HomeMy WebLinkAboutUse & OccupancyRECEIVED BUILDING DEPARTMENT ln accordadce CtPLbC South Use and with the provisions Application for a Department 50&398-2231en.t26l State Building Code, section 105.1 and occupancy Name of Phone Type of Business S L?frRr Property fud*r Unit f *square Footage to be occupied l( il ) rattach floor plan The applicant is required to obtain apprwalstgn-off5 from the following departments aschecked off below: x Heahh Department-s0&39&zz3text. 1241 r r Fire Department - Fire prevention, 96 ord Marn street, s0&39g- zzrz Other Applicant Signature Please notc: this permit as foruse and occupancy onhr. Any work requiring a building permit will require a licensed contractor to submit an addlttonal application with a1 the required information based on the scope of the project. Zoning Oistrict-B- 3 - Allovyed Use: Yes 2( No- permit fi 5a81eq15bT rtOfffe use onhre Proposed Use- Change of Use: yes- No4 APD Waiver: Yes- n"-{.N/A- {-16-4 lu{l i V I,u Fee: 560 ,p.ftEd V2l Officials Signature Date Toryn of \ -l o ,(\ o(s d,lt z? %16 F -<\oe LA x r",818Jgt\> oA{ ry *ii>$(:.*1 4 tso V II &r $y *,trE tr 1t r. eS(<\ O :..>3 F*.tF \ $i siF3-c fsF-rFztrt\t>c vl(Q46F\1 F JT q tr B? $t (i(s-E "L '(> rsi lv o.(\<\ E f-/L-2"3 '//Lf' YARMOIjTH FTRE PREVENTION New Business Transmittal Project Name: Aliette Aesthetics Address: 1200A Route 28 Contact Name: Ilrigctte Cartf Phone: 508 789 7562 Description of planned project or business: Medic*l Aesthetics Entered in Firehouse [-l * YIiD permit required-depending on ocrupancy and submittal Regulationx based on NFPA I (20?l editiorr) with mass amendmr-"nts adopted l2l0(rlll A Permit from YFD is required my time a fire protection system is shut down, altered or removed. All existing lire protection s)-stems to he inspected and upgraded as nceded. The YFD support the rppliration, subject to applicabk submissions, permits rnd inspections. Plan Reviewed By: Lieutenant Matthew llearse Date: Mal'' 16. l02l Cop,v to [:ire Prcvention Final Inspcction YNNA Suhiect Regulation X Building l!umbers Fire l-anes MCL Chapter 1,18: sec i9 x 5:7 Cil{R l; l8.l.l X Extinguishers -i2? CMR l: 11.6. Chapter 148; sec 28 X Maintence of any equipmenl system relating to Fire Proteclion. 527CMRl 1.1.4, MCl. 148 section 27a X * l lazardous Matcrials Storagc 527 CMR l; 6t).l, 20.1 5.4 X Emurgency Plan Requ ired 5l7C\.rR r 10.8. r x Conrmercial cooking, I lood systems 527CMRl 50.1.1.t X Commercial Cooking Hood S-vstems Cleaning 5:?CI{R I 50.5.4 x *Commercial Cooking F.xtinguishnrent S-y*stem 527CMR r 50.4.3 X *Candles. open flamrs. and portahle cooking -i:7c\{R I 10. I 0.1.:0. t.-5.1."1 x Blocking electrical panel 52?CMRI 10.r9.,r.r x Blocking cxit-s -ilTcktR I 1.1.-l.l x Exlension cords shall not be used as a substitutr to pemranent u'irine 527ClvtR l 1 x Lirnit storage heights to 24 inches belorv ceiling without sprinklers lS inches u'ith -i27CMRl 10.t8.3 x Maintain Aisle width of 36lnch's (3 Feetl 780CMlr il0r.1 X Storage inside'outside Buildin gs -i:7 C:\.1 R I : I 0. I 8. l. 4.4.i. L l. t 9. I .2.-14. l. I X The right to inspect MCL ('hapter I48 Scc. 4 X t Upholsrer-rt 5:7 CMR I; 10.1.? X *'I'ra-sh Containers 5:7 CMR l: lq.l.1. Lll X An1 llazard tr: thc Public *Curtains. Drarrcries. Illinds l.l8: sec 18 527 Cll.{R l; 12.6.1X