HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication - Red Jacket Design Review TCYARD U I H TOWN AWN CF ER Town of Yarmouth o . ,:, . y Design Review Application �i j� ��b;t►1V H., Date: June 2, 2023 Applicant's Name: R.J. Resorts Beach Resort Owner LLC iLi ❑ Conceptual Review X Formal Review D Des. Review Comm. XPlanning Board Review Date 1 Z-3 Reviewiime: S.30 HMOD2 Projects: Abutter's List Provided Advertised on: .3 Abutters notified on: Z Applicant's Address: c/o Marian S. Rose - Law Office of Singer & Singer, LLC - 26 Upper County Road Dennisport, MA 02639 Applicant's Phone: 508-398-2221 Email: msrose a•singer-law.cocn Owner or Corp. Name (if different): Property (project) Address: 1 South Shore Drive, South Yarmouth, MA 02664 Assessor's Map/lot 19 / 20.1 Zoning District(S): HMOD; R-25 Flood Zone: VE 14, VE 13, AE 13, AE 1 I Engineer/Surveyor: Surveyor: Feldman Geospacial — Engineer: Coastal Engineering Co. Architect: Gregory Villegas (Wimberly, Alison, Tong & Goo) Project Description: See attached. Design Review -Scope of Project 28 South Shore Drive, South Yarmouth, MA The Applicant proposes to rehabilitate and refresh the Red Jacket Resort by the proposed work outlined below: 1. Remove the existing pool, deck area, and fencing and replace with a reconfigured pool, spa, deck area, cabanas and fencing; 2. Remove existing exterior pool pump and vault and enlarge the existing interior pump room to house new mechanical equipment for the new pool; 3. Add two (2) convenience unisex restrooms within the existing indoor pool building with doors that face the outdoor paving area and install one (1) exterior shower within the new pool area; 4. Remove the existing temporary bar tent structure and construct a new pavilion that includes a bar, seating areas, and a fireplace; S. Upgrade landscape planting at the Pool Area, the adjacent Event Lawn, and the area on the westerly side of Resort Entry Drive at South Shore Drive; 6. Enhance landscape planting in the existing planting areas at the existing Porte Cochere (from the Design Review Application); Improve site circulation and pedestrian access by providing striped crosswalks linking the Resort cottages and hotel structures at the Resort Entry at South Shore Drive and between the cottages and beach access across South Shore Drive; 7. Replace existing landscape planting primarily lawn with native planting to meet the conservation requirements for the project and provide mitigation plantings; and 8. Redesign and upgrade existing and required handicapped parking spaces and provide conforming accessible access to hotel and hotel amenities. The Applicant's proposed work centers on the Resort entrance, east and west wings of the hotel, the pool deck area, and related conservation mitigation. The eastern section of the Resort and parking areas have been eliminated from the project. YARMOUTH DESIGN REVIEW MATERIALS SPECIFICATION SHEET Provide color chips and or material samples where necessary. Marian Rose on behalf of Owner, RJ Resorts Beach Resort Owner LLC Applicant:_ _ Project Location: 28 S Shore Drive, South Yarmouth, MA 02664 Siding Type & Material(s): WOOD FINISH COLUMNS / FRAMES Roof Material & Pitch(es): STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF - MATT FINISH Windows: O Wood O Other (specify) N/A Doors: O Wood O Other (specify) N/A Trim Size: Windows& Doors N/A• ; Corner Boards N/A; Soffits N/A; Rakes N/A ; Fascia —12" Color(s): WHITE Color(s): CHARCOAL GRAY Color(s): N/A Color(s): N/A Color(s): WHITE Trim Material: DO Wood O Other (specify) Color(s): WHITE Shutters: WoodNinyl/Othe r- Paneled/Louve red N/A Color(s): N/A Gutters: O Wood DO Other (specify) METAL Color(s): CHARCOAL GRAY Garage Doors: Material; Size; Style N/A Color(s): N/A Decks And Railings: O Wood lO Other (specify) BIRCK PAVERS Color(s): BELCREST 730 (RED) Fencing: O Wood CAI Other (specify) Size: CLEAR GLASS / METAL Color(s): CHARCOAL GRAY (Show Layout And Running Footage On Site Plan) REFER TO PLANS FOR SIZE Retaining Wall(s): Pressure Treated/Fieldstone/Other REFER TO LANDSCAPE DRAWINGS (Show Layout And Running Footage On Site Plan) Signs: (Show On Plan) Size; Style REFER TO LANDSCAPE DRAWINGS Color(s): Additional Information: Refer to Landscape and Architectural drawing package for proposed finishes.