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28 S Shore Red Jacket DRC Comment Sheet 061323 TC
VARY IL t T H TOWN CLERK Review is: ❑ Conceptual O Formal © Binding (404 MotelsNCOD/R.O.A.D. Project) ❑ Non -binding (All other commercial projects) Review is by: © Planning Board ❑ Design Review Committee DESIGN REVIEW COMMENT SHEET (Design Review Committee Comments - advisory to Pianninq Board} Meeting Date: June 13, 2023 Map: 19 Lots: 20.1 Applicant: R.J. Resorts Beach Resort Owner LLC ( Red Jacket) Zone(s): R25/HMOD2 Site Location: 28 South Shore Drive, South Yarmouth Persons Present: DCR Members Present Yarmouth Town Staff Present Guests Charlie Adams KathyWilliams Marian Rose Dick Martin Damir Von Rohrbach Sara Porter Bosen Li Ally Faktor Jim Curtis Tamer Ger is Melissa Meddock John Bologna Geoff Gamboa DRC Review for this project started at: 4:10 PM DRC Review ended at: 5:03 PM On a motion by Charlie Adams, seconded by Sara Porter, the Design Review Committee (DRC) voted (3- 0) to adjourn the June 13, 2023 DRC meeting at 5:03 PM. Project Summary General Description: The Applicant seeks to redevelop a portion of their hotel property using Zoning Bylaw Section 404.2 — Hotel/ Motel Overlay District 2 (HMOD2). The Applicant is proposing to replace the existing outdoor pool and deck area with a reconfigured pool, spa, deck, cabanas and fencing; remove the existing exterior pool pump/vault and enlarge the existing interior pump room; add two unisex restrooms within the existing indoor pool building with exterior doors; install one exterior shower; remove existing temporary bar tent structure and construct a new pavilion with bar, seating areas and fireplace; upgrade landscape plantings in pool area, the adjacent event lawn and the westerly side of the Resort entrance, enhance existing landscape areas at the existing porte-cochere, and replace existing landscape plantings with native plantings for environmental mitigation; add two new crosswalks; and redesign/upgrade existing required handicapped parking spaces and accessible routes. Projects developing under the HMOD2 must meet the Architectural and Site Design Standards for the entire site and existing/new buildings or seek relief through a Special Permit from the Planning Board. Summary of Presentation: Marian Rose gave a brief overview of the project which is primarily redevelopment of the pool area, deck and grassy area next to the deck. The temporary tent will be replaced with a permanent open-air bar and pavilion/trellis. The purpose of this area remains the same with an enhanced guest experience to replace outdated exterior areas. New crosswalks will be added to access the new pool area and beach from the cottages, along with landscaping. Jim Curtis noted the environmental mitigation along the Parkers River side with native landscape. Reviewed the pool, spa, cabanas and deck improvements and materials in detail. He further noted the details/materials of the pavilion, trellis, bar and fireplace area, as well as the lighting. Also showed imagery of the native and salt tolerant landscaping being proposed for the project. YARMOUTH T 000 C!_ER; 52 J INIGAm 1 e 16 REED Tamer Gergis spoke in more detail about the pavilion/trellis/bar/fireplace area and reviewed the sections and renderings noting the materials, colors, and glass railings being used to maintain the openness. Damir Von Rohrbach noted that the project has gone to the Conservation Commission and is nearing completion. He explained the stormwater management proposed for the project. He noted the restriping of the handicapped parking spaces and route to make them more accessible to guests, as well as the new crosswalks. He reviewed the fire truck sweep analysis. Marian Rose noted some interior room improvements and the addition of handicap accessible rooms. DRC Questions & Discussions: Charlie Adams felt the work was very good and inquired about using stone dust in setting the brick pathways. He also noted spray off the water and inquired how the plantings will be protected. Mr. Bologna noted the ecological firm hired to select the planting materials took this into consideration. Mr. Adams asked about the fuel for the fireplace, which will be gas. Mr. Adams asked if this area will be open to the public and can be rented out. This is unlikely as this area is central to the guests. Marian Rose noted that the pavilion could be used for weddings only until 8PM and then they would need to go inside. Mr. Adams asked about exterior music. Marian Rose indicated they would need approval for special events from the town. Mr. Adams asked about snow storage with Marian Rose stating that the facility is closed off season. Snow could be stored in the parking lot during the off season. Sara Porter did not have any specific comments on the proposal. She did ask about fertilizer usage, which was addressed as part of the Conservation Commission submission. Dick Martin asked about irrigation, which is being provided. He looked at the plantings and was pleased. He inquired as to whether anything was being done about drainage in the approach driveway. Mr. Bologna did speak with the DPW, and the drainage structures need to be cleaned out and inspected. Mr. Martin thinks it is a beautiful project, bringing up to the standards for a nice ocean front resort, likes the landscaping and what is planned, and is a good start. Review Comments In Relation To The Design Standards SITING STRATEGIES: The proposed pool/pavilion improvements are mostly surrounded by the existing hotel building and limited site improvements are proposed as part of the project. Sect. 1. Streetscape ❑ N/A ❑ Meets Standards, or ❑x Discrepancies: Although the existing cottages along South Shore Drive face the street, have street facing entrances and windows, they have parking located in front of the buildings and have facades longer than 50' without modulations in the fagade. Sect. 2. Tenant Spaces 19 N/A ❑ Meets Standards, or ❑ Discrepancies: Sect. 3. Define Street Edge ❑ N/A ❑ Meets Standards, or © Discrepancies Some parking is located along the street edge in front of the cottages along South Shore Drive and abutting Barkentine Circle/Pawkannawkut. The existing picket fence in front of the cottages helps to define the street edge along South Shore Drive. The parking abutting Barkentine/Pawkannawkut is behind a wooden fence. Sect. 4. Shield Large Buildings x❑ N/A ❑ Meets Standards, or ❑ Discrepancies: Sect. 5. Design a 2"d Story ❑ N/A ❑x Meets Standards, or ❑ Discrepancies: Sect. 6. Use Topo to Screen New Development © N/A 0 Meets Standards, or 0 Discrepancies YARMOr I T H11=, N C`OR Sect. 7. Landscape Buffers/Screening ❑ N/A ❑ Meets Standards, or © Discrepancies: There are minimal existing landscape buffers on the property. There is an existing fence along the northern property lines with narrow planting buffers with shrubs to provide screening of the parking areas. Consider areas where the buffer could be improved with additional plantings or trees. Sect. 8. Parking Lot Visibility ❑ N/A ❑ Meets Standards, or 0 Discrepancies: Some parking is located in front, rather than to the rear or side. Sect. 9. Break up Large Parking Lots ❑ N/A ❑ Meets Standards, or © Discrepancies: There is only one in -lot tree located within the parking areas. Other existing planting islands have shrubs/flowers. Evaluate locations where in -lot trees could be installed without impeding fire access. Sect. 10, Locate Utilities Underground ❑ N/A ❑x Meets Standards, or ❑ Discrepancies: Sect. 11. Shield Loading Areas 0 N/A ❑ Meets Standards, or ❑ Discrepancies: BUILDING STRATEGIES: No modifications to the exterior of existing buildings are proposed except for the addition of two restroom doors in the pool area. Existing buildings appear not to meet all of the Building Strategies and relief would be needed for the existing buildings. The proposal includes the construction of a pavilion/bar/fireplace with trellis over the seating area for which the Building Strategies below have been reviewed. Sect. 1. Break Down Buildinq Mass — Multiple Bldgs. © N/A ❑ Meets Standards, or ❑ Discrepancies Sect. 2, Break Down Building Mass — Sub -Masses ❑x N/A ❑ Meets Standards, or ❑ Discrepancies: Sect. 3. Vary Facade Lines ❑ N/A © Meets Standards, or ❑ Discrepancies: Sect. 4. Vary Wall Heights ❑ N/A [@Meets Standards, or ❑ Discrepancies: Sect. 5. Vary Roof Lines ❑ N/A ❑x Meets Standards, or ❑ Discrepancies: Sect. 6. Bring Down Buildinq Edges ❑ N/A 19 Meets Standards, or ❑ Discrepancies: Sect. 7. Vary Buildinq Mat'Is For Depth ❑ N/A OO Meets Standards, or ❑ Discrepancies: Sect. 8. Use Traditional & Nat'l. Buildinq Mat'Is ❑ N/A © Meets Standards, or ❑ Discrepancies: Sect. 9. Incorporate Pedestrian -scaled Features ❑ N/A ❑x Meets Standards, or ❑ Discrepancies: Sect. 10, Incorporate Energy -efficient Design ❑O N/A ❑ Meets Standards, or ❑ Discrepancies: Next step for applicant: ❑ Go to Site Plan Review ❑ Return to Design Review for Formal Review © Go to the Planning Board The DRC is in favor of the proposed pool and pavilion improvements and sees them as an excellent upgrade for the Red Jacket Beach Resort hotel. This is a nice attribute to the development and the town as a whole and looks great. On a motion Sara Porter, seconded by Charlie Adams, the Design Review Committee (DRC) voted (3-0) to approve these DRC Comments as meeting minutes for the June 13, 2023 Design Review Committee meeting for the proposed pool, pavilion and bar project at 28 South Shore Drive. VARN II iT H f OWN CLERK Received by Applicant(s) a► �. � G4.c. !o ATTACHMENTS: '23_li � i GAm! 1: 14 June 13, 2023 Agenda June 9, 2023 Memo and June 9, 2023 email from Town Planner Kathy Williams, andAerlal Map DRC Application: o DRC Application, Project Description and Materials Specification Sheet o Site Plans: Plans prepared by Coastal Engineering, dated May 31, 2023 ■ C-101 — Demolition and Erosion Control ■ C-102 — Layout and Materials ■ C-103 — Grading, Drainage and Utilities C-501 — Site Details ■ C-701 -- Swept Path Analysis Yarmouth Fire — Hotel ■ C-702 — Swept Path Analysis Yarmouth Fire - Cottages o Site & Landscape Plans: Plans prepared by WATG, dated June 5, 2023 ■ Cover Sheet 0 ■ 4-AO-001 thru 4-AO-003 — Perspectives ■ LO.001— Project Information & Sheet Index ■ L3-001 — Hardscape Schedule & Notes ■ L3-101 — Overall Hardscape Plan ■ L3-201 — Overall Hardscape Plan - Pool Deck ■ 1.3.202 — Hardscape Enlargement Plan — Porte Cochere ■ L3-203 — Hardscape Enlargement Plan — Main Arrival ■ 1_3401 thru L3-406— Hardscape Details ■ L5.001 — Planting Schedule & Notes ■ L5-101 — Overall Tree Planting Plan ■ L5-102 — Overall Shrub Planting Plan ■ L5-201 thru L5-203— Tree Enlargement Planting Plan — Pool Deck, Porte Cochere & Main Arrival ■ 1.5-204 thru L5-206 — Shrub Enlargement Planting Plan — Pool Deck, Porte Cochere & Main ■ O-AO-000 — Project Information & Data ■ 1-AO-001 —Site Accessibility Plan ■ 1-Al -001 — Overall Site Plan ■ 2-A3-001 & 2-A3002 — Elevations ■ 4-AO-001 & 4-AO.012 - Material Board ■ 4-Al-001 — First Floor Plan ■ 4-Al-011 —Roof Plan ■ 1-LT1-001 —Site Lighting Plan ■ 1-LT1-021 —Site Lighting Photometric Study Plan Restoration Plans: Plans prepared by Wilkinson Ecological design, dated May 8, 2023 ■ Restoration Plan