HomeMy WebLinkAbout23-A086 297 Route 6A ApprovedTOWN OF YARMOVTH ARMOU 'F `'� ' _ __ R�"����� 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 0266A-4451 e+* '�rl,� itsa?s=`_ 1 Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext. 1292--Fax (508) 398-0836 , JUN Cd&ICING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE r AhMOU T r, APPLICATION FOR OLD K1NG'S HIGHWAY CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS Application is hereby made for issuance of a Certificate of Appropriateness under Section 6 of Chapter 470, Acts of 1973 as amended, for proposed work as described below & on plans, drawings, photographs, & other supplemental info accompanying this application. PLEASE SUBMIT 4 copN@s OF SPEC SHEET(S), ELEVATIONS, PHOTOS, & SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION. Check All Categories That Apply: Indicate type of Building: J Commercial ___ Residential 1) Exterior Building Construction: New Building Addition _Alterations Reroof Garage Shed Solar Panels Other: 2) Exterior Painting: Siding Shutters Doors _Trim Other: 3) Signs/Billboards: New Sign Change to Existing Sign 4) Miscellaneous Structures: Fence Wall Flagpole Pool Other Please type or print legibly: Address of proposed work: 12 1-11 9Te , W G kLv'-Tk ruyl MaplLot # t 2 �2_ =I_ `& Owner(s): Alf at must be submitted ACAVC 0-1-1.Ci►1 Phone#; owner or accompanied by letter from owner approving submittal of application. 9 `�� rT ► V1� „ Lld i Year built: 1 Si "k C} Mailing address: 2- i�l to Email:+�� { t.� ` Preferred notification method: Phone ✓ Email �_1n; e 1 t IP [� �C� Agenticontractor: G ,i .� �� , L Phone #: Mailing Address: .2 W t, (1 -e! 5 Email: C'i':•_i °v�Li�cz�v��,� S �cL{ w�curf.,."O' Preferred notification method: Phone Email Description of Proposed rk: _ jiG�r'L �v� f-ee:} -�wvA t•LC-e-"Tw-0 C-14 �Lv�it G-A?'-V -rka STr-re~I -OF CL�d- 11r��ulU 1r11Evd. �� Lt �,�k>>s� 0 ,e ter✓\�AeA Sl��r� fl oy-e C l 5 *�i� ctS }v (n5i-�ti F✓ -�tnrz �:t.�j e i s w:?\ e_oOAe . Signed (Owner or agent): 17—C V` 4 1f T7 t ��.s` , �14' 1 ? : G , Date: tv �'� 2-S ➢ Ownerlcontractorlagent is aware that a permit is required from the Building Department, (Check other departments, also.) ➢ If application is approved, approval is subject to a 14-day appeal period required by the Act. ➢ This certificate is good for one year from approval date or upon date of expiration of Building Permit, whichever date shall be later. ➢ All new construction will be subject to inspection by OKH. OKHI-approved plans MUST be available on -site for framing & final inspections. Rcvd Date: cd q f '�a Amount;lfh� CashlCK * Rcvd by: ' S' 45 days: ✓4�3 Date Signed: Approved Reason for Denial: Approved with Modifications Denied APPLICATION #: ✓� *?J� Of Yc TOWN OF YARMOUTH Y I OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMIT rPROVED 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS 02664-44 Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext.1292 Fax (508) 398-0836 iJUL 2 4 202 STATEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING >`ARwrUuii, OI f7 KNf,IC NIr_� CHANGES TO AN OLD KING'S HIGHWAY APPROVED PLAN As property owner/contractor/agent for construction at c9 -! 1 aGli1e (/A Map/Lot CIA# r AD Approval Date: I certify that I understand the following requirements regarding any changes that may be required for this project: In accordance with paragraph 2(a) of section 1.03(General Procedures) of the OKH 972 CMR Rules and Regulations: Only minor changes may be approved by the Committee without the filing of a new application and a new hearing. Minor changes include alterations that can be done without a detrimental impact on the overall appearance of the project such as altering a single window or door change or a minor change of colors. All minor changes by amendment will require the local Committee's or its designee's approval. All changes to previously OKH approved plans require notification to and approval from the local OKH Committee. Change requests must be submitted to the Committee in writing on the appropriate request form, which may be obtained from the OKH office. All change approvals must be obtained before incorporating the change into the project. If the change has been implemented prior to receipt of OKH approval, a Minor Change approval or Certificate of Appropriateness application for the revised plans is still required and will result in a doubled filing fee for the appropriate category of work. Failure to comply with the above statements will result in the Building Department issuing a stop -work order or delaying issuance of an Occupancy Permit or final inspection approval. I have read and understand the above statements. Date: Signed:..._`- �� . i�.l V (Owner/Contractor/Agent) Signed: ( r ) '— , ( hairman, Id King's Highway Committee) H.SOKH COMM ITTEDApplication Formsl5tatement of Understanding 2015.docx Updated 1212015 SIGN SPECIFICATION SHEET Pro'ect Address: � A C/ , Year Suift: IS �v Check one: V New Sign '/ Freestanding For Affixed Signs: Style of mounting fixture: Size of sign: Lettering: Style Addition/Aiteration to Existing Sign Affixed to Building Material: Color(s): Color: Please note sign placement on elevation(s) and attach full -color mockup(s) of proposed sign(s) including artwork and colors. For Freestanding Signs: Style of signboard: 'S War_t.,r-cl Material: ✓� Size. , i �/z �� x 1 12- 1 1 Color(s): t.,,ti Lettering: Style­5 wt-e-.S Colors): _ b � t,,K, Pasts: Material _FVG -1 e&Of- cy ='-+r Color(s): r r,,_4 ,,Lz.r e_ "-t Aj,-aT4v A 1.000 Height to crossbar (not to exceed 6'): to ' Single -faced: Double-faced: Please note sign placement on plot plan and attach full -color mockup(s) of proposed sign(s) including artwork and colors. For All Sians: Lighted: Yes V No Type/placement of lighting: Screening of Lights: Additional information: COLOR CHIPS �ECE� JUN 0 9 2623 YANr'V1UU; r, JUL 2 4 2023 YAAMUU -f h 2-Sign ) �i APPLICATION #: J " A r: Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext. 1292 Fax (508) 398-0836 OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE 45-DAY TIMEFRAME WAIVER i RECEIVED JUN 0 9 2023 Application #: YAHIVIOUI h GL[7 KING'S HIGNW. Project Address:..._... �(,�. ram.,,,_.,. ,_..,......., Application Received Date: _ . Gr'23 45 Day Decision Deadline: ' 71 2; 2a INVe, the undersigned owner, contractor, or agent, do hereby waive the 45-day timeframe for a determination on our application for a Certificate of Appropriateness/Demolition/Exemption by the Old King's Highway Historic District Committee for the following project: Date: Signed: W-b i Owner Owner Contractor/Agent APPROVED JUL 2 4 2023 TOWN OF YARMOUTH 93,Ak6 OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE 2023 MEETING SCHEDULE TOWN OF YARMOUTH OLD KINO'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE ABUTTERS' LIST Applicants (Owner) Name: -J>t,,cd WC, IE-(- 1�f{d,--,"t ix fU5tc. Property Address/Location: 2.ari "I c--a «-.4tj t>K m /4- t) - 75 Hearing Date:_____T Notices crust be sent to the applicant and abutters (including owners of land on any public or private street or way) whose property directly abuts or is across the street from the applicant. The OKH Office virtu send out notioes using the addresses as they appear on the most recent applicable tax list. Note: Instructions for obtaining the abutters Map and Lot numbers can be found on the Old King's Highway Department page on the Town website: www.yarrnouth.rna_us Map Dumber Lot Number Applicant Information: Abutter Information: RECRVED JUN 0 9 2073 f HtIw1UtJ i �, APPROVED .1i 11 `'. 4'I'3 (mil I.1�- -- Application #: 'd �-A�(,- &201 a 3 n YAWN OF YARMOUTH y 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YA 0JOU H, NIASSACHUSETTS 02fi64 4451 e 1221 76/ 1 1 VESEY SUSANNAH P Please use this signature to certify this list of properties VESEY BETH T AND VESEY THOMAS W direct) abutting and across the street from the parcel located at: 4601 EDGEFIELD RD y g BETHESDA, MD 20814 297 Route 6A, Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 Assessors Map 122, Lot 78 1221 751 1 1 KAPP CHRISTOPHER F (EST OF) 292 ROUTE 6A, Andy M ado, Director of Assessing YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675 July 7, 2023 1221 791 1 1 MENCONIRALPH 289 ROUTE 6A, YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675 1221 781 1 1 YARMOUTH LIBRARY ASSOCIATION C10 SOUTH YARMOUTH LIBRARY ASSOC RECEIVED 297 ROUTE 6A YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675 JUL7 2023 1221 771 1 1 UI h�� KIEHNAU MICHAEL D TR HIGHWAY KIEHNAU SUSAN M TR 303 ROUTE 6A, YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675 1221 821 1 MARSANO MARIO 65 MORTON RD MILTON , MA 02186 APPROVED AL 2 4 20z3 YARMUUfh ri N 1 ry iy rN No ■ �� H W Ir tj i-f Y C N 7 A 2 Q ry r— C) CV a N N M N E5 � 2 b � n 4 x ECFIVFD ,]UN 0 9 M2 s fAHMOW t, APPROVED JUL 2 4 2023 V AHMOU i h M— .� I.I .JUN 0 9 2023 ! sHMMIJrJ k rj i OLD KING S HI HWA I i3 1 ! ;! I _I i u i 0 i i nr�eniuw � I ! A08ddV L 3 _•_ _._. - .. __.___.,.. - ti._.��.,._ �. -..__ mac'+ ~'i �:� .�_•..._..._. .- _.__.�� tr T�..i 4 i �A i� O OL ^ ^L W iv � 1= s S CL Q ui C,() U n LLJ O wn J 't �-- to X � z 0-0 RECEIVED 1 JUN 0 9 2023 rAHI'v)OUl h APPROVED JUL 2 4 20211 Ahivivu E i', APPROVED: JUN 2 8 2021 YARMOUiH KING'S HIGF r 11 'CA LE DATE .Z -ILAN REFERENCE pG, 37 -77797-C- N RECFIVED JUN 0 9 2023 i ANVIUU-I-f-, f ir� �r _ ► + � I v t , , / i r !V 1 / Y V ..-ram � l • \ \A) 775 y; yFYIZ /-7o uTi� �/ d,�'�-1•�� i9.�Sa e . -- P�7 T/a �'�E'7�. APPROVED JUL 2 4 2023 f Ahir io d s H LD KINGS HIGHWAY C8 ECEIVFD JUN Q 9 2023 rAHMOUT h AP ED LD N c-;!GHWAY rye � 4 J r' f �e��— 9 J .r f ► V z RECEIVED ,JUN 0 9 2023 APPRnVEV ,JUL 2 4 Z023 I Hrilv4VU I rI Hi all, I have no objection to the proposed Yarmouth Port library sign. Many thanks for seeking my feedback, Susannah P Vesey 298 Route 6A Yarmouth Port APPRO En JUL 2 4 2023 s AhiVkUU E t",