HomeMy WebLinkAbout6 Gardiner Lane paper applicationor\o.'i \+D €rq$re/-c f.-l! ! A"4 u,) ddreos :JlXr At^ln5.Qzrc--H ,rtt CTI UN S I Please call to schedule 508-398-2231. ext. 1240 MON-FRl, 8:30 Aill-4:30 PM Annual Registration is an Owner Rcsponsibilitv 2023 RENTAL/LEASE REGISTRATION TOWN OF YARMOUTH_BOARD OF HEAITH 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTI{ YARMOUTH MA 02664 t** ATTENTION LANDLORDS of Houses, Apartments, Duplexes, condominiums, Room Rentals. (in owner occupied dwellings) and Shod Tcrm Rectals. Excluding HoteVMotel, Ina, Lodging House or Bed and Breakfast oporations, (CHAPTffi 108 - OCCUPANCY OF BUILDINGS ByLAW). Note: Compliance with Zoning regulations is not inferred, nor iniended. RENTAI"/LEASE Reglstratlont EXPIRE on DECEMBER 31 of eech year, }.EE IS $30 PER RENTAL/ LEASE UNIT. Complete this form and return to the Herlth office. Chect<s payahte to: .TowN oF YARMOUTH'. For additional FORMS A-I{D/OR QUESTIONS, cont&et the IIEALTH AT 508-398-2231, x1240 ll,^r: Jo /t,a?c,l, 1 Ren M1+ LLtK sdr.3ryeJoxf Trpruaa Q 6a+zta'''t Owner N3q (Required Info) aQN & CitylTown Email and Phone # /1/t&i>7i,/' St c Z{? PENALTIES - t ate registration of more than 30 DAYS after receipt or violations of any part of Chapter 108, ,t4l be subject to non-crimilal citations issued as follorvs. Each day's violation deemed a separatc o,)bnse. ld Offense $100.00 / 2"4 Offense $11X),00 {and each additional) 3200.00. This applics to any OWNEI\ or Reprcsentative. Trash Removal by: Owner Tenant Disposal dSticker at Landfill (Ooce a wcek minimun) Paid Pickup_ Name of Company Notc; Pleese remove trrgh & recycle blnt from rord after plck up day. $80.00 Annual fee: Owner msy slso register onHne: https://yarmouth.ma, ns (follow online services icon, then Permits & Li S 1 key.l0ll1n2 7e aYpcx-. o-r) U Mrlltng Address