HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLDX-23-12552-c,J Oflic. Use ODIy Permit expires 180 davs from issue datec TION CONSTRUCTION ADDRESS:t7 8-2231 Ext. 1261 Da- EXPRESS BUILDING (508) 39 6tEtt a/ TOWN OF YARMOUTH Yarmouth Building Department I 146 Route 28 South Yarmouth , MA 02664 t ECEIV JUN 0e 2023 BU ILDING DEP =D ARI MENI R ASSESSOR'S IIIFORIVLATION Map Parcel OWNERT CO\TRA.CTOR 9aat la Ce 6,/ A4 27+31{3r2_ N{\TE PRESFNT ADDRESS TEL ! NAlvlE itTA.ILING ADDRESS TEL, # Est. cost of Consrruction $ ? O OtS "Otltr Residential n Commercial IIofie Improvcmeot Contractor Lic. # Construction Supervisor Lic. # Workmar/Compensation Insurance: tcheck one)Vl am $e homeowner : I am the sole proprieror Insuratrce Company Namel I I have Worker's Cornpensation Insurance Worker's Comp. Policy#_ \\'ORK TO BE PER-FO R\IEI) Tent _ Duration_ (Fire Retardant Certificate attacbed?) Siditrg; # of Squares Replacement windows: #-- ( ) Remove existing* (mar.2layers),Ioofing: # of Squares -- Old Kings Highway/Historic Dist. ( ) Replacing like for like 'The debris will be disposed ofar Wood Stove_ Replacement doors: #_ Insulation Pool fencing I declare undet pena.lties ofperjury rhat the statements herein contained are tre and conect to the best olnv knowledee and belief I understand that any false ans*er(s)will bejust cause for denral or revocation ofmy llcense and for prosecution under lvl.G L. Ch. :6g. Secrion I .A,pplicanr's Signarure: v4waers signar$ft @r Drrt: DaleApproved By ,nachment Building Official (or designee)EILIJL ,ADDRESS , Historical District: ZoDing District :Yes-No Water Resowce Protection Disticta Yes i N"o Flood Plain Zone: I Yes: No Within 100 ft. of Wetlands I Yes ] No S4r f V€<tay<c+ C4oL - <o'4 t-/ t/ t/ Locrtion of Facilirl- Dale t The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Departmenl of Industial Accidents 1 Congress Street, Suile 100 Boston, MA 02114-2017 \1:orkers' compensation ,...."r."l1l;frf,,t;i?rY!,tJar,r,^"."rrlElectricians./prumbers. TO BE FILED WITH TIIE PERMITTING .4TITHORITY. fo tion PIea L b/Nurna (BusiresyOrganizatio lndividual):J "/Addr.rr, l? Zo Ctl- vciry/sor"rzip,s,Phone #: ?/ applican! tbat chccks box #l must also fil I out the secrion bclow showing their workcrs' compcnsation policy informationHomco.}'rrc.s who submit this affidavir indica:ing they are doirg atl work and thcn hiE ouBid. conFacrors musr submir a ncw affidavir indrcating sucllicontractors that chcck this box must attachcd all additional shcct showing Lhc Dame ofthc sub-contractoG and state whethcr or not lhosE entities haveemployccs. If thc suucoDfactoG have cmployccs, they musr providc thcir wo.k6s' comp. policy nuhber ).! I am a employer with _employees (full and/or pan-time).* a sole proprietor or parmership and have no cmployecs workiog for mc in capaciry. [No workcn' comp. insurdncc requircd.] am a homcowner doing ali work mysclf [No worken' comp. insurance required.] I I am a horleovficr and will bc hiring contractors to conduct a.ll work on my p.opeft/. I will ensurc that all codE-aclors eithcr havc worke6' comperEation insuranc" o, a. rol. - proprictors .Iiti no cmployecs. I am a teDcral contr'ac1or and I havc hircd the sub-contacrors listcd on $e attachcd sheer_ Thcse suEconEactors ha,re employeas and have workcrs'coDp. insuraicc.l 6.! We arc a corporarion ard its officers hav. cxerciscd thetr riglrt ofcxemptjon pcr MGL c 152, S l(4), and \xe harc no crnpl(ryccs. [No workcrs' cornp. insurance requirid.] 7 Iam any. 3 4 Arr you rn cmploycr? Chcck thc ap prixt! bot:Type of project (required) Z. ! New construction 8. f] Remodeling 9. fl Demolition Building addition Elecrical repairs or additioos Plumbing repairs or additions Roof repairs Other l0 ll. 12. 13. 14. I am an emplolet thal is Ptoviding workers' compensation insurance for m1 emploltees. Below is the policlt arutjob siteinformotion- Insurance Company Name: Policy # or Self-ins. Lic. #: Job Site Address: City/S*te/Zip:_Attach a copy ofthe workers' compensation policy declaration page (showirg the poti.y ou*U.. "na orpi.rtioo art.y. Failure to secure coverage as required under MGL c. 152, $25A is a criminal violation punishable by a fine up to $1,500.00aad./or one-year imprisonment, as well as civil pena.lties in the form of a STOP WoRKbRDER ani a fine oiup to $250.00 aday against the violator. A copy of this statement may be forwarded to the Office of llvestigations ofthe DL{ for insurance coverage verification. I do hereby Ph e#: e ns andpenalties of perjury thal the information provid.ed a ve is tru and conecl- Offcial use on$. Do not wtite tn this dtea, to be completed by city or town offi.ciaL City or Town: permiVlicense # Issuing Authority (circle one): 1' Board of Health 2. Building Department 3. CityiTor,vn Clerk 4. Electrical Inspector 5. plumbing Inspector6. Other Phone #:Contact Person: Expiration Date,_