HomeMy WebLinkAboutEngineer PlanPram Ave SITE P LA N SIT C71 St ' U er x 58' \ � SCALE. ,1 = 20 c C.B. Fnd \ B.M.=50.00 (ASSUMED) r° YQ"'t ve ON C.B. END. lb �eof Lane \ TOWN OF YARMOUTH "Yarmouth" 0,30-213 LOCUS 0, NO "vacant N O SCALE DECK 45:37 X 42.22'01 1<6 �,P s ly J p� 0 LOT '.15 GARAGE AREA=12,543± S.F. t 48.69' "CONCRETE 43.49' B. Fn k seta ring '7p PAVED EXISTING DWELLING wall •' DRIVEWAY- �. X .7 ' B.M.��' generator 'flower - bed' ` 45.64'`4 .38' -• •6,� gas meter �O �F, �U 9d elec. p� `•' .flower 1 �J� Doti a'' 'bed, 19, 47.78' \ A 48. ��f ewe _ 1�t0�te _. -'.!;•::•;: ri.: i.. A c n LEGEND y.. —G— Approximate pp gas Ii a location 2 ' 45.05' ( ` PROPOSED SAS „ S 30 x15 x0.5 leach field with 4 SCH _w_ Approximate location Water line 40 PVC laterals 4' on center. ....... 18... • -- Existing contour Dh 44.43' Approximate Location of Existing Cesspools catch basin (to be pumped and removed) 101.70' X Denotes existing spot grade Test Hole O O Proposed 1,500/500 gallon S.T./P.C. Yarmouth Health Department PROVED 'rra*�3 Name Date RECEIVED GENERAL NOTES AUG 0 9 2023 1. ADDRESS: 14 CUTTER LANE, YARMOUTH, MA. HEALTH DEPT. 2. ASSESSOR'S NUMBER: MAP 22 PARCEL 129 3. DEVELOPER'S LOT: LOT 15 4. TOPOGRAPHIC INFORMATI N WAS COMPILED FROM AN ON THE GROUND INSTRUMENT SURVEY. 5. TOWN WATER IS PROVIDED TO THE SITE & SURROUNDING PROPERTIES. 6. WETLANDS ARE SHOWN PER SWEETSER REFERENCE PLAN. 7. REFERENCE PLAN: PLAN BOOK 173 PAGE 3. REFERENCE PLAN: "CERTIFIED PLOT PLAN OF LAND IN WEST YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS AS PREPARED FOR RACHEL L. MINGOS,- DATED MAY 21. 2021, SCALE: 1'=40% BY PAUL E. SWEETSER, PLS, DENNISPORT, MA. 8. UTILITIES LOCATED BY DIGSAFE. 9. THIS DESIGN PLAN IS TO BE UTILIZED FOR THIS SEPTIC REPAIR ONLY. 10. EXISTING SEPTIC COMPONENTS WERE LOCATED IN THE FIELD. 11. THE PROPERTY IS NOT LOCATED IN AN AREA OF CRITICAL ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN. 12. THE PROPERTY IS NOT LOCATED IN A NATURAL HERITAGE AND ENDANGERED SPECIES PROGRAM AREA. 13. THE PROPERTY IS LOCATED IN A ZONE—X MINIMAL FLOOD HAZARD ZONE. 14. THE PROPERTY IS NOT LOCATED IN A DEP ZONE 11. PROPOSED SEPTIC SYSTEM REPAIR PREPARED FOR RACHEL MINGOS AT #14 CUTTER LANE YARMOUTH MA ALL OUTLET PIPES FROM THE DISTRIBUTION BOX SHALL BE — 12' CONCRETE COVER SET LEVEL FOR AT LEAST 2 FT. i OUTLET S� KNOCKOUTS 18' OUTLET i ( 12' INLET PLAN —SECTION CROSS SECTION 3 HOLE H-20 DISTRIBUTION BOX NOT TO SCALE Design Calculations Number of Bedrooms: 3 Equivalent to 330 Gal./Day Garbage Disposal: Not allowed with this design Septic Tank Capacity Required: 330 gpd x 200% = 660 gpd. Septic Tank Capacity Provided: Proposed 1,500—gal H-10 septic Tank Leaching Capacity Required: 330 gpd x LTAR= 446 SF Req'd Area LTAR for Class I soil at <2 min./inch = 0.74 gal/sq. ft. Proposed Leaching Structure: 1-30'x15'x0.5' Leaching Field Bottom Leaching Area Provided = 450 Sq.Ft. Sidewall Leaching Area Provided = 0 sq. ft. Total Leaching Area Provided = 450 sq. ft. > 446 sq. ft req'd. Leaching Capacity Provided =450 sq. ft X 0.74 gal/sq.ft.=333 gpd. PREPARED BY: A Per Fec t Environment L L C dba Geo—Cape Environmental Consultants 100 Independence Drive, Suite 7-623 Hyannis, MA 02601 Tel: 774-238-1813 Email: operfectenvironment®gmail.com SCALE: 1 "=20' DRAWN BY: TWH DATE: 5 MAY 2023 DATUM: ASSUMED FILENAME: 1 4CUTTER SHEET 1 OF 3 Is *NOTE: ALL PIPES ARE TO BE 4" SCHEDULE 40 P.V.C. Existing Dwelling First Floor=50.93' Top of Fndn.= CELLAR WALL ' Bsmt. FI.=43.2' Ex. Invert Elev.=A Septic tank cover must be within 6" of finished grade P=43.20' Existing invert elevations shall be verified prior to installation work INLET 20" DIAMETER SECURED COVER TO FINISHED GRADE -I LIFT OUT 32' OR 330 GALS. reserve storage 46' SYSTEM PROFILE Not to Scale 3 HOLE H-20 Manhole covers must be DIST. BOX D-Box cover Shall be secured at finished grade I I within 6" of finished grade 6" OF 3/4"-11/2" STONE PROPOSED 1,500/500 GAL. H-10 SEPTIC TANK/PUMP CHAMBER (SEE TANK DETAIL FOR TYPE & DIMENSIONS) 0-01' i 5 FINISHED GRADE ELEV.-46'3 of 3/4" - 1 1 /2' Stone S PUMP DETAIL Not to Scale OUTLET INVERT ELEV-42.95' 3/8' WEEP HOLE ABOVE CHECK VALVE (FREEZE PROTECTION) -2' SWING CHECK VALVE-P.V.C. HIGH WATER ALARM ELEV.=40.29' PUMP ON ELEV.-40.12' PUMP OFF ELEV.-39.45' FLOOR PUMP CHAMBER ELEV-38.95' Provide 2" SCH 40 PVC tee on inlet LEVEL =44.87' Icuu u u p=44. 6" OF 3/4"-11/2" STONE Provide 4" dia. observation port to within 3" of grade Finished grade over system=2% slope away L=30' -- 30' - 4" Perforated P.V.C. Washed 5' STRIPOUT Invert Elev.=44.50' 3/4"-1 1/2" Crushed, Double -Washed Stone LEACH FIELD Ca Min, 2` 0 1`I1/8"-1/2" Washed Stone or non -woven filter fabricl n P-t-A Flev.=45't MIN. (6.2't provided) PUMP NOTES & SPECIFICATIONS 1. PROVIDE 1 LIBERTY MODEL LE 41A 4/10 hp, 115 VOLT, SINGLE PHASE SUBMERSIBLE PUMP CAPABLE OF DISCHARGE CAPACITY OF 80 GPM AT 13.6 FEET TDH, OR EQUAL. PUMP SHALL BE CAPABLE OF PASSING A MINIMUM SOLID SIZE OF 2" DIAMETER OR EQUAL. 2. USE LIBERTY SIMPLEX ELECTRIC CONTROL PANEL OUTDOOR MOUNTED W/VISIBLE ALARM OR EQUAL 3. PUMP SHALL BE INSTALLED IN STRICT COMPLIANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS. 4. ALARM SHALL CONSIST OF AUDIBLE SIGNAL & RED WARNING LIGHT TO BE INSTALLED IN BUILDING AND POWERED BY SEPARATE CIRCUIT FROM CIRCUITS TO PUMP. 5. DOSE VOLUME=4 DOSES PER DAY= 330 GAL/4 DOSES=82.5 GAL./DOSE 6. ELECTRICAL PERMIT REQUIRED FOR ALARM & POWER TO PUMP. 7. ALL OUTDOOR CONNECTIONS TO BE SEALED WITHIN NEMA 4 ENCLOSURES. 8. THE FORCE MAIN SHALL BE 2' DIA. SCH 40 PVC WITH THRUST BLOCKS INSTALLED, AS NECESSARY. 9. INSTALL STAINLESS STEEL SLIDE RAIL SYSTEM AND SIMPLEX DISCHARGE PIPING OR PULL CHAIN OR EQUAL. ELEV. =37.82' PERK TEST & SOIL EVALUATION DATE OF TEST HOLE: APRIL 26, 2023 Performed By: GLEN E. HARRINGTON, R.S. CONSTRUCTION NOTES Witness: JAY GARDINER, HEALTH AGENT Excavator: SHAWNS' TREE SERVICE 1. Contractor is responsible for Digsafe notification Percolation Rate: < 2 MPI IN C1 and protection of all underground utilities, site features and pipes. 2. The septic tank and distribution box shall be set level on 6„of 3/4"-1 1 /2" stone. 3. Backfill should be clean sand or gravel with no stones over 3" in size. 4. This system is subject to inspection during installation by Geo-Cape Environmental Consultants. 5_ The contractor shall install this system in accordance with Title 5 of the Massachusetts Environmental Code and local Board of Health Rules and Regulations. 6. If, during installation the contractor encounters any soil conditions or site conditions that are different from those shown on the soil log or in the design, the installer shall halt installation and immediately notify Geo-Cape Environmental Consultants. 7. No vehicle or heavy machinery shall drive over the septic system unless noted as H-20 septic components. 8. All piping shall be 4" diameter SCH 40 PVC unless otherwise specified. 9. No wells are located within 150' of proposed SAS. 10. Provide 1 1,500/500-gal H-10 Septic Tank/Pump Chamber and 1 DB-3 H-20 D-Box by Wiggin Precast or equal. 11. Existing cesspools shall be pumped and removed. Test Hole No. 1 DEPTH SOILS ELEV. 45.s FILL 41.09 AID LOAMY SAND " OYRS 2 40.59 Bw LOAMY SAND 86" 1OYR5 6 38.76 C1 MEDIUM - COARSE 98" SANDB 120" _ g .2p 92 122" 2.5Y6 4 35.75' Frimpter Calculation Reference Well: Mashpee MIW-29 Range: Zone B Current Well Data: APRIL 2023 Water Level: 7.62' Adjustment: 1.9' Therefore adjusted depth to groundwater= 98" or Elevation=37.82' ADJ. OBS. G. W. RECEIVE® Ail' U y 2023 HEALTH DEpT 12. The designer Is not responsible for undocumented septic components. 13. The septic components shall be marked with magnetic marking tape. Soil Evaluation Certification 14. The Contractor shall provide a minimum of 24 hour notice to the Designer I certify that on October, 1995, 1 have passed the soil evaluator examination approved by the DEP and that the analysis was performed by and Board of Health for as -built inspection Of the system prior to backfilling. me consistent with the required training, expertise and experience described in 310 CMR 15.017. 15. Install Zabel A1800 effluent tee filter or equal on septic tank outlet tee end. GLEN E HAWNaTON, R.S. The effluent tee filter shall be serviced annually and at manufacturer's specs. 16. Provide one 4" SCH 40 PVC observation port to the bottom of SAS with the top 3" from grade. Provide a screw cap and metal object for easy locating. 17. A five-foot horizontal stripout of soil shall be performed around the SAS and vertically to the C1 layer and replaced with fill meeting specifications of 310 CMR 15.255(3). "' PROPOSED SEPTIC SYSTEM REPAIR PREPARED FOR RACHEL MINGOS AT 14 CUTTER LANE YARMOUTH, MA �s PREPARED BY: A Perfect Environment L L C N °� dba C Geo-Cape Environmental Consultants 100 Independence Drive, Suite 7-623 e-1 Hyannis, MA 02601 O Tel: 774-238-1813 ,,s � Email: aperfectenvironment®gmail.com „�a,fk\p. SCALE: 1"=20' DRAWN BY: TWH DATE: 5 MAY 2023 DATUM ASSUMED FILENAME:I4CUTTER I SHEET 2 OF 3 4-20- DIAM. ACCESS MANHOLES (typ.) INLET INLET 6' STEEL REINFORCED PRECAST CONCRETE PLAN VIEW �` 20" REMOVABLE COVERS (typ.) ) j i ' Y :• •.. A . 3" min• clearance 8" min. r 2" min. inlet to outlet e. mti MtFr Y Liquid level — 10' mh� i . c t ` E 4'-0" min.. ov allRobel A1B005 fl Liquid dep uetIn 1 or equal r a J 2' 9. i }.. tr-o OUTLET THE ACCESS COVER FOR THE SEPTIC TANK INLET MANHOLE AND DISTRIBUTION BOX SHALL BE WITHIN 6" OF GRADE. THE ACCESS MANHOLES OVER THE EFFLUENT TEE FILTER do PUMP SHALL BE SECURED AT FINISHED GRADE. OUTLET INVERT 4'-0- min. Liquid depth F� CROSS—SECTION END —SECTION TYPICAL 1500/500 GALLON H-10 SEPTIC TANK/P.C. NOT TO SCALE LEACH FIELD PLAN VIEW 2" 1/8"-1/2"-- Double—Washed Stone or non —woven geo— textile filter fabric NOT TO SCALE 3'-6" 4'-0" on center 1 4'-0" on center 1 3'-6" 4" perforated P.V.C. pipe Orifices to be 3/8"-5/8"diameter positioned at 5 & 7 o clock LEACH FIELD CROSS-SECTION NOT TO SCALE RECErvED N06 U 9 2 Z3 HEALTH DEPT SAS LAYOUT Scale: 1 "=20' CORNERBOARDS TO CORNER COMPONENTS A-1 = 14'-2" B — 1 = 19'-3" A-2 = 24'-2" B-2 = 10'-11" A-3 = 25'-10" B-3 = 48'-8" A-4 = 24'-0" B-4 = 26'-8" PROPOSED SEPTIC SYSTEM REPAIR PREPARED FOR N C RACHEL MINGOS AT 10 0 #14 CUTTER LANE YARMOUTH, MA ITAfk PREPARED BY: A Per Fec t Environment L L C dba Geo—Cape Environmental Consultants 100 Independence Drive, Suite 7-623 Hyannis, MA 02601 Tel: 774-238-1813 Email: harr88®hotmail.com SCALE: 1 "=20' DRAWN BY: GEHRS DATE: 5 MAY 2023 DATUM: ASSUMED FILENAME: 1 4Cutter SHEET 3 OF 3