HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD-22-007409 PM-i lee( 6,/t7/z2_ R E C E I V R TWO FAMILY ONLY- BUILDING PERMIT -----1Town of Yarmouth Building Department y. 1146 Route 28,South Yarmouth,MA 02664-4492 JUN 212022 1 508-398-2231 ext. 1261 Fax 508-398-0836 Alt* Massachusetts State Building Code,780 CMR BUILDIN3 DEPART '`n(1rr Permit Application To Construct, Repair Renovate Or Demolish By' _ a One-or Two-Family Dwelling This Section For Official Use Only Building Permit Number: )L ) -- .-( 1 Date Applied: `h Staf.5 Budding Official(Print Name) Signature Date SECTION 1:SITE INFORMATION 1.1 Property Address: 1.2 Assessors Map&Parcel Numbers 2 41-e re Dr. 1.l a Is this an accepted street?yes ✓ no Map Number Parcel Number 1.3 Zoning Information: 1.4 Property Dimensions: Zoning District Proposed Use Lot Area(sq ft) Frontage(ft) 1.5 Building Setbacks(ft) Front Yard Side Yards Rear Yard Required I Provided Required Provided Required Provided 1.6 Water Supply: (M.G.L c.40,§54) 1.7 Flood Zone Information: 1.8 Sewage Disposal System: Public 0 Private❑ Zone: _ Outside Flood Zone? Check if yes❑ Municipal ElOn site disposal system CI SECTION 2: PROPERTY OWNERSHIP' 2.1 ww�-nL�',er•'_off R1ec rd: u� Name(Print) t It1A e W. �A.o'1'1'lov4"L` 4 1 City,State,ZIP 24 S oil Pe. a 377-d Sec etcow No.and Street Telephone Email dre ss SECTION 3:DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK'(check all that apply) New Construction❑ I Existing Building❑ I Owner-Occupied 0 I Repairs(s) 0 Alteration(s) 0 I Addition 0 Demolition ❑ I Accessory Bldg. O I Number of Units 1 Other Er Specify: 50 t t O-✓- Brief Description of ropose`�Work2: 1 h.S M a t it)ii / Arid f' 1 SO/Per PV sy e e A , �/40 543(ar P SECTION 4:ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS Item Estimated Costs: - (Labor and Materials) Official Use Only 1.Building $ — 1. Building Permit Fee:$ . 3 I�� Indicate how fee is determined: 2.Electrical $ ?- ElStandard City/Town Application Fee 3.Plumbing $ t�� ❑Total Project Costa(Item 6)x multiplier x 2. Other Fees: $ 4.Mechanical (HVAC) $ List: 5.Mechanical (Fire Suppression) $ Total All Fees:$ ' 6.Total Project Cost: $ 23 j 2b Check No. Check Amount: Cash Amount: l 0 Paid in Full 0 Outstanding Balance Due: • SECTION 5: CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 5.1 Construction Supervisor License(CSL) Name of CSL Holder License Number Expira``tio Date 6 r �� , List CSL Type(see below) L. N and Street Type Description LJoi^'v^,LiS li�in i p rtption Kr &7`f U I Unrestricted(Buildings up to 35,000 cu.ft. City/Town,State,ZIP R Restricted lea Family Dwellin• M Masa • 11.031111 Roof nQ Coverin WS Window and Sidin' 41N 444501 Airecotiodi4d it ey�d b: SFSolid Fuel Fuming Appliances TeleEm addresst- Insulation D 5.2 Registered Home Improvement Contractor(HIC) pDemolition eft✓ G/ ric f_ 6ilo314 r 2.2- 221 IIC Co p y Name or HIC Regist t Name HIC Registration Number Expiration Date .and ;sic 4k° • 1 Vie- / �ih Or shyly �Q% //�/ Vert�6Gh-. . Q�7� Tu! 2,13���'� Email address �,g,' i /Town State,ZIP ITelephone _ • SECTION 6:WORKERS'COMPENSATION INSURANCE AFFIDAVIT, / ' / am IDAVIT(I�I.G.L.c.152.§ 25C(6)) Workers Compensation Insurance affidavit must be completed and submitted with this application. Failure to provide this affidavit will result in the denial of the Issuance of the building permit. Signed Affidavit Attached? Yes u No 0 SECTION 7a: OWNER AUTHORIZATION TO BE COMPLETED WHEN OWNER'S AGENT OR CONTRACTOR APPLIES FOR BUILDING PERMIT I,as Owner of the subject property,hereby authorize to act on my behalf,in all matters relative to work authorized by this building permit application. Print Owner's Name(Electronic Signature) Date • SECTION 7b: OWNER'OR AUTHORIZED AGENT DECLARATION By entering my name below,I hereby attest under the pains and penalties of perjury that all of the information contained in th' pll ication • e an. accurate to the best of my knowledge and understanding. Alleirtitifid Print Own- s or Authorized Agent' 4'17're(Electronic Signature) Date NOTES: 1• An Owner who obtains a building registeredg permit to do his/her own work,or an owner who hires an unregistered contractor (not in the Home Improvement Contractor(HIC)Program),will riot have access to the arbitration program or guaranty fund under M.G.L. c.142A.Other important information on the HIC Program can be found at www.mass.sovloch Information on the Construction Supervisor License can be found at www.mass zov/d s 2. When substantial work is planned,provide the information below: Total floor area(sq.ft.) (including garage,finished basement/attics,decks or porch) Gross living area(sq.ft.5---Number of fireplaces Habitable room count Number of bathrooms Number of bedrooms Type of heating system Number of half/baths Type of cooling system Number of decks/porches Enclosed Open 3. "Total Project Square Footage"may be substituted for"Total Project Cost" —t— Construction Supervisor U Meted-Buildings of any use group which contain less than 35,000 cubic feet(991 cubic meters)of enclosed space. F ire to pis a current edition of the Massachusetts State Building Code is cause for revocation of thisRemise. For information about this license Call(617)727-3200 or visit www ss,gov pt a, Cn�nea� Bear €isicsn t FroiOSS O ss�u tts rr rst 8u€rciirx g a#L. er ur � e utt�s a �a,�ds C1 u ir'e :+ 1 # C / J DAVrp BRAN0004 Sd PIERCERipi SAUNDERSTOINAI 21i744.4 Commissioner oteP ik k = i}}r f r_ - #43 � �j { 6/24/22, 11:07 AM Details Licensee Details Demographic Information Full Name: J DAVID BRANDON Owner Name: License Address Information City: SAUNDERSTOWN State: RI Zipcode: 02874 Country: United States License Information License No: CS-066331 License Type: Construction Supervisor Profession: Building Licenses Date of Last Renewal: 3/2/2021 Issue Date: 4/10/2011 Expiration Date: 4/10/2023 License Status: Active Today's Date: 6/24/2022 Secondary License Type: Doing Business As: Status Change Reason: License Renewal Prere uisite Information No Prerequisite Information No Available Documents https://madpl.mylicense.com/Verification/Details.aspx?result=8dc702dc-3dd4-438f-bb3e-f5e981460cbb 1/1 t fe rs E c w c al PI, P4 C) m44 a ok CO Cti Cf. ,N 76.1 E ' 1-4 c4.0 n as ca a ' 0 .� CZ C S , ca etar. o a� 1 3 a a-i-' '', 1-'i g.„ .,, ,„ 7,., '.1. ..*. C,, o e � �fYa 'ram, aR ° C�� - "eID " 11 _4 q 11 r � � U ' ra Q to s .) CC t11 Qre s Z !^ ` $3 Q +—co � o U 0 oo 1—< C w_ �Q 1 . } OC 00 o to C? 0. f-ir {fir?31 C?k Ill a CYC? ce a0 r W0 m a '���.....N NEWPELE-01 GJACQUES A`1te CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE(MM/DD/YYYY) 6/10/2022 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER.THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S),AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED,the policy(ies)must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy,certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER CONTACT ME: Carey,Richmond&Viking Insurance PHONE ! Two Corporate Place (A/C,No,Ext):(401)683-3900 FAX rac,No):(401)683-7329 Middletown,RI 02842 E-MAIL info@crvinsurance.com ADDRESS: INSURER(S)AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC# INSURER A:Gotham Insurance Company INSURED INSURER B:Selective Ins Co of Southeast Newport Electric Construction dba NEC Solar INSURER C:Beacon Mutual Insurance 24017 121 Broadcommon Rd INSURER D: Bristol,RI 02809 INSURER E: INSURER F: COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSR ADDL SUBR LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE INSD WVD POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFF POLICY EXP IMMlDOIYYYYI IMMlDO/YYYY) LIMITS A X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY 1,000 OOO EACH OCCURRENCE $ r CLAIMS-MADE X OCCUR GL202100014512 12/30/2021 12/30/2022 DAMAGE TO RENTED 500,000 PREMISES(Ea occurrence) $ MED EXP(Any one person) $ 10,000 PERSONAL 8 ADV INJURY $ 1,000,000 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER. GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 2,000,000 POLICY X PRO-- LOC PRODUCTS-COMP/OP AGG $ 2,000,000 OTHER: $ B AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT 1,000,000 (Ea accident) $ ANY AUTO S 2511948 12/3012021 12/30/2022 OWNED TOS ONLY X SCHEDULED BODILY INJURY(Per persons $ HIRED AUTOS BODILY INJURY(Per accidentL $ X AUTOSIREDONLY X NON-OWNED OTN-O ONLDD PROPERTY DAMAGE (Per accident) $ A $ UMBRELLA LIAB X OCCUR EACH OCCURRENCE $ 4,000,000 X EXCESS LIAB CLAIMS-MADE EX202100002055 12/30/2021 12/30/2022 4,000,000 AGGREGATE $ DED RETENTION$ C WORKERS COMPENSATION $ AND EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY X PER OTH- Y!N STATUTE ER 1,000,000 ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE 68861 1/18/2022 1/18/2023 OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? N N/A E.L.EACH ACCIDENT $ (Mandatory in NH) 1,000,000 If yes,describe under E.L.DISEASE-EA EMPLOYEE $ DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below E.L.DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT $ 1,000,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS I LOCATIONS/VEHICLES (ACORD 101,Additional Remarks Schedule,may be attached if more space is required) CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE Yarmouth Town Hall THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN 1146 Route 28 ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. South Yarmouth,MA 02664 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE ACORD 25(2016/03) ©1988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD The Commonwealth of Massachusetts _ �� l Department of Industrial Accidents '!'s'=' °: 11 Congress Street, Suite 100 t` Boston,MA 02114-2017 1), Nillir www.mass.gov/dia Workers'Compensation Insurance Affidavit:Builders/Contractors/Electricians/Plumbers. TO BE FILED WITH THE PERMITTING AUTHORITY. Applicant Information Please Print Legibly Name (Business/Organization/Individual):Newport Electric Construction Corp dba: NEC Solar Address:121 Broadcommon Rd. City/State/Zip:Bristol RI 02809 Phone#:401-293-0527 Are you an employer?Check the appropriate box: Type of project(required): 1.0 I am a employer with 45 employees(full and/or part-time).* 7. ['New construction 2.0 I am a sole proprietor or partnership and have no employees working for me in 8. ❑Remodeling any capacity.[No workers'comp.insurance required.] 3.0 I am a homeowner doing all work myself.[No workers'comp.insurance required.]t 9. El Demolition 10❑Building addition 4.❑I am a homeowner and will be hiring contractors to conduct all work on my property. I will ensure that all contractors either have workers'compensation insurance or are sole 11. ✓❑Electrical repairs or additions proprietors with no employees. 12.❑Plumbing repairs or additions 5.0 I am a general contractor and I have hired the sub-contractors listed on the attached sheet. 13.❑ROOF repairs These sub-contractors have employees and have workers'comp.insurance.t 6.❑We are a corporation and its officers have exercised their right of exemption per MGL c. 14.❑Other 152,§1(4),and we have no employees.[No workers'comp.insurance required.] *Any applicant that checks box#1 must also fill out the section below showing their workers'compensation policy information. t Homeowners who submit this affidavit indicating they are doing all work and then hire outside contractors must submit a new affidavit indicating such. tContractors that check this box must attached an additional sheet showing the name of the sub-contractors and state whether or not those entities have employees. If the sub-contractors have employees,they must provide their workers'comp.policy number. I am an employer that is providing workers'compensation insurance for my employees. Below is the policy and job site information. Insurance Company Name:Beacon Mutual Policy#or Self-ins.Lic.#:68861 Expiration Date:1/18/23 Job Site Address: City/State/Zip: _ Attach a copy of the workers' compensation policy declaration page(showing the policy number and expiration date). Failure to secure coverage as required under MGL c. 152,§25A is a criminal violation punishable by a fine up to$1,500.00 and/or one-year imprisonment,as well as civil penalties in the form of a STOP WORK ORDER and a fine of up to$250.00 a day against the violator.A copy of this statement may be forwarded to the Office of Investigations of the DIA for insurance coverage verification. I do hereby certi der h ins and penalties of perjury that the information provided above is true�and correct. Signature: Date: t ?/ 2 Phone#:617-9 8-4193 [[[ Official use only. Do not write in this area,to be completed by city or town official City or Town: Permit/License# Issuing Authority(circle one): 1.Board of Health 2.Building Department 3.City/Town Clerk 4.Electrical Inspector 5.Plumbing Inspector 6.Other Contact Person: Phone#: 4/22/2021 Details Licensee Details Demographic Information Full Name: J DAVID BRANDON Owner Name: License Address Information City: SAUNDERSTOWN State: RI Zipcode: 02874 Country: United States License Information License No: CS-066331 License Type: Construction Supervisor Profession: Building Licenses Date of Last Renewal: 3/2/2021 Issue Date: 4/10/2011 Expiration Date: 4/10/2023 License Status: Active Today's Date: 4/22/2021 Secondary License Type: Doing Business As: Status Change Reason: License Renewal Prerequisite Information No Prerequisite Information No Available Documents https://madpl.mylicense.comNerification/Details.aspx?result=2e0eb551-1 edc-4eae-913f-25d7c1 adccef 1/1 LAGUNA Project: Kromer Residence CONSULTING ENGINEERS Location: W Yamouth,MA LAGUNA PACIFIC GROUP, INC. Calc.by: PE 28202 CABOT ROAD,SUITE 300 Date: 5/31/2022 LAGUNA NIGUEL,CA 92677 STRUCTURAL CERTIFICATION LETTER OF Digitally signediz by Paymon May 31,2022 1v t�f " d Datendenian 0, 2022.05.31 PAYMON N 16:35 52-07'00' To: Sunpower Corporation o ESKANDANIAN STRUGTURAL cn 1414 Harbour Way No.51866 South Richmond,CA 94804 Ada��S9FC/STE . „ , Project: Kromer Residence 24 Steven Dr W Yamouth,MA 02673 To Whom It May Concern: A structural evaluation of the existing roof structure to support a new roof-mounted Photovoltaic(PV)system and its attachment to the underlying structure was performed based on the Design Criteria noted below. The structural review only applies to the section of the roof that is directly supporting the solar PV system and its supporting elements. Contractor shall verify the framing sizes,spacings,and spans noted in the stamped plans and accompanying calculations and notify the Engineer of Record of any discrepancies prior to starting construction. DESIGN_CRITERIA: Applicable Codes:Massachusetts State Building Code,Ninth Edition,2015 IBC/IRC,ASCE 7-10 Risk/Occupancy Category: II Roof Dead Load(s):8 psf,Comp Shingles(ROOF 1) Roof Live Load(s):20 psf, 0 psf Under PV Ground Snow Load:30 psf,Roof Snow Load:13 psf(ROOF 1) Basic Wind Speed:140 mph, Exposure Category:C DESCRIPTION OF FXISTINC_ROQF STRUCTI,FR_E: ROOF 1:2x6 Rafters @ 16"o.c.with a maximum unsupported horizontal span of 12'-6"and a slope of 45 degrees CONCLUSIONS: ROOF 1:Adequate to support the imposed loading-No structural upgrades required Max PV mount spacing-Landscape config:48",Portrait config:48", Pattern:Staggered(ROOF 1) Attachment to Framing: 1 -5/16"Lag Screw(s)w/2.5"min embed @ above spacing(ROOF 1) This review relies on the roofs structural system having been originally designed and constructed in accordance with the building code requirements and having been maintained to be in good condition.The design of racking,rails,panels and all other hardware is outside of the scope of this report.All components and waterproofing shall be installed per manufacturer specifications.Laguna Pacific Group assumes no responsibility for improper installation of solar PV panels,racking,or waterproofing. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions or comments. Sincerely, Paymon Eskandanian,SE,PE Laguna Consulting Engineers/Laguna Pacific Group Page 1 , LAGUNA Project: Kromer Residence ei CONSULTING ENGINEERS Location: W Yamouth,MA LAGUNA PACIFIC GROUP, INC. Calc.by: PE 28202 CABOT ROAD,SUITE 300 Date: 5/31/2022 LAGUNA NIGUEL,CA 92677 WIND LOADS (ROOF 1) Wind loads on standoffs and their attachment to the underlying structure are determined as per the requirements for Components and Cladding of Enclosed/Partially Enclosed Buildings(ASCE 7-10,Section 30.4). Risk Category = II Basic Wind Speed,V(ULT) = 140 mph Wind Directionality Factor,Kd = 0.85 Table 26.6-1 Exposure Category = C Topographic Factor,KZt = 1.0 Table 26.8-1 Mean Roof Height,h = 25 ft(Max) Velocity Pressure Exposure Coefficient,Kh = 0.95 Table 27.3-1 Velocity Pressure,qh=0.00256KhKZtKdV` = 40.35 psf(ULT) Eqn 27.3-1 qh_ASD=0.6 x gh_ULT = 24.21 psf Roof Type = Gabled Roof Slope = 45 Degrees Effective Wind Area,Aeff = 21 ft2 Design Wind Pressures(ASD),PUPLIFT(ASD) = qh(ASp).(GCp) and PASD MIN=10 psf in Either Direction. Standoff Net Uplift Forces,Pupuff(Asp)(Ibs) = PwINo ASD X Atrlb-0.6PDL(See Table Below) PRESSURES UPLIFT DOWNWARD Panel Configuration PORTRAIT LANDSCAPE ALL ZONE ZONE 1 ZONE 2 ZONE 3 ZONE1 ZONE2 ZONE (Interior) (Edge) (Corner) (Interior) (Edge) (Corner) ALL ZONES GC, -0.94 -1.14 -1.14 -0.94 -1.14 -1.14 0.87 Design Wind Pressures(ASD), -22.7 -27.5 -27.5 -22.7 -27.5 -27.5 +21.0 PUPLIFT(ASD) (PSI) Standoff X-Spacing(in) 48.00 48.00 32.00 48.00 48.00 32.00 48.00 Trib.Width(ft) 3.07 3.07 3.07 1.69 1.69 1.69 3.07 Trib.Area,ATr,b(f2) 12.28 12.28 8.19 6.77 6.77 4.51 12.28 aLdnuon'vet upnn roves, PUPfie(ASD)(Ibs) -256 -316 -211 -141 -174 -116 280 ROOF ATTACHMENT CHECKS Max Standoff Uplift= 316 lbs Mount Allowable Uplift= 450 lbs(Per Manuf.) Standoff Demand/Capacity Ratio,DCR= Fastener Size and Type= 5/16" Lag Screw(s) No.of Fasteners per Standoff,N= 1 Min Fastener Embed Into Framing,T= 2.5 in Fastener Allowable Pullout Per Inch,W= 246 lb/in Wind Load Duration Factor,LDF= 1.6 Additional Factor of Safety,F.S= 1.5 Fastener Group Allowable Pullout C.apac(ty, TALL=(N x W x T x LDF=1.6)/(F.S=1.5)= 656 lbs Fastener Demand/Capacity Ratio,DCR= Page 3 S LAGUNA Project: Kromer Residence CONSULTING ENGINEERS Location: W Yamouth,MA LAGUNA PACIFIC GROUP, INC. Calc.by: PE 28202 CABOT ROAD,SUITE 300 Date: 5/31/2022 LAGUNA NIGUEL,CA 92677 MEMBER CHECKS (ROOF 1) 1.(E)WOOD ROOF CONSTRUCTION: ROOF SLOPE = 45' FRAMING TYPE = Rafters WOOD SPECIES&GRADE = DF#2 • RAFTER OR TRUSS TOP CHORD SIZE = 2x6 (S=7.56 inA3 ; I =20.79 inM) RAFTER OR TRUSS SPACING = 16"o.c. MEMBER HORIZONTAL SPAN,L = 12'-6" Z.MEMBER LOADING: LOAD TYPE UNIFORM LOAD U.L.PROJECTION MEMBER DESIGN (PSF) OVER HORI2.SPAN(PSF) LOAD(PLF) ROOF DEAD LOAD 8.0 11.3 15.1 PV DEAD LOAD 3.0 4.2 5.7 ROOF LIVE LOAD* 0.0 0.0 0.0 ROOF SNOW LOAD 13.0 13.0 17.3 *RLL=0 PSF UNDER PV GOVERNING LOAD CASE = DL+PV+SL -TOTAL LOAD,WTL -= 38 pff 3.BENDING CHECKS: REFERENCE DESIGN BENDING STRESS,Fb = 900 psi LOAD DURATION FACTOR,Cd = 1.15 SIZE FACTOR,CF = 1.30 REPETITIVE MEMBER FACTOR,Cr = 1.15 ALLOWABLE BENDING STRESS,F'b=Fb X Cd x Cf x Cr = 1,547 psi MEMBER BENDING STRESS,tb=M,,,,/S = 1,180 psi BENDING DEMAND-CAPACITY RATIO=tb/F'b = 4.SHEAR CHECKS: REFERENCE DESIGN SHEAR STRESS,F, = 180 psi LOAD DURATION FACTOR,Cd = 1.15 ALLOWABLE SHEAR STRESS,F',=F„x Cd = 207 psi MAX SHEAR,Vmzx=Wn•L/2 = 238 lbs MEMBER AREA,A = 8.25 in' MEMBER SHEAR STRESS,t =Vmax/A = 28.8 psi SHEAR DEMAND-CAPACITY RATIO=t„/F'„ _ 5.DEFLECTION CHECKS: ALLOWABLE DEFLECTION(TOTAL LOAD),AALL-TL = (L/180) E= 1,600,000 psi 0.833 in SPAN TYPE=Simple Span MAX DEFLECTION(TOTAL LOAD),AMAx_TL = 5 WLM/384EI = 0.629 in (L/239) OMAx-TL < AALL-LL ALLOWABLE DEFLECTION(LIVE/SNOW),HALL-LL/SL = (L/240) 0.625 in MAX DEFLECTION(LIVE/SNOW LOAD),AMAx-LL/SL = 5 WLA4/384EI = 0.286 in (L/524) OMAx-u Page 4 s. LAGUNA Project: Kromer Residence CONSULTING ENGINEERS Location: W Yamouth,MA LAGUNA PACIFIC GROUP, INC. Calc.by: PE 28202 CABOT ROAD,SUITE 300 Date: 5/31/2022 LAGUNA NIGUEL,CA 92677 GRAVITY LOADS (ROQF.1) ITEM LOAD 1_NEW PV SYSTEM_ DEAD_L_OAD (N)PV SYSTEM DEAD LOAD, DLpv-N= 3 psf Note:PV System Weight Provided by Client/Manuf. ITEM LOAD ASCE Ch-3 Comp Shingles 4 psf Plywood Deck 2 psf 2x6 Rafters @ 16"O.C. 1.73 psf 2.ROOF DEAD LOAD Vaulted Ceiling 0 psf Miscellaneous 0.28 psf ROOF DEAD LOAD, DLRooF= 8 psf ITEM VALUE ASCE Ch-4 Roof Live Load,Lo= 20 psf Tributary Area Supported By Member,AT= <_200 sq.ft Tributary Area Reduction Factor, RI= 1 3—ME LIVE Roof Slope= 12/12 (45 Deg.) Slope Reduction Factor,R2= 1.00 ROOF LIVE LOAD, LLRooF=L0•Ri.R2= 20 psf Note:Live Load Under PV Arrays=0 PSF. ITEM VALUE ASCECh-7 Ground Snow Load,pg= 30 psf Exposure Factor(Fully Exposed),Ce= 1 Table 7.3-1 Thermal Factor(Cold Roof),Ct= 1 Table 7.3-1 Snow Importance Factor,Is= 1 Minimum Low-Slope Roof Snow Load,Pfsmin= N/A psf Minimum Flat Roof Snow Load(ANJ),Pf mie_AHJ= N/A psf 4.ROOF_SNOW LDAD Flat Roof Snow Load, pf=0.7CeCtlsPg+PC_sur:Pf Pf_min AHJ Pf= 21.0 psf Eqn 7.3-1 Roof Slope= 12/12 (45 Deg.) Surface Type= All Other Surfaces Slope Factor,Cs= 0.63 ROOF SNOW LOAD,p5= Cs.pf= 13.0 psf Eqn 7.4-1 Page 2 4'111 DoceSign Envelope ID:D96891DD-B4C6-4565-9A26-510B29A71C43 • 'two SUNP WER® SOLAR ENERGY SYSTEM HOME IMPROVEMENT CONTRACT 'TO BE USED IN THE STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS "Notice of Cancellation" may be sent to the Contractor at the address noted below: Customer Contractor and Project Manager Barry Kromer SunPower Corporation, Systems 24 Steven Drive Attn: SunPower Yarmouth, MA 02673 8900 Amberglen Boulevard, Suite 325 (860) 377-0986 Austin,Texas 78729 cbkromer@yahoo.com (800)786-7693 Contractor Registration No. 186445 Federal Employer ID: 20-8248962 Salesperson: Jay Thomas Date of Agreement May 10, 2022 Estimated Rebate(if applicable) Retained by Customer Co-Payment Paid by Customer to $0.00 Contractor at Energy Start Date Total Contract Price $23,120.00 Year 1 Production Estimate 8,167 kWh You may cancel this agreement if it has been signed by a party thereto at a place other than an address of the seller, which may be his main office or branch thereof, provided you notify the seller in writing at his main office or branch by ordinary mail posted, by telegram sent or by delivery, not later than midnight of the seventh calendar day following the signing of this agreement. See the attached notice of cancellation form for an explanation of this right. By signing below,you confirm that you have read the foregoing statement concerning your right to cancel this agreement. Customer's Signature: 60/1'61 kolkitr Schedule of Progress Payments: Payment of the applicable invoiced amount of the Total Contract Price (as such term defined above) is due and payable upon the date specified in the table below. Your final invoice will be due and payable upon the first date when the following things have happened: (a) Contractor can verify that the System (as defined below)was placed into operation,(b) interconnection of the System is complete with the utility; and (c)all approvals needed to operate the System are in place(collectively,the "Energy Start Date"). 0 Check this box if you are pursuing financing from a financing entity approved by Contractor and listed on Schedule I (attached hereto) for the purchase and installation of the System (as defined below) under this Agreement. By 1 Contract#:3834229 Version 5/25/2021 i Doi;dsign Envelope ID:D96891DD-B4C5-4565-9A26-510B29A71C43 checking this box, and upon notification to Contractor that such financing has been successfully obtained prior to the completion of the engineering site audit of your Premises, Contractor shall disregard the schedule of progress payments below and shall accept payment in full in the amount of the Total Contract Price from the Customer and the financing entity on behalf of the Customer upon the Energy Start Date. Work to be Completed: Amount Due: When Due: Due and payable upon the date the Design,Engineering,and Delivery of Installation Commencement Materials(collectively,the"Installation $9,248.00 Activities are completed. Commencement Activities") Completion of Installation of the System and all work required under this Agreement, including but not limited to, permitting, Due and Payable upon the Energy compliance with regulatory requirements, $13,872.00 Start Date. site preparation, installation materials and labor,training, incentive applications(if any), utility interconnection,and compliance with all applicable laws Description of the project and,significant materials to be used and equipment to be installed: Description: Installation of new photovoltaic: 5.88 kW(solar energy) system Quantity and model of panel to be installed: 14 x SunPower 420W(Model SPR-M-420-H-AC) Solar Panels Quantity and model of inverter(s)to be installed: Type M/SPWR-A4(IQ 7HS)(14) MountinglRacking to be installed: InvisiMount Monitoring to be installed: PU36 Monitoring Kit NOTE: Loan Number(if applicable): Approximate Time For Start&Completion: Approximate Start Date: within fifteen(15)days of this Agreement(including the last amendment or change order) being signed by both parties. Approximate Completion Date: within ninety(90)days of this Agreement(including the last amendment or change order) being signed by both parties. Commencement of work under this Agreement shall be defined as the design and engineering of the photovoltaic(solar energy)System. 2 Contract#:3834229 Version 5/25/2021 Dctu ign Envelope ID:D96891 DD-B4C5-4565-9A26-510B29A71 C43 1. INTRODUCTION (i) Our receipt of 40% of the Total Contract Price (as such amount is specified above), or notification to us This Solar Energy System Home Improvement Contract that you have successfully obtained financing for the (this "Agreement") is the agreement between the purchase and installation of the System under this individual(s) identified as "Customer(s)" above Agreement from a financing entity approved by (collectively referred to in this Agreement as "Customer" Contractor and listed on Schedule I; or "you") and SunPower Corporation, Systems (referred to in this Agreement as "SunPower" or "Contractor" or (ii) completion of (A) the engineering site audit (a "we" or "us" or "our"). By this Agreement, we will thorough physical inspection of your premises where provide to you certain services for the installation of a the System is to be installed to determine whether photovoltaic solar system described on Page 2 of this the installation of the System is feasible) (this Agreement (the "System"), and a limited warranty as Agreement refers to those premises as the described in full below in this Agreement. "Premises" or your "Home") including, if applicable, geotechnical work), and (B) real estate due diligence YOU AGREE THAT CONTRACTOR IS PERMITTED TO to confirm the suitability of the Premises for the EXERCISE ITS RIGHT TO INSTALL A SYSTEM THAT construction, installation, and operation of the DIFFERS FROM THE SYSTEM DESCRIPTION System; PROVIDED ABOVE ON THE CONDITION THAT SUCH SYSTEM INCLUDES SUBSTANTIALLY EQUIVALENT (iii) receipt of all necessary zoning, land use, and OR BETTER EQUIPMENT WITH EQUAL TO OR building permits (See paragraph 19 of this GREATER OUTPUT AND CONTRACTOR NOTIFIES Agreement); and YOU ABOUT THE UPDATED SYSTEM DESCRIPTION. (iv) completion of any renovations, improvements or IF CONTRACTOR EXERCISES SUCH RIGHT IN changes reasonably required at your Home or on the ACCORDANCE WITH THIS PARAGRAPH, THEN YOU Premises (e.g., removal of a tree or roof repairs WILL NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO REJECT OR necessary to enable us or our other service TERMINATE THIS AGREEMENT. providers chosen by us to safely install the System). List of Documents Incorporated into this Agreement: If we determine that certain conditions on the roof or Exhibit A (Notice of Cancellation), Exhibit B (SunPower otherwise at the Premises should be corrected before Limited Product and Power Warranty Overview), Exhibit the installation may be undertaken, then we will notify C (Certificate of Acceptance), Exhibit D (SMART you that corrective work is needed, and you may arrange Participant Customer Disclosure Form), and Schedule I for such work with another contractor or with us (if we (List of Approved Financing Entities). Please read this are capable of performing such work). You will be Agreement and related documents carefully; this responsible for the structural integrity of the location Agreement is a legally binding agreement between you where the System is installed, including structural or and us. electrical modifications necessary to prepare your The pricing in this Agreement is valid for thirty (30) days Premises for the System. You agree that Contractor is after May 10, 2022. If you do not sign this Agreement not responsible for any known or unknown conditions of and return it to us on or prior to thirty(30) days after May the Premises. 10, 2022, then Contractor reserves the right to reject this Please note, however, that such corrective work is not Agreement unless you agree to our then current pricing. covered by this Agreement and you may either(i) pay for 2. INSTALLATION SERVICES such corrective work in addition to the Total Contract Price listed above or (ii) terminate this Agreement (a) CONDITIONS PRIOR TO INSTALLATION without penalty or fee. OF THE SYSTEM; PRE-INSTALL Furthermore, both parties will have the right to terminate TERMINATION RIGHTS this Agreement, without penalty or fee, if we determine Our obligations to install the System are conditioned after the engineering site audit of your Premises that we upon the following items having occurred and/or been have misestimated by more than ten percent (10%) any completed to our reasonable satisfaction by us or other of (1) the System size, (2) the System's total cost, or (3) service providers chosen by us: the System's originally estimated annual production. Such termination right will expire ten (10) business days 3 Contract#:3834229 Version 5/25/2021 Dq'citSign Envelope ID:D96891 DD-B4C5-4565-9A26-510B29A71 C43 • after we inform you in writing of the revised size, cost or production estimate. If neither party exercises their right within the period of time specified herein as your 9 acceptance of the System for the purpose of this to terminate this Agreement following such 10% change, Contract and such requirement shall be considered then any changes to the System will be documented in an amendment to this Agreement. You authorize us and waived by us, and the AHJ or an equivalent our subcontractors to make corrections to the utili organization has approved the System, you agree to ty arrange for, and enter into, an interconnection paperwork to conform to this Agreement or any agreement with your local utility company. (We will amendments to this Agreement we both sign. provide assistance during this process.) (b) INSTALLATION COMMENCEMENT (ii) Post-Energy Start Date Customer Duty. Following When we are satisfied that the installation and operation the Energy Start Date (as defined above), you agree of the System at the Premises is feasible, any corrective to pay the Contractor or Contractor's designated representative (or agree to have a third party pay the work has been performed, completed and paid for, and any necessary zoning, land use or buildin Contractor or Contractor's designated representative g permits are on Customer's behalf) the remaining balance of the received, the parties agree that we will begin the installation of the System. Contractor ma Total Contract Price listed above on the Energy Start y perform such Date. services by itself or through a competent subcontractor hired by Contractor. (e) TITLE TO THE SUNPOWER SYSTEM; However, please note that if we determine that your RISK OF LOSS Premises are not suitable for the installation of the Title to the System, including, without limitation, the System, or corrective work has not been satisfactorily photovoltaic modules, materials, and equipment shall performed, or any required permits or other governmental authorizations are not received, then we pass to Customer upon delivery of the System to will not have the obligation to install the System, and we Customer's premises, subject in each case to the extent may terminate this Agreement byfull payment thereof has been made by Customer in 9 providing prior written accordance with the terms of this Agreement. After notice to you. delivery of the System to your Premises, other than (c) POST-INSTALLATION CONTRACTOR damage directly resulting from Contractor's actions, you DUTIES shall bear risk of loss to the System for all causes of loss not covered by the SunPower Limited Product and Following completion of the process of installation and Power Warranty for Residential PV Modules (see successful testing, in our sole discretion, of the System, https://us.sunpower.com/home-solar-system-warranty). we will arrange for the following: Contractor and its affiliates retain all intellectual property (i) the local utility company's authorization for the rights on any of the equipment installed in your System including, but not limited to, patents, copyrights and System to operate following the inspection of the installed System (if the utility requires such an trademarks. inspection), and (f) PROFESSIONAL AND WORKMANLIKE (ii) the applicable Authority Having Jurisdiction ("AHJ") MANNER or an equivalent organization to inspect the System. or l construct. (d) POST-INSTALLATION CUSTOMER System tat hie Premises.install, test ise to do nd commission inha DUTIES professional and workmanlike manner. in accordance with all applicable laws regulations codes and permits (i) Pre-Energy Start Date Customer Duty. Upon our We promise to follow accepted rofession in completion of the actions described in Section 2.c, the solarpanel installation ndust nd r actices electrical Contractor's receipt of a signed Customer Certificate installation industry, gene rally of Acceptance Form (attached hereto as Exhibit C) within five (5) business days of the completion of the 3. FINANCING; RIGHT TO TERMINATE actions described in Section 2.c.; provided, however, If Customer advises Contractor that it requires financing you agree that we may deem your failure to provide to comply with its obligations under this Agreement and Contractor with a signed Certificate of Acceptance is not able to obtain financing prior to the completion of Contract#:3834229 4 Version 5/25/2021 DIcuSign Envelope ID:D96891 DD-B4C5-4565-9A26-510B29A71 C43 the engineering site audit of your Premises, then costs), when you submit a valid claim to us under this Customer may terminate this Agreement through written Limited Warranty. We may use new or reconditioned notice to Contractor prior to such Approximate Start Date parts when making such repairs or replacements. or Contractor's installation of the System (whichever is (c) ASSIGNMENT OF MANUFACTURERS' earlier) and without triggering any further liability to either Party. WARRANTIES 4. LIMITED WARRANTY To the fullest extent we are permitted to do so, we hereby assign, as of the date of your acceptance of the We provide to you the following warranties with respect System, to you, as the legal owner of the System, the to the System (these warranties are collectively referred limited warranties from the manufacturers of the to as the "Limited Warranty" in this Agreement). Please photovoltaic modules and inverters comprising the note that the Limited Warranty is subject to exclusions System (in particular, the SunPower Corporation and disclaimers specified in Section 4.d below and to residential photovoltaic modules are subject to other limitations on liability specified in Section 8 of this SunPower Corporation's standard 25-year power output Agreement. Please also note that the Limited Warranty and workmanship warranty set forth on the SunPower is subject to payment in full of any amounts due to Limited Product and Power Warranty for Residential PV Contractor in accordance with this Agreement; therefore, Modules; and inverters that are not factory-integrated we will have no obligation under the Limited Warranty if into the System's photovoltaic modules are subject to payment in full has not been made to us in accordance the manufacturer's 10-year performance warranty). To with this Agreement. the extent that we perform warranty repair work or (a) INSTALLATION, WORKMANSHIP, provide warranty replacement(s) to you, we reserve the DEFECTS, AND ROOF WARRANTIES right to make a corresponding claim (if available) under any such manufacturers'warranties. (i) Installation, Workmanship and Defects Warranty. (d) EXCLUSIONS AND DISCLAIMERS We warrant that during the System Warranty Period (as defined below) (A)the System will be installed in The Limited Warranty does not apply to any repair, the manner described in Section 2.f above and (B), replacement or correction required due to the following: under normal use and service conditions, the (i) someone other than Contractor or a subcontractor System will be free from defects in workmanship or specifically approved by Contractor (an "Approved defects in, or a breakdown of, materials or Subcontractor") installed, constructed, tested, components. This warranty (the "System Warranty removed, re-installed or repaired the System; Period") will run ten (10)years from the Energy Start Date. (ii) destruction or damage to the System or its ability to safely produce energy not caused by Contractor or (ii) Roof Warranty. During the Roof Warranty Period (as its Approved Subcontractor while servicing the defined below), we warrant that, if in the course of System (for example, a tree falls on the System not the installation work we are required to penetrate due to any negligence of Contractor); your roof and thereby cause damage to areas of the roof that are within a three (3) inch radius of roof (iii) your failure to perform, or your breach of any of, your penetrations, we will repair such damage. (This roof obligations under this Agreement (including, without warranty (the "Roof Warranty Period") will run ten limitation, not providing us adequate access or (10)years from the Energy Start Date.) assistance); (b) REPAIR PROMISE (iv) any event or condition beyond our control that is a Force Majeure Event(as defined below); During the System Warranty Period or the Roof Warranty Period, as applicable (each, a 'Warranty (v) a power or voltage surge caused by someone other Period"), as specified in Section 4.a above, and subject than Contractor including, without limitation a grid to Section 4.d and Section 8 below, we will repair or supply voltage outside of the standard range replace any defective part, material or component or specified by the local utility or the System correct any defective workmanship, at no cost or specifications or as a result of a local power outage expense to you (including, without limitation, all labor or curtailment; 5 Contract#:3834229 Version 5/25/2021 DoZi,Sign Envelope ID:D96891 DD-B4C5-4565-9A26-510B29A71 C43 (vi) any System failure not caused by a System defect Customer agrees to pay the Total Contract Price in full (such as making roof repairs that affect the System); regardless of the actual amount of rebates and/or or incentives you receive. (vii)theft of the System. (b)OWNERSHIP This Agreement gives you specific rights, and you may All renewable energy credits (RECs), green-e tags or also have other rights which may vary from state to other transferable indicators for the generation of state. This Agreement does not warrant any specific renewable energy, performance based incentives, electrical performance of the System. rebates and other incentives or under the federal (e) MAKING A CLAIM government's, any municipality's, any utility's or any other state's solar program or initiative, and associated If you believe you have a claim under the Limited reporting rights available in connection with the System, Warranty, then you must give us notice of such claim are retained and owned by you as the owner of the describing the problem that you believe gives rise to the System. claim, as promptly as possible, but in no event later than five (5) business days after your discovery of such (c) CAPACITY RIGHTS problem, in accordance with Section 12 below. By initialing below, You hereby assign, deliver, convey (f) TRANSFER OF WARRANTY and transfer to Contractor any rights and interests You may have through the System's eligibility in any capacity We will accept and honor any valid and properly market program administered by any government, submitted claim under the Limited Warranty made during municipality, utility or other program or initiative. You the applicable Warranty Period by any person to whom acknowledge that the Contract Price reflects this Customer properly transfers ownership of the System. assignment and that, due to Program requirements, the (g) MAINTENANCE OF OPERATION System's capacity rights provide no economic value to You. Except for honoring Limited Warranty claims, we will have no obligation to service, operate or maintain the System. Customer: THE LIMITED WARRANTY DESCRIBED IN THIS SECTION 4 IS THE ONLY EXPRESS WARRANTY 6. CERTAIN CUSTOMER OBLIGATIONS MADE BY CONTRACTOR WITH RESPECT TO THE (a) REMOVALIREPAIR OF SYSTEM SYSTEM. CONTRACTOR HEREBY DISCLAIMS, AND ANY BENEFICIARY OF THIS LIMITED WARRANTY You agree that if (i) the System needs any repairs that HEREBY WAIVES, ANY WARRANTY WITH RESPECT are not our responsibility under the Limited Warranty or TO ANY COST SAVINGS FROM USING THE SYSTEM. (ii)you would like to have the System removed or moved Please also see the limitations and disclaimers and reinstalled to facilitate remodeling of your Home, contained in Section 8 below. you will have Contractor, or an Approved Subcontractor, 5. ENVIRONMENTAL INCENTIVES at your expense, perform such repairs, removal and reinstallation, or relocation on a time and materials (a) ELIGIBILITY basis. You may be eligible for various state and local rebates (b)TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS and incentives. The rebate and incentive calculations You are responsible for all taxes, assessments and Contractor provides to Customer are estimates. These charges required by public agencies including, without estimates are based upon certain assumptions that may limitation, those resulting from any increased real not be applicable based on the circumstances specific to property taxes that you may be subject to as a result of your System. However, actual rebates and incentives the installation of the System. You should consult your are variable as eligibility requirements, funding own qualified tax advisor regarding the federal, state and availability, and rates may change. Contractor shall local, and other tax benefits and consequences that have no financial obligation to Customer regarding result from the purchase and installation of the System actual rebate and incentive amounts received. on your Home. 6 Contract#:3834229 Version 5/25/2021 Dd6uSign Envelope ID:D96891DD-B4C5-4565-9A26-510B29A71C43 (c) EXTERIOR OF HOME 8. LIMITATIONS ON LIABILITY; INDEMNITY You agree that if any part of the System is located on the (a) NO CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. exterior of your Home, then you will supply the paint needed to complete any related painting. YOU AGREE THAT YOU MAY RECOVER ONLY DIRECT DAMAGES AND IN NO EVENT SHALL (d)SUNPOWER MONITORING SYSTEM CONTRACTOR OR ITS AGENTS OR The SunPower Monitoring System will be installed at the SUBCONTRACTORS BE LIABLE TO YOU OR YOUR same time as the installation of the System. Customer HEIRS OR ASSIGNS FOR SPECIAL, INDIRECT, agrees to maintain and make available, at your cost, a PUNITIVE, EXEMPLARY, INCIDENTAL OR functioning Internet connection, via either one available CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY NATURE, wired Ethernet port and standard AC power outlet within EVEN IF CONTRACTOR HAS, OR ITS AGENTS OR eighty (80) feet of the System's AC/DC inverter(s), SUBCONTRACTORS HAVE, BEEN ADVISED OF THE secure access to your wireless home internet, or the LIKELIHOOD OR POSSIBILITY THAT SUCH purchase of a SunPower cellular plan at all times while it DAMAGES MAY BE INCURRED. is being used. Customer also agrees to keep the (b) DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES SunPower Monitoring System connected at all times. THE ONLY WARRANTY AS TO THE SYSTEM OR ITS 7. FORCE MAJEURE INSTALLATION IS THE LIMITED WARRANTY UNDER If we are unable to perform all or some of our obligations SECTION 4 OF THIS AGREEMENT. EXCEPT AS under this Agreement because of a Force Majeure Event EXPRESSLY PROVIDED IN THIS AGREEMENT (as defined below), we will be excused from whatever (INCLUDING THE EXHIBITS), WE MAKE NO performance is affected by the Force Majeure Event, WARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION, EITHER provided that (i) as soon as is reasonably practical we EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, REGARDING OUR give you notice of the event and (ii) the excuse from OBLIGATIONS OR THE SYSTEM. TO THE MAXIMUM performing our obligations will be of no greater scope EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, CONTRACTOR and of no longer duration than is required in the context HEREBY DISCLAIMS AND YOU HEREBY WAIVE ANY of the Force Majeure Event. AND ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF "Force Majeure Event" means any event, condition or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND circumstance beyond our control and not caused by our MERCHANTABILITY, ARISING UNDER APPLICABLE or our Approved Subcontractor's fault or negligence. STATE LAW, EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT SUCH Included among such events would be failure or WARRANTIES MAY NOT BE WAIVED UNDER interruption of the installation of the System or APPLICABLE LAW (IN WHICH CASE, SUCH production of electricity by the System due to: an act of WARRANTIES SHALL NOT EXTEND PAST THE god; war (declared or undeclared); pandemic; sabotage; EXPIRATION OF THE WARRANTY PERIODS SET riot; insurrection; civil unrest or disturbance; military or FORTH IN SECTION 4.a ABOVE). guerilla action; terrorism; economic sanction or embargo; civil strike, work stoppage, slow-down, or lock-out; (C) LIMITATION OF LIABILITY explosion; fire; earthquake; abnormal weather condition Notwithstanding any other provision of this or actions of the elements (including, without limitation, Agreement to the contrary, to the maximum extent hurricane; flood; lightning; wind; drought); the binding permitted by law, Contractor's total liability arising order of any governmental authority; the failure on the out of or relating to this Agreement shall in no event part of any governmental authority to issue a required exceed (i) as to the System failure or replacement, permit(provided we have timely applied for such permit); the Total Contract Price and (ii) as to damages to unavailability of electricity from the utility grid, your Home, including but not limited to the equipment, supplies or products; and failure of installation of the System, the lesser of actual equipment not utilized by us or under our control (not damages to your Home or $1,000,000; provided that including the System — that is, defective or faulty such damages are provable and caused solely by components of the System are not a Force Majeure us,our agents or subcontractors, or the System. Event). (d)INDEMNITY 7 Contract#:3834229 Version 5/25/2021 Dc3 uSign Envelope ID:D96891DD-B4C5-4565-9A26-510B29A71C43 To the fullest extent permitted by law, you shall shall have the right to: (i) prevent any more work from indemnify, defend, protect, save and hold harmless us, being done at your Premises until the breach is cured our employees, officers, directors, agents, successors and a letter of credit or some other financial instrument, and assigns from any and all third party claims, actions, approved by the Contractor in its sole discretion, is costs, expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees provided to the Contractor by the Customer for any and expenses), damages, liabilities, penalties, losses, amounts payable under this Agreement; (ii) recover all obligations, injuries, demands and liens of any kind or amounts due under this Agreement for services provided nature arising out of, connected with, relating to or through the date of termination including interest (as resulting from your negligence, willful misconduct, or such amount is allowed by law); (iii) turn off or remove failure to comply with any of the terms or conditions of any System materials or equipment from your Premises this Agreement; provided that nothing herein shall by legal process or self-help, but we may not disturb the require you to indemnify (1) any person or entity from its peace or violate the law; (iv) terminate this Agreement, own negligence or willful misconduct or(2) our Approved and (v) pursue any other legal remedies including but Subcontractors or any manufacturer of the equipment not limited to mechanics'liens or similar remedies. comprising the System except in connection with your 12.NOTICES negligence or willful misconduct. The provisions of this paragraph shall survive termination or expiration of this All notices, requests, statements and other Agreement. communications under this Agreement must be made in 9. TERMINATION AND DEFAULT writing (unless otherwise specified in another paragraph of this Agreement as to a particular notice or Contractor may terminate this Agreement, upon seven communication) and will be considered to have been (7) days'written notice, for any material breach, for any properly given and received if delivered in person, failure of you to pay Contractor for any amount due, or reliable overnight courier, or sent by registered or for any hindrance to Contractor in the performance certified mail, postage prepaid to the address of the process. Contractor may also terminate this Agreement, applicable party specified on the first page of this in accordance with Section 2(b) above. Agreement. Notice by hand delivery will be effective at 10.ACCESS RIGHTS the close of business on the day actually received, if received during a business day, and otherwise shall be You hereby grant to us and our successors and effective at the close of the next business day. Notice by Approved Subcontractors and our and their agents and overnight United States mail or courier shall be effective employees, the right to enter and access your Premises on the second business day after it was sent. A party and the property on which the Premises are located, in a may change its addresses by providing notice of same in reasonable manner and upon reasonable notice to you, accordance with this paragraph. Notices may also be for the purposes of (a) installing, constructing and, upon given by e-mail, provided that any such e-mail notice is your request, repairing and replacing the System or confirmed in a writing delivered as provided above in this making any additions to the System or installing paragraph not later than the immediately following complementary technologies on or about the location of business day. the System; (b) installing, using and maintaining electric 13. GOVERNING LAW; ARBITRATION lines and inverters and meters, necessary to interconnect the System to your electric system at the OF DISPUTES Premises or to the utility's electric distribution system; PLEASE READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY. and (c) enforcing Contractor's rights as to this ARBITRATION REPLACES THE RIGHT TO GO TO Agreement and the System. You agree not to impair or COURT, INCLUDING THE RIGHT TO A JURY TRIAL interfere and not to permit other persons to impair or AND THE RIGHT TO PARTICIPATE IN A CLASS interfere with such access rights. ACTION OR SIMILAR PROCEEDING. IN 11.REMEDIES UPON CUSTOMER'S ARBITRATION, A DISPUTE IS RESOLVED BY AN BREACH ARBITRATOR INSTEAD OFAJUDGE OR JURY. The laws of the state where your Home is located shall Without limiting any of Contractor's other rights and govern this Agreement without giving effect to conflict of remedies, upon any breach by you, including any failure law's principles. You and We agree that any dispute, by you to pay Contractor's any amount due, Contractor 8 Contract#:3834229 Version 5/25/2021 R OatSign Envelope ID:D96891DD-B4C5-4565-9A26-510B29A71C43 claim or disagreement between the parties (a"Dispute") persons with disputes similar to the Disputes between shall be resolved exclusively by arbitration. you and Us. The arbitration, including the selecting of the arbitrator, The arbitrator shall have the authority to award any legal will be administered by JAMS, under its Streamlined or equitable remedy or relief that a court could order or Arbitration Rules (the "Rules") by a single neutral grant under this Agreement. The arbitrator, however, is arbitrator to be agreed upon by the parties or selected not authorized to change or alter the terms of this under the Rules within thirty (30) days of the Agreement or to make any award that would extend to commencement of the arbitration. The arbitration will any transaction other than yours. All statutes of be governed by the Federal Arbitration Act (Title 9 of the limitations that are applicable to any dispute shall apply U.S. Code). Either party may initiate the arbitration to any arbitration between us. The arbitrator will issue a process by filing the necessary forms with JAMS. To decision or award in writing, briefly stating the essential learn more about arbitration, you can call any JAMS findings of fact and conclusions of law. office or review the materials at www.jamsadr.com. The BECAUSE YOU AND WE HAVE AGREED TO arbitration shall be held in the location that is most ARBITRATE ALL DISPUTES, NEITHER OF US WILL convenient to your Home. If a JAMS office does not exist in the county where you live, then we will use another HAVE THE RIGHT TO LITIGATE THAT DISPUTE IN accredited arbitration provider with offices close to your COURT, OR TO HAVE A JURY TRIAL ON THAT Home. DISPUTE, OR ENGAGE IN DISCOVERY EXCEPT AS PROVIDED FOR IN THE RULES. FURTHER, YOU If you initiate the arbitration, you will be required to pay WILL NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO PARTICIPATE AS A the first$125 of any filing fee. We will pay any filing fees REPRESENTATIVE OR MEMBER OF ANY CLASS in excess of $125 and we will pay all of the arbitration PERTAINING TO ANY DISPUTE. THE ARBITRATOR'S fees and costs. If we initiate the arbitration, we will pay DECISION WILL BE FINAL AND BINDING ON THE all of the filing fees and all of the arbitration fees and PARTIES AND MAY BE ENTERED AND ENFORCED costs. We will each bear all of our own attorney's fees AS A JUDGMENT IN ANY COURT HAVING and costs except that you are entitled to recover your JURISDICTION, EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT IT IS attorney's fees and costs if you prevail in the arbitration SUBJECT TO REVIEW IN ACCORDANCE WITH and the award you receive from the arbitrator is higher APPLICABLE LAW GOVERNING ARBITRATION than Our last written settlement offer. This Section 13 AWARDS. OTHER RIGHTS THAT YOU OR WE shall govern to the extent it conflicts with the Rules. WOULD HAVE IN COURT MAY ALSO NOT BE When determining whether your award is higher than AVAILABLE IN ARBITRATION. Our last written settlement offer your attorney's fees and NOTWITHSTANDING THE FOREGOING, NOTHING IN costs will not be included. THIS AGREEMENT SHALL WAIVE ANY RIGHTS Only Disputes involving you and Us may be addressed CONVEYED TO YOU UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF in the arbitration. Disputes must be brought in the name M.G.L. CHAPTER 142A AND ITS ASSOCIATED of an individual person or entity and must proceed on an REGULATIONS, INCLUDING YOUR RIGHT TO individual (non-class, non-representative) basis. The REQUEST THAT A DISPUTE RESULTING FROM AND arbitrator will not award relief for or against anyone who RELATING TO THIS AGREEMENT BE DECIDED is not a party. If either of us arbitrates a Dispute, neither UNDER THE TERMS OF A PRIVATE ARBITRATION of us, nor any other person, may pursue the Dispute in PROGRAM APPROVED BY THE DIRECTOR OF THE arbitration as a class action, class arbitration, private OFFICE OF CONSUMER AFFAIRS AND BUSINESS attorney general action or other representative action, REGULATION. nor may any such Dispute be pursued on your or Our By initialing below, you acknowledge and accept that you behalf in any litigation in any court. Claims regarding any Dispute and remedies sought as part of a class are waiving any and all rights to a trial jury for all actions action, class arbitration, private attorneyor proceedings involving a dispute arising out of or general or other related to this Agreement. representative action are subject to arbitration on an individual (non-class, non-representative) basis, and the arbitrator may award relief only on an individual (non- class, ,rL1 non-representative) basis. This means that the Customer: arbitration may not address disputes involving other 9 Contract#:3834229 Version 5/25/2021 DonSign Envelope ID:D96891DD-B4C5-4565-9A26-510B29A71C43 14.ASSIGNMENT AND TRANSFER OF THIS added or subtracted from this Agreement, and (iii) the AGREEMENT effect the order will make in the progress payments or the completion date. Contractor may assign its rights or obligations under this Agreement to a third party without Customer's consent, (d) Contractor's failure to comply with the requirements provided that any assignment of Contractor's obligations of this Section 16 does not preclude the recovery of under this Agreement shall be to a party qualified to compensation for work performed based upon legal or perform such obligation. Customer's rights and equitable remedies designed to prevent unjust obligations under this Agreement will be automatically enrichment. transferred to any party that succeeds Customer as 17.NOTICES CONCERNING COMMERCIAL owner of the System. GENERAL LIABILITY AND WORKERS' 15.ENTIRE AGREEMENT; AMENDMENTS; COMPENSATION INSURANCE BENEFIT OF AGREEMENT Contractor carries commercial general liability insurance This Agreement contains the entire agreement of written by James River Insurance Company. You may Customer and Contractor regarding the subject matter of call Marsh Risk & Insurance Services at (408) 467-5600 this Agreement. Any amendment or other change to this to check the Contractor's insurance coverage. A Agreement must be in writing and signed by both certificate of insurance can also be provided upon parties. request. The Contractor carries workers' compensation insurance for all employees. If any portion of this Agreement is determined to be unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall be 18. REGISTRATION OF HOME enforced in accordance with their terms or shall be IMPROVEMENT CONTRACTORS interpreted or reformed so as to make them enforceable. All home improvement contractors and subcontractors The provisions of this Agreement regarding payment must be registered by the Massachusetts Office of obligations, liabilities, indemnities, remedies, governing Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation. Any law and arbitration, as well as all provisions that inquiries regarding a contractor or subcontractor relating specifically provide for survival or for additional time to registration should be directed to: periods, will survive the termination or expiration of this Agreement. Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation 16.NOTE ABOUT EXTRA WORK AND CHANGE ORDERS Home Improvement Contractor Registration 10 Park Plaza, Room 5170 (a) Extra work and change orders become part of this Agreement once the order is prepared in writing and Boston, MA 02116 signed by the parties prior to the commencement of any (617) 973-8700 work covered by the new change order. The order must describe the scope of the extra work or change, the cost 19.PERMITS to be added or subtracted from this Agreement, and the The following construction-related permits are required effect the order will have on the schedule of progress for installation of the System under this Agreement: payments. 1) Permit to perform electrical work (b) Customer may not require the Contractor to perform extra or change-order work without providing written 2) Building Permit authorization prior to the commencement of work We will obtain such permits on your behalf as your covered by the new change order. agent. If you choose to secure your own permits, you (c) Extra work or a change order is not enforceable will be excluded from the Guaranty Fund provisions of against Customer unless the change order also identifies M.G.L. chapter 142A. all of the following in writing prior to the commencement of work covered by the new change order: (i) the scope of work encompassed by the order; (ii) the amount to be 10 Contract#:3834229 Version 5/25/2021 1 ti DcdtuSign Envelope ID:D96891DD-B4C5-4565-9A26-510B29A71C43 20.CUSTOMER DATA a. Five hundred dollars($500.00)for any cancellation after the seventh (7th) calendar day after the date For a copy of the Sun Power Data Privacy Policies, you sign this Agreement until the date that permits please visit the following website: have been obtained for your project. https://us.sunpower.com/privacy/website-policy b. One thousand dollars ($1,000.00)for any By initialing below, you acknowledge your receipt of and cancellation after permits have been obtained for opportunity to review the SunPower Data Privacy Policy: your project. Once the seventh (7th) calendar day after the date you sign this Agreement has passed and the installation of Customer: the System has begun, You may not cancel the Agreement under any circumstances without 21.SIGNATURES SunPower's consent. Under such circumstances, We will ask You, and You agree, to reimburse Us for Our out- Facsimile, PDF signatures or electronic signatures may of-pocket costs associated with the Agreement. be used with the same force and effect as if they were a If you cancel on or before the seventh (7th) calendar day duly executed original. after the date you sign this Agreement, then Contractor 22.ELECTRONIC INVOICES must return to you anything you paid within ten calendar (10) days of receiving the notice of cancellation and the Customer hereby agrees to receive all invoices issued parties agree that Contractor may return such funds via under this Agreement electronically. the same method that you originally remitted such funds 23.NOTICE OF RIGHT TO CANCEL. to Contractor. For your part, you must make available to Contractor at your residence, in substantially as good You, Customer, have the right to cancel this Agreement condition as you received them, goods delivered to you within seven (7) calendar days of the date you sign this under this Agreement. Or, you may, if you wish, comply Agreement. You may cancel by e-mailing, mailing, with Contractor's instructions on how to return the goods faxing, or delivering a written notice to Contractor at at Contractor's expense and risk. If you make the goods Contractor's place of business by midnight of the available to Contractor and Contractor does not pick seventh (7`h) calendar day after you signed this them up within twenty (20) days of the date of your Agreement. Following the seventh (7th) calendar day notice of cancellation, you may keep them without any after the date you sign this Agreement and prior to the further obligation. If you fail to make the goods available installation commencement date of the System,you may to Contractor, or if you agree to return the goods to request that we cancel this Agreement. If we agree to Contractor and fail to do so, then you remain liable for cancel this Agreement, then in connection with such a performance of all obligations under this Agreement. request, you will be obligated to pay a cancellation fee to help offset costs incurred for Your project, such as Attached is a form "Notice of Cancellation"which form is permitting fees, interconnection application costs, design easily detachable. costs, and other out of pocket expenses associated with this Agreement. Cancellation fees are as follows: 11 Contract#:3834229 Version 5/25/2021 .. • 4' DoLrnSign Envelope ID:D96891DD-B4C5-4565-9A26-510B29A71C43 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each party hereto has caused this Agreement to be signed on its behalf as of the date first written above. DO NOT SIGN THIS CONTRACT IF THERE ARE ANY BLANK SPACES Customer's Signature(s): NMI 6614.1t r Barry Kromer 5/10/2022 Contractor's Signature: SunPower Corporation, Systems Ieoln olct,it,ta a Set. Ronacel O.Benasa 5/11/2022 12 Contract#:3834229 Version 5/25/2021 DonSign Envelope ID:D96891DD-B4C5-4565-9A26-510B29A71C43 Exhibit A NOTICE OF CANCELLATION 5/11/2022 (Date) You may CANCEL this transaction, without any Penalty or Obligation, within SEVEN CALENDAR DAYS from the above date. If you cancel, any property traded in, any payments made by you under the agreement, and any negotiable instrument executed by you will be returned within TEN CALENDAR DAYS following receipt by the seller of your Notice of Cancellation, and any security interest arising out of the transaction will be canceled. If you cancel, you must make available to the seller at your residence, in substantially as good condition as when received, any goods delivered to you under this agreement; or you may, if you wish, comply with the instructions of the seller regarding the return shipment of the goods at the seller's expense and risk. If you do make the goods available to the seller and the seller does not pick them up within 20 days after the date of your Notice of Cancellation, you may retain or dispose of the goods without any further obligation. If you fail to make the goods available to the seller, or if you agree to return the goods to the seller and fail to do so, then you remain liable for performance of all obligations under the contract. To cancel this transaction, mail or deliver a signed and dated copy of this Cancellation Notice or any other written notice, or send a telegram to: SunPower Corporation, Systems, 8900 Amberglen Boulevard, Suite 325, Austin, TX 78729. NOT LATER THAN MIDNIGHT OF 5/18/2022 I HEREBY CANCEL THIS TRANSACTION. [Date]. Customer's Signature: Please print name: 13 Contract#:3834229 Exhibit A—Notice of Cancellation Version 5/25/2021 DotuSign Envelope ID:D96891DD-B4C5-4565-9A26-510B29A71C43 Exhibit A NOTICE OF CANCELLATION 5/11/2022 (Date) You may CANCEL this transaction, without any Penalty or Obligation, within SEVEN CALENDAR DAYS from the above date. If you cancel, any property traded in, any payments made by you under the agreement, and any negotiable instrument executed by you will be returned within TEN CALENDAR DAYS following receipt by the seller of your Notice of Cancellation, and any security interest arising out of the transaction will be canceled. If you cancel, you must make available to the seller at your residence, in substantially as good condition as when received, any goods delivered to you under this agreement; or you may, if you wish, comply with the instructions of the seller regarding the return shipment of the goods at the seller's expense and risk. If you do make the goods available to the seller and the seller does not pick them up within 20 days after the date of your Notice of Cancellation, you may retain or dispose of the goods without any further obligation. If you fail to make the goods available to the seller, or if you agree to return the goods to the seller and fail to do so, then you remain liable for performance of all obligations under the contract. To cancel this transaction, mail or deliver a signed and dated copy of this Cancellation Notice or any other written notice, or send a telegram to: SunPower Corporation, Systems, 8900 Amberglen Boulevard, Suite 325,Austin, TX 78729. NOT LATER THAN MIDNIGHT OF 5/18/2022 I HEREBY CANCEL THIS TRANSACTION. [Date]. Customer's Signature: Please print name: 14 Contract#:3834229 Exhibit A—Notice of Cancellation Version 5/25/2021 DotuSign Envelope ID:D96891 DD-B4C5-4565-9A26-510B29A71 C43 EXHIBIT B SUN P WER® SunPower Limited Product and Power Warranty Overview The limited warranty described below and provided in its entirety at sunpower.com/homesolarwarranty is effective for SunPower®photovoltaic modules for residential installation with "SPR-X"or"SPR-E"or"SPR-A"and"AC"in the product model number and sold after July 1, 2019. Limited Warranty Subject at all times to the terms and conditions as set out in the limited warranty, SunPower Corporation ("SunPower") warrants that for 25 years beginning on the Warranty Start Datel(the 'Warranty Period"), its photovoltaic modules specified above, including factory integrated electronics, ("AC Module[s]"), shall be free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal application, installation, use and service conditions. The DC power of the AC Modules will be at least 98%of the Minimum Peak Power2 rating for the first year, and will decline by no more than 0.25%per year for the following 24 years; thus the DC power output at the end of the final year of the 25th year warranty period will be at least 92% of the Minimum Peak Power rating (the "Guaranteed Peak Power" rating) and the AC power of the system will be at least 90%of the Peak System Power3 for the full 25-year warranty period. For a copy of the full warranty including, but not limited to assignment rights, exclusions and limitations please visit our website at: sunpower.com/homesolarwarranty System and Sere Warranty 7 he Sunuowers Compk[e Confidence Warranty gs the best solar warranty you may neve€have to use. -Easy to Reach We're always just a call or click away at 1-800-SUNPOWER or through the mySunPo were."portal. Labor,Shipping,Parts Its AU Included' if something needs to be replaced.SunPower makes e easy. No Jumping Through Hoops While most solar warranties are full of headaches,SunPower keeps things simple. -Most Comprehensive Warranty in the Industry All components under one warranty. 25-Years far component,or,your roof n,c.[udamg panels,.mnt,oewerters and mounting sy to xx 10 Years for coanpunerrm nor on your roof.Including monaonng hardware and SunVaule.storage system SunPowar Ctorftleatra,A antramonere=y t CS 2020 S'InPaoner Cprpora , S l N 1),,D W E ft'' 1 "Warranty Start Date"is the earlier of(i) date of array interconnection and(ii) 6 months following the date of delivery by SunPower. If the delivery date cannot be verified, manufacturing date will be used in its place. 2 "Minimum Peak Power"is defined as the minimum rated power, as shown on the label. Peak Power is defined as the watt peak at Standard Test Conditions(1000W/m2 irradiance,AM1.5,25C.SOMS current, LACCS FF and Voltage from NREL calibration), as described in IEC61215, measured per IEC60904, and accounting for 3%measurement tolerance.SunPower AC modules shall, in any event, require a sweep rate of no less than 200ms to ensure an accurate power measurement.SunPower can provide a detailed testing procedure or a list of recognized testing agencies upon request. 3'Peak System Power"is defined as the summation of the AC power, as shown on the label, of all the AC Modules in the system less any impacts due to shading, design limitations, and soiling. © 2019 SunPower Corporation.All Rights Reserved.SUNPOWER and the SUNPOWER logo are registered trademarks of SunPower Corporation in the U.S. and other countries as well. 15 Contract#:3834229 Exhibit B—SunPower Limited Product Warranty Overview Version 5/25/2021 Dd uSign Envelope ID:D96891 DD-B4C5-4565-9A26-510B29A71 C43 EXHIBIT C (Certificate of Acceptance) FORM OF CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE This Certificate of Acceptance ("this Certificate") is related to the Solar Energy System Home Improvement Contract(the"Agreement") entered into on May 10, 2022 between Barry Kromer and (collectively, "Customer") and SunPower Corporation, Systems ("Contractor"). Capitalized terms used in this Certificate have the meaning given to them in the Agreement. The undersigned Customer hereby acknowledges its receipt and acceptance of the System specified in the above referenced Agreement on the date of Customer's signature set forth below. Customer also acknowledges that the System has been mechanically installed and is ready to be interconnected to the local utility grid. Furthermore, Customer confirms that Contractor provided Customer with an explanation of the SunPower Monitoring System and its applications. Customer hereby accepts the System for the purposes of the Agreement. Customer Signature: Name: Barry Kromer (print) Date: 16 Contract#:3834229 Exhibit C—Certificate of Acceptance Version 5/25/2021 DluSign Envelope ID:D96891DD-B4C5-4565-9A26-510B29A71C43 7 EXHIBIT D I R SMART Participant Customer Disclosure Form (Direct Ownership) The purpose of this form is to provide consumers with a straightforward,uniform,and transparent resource to evaluate potential solar transactions under the Solar Massachusetts Renewable Target (SMART)Program. � „ -•ter%r ,.,,,, �'14 VOi' ;\...., Customer Name: Name on Electric Bill (if different): Site Address: 24 Steven Drive City,State,Zip:Yarmouth, MA 02673 Phone: (860) 377-0986 Email:cbkromer@yahoo.com 4.2 Company:SunPower Corporation,Systems Company:SunPower Corporation,Systems Street Address: 8900 Amberglen Boulevard,Suite 325 Street Address:8900 Amberglen Boulevard,Suite 325 City,State,Zip:Austin,TX 78729 City,State,Zip:Austin,TX 78729 Phone: (800)786-7693 Phone: (800) 786-7693 Email: Email: System Size(kW DC): 5.88 kW DC System Size(kW AC): 0.00 kW AC Where in the contract is the warranty information located? Section 4. and Exhibit B of the contract Are all warranties transferrable?Yes, as stipulated on Section 4. (f)of the contract Has a shading analysis been completed for the property?Yes How much production is expected to be lost due to shading? (%):5.33% Estimated Year One Production (kWh): 8,167 kWh What is the Final Purchase Price for the system before any rebates or other incentives($):$23,120.00 Expected net savings for eligible Low Income Customers: Not applicable • ri., t Does the above-listed Final Purchase Price include any dealer fees or other finance-related charges that would not be charged to a customer in a similar cash transaction? No Amount of dealer fees or other finance-related charges in the Final Purchase Price ($): $0 Does the system installation contract conform to the requirements of the State Home Improvement Contractor Law?** Yes Describe any system performance or electricity production guarantees: No performance guarantee is provided with this system. Have you and the customer discussed the condition of the roof and the potential for removing and reinstalling the array in the event that repair or replacement of the roof is needed?Yes. Relevant information can also be found in Section 2. (a) and 6. (a) of the contract. 17 Contract#:3834229 Exhibit D—SMART Participant Disclosure Form Version 5/25/2021 DluSign Envelope ID:D96891DD-B4C5-4565-9A26-510B29A71C43 G r� System Operations and Maintenance X Submission of Interconnection Application to Utility X Securing Required Permits X Obtaining Engineering Approvals X Scheduling Inspections X Participation in Inspections X Application for SMART Program X 111* a�" .. � ,..�„" " .� �......... _ ,,,,,,i. ,is^-i✓r/� , � x a�°f!is Owner of SMART Incentive Payments X Owner of Federal Investment Tax Credit X Owner of State/Local Tax Credits X *If your System is financed, carefully read any agreement and/or disclosure forms provided by your lender.Your installer may not be aware of the terms of your financing agreement,which may include fees not listed above.This disclosure does not contain the terms of your financing agreement. If you have any questions about your financing arrangement, contact your finance provider before signing a Contract. **Homeowners have certain rights and protections under the Massachusetts Home Improvement Contractor Law(M.G.L. Chapter 142A).To learn more about the law visit www.mass.gov/consumer. NOTE:A Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) represents the Environmental Attributes associated with one megawatt- hour of renewable energy as defined by Massachusetts law. RECs generated by the facilities participating in the SMART Program are transferred to the utility company in exchange for the incentive payments made to the facility owner under the program.Therefore,while you cannot claim that you are using the solar power generated by the facility, your purchase of a solar array does support solar development in Massachusetts and increase the amount of solar energy consumed by all electric ratepayers in the Commonwealth. I, Barry Kromer and , hereby confirm that I have received and understand the above information. I further confirm that I have had a chance to ask questions of my provider and have received sufficient answers, if applicable. Customer Signature(s): baYleti 46I4itt,r Barry Kromer 5/10/2022 Relevant Links and Contact Information Department of Energy Resources Website: www.mass.gov/doer I Email: doer.smart@mass.gov Attorney General's Office Website: https://www.mass.gov/get-consumer-support 18 Contract#:3834229 Exhibit D-SMART Participant Disclosure Form Version 5/25/2021 D�s uSignnvelope ID:D96891DD-B4C5-4565-9A26-510B29A71C43 • SCHEDULE I (List of Approved Financing Entities) 1.) Technology Credit Union (Tech CU) 2.) Solar Mosaic Incorporated 3.) Enerbank USA 19 Contract#:3834229 Schedule I—List of Approved Financing Entities Version 5/25/2021