HomeMy WebLinkAboutSouth Sea Village Master DeedMASTER DEED of SOUTH SEA VILLAGE CONDOMINIUM I, RONALD S. RUDNICK, Trustee of South Sea Village Nominee Trust, under a written Declaration dated April 1 1981 and recorded with the Barnstable County Registry of Deeds as Doc. No. 27 8, 9: 0, hereinafter called the Declarant, being the sole owners of the land and buildings in Yarmouth (West), Barnstable County, Yzassachusetts hereinafter described, by duly executing and recording this ".aster Deed, do hereby submit said land together with the buildings, improvements and structures located thereon to the provisions of Chapter 183A of the General Laws of Hassachusetts, as amended, and propose to create and do hereby create a condominitm to be governed by and subject to the provisions of said Chapter 183A, and to that end, we hereby declare and provide as follows: 1. The name, of the condominium shall be the SOUTH SEA VILLAGE CONDO*-1NIUM. II. A description of the land on which the buildings and improvements are located is set forth and described in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof, which land and buildings are subject to and have the benefit of, as the case may be, the easements, encumbrances, restrictions and appurtenant rights set forts: and contained in said Exhibit A: 111. • The description of the buildings comprising the Condominium, stating the number of stories, the number of units and the principal material of which they are constructed is set forth and described in Exhibit B attached hereto and made a part hereof. IV. A. The unit designation of the condominium units, location, approximate areas, number of rooms, immediately accessible common areas and other descrip- tive specifications thereof are as set forth in Exhibit C attached hereto and made a part hereof and as shown on the floor plans attached hereto and made a part hereof_ B_ The boundaries of Units 1 through 32 are as follows: (1) Roofs - The plane of the outer surface of the robf-shingles; (2) Exterior Buildings Walls, Doors and Windows - As to walls, the plane of the exterior surface of the shingles, or with respect to basement areas, the exterior surface of the basement wall; as to doors, the exterior surface thereof; and as to windows, the exterior surface of the glass and of The -window frames; (3) Floors - The plane of the outer and exterior surface of the lowest floor; (y) Foundations, chimneys, gutters, downspouts, drains, flues, vent pipes, railings, steps, bulkheads, fireplaces and other features connected to or extending from said surfaces of a unit are a part of the unit; and (5) Drainage pipes and waste disposal systems that serve only one unit are a part of the unit. 2 V. The common areas and facilities of the condominium shall include: A. Such areas and items listed as such in Section 1 of said Chapter 183A and those hereinafter listed, and without limiting the foregoing, all areas and facilities of the condominium as are not within a unit of the condominium; B. A31 conduits, ducts, pipes, plumbing, wiring, flues and other facilities for the furnishings of utility services which are contained within any unit which serve parts of the .condominium other than the unit within which such facilities are contained; C. All land, lawns, trees and facilities thereof, shed, lighting fixtures, plants and parking and other improved or umimporved areas not within the units; except that each unit owner shall have access to the crawl space under his unit through any outside areaway that may exist. Units 4, 6, 8, 14, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 28, and 33 shall have the right to maintain and exclu- sively use the deck or porch attached to their respective units. Units 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31 and 33 shall have the right to maintain and exclusively use the outdoor fenced -in showers which are attached to their units. D. All other apparatus and installations in the buildings, if any, for common use or necessary or convenient to the existence, maintenance or safety of the condominium. The common areas and facilities shall be subject to the provisions of the By-laws of South Sea Village Condominium Association, hereinafter referred to, and to the rules and regulations promulgated pursuant thereto with respect to the use and maintenance thereof. _ 3 V1. The owners of each unit shall be entitled to an undivided interest in the .common areas and facilities in the percentage set forth in Exhibit D attached hereto and made a part hereof, which percentage was determined as required by - the provisions of said Chapter 183A. VII. herewith as part: of the hereinbefore mentioned South Sea Village - Condominium plan is a set of floor plans of the buildings showing the layout, location, unit numbers and dimensions of the units stating the names of the buildings asinumbers, and bearing the verified statement of a registered surveyor certifying that the plans fully and accurately depict the layout, location, unfit numbers and dimensions of the units as built. VIII. A. Ea4h of the units of the Condominium is intended to be used solely for single faSmily residence purposes, unless a unit contains more than one dwelling are', a self—contained area with.its own kitchen and bathroom facili— ties, in whi4h case, said unit may be used by as many families as there are dwelling areas within a unit, in accordance with the By—laws of the South Sea , Village Cond , nium Association, provided, however, that such units may be used by the IIeclarant for other purposes temporarily pursuant to provisions of and subject to the limitations set forth in Paragraph VIII C. I! B. The' outdoor parking areas are intended to be used for the parking of private passenger cars and not for trucks or other vehicles or items, except with prior wr�i�ne-- ,tten permission of the Board of Managers of the Condominium associaiion; I I i 4 C. As provided in the foregoing Paragraph VIII A., the Declarant hereof may, until all of said units have been sold by the Declarant (1) let or lease a unit or units which have not been sold by them and (2) use any unit or units owned by them as a model for display for purposes of sale or leasing of units. D. Each of the units can be sold only as an entirety, and no dwelling area within a unit can be sold separately from the unit of which it is a part. A. Unless otherwise permitted by instrument in writing and duly executed by the Board of Managers of the South Sea Village Condominium Association pursuant to the provisions of the By-laws thereof; (1) No such unit or dwelling area when a unit contains more than one dwelling area shall be used for any purpose other than as a dwelling for one (1) family as permitted under Section VIII A., above; (2) No business activities of any nature shall be conducted in any ".C>- such unit.; (3) No animals of any kind, including birds and reptiles, except for ordinary household pets, shall he kept or permitted in any unit or in or on the common areas and facilities. (4) The architectural integrity of the buildings and the units shall be preserved without modification and to that end, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, no balcony, enclosure, awning, screen, antenna, sign, banner or other device and no exterior change, addition, structure, projection, decoration or other feature shall be -erected or placed upon or attached to any such unit or any part thereof, nor addition to or change or replacement of any exterior light, door knocker, or other exterior hardware _6i6aii be ,-_ uu.d painting C'_' Oth-er rhAll use done on a'.y exterior part or surface of any unit nor on the interior surface of any window; and 5 f (5) No unit shall be used or maintained in a manner contrary to or inconsistent with the By—laws of the South Sea Village Condominium Association and rules and regulations which may be adopted pursuant thereto. Said restrictions shall be for the benefit of the owners of all of the condominium units and the Board of Managers of the South Sea Village -Condominium Association as the persons in charge of the common areas and facilities, shall be enforceable solely by said Board of Managers, and shall, insofar as permitted by law, be perpetual; and, to that end, may be extended by said Board of Managers at such time or times and in such manner as permitted or required by law for the continued enforceability thereof. No unit owner shall be liable for any breach of the provisions of this Paragraph, except such as occur during his or her ownership thereof. B. Notwithstanding anything .in this Master Deed to the contrary, each unit may have an addition built onto it but only to the extent permitted by right by the laws of the Town of Yarmouth and not otherwise. X. This Master Deed may be amended by an instrument in writing (I) signed by the owners of units entitled to seventy (70%) percent or more of the undivided interests in the common areas and facilities, and (2) signed and acknowledged by a majority of the Board of Managers of the South Sea Village Condominium Association, and (3) duly recorded with the Barnstable County Registry of Deeds; provided, however, that: Aa The date on which any such instrument is first signed by a unit owner shall be indicated thereon as the date thereof and no such instrument shall be of any force or effect unless the same has been recorded within sIx (6) mon ns after uuuij dates; 6 B. No instrument of amendment which alters the dimensions of any unit shall be of -any force or effect unless the same has been signed by the owners of the unit so altered; C.' No instrument of amendment which alters the percentage of the undi= .vided interest to which any unit is entitled in the common areas and facilities _shall be of any force or effect unless the same has been signed by the owners of all of the units and said instrument is therein designated as an Amended Master Deed; D. No instrument of amendment affecting any unit in a manner which impairs the security of a first mortgage of record thereon held by a bank or Insurance company or a purchase money second mortgage held by the Delcarant or their successors or assigns shall be of any force or effect unless the same has been assented to by such holder; and E. No instrument of amendment which alters this Master Deed in any manner which would render it contrary to or inconsistent with any requirements or provisions of said Chapter 183A of the General Laws of Massachusetts shall be of any force or effect. EAP The organization through which the unit owners will manage and regulate the condominium established hereby is an unincorporated association known as the South Sea Village Condominium Association. Said Association has been formed and has enacted By—laws pursuant to said Chapter 183A and are to be recorded herewith. All unit owners in the South Sea Village Condominium Association shall be members of the Association of unit owners and such owners shall have an interest .n -.�w....� ...., r.� ti :1c. T,•GTi :46 of 1-sreivliried is terest :I--- the and 7 facilities to which they are entitled hereunder. The name and address of the original and present Board of Managers thereof is as follows: Richard H. McNealy 652 fain Street West Yarmouth, MA 02673 XII. If any portion of the common elements now encroaches upon any unit, or if any unit now encroaches upon any other unit or upon any portion of the common elements, or if any such encroachment shall occur hereafter as a result of (1) settling of the buildings, or (2) alteration or repair to the common elements made by or with the consent of the Board of Managers of the South Sea Village Condominium Association, or (3) as a result of repair or restoration of the buildings or a unit thereof after damage by fire or other casualty, or (4) as a result of condemnation or eminent domain proceedings, each unit owner shall have the benefit of and be subject to a valid easement which shall exist for such encroachment and for the maintenance of the same so long as the buildings stand. XIII. Each unit owner shall have an easement in common with the owners of all other units to use all pipes, wires, ducts, flues, cables, conduits, public utility lines and other common elements located in any of the other units and serving his unit. Each unit shall be subject to an easement in favor of the owners of all other units to use the pipes, wires, ducts, flues, cables, conduits, public utility lines and other common elements serving other units �4143 licatcd =1- .. =h .,_7trd of --Ma :alters- o; the Svutb =-•t pi' I sbo_ 4 ' Condominium Association shall have a right of access to each unit to inspect the same to remove violations therefrom and to maintain, repair or replace the coon elements contained therein or elsewhere in the buildings. • XIV. All present and future owners, tenants, visitors, servants and occupants of units shall be subject to and shall comply with the provisions of this Master Deed, -the Unit Deed, By-laws and the rules and regulations, as they may be amended from time to time. The acceptance of a deed or conveyance or the entering into occupancy of any unit shall constitute an agreement that (1) provisions of this Master Deed, the Unit Deed, the .By-laws and the rules and regulations as they may be amended from time to time are accepted and ratified by such owner, tenant, visitor, servant or occupant, and all such provisions shall be deemed and taken to be covenants running with the land and shall bind any person having at any time any interest or estate in such unit, as though such provisions were recited and stipulated at length in each and every deed or conveyance or lease thereof, and (2) a violation of the provisions of this Master Deed, the Unit Deed, By-laws or rules and regulations by any such person shall be deemed a substantial violation of the duties of the condominium unit owner. The invalidity of any provision or provisions of this Master Deed shall not be deemed to impair or affect in any manner the validity, enforceability or effect of the remainder of this Master Deed, and, in such -event, all of the other provisions of this Master Deed shall continue in full force and effect as if sLc:. invalid _ rovision h-^ nee•-- I- I -,:"tided_ herein. 9 XVI No provision contained in this Master Deed shall be deemed to have been abrogated or waived by reason of any failure to enforce the same, irrespective of the number of- violations or breaches which may occur. XVII. This Master Deed is set forth to comply with the requirements of Chapter 183A of the General Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. In case any of the provisions stated above conflict with the provisions of said statute, the provisions of said statute shall control. The units and common areas and facilities and the unit owners and the South Sea Village Condominium Association shall have the benefit of and be subject to the provisions of said Chapter 183A of the General Laws of Massachusetts, and in all respects not specified in this Master Deed or in said By—laws of the South Sea Village Condominium .&b- Association shall be governed by provisions of said Chapter 183A in their relation to each other and to the condominium established hereby, including without limitation, the provisions thereof, with respect to common expenses, funds and profits, with respect to the improvement and rebuilding of common areas and facilities, and with respect to removal of the condominium premises or any portion thereof from the provisions of said Chapter 183A. XVIII. All terms and expressions herein used which are defined in Section 1 of said Chapter 183A shall have the same meanings herein as set forth in said Section 1. IN WITNESS �WH/EREOF, RON/A�LD S. /RUDNICK, Trustee has hereunto set his hand . a ._ / r i` ,, 7 �[ :,. u.. b+e_-• �� !�-..-- day t.� ..�F_-✓'!° Yon*ld S. Rudnic ,1JTrustee I tl COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Barnstable, ss. 1981 Then personally_ appeared the above named RONALD S. RUDNICK, Trustee as aforesaid, and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be his free act and deed, before me, C Notary Pub is My commission expires: t� 11