HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023 Rental Certification LetterTOWN OF YARMOUTH Board of Health tlealth [) iv ision I 146 ROUTIT 28. SOUTH YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS 02664-24451 Telephone (508) 398-2231. ext. 1240 Fax (508) 760-3412 The Yarmouth Health Deparhnent sincerely thanks you fbr complying and registering your rental property for the 2023 calendar year. Your commitment to the registration process is greatly valued. as it ensures our abiliq to monitor and safeguard the housing stock in Yarmouth. Enclosed is your Rental Certificate for 2023, which remains valid until December 31.2023 Additionally, we rvould like to remind you that if you plan ro continue renting your properb- in 2024. it will be necessary to register, and an inspection will be required ofyour property in the coming year. To ensure a seamless experience for both 1ou and vour tenants. we slrongl)' recommend scheduling the inspection prior to the start of the summer rental season. By taking this proactive measure, any potential issues or concerns can be promptly addressed, guaranteeing a hassle-free experience for all parties involved. ln November, ue will mail ou:t a 2024 renewal package, which will include the essential forms and documertation needed to register your propertl. You may also regisler and pay online at https //https:varmouthma.viewpointcloud./categories/ I 073/record-t) pes/l 0065 72 Again, we recognize and appreciate your cooperatiotr to maintaining a high standard in your rental propert)'. Should you have an1 questions or require lurther assistance. please do not hesitate to contact our office at 508 398-22i I Ext. 1240. We are available to support you throughout the registration process and provide any guidance needed. Thank y'ou for your attention to this matter and for playing a vital role in supporting the well-being ofour community! We eagerly anticipate a successful rental season this year and in 2024. With gratitude. the Health Department Team ! 01131/2023 Dear Propery' Owner. THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS TOWN OF YARMOUTH BOARD OF HEALTH RENTAL OCCUPANCY CERTIFICATE Compliance with Zoning regulations is neither inferred nor intended. P€ntrissioD fu hereby gr.Dted to: DONALD INCUTTO 50 HUCKLEBERRY ROAD HOPKINTON, l\ilA 01748 EXPIR-ES ONr DeceDber 31, 2023 MAP-LOT:115.I37 M-A-XI MUM OCCUPA-\-CV i 5 Rf,STRIC IIONS: TOWN OF YARMOUTH HOUSING AND SPACE-USE BYLAW, CHAPTER IO8 [ 08.2 No person shall rent or lease, or offer to rent or lease, any building or any portion ofa building to be used for human habitation without first registering with the Board ofHealth, which shall determine the number ofpersons such building or portion ofa building may lawfully accommodate under the provisions ofthe Massachusetts State Sanitary Code, and without first also conspicuously posting within such building or portion ofa building a certificate ofregistration provided by the Board of Health specifing the number ofpersons such a building or portion ofa building may lawfully accommodate. 108.4 There shall be a fee to procure a certificate of registration, which shall be valid for one ( I ) year or to December 3 I of each year, whichever is sooner. Thereafter the permit shall be annually renewed. 108.5 A permit issued under this chapter shall be revoked if, at any time, the licensing authorities are satisfied that the licensee is unfit to hold the license. They may suspend and make inoperative, for such period of time as they may deem proper, the permit mentioned herein for any cause deemed satisfactory to them. The revocation and suspension shall not be made until after investigation and a hearing or after giving the licensee an opportunity to be heard. Notice ofthe hearing shall be delivered to the permittee not less than three (3) days before the time ofthe said hearing. 108.6 Any person or tenant violating any provision of this chapter shall be punished by a hne ofnot more than two hundred dollars ($200.00). Each day's violation constifutes a separate offense. TO R"ENT/Tf,ASE THE PROPERTYAT: 9I STARBUCK LN, YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675 108.8 The owners of all rental units, as defined in 108.2, shall be required to certiry annually that operaring smoke detectors have been placed in the rental unit. The smoke detectors and locations thereof shall be satisfactory to the Yarmoutb Fire Department. NOTE: Carbon Monoxide Detectors are required in any dwellingwith Oil, Gas, Coal, or wood-buming equipment and,/or a structurally enclosed or attached garage in accordance with MGL 148, sec. 26F12 and 527CMR3 1.00 MUST BE POSTED ON PREMISES Certifi cate Number: BHR-23-37394