HomeMy WebLinkAboutPB Supplemental Memo HMOD2 Red Jacket Update 072723 w attached T O W N O F Y A R M O U T H 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS 02664-24451 Telephone (508) 398-2231, Ext. 1276, Fax (508) 398-2365 MEMORANDUM To: Planning Board From: Kathy Williams, Town Planner Date: July 27, 2023 Subject: Hotel/Motel Overlay District 2 (HMOD2) Applicant: R.J. Resorts Beach Resort Owner, LLC (Red Jacket Beach Resort) 28 South Shore Drive, South Yarmouth MA The following is a supplemental Planner memo related to Design Review and Special Permit 118 for the above referenced project. Please find attached supplemental information provided by the Applicant on the revised stone for the fireplace. Based on additional information received at the July 19, 2023 Public Hearing and subsequently, the Planning Board may wish to consider some other findings and conditions of approval as highlighted below: Special Permit: Special permits shall not be granted unless the applicant demonstrates that no undue nuisance, hazard or congestion will be created and that there will be no substantial harm to the established or future character of the neighborhood or town. The Board will need to consider findings that would support the granting of the Special Permit relief for not fully complying with the design standards. Some findings to consider could include:  Bringing the entire site and buildings into full compliance with the Architectural & Site Design Standards would be a significant and costly project. This incremental improvement and investment in the property will be a benefit to the Town.  The proposed project meets the goals and purpose of the HMOD2 as it will improve this unique waterfront lodging establishment to meet the needs of today’s travelers.  The project replaces existing amenities with improved amenities and will not result in changes to use or intensity.  The conservation commission has reviewed and approved the project which includes mitigation plantings.  The proposed project will improve handicap accessibility and pedestrian safety with the addition of two new crosswalks, improvements to handicap accessible parking spaces and routes; and handicap accessible rooms within the hotel.  Coordination with the northern property abutters to address lighting concerns and agreed to a condition to mitigate this issue. Planning Division Red Jacket Beach Resort Design Review & Special Permit July 27, 2023 Page 2 of 2 Planner Suggestion: Make a motion to approve Planning Board Special Permit Petition #118, submitted by RJ Resorts Beach Resort Owner LLC for 28 South Shore Drive, to grant relief from Section 404.2.6 of the Yarmouth Zoning Bylaw for existing buildings and site conditions that do not comply with the Yarmouth Architectural and Site Design Standards as outlined in the Design Review Comment Sheet, with the following conditions: 1. To redesign and/or replace exterior lighting for parking areas as needed to meet the requirements of Yarmouth Zoning By-Law section 301.4.10 with the expressed intent of limiting undue glare on neighboring properties to the north of the Resort. The Applicant expressly agrees to redesign or replace parking area lighting attached to the hotel structure to meet the by-law standards as is necessary to reduce undue glare to the neighboring properties to the north of the Resort; 2. To augment existing shrub plantings along the northeasterly parking lot buffer abutting Barkentine Circle with native species in a manner consistent with the shrub buffer plantings proposed along the northwestern parking lot buffer as show in submitted proposed condition landscape plans; and 3. To provide irrigation to the existing parking lot islands and buffers where new plantings are proposed. The Conditions noted above were vetted with Marian Rose of Singer & Singer, representative of the Applicant. The Board could also include other conditions of approval or deny the relief which would require detailed reasoning for the denial. Attachments:  Modified Stone Fireplace Renderings 42"42"HB 42"42"42"HBHBHB42"4242"42"HHHBHBHHH 60" BBBBBHHBHBBBBBBBBBBBBBHHBBHHHHHHHHHH -0'-3"-0'-3"-0'-3"-0'-3"-0'-3"-0'-3"RAMP UP0'-3"UPOCF11767OCF2175OCF2174OCF2173OCF2172OCF2171OCF2170OCFFM169SUTF1551TRAD2157TRAD2159TRAD2161TRAD2D2DD1633POOL2164POOL2162POOL2160POOL2158POOL2156POOL2LPO1544POOL2153POOL2152TRADFM151TRAD2150TRAD2149TRAD2148ALCO147RVR2101RVR2102RVR2103RVR2104RVR2105TRAD2106TRAD2108TRAD2110TRAD2112POOL2114POOL1116POOL2118POOL1120POOL2122POOL2124POOL2126POOL2128POOL2130POOL2132POOL1134POOL2136OCF2138OCF2139OCF2140OCF2141OCF2142OCF2143OCF2144OCF2145RVRFM137RFRFMMMMMMMM135RVR2133RVRFM131RVR2129RVR2127RVR2125RVR2123RVR2121RVR2119RVR117RVRFM115RVR2111RVR2109RVR2107OCF2168OCF2167OCF2166OCF216565SHWRSHWRSHWRTUBUBTUBTUBTUBR2'-6"TUDESCRIPTIONKEYSF-1SCHEDULEUMBRELLA IN-GROUND SLEEVEDESCRIPTIONKEYP-1BRICK PAVING ON CONCRETEBASE(POOL DECK)P-2BRICK PAVING ON SAND(MAIN RESORT WALKWAYS)P-3BRICK PAVING ON CONCRETEBASE(PAVILION)1EXISTING RAISED PLANTER TO REMAINEXISTING STAMPED ASPHALT TO REMAINNEW CONCRETE CURB BY CIVILEXISTING WALL TO REMAINEXISTING WALKWAY TO REMAINPAVILION STEPS BY ARCHITECTSITE FURNITURE/FF&E BY INTERIORSEXISTING PARKING TO REMAINPAVILION BY ARCHITECTSLOT DRAIN BY CIVILTOWEL & WATER KIOSK BY INTERIORSRAISED DECK & STEPS AT PATIOS TO REMAINEXISTING FENCE TO REMAINEXISTING WOOD FENCE AND DECK TO REMAIN35' COASTAL BUFFER ZONE50' COASTAL BUFFER ZONE100' COASTAL BUFFER ZONEPOOL EQUIPMENT BY POOL ENGINEERNATIVE GRASS LAWN PER TOWN'S CODEPOWER PEDESTAL BY ELECTRICALGROUNDBOX BY ELECTRICALRESTORATION & MITIGATION BY ECOLOGY TEAMEXISTING UTILITYSTORMWATER BIOFILTRATION SYSTEM BY CIVILEXISTING FIRE HYDRANTADA POOL LIFT BY POOL ENGINEERSTORMWATER DETENTION VAULT BY CIVILKEYNOTES23456789101112131415161718192021222324252627REFER TO SHEET L3-001 FORCOMPLETE HARDSCAPESCHEDULES AND NOTES.DESCRIPTIONKEYPS-1SCHEDULEWOOD STAIRS BEACH ACCESS(OVER EXISTING SEAWALL)DESCRIPTIONKEYF-1F-25' H GLASS POOL ENCLOSUREFENCE W/ CORE MOUNTFRAMELESS WINDSCREEN CLAMP5' HIGH ALUMINUM POOLENCLOSURE FENCEG-25' MIN. HT. x 3' W.ALUMINUM SINGLE POOL GATE5' MIN. HT. x 3' W.SINGLE GLASS POOL GATEG-1R-13' HT. TUBULAR STEELHANDRAIL AT BEACH ACCESS STAIRSSCHEDULEFENCE/GATE/RAILDESCRIPTIONKEYS-1S-2S-3POOL ENTRY ARBORS-48' DIAMETER FIRE RING/TABLECATENARY LIGHTING SYSTEM(FESTOON LIGHTING)S4S WOOD HANGING LIGHT POSTCMU BUILD UP W/ BRICK CLADDINGFIREPLACESCHEDULEDESCRIPTIONKEYW-1CMU BUILD UP PILASTER W/ BRICKCLADDING (POOL FENCECORNERS)DESCRIPTIONKEYWF-1MAIN POOLPOOL SCHEDULEWF-2SPA AT MAIN POOLHAND RAIL & ADA LIFT CHAIRPRECAST CONCRETE COPINGWATERLINE TILESSTEP TRIMDEPTH MARKER WATERLINETILESPRECAST CONCRETE COPINGWATERLINE TILESSTEP TRIMDEPTH MARKER WATERLINETILESWF-3HAND RAIL & ADA LIFT CHAIRSTAINLESS STEEL, MARINE-GRADEADA COMPLIANT OUTDOOR SHOWERBONDI DOUBLE HEAD (MAIN POOL)WATER FEATURE ANDS-5PAVILION-L (DOUBLE CABANA)FAMILY POOL CABANAS-6BRICK RAMPS-7PIP CONCRETE HEADERTURFPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPATURFTURFPA PAPAP-222F-1G-1WF-1P-2PPSF-1S-5S-2G-2SF-1S-4F-2S-7P-1G-2S-2S-1W-1F-2WF-2WF-3S-1S-3P-1PS-1WF-3R-1P-2S-6S-7S-6S-7HARDSCAPE ENLARGEMENT PLAN - POOL DECKRED JACKET BEACH RESORTSOUTH YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTSPLANNING BOARD PRESENTATION | 26 JULY 2023 RED JACKET BEACH RESORTSOUTH YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTSPLANNING BOARD PRESENTATION | 26 JULY 2023MATERIAL BOARD | ARCHITECTUREPV WEST ELEVATIONPV SOUTH ELEVATION  3$9,/,21))/  %26758&7  72),5(3/$&(0$7(5,$/%2$5'%5,&.3$9(56&2/255('/2&$7,2167(36%5,&.3$9(56&2/255('/2&$7,21%$5$5($)/225),1,6+48$57=&2/25:+,7(/2&$7,21%$5&2817(5:22'6,',1*&2/25:+,7(/2&$7,21%$56721(9(1((5&2/25),(/'6721(/2&$7,21),5(3/$&(3$,17:'&20326,7(:'&2/25:+,7( 6: /2&$7,21&2/8016%($0675(//,667$1',1*6($007/522)&2/25&+$5&2$/*5$</2&$7,213$9,/,21522)  3$9,/,21))/  3$9,/,21($9(  3$9,/,215,'*(  %26758&7  72),5(3/$&( RED JACKET BEACH RESORTSOUTH YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTSPLANNING BOARD PRESENTATION | 26 JULY 2023PV EAST ELEVATIONPV NORTH ELEVATION  3$9,/,21))/  3$9,/,21($9(  3$9,/,215,'*(0$7(5,$/%2$5'%5,&.3$9(56&2/255('/2&$7,2167(36%5,&.3$9(56&2/255('/2&$7,21%$5$5($)/225),1,6+48$57=&2/25:+,7(/2&$7,21%$5&2817(5:22'6,',1*&2/25:+,7(/2&$7,21%$53$,17:'&20326,7(:'&2/25:+,7( 6: /2&$7,21&2/8016%($0675(//,667$1',1*6($007/522)&2/25&+$5&2$/*5$</2&$7,213$9,/,21522)6721(9(1((5&2/25),(/'6721(/2&$7,21),5(3/$&(  3$9,/,21))/  72),5(3/$&(  3$9,/,215,'*(  3$9,/,21($9(  %26758&7MATERIAL BOARD | ARCHITECTURE