HomeMy WebLinkAbout484 Willow St Eversource SPR Comments 09.27.22Formal Review
Date: September 27, 2022 Map: 73 Lots: 10.1.1 & 11
Applicant: Eversource Energy
Location: 484 Willow St & un-numbered lot off Willow St Zone: B-31APD
Persons Present:
Emily Williamson
Kyle Pedecini
Jason St.Martin
Lt Matt Bearse
Stacey Brocket
Mark Grylls
Jeff Rath
Danielle Cavanary
Project Summary
Construct a parking lot that will only be used during energy emergencies after large storms when workers and vehicles
are brought in from other locations to help fix the energy grid. During normal times the lot will remain empty.
Building: Project is located in the B-3 and APD overlay zoning district.
If lots are combined, parking area would be considered ancillary to the existing use of the Utility Company. A SIP will be
required for the creation of the staging area as proposed.
If lots are not combined, the use per Table 202.5 could be considered a commercial parking lot which is an allowed use in
the B-3 zoning district and may require relief from the ZBA for use in the APD overlay. The use may also qualify for a
waiver from the Building and Health Depts. for use in the APD and relief may not be necessary.
Section 301.4.1 requires parking to be located to the side or rear of a principal structure. SP as allowed per section 301.2
will be required if lots are combined.
The minimum standards of 301.4.4 appear to met regarding buffer dimensions. If the side buffer will include the trail as
proposed, the buffer dimension will need to be increased to accommodate the loss of vegetation.
Section 301.4.6 requires that lots for 20 or more cars shall contain one 3" caliper or larger trees per 8 cars also known as
in lot trees. Trees along the perimeter shall not be considered in lot trees. While the bylaw is silent regarding this
particular use and placement of the trees, relief should be requested to eliminate the trees as part of the SIP 1 Var request.
The applicant should seek guidance from their legal counsel on the best approach for this relief. I will be available to
review the application prior to submittal with ZBA. Recommend increasing buffers to screen from public sight.
Section 301.4.7 requires center lines of driveways of 20 or more parking spaces be located 250' from other driveways.
Relief will be required as part of the SPIVar request. Consider having an inbound driveway and an exit driveway onto the
adjoining lot to eliminate the additional curb cut and relief from the ZBA.
Gravel parking is considered impervious for the calculation of lot coverage per section 203.5. New lot appears to be under
the maximum allowed at 44% impervious coverage.
Lighting will meet the standard of 301.4.10. LED lighting has been the cause of numerous complaints as a result of the
glare created by these lights. Additional shielding may be required to be determined after install. Airport approach will also
likely affect the style and height of the proposed lighting.
Permanent restrooms and break area should also be considered in the future.
Planning: Restoring power quickly after a storm is vital to all of Cape Cod and the need for a central parking lot for such
vehicles may make sense. However, there are concerns about the amount of wooded area being impacted and the
visibility from Willow Street from such a large expanse of impervious area (3+1- acres), tall site lighting, no in -lot trees, and
only the minimum required buffer widths shown. In this case, the emphasis of the buffers should be on fully screening the
parking lot from view from the public way and creating a pleasant streetscape by expanding the width of the buffers,
supplementing with additional plantings, choice of fencing and gate materials. Recommend increasing the front yard
buffer to a minimum of 30', minimizing gravel/paved area as much as possible (especially in the front corners where
additional buffering could be provided), eliminating the "future" trail" shown in the south side buffer, and expanding side
yard setbacks/plantings for improved screening. All trees should be a minimum of 3" caliper.
Please confirm that site lights would be turned off when lot is not in use and only turned on when in use. Maximum light
pole height is 20' as measured from the highest point of the light structure, maximum light trespass at property boundary
shall be 0.1 foot candles in commercial areas with an increase to 0.5 footcandles at driveways.
Any relief given by the ZBA on the parking lot standards should be limited to the proposed energy emergency use only.
Conservation: Stormwater Management Permit required.
Design Review: Refer to the attached September 20, 2022 Design Review Comment Sheet.
• Provide drainage calculations
• Provide O&M plan
• Confirm site distance and if any need to clear back vegetation.
• Obtain Road Opening Permit for curb cut.
• DPW will be installing drainage on Willow Street near this area in the next 6 months.
Fire. gate access may need fire department lock boxes for key, proposed hydrant should stay clear of any new
plantings no sleeping in vehicles, no prolonged idle times proposed.
Health: The Health Department has no issue with this proposal. CL
Water: Hydrant installation shall be coordinated with the Yarmouth Water Department. Materials and installation shall
conform to Yarmouth Water Department Water Materials and Installation Standards.
Read & Received by Applicant(s)