HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLDE-23-000283 ...�--_ Commonwealth of Official Use Only Permit No. BLDE-23-000283 '. Massachusetts BOARD OF FIRE PREVENTION REGULATIONS Occupancy and Fee Checked [Rev.1/071 APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO PERFORM ELECTRICAL WORK All work to be performed in accordance with the Massachusetts Electrical Code (MEC),5 R 12.00 (PLEASE PRINT IN INK OR TYPE ALL INFORMATION) Date:7/19/2022 <, To the Inspecto o4 ' City or Town of: YARMOUTH 41,534 By this application the undersigned gives notice of his or her intention to perform the electrical work described below. ,e �!/ — Telephone � ,� Location(Street&Number) 67 SWIFT BROOK RD j ° Owner or Tenant Patricia Reid w',r Owner's Address Yes 0 No ❑ (Check Approp • ' Is this permit in conjunction with a building permit? Utility Authorization No. -- Purpose of BuildingNo.of Meters Existing Service Amps Volts Overhead El Undgrd 0 New Service Amps Volts Overhead 0 Undgrd 0 No.of Meters Number of Feeders and Ampacity Location and Nature of Proposed Electrical Work: Split A/C system(Fujitsu) __ Completion of the following table may be waived by the Inspector of lyi No.of Total No.of Ceil:Susp.(Paddle)Fans Transformers KVA No.of Recessed Luminaires KVA No.of Luminaire Outlets No.of Hot Tubs Generators No.of Emergency Lighting No.of Luminaires Swimming Pool Abover ❑ flrnd. ❑ Battery Units No.of Oil Burners FIRE ALARMS INo.of Zones - No.of Receptacle Outlets No.of Detection and No.of Switches No.of Gas Burners Initiatine Devices Total No.of Alerting Devices _ No.of Ranges No.of Air Cond. 1 Toni. Heat Pump I Number I Tons KW No.of Self-Contained No.of Waste Disposers Totals: Detection/Alerting Devices Local 0 Municipal ❑ Otl:::•: Space/Area Heating KW Connection No.of Dishwashers Security Systems:* Heating Appliances KW SNo.ec riDevicte or Eauivalent No.of Dryers No.of No.of Ballasts Data Wiring: Heaters of Water KWSigns No.pf Devices or Eauivalent Total HP Wiring: No.Hydromassage Bathtubs No.of Motors T Telecommunications of m or Eauivalent OTHER: _ Attach additional detail if desired.or as required by the Inspector of Estimated Value of Electrical Work: (When required by municipal policy.) Work to start: Inspection to be requested in accordance with MEC Rule 10,and upon completion. f rical work may issue unless the licensee INSURANCE COVERAGE:Unless waived by the owner,no coveragit e or its substantial equr the performance ivalent.The undersigned certifies that such coverage proof of liability insurance including"completed operation" ;; is in force,and has exhibited proof of same to the permit issuing office. CHECK ONE:INSURANCE 0 BOND 0 OTHER ❑ (Specify:) I certify,under the pains and penalties of perjury,that the information on this application is true and complete. FIRM NAME: ROBERT E BOWDOIN LIC.NO.: 51981 Signature Licensee: Robert E Bowdoin Bus.Tel.No.: (If applicable,enter"exempt"in the license number line.) Alt.Tel.No.: Department 502 PITCHERS WAY, HYANNIS MA 0 *Per M.G.L.c. 147,s.57-61,security work requires Departmenen t of Public Safety"S"License: OWNER'S INSURANCE WAIVER:I am aware that the License does not have OOownbil ity 0 owner'insurance cs overage normally required by law.But my signature below,I hereby waive this requirement.I am the(check one) Owner/Agent PERMIT FEE: $50.00 Telephone No. Signature u 4 y� amacimak Official Use Only [� t!�� PetnitNQ �— ii r _ 2tep ri7raat o _iiru Service3 Occupancy andFee Checked ____—__— BOARD OF FIRE PREVENliON REGULATIONS [Rev IT07j (!esveblanic) APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TOK PERFORM ELECTRI Massachusetts Electrical ),5Z7ICCAL�WORK All work to be performed in accordance with Date: '� �: ��"(PLEASEPRINTII INK OR?YPfALL INFORMATION) Dote: 1n pact rof?fires: City or Town of: G I ftL �,�,� the electrical work ofWi described bel©w By the�l� O�or�i mom➢ti to Location(Street&Number) (�'1 ,57 ,0) €t 13 coo k ' No. 1 -���--vc Telephone1 Owner or Tenant (1-1---r 1 6 i 0 t i a Owner's Address (Check Appropriate Box) Is this permit in conjunction with a�dldin permit? Yes El No El Purpose of Building Utility Authorization No_ Existing Service Amps I Volts Overhead 0 Undgrd 0 No.of Meters _ Volts Overhead El Undgrd 0 No.of Meters New Service Amps .'�.~...! Number of Feeders and Ampachy Location and Nature of Proposed FiecixicalWork: \vsv1 ce S i ►I I n 6 7cn e III�� du(4-L Campietiono.the fallowing table maybe waived by the bripector ofW1 No.of Total No.of Recessed Lurnrmaires No.ofCel.-Sasp.(Paddle)Fans Transformers KVA gyA No.of Hot Tubs Generators Na of Luminaire OutletsNo.of Emergency Lighting No.of Luminaires Swimming Pool Above Q d Q Battery Units No.of Receptacle Outlets No.of Oil Burners FIRE ALARMS INo.of Zones \Na.of Detection and No.of Switches No.of Gas Burners Initiate*Devices Total No.of Air Cond. Tons No-of Alerting Devices No.ofRss HeatPamp INmnber TiunaKW Noof'o �Ale Deyrtabied 'tes No.of WasteDisposers Totals i Q Ma Q ac /Area Heating KW Ofher' No.of DishwashersSp _ �.. No.of Dryers Heating Appliances KW .SecNo.of Devices or i orient No.of Water KW N o.o Data Wiring.o. . Ballasts No.of Devices orEauiyalent ---ems 'Telecommunications W. No.HydromassageBathtubs No.of Motors Total HP No;of Devices or Equivatent OTHER Attach adtlitaard detail fdesitecl or asrrqui wsnedbytheInTPect Inspector Estimated Value E icnl Work_ 9 1 1),0- (Whenrequired by mm1ieipat policy.) Work to Start Inspectitarsto be requested m accordance with MEC Rule 10,and upon completion. �iGE_ -Unless waived by the owner,no permit for the performanceof electrical wodk may issue unless INSURANCE nsee provides proof of insurance a�operation'coverage or its substantial equivalent The the undersigned gnedcertifies that such coverage is inforce,and has exhibited proof of same to the permit issuing office- CHECK ONE: INSURANCE BONI) 0 OTHER �:) I r���.ri ��• is ire mid LW.FIRM Na- Licensee NAME: - E ctoupaoin sgnature , LIC.Na•`" L (if� member Bus.TeL Ivy.-,.a1.4 . - Address:;)i K t� L R et ctil mOti-ili (Y'A (3.).3 i„In AIL Tel.No.: _.-- *Per ..,., :,:Y,} of Public Safety"S License: Lie,NoF *per N R'S c SU s 1,security work u regimes does not have the liability insurance coverage normally OWNER'S INSURANCE WAIVER: I tan aware that the Licensee I am the(check one)El owner 0 owner's ate. required by law_ Owaer/Agent By my signature below,l:hereby waive this requirement. S"lgnatlue Tie No. PERMIT FEE:$