HomeMy WebLinkAboutZoning Determination - Paulouski 11823 • .o Y4lt
1146 Route 28, South Yarmouth,MA, 026,4
(508)398-2231 ext. 1261 Fax: (508) 398-0 3 JAN 18 2023
The purpose of this form is to determine if your business complies with the Town of Yarmouth Zoning Bylaw. The applicant
shall complete the top section of this form and file it with the Building Department. Once the Building Department has
made a determination,it will be forwarded to the Town Clerk.Please have your tax identification number and/or your social
security number available when completing the application process with the Town Clerk.
The Building Department will render a determination based on the following factors: (a) The business/use, activity, (b) The
zoning district in which the business is to be located. Allowed uses are based on Zoning Bylaw Table 202.5 and(c)previous
or new zoning relief from the Zoning Board of Appeals.
Date: 0//4/2—p�" Telephone: dg 674>0- 6-6-S2-
Business Address: � � (���e- -eV 1 -119 t ri 4 ''',:::5€414.-,, s>ed;;;,--"--0 41.4 10 eVgriie
Name of Applicant: PA r,-,a n C�Q cq IO a Sr< ;
Mailing Address: 2 3 1;ce-e°•-ca :vt tc PA t Ca-c..4.4 > c 6'1/4A . L ,AAA , oz�e-z,
Description of Business Activity: tao A bvec C--t (A i l/d i's1� D, . i c& m 4'
in cu "Vief0 444 Ao'''-,e 0.0 ��1f0 je'. � rt.6 S i gp5
The applicant acknowledges that a determination will be made by the Building Department based on the information
provided on this date. Any changes in the business use and/or activity will require additional approval. The applicant agrees
to abide by all conditions referred to below. F.'lure to do so may result in the revocation of the Business Certificate and/or
appropriate Zoning Enforcement,shoul' b/etermined that the changes are non-compliant.
Applicant's Signature: Date: 40//f/it�/,p2-'
Building Department Determination
1 Approved: Comments and Conditions \-, `0•tv\-k j ( I ck, ' 'ei" cel;),-, L\\(
ElDisapproved: Comments and Conditions
Building Official's Signature: - Date: \ " l`-)3
416.1 Goals&Objectives: To establish and regulate Home Occupations to allow
residents to conduct small business activities from their homes,while protecting and
maintaining the residential character of established neighborhoods,buildings and
adjacent properties. The objective is to provide an incubator from which small
businesses might grow and expand into Yarmouth's designated business districts.
416.2 General Provisions—Home Occupations: Home Occupations shall adhere to the
following parameters:
1. Home Occupations shall be dearly incidental and secondary to the primary
residential use and carried on by a permanent resident of the dwelling unit;
2. Home Occupations shall be conducted wholly within the dwelling or wholly;within a
building accessory thereto. Outdoor activities or storage associated with,or related
to,Home Occupations shall be prohibited.
3. A combined maximum of 250 square feet of a dwelling unit or accessory structure
shall be dedicated to a Home Occupation use.
4. Home Occupations shall have no exterior displays,signage or attractions that
advertise,market or otherwise identify the business.
5. Home Occupations shall have_no non-resident employees.
6. Home Occupations shall not permit clients or customers on the premises,not have
on-site retail,not result in increases to traffic or parking,and not permit deliveries or
shipping other than through the US Postal Service,FedEx,UPS or similar services.
7. Home Occupations shall have no equipment,process or activity that creates noise,
dust,smoke,vibration,glare,fumes,odors,electrical or magnetic interference,or
fire hazards.Home Occupations shall not involve the storage of hazardous,
flammable or explosive substances except those commonly found or reasonably
expected to be found in a residential dwelling unit. The provisions of Section 406 of
this Bylaw apply to all Home Occupations in the Aquifer Protection Overlay District •
8. Home Occupations shall result in no exterior modifications of buildings,structures or
premises,or otherwise provide visible evidence that a home occupation is being
conducted on the property;and shall be identifiable only as a residential dwelling.
9. Type of Home Occupations:
a. Examples of Home Occupations include the following:
i. Office-type work such as writing,editing,drafting;tax preparation,
computer programming and computer data entry;
ii. Internet or phone sales;
iii. Custom sewing,quilting,knitting,and general crafts;
iv. Creation of art such as paintings,ceramics,jewelry,and wood carving
with hand tools;
v. Home cooking,baking and preserving for products for sale only at regional
farmer's markets,or to local businesses,excluding Marijuana Infused
b. Home Occupations shall not include occupations requiring machinery such as
mechanical repairs;woodworking;or metalwork.
c. Home Occupations shall not include occupations requiring the use or storage of
toxic,dangerous or hazardous substances.
d. Any determination as to applicability of a use to the definition of Home
Occupation shall be made by the Building Commissioner.
10.Residents must obtain a Business Certificate from the Town of Yarmouth and all
other local permits,licenses or waivers prior to commencing a Home Occupation.
Business Certificates shall be renewed every four(4)years.
416.3 Violations: Any deviation from the General Provisions for Home Occupation
constitutes a violation of this bylaw. Violators shall be given written notification by
the Building Commissioner of any violations prior to the issuance of any fines or
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