HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD-22-005615 t . • ' i %t_ q"/ � 2 Office Use Only "k, 1�._ \r0 'Permit* &k4/O LKO ,L 1�MFTTA M t .7C .. �h...- �� ;. Permit expires ISO days from u issue date 81--I)— 0202 —DO% is- EXPRESS SHED PERMIT APPLICATION TOWN OF YARMOUTH Yarmouth Building Department R E C E k' V E p 1146 Route 28 South Yarmouth, MA 02664 rMAR252] (508) 398-2231 Ext. 1261 CONSTRUCTION ADDRESS: 28 Prospect Ave West Yarmouth MA 02673 B UlpID f E R ENT ASSESSOR'S INFORMATION: Map: 30 Parcel: 267 OWNER: Joseph Mangiaratti 28 Prospect Ave West Yarmouth MA 02673 RECEIVED--•.a-.�.�.__, NAME. PRESENT ADDRESS` TEL # pp CONTRACTOR: V,02—. 6,'ieg a_ A. R O 1 2022 NAME MAILING ADDRESS TEL.# BUILDING DEPARTMENT X Residential CJ Commercial Est.Cost of Construction$ 5,00) y----- Home Improvement Contractor Lie.# Construction Supervisor Lic.# Workman's Compensation insurance: (check one) X I am the homeowner L I am the sole proprietor E I have Worker's Compensation Insurance Insurance Company Name: Worker's Comp.Policy# • SHED INFORMATION New X Size L 10 x W 12 x H 10 Corner Lot:Yes No X Per Town of Yarmouth Zoning By-Law Sec 203.5 E: Side and rear setbacks for accessory buildings less than 150 square feet and single story,shall be 6 feet in all districts, hut in no case built closer than 12 feet to any other building. Replace existing* Size L x W x H *The debris will be disposed of at: Location of Facility I declare under penalties of perjury that the statements herein contained are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that any false answers) will be just cause for denial or revocation of my license and for prosecution under M.O;L.Ch.268,Section 1. Applicant's Signature: ,X62/bz„ pate: 3/22/2022 ,,,,_ Owners Signature(or attachment) • Date Approved By: —._ !`!^ Date: '— Builtling Official(or designee) I? L A DRESS: I31m iarattiga2mail.com m a 4 f oiling District:mm N Historical District: 'Yes ._ No Flood Plain Zone. Yes No iv/, Or, Water Resource Protection District: Within 100 ft.of Wetlands:*** f9,gyp j./ v, �r Yes No U Yes .i No Jh/*a c 6 , Ira , ***Note:Conservation review required if within Itxl ft.of Wetlands 9/13 Ql72_l T. i 1 'I magc_67165185.JPG https://inail.google.com/mail/u/0/?tab=cm f 1 1 'LOT PLAN TylaFOR LOT I --- o w£� PerGel 67 InOd ste: lOoation of garzgU Or aC."c 'Asory Old 401.rR3 Additions with dashed 2ztaa __- +...._v...._m..__......_ sossrapt disposal (cessRs3I) 4 1 .'.. . I.ft. rear) Abettor's pk 6. '1` RE.46 .YARD -o + ctttx i 1 In ernewrite i tame It' street. 3D i 1 I ° street. i F ,i, .„, i » Ct1 ;,YARD SWE YARD » 1 1,,t i sE'C BACK f i f tom....... ..... .........ft. A�tU -- (NA e OF ST 11 rm ► ,any Inc_.� N. � Tatra»tadt�sr,` Company € NORTHPOINT €E s ! .y€Ni Of 1 3/22/2022, 1:28 PM i 1 ----.11•40104 0 ,,,'' r Ntt •../ • 0 0 US 44/ ' V / 26 NU 'Cr cgD t <r)(33 CO „_40 ONi)4p, "..) )C V \9 0 t-41) ,.... NU e .1'• 44/ • r_N r,,,4CZ • • e.k.'../ ‘4..) Nk V )›.