HomeMy WebLinkAbout5049 58 County Rd Judy Snow LeaseKNOW Al dull- organ - Yamiouth, fl and oil a lot of land particularly Yarmouth Camp Ground Association, Inc. LEASE FOR COTTAGE LOT FOR ONE YEAR PEASONIS diY TIiI=.SF PRESENTS that the Yarmouth Cump Grotutd Axsociatian. Enc., a corporation d under the laws of the Commonwealth of MatiSachrLI:tts and having its principal place of husines5 at u-nstable Cotinty. . Massachusetts, by its president and TreaKurer, hereto duly aulhorizod, far and in of the 0roond Rost as stipulated in the standing Mules of the Corporation, to it paid by Judy 1.. Snow Of Summerville of the State of South Carolina and payment in tali whereof, do by these presents, demise and let unto the Laid Judy L. Snow d upon property of the Corporation, in the Town of Yarmouth, Massachusetts, and more on A plan on file in the office of said Corporation and being the pre rises at 58 County Road for the p of erecting and maintaining a cottage thereon for the occupancy of said Lessee(s) and members of their imm dMe= ilies, guests, or such other persons as the said Lessee(s) may permit, subject to the conditions hereln�er during the term of this lease. To have and tq hold the aforementioned lot of land with all the rights and privileges hereinafter granted and subject to all of the fi ilifies and penalties hereinafter set forth, from the date of this instrument until the 1st day of July, 2023 at 12 o*41ock noon. iiLATIONS AND CONDITIONS UPON WHICH THIS LEASE IS GRANTED: 1. Ever.Lessee shall be a stockhokler of Yarmouth Camp Ground Association, Inc. 2. No a i ignment of the Lease shall be made to any person unless he/sheAhey shall be a stocfcholder of Yam uth Camp Ground A t%wiAtion, Inc. and upon further condition that the written assent of the Board of D tors of said C orporation shall lac first obiained. . 3 Lcs s) metst f ainiliarizc: themselves with thu Standing Rvks tend the Regu1ationg fQr cotuagc owners and Gut, in order to be folly knowkdgcable of all rules governing the Yarmouth Camp Grounds community. 4- L s) and octaipantc urtdur the lessetagme to abide- by Standing rtdt s of Yarmouth Camp Ground ion, Inc., And 6l: the regulations and ordinances of the Board of Public Health and/or the ,ironing Boan of the town of Yarmouth or Bf nstable artil all other applicable goverurntmi rules and regulations. S. The arcs of Directors of Yarmouth Camp Ground Association, Inc. slt I be the sole Judge of any or ail viol as of the terms and conditions of !tits .learn, except for Violations of any governmental regulations. h. i< s) understand and agme that owning a coitttgc pTiinmily for the rental inct me is prohibited and is c or termination of the/case unle.� otherwise provided for heron A3lttS 1. No le of an) OoAatgt tar other building upon said Lot ,hall be mane without first c;btammng in 1watmg the wni en atasenl of the IOard of Directors of -aid CQTP4')n1jon. Notice of intention of sale of such'MtagC or +.ot building stroll be filed by the 1:e". ee with the Board of Directom and the Board of Directors whj11 havi thirty (30) dsy s in which 4a cxuisider the sale of said "tage or buildings, during %hich tune the Board (if 1 rectors shall have a right of first refttsarl to purchase such rxattage under the same terms MW conditions as lcmm has ndcaved for mid cottage_ Failure of the Board of Directors to exercise its right of first refs 1 w°ithtn -said period shall be deemed a waiver of such right rregmding the offer being made to the Such rights of first refuml shalt not be applicable to a tran.5fer/.,ale of the cottage to any mr-mbersof the tinge OA4*n�' IminCdiAlt fattily first of the degree (spouse, children). 8 No noes. trWc or Pmdesmon shall be maintained upon the demised prv'rtti ws witliortt written permission fro a l3oatrd of Vitectors of Said Corporabow 9 All g i ound rota and tacos •dial} be paid to the Treasurer of Yarmoutb Camp Ground Association, Inc-, upon tstion of a'w ittett insvice for amolmts then due. In ao event less than 15 days after rec6pt the fatlu of whieb shall be a dcfattit of tluY lease for which the corporation mac e+ccxcise its rights under law incI trig but ax�t limited to the eviction prc>t ess. In the event of such default, all legal evenses incurred b* the A sociation shall be feanbursed to the Lessor. 10 This se may be renewed annually at the discretion of the Board of Directors fora term of one (1) yearn the U ne tests and conditions hereil before set forth and on further condition that all ground rent and taxes for pre;'i*tts }•ray have been paid in full as certified try, the Treasurer l l • The s) by the signing of this Lease accepts all of the foregoing conditions, stipulations, ard fegUll I ions and hereby agrees to comply with the same. 11 No gu I lessee shrill occupy a cottage for a sum of Clays in excess of 42 during arty calendar year. 13. A cot, W ouwr nog to sublue a o0age shall apply to the bond in writing not less than 30 days prior to the I vDposed Tease listing the nMk bddmss, and telex number of the subieme. Upon rece" of such Lv, rite Board shall make a ddarmindtion _ithirr tort slays 0f rem pt of such. No. .rbisasc to any shall be made .W anyone iisk;d in the Tuitional of State %r-x Offender Regi%try. 14. Mwe with tine TOM O Yarmouth M Town cd Bwnstable ordi amcs regarding oAta ge tom} and the Yll GA Standing Rukm is the r=p rm ibrlity of the cottage ottrncrproaf pf town natal inspection totter be giv n to cleric at the tune of aub m , of the request by the tmasex_ 1 S. Upon ctiftion to and miew l y the Board of Dir+pct€ m a deniongraW .. 31tamr my be � 10 emp m f m aamplian4m Walt the mks may be aspf nt and a dtrtit� cattsgc t�cntnl MW owup i wy. The Bowd of Dim&kir�o nraSr retluest and dxsbwvboWr shall preamlt written documentation to SUPPM ,sot dcwunsumc a 32w45bip- If a hwdstap lion is granted, the sherdtokkr aliall agree W be l the tam arsd actions as may be determined by the bond of Directors with raged to the dust of tit= coempt m. No hardihip r%cuiption shall ccounue twymd 000 year from the date of the cd Clue exemption uteri ealended by the "Aim Of the 130ard cif D3itt�t.tom D EFINITiOM *all be defuW EITHER as the inability of a adder to &I in nwml mce with theft Mtttal Mks art: h of eMPIoymeut, Ichlt impairmML carImaMial difa4ties OR a cottage owner so ng to pmvid i tmporwy leg to smomw in voW.. 16 Use of Pe aottagc for IKMW straying sates (c.g. AirBhB) is etprcedy probibited. Initials � IN %I i kti W]Il'Rf [1F the raritrc% hA7 w arul u, another inslrt mcnt of like tcnor, the Prc..gdcnt and l rrasim of the YanmA Ah Camp t �nvir:ri� A :titiiat�un. Inc sd thew hands anal %eals and the af:al of %aid Ct)rp+,ratinn this 14 day k•t 3ui%- Ziy1 L*&Fwsf Y;ARMOUT•H CAMP GROUND ASSOCIATION. UrtC. r !� pm t _late - BY —,-- f reswtrcr fflfefeff� TT X1, ZZ �A '- 4 J J } 1� �5' J4 �•� / `='�.Y- 1 - V � '�'�} ~ 'fs} � ��'2-tr f :�'�`'� Y � .� � �� ,ti e.. _ Y 4y+e m r� y.• 14