HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024 Wild Rose Terrace AcquisitionRttξ ttD ″濁 D89留 螢9肖 MttxT August 2'l , 2023 Mr.Jay Gardiner Health Director Town of Yarmouth 1 140 Route 28 South Yarmouth, MA 026il RE: CPA - 2024 Project Application Open Space Acquisition Wild Rose Terrace (Map I 19, Lot 69.1 ) South Yarmouth, MA 02664 Dear Mr. Gardiner: ln accordance with the Yarmouth Community Preservation Grant Guidelines, a written Report from ihe Conservation Administrator is requested on the environmental quality of the site at Wild Rose Terrace (Map 11g,Lot 69.1) shown on Figure "l and whether a 21E study is necessary. The Yarmouth Health Department in a review of the site dated November 15,2021 recommended that a 21E Environmental Study be completed. A Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment is currently being conducted. A full copy of the Phase I Report will be submitted to you upon completion. A Plan of Land prepared by a MA Registered Land Surveyor (RLS) is attached as Figure 2. The 3.39 acre site includes 1.03 acres of upland and 2.36 acres of wetland. The property at Wild Rose Terrace was utilized by our family as a cranberry bog between 1935 and 1965. The site since 1965 has remained as undeveloped open space. The property benefits the Town of Yarmouth by: 1. Preserving drinking water as the southern portion of the lot is within a Public Water Supply Protection Area (Zone ll) as shown on the MassDEP Phase 1 Site Assessment Map enclosed as Figure 3. 2. Preserving woodlands, wetlands and existing natural habitat. 3. Expands open space by 3.39 acres and connects to 54 acres of Conservation Land owned by the Town of Yarmouth as shown on Figure 4. Please provide a written Report to Ms. Dawn-Marie Flett, Yarmouth Department of Community Development/CPA by September 20, 2023. Thank you for your assistance. 珈 134 01d Main Street,Apt 311 South Yarmouth,MA 02664 Figure 1 - Yarmouth Assessor's Map 1 19 Figure 2 - Plan of Land Prepared by RLS Figure 3 - MassDEP Map - Public Water Supply Protection Areas (Zone ll) Figure 4 - Town-Owned Conservation Land Ms. Dawn-Marie Flett/oan M. Lamminen PURPOSES ONLY NO uABILITY FOR ERRORIS 1哩 ピ冨‰+` TAX MAPTOWN OF YARMOuTH BARNSTABLE COUNTY MASSACHUSETTS Figure l SHEET l19 ――――――――-3ン '墜 _______――――― 濶 讐籍轟:γ 隻電を 1士 i~ :: ミ:Ⅲ…′‐■…………ヽ、^端 遺 鳳R``ミ=ミ ツ ヽ/´ミ ミ ぶ脚, ど菖 D41¶慮klttrm間 E勝 比3 TAOD R LAMMINEN CUttA∞OMパ SCl uSEヽ 出 57 一 Figure 2 .3/21/23,9:17 AM MassDEP Phase 1 Site Assessment Map https://maps.massgis.digital. mass.gov/images/dep/mcp/mcp.htm Figure 3 Town Owned Conservation Land 漕鵞)/ 110.19.1 Figure 4: Town owned conservation land OCbbeF".20劉 1:9,0200 4120 8お 1●OD 0 C t" 30 00m ●由●"‐●―●●●・・・ ・・ ―"●●"n""・ ・ 嗜●"口 "●"“●●‐――――… S― "・ “… Ⅲ・・ 亭綸 ".中 "9-"●壼 “・・・ ― ゛ “ ● ――●●町口"―●● Figure 4