
type of illustration (vicinity map, plan view, or cross section). While illustrations need not be certified engineering sheets; they should be clear, accurate,
contain all necessary information, and depict all proposed work. Each submission must also include a delineation of wetlands, other special aquatic sites, and
other waters, such as lakes and ponds, and perennial, intermittent, and ephemeral streams, on the project site. Wetland delineations must be prepared in
accordance with the current wetland delineation manual and regional supplement published by USACE.
Block 18. Avoidance & Minimization. Please verify that items a-d have been implemented for the proposed activity.
Block 19. Due Diligence. Please complete all the fields and submit documentation to USACE to demonstrate compliance with the above requirements. This
Documentation may include emails, letters, meeting notes, phone call log, project narrative, project plans, a species list from the NOAA Section 7 Mapper, a
completed copy of the IPAC determination keys, etc. Documentation should be limited to what is necessary to demonstrate how the proposed activity meets
each requirement. Refer to the MA GP, Appendix A, for specific guidance on the identification of previously identified historic properties and previously
unidentified historic properties. Endangered Species: *The applicant must be designated as the non-federal representative for the purposes of Section 7
consultation to select the Rangewide D-Key options. Otherwise, the applicant shall select the following option when IPAC indicates the NLEB is present: "The
activity IS located within the NLEB Species Range (PCN Required)."
Block 20. Aquaculture Activities. Please verify that items a-d have been obtained or completed prior to commencing work in waters of the U.S.
Block 21. Additional Information/Attachments. Please verify that items a-d have been completed prior to commencing work in waters of the U.S.
Block 22. Lead Federal Agency. Please identify if there is another lead federal agency involved with the proposed activity. Enter the lead federal agency
name (e.g., the Federal Emergency Management Agency, FEMA) and the agency’s designated person of contact for the activity.
Block 23. Statement of Authorization. The applicant shall sign this section for all activities. If an agent is to be employed, the agent shall sign this section.
Block 24. Signatures. The SVN must be signed by the person proposing to undertake the GP activity, and if applicable, the authorized party (agent) that
prepared the SVN. The signature of the person proposing to undertake the GP activity shall be an affirmation that the party submitting the SVN possesses the
requisite property rights to undertake the GP activity.
MA GPs 75 June 2023
The following information shall be submitted for all PCNs for USACE to properly evaluate your
application. Some applications may require more information and this checklist is offered as a tool to
assist applicants with submitting a complete application.
1. ☐ Complete the Pre-Construction Notification document (Appendix B).
2. ☐ Specify which local/state/federal authorizations are required for the project and if any have
been obtained or applied for at the time of USACE application submittal.
3. ☐ Identify all funding sources the project will receive or has received to date. Provide any
relevant information in the application submission.
4. ☐ Is this part of a larger project that is being implemented in phases? If so, describe the project
schedule and how each phase will be implemented.
5. ☐ Describe the existing conditions on the site and the general land use in the vicinity of the
project at the time application submittal.
6. ☐ Provide any historic information available that you may have of project area, e.g., existing
USACE permit numbers, the names under which the permits were obtained if the permit
numbers are unknown, construction dates and proof of prior existence (aerials, photos, town
hall records, affidavits, state or local permits, etc.) to verify that the project predates regulation
and is “vested”.19
7. ☐ The anticipated start and end dates for construction.
8. ☐ Data used to support aquatic resource boundary determinations (delineation forms,
delineation map(s) that show the locations of each aquatic resource in the project area, aerial
and ground photographs, LIDAR imagery, national wetland inventory maps, soil maps, national
hydrography dataset maps, floodplain maps, historical imagery, etc.).
9. ☐ Photographs of the wetland(s) and/or waterway(s) where impacts are proposed. Photos at
low tide are preferred for work in tidal waters.
10. ☐ Indicate the relationship of the project area to waters of the U.S., i.e., adjacent wetlands, tidal
influence or hydraulic connectivity through culverts, or other conveyances, etc.
11. ☐ At minimum the delineation map/figure should include the following:
a. Contour lines showing topography.
b. North arrow.
c. Bar and text scale.
d. Legend.
e. Drawn project boundary.
f. High tide line, mean high water, mean low water, ordinary high water mark, and/or wetland
g. Captions with a unique name for each aquatic resource and the area or length of the
aquatic resource within the project area.
19 Vested is exempt (someone or something) from a new law or regulation.
MA GPs 76 June 2023
h. Appropriate landmarks and features (e.g., culverts, special aquatic sites, etc.).
i. Points showing the paired upland and wetland delineation locations for tidal and non-tidal
wetlands only.
12. ☐ Describe specific measures taken to avoid impacts to aquatic resources or describe why
aquatic resources could not be avoided while achieving the project purpose and need.
13. ☐ For impacts to aquatic resources that could not be avoided, describe specific considerations/
measures taken to minimize the area of proposed impacts to aquatic resources in designing the
14. ☐ Describe specific measures taken to avoid and minimize the proposed direct, indirect, and
secondary impacts to aquatic resources and their functions through construction techniques
and timing.
15. ☐ If applicable, provide a restoration plan that describes how all temporary fills and structures
will be removed and the area restored to pre-impact conditions (see GC 22).
16. ☐ If applicable, provide an Invasive Species Control Plan (see GC 29). For sample control
plans, see www.nae.usace.army.mil/missions/regulatory/invasive-species.
17. ☐ If applicable, describe how the proposed wetland/waterbody crossing is compliant with GC
31, Stream Work and Crossings, and Wetland Crossings.
18. ☐ Describe the overall project and the activities located in Waters of the U.S. (WOTUS) that
you are seeking authorization for.
19. ☐ Identify the following for project impacts in WOTUS:
a. ☐ Direct, indirect, secondary impacts 20 within WOTUS.
b. ☐ The size of each impact (square feet or acres, or linear feet).
c. ☐ For discharges of fill material (§404), specify the volume of fill material to be discharged
(cubic yards).
d. ☐ The impact duration from each activity, permanent or temporary (X days).
20. ☐ Submit project plans that depict all impacts in WOTUS. On the project plans, applicants shall
General Information
a. ☐ Plan view and typical cross-section view sheets that show the existing and proposed
conditions. These illustrations should each be identified with a figure number, date of the
map, the project title, the name of the applicant and the type of illustration (vicinity map,
plan view, or cross section).
b. ☐ Drawings, sketches, or plans that are legible, reproducible (color is encouraged, but
features must be distinguishable in black and white), drawn to scale, and no larger than
11”x17” and 10 MB when submitted in digital format. Numeric and graphic/bar scales must
agree, and plan details must be measurable using a standard engineer’s scale on printed
plans. Reduced plans are not acceptable.
c. ☐ The north arrow and remove miscellaneous non-wetland or water project related
features such as conduits, utility poles, guardrails, etc.
20 See definitions section for the definitions of direct, indirect, secondary impacts.
MA GPs 77 June 2023
d. ☐ Clearly draw the overall limits of work, staging areas, disposal sites, access routes, and
any permittee responsible mitigation sites. These areas may include both aquatic
resources and upland areas.
e. ☐ Names or numbers of all roads in the site’s vicinity and ownership and numbers of
abutting parcels.
f. ☐ Datum in plan and elevation views. The horizontal datum shall be in the NAD 83
Massachusetts State Plane Coordinate System (INSERT) in U.S. survey feet. The vertical
data in coastal projects shall be referenced to either MLLW or the North American Vertical
Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88). Both the distance and depth units shall be U.S. survey feet and
specified on the project plans.
Aquatic Resources & Project Impacts
g. ☐ Delineation of all aquatic resource types on site including salt marsh; other special
aquatic sites (vegetated shallows, mudflats, riffles and pools, coral reefs, and sanctuaries
and refuges); other waters, such as lakes, ponds, vernal pools, natural rocky habitat (tidal
only), and perennial, intermittent, and ephemeral streams.
h. ☐ Identify the substrate type (cobble/gravel, organic detritus, sand/shell, silt, mud) and the
approximate percentage of each substrate type on site. Grain sizes shall be based on
Wentworth grain size classification scale for granules, pebbles, cobbles, and boulders.
Sediment samples with a content of 10% or more of pebble-gravel-cobble and/or boulder in
the top layer (6-12 inches) should be delineated and material with epifauna/macroalgae
should be differentiated from bare pebble-gravel-cobble and boulder.
i. ☐ The direction of ebb and flood in tidal waters and direction of flow in non-tidal waters.
j. ☐ In tidal waters, the project boundary distance from special aquatic sites identified in 20g
above if within 25 feet from that resource.
k. ☐ USACE jurisdictional boundaries including ordinary high-water mark (OHWM), high tide
line (HTL), mean high water (MHW). Other boundaries include mean low water (MLW),
mean lower low water (MLLW), as applicable.
• Non-tidal: OHWM and/or wetland boundaries.
• Tidal (structures/work only): MHW, MLW.
• Tidal (Fill and Structures/work): HTL, MHW, MLW.
• Tidal (Dredging/Beach Nourishment): HTL, MHW, MLW, MLLW.
l. ☐ Identification of each aquatic resource with a unique name (ex. Wetland 1, Wetland 2,
Tributary 1, Beaver Brook, Atlantic Ocean) and the size of each aquatic resource within the
project area (square feet or acres).
m. ☐ Impacts to each aquatic resource with captions denoting the size of each impact (square
feet, acres, or linear feet) and the duration of the impact (ex. Permanent, Temporary (X days).
21. ☐ For projects involving Navigation, Structures, Dredging, and/or Beach Nourishment, the
applicant shall also address the following:
a. ☐ Identify the locations of adjacent Federal navigation project (FNP) and/or state/local
navigation projects on the project plans.
b. ☐ Specify the distance between the FNP and proposed project boundary, the authorized
depths of the FNP, and state plane coordinates of seaward end(s) of project structures
near an FNP.
MA GPs 78 June 2023
a. ☐ Identification of the piling type (steel, timber, concrete) and diameter to be removed
and/or installed.
b. ☐ Specify the minimal height of the structures’ frame over saltmarsh. To meet the SV
threshold, piers must be ≤4 feet in width and this minimal height must achieve a 1.5:1 ratio
(i.e., a 4-foot-wide pier is 6 feet above a saltmarsh).
c. ☐ For floats, the methods of securing them (piles, bottom anchors) and for keeping them
off substrate (skids, stops) at low water. To meet the SV threshold, a minimum depth of 18-
inches of water should be maintained below a floating dock/structure at lower tide levels.
a. ☐ The area (SF, acre) and volume (CY) of material to be dredged waterward of MHW for
each dredge location.
b. ☐ Dredge boundaries.
c. ☐ Bathymetry for existing, proposed, and historical (include dates and USACE permits)
dredge depths.
d. ☐ The likely final angle of repose of the side cuts based on the physical characterization of
the material to be dredged and based upon the high/ medium/low, wave or current energy
of the location.
e. ☐ Label area whether the dredging is new, maintenance, improvement, or a combination.
f. ☐ Location of the disposal site (include location sheet). NOTE: For projects proposing
open water, nearshore disposal, or beach nourishment, contact USACE as early as
possible for sampling and testing protocols. Sediment testing, including physical (e.g.,
grain-size analysis), chemical and biological testing may be required. Sampling/testing of
sediments without such contact should not occur and if done, will be at the applicant’s risk.
g. ☐ The methods and areas used to retain or prevent dredged material from running back
into the wetland or waterway. Provide the capacity of the storage area and points of
runback, including the overflow route, into the aquatic system.
h. ☐ For open-water disposal, explain why inland or beneficial reuse sites are not practicable.
i. ☐ Show the finished top elevation of the disposal site.
Beach Nourishment
a. ☐ For beach nourishment, identify the disposal footprint, existing and proposed
nourishment profiles (multiple profiles are appropriate if the site is more than 150 feet long
or non-contiguous), total fill area (SF) and volume (CY), fill area and volume waterward of
the HTL, and delineation of dunes, banks, existing beach vegetation, and contours.
b. ☐ For beach nourishment identify the substrate type (fine sand, sand, cobble, boulder)
and/or grain-size of existing material.
22. ☐ For projects with the removal of existing pilings identify the number, type (steel, timber,
concrete) and diameter of pilings to be removed and the methodology for removal (cut off at
mud line, pulling, vibratory, etc.).
23. ☐ For projects with the installation of new pilings identify the number, type (steel, timber,
concrete) and diameter of pilings to be installed and the methodology for installation (vibratory
hammer, impact hammer etc.).
24. ☐ Identify any existing structures and moorings in waters adjacent to the proposed activity, their
dimensions, and the distance to the limits and coordinates of any proposed mooring field or
reconfiguration zone. For reconfiguration zone and mooring fields, provide the coordinates for all
MA GPs 79 June 2023
corners based on the Massachusetts State Plane Coordinate System. Specify the maximum
number of slips and/or moorings within proposed reconfiguration zones or anchorage areas.
25. ☐ The dimensions of the structure or work and extent of encroachment waterward of MHW and
from affixed point on the shoreline or upland.
26. ☐ Shoreline of adjacent properties and property boundary offset for structures. In narrow
waterbodies, the distance to opposite shoreline, waterway width, and structures across from
proposed work.
27. ☐ For new commercial boating facilities, anchorage areas or reconfiguration zones, provide a
description of the type of vessels that would use the facility, and any plans for sewage pump-
out facilities, fueling facilities and contingency plans for oil spills.
28. ☐ See Sections 4A-C above.
29. ☐ Identify the coordinates for lease area corners and gear configuration area on the project plans.
30. ☐ Identify the proposed aquaculture gear type (buoys, floats, racks, trays, nets, lines, tubes,
cages, containers, and other structures). Provide the impacts for each aquaculture gear type
(see Section 4A 19a-d).
31. ☐ For a GP 18 to be valid, applicants must have (a) their MA DMF Aquaculture Certification
letter for licensed shellfish aquaculture sites, (b) documentation that the applicant has
coordinated with the U.S. Coast Guard regarding USCG Private Aids to Navigation standards,
(c) their MEPA Certificate (if required), and (d) documentation that the applicant has contacted
their local authorities (ex. harbormaster, select board, shellfish constable) for authorization of
their facility.
32. Provide information on site the operation, maintenance, and access. Will the site be accessed
via boat, kayak, etc.? Will cages be removed in the winter? How often will gear be checked on?
Is there an operations plan for the proposed aquaculture area?
33. ☐ See Sections 4A-C above.
34. ☐ Sampling plan requests for new, improvement or maintenance dredging must submit
completed Dredged Material Evaluation checklist found at Dredged Material Evaluation
Checklist, Sampling and Analysis Plan Requirements from Applicant (army.mil) and
identify the method of handling/transporting the dredged material.
35. ☐ Identify grain-size of material to be dredged (e.g., silty sand) and provide any existing
sediment grain size and bulk sediment chemistry data from the proposed project or nearby
projects. Include information on any recent spills of oil and/or other hazardous materials and/or
nearby outfalls. Document the information source, e.g., EPA database, the harbormaster or fire
chief. If there are none, state “none”.
36. ☐ See Section 4A, 4B and 4C, Dredging 21(a-i) above.
37. ☐ For the stream crossing, identify the crossing methodology on the project plan (e.g., dam
and pump, dry, wet, etc.). Submit a waterway crossing sequencing plan with the application.
38. ☐ If the project includes a permanent crossing of a tidal waterway, your project design should
be modified to match the velocity, depth, cross-sectional area, and substrate of the existing
waterbody adjacent to the crossing and provide documentation (hydraulic analysis including
low lying property analysis) that the size of the crossing will not restrict tidal flow over the full
natural tide range and will not adversely affect abutting infrastructure.
MA GPs 80 June 2023
39. ☐ If the work includes a permanent crossing of a non-tidal stream, your project design should
be modified to match the culvert gradient of the existing stream channel profile, provide
clearance for ≥1.2 times bank full width and conveyance should be embedded ≥1-2 feet for box
culverts and pipe arches or ≥1-2 feet and at least 25 percent for rounded pipes/culverts in
accordance with the Massachusetts Stream Crossing Standards. Provide the basis for any
variation to this requirement.
40. ☐ If the work includes a permanent crossing of a non-tidal stream, the structure should be
designed to include a natural bottom substrate within the conveyance that matches the
characteristics of the substrate in the natural stream channel and the character of the banks
(mobility, slope, stability, confinement, grain and rock size). The conveyance should be
designed with a minimum openness ratio ≥0.82-feet (0.25-meters). For how to calculate
openness ratio and stream simulation ecological approach for road and stream crossings, see
41. ☐ Does the project require Compensatory Mitigation 21 for impacts to Waters of the U.S.? (See
Section V in the 2023 Massachusetts General Permit)
42. ☐ If the project requires mitigation, does the selected compensatory mitigation option (i.e., In-
Lieu Fee, permittee-responsible mitigation) deviate from the order of the options presented in
§332.3(b)(2)-(6)? If so, please explain why. https://www.ecfr.gov/current/title-33/chapter-II/part-
43. ☐ For any compensatory mitigation that involves preservation, the applicant must use a site
protection instrument to preserve the parcel in perpetuity. (Conservation Easement, Deed
Restriction, etc.) https://www.mass.gov/service-details/conservation-restriction-review-program.
44. ☐ Notify the SHPO, Massachusetts Historical Commission, of the Project via Certified Mail and
include proof of delivery or receipt in the application package (See Appendix A).
45. ☐ As applicable, notify the THPOs, Narragansett Indian Tribe, Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head
(Aquinnah), and Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe, of the Project via email OR mail and include
proof of delivery or receipt in the application package (See Appendix A).
46. ☐ As applicable, notify the BUAR via email (strongly preferred) OR mail and include proof of
delivery or receipt in the application package (See Appendix A).
47. ☐ Include responses to this notification in the permit application.
48. ☐ As applicable, information on historic properties (Tribal and Archaeological) within the project
area should be provided in the permit application.
49. ☐ Provide a USFWS Information for Planning and Consultation (IPaC) Official Species List
from https://ecos.fws.gov/ipac and the email of the individual who generated the list (see GC 10
of the 2023 Massachusetts General Permit for more information).
50. ☐ Provide a species list from the NMFS Section 7 Endangered Species Act mapper at
51. ☐ Provide a species list from the NMFS Essential Fish Habitat Mapper at
21 Your mitigation proposal must be consistent with the December 29, 2020 Compensatory Mitigation Standard
Operating Procedures at https://www.nae.usace.army.mil/Portals/74/docs/regulatory/Mitigation/Compensatory-
Mitigation-SOP-2020.pdf and 2008 Mitigation Rule.
MA GPs 81 June 2023
52. ☐ If the project will generate turbidity, describe the extent of turbidity and if erosion controls will
be used to contain turbidity. If turbidity controls are not operationally feasible, explain the basis
for your conclusion and identify any other measures that you will implement to minimize
resuspension of sediment.
53. ☐ Identify the substrate type and any aquatic resources that will be affected by the proposed
action. (SAV, salt marsh, sand, silt/clay, rocky/hard bottom)
54. ☐ For projects which will include the installation of pilings/sheet-piles, identify the substrate at
the project site (sand, cobble, silt/mud/clay), the installation method (vibratory hammer, impact
hammer, combination) and indicate whether the following “soft start” procedures at beginning of
the workday and after a 30-minute period of rest will be deployed:
a. ☐ Vibratory Pile Installation: pile driving will be initiated for 15 seconds at reduced energy
followed by a one-minute waiting period. This sequence of 15 seconds of reduced energy
driving, one-minute waiting period will be repeated two additional times, followed
immediately by pile-driving at full rate and energy.
b. ☐ Impact Pile Installation: pile driving will commence with an initial set of three strikes by
the hammer at 40% energy, followed by a one-minute wait period, then two subsequent 3-
strike sets at 40% energy, with one-minute waiting periods, before initiating continuous
impact driving.
55. ☐ If the project involves dredging, describe any dredge history, number of dredge events to be
covered by the permit, erosion/sediment controls, dredge type, intake structures (mesh screen
size), dredged material disposal site.
56. ☐ For project activities associated with structures, identify the number, type (drill barge, work
boat, tugboat, etc.), and size of any temporary vessels that will be used. Specify measures that
will be implemented to ensure vessels are not berthed in shallow water or will “ground out” at
low tide.
57. ☐ For aquaculture projects identify whether any component of the gear is seasonal (will be
removed annually) or will be in place year-round. If gear will be present year-round and will be
variably managed (e.g., floating in summer, bottom in winter) identify month/date for such
58. ☐ For aquaculture projects identify whether the project will involve use of an existing vessel or
new vessel. Identify the length for all work vessels and identify the distance round trip from vessel
berthing location and aquaculture area.
59. ☐ For project activities associated with docking structures (either commercial, industrial, or
recreational) identify the number, type (motorized/non-motorized, jet-ski, sailboat, kayak,
canoe, other that will be berthed there and the sizes of each.
60. ☐ Information required for Section 305(b)(2) of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation
and Management Act:
a. Results of an eelgrass survey completed per the INSERT.
b. Essential Fish Habitat Assessment to determine project-related impacts to essential fish
habitat, using guidance developed by the National Marine Fisheries Service.
61. ☐ A document containing the following information (requirements of 50 CFR §600.920(e)(3)):
a. Description of proposed action.
b. Analysis of potential adverse effects on essential fish habitat.
c. Conclusions regarding the effects of the action on essential fish habitat.
d. If applicable, proposed mitigation.
e. Analysis of alternatives to the proposed action.
f. Other: