HomeMy WebLinkAbout30 Lambert Road inspection reportTHE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETIS BOARD OF HEALTH TOWN OF YARMOUTH 1 146 ROUTE 28 SOUTH YARMOUTH MASSACHUSETTS O 2664.4451 Telephone (508) 398_2231 Ext 124A _ Fax (508) 3S8-2365 soAd dress -Ltqa-e<r R etr\zr "{1 Floor No Sleeping Roorns Name and Address ol Owne Aparlment No._Max. O , ? r1," cc!rpants ,r-7e brtab e Roo.rs No Dwelirng or Rooming Units --No. Stories CZ61C I ! Safety Concerns ! Kitchen Slove E Etectric ai\ ! Complaint t noxrde Not present d presen\ beled the404 Frnd ngTyoe C Ann.Jal ! Seasonat dweekJy lnspeclron. C Schedu,ed fr pr,or to Occupancy Baserne.t ! Frnished d Unf nrshed OTecto.s C Smore(s) Not presenr I Carbon MoI w,arszFroor V Ceirrlg ]yfl'ng Svstem 5/cas. o . Eie,rc Propane Jtfumoinq--/r;",: "; D/aner Nor Laoe e o S ,"n", r^ Vc Xee ,/o", d Appeaance ot Moro n6f16- O\DS€ i ...)C D ! lnle513q,on ! Rats M,ce. Roaches or Other CNqne OOserveO! parbage ano Rubbrsh D Co.ta,ners/Covers ! tea C,ean $rExtertor Yaro d ET.relor of Ho,,se ( Locks on Ooors ( egless 5/ Slorm/Screen Door dDoor Crosr.Lre d W,.dows0 Xrtchen ty' BemoverReseat Sealanl Base olShower 4IopotTub E)Baseof TUb (Ftoo4E Generar Appeatange GDOD Bedroom C1 dZ A3 O4 C5 l6 F{\N aD Q {-e -f. C (-,/ \J \IL #YL Date Mi q 3 x9.) rnspecior (see over) ZO +.\ ! A Copy ot,,Tenants Rights, Has geen lssued to Tenant. One or more of the violations checked above is a cond tion whdetermined by 105CMR 410 750 of the code or the authorized ich may materia y impair the he r safely and we|-berng of the occupant as This ins Report is lnspector c4 oL- U4B z- ed and Certitied Under the pains and penalties ol perjury allh o Title Time The nexl sched!led reinspection L ( PM)--r-6 I l I ICO]Vi,,ENTS