HomeMy WebLinkAbout23-E069 99 North Dennis Road ApprovedTOWN OF YARMOUTH 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS 02664-4451 . x Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext. 1292 Fax (508) 398-0836 OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMNUTTEE RECEIVED AUG 1 4 2023 CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FOR SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL FLUSH MOUNTED NON - GLOSSY ALL -BLACK ROOFTOP SOLAR PANEL ARRAY Submission Date: 07/13/2023 Map/Parcel No. 109/28 '2_13AU6316PmlTO7 tREC Application for the issuance of a Certificate of Exemption for a flush mounted non -glossy all -black rooftop solar panel array for the single-family dwelling as described below and on plans, drawings, specifications, and pictures accompanying this application. Address of proposed work 99 N Dennis Rd S Yarmouth, MA 02664 Owner's Name Amy Downey Email amysdowney@yahoo.com Owner's mailing Address 99 N Dennis Rd S Yarmouth, MA 02664 Contact # 508-648-9422 Installer Bruce A Junior License Noa67961 Email permits.wareham@trinity-solar.com O Patterson Brook Rd Unit 1 W Wareham, MA 0257� 508-291-0007 Installer's Address ontact # (a.) I certify that the flush mounted non -glossy all black rooftop solar panel array will be affixed to the dark colored shingled roof of a single-family dwelling that is less than seventy-five (75) years of age and according to the Town Tax Assessor's records was built in 2003 (b.) I certify that the dwelling is not part of a listed contributing property on the Massachusetts or National Register of Historic Buildings and Sites. (c.) I certify that the solar panel array will not be visible from Route 6A, or any other road designated under M.G.L. Chapter 40 Section 15C, or other authority, as a scenic road. (d.) I certify that the length of the single-family dwelling's roof ridgeline is less than 50' and is 18'-7" feet, the height of the roof is less than 35' and is 18'-7" feet, and the roof pitch ratio is not greater than 7 over 12 and is �4/12 The solar panel array must meet the combination of a., b., c., & d. and failure to meet any one of the four listed requirements above shall render the project ineligible for this residential solar panel array exemption. Attached and submitted herewith is: (1.) a Certified Plot Plan showing the location of the dwelling on its lot. (2.) A plan showing accurately the layout and location for the solar panel array and that the shape is a contiguous rectangular pattern and not broken up with visual gaps or disjointed sections. (3.) A copy of the Manufacturer's printed solar panel specifications verifying that the non -glossy black solar panel thickness will not exceed 2" and the non -glossy black roof rack specifications showing that the top cnrfar•P nfthe.cnlar nanol arrav'¢ height will not he. more than h" above the dark shingled rnRf :- it ee Please see attached Required - Owner's Signature Required - Installer's OVER AUG 14 2023 UTh This Certificate is hereby: OLD K NG �HIGF Approved by So NA Date: Denied by Reason for Denial IM Application # ��-�f nTr * n i tv SOLAR NJ, Electrical Contractor business permit number 34EB01547400 NJ, WE reg. H 13VH01244300 For other jurisdictions, please visit: http://www,trin+ty-solar.com/about-us/locations-and-licenses HOMEOWNERS AUTHORIZATION FORM Amy Downey (print name) am the owner of the property located at address: 99 North Dennis Rd So Yarmouth MA (print address) _RECEI ED AUG 14 2023 iAHMUU I vi nv I hereby authorize Trinity Heating & Air, Inc. DBA Trinity Solar and its employees, agents, and subcontractors, including without limitation, , to act as my Agent for the limited purpose of applying for and obtaining local building and other permits from the Authority Having Jurisdiction as required for the installation of a Photovoltaic System located on my property, applying and obtaining permission and approval for interconnection with the electric utility company, and registration with any state and/or local solar incentive program. This authorization includes the transfer/re-administering, and/or cancellation of any existing permits on file for the purpose of updating/applying with an alternate subcontractor. Without limitation to the generality of the foregoing I specifically authorize Trinity Solar et al. to populate technical details, fill-in, edit, compile, attach drawings, plans, data sheets and other documentation to, date, submit, re -submit, revise, amend and modify application, submission and certification documents ("Approvals Paperwork"), including those for which signature pages are included herewith for my signature, in furtherance of the related solar transaction, and I am providing any signatures to Approvals Paperwork for purposes of the foregoing. Trinity Solar will provide copies of Approvals Paperwork when submitted. My authorizations memorialized herein shall remain in full force and effect until revoked. I acknowledge that these authorizations are not required to proceed with the solar transaction and are not a condition of the related solar agreement included herewith but are being given for my own convenience and benefit in order to expedite the approvals processes. Electric Utility Company: EVersourCe Electric Utility Account No.: Name on Electric Utility Account: Amy S Downey Customer Signature Amy Downey Print Name 5/3/23 Date Corporate Headquarters 2211 Allenwood Road Wall, New Jersey 07719 APPROVED AUG 14 2023 YAHMOU i r <INr;'S FItrH 1-877-SUN-SAVES Ph: 732-780-3779 Fax: 732-780-6671 www.trinity-solor.com FOR INFORMATION ABOUT CONTRACTORS AND THE CONTRACTORS' REGISTRATION ACT, CONTACT THE NEW JERSEY DEPARTMENT OF LAW AND PUBLIC SAFETY, DIVISION OF CONSUMERS AFFAIRS AT 1-888-656-6225. Sherman, Lisa From: Richard Ventrone <rav9463@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, August 14, 2023 10:35 AM To: Sherman, Lisa Subject: Re: 23-E069 99 North Dennis Road Attention!: This email originates outside of the organization. Do not open attachments or click links unless you are sure this email is from a known sender and you know the content is safe. Call the sender to verify if unsure. Otherwise delete this email. Lisa, This meets the Exemption criteria and is APPROVED. Thank you. Rick On Mon, Aug 14, 2023 at 10:32 AM Sherman, Lisa <LSherman@varmouth.ma.us> wrote: Hi Rick, Resident would like to install solar panels at 99 North Dennis Road. Please let me know if you need any additional information. Thanks Rick, Lisa Lisa Sherman Town of Yarmouth e € i €a.-N Cal `sr, APPR0u�� AUG 14 2023 Administrator, Old King's Highway Historic District and Yarmouth Historical Commission 508-398-2231, ext. 1292 YAi Airw .VJAY Isherman@yarmouth.ma.us Richard A. Ventrone, Jr. 123 Wianno Road Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 508.776.0891 RECENED TOWN OF YARMOUTH • .� 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664-4451 AUG .I 4 2023 Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext. 1292-Fax (508) 398-0836 �ARMOU i H OLD KING'S HIGHWAY OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITT APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION Application is hereby made for the issuance of a Certificate of Exemption under Sections 6 and 7 of Chapter 470 of Acts of 1973, as amended, for the proposed work as described below and on plans, drawings, or photographs accompanying this application. TyRe or print legibly: Address of proposed work: 99 N Dennis Rd South Yarmouth, MA 02664 Map/Lot # 109128 owners): Amy S Downey Phone #: 508-648-9422 All applications must be submitted by owner or accompanied by letter from owner approving submittal of application. Mailing address: 99 N Dennis Rd South Yarmouth, MA 02664 Year built: 1990 Email: _ amy5downey(d-)yahoo.Com Preferred notification method: If Phone Email A enVContractor: Bruce A Junior Phone #: 508-291-0007 Mailing Address: 20 Patterson Brook Rd Unit 1 W Wareham, MA 02576 -11 Email: permits.wareham@trinity-sclar.Com Preferred notification method: Phone Email Description of Proposed Work (Additional panes may be attached if necessary): Install 4.050kw solar panels will not exceed roof panels but will add 6" to roof height. 10 panels total. Panels will not be visible from street. Please see photos and plans. 07/ 1312023 Signed (Owner or agent): Date: > Owner/contractor/agent is aware that a permit may be required from the Building Department_ (Check other departments, also.) > This certificate is good for one year from approval date or upon date of expiration of Building Permit, whichever date shall be later. For Committee use only: Date: ��, 3 Amount (/iJ' tD Cash/CK #: Anff Rcvd by: 1-1 5, Date Signed: V5.2017 Approved Approved with Reason for denial: Signed: APPLICATION M +�' / Q #byr-Afibio�TOWN OF YARMOUTH —O—EC—FIVIED 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS 02664-4451 Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext. 1292 Fax (508) 398-0836 AUG1 2023 OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE YARMOUTr, WAIVER OF 45-DAY DETERMINATION The applicant/applicant's agent understands and agrees that due to the current declared National and State public health emergencies the determination of our Application for a Certificate of Appropriateness/Demolition/Exemption may not be made within 45 days of the filing of such application. The applicant agrees to extend the time frame within which a detennination is to be made as required by the Old King's Highway Regional Historic District Act. SECTION 9 -Meetings, Hearings, Time for Making Determinations "As soon as convenient after sr.{ch public hearing: lout an any event w ithirr forty-five (45) dare• after the filing gf'application, or within such further time as the applicant ,shall allow- in kvriting, the Committee shall make a determination on the application. " Applicant understands that the review of this application will be scheduled as soon as the situation allows. Applicant/Agent Name (please print): Bruce A Junior Applicant/Agent signature: APPROVED AUG 1 4 2023 '�ARMOUTH Application il: ;2b 11F0617 312020 rr il n i f% Tir)-ull I I I y SOLAR 8/9/23 Town of Yarmouth 1 146 Route 28 S. Yarmouth, MA 02664 To whom it may concern, MA, Master Electric Contractor# 21233A MA, Home Improvement Contractor # 170355 Rhode Island Contractors' Registration and Licensing Board Registration No. 39372 Rhode Island Renewable Energy Prof REPC-126 For other jurisdictions, please visit: http://www.trinity-solar.com/about-us/locations-and-licenses ECENVFD AUG 1 4 2023 YAKivlUU*l r, Please find the enclosed CERT OF EXEMPTION application(s) and/or check(s) in the amount of $20.00 for 99 N Dennis Road, South Yarmouth, MA. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us at (508)-291-0007 or email us at permits.wareham@frinity-solar.com. Sincerely, APPROVED The Permitting Department AUG 1 4 2023 permits.wareham@trinity-solar.com (508) 291-0007 YARMOUTH fll T1 I IKU1.o r „i Wareham, MA and Rhode island Offices 1-877-SUN-SAVES 20 Patterson Brook Road, Unit I Ph: 508-291-0007 Wareham, Massachusetts 02576 Fax: 508-291-0040 www.Trinity-Solar.com �7- 0&1 V/� ]ii��hh�yy�_F:�sos -��µr - Slid• �i i pit !'� R ty�t�t �ti ��p. "�`n�_ ..-tf� "�" w�i��`� f �a3�.�i�� ���Mri..vr.l'�,w �. � �••'�- -. rJ+a.}�'C 1 •j4. .�� tP ate. �r A {t ' 1 Q � �yti a.p 4, �. g}�1 l � Q�u:. � TT. j•.�9 _ •.sir, ',�V 6 .,wrT 'F''*s.,r�•�� t :��b,,.rw• -� rf,�• 't a�` c: �� ;^x ._ —s-� '- ''�' ��t• " �'+,��, g,! � ��' :��i�'''�" // � f i - ME VT '•Y.. tee+"-�.. �"�$ / 1F Ft y ■ ■ r i i y: i - ria. 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ERR w� m3gH83� P� 's$ �5 9 ti4 c:?. ? _r i/1%iV! MATERIAL LIST (FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY) JOB NAME: DOWNEY, AMY- ADDRESS: 99 N Dennis Road South Yarmouth, MA 02664 41.69607747951699,-70.19030990798703 Tri n itvo SOLAR 2211 Allenwood Road 877-786-7283 Wall, New Jersey 07719 www,Trinity-Solar.com 27.11 ESTIMATED PERSONNEL HOURS 1.13 DAYS 0.85 DAYS 0.56 DAYS • 10 HANWHA 405's (4.05KW) AL. CFjVr (CREW OF 3) (CREW OF 4) . (CREW OF 6) • 1 ARRAY ' • 18' PEAK TO GROUND AUG 14 2023 AUG 1 4 2023 • 1 PORTRAIT & 9 LANDSCAPED rHiiMULiI t; • 1 INVERTERS INSTALLED OUTSIDE OLD KINGS HIGHWAY YARMOUFFi • NO TRENCH -..!)I-D K.ING'S HIGHWAY ESTIMATED SENTTOJOB USED ❑ HANWHA 405 (Q.PEAK DUO ELK ML-G10+ 405) 10 ❑ 5440 SE OPTIMIZERS 10 ❑ SE300OH-USOOOBEi4 1 ❑ SIEMENS 2p2OA BACKFEED BREAKER 1 Q 60A OUTDOOR NON -FUSED DISCONNECT 1 ❑ SOLADECK BOX(ES) & HAYCO CONNECTOR(S) 1 ❑ PV LEAD WIRE 50' ❑ CASE(S) OF BLACK SPRAY PAINT 1 ❑ CASE(S) OF TAR 1 ❑ ECOFASTEN 2012025 CF STD RAIL MLL AL 171.5 10 ❑ ECOFASTEN 2012013 CF RAIL SPLICE 4 ❑ ECOFASTEN 2099017 CF END CLAMP 32MM BLK 16 ❑ ECOFASTEN 2099022 CF MID CLAMP SHORT BLK 12 ❑ ECOFASTEN 4011011 MODULE JUMPER 3 ❑ GROUNDING LUG (NOT PROVIDED BY ECOFASTEN) 1 ❑ ECOFASTEN 2012022 CF UNIV L-FOOT MLL 3 40 ❑ ECOFASTEN 3012020 GF-1 FLASHING GLV BLK 8 x 10 40 ❑ ECOFASTEN 2012019 CF MLPE MOUNT 10 u ECOFASTEN 2012020 CF WIRE MGMT CLIP 10 ❑ ECOFASTEN 2012024 CF END CAP 16 �;z3-e-0 61 2 r, Lu t0 Zo 0 o m Q w � Lu CD ] 0 za >zaaa) o 60 a= z O 0. wa = w r. ui H� g Z���o 0]<,� z Q 0'-a� �. V,o hzr. Z O rU. 0 � 0 � o 19 RECEivEQ AUG 14 2023 (AHMOU ► r, Ln 0 Of aF uw gLu ul a= a zaa 0 z Oc F- p w Z U Y w U N d V Lu J Lu cow g APPROVED AUG 14 2021) YARMOUTH 9-? --o6l E5 - . 2 11 ., ­71 a o 3 F RECEIVED AUG 14 2023 rAHIvIUO'l r, APPROVEDI AUG 14 2023 YARMOU Fh KING'S HIGI Y�Y ti Gy n X n J ^ U }�}"a�g f 4 4 sl i �i� a i 3§ His 3 - iffilu 'Igoe W �z a ou a� ^� pl� IE' 3 � � i `w i� � � i � �k � � fl• § - �9 .'y; # A ea � .S 3 1 • �ww:ra+ E3E �i {{�,��E'tl APPROVED AUG 14 2023 YARMOUTH OLD KING'S HIGHWAY AUG 14 2023 fAHMUU i r, OLD KfNG'S HI HWAY Ebm E7$ I i�`F' c? �' �gc a as st S'o' y a a 8 6- =o 3 ❑= _v g - Mx €3�a � `a =a - Zg8 E F �i� 0 'E - � � ` a p ' w W n £ S z Q y� .0. Ni C ## - 0 3 a x eS YLo - a W a 't o LL LOa t V 00 p {') w a Ko E `7Z 4— V-d E' - !g Q Q s $ V 9 ¢ S 3. IITq Etc. 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N V +' a ° E -J (1) o a ; `o OLn c O � L.._ Q CL Fc � 5 rn '¢ �E ' E a ara w A a .� cn X N 0 F � M Nl, XN 3 E o o ro E'9 0 N i t C T N --- c J r� L M � a O Y o u a 22 c m omwo C w N WN o a w ry p y C' J N Z m a l'Q1 T N F v Li AUG 1 AUG 14 2023 I V//// WlIZ11Z1111111111, S 9 N 1, - I � % f H, komm, // IA Z U R c m c H 3 I, d I j Y L O I � m 6 J C �yzl. m a � G c u° 0 c 0 0 L c Y � o ty ro ] I W Cm V } J �tr o N o c 8 0 _ J vp � � Z Z Z 1i1 J u d N C � a 2 RPPM/==//�mayy R �V y�i V c f= a W 0. '^ w c v O tr a v E - s c J m'' m Y '- n AUG 14 20 3 cr N LD q -A � � l? TJ 4 � � V Y _ � � = c p s � �SLD KING' HIG�AAMOuTH WAY b, L i : i: j ri : i u - L V 3 A a � RECEIVE y N AUG 14 2023 m o E 9 o lAriMOUTH o o o OLD KING'S HIGHW 2 .� o E o o E m E c o m ii a N E N�� O a a Y U C 0o d L i � rc N V u 0 3 Yl •� 0 E• y F V V 1