HomeMy WebLinkAbout23 Sioux Road paper application**INSPECTION OF ALL UNITS ARE REOUIRED!** Please call to schedule 508-398-2231, ext. 1240 MON-FRI, 8:30 AM-4:30 pM Annual Registration is an On ner Responsibility 2023 RENTAL/LEASE REGISTRATION TOWN OF YARMOUTH _ I]OARD OF IIEAUT-H 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YAIWOUIII MA 02664 t AYL\-1I.u +l'l Pn* alxkE Al.l\nns =BH AITENTION LANDLORDS of Houses, occupied dwellings) and Short Term Rentals Apartnents, Duplexes, Condominiums, Room Rentals. (in owner . Excluding HoteVMotcl, Inn, Lo.lging House or Bed and Breakfast operations. (CIIAPTER 108 - OCCUPANCY OF BUTLDINGS BYLAW). Note: Compliance with Zoning regulations is not inferred, nor intended. RENTAT-,/LEASE Reglstmtions E)GIRE on DECEMBER 3r of each year. FEE Is $s0 pER RENrAr./ LEASE IINIT. Complete this form and return to the Ilealth Oltrce. Checks payable to: .TOWN OFYARlrourH", For additional FORMS AND/OR euEsrIoNS, contact the trEALtrH oF[,IcE AT 50&39&2231, r1240 \)Ar L"^O,J \"23 Rental P f.rn". Address It v'/r, Pp"ryK0){[,e./a lQ(ltnra , ne-l Lt? c7"l-9776 Owner Neme @equtred Info)Email and Phone #s Mf,iling Address City/Town irv(3 State ZIP Renral Agent (if any)Email and # Rental Period: Annual : s".rooofhort Terrn-(occupancy less than 3 I da Rental ofi House_ylDuplex Condo-Aparttrent Room -Smoke Detectors and Carbon Monodde Detectors Requlred- Owners: I hsve ensured the batteries are chenged, and have tested ALL S Detectors/Carbon Monoride Detectors? Smoke/ CO detectors older than l0 years mwt be rcplsced.call fire departnent regarding questions on new type and location prior to purchasing. 50g-39g-2212 Trash Removal by: Owner _(Ouce a *rek ninimqp) Paid Pickup_g: Name of Company Tenant Disposal WSticker at Landfill ctJ 5 I Noter Plesse remove trrsh & recycle blnr from road lfter pick up day. $80.00 Annual fee: Owner msy also register online: (follow online services icon, then Permits & Licenses). Signature (Require) https ://yarmouth.ma.us APR 04 202j EATIH DEPT PENALTTES - Late registration of more than 30 DAYS after receipt or violations of any part of Chapter 108, rzay be subject to non-crimioal citations issued as follows. Each day's violation deemed a separate offerse.lr offense $100.00 / 2aa offense $100.00 (and each additional) $200.00. This applies to any owNER or Representative. Re\ l0/ln2 U*xI-q'{ NW I I I