HomeMy WebLinkAboutPB Review Memo HMOD2 Red Jacket 071423 without PLANS T O W N O F Y A R M O U T H 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS 02664-24451 Telephone (508) 398-2231, Ext. 1276, Fax (508) 398-2365 MEMORANDUM To: Planning Board From: Kathy Williams, Town Planner Date: July 14, 2023 Subject: Hotel/Motel Overlay District 2 (HMOD2) Applicant: R.J. Resorts Beach Resort Owner, LLC (Red Jacket Beach Resort) 28 South Shore Drive, South Yarmouth MA Project Description: Please find attached an HMOD2 Design Review Application and Special Permit Application for the Red Jacket Beach Resort at 28 South Shore Drive, South Yarmouth, Assessor Map 19, Parcel 20.1. The Applicant is proposing to replace the existing outdoor pool and deck area with a reconfigured pool, spa, deck, cabanas and fencing; remove the existing temporary bar tent structure and construct a new pavilion with bar, seating areas and fireplace; enlarge the existing interior pump room; add two unisex restrooms; install one exterior shower; upgrade landscape plantings in pool area, the adjacent event lawn and the westerly side of the Resort entrance, enhance existing landscape areas at the existing porte-cochere, and replace existing landscape plantings with native plantings for environmental mitigation; add two new crosswalks; and redesign/upgrade existing required handicapped parking spaces and accessible routes. Process: The Applicant seeks to redevelop a portion of their hotel property using Zoning Bylaw Section 404.2 – Hotel/ Motel Overlay District 2 (HMOD2) and is seeking Design Review and Special Permit relief from the Planning Board for the project. In accordance with Zoning Bylaw Section 404.2, renovation, reconstruction or replacement of South Shore Drive motels in the HMOD2 is allowed by-right. However, that section also requires that hotel architectural and site plans fully meet the attached Architectural & Site Design Standards (Design Standards), and that plans must be submitted to the Planning Board for review as the Design Review Authority at a duly posted Public Hearing. The Design Standards apply to the entire site and existing buildings as it is not the intent of the Design Standards to allow for partial site compliance. As the entire site/buildings do not fully comply with the Design Standards, relief through a Special Permit from the Planning Board is required and is being held concurrent with the Design Review Public Hearing. Prior to the Planning Board Public Hearing, the applicant also met with the Site Plan Review Team on March 21st (see attached). Please note that at that time the project was much larger and included improvements to the cottages to the east. The Applicant met with the Design Review Committee (DRC) on June 13th for the smaller project currently proposed and their attached comments are advisory to the Planning Board. In response to comments from the SPR and DRC meetings, the Applicant added two crosswalks, included trees within the parking lot islands and augmented the existing shrub plantings along the north-west perimeter buffer. To Planning Division Red Jacket Beach Resort Design Review & Special Permit July 14, 2023 Page 2 of 2 assist the Planning Board in their Design Review deliberations, please find attached a Draft Design Review Comment Sheet for your consideration. Special Permit: Special permits shall not be granted unless the applicant demonstrates that no undue nuisance, hazard or congestion will be created and that there will be no substantial harm to the established or future character of the neighborhood or town. The Board will need to consider findings that would support the granting of the Special Permit relief for not fully complying with the design standards. Some findings to consider could include:  Bringing the entire site and buildings into full compliance with the Architectural & Site Design Standards would be a significant and costly project. This incremental improvement and investment in the property will be a benefit to the Town.  The proposed project meets the goals and purpose of the HMOD2 as it will improve this unique waterfront lodging establishment to meet the needs of today’s travelers.  The project replaces existing amenities with improved amenities and will not result in changes to use or intensity.  The conservation commission has reviewed and approved the project which includes mitigation plantings.  The proposed project will improve handicap accessibility and pedestrian safety with the addition of two new crosswalks. Planner Suggestion: Make a motion to approve Planning Board Special Permit Petition #118, submitted by RJ Resorts Beach Resort Owner LLC for 28 South Shore Drive, to grant relief from Section 404.2.6 of the Yarmouth Zoning Bylaw for existing buildings and site conditions that do not comply with the Yarmouth Architectural and Site Design Standards as outlined in the July 19, 2023 Design Review Comment Sheet. The Board could also include conditions of approval or deny the relief which would require detailed reasoning for the denial. ATTACHMENTS:  Public Hearing Notice  Aerial Map  Design Review Application with Narrative  Special Permit Application with Narrative  SPR Comment Sheet, March 21, 2023  DRC Comment Sheet, June 13, 2023  Architectural & Site Design Standards  Draft Planning Board Design Review Comments  Design Review/Special Permit Plans Published in the Cape Cod Times on July 3, 2023 and July 10, 2023 and mailed to abutters on July 6, 2023        1 TOWN OF YARMOUTH PLANNING BOARD SPECIAL PERMIT APPLICATION Applicant: RJ Resorts Beach Resort Owner LLC. Owners: RJ Resorts Beach Resort Owner LLC Property: 28 South Shore Drive, South Yarmouth, MA Introduction This redevelopment project focuses on the exterior amenities of the Red Jacket Beach Resort. The Applicant seeks to redevelop the pool, pool deck, and adjacent lawn areas. The pool and pool deck will be replaced with a larger, reoriented pool to be used for lap swimming and recreation and an adjacent spa. An existing seasonally-used tent located on the lawn will be removed and replaced with a permanent, open-air pavilion and trellised area which will be located further inland than the existing tent and away from environmentally sensitive resource areas. The South Shore Drive entrance and hotel lobby/porte-couchere entrance landscaping will also be updated and enhanced. In response to comments from Site Plan Review and Design Review Committee, the Applicant has proposed two (2) crosswalks to enhance guest access to the pool and beach, has redesigned handicapped parking to be conforming in size, location and number of spaces, and has proposed planting trees in existing in-lot islands and augmenting existing shrub plantings on the north-west perimeter buffer as shown on the submitted plans. The Conservation Commission has reviewed the proposed project and has approved the project by unanimous vote. The Design Review Committee has also reviewed the proposed work and provided a statement of strong support as part of the Committee’s approved minutes. The Applicant seeks relief from Section 404.2.6 of the Yarmouth Zoning By-law for existing site conditions which do not comply with the Yarmouth Architectural and Site Design Standards. These conditions are not within the scope of the current redevelopment and, as such, will not be updated or redesigned as required by the HMOD2 zoning by-law. All proposed redevelopment of the site will conform to Architectural and Site Design Standards. Since the SPR meeting, the Applicant has eliminated the work related to the Cottages YARMOUTH ARCHITECTURAL AND SITE DESIGN STANDARDS Photos of South Yarmouth Village from the Collection of Gloria Smith Date Adopted by the Planning Board: August 16, 2006 Revised to: January 19, 2011 TABLE OF CONTENTS PURPOSE........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1 APPLICABILITY.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1 OBJECTIVES...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1 PROCESS........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2 SITING STRATEGIES ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 4 1. Contribute to the village streetscape/follow established patterns ........................................................................................................... 4 2. Incorporate smaller tenant spaces in the front of a large building........................................................................................................... 5 3. Define and enhance the street edge ....................................................................................................................................................... 6 4. Shield large buildings with smaller frontage buildings............................................................................................................................. 7 5. Design a second story............................................................................................................................................................................. 8 6. Use existing topography to screen new development ............................................................................................................................ 8 7. Create effective landscape buffers/full screening ................................................................................................................................... 9 8. Reduce the visibility of parking areas...................................................................................................................................................... 9 9. Break up large parking lots...................................................................................................................................................................... 10 10. Locate utilities underground..................................................................................................................................................................... 10 11. Shield loading and delivery areas............................................................................................................................................................ 11 BUILDING STRATEGIES ................................................................................................................................................................................... 11 1. Break down the building mass into multiple buildings............................................................................................................................. 11 2. Break down the building mass with smaller sub-masses........................................................................................................................ 11 3. Vary the facade line................................................................................................................................................................................. 11 4. Vary wall heights ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 12 5. Vary the roof line ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 12 6. Bring down the building edges ................................................................................................................................................................ 13 7. Vary building materials to add depth to the façade................................................................................................................................. 13 8. Use traditional and natural building materials ......................................................................................................................................... 13 9. Incorporate pedestrian-scaled features................................................................................................................................................... 14 10. Incorporate energy-efficient or “green” architecture in the design........................................................................................................... 14 i Photos of South Yarmouth Village from the Collection of Gloria Smith ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The Yarmouth Planning Board and Design Review Committee gratefully acknowledge the Cape Cod Commission and staff for their publication Contextual Design On Cape Cod, on which this design manual is largely based.ii iii Revisions to the Yarmouth Architectural and Site Design Standards: Adoption: August 16, 2006 Revised: July 2, 2008 January 13, 2010 January 19, 2011 PURPOSE Yarmouth has many desirable aesthetic qualities and areas with unique character. These attributes have been closely guarded and nurtured by programs and initiatives intended to protect the community’s aesthetic qualities and ensure design excellence. Despite this tradition, increasing development pressure for standardized and corporate driven design solutions threaten the very essence of what makes Yarmouth a desirable and unique place. These standards are intended to promote good design that is responsive to its contextual setting. These standards outline the Town’s expectations with regard to the design of commercial retail/mixed use and motel/hotel establishments and are intended to assist residents, applicants, decision-makers, and staff in the consistent development review, and consideration of all proposals. APPLICABILITY The Yarmouth Planning Board's Architectural and Site Design Standards are applicable to all development considered by the Planning Board under Zoning Bylaw section 411, the Revitalization Overlay Architectural District provisions and under Yarmouth Zoning Bylaw section 404, Motels, including, but not limited to, new construction, reconstruction, remodeling, additions, and renovation of buildings, whether as of right or by Special Permit from the Planning Board. The Planning Board's Standards are intended to act as minimum acceptable standards for all projects and compliance is mandatory. The Standards are to be applied to an entire site, including the landscape, parking, lighting, signs, buffers and all existing and new buildings and structures on a site; it is not the intent of the Standards to allow partial site compliance. Relief from provisions of the Architectural and Site Design Standards may be possible in the form of a Special Permit from the Planning Board. OBJECTIVES • Protect and enhance the character and quality of Yarmouth while maintaining and strengthening a recognizable identity and character that is unique to Yarmouth. • Enhance the human scale of development and respect the scale and character of residential neighborhoods that adjoin commercial uses. • Mitigate the negative visual impacts arising from the scale, bulk and mass inherent to large commercial buildings and centers. • Strengthen the pedestrian environment. • Allow for needed flexibility to respond to conditions and constraints inherent to specific sites and specific areas within the community. • Provide flexibility to respond to the unique characteristics and constraints inherent to mixed use development and too evolving development configurations. • Require and promote building designs and practices that are adaptable to multiple uses for extended building lifecycles. • Minimize negative impacts from on-site activities to adjacent uses. 1 • Balance the economic requirements of the development with aesthetic concerns of the community. • Promote energy and resource efficiency. • Promote sustainability. PROCESS Jurisdiction: In accordance with Zoning Bylaw section 103.4, the Design Review Authority is authorized to review all commercial and mixed-use plans for projects south of Route 6 (the Jurisdiction). Review Authority: 1. The Planning Board shall be the Design Review Authority for all projects in the Hotel Motel Overlay District 2 (HMOD2), which is outlined in Zoning Bylaw section 404.2 and for all projects submitted in conjunction with the Revitalization Overlay Architectural District (R.O.A.D.) which is outlined in Zoning Bylaw section 411. The Design Review Committee will also submit its recommendations to the Planning Board. 2. The Design Review Committee shall be the Design Review Authority for all projects within the Hotel Motel Overlay District 1 (HMOD1), as outlined in Zoning Bylaw section 404.1 and for all other commercial projects within the Jurisdiction. The process of design review in relation to this Design Standard, is part of Site Plan Review process which is outlined in Yarmouth Zoning Bylaw section 103.3. A Yarmouth Design Review Representative will attend Site Plan Review to represent the Design Review Authority and present their review for compliance with the Standards. Review: Conceptual Review Meeting. It is strongly recommended that an applicant meet informally with the Design Review Authority for input on the proposed project prior to application for formal design review. A conceptual review is intended to allow discussion about a project before plans are fully developed and will provide feedback on site planning, architectural design, signage, parking, and landscape issues. At this stage, Design Review Authority members may give valuable advice about how to make a project work for both the developer and the town. Formal Design Review. As outlined in Zoning Bylaw section 103.4, the Design Review Authority shall review and the applicant's plans and its representative shall present its findings as to compliance with this Design Standard to the Site Plan Review Committee at the time of Formal Site Plan Review. 2 Design Review Outcome. Formal Design Review by the Design Review Authority will result in various possible actions: a. Recommendation. The project meets or exceeds the Design Standards. The applicant may then move forward in application for a Building Permit. Compliance will be indicated on the written formal Design Review and formal Site Plan Review Comment Sheet. b. Continuance. If there are outstanding issues at the conclusion of formal Design Review, the Design Review Authority may continue the items to a future meeting, with the consent of the applicant. If the meeting is continued, plan revisions may be required. For projects in the HMOD2 or those submitted under the R.O.A.D. provisions of the Zoning Bylaw. if the applicant does not agree to a continuance to resolve issues, the Design Review Authority is obliged to direct the applicant to the Special Permit Granting Authority. c. Special Permit. For projects in the HMOD2 or those submitted under the R.O.A.D. provisions of the Zoning Bylaw, if the applicant's plan(s) do not comply with the Standards, the Design Review Authority shall provide written detail of all discrepancies for correction or for the project proponent's application to the Special Permit Granting Authority for relief in the form of a Special Permit. 3 SITING STRATEGIES 1. Contribute to the village streetscape/follow established patterns Follow established setbacks Design new buildings to front on the street and to maintain established setback patterns, consistent with traditional village design. Include a street-oriented entrance and principal windows on the street elevation to reinforce the building’s primary relationship to the street. Incorporate window and architectural detailing as well as pedestrian amenities where appropriate. The form and scale of the buildings should incorporate pedestrian-scaled amenities (such as porches and stoops) and doors and windows that are consistent with the pedestrian nature of the building. Façades For long front facades, vary the setback, height, and roof form of the building within the range provided by traditional buildings in the region to continue the established rhythm of facades on the street. Figure 1. Variation in height, orientation and setbacks create interest and continue the rhythm of facades along the streetscape, as illustrated in this sketch. In most cases, long facades should be avoided, generally extending no more than 50 feet without a change in the wall plane. Setbacks and projections of at least 6 feet and preferably 10 feet in depth are most effective at visually breaking up large facades, as illustrated in Figure 1. Smaller setbacks used in conjunction with larger setbacks can be effective. Variation and architectural detailing that provides a rhythm to the building facade should be established. This is particularly important in historic areas and neighborhoods, where the bulk and mass of the building should be broken down to a scale that reflects the context of the surrounding neighborhood. Accommodate public areas Increased setbacks may be provided to accommodate a small park, pedestrian plaza, or public area if appropriate. These areas provide relief, soften the street edge, and provide an opportunity for gathering and interaction that contributes to the vitality of centers. 4 2. Incorporate Smaller tenant spaces in the front of a large building Add small tenant spaces Create several smaller tenant spaces in the front of a large building to replicate the Cape’s development pattern of smaller uses fronting the roadway. Large facades can be designed to incorporate several “storefronts,” thus adding to the amount of variety on the building facade and repeating the setback, scale, and massing pattern of development in the surrounding streetscape. Each use should include separate display windows and outside entrances. Small tenant spaces can be used to screen larger, unadorned buildings behind. This is particularly useful for large businesses that do not typically incorporate display windows or other pedestrian-oriented features on their own facades. Encourage a variety of uses in the smaller tenant spaces to create a mixed-use development, increasing the potential vitality of the area Figure 3: Small tenant spaces can be used to screen larger, unadorned buildings behind. Figure 2: Smaller storefronts add variety to a facade 5 3. Define and enhance the street edge Move closer to the street: In strip commercial areas particularly, focus on reducing the vast spaces between the roadway and buildings by bringing mature trees, landscaped areas, and structures closer to the road edge. New buildings should be sited near the roadway to re-establish the street edge and relate the building to the street, or to shield larger elements of the development to the rear. Buildings should also be sited in clusters to the greatest extent possible to establish a cohesive grouping that more closely relates to traditional village patterns, with parking to the sides or rear. Figure 4: Traditional Cape Cod villages are typically characterized by buildings close to the street with parking located to the side or rear. This creates a well defined street edge and sense of enclosure to the roadway.Figure 6: Frontage buildings create the enclosure more in keeping with that seen in Cape Cod villages. 6Figure 5: Strip development in particular results in poorly defined road edge and leaves wide open views from the street (above). Establishing the street edge by either providing landscape elements (plants, walls, fences, etc.) Use landscape features to continue the building line Fences, low walls, arbors, and plantings should be used to continue the building line close to the road edge and maintain a sense of enclosure along the roadway. Break up the wide vistas of buildings and parking lots with mature trees and plantings, landscape structures and small buildings placed near the roadway to help bring the scale of development closer to that found in traditional village areas. These elements can also effectively separate pedestrian walkways from traffic areas, improving the pedestrian experience and safety. Use street trees to further define the street edge Use street trees to maintain the sense of enclosure found along roads in the Cape’s villages and wooded areas. Trees can be helpful in defining the street edge, contributing to a comfortable pedestrian environment and providing a continuous overhead canopy and are required in buffers, per Zoning Bylaw section 301.4.4. In village centers and other densely developed areas with sidewalks, street trees should be planted between the sidewalk and the curb with a uniform spacing of 20 feet between trees. In some situations, street tree plantings may be combined with other features such as fences, walls, and pedestrian amenities to shield parking areas and define the street edge where buildings are set farther back from the road. Figure 7: Low walls and trees obscure these parking lots from view and define the roadway edge. Species selected for roadside planting must be able to tolerate difficult growing conditions such as road salt spray, road salt runoff, drought, poor soil, and wind, in order to have the best potential for success. On roads with a narrow right-of-way or where overhead utility lines are present, trees with a mature height of less than 30 feet should be selected. Although not as effective visually, small or columnar trees may have the advantage of meeting design constraints while providing height, color, and texture to help define the streetscape. Where possible conflict with overhead utilities exists, trees should be set back from the roadway. 4. Shield large buildings with smaller frontage buildings Place larger structures behind frontage buildings 7 Building on back lots behind existing buildings takes advantage of established infrastructure and promotes increased density within already developed areas. By effectively screening new development behind traditional structures, a more contemporary design for the larger building may also be more easily accommodated. When new frontage buildings are constructed, the scale and setback should be determined based on the range found in traditional village streetscapes. Frontage buildings should be sited to provide optimal screening of larger developments. 5. Design a second story Add a second story to reduce footprint New development should be designed with a usable second or, where allowed by the Zoning Bylaw, a third story consistent with the region’s traditional forms of development. Building a second story, rather than placing the entire floor area on the ground level, can reduce the overall footprint of the proposed use and result in a building with a scale that more closely matches regional forms. Add a second story to accommodate a mix of uses A second story can accommodate different uses from the first floor, such as residential or office space above retail, creating a mixed-use development and allowing for more varied architectural features. Alternatively, a second story may be designed without added floor area, but simply to allow natural light to pass more freely into the interior of the building through an atrium space. 6. Use existing topography to screen new development Use landscaped berms to screen buildings Figure 8: As shown in this sketch, partially burying a structure and/or using an appropriately landscaped berm helps reduce the visibility of larger industrial/warehouse buildings. Use existing site contours or enhance site topography to shield views of new structures and parking areas from adjacent roadways and significant landscapes. Berms should be designed to be consistent with the local topography so that the general character of the area is maintained. Appropriate landscaping can also be combined with the berm to effectively screen buildings that are out of context with their more rural surroundings. 8 7. Create effective landscape buffers/full screening Use buffers to screen development that is out of context Use substantial landscape buffers to screen new development in areas outside village centers. Maintain as many mature trees on site as possible and design the project around existing vegetation so that the existing maintained buffer serves to screen the project. In cases where existing vegetated buffers have been degraded, disturbed, removed, or otherwise altered, plantings should be provided to augment or reestablish a buffer of sufficient density to provide screening of the new development. New plantings should consist of mixed hardwood and evergreen trees, with associated shrubs and groundcovers, planted to provide full screening within three years of planting. A sense of visual depth may be created through massed plantings that include vegetation of various textures, sizes, and colors. Buffer access points Figure 9: Illustration of how access to a development can meander through a wide landscape buffer to reduce visibility from the street. Entrance roads or site accesses should be designed, wherever possible, to meander through the buffer (Figure 9) to limit views into the site. Trees are especially important along access roads to large commercial/office sites to limit broad views of the development and provide enclosure in context with outlying areas. 8. Reduce the visibility of parking areas Place parking to side or rear Locate new parking lots behind or to the side of buildings to effectively screen them and maintain the character of the streetscape. Alternatively, take advantage of existing on-street parking and parking lots that can be shared in village centers and developed areas. Churches, offices, restaurants, and other uses that operate at different times may be willing to enter into agreements to share parking areas or connect parking areas, where allowed by the Zoning Bylaw. Parking lots may also be screened from the street by the use of a low wall, fence, hedge, or landscaping (as noted in paragraph 3: Define and enhance the street edge). 9 Place parking underneath a structure In some situations, incorporating a parking structure into the design of proposed buildings may be desirable to limit the amount of land area devoted to parking. Parking structures are preferably designed to the rear of a structure or under the building. If they are visible from the street, they should be incorporated into the design of the building, with a similar level of architectural detail. 9. Break up large parking lots Incorporate landscaped islands Reduce the visual impact of wide expanses of parking with large landscaped islands and planting strips. Islands should include a variety of trees, shrubs, and groundcover to provide vegetation at varied heights and to achieve a visual buffer within the parking area. The use of canopy trees, in particular, is effective as a visual break and also provides shade for vehicles and pedestrians. Plant species appropriate for parking lot landscaping may include a mix of native and non-native vegetation. Proposed plantings should be carefully selected to withstand difficult parking lot conditions and may also be selected to function as part of a low-impact stormwater design for the site. Trees should be a minimum of 3-inch caliper when planted and should consist of deciduous canopy-type hardwoods and evergreens. Shrubs should not exceed a mature height of 4 feet to allow visibility for drivers, should be a mix of evergreen and deciduous species, and possibly should include some with groundcover growth habit. Individual planting strips and islands should contain an area of at least 50 square feet per tree, with the narrowest dimension being at least 6 feet wide. Combining planting strips to create greenbelts of at least 10 – 20 feet in width is most effective and allows pedestrian amenities such as sidewalks and benches to be incorporated into the planting area. 10. Locate utilities underground Relocate overhead utilities Relocate overhead utility lines underground or to the rear of buildings to improve the visual quality of the streetscape and to reduce conflicts between sidewalks, plantings, and utility poles. Undergrounding utilities can open up scenic vistas or may allow trees with a mature height of 40 feet or more to be planted along major roadways. Trees that reach this size at maturity are more successful in creating a sense of pedestrian scale and continuity than trees with a small mature height. When designing projects in village centers or developed areas, it is important to plan for street tree planting by locating underground utilities or structures in areas where street trees will not be planted, or by locating them at least 4 feet below grade. When underground utilities are placed in below-ground vaults, the top of the vault should be located at least 4 feet below grade 10 to allow ample room for tree roots. 11. Shield loading and delivery areas Screen delivery/loading areas Where possible, loading areas should be sited outside primary visual corridors or shielded from view by separate structures, projecting building wings, or distinctive landscaping and fencing. Trash collection and outdoor storage areas should be incorporated into the overall design of the building and landscaping, and screened from visual corridors. Site design and building design techniques should also be used to conceal compressors, generators, and other utility equipment from view. BUILDING STRATEGIES 1. Break down the building mass into multiple buildings Separate structures into massings of 5,000 square feet or less Break down the building mass into separate structures of 5,000 square feet or less. Organize the separate buildings either in a varied line, around a central space, or clustered within the site in order to more closely follow regional patterns. 2. Break down the building mass with smaller sub-masses Figure 10: Setbacks in the façade line corresponding to variations in height help to break down the building mass. Create a main building mass with attached sub-masses Reduce the apparent size of a large building by designing a main mass with several smaller, attached components. Smaller masses projecting forward from the primary mass help to reduce the scale and bulk of the building. 3. Vary the facade line Create variation in setback of facade New development should vary the building footprint so that there are pronounced changes in the wall planes and building mass. 11 For example, for every 50 linear feet of facade, at least 5 feet projection or setback in the facade should be accommodated. The recess or projection can be split into several components, but changes in the facade line of 10 feet or greater are most likely to reduce the visual impact of the building mass. Incorporate open wall elements Covered arcades and porches should be used to accentuate variations in the footprint of the building, but should not take the place of changes in the exterior building walls. A varied rhythm of elements, rather than a strict repetition of the same feature, is most effective for breaking down the building mass into smaller components and providing visual interest to a design. Adjacent wall sections should be varied in length, setback, and height. 4. Vary wall heights Create variety in wall height along facades Provide changes in the building wall height to reduce the overall bulk of the structure and to increase variety along the facades. Portions of the building above 20 feet in height should be roof forms unless the established development pattern in the area includes higher building walls. If a third floor is created it should be setback so as to maintain a pedestrian and traditional scale to the building. Figure 11: Roof peaks at various heights help to break down the building mass and effectively screen the flat roof on this commercial building. 5. Vary the roof line Alter roof forms to break down large roof Vary the height of the roof line at both the roof peak and the eaves to break down large roof masses into smaller elements and to vary its relationship to the ground. Incorporate several different roof forms on different parts of a large building. Gable, shed, gambrel, mansard and hip roofs are compatible with regional styles and forms and can be effectively combined on a single building. Flat roofs, when combined with these other roof treatments and styles, may be appropriate in some areas and circumstances where scale and mass would allow or when a plan exhibits exemplary architectural attributes that meet or exceed the goals and objectives of the Standards and their philosophy. 12 6. Bring down the building edges Figure 12: As shown on this sketch, lower roof heights on attached masses to reduce the apparent scale of the building. Bring down the edges with smaller, attached masses Bring the edges of the building down with smaller attached masses such as arcades, entrances, or lower additions (Figure 12). The use of arcades (a series of arches supported by columns) that are not physically attached to the building, but are stepped forward and essentially act as a frontage building, can be particularly effective in breaking up the apparent massing of a large building. 7. Vary building materials to add depth to the façade Use a variety of materials to add depth Use a variety of building materials with different colors, textures, and patterns to add depth and interest to the building façade (Figure 13). In prominent areas with entrances, display windows, and other pedestrian amenities, the use of high-quality, traditional building materials and greater architectural detail is strongly recommended. Figure 13: Simple changes in the pattern of the exterior materials and the use of bands of different materials can create interest in the façade. With large building facades, the design should take a cue from the regional traditional forms. Vary the detailing, materials, and colors in adjacent sub-masses to resemble the traditional variety found in the region’s village centers. 8. Use traditional and natural building materials Use traditional materials that weather naturally Use high quality, traditional materials such as wood shingles on the exterior of the building to reflect regional building traditions. Incorporate low-reflective, neutral, and earth tones to retain the subtle character of the region’s traditional materials. Renewable and sustainable materials and man-made materials with similar color tones and textures may also be appropriate. High-intensity, reflective, and metallic colors and materials are not appropriate. Brick and stone may be used in combination with the above materials. 13 149. Incorporate pedestrian-scaled features Incorporate pedestrian-scaled structures Smaller structures such as can act as frontage buildings to help shield larger structures. Such structures should be located to screen views to the main building from prime viewing areas where they will be most effective. Use pedestrian-oriented landscape areas adjacent to the building to add variety and depth to a large building façade. Arbors, pergolas, gazebos, bicycle shelters, and other pedestrian shelters can be combined with landscaping to effectively break up a large flat façade, adding different materials, depth, and vegetation. Within large projections or setbacks in the façade, incorporate landscaped areas to provide relief and provide interest while also softening the building exterior and mass. 10. Incorporate energy-efficient or “green” architecture in the design Incorporate energy-saving features Promote sustainable development in the region by incorporating energy-saving features and by using building materials from recycled or renewable sources. The use of non-traditional building materials and contemporary designs to reduce a development’s environmental impacts are encouraged, especially when they are used in combination with traditional forms and materials. Figure 14: A partial arcade creates a lower, pedestrian-scaled façade. Review is:  Conceptual  Formal  Binding (404 Motels/VCOD/R.O.A.D. Project)  Non-binding (All other commercial projects) Review is by:  Planning Board  Design Review Committee DESIGN REVIEW COMMENT SHEET Meeting Date: July 19, 2023 – Public Hearing Map: 19 Lots: 20.1 Applicant: RJ Resorts Beach Resort Owner LLC Zone(s): HMOD2 Site Location: 28 South Shore Drive, South Yarmouth Persons Present: Planning Board Members Present Yarmouth Town Staff Present Guests Kathy Williams, Town Planner Project Summary The Applicant seeks to redevelop a portion of their hotel property using Zoning Bylaw Section 404.2 – Hotel/ Motel Overlay District 2 (HMOD2). Per Zoning Bylaw Section 404.2, the Applicant is seeking Design Review Approval to replace the existing outdoor pool and deck area with a reconfigured larger pool, spa, deck, cabanas and fencing; replace the existing temporary bar tent structure with a new permanent open- air pavilion and trellised area with bar, seating and fireplace; enlarge the existing interior pump room; add two unisex restrooms within the existing building with exterior doors; install one exterior shower; upgrade landscape plantings in pool area, the adjacent event lawn, at the Resort entrance and at the existing porte- cochere/lobby entrance, add trees in the existing parking lot islands, augment shrubs in north-west buffer area, and replace existing landscape plantings with native plantings for environmental mitigation; add two new crosswalks; and redesign/upgrade existing required handicapped parking spaces and accessible routes. Review Comments In Relation To The Design Standards SITING STRATEGIES: The Strategies below have been reviewed for both the Proposed Work (“Proposed”) and the remaining Existing Conditions (“Existing”) that are not being improved as part of this application. Sect. 1, Streetscape Proposed:  N/A  Meets Standards, or  Discrepancies Existing:  N/A  Meets Standards, or  Discrepancies Existing parking located in front of existing buildings which have facades longer than 50’ without modulation. Sect. 2, Tenant Spaces Proposed:  N/A  Meets Standards, or  Discrepancies Existing:  N/A  Meets Standards, or  Discrepancies Sect. 3, Define Street Edge Proposed:  N/A  Meets Standards, or  Discrepancies Existing:  N/A  Meets Standards, or  Discrepancies Existing parking located in front of existing buildings and impacts defining the street edge with trees. Sect. 4, Shield Large Buildings Proposed:  N/A  Meets Standards, or  Discrepancies Existing:  N/A  Meets Standards, or  Discrepancies Sect. 5, Design a 2nd Story Proposed:  N/A  Meets Standards, or  Discrepancies: Existing:  N/A  Meets Standards, or  Discrepancies Sect. 6, Use Topo to Screen New Development Proposed:  N/A  Meets Standards, or  Discrepancies Existing:  N/A  Meets Standards, or  Discrepancies Sect. 7, Landscape Buffers/Screening Proposed:  N/A  Meets Standards, or  Discrepancies Existing:  N/A  Meets Standards, or  Discrepancies There are minimal existing landscape buffers trees on the property although there is an existing fence along the northern property line and the applicant will be enhancing the shrub buffer along the northwest boundary. Planting of large trees may impact water views for neighbors. Sect. 8, Parking Lot Visibility Proposed:  N/A  Meets Standards, or  Discrepancies Existing:  N/A  Meets Standards, or  Discrepancies Some existing parking located in front, rather than to the rear or side. Sect. 9, Break up Large Parking Lots Proposed:  N/A  Meets Standards, or  Discrepancies Existing:  N/A  Meets Standards, or  Discrepancies Although the applicant added trees in the existing parking lot planters, there remain large expanses of parking areas without in-lot trees. Sect. 10, Locate Utilities Underground Proposed:  N/A  Meets Standards, or  Discrepancies Existing:  N/A  Meets Standards, or  Discrepancies Sect. 11, Shield Loading Areas Proposed:  N/A  Meets Standards, or  Discrepancies Existing:  N/A  Meets Standards, or  Discrepancies BUILDING STRATEGIES: Sect. 1, Break Down Building Mass – Multiple Bldgs. Proposed:  N/A  Meets Standards, or  Discrepancies Existing:  N/A  Meets Standards, or  Discrepancies Sect. 2, Break Down Building Mass – Sub-Masses Proposed:  N/A  Meets Standards, or  Discrepancies Existing:  N/A  Meets Standards, or  Discrepancies Sect. 3, Vary Façade Lines Proposed:  N/A  Meets Standards, or  Discrepancies Existing:  N/A  Meets Standards, or  Discrepancies Sect. 4, Vary Wall Heights Proposed:  N/A  Meets Standards, or  Discrepancies Existing:  N/A  Meets Standards, or  Discrepancies Sect. 5, Vary Roof Lines Proposed:  N/A  Meets Standards, or  Discrepancies Existing:  N/A  Meets Standards, or  Discrepancies Sect. 6, Bring Down Building Edges Proposed:  N/A  Meets Standards, or  Discrepancies Existing:  N/A  Meets Standards, or  Discrepancies Sect. 7, Vary Building Mat’ls For Depth Proposed:  N/A  Meets Standards, or  Discrepancies Existing:  N/A  Meets Standards, or  Discrepancies Sect. 8, Use Traditional & Nat’l. Building Mat’ls Proposed:  N/A  Meets Standards, or  Discrepancies Existing:  N/A  Meets Standards, or  Discrepancies Sect. 9, Incorporate Pedestrian-scaled Features Proposed:  N/A  Meets Standards, or  Discrepancies Existing:  N/A  Meets Standards, or  Discrepancies Sect. 10, Incorporate Energy-efficient Design Proposed:  N/A  Meets Standards, or  Discrepancies Existing:  N/A  Meets Standards, or  Discrepancies Suggested Motion: To approve the proposed improvements as shown in the submitted plans as having met the provisions of the Yarmouth Architectural & Site Design Standards, and to deny Design Review approval of the existing remaining elements which do not meet all of the Yarmouth Architectural & Site Design Standards and require relief from the Planning Board via a Special Permit. APPLICATION MATERIALS:  Design Review Application  Planning Board Presentation Plan Set, dated July 19, 2023 o Cover o Existing Site Conditions o Landscape Plan o Pool Area Enlargement o Tree Enlargement Plan – Pool Deck o Tree Enlargement Plan – Porte Cochere o Tree Enlargement Plan – Main Area o Shrub Enlargement Plan – Pool Deck o Shrub Enlargement Plan – Porte Cochere o Shrub Enlargement Plan – Main Area o Site Lighting Photometric Plan o Hardscape Enlargement Plan – Pool Deck o Material Board, Architecture (2 sheets) o First Level Floor Plan – Pavilion, Architecture o Roof Plan – Pavilion, Architecture o Demolition & Erosion Control, Civil o Layout & Materials, Civil o Grading Drainage & Utilities, Civil o Swept Path Analysis, Civil (2 sheets) o Site Accessibility Plan o Parking Lot Edge