HomeMy WebLinkAbout35 Arlington Stree paper application1l P-Y4to€#lk zo *{)QLzSS79 DA **INSPECTION O F ALLU RED!** Please call to schedule 508-398-2231, cxt. 1240 MON-FRl, 8:30 Ai!I-4:30 Plvl Annual Registration is an Owner Responsibility 2023 RENTAL/LEASE REGISTRATION TOWN OF YARMOUTH _ BOARD OF HEALIH I 146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH MA 02664 J'IXL ALA,QN 5 SlvE Uvr5.@;-_h IE5T /,u AITENTION LANDLORDS of Houses, Apartments, Duplexes, Condominiums, Room Renals. (in owner occupied dwellings) and Short Term Rentals. Excluding HoteUMotel, Inn, Lodging House or Bed and Breakfast op€rations. (CHAPTER 108 - OCCT PANCY OF BLJILDINGS BYLAW). Note: Compliance with Zoning regulations is not inferred, nor intended. RENTAI-/LEASE Reglstratlons EXPIRE on DECEMBER 31 of each year. FEE IS $E0 PER RENIAL/ LEASE UMT. Complete thls form and return to the lleelth Office. Checks peyeble to: "TO\MN OF YARMOUTH". For addltlonal FORMS AND/OR QUESTIONS, cotrtact the IfEALTH OFFICE AT 50&39&2231, 11240 x\r Rental Property Address \'L-\c<e\ArADdl.\ R*)B\))d Owner Name (Requlred Into) I:b7-., \ vtr",'. \hr\ 1'payr3rr,t\\1 N M Cify/Iown State ZIP t )*,l.crr,;1',^ 1i)1Rentel Agent (if any Rental Rental )Email and Phone # Period: Annual : Seasonal: of: Housey' Duplex_Condo Short Termfloccupancy less than 3 I d Apartmetr Room -:rr;:?:" -Smoke Detectors and Crrbon Monoxlde Detectors Requlred- Owners: I hsve ensured the betteries are chenged, end have tested ALL Detectors/Carbon Monoxide Detectors? Smoke/ CO detectors older than l0 years must be replaced. Call fre department regarding questions on new t1pe and location prior to purchasing.508-398-2212 Trash Removal by: Owner Tenant Disposal WSticker at Landfill (Once a week minimum) Paid Pickup - Name of Company Note: Plerse remove trash & recycle bins from road after kup day. Signature (Require) ! $80.00 Annual fee: owner may also register online: https://yarmouth.ma.us (follow online services icon, then Permits & Licenses). .,.. ,/'L- PENALTIf,S - Late registration of more than 30 DAYS after receipt or violations of any part of Chapter 108, roy be subject to non-criminal citations issued as follows. Each day's violation deemed a separate offense. l"t Offense $1fi).00 / 2na Offense $llD.00 (and each additional) $2fl).00. This applies to any OWNER or Reprcsentative. R'ev.lUlTn2 ,i l',1nt v Email and Phone #o&b?)_ )4),1 v