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eaA Y)) 1 11/4) r. ® 04 ONE & TWO FAMILY ONLY- BUILDING PERMIT Town of Yarmouth Building Department ! • Y U 1146 Route 28, South Yarmouth,MA 02664-4492 •'"of r -_'_; 508-398-2231 ext. 1261 Fax 508-398-0836 '" s. " 3 1/J,10 Massachusetts State Building Code,780 CMR �: V Building Permit Application To Construct, Repair, Renovate Or Demolish ` p a One-or Two-Family Dwelling �'' '"`°~ r, This Section For Official Use Only RECEIVE .s, Building Permit Number: J (.1)2 3---C,)I b S J Date Applied: '1 a . E C+ E I V E Building Official(PrintName) orJL a 7 202 tgna e to SECTION 1:SITE INFORMATION ' I L D I N G D EPAR T MtN 1.1 Property ddres : 1.2 Assessors Map&Parcel Numbers nx V7 ('� ce- Sk-reef 13z 1.1 a Is this an accepted street?yes ✓ no Map Number Parcel Number Col 1140 1.3 Zoning Information: 1.4 Property Dimensions: 2e): 7' 1 b� 1 1-7.Z o •! U )34'"Zoning District Proposed Use Lot Area(sq ft) Frontage(ft) o, 1.5 Building Setbacks(ft) Front Yard Side Yards J Rear Yard o p•Required I Provided Required Provided ` I Required Provided •• 1.6 Water Supply: (M.G.L c.40,§54) 1.7 Flood Zone Information: 1.8 Sewage Disposal System: o Zone: _ Outside Flood Zane? Check if yesGY Municipal 0 On site disposal system $� Public 1GV Private 0 SECTION 2: PROPERTY OWNERSHIP' 2.1 Ow G'of Re it / �'���///� / ����� IY� Lap- - 1/f pr� 1Z I OZ67J v C` j" 1 Name(Print) Ci ,State,ZIP V7 eP�j' •-c. S-T0- -2 -Egg"4.izz C )ean (46Are-4(G11 . L,0 No.and Street Telephone p Email Address a SECTION 3:DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK2(check all that apply) A L New Construction CIExisting Building CII Owner-Occupied ❑ I Repairs(s) 0 Alteration(s) Q Addition Demolition 0 Accessory Bldg. 0 Number of Units Other ❑ Specify: • • Brief Description of Proposed Work2: -2_et„i) /y 77 4 410• ,...-r d �o �•t � c < L. ' !}Yt re,..- a 1 h,fyl cI a SECTION 4:ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS. Item Estimated Costs: • (Labor and Materials) Official Use Only . / $ ° I.Building $ 7t' 6 2 S. c: 1. Building Permit Fee:$ 7 ,Indicate how fee is determined: ?.Electrical $ �v j7 ���� S o 13 Standard City/Town Application Fee 3.Plumbing 4'd Total Project Co t3(Item 6) multiplier x Seerrin- „9 1,y (.1,..”--, 2. Other Fees: $ (n d) CI to -` 4.Mechanical (HVAC) $ X List: ' '.; 5.Mechanical (Fire . Suppression) $ }� Total All Fees:$ I \ A' 6.Total Project Cost: , $ 6, G• Check No. Check Amount: Cash Amount:' i ❑Paid in Full LE.Outstanding Balance Due: S,t) ••• \ r> • SECT:ON 5: CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 5.1 Construction Supervisor License(CSL) /� / �S - ja� Jti� 6 2�i z Name of CSL Holdeer /s License Number Expiration Date Q 7 S � e�� �� _ • List CSL Type(see below) . No.and Street Description i / ,( raw. ( Unrestricted(Buildings u•to 35,000 du.ft.) City/Town,State,ZIP IliblAilli Restricted 1&2 Family Dwellin• M Masonry ; RC Roofing Coverin: _ WS Window and Sidin• ° S o8' 'i 6_5 v Y S aU<'`l D L Re oc�e 1, SF Solid Fuel Burning Appliances .•• t"t'c Insulation Telephone Email address 5.2 Registered Home Improvement Contractor(HIE) D Demolition ru Company Name r HIC Registrant Name HIC Registration Number Expiration Date (( .S lie gaa� Gt d/cN, ,.J N and Street 1t Z. )C�EMI2L. ,y Q r„• I. r ► t-. Oa 3 1 Sn_'-2 LiI`•-goy f Email address City/Town, State,ZIP . Telephone SECTION 6:WORKERS'COMPENSATION INSURANCE AFFIDAVIT(M.G.L. c.152.§ 25C(6))•,' Workers Compensation Insurance affidavit must be completed and submitted with this application. Failure to provide this affidavit will result in the denial of the Issuance of the building permit. Signed Affidavit Attadhed? YeS ■ , 'o No 0 SECTION 7a: OWNER AUTHORIZATION TO BE COMPLETED WHEN . OWNER'S AGENT OR CONTRACTOR APPLIES FOR BUILDING PERMIT I,as Owner of the subject property,hereby authorize ` o to act on my behalf,in all matters relative to work authorized by this buiidinQ ' eh a permit applic ation.r`;1 2o�'?cc'ci o h Print Owner's Name(Electronic Signature) 6'zG2 Z Date • SECTION 7b: OWNER'OR AUTHORIZED AGENT DECLARATION ° Byentering •'my name below,I hereby attest under the pains and penalties of pei jury that all of the information contained in this application is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and understanding. /Y(/'i ,Ot(f) )' 1dr— Print Owner's or Authorized Agent's Name(Electronic Signature) ���‘ +Z Date '• • Z NOTES: I• An Owner who obtains a building permit to do his/her own work,or an owner who hires an unregistered contrzetor (not registered in the Home Improvement Contractor(HIC)Program), will 1ao1 have access to the arbitration program or guaranty fund under M.G.L. c. 142A.Other important information on the HIC Program can be fqurid at www.mass.Qov/oca Information on the Construction Supervisor License can be found at www.mas Qov/dns' 2. When substantial work is planned,provide the information below: Total floor area(sq.ft.) Gross living area(sq.ft.) (including garage,finished basement/attics,decks or porch) Number of fireplaces Habitable room count Number of bathrooms Number of bedrooms , Number of half/baths Type of heating system Type of cooling system Number of decks/porches Enclosed Open 3. "Total Project Square Footage"may be substituted for"Total Project Cost" • • ~ . o • • pp¢.,:ae 1 The Commonwealth of Massachusetts " 1 Department of Industrial Accidents `' Ir 1 Congress Street,Suite 100 tea° b `L ir Boston,MA 02114-2017 a. www.mass.gov/dia Workers' Compensation Insurance Affidavit: Builders/Contractors/Electricians/Plumbers. , ' TO BE FILED WITH THE PERMITTING AUTHORITY. Applicant Information Please Print Ltly Name (Business/Organization/Individual):D&L Remodeling Inc. Address:87 Sheffield Road .0. City/State/Zip:Brewster/MA/02631 Phone#:508-246-4544 so, Are you an employer?Check the appropriate box: Type of project(require): LID I am a employer with 4 employees(full and/or part-time).* a 7. 0 New construction`° 2.❑I am a sole proprietor or partnership and have no employees working for me in #®' 8. El Remodeling any capacity.[No workers'comp.insurance required.] 3.0I am a homeowner doing all work myself[No workers'comp.insurance required.] 9. El Demolition 4.0 I am a homeowner and will be hiringcontractors to conduct all work on myproperty. I will • ]0❑ Building addition. ensure that all contractors either have workers'compensation insurance or are sole 11.0 Electrical repairs additions proprietors with no employees. � 5.❑1 am a general contractor and I have hired the sub-contractors listed on the attached sheet. 12.❑Plumbing repairs bitdditions These sub-contractors have employees and have workers'comp.insurance.: 13.0Roof repairs 14. 6.❑We are a corporation and its officers have exercised their right of exemption per MGL c. Other D 152,§1(4),and we have no employees.[No workers'comp.insurance required.] ®6 *Any applicant that checks box#1 must also fill out the section below showing their workers'compensation policy information. 42, t Homeowners who submit this affidavit indicating they are doing all work and then hire outside contractors must submit a new affidavit indica,ti��igg such. *Contractors that check this box must attached an additional sheet showing the name of the sub-contractors and state whether or not those entitieitave employees. If the sub-contractors have employees,they must provide their workers'comp.policy number. •' I am an employer that is providing workers'compensation insurance for my employees. Below is the policy andjoh site information. Insurance Company Name:AIM Mutual P Policy#or Self-ins. Lic. #:WC1165560 Expiration Date:1/15/2023 0a Job Site Address:47 Center Street Yarmouth MA '4 City/State/Zip: Attach a copy of the workers' compensation policy declaration page(showing the policy number and expira'tiOn date). Failure to secure coverage as required under MGL c. 152, §25A is a criminal violation punishable by a fine up to git 500.00 and/or one-year imprisonment,as well as civil penalties in the form of a STOP WORK ORDER and a fine of up to'250.00 a day against the violator.A copy of this statement may be forwarded to the Office of Investigations of the DIA for insurance coverage verification. fperjury ,�° I do hereby certify under the pains and penalties othat the information provided above is true and correct Signature: 4. Date: Phone#:508-246-9045 a.• Official use only. Do not write in this area,to be completed by city or town official. .1. • o.. City or Town: Permit/License# Issuing Authority(circle one): 1. Board of Health 2. Building Department 3.City/Town Clerk 4. Electrical Inspector 5.Plumbing Inspector 6.Other Contact Person: Phone#: CO 0 al > CO CO> > m ol> > 4 Ch a f,/,•"C.... IN M.21 0 Ci 0 7.1 rn 6 0 Mt:1z z - 1 Xt "NI rJ m to > 000 73 8 ... ...,-0 * 1 j -mrn m 0 to -..1 .,. .17<* ni - =1.1 0 io 0-z K CI z > c:x 0 0.0 ., 0 im 0 ..... . c> 0 M 44,IX 0 ',.•J ...t, -Z ., g C ct.) C) "... NI 6 o : to ,...) c sa e) ... z a co 0 CD •-.‘„, -- ,z (t) c) o 3 o c) co -c-.3 co * C it..1.. -.* < = cn (D N r..4. (t) : ...151). CD - al -ogx1 <1) to .._ 0 ,tc 0 et ,y4, in -I cn N\ 0 Z 0 Z Z X (D , r+ CArla 0 .0 < 2) 0 cp Ia. it43 \ \if; Z 9 at EL 0 - 0 = t•-0. rri •,, e-o- m _ \ .... ..,.. 5 r+ ar o• o el -c., (7) cr).-. 00 -NI....., 09 ii34.-+ 0 X (C2 °I .... -1/.•0 th C ,-. 0:,..< — CD k = - -, 0 ID 0 1:1, Cow ``"g s'. = 0 Xi t* * 12. *--•VI "`"1, 0 c•••„, \ ... 0 Nac,...1c /...,.. to 0ca c c„ t,,.) N.,. .... c, . I 0 §TOWN OF YARMOUTH 1146 Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA 02664 508-398-223 ext..1261 Fax 508-398-0836 Office of the Building Commissioner BUILDING DEPARTMENT • P " DEMOLITION DEBRIS DISPOSAL AFFIDAVIT.. Pursuant to M.G.L. Ch. 40, §54 and 780 CMR- Section 105.3.1. #4. 8 •r I hereby certify that the debris resulting from the proposed work/demolition to be conducted at 97 (2e .S+r,- Work Address • Is to be disposed of oat the following location: 'btlYp.. Said disposal site shall be a licensed solid waste facility as defined by M.G.L. Ch. 111, §150A. • 7/7/Z Ca Signature of Application Date Permit No. /' o s ri 'K- , t � A • ` : i '-',','-:',‘":.r .,_.' .1,..,,::,:..._',;:-,,,-,,.; -,-:.,•'..,.: Ii- 5 ; ,' s ca�tt{- - - 1 _ s are £ : k - 4 .. ,}� r- ��";�`x a 1x �y v xM T gyp, - . a, 'k 2 3 £ I:Jr j; t , ze, < z ,4 4 4. .: li ' �h -; s Ag a $( §it n1 �o--p " -' `, s� " etK »"� f' �y"e , .;;- . III oli r "ram "ass"' § '� ,P t ', St'. -s"fi � is ,. - -� . *� s', e t a. # +t ,ads"� `� x.. 5" f+- 3 �." 3i' r. 4.�{r Y n � S. - ., •Ss 12/14/22,8:39 AM Mail-gears,Tim-Outlook 47 Center St Sears, Tim <tsears@yarmouth.ma.us> Wed 12/14/2022 8:37 AM To:Adam O'Connor <Adam@DLRemodelinginc.corn> Adam, I have reviewed your updated information and the 110mph checklist has not been met in the following g 1. 2.2 anchor bolts 72 inch shown 59 inch required 2. 4.2 exterior walls the gable wall has no sheathing that qualifies as full height If the checklist is not met then the plans will need to be reviewed and stamped by a Registered Design Professional Timothy Sears CBO Deputy Building Commissioner Town of Yarmouth 508-398-2231 Ext. 1259 N� 1 � C'or mailto:tsears@yarmouth.ma.us S /nJ 1°��fC� U\ii<ontrcrt(lir https://outlook.office.com/mail/sentitems/id/AAQkADE3MDQ5NWZmLTkOYzItNDIwNi1iMDQxLWNkMGQyNmE4NzE5NAAQA03f rVP 9 m7xCjmHsHUo... 1/1 Sears, Tim From: Sears, Tim Sent: Tuesday,July 19, 2022 8:29 AM To: Adam O'Connor Cc: Slack, Christine; Sherman, Lisa Subject: 47 Center St Adam, I have re ewed your application for the addition and there are some items needed. ./Health Department sign off /y/ d King's Highway sign off 3 110mph checklist or stamped plans Please submit these items for review This email is considered a written denial of your permit application per Section 105.3.1 of the Massachusetts State Building Code. Section 105.3.2 states in part that "an application for a permit for any proposed work shall be deemed to have been abandoned 180 days after the date of filing, unless such application has been pursued in good faith" You may appeal this denial to the Building Code Appeals Board in accordance with M.G.L. c. 143 §100,within 45 days of this notice. Timothy Sears CBO Deputy Building Commissioner Town of Yarmouth 508-398-2231 Ext. 1259 mailto:tsears@varmouth.ma.us 1 '' '~ TOWN OF Y A RMOUTH y v . 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664-4451 ECE Telephone(508)398-2231 Ext. 1292-Fax(508) 398-0836 , < ODD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE APPLICATION FOR 44 - CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION Application is hereby made for the issuance of a Certificate of Exemption under Sections 6 and 7 of Chapter 470 of Acts of 1973, as amended, for the proposed work as described below and on plans, drawings, or photographs accompanying this application. Type or print legibly: Address of pro osed work; e� -Cif., MapiLot 4 J 3 Z . 1 33" Owner(s) �1.1 f`b Le gyi&rel Phone#: 73 4 - SI 5-6 ti 27- All applications must be submitted by o ner or accompanied by letter from owner approving submittal of application. Mailing address: y7 Cepit Sirtsf Year built I !tt 1 e�5- Email ,.,Crel tie©r+*•rit. ith40.1• ^ Preferred notification method Phone Email Agent/Contractor: 401 4 L(oyt nu c Phone#. •S OB —Z Yt- sj q Y Mailing Address *7 Sit tt k f fed.__ /Pt,wd ril i9 OZ,f7 I �n. _ �. E �Lnc+ � .Email.Email. Q�«'` nc • Preferred notification method M �hone Loi Email Description of Proposed Work(Additional pages may be attached if necessary): ILI x $7' Q jA 4 re% •Va r oP haw+c . yh‘fch� AA (nae. 4 WI6kC. t"3 1a rt.01. jJJ:%-; . *0 'let Vli'a% `a VI" 44+ (o.4/, t+u t.k(i..$a 1.4 ua►S. 4 rfii.:&-s uur✓l S k.11 t. . i Signed(Owner or agent); _ ....- ..e Date: f Zp2Z. rOwner/contractor/agent is aware that a permit may be required from the Building Department.(Check other departments,also.) > 'this certificate is good for one year from approval date or upon date of expiration of Building Permit a.tricbever date shall be later for Committee use only: bale ,._. q jq/a•2 i Approved Approved with chlr t P ;�['-',:,behied Amount Reason for denial Cas 9/3 ttlG'K p: � _ Rcvd by �� Date Signed ` i f2.3Signed. � ) APPLICATION ..'E 127 #: _____ ,...,_ v=20 7 TOWN OF YARMOUTH 1146 ROUTE 28,SOUTH YARMOUTH,MASSACHUSETTS 02664-4451 Telephone(508)398-2231 Ext.1292 Fax(508)398-0836 OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE WAIVER OF 45-DAY DETERMINATIOl The applicant/applicant's agent understands and agrees that due to the current declared National and State public health emergencies the determination of our Application for a Certificate of Appropriateness/Demolition/Exemption may not be made within 45 days of the filing of such application. The applicant agrees to extend the time frame within which a determination is to be made as required by the Old Ding's Highway Regional Historic District Act. SECTION 9-Meetings, Hearings, Time for Making Determinations "As soon as convenient after such public hearing; but in any event within fitly-five (415) days after the.filing of application, or within suchfurther time as the applicant shall allow in writing, the Committee shall make a determination on the application." Applicant understands that the review of this application will be scheduled as soon as the situation allows. Applicant/Agent Name(please print • aft C.ev.n _.- Applicant/Agent signature: Date: 4— y y Application #: w .._ 3/2020 1 aY. k, TOWN OF YARMOUTH HEALTH DEPARTMENT Nitii, PERMIT APPLICATION SIGN OFF TRANSMITTAL SHEET To he completed by Applicant: /Building Site Location: t--, �, ! i,-:.( -='- r.{4` Proposed Improvement: Gam' tJc . c,, 1 et X/ / .; (e ,r c;C 1•1 ,,,, -- f cLWt 4 (1Z-00 Applicant: A Ci. 4 VYA 0 (cm rc<Nr Tel. No.: Address: .eS" 7 S hc CC _1G1 i"Z"` ,C Date Filed; 7/4' 32) **If you would like e-mail notification of sign off,please provide e-mail address: i^ c'�'''" L I‘ ..rIl Q'f e I nS;A c...covin Owner Name: e)r, , leor),. ,G, Owner Address:_ C fir 14 Cs S`i _ Owner Tel. No.: 23/'-- r9. -6yz RESIDENTIAL AND/OR COMMERCIAL BUILDING HEALTH DEPARTMENT: Determines Compliance to State and Town Regulations; i.e., Requirements For Septage Disposal and other Public Health Activities. Please submit three (3) copies of plans, to include: 1 (1.) Site Plan showing existing buildings, water line location, and septic system location; (2.) Floor plan labeling ALL rooms within building (all existing and proposed) — Note: Floor plans not required for decks,sheds, windows, roofing; (3.) If necessary, Title 5 application signed by licensed installer with fee. REVIEWED BY: DATE: 7--'.z T )2 PLEASE NOTE `'"',,e�- P'Y- �' �r PtiiN COMMENTS/CON TIONS:/5 L.) ( C i) ( `j p 04 (A-/C 5 Llo Lu i9 e t—t--tr v- s-T- 4 fv © s-erg (.. p C e p ��. I w. << E pF'1' TOWN OF).AR4tr >t Tt t }' o WATER DEPARTMENT Q E 99 Beck IShi :t ,-0.(1 iE fir f). c 5i4i _"t "<).- i • f a\: ' t0.-i; 7 7 1,-' .r8 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION FOR WATER DEPARTMENT SIGN OFF TRANSMITTAL FORM Bt'ILDING SITE LOCATION: / C 1- PROPOSED WORK: Add A 1 urs ) 9 x l 7 1 rr....c e C Li ,, APPLICANT:_.J ,.,,, Q' r. ,'tc„r m_ ADDRESS: ... ff.2 ...: , a • , ,LI `e.., r vi C 2 ‘` l I I LPIJONE: 5 6 2 4( ) 5 t, , , e }L, t e. E/ fen ;.fit RESIDENTIAL 1L AND 'OR COMMERCIAL. BUILDING Water Department: I)etcrtnines Compliance of Water twailahilit} and or existing location I.m.!ineering I)epartnrent: Determine;Compliance for Parking tint.I I)rainage Conservation Commission: Determines Compliance to Wetlands Act: i e. If logs)border any type of wetlands, streams.ponds, rivers.ocean. bogs, boys. marshland. ETC... Health Department:: Determines Compliance to State and Town Regulations, i.e. requirements fi,r Septage Disposal and other Public Ikalth Aetiv°ites lire I)epartment: Determines Compliance to State and Town Requirements for Personal Safety, Property Protections, i.c. Smoke Detectors,Sprinkler Svstems.etc "f APPLICANT SIGNATURE OFFICE USE: COMIZIEN'I"S ON PER,IEIT APPROVAL OR DENIAL RE:vIE1 'ED BY WATER DIVISION<SIG.NATL'RF) ) "z'" SERVICE NO, f 95 9 erior2, 21954,3 NAME n'e,, 12395 C. Lavailee STREET e.,22 4, } - l42- VILLAS E _ 42*n?d m ..L. METER NO. !f` 67 4 ./2ff r� '✓ '� "''!'....) 1 / `l I' L i. G F V/e-e.. i L " 't /` As e. ,7- , ng8. r—i all / "7 n0 N ,, . 0 444,- • -alto E b • O 0 y > vi 0 Y c• o O m. E to = ry m N rd ° ^\ 7 W N o ` p a '� L L N O ETTS �n a Q , O � N °�,s \ 0 01 gv w E. :� ^ H $H N o E i m t N c s F mZ Q�y`i..• 'bow ar m A a ' x .x > aeJi pld 2 0 0 ..., . 1"-- ln , N •V 2 Woo N L ;aags is;ua J y re ❑ m '�"' a`°o o ii h to d Ln a E o O lipNONhaoi � ON� �O' � gOi LLLL� o • ��.g 61 m r OOOOOIt) `o ; I J '� O I n co N N N 0 = c o al Cl) c c %mL,*2 O •J OV O , u O in p U (w rnc� — LI �F A Nq 3 CO Ca Z Q O m 3 o$o� LL c d — O L7 CL > % 8N$ O Of, J O O N CA O N V Y Y O c I N€ J M l0 a•, 0 2 N t>1 U U U m o o (n cif !1 Ot O, \ O m in c��� m o��� c o Y �' �a ac �a U 3 St Y q' O Z 0_' a) O ,c fn 0 0'O t c w 0 CO O H 3 t • U 3 O J , JLL y��m o 3�3 Z N m N cal Oto..o• Ill p�.,0, Z o Y a o o d y Z0 v v c c o� m ~„$~„ r q°�i o co k c.c 4) . ...c 0 o N o:0 ��tLC0D as.'" O U ❑ a J Q �u �. �' y o o •' aye yyaan-e •N•y q) ti q, 0 0z.F` W Wtn WO W W� ��� �33v.Ls ep!M.Oti a!!gnd) c� / 2 `' O� cz, k�11 .00'SZ l I _ irii — r am 1 T 1 1 o0. cy oi —-L_J 1 117 y�c-'o ' 1. I H� L� ` 3 2 EW d --� O� me o°S",m —`/ U� ac n a • a°�2 - 1 I ¢O �� �v , _ o v tl y 1 U ig a I 6u 6Z nal3 jam, ...Will ,• ' ill (/� U o /IaMO:Lo;S :::.,%`': - Q Q P. N a° z/l-1 6ugsix3 ..:. �,,, .c- f� o a�i« o c wo'vti �15 �;U W _i N ('o c q nE�� 1 ixm f•� Hi 1- 0 q k O O _ O IIIIIII �Q • o.O e a HI c•i N m a �IIIIII c x o^ ` yy I'', cn i,C9'9t $.Sb y o N 3'o d e W \ o N °w;a° �' I v• .S'64• o a m o•' o m m.k • rn U a o a �o • ° m u y g th • qC O O ° _ Y . m.o.% O y p��. 'm I �N 00 40E .t. meea2 N • x 2 • 'O W N O y W W • P k q a m m a m g �0 J v• d3 v o o `i o� n �� ° ore o� act 24gQg $ � o • o� �Q am o •. m$8s ° e / • • a d ❑ E m a • o a • 41 o E 2 0.o.N Z a t.°.• _ • Ol'SZL ! cO2.1om2saa..o N gi me om$ o,'SZasoQE z U� • N.'s°,.'°. 3 l .m. ° t�' ' Moss. State Plane(NADB3) (WWII m r` g o o F-I O I V211 N Pi v . © m } Ns. ' ' ---- ..... - COON ZONING DISTRICT(S) R-40(Residential 40) L Old Kings Highway District : Ma eHa 1� Min Lot Size 40,000 S.F. ud o di,w, "2'44-:,• , 443 LOCUS to2,20, 4 ,. 'W Min.Frontage 1503 Ft. roc 7- Front Setback 30 Ft. k ceox Side Setback 20 Ft. rnd + ,�. E"` Rear.Setback 20 Ft. seem H;. o yx. fan a� _ +„, ' . Max.Bldg,Coverage 25% y Route s(l .! �, Mt oboes amens!tie Roosokonenis ere horn YANMOtATN..:macs Y/ � ��_� .. the Iowa t t'wmooth Sorhp ay-taws/Mop y% I• I I A[,n�n. r ,e dotted October 28 mars,ebtoetw on-the from LOCUS MAP(N.T.$) e ,F.,,...„,,,, E [ cr F hue the Town of Yarmouth weba[ta d tr• epi ,po Sae I 5 $ ' x=} SITE PLAN Proposed tower tx Step . - -- —..i / g OWNER(S)OF RECORD WalkwayMeck� ., t .....__ •. 2. Christopher Leonard and Liuba Bivol Prepared For J. PrupoSed �;''n _ i t ;'q Deed Book 31068.Page 116 Chris Leonard and Liuba Bivol - Addition 7s�,. , ,, 1 , t i 4. Plan Book 317,Page 35 .v osed k -1t,.s a, i ; �'r " Lot 12 47 Canter Street i Dees/Stairs a rs m ' stRP J Assessors Parcel ID 132-131 YARMOUTH PART,MASS. . • r a, ,yr pp V_ Date:June 22,2022 �t Er i PnUo y E k. , # tead• ~a 14 ' �i gXrsnHc BUILDING COVERAGE(s.F) 4 x --- Existing Dwelling 805 Powers -"'~mod, Existing Shed 726 I, "M/01 A', 4k ,... �• 0°°tear"`. Steps, etc. 700d ij zrrus -- - i E%i8ting Deck 125 \,. wszr : kc x , .�� - TOTAL 7,756 +`cgs r`: r�, Lot Area �, —Am.-- tin � z,: 7.1.�of Lot Area � ��+"' 18,211 S,F.t � , d.�m.-- -sn<, / t 0.37 Acres PROPOSED BUILDING COVERAGE , 0 20 40' S _ t Existing Dwelling 805 BOILS s7.20. Existing Shed 726 Scale:1"w 26 t, Hor+rc0M0 Datum:NAB: ii Steps. etc. root ...._._. _.___. reread ben 1 Aparoo71w, NAK188 Land 2 Sgatk system Waite b opprorarwte and et based on tnbrmallon m .fi Proposed Dedc/Stoirs 70 .+xe with the Health noted kr tit 'w Proposed Lower Walkway/Deck, loot Surveying,Inc. .i The subject lot is Mooted h rENA Other Arens none x"owe 'U. Proposed Addition 281 wow tslandsanermg.com determined to be outside the 0.2X ennead chance R0004detn'as chew, 707A1_ 7,482 on t700 No 25001C05784 effective dote July 7Q 2014. �' 9 fA'or Lot Area P.0.8a 103 14am Bch Port MA 0254L ♦,Existing atoiry emotions ore hosed on w'm ground bte above grod components 130137 8635 oft,coOtsiarodsuno7ylog.00m located during the Raid surrey and are considered to be approximate. Contractor shod notify 7xgSofe(cad err or 888-Ol0-SAFE)or least 72 Project Na Y 38lO Scat I' 2C' hours pram to any consr ctien to hate ad existing atiines Mooted and I i ^• ., % Sheet Sew Well" clearly ragweed, r I = I %�!'1 s 7 r ... 47.Center St Yormoum.dwg ©CopSwgoe 2022 by rs toad Suwn"g•lay. A' -/ ;:,,INS R Fr,7) A 1,1S Sheet No.1 of 1 ill, LZ. . 3 AWC Guide to Wood Construction in High Wind Areas: 110 mph Wind Zone Massachusetts Checklist for Compliance (780 cr rn 5301.2.1.1)' Q Check Compliance 1.1 SCOPE Wind Speed(3-sec.gust) 110 mph _x__. Wind Exposure Category B 1.2 APPLICABILITY Number of Stories(a roof which exceeds 8 in 12 slope shall be considered a story) 1 stories 5 2 stories Roof Pitch (Fig 2) '7 5 12:12 Mean Roof Height (Fig 2).. 'ZQ ft 5 33' Building Width,W (Fig 3) i 7 ft 5 80' Building Length, L (Fig 3) 14 ft 5 80' Building Aspect Ratio(WV) (Fig 4) 77 5 3:1 Nominal Height of Tallest Opening2 .... (Fig 4)......... ............ ...... •........... b- g--5 6'8" 1.3 FRAMING CONNECTIONS General compliance with framing connections (Table 2) Y6 2.1 FOUNDATION Foundation Walls meeting requirements of 780 CMR 5404.1 Concrete f`" ConcreteMasonry......... ................................. ......... ....:.:.. 2.2 ANCHORAGE TO FOUNDATION'.3 5/8"Anchor Bolts imbedded or 5/8"Proprietary Mechanical Anchors as an alternative in concrete only,.pp Bolt Spacing-general (Table 4) 1 in. Bolt Spacing from end/joint of plate (Fig 5) 6 in._s 6"-12" Bolt Embedment-concrete (Fig 5) 7 in.>_7" Bolt Embedment-masonry (Fig 5) in.>_ 15" Plate Washer, (Fig 5) >3"x 3"x1" 3.1 FLOORS Floor framing member spans checked (per 780 CMR Chapter 55) Maximum Floor Opening Dimension (Fig 6) I a ft 5 12' Full Height Wall Studs at Floor Openings less than 2'from Exterior Wall(Fig 6) Maximum Floor Joist Setbacks Supporting Loadbearing Walls or Shearwall (Fig 7) 10 ft 5 d Maximum Cantilevered Floor Joists Supporting Loadbearing Walls or Shearwall (Fig 8) 0 ft 5 d Floor Bracing at Endwalls (Fig 9) Floor Sheathing Type (per 780 CMR Chapter 55) Floor Sheathing Thickness (per 780 CMR Chapter 55) 3.V in. Floor Sheathing Fastening (Table 2)... 1(d nails at 6 in edge/ )1.. in field 4.1 WALLS Wall Height Loadbearing walls (Fig 10 and Table 5) ( ft 5 10' Non-Loadbearing walls (Fig 10 and Table 5) 1 ft <_20' Wall Stud Spacing (Fig 10 and Table 5) j i9 in.5 24"o.c. Wall Story Offsets (Figs 7&8) U ft _<d 4.2 EXTERIOR WALLS3 Wood Studs Loadbearing walls (Table 5) 2x i - 8 ft— Non Loadbearing walls (Table 5) 2x - ft in. Gable End Wall Bracing 1 Full Height Endwall Studs (Fig 10) WSP Attic Floor Length (Fig 11) ft>_W/3 Gypsum Ceiling Length(if WSP not used) (Fig 11) _ft?0.9W and 2 x 4 Continuous Lateral Brace @ 6 ft. o.c. .. (Fig 11) or 1 x 3 ceiling furring strips @ 16"spacing min.with 2 x 4 blocking @ 4 ft.spacing in end joist or truss bays Double Top Plate y ft Splice Length (Fig 13 and Table 6). Splice Connection (no.of 16d common nails) (Table 6) __II AWC-' Guide 8NWood Coustruction ih-HighWhidAxeus: 110 h Whu/Zone ChecklistMassachusetts for liance(780,CIVIR5301.2.11' )l Loadbearing Wall Connections Lateral(no.of 16d common nails) (Tables 7) Non-Loadbearing Wall Connections Lateral --- Load Bearing Wall Openings(record largest opening but check all openings for compliance to Table 9) S". Plate Spans - ft__' Full Height Studs (no. of studs) (Table 9) check all openings for compliance to Table 9) Non-Load Bearing Wall Openings(record largest opening but Sill Plate Spans (Table 9) ft—in. :5 12" Full Height Studs(no. of studs) (Table 9) Exterior Wall Sheathing to Resist Uplift and Shear Simultaneously4 Minimum Building Dimension,W Nominal Height~'Tallest-'--`" 4- ---- Sheathing Type (note 4��ns (A in. Spacing Field Nail Spacing 11in. ShearConnection_ 6j_% Percent Full-Height Sheathing (Table 10) 5%Additional Sheathing for Wall with Opening=6O^(Design Concepto) Maximum Building Dimension, L Nominal Height of Tallest Opening2.... 6,8- Edge Nail Spacing e 11 ur note 4ifless) Ll in. Field Nail Spacing o11> Shear Connectionnails) i Percent Full-Height 8heedhing (knble11) 596 Additional Sheathing for Wall with Opening>G'8^(Design Concepts) VVa|| Cladding Rated for Wind Speed? --__ 5.1 ROOFS Roof framing member spans checked? (For Rafters use AVVC|Span Tool,see BBRSVVebsite) Roof Overhang (Figuna1Q) | ft:5 smaller of2'orL/3 Truss or Rafter Connections atLoadbeohngWalls ProprietaryConnectors_ � olplf Lateral (Table 12 L=17 6plf Shear (Table 1 S= 77 If Ridge Strap Connections, ifooUerhewncdunedperpmge21... �bb|e13) T Gable Rake C)ut|pokor (Figure2O) r) ft s smaller ofZorU2 Truss or Rafter Connections at Non-Loadbearing Walls Proprietary Connectors Uplift (Table 14) U= |b. Lateral (nm.of18dcommon nails)- -'L= b. RoofGhao| (per 7OUCMRChap$s�5Oan_d50) ---- �o - ' Thicknoss in. a7/16" Roof Sheathing Fastening (Table2) _A, --__ 1.Notes: his shall be met inits entirety,excluding the noted in2.to comply with the requirements of 780 C(NR53O11.1.1 Item 1. If the checklist is met in its entirety then the following metal straps and hold downs are not required per the VVFCM 110 mphGuid a.Steel Straps per Figure 5 b.20 Gage Straps per Figure 11 -�' lift| - ' 'Straps per Figure er Figure d. 17 Downs er ure 18a and Figure 18b 2� ---- --- --ception: Opening �h�o 'uptn- ft. shall be permitted when 5%ie added to the percent full-height sheathing requirementsshown in Tables 1O and 11, 3. The bottom sill plate in exterior walls shall be a minimum 2 in.nominal thickness pressure treated#2-grade. AWC Guide to Wood Construction in High Wind Areas: 110 mph Wind Zone Massachusetts Checklist for Compliance (780 CMR 5301.2.1.1)1 Q Check Compliance 1.1 SCOPE Wind Speed (3-sec.gust) 110 mph _x_ Wind Exposure Category B — 1.2 APPLICABILITY Number of Stories(a roof which exceeds 8 in 12 slope shall be considered a story) _stories <_2 stories Roof Pitch (Fig 2) 7:►i <_ 12:12 Mean Roof Height (Fig 2) It ft <_33' Building Width,W (Fig 3) 17 ft <_80' Building Length, L (Fig 3) PI ft <_80' Building Aspect Ratio(L/1/V) (Fig 4) r s'I <_3:1 Nominal Height of Tallest Opening2 (Fig 4) 1= 8 <—6'8" 1.3 FRAMING CONNECTIONS X General compliance with framing connections (Table 2) 2.1 FOUNDATION Foundation Walls meeting requirements of 780 CMR 5404.1 Concrete Concrete Masonry 2.2 ANCHORAGE TO FOUNDATION1,3 5/8"Anchor Bolts imbedded or 5/8" Proprietary Mechanical Anchors as an alternative in concrete only Bolt Spacing-general (Table 4) 72' in. Bolt Spacing from end/joint of plate (Fig 5) (, in. <_6"-12" Bolt Embedment-concrete (Fig 5) II-in. . 7" Bolt Embedment-masonry (Fig 5) in. >_ 15" �'7 Plate Washer (Fig 5) >3"x 3"x'/4' 3.1 FLOORS Floor framing member spans checked (per 780 CMR Chapter 55) X Maximum Floor Opening Dimension (Fig 6) 0 ft<_ 12' Full Height Wall Studs at Floor Openings less than 2'from Exterior Wall(Fig 6) Maximum Floor Joist Setbacks Supporting Loadbearing Walls or Shearwall (Fig 7) c ft <_d Maximum Cantilevered Floor Joists Supporting Loadbearing Walls or Shearwall (Fig 8) 0 ft <_d Floor Bracing at Endwalls (Fig 9) _A___ FloorSheathing Type (per 780 CMR Chapter 55) Lk4nv► Floor Sheathing Thickness (per 780 CMR Chapter 55) IN in. Floor Sheathing Fastening (Table 2)...8 d nails at 7 in edge/ 6 in field 4.1 WALLS Wall Height Loadbearing walls (Fig 10 and Table 5) 4 ft 510' Non-Loadbearing walls (Fig 10 and Table 5) _ft <_20' Wall Stud Spacing (Fig 10 and Table 5) 16 in. <_24"o.c. Wall Story Offsets (Figs 7&8) -fit'ft <_d 4.2 EXTERIOR WALLS3 Wood Studs Loadbearing walls (Table 5) 2x 6 - o k ft—in. Non-Loadbearing walls (Table 5) 2x 6 - 8 ft '' in. Gable End Wall Bracing 1 Full Height Endwall Studs (Fig 10) g WSP Attic Floor Length (Fig 11) ft>_W/3 ft>_0.9W Gypsum Ceiling Length(if WSP not used) (Fig 11) — and 2 x 4 Continuous Lateral Brace @ 6 ft. o.c. .. (Fig 11) or 1 x 3 ceiling furring strips @ 16"spacing min.with 2 x 4 blocking @ 4 ft. spacing in end joist or truss bays %/ Double Top Plate '2. ft Splice Length (Fig 13 and Table 6) —G Splice Connection(no.of 16d common nails) (Table 6) AWC Guide to Wood Construction in High Wind Areas: 110 mph Wind Zone Massachusetts Checklist for Compliance (780 CMR 5301.2.1.1)1 Loadbearing Wall Connections Lateral (no. of 16d common nails) (Tables 7) 2. Non-Loadbearing Wall Connections Z.Lateral (no. of 16d common nails) (Table 8) Load Bearing Wall Openings(record largest opening but check all openings for compliance to Table 9) Header Spans (Table 9) t I ft r' in.<_ 11' Sill Plate Spans (Table 9) (L ft U in.<_ 11' Full Height Studs (no. of studs) (Table 9) Non-Load Bearing Wall Openings(record largest opening but check all openings for compliance to Table ). Header Spans...... (Table 9) 1 ft—in. <_ 12' (Tablein. <_ 12" Sill Plate Spans.... 9) 0 ft—Full Height Studs(no. of studs) (Table 9) I. . Exterior Wall Sheathing to Resist Uplift and Shear Simultaneously4 Minimum Building Dimension,W Nominal Height of Tallest Opening2 Ze5-5 6'8" Sheathing Type (note 4) 1/7'' L6X Edge Nail Spacing (Table 10 or note 4 if less) in• Field Nail Spacing (Table 10) ICY in. Shear Connection(no. of 16d common nails)(Table 10) 3 Tf Percent Full-Height Sheathing (Table 10) 33 5%Additional Sheathing for Wall with Opening>6'8"(Design Concepts) Maximum Building Dimension, L Nominal Height of Tallest Opening2 6 <6'8" Sheathing Type (note 4) * C X Edge Nail Spacing (Table 11 or note 4 if less) L in. Field Nail Spacing (Table 11) in. Shear Connection(no. of 16d common nails)(Table 11) -3 pt Percent Full-Height Sheathing (Table 11) 33% 5%Additional Sheathing for Wall with Opening>6'8"(Design Concepts) Wall Cladding Rated for Wind Speed? 5.1 ROOFS Roof framing member spans checked? (For Rafters use AWCpan Tool, see BBRS Website) X Roof Overhang (Figure 19) 1 ft<smaller of 2'or U3 Truss or Rafter Connections at Loadbearing Walls Proprietary Connectors Uplift (Table 12) U Zvi plf Lateral (Table 12) L= 11 6 plf Shear (Table 12) S= 77 plf Ridge Strap Connections, if collar ties not used per page 21... (Table 13) T= )( plf Gable Rake Outlooker (Figure 20) k ft<_smaller of 2'or U2 Truss or Rafter Connections at Non-Loadbearing Walls Proprietary Connectors Uplift (Table 14) U=Z 01 lb. Lateral (no.of 16d common nails) ...(Table 14) L=176 lb. Roof Sheathing Type (per 780 CMR Chapters 58 and 59) �' ./ Roof Sheathing Thickness >/03 in. >_7/16"WS), / 0Roof Sheathing Fastening (Table 2) (� Notes: 1. This checklist shall be met in its entirety, excluding the specific exception noted in 2,to comply with the requirements of 780 CMR 5301.2.1.1 Item 1. If the checklist is met in its entirety then the following metal straps and hold downs are not required per the WFCM 110 mph Guide: a.Steel Straps per Figure 5 b.20 Gage Straps per Figure 11 c.Uplift Straps per Figure 14 d.All Straps per Figure 17 e.Corner Stud Hold Downs per Figure 18a and Figure 18b 2. Exception: Opening heights of up to 8 ft. shall be permitted when 5%is added to the percent full-height sheathing requirements shown in Tables 10 and 11. 3. The bottom sill plate in exterior walls shall be a minimum 2 in. nominal thickness pressure treated#2-grade. AWC Guide to Wood Construction in High Wind Areas: 110 mph Wind Zone Massachusetts Checklist for Compliance (780 CMR 5301.2.1.1)1 FAQ*: WFCM Checklist Question: I understand if a new home is built in a town in a no mph wind zone then the American Forest and Paper Association (AF&PA) Wood Frame Construction Manual can be used to prescriptively design it. I also understand that in some cases the home can be framed per the WFCM_zoo mph Guide, if it meets certain requirements including but not limited to aspect ratio, roof height, number of stories, and exposure category (B). I have heard that Massachusetts has a "modified" checklist that can be used instead of the checklist at the end of the Guide. Is this true and what can you tell me about this "modified" checklist? Answer: You are correct on the items that you have noted. MA has modified the checklist in several important ways. The MA version allows a roof with a pitch up to and including 8 in 12 to not be "counted" as a story. Further it does not require steel hold downs and straps in many locations if full height sheathing is used as defined in the MA checklist. Further, if the building will have furring strips installed in the ceiling abutting the gable wall then 2 x 4s installed on top of the ceiling joists are not required. There are other changes as well that were not noted here. The MA version of the checklist was formulated in recognition of the highly regarded framing methods used in MA for many years and wood framing that has been used in North Carolina over the past io to 15 years which has performed well in severe hurricane weather in that state. *Answers to FAQs are opinions of the BBRS Staff and do not reflect official positions or code interpretations of the BBRS. RECEIVED I—DEC o s 2022 BUILDING DEPARTMENT By. . AWC Guide to Wood Construction in High Wind Areas: 110 mph Wind Zone Massachusetts Checklist for Compliance (780 CMR 5301.2.1.1)1 4. a.From Tables 10 and 11 and location of wall sheathing and Building Aspect Ratio, determine Percent Full-Height Sheathing and Nail Spacing requirements b.Wood Structural Panels shall be minimum thickness of 7/16"and be installed as follows: i. Panels shall be installed with strength axis parallel to studs. ii. All horizontal joints shall occur over and be nailed to framing. iii. On single story construction, panels shall be attached to bottom plates and top member of the double top plate. iv. On two story construction, upper panels shall be attached to the top member of the upper double top plate and to band joist at bottom of panel. Upper attachment of lower panel shall be made to band joist and lower attachment made to lowest plate at first floor framing. v. Horizontal nail spacing at double top plates, band joists,and girders shall be a double row of 8d staggered at 3 inches on center per figures below:Vertical and Horizontal Nailing for Panel Attachment WHEN THE EDGE RESTS ON USE a1i wins 44166 MARRA AT roc. __._..fi_ams` ..:...,..- It tt II It It IF I-I It II I{ II II It it II II II II FI/I IItI IL II II II I"i �`11 it '�a F ii ei O4 II Irm n ri 1�1 g11 1irIF1tt{ I U�................. ttlt•I{[ITl otietz EDGE -"1` NALSPAC.kIr3 1 S . See Dail on Next Page Vertical and Horizontal Nailing for Panel Attachment • R ' AWC Guide to Wood Construction in High Wind Areas:110 mph Wind Zone Massachusetts Checklist for Compliance (780 CMR 5301.2.1.1)1 7 At t•� FNG MEMBERS EDGE I TBS4EbIA.E —«! - rSTAGGERED "H. NAIL PATWPN PAN PANEL EDGE 70 DOUBLE NAIL EDGE SPA DETAL Detail Vertical and Horizontal Nailing for Panel Attachment