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23-A105 20 Mattis Drive Approved
RECEIVES �k ° Y TOWN OF YARMOUTH IwIESs'°�-= f °y 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664-4451 I Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext. 1292--Fax (508) 398-0836 123A-1029 ?` '0:065 REC AUG Q 3 206LD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE f AhIVIOU i r, OLD KING'S HIGHWAY I APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS Application is hereby made for issuance of a Certificate of Appropriateness under Section 6 of Chapter 470, Acts of 1973 as amended, for proposed work as described below & on plans, drawings, photographs, & other supplemental info accompanying this application. PLEASE SUBMIT 4 CODieS OF SPEC SHEET(S), ELEVATIONS, PHOTOS, & SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION. Check All Categories That Apply: Indicate type of Building: Commercial X Residential 1) Exterior Building Construction: New Building X Addition X Alterations X Reroof Garage Shed _ Solar Panels Other: 2) Exterior Painting: Siding Shutters Doors _X_ 3) Signs/Billboards: New Sign Change to Existing Sign 4) Miscellaneous Structures: Fence Wall Flagpole Please type or print legibly: Trim Other: Pool Other: Address of proposed work: 20 Mattis Drive Yarmouth Port MA Map/Lot # 141-16 Owner(s): Nora M Love Phone M 917-348 7840 All applications must be submitted by owner or accompanied by letter from owner approving submittal of application. Mailing Address: 20 Mattis Drive Yarmouth Port MA 02675 Year Built: 1963 Email: Iovenoram(a1gmail.com Preferred notification method: Phone X Email Agent/contractor: Mailing Address: Email: Description of Proposed Work: Phone #: Preferred notification method: Phone Email Proposed work includes a new 315 sq. ft. family room and renovation of 497 sq. ft of existing first floor including kitchen, bedroom and bath. Also proposed is a 366.5 sq. ft. addition to existing rear deck as well as 46 sq. ft. front patio addition and a pergola at front patio. Replacement of roof on main house and garage also be done. Owner/contractor/agent is aware that a permit is required from the Building Department. (Check other departments, also.) Y If application is approved, approval is subject to a t 0-day appeal period required by the Act. This certificate is good for one year frorp approval date or upon date of expiration of Building Permit, whichever date shall be later. All new construction will be subject toAspection by OKH. OKH-approved plans MUST be available on -site for framing & final inspections. Rcvd Date:, ) Amount `40, Cash1CK Rcvd by: 45 Days: Date S Approved Approved with Reason for Denial: Modifications Denied 40y TOWN OF YARMOUTH °OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE 1 146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS 02664-4451 Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext.1292 Fax (508) 398-0836 STATEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING CHANGES TO AN OLD KING'S HIGHWAY APPROVED PLAN As property owner/contractor/agent for construction at e2o ft�f IDS MaplLot t'ii i. CIA # '�3 '�-r�0-� Approval Date: certify that I understand the following requirements regarding any changes that may be required for this project: In accordance with paragraph 2(a) of section 1.03(General Procedures) of the OKH 972 CMR Rules and Regulations: Only minor changes may be approved by the Committee without the filing of a new application and a new hearing. Minor changes include alterations that can be done without a detrimental impact on the overall appearance of the project such as altering a single window or door change or a minor change of colors. All minor changes by amendment will require the local Committee's or its designee's approval. All changes to previously OKH approved plans require notification to and approval from the local OKH Committee. Change requests must be submitted to the Committee in writing on the appropriate request form, which may be obtained from the OKH office. All change approvals must be obtained before incorporating the change into the project. If the change has been implemented prior to receipt of OKH approval, a Minor Change approval or Certificate of Appropriateness application for the revised plans is still required and will result in a doubled filing fee for the appropriate category of work. Failure to comply with the above statements will result in the Building Department issuing a stop -work order or delaying issuance of an Occupancy Permit or final inspection approval. I have read and understand the above statements. Date: Signed APPROVED AUG 2 S 20211, Signed �ARMOUTH H SOKH COMMITTEE4Applicalion FormsSStatement of Understanding 2015.docx (Owner/Contractor/Agent) IaL Yt 'J'-� (Chairman, O d King's Highway mmittee) Updated 12r2015 TOWN OF YARMOUTH O V 46 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS 02664-4451 T Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext. 1292 Fax (508) 398-0836 OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE 45-DAY TIMEFRAME REC'FIVF® WAIVER AUG 0 3 2Q3 YAHMULJI r, Application #.- Project Address: �� 1" C Application Received Date: 3�%3 45 Day Decision Deadline: `f11-1123 I/We, the undersigned owner, contractor, or agent, do hereby waive the 45-day timeframe for a determination on our application for a Certificate of Appropriateness/Demolition/Exemption by the Old King's Highway Historic District Committee for the following project: � ��� � �tNye� �► �' � �- �- �' lzC��.ht- .ter � z Date: S, I 3 I Signed: Owner Owner Contractor/Agent 312020 APPROVED AUG 2 8 2023 r ARMOUTH /� -, DY GENERAL SPECIFICATION SHEET Project Address: 20 Mattis Drive Yarmouth Port MA FOUNDATION: Material: Concrete: Ready Mix Exposure (Not to exceed 18'): 8" CHIMNEY: Material(Color. NIA GUTTERS: MateriallColor: AluminumlExistinn or White COLOR CHIPS ROOF: Material: Asphalt Pitch (7112 min) 9:12 to match existing Height to Ridge: 13' Color: Match to Existing SIDING: Material/Style: Front: Shaker Cedar Sides/Rear. Vertical Shlplap-Cedar or Shaker Cedar Color Front: N Il p SidWRear: Natural TRIM: All windows & doors to be trimmed with: ix 4 9(Circle one.) Material: Wood (Cedar) Color. TBD (Natural/Whits or Existing) - RECEIVED DOORS: Qty: 4 Material: WoodlGlass/Composite Color: TBCIWhite AUG 0 3 2023 Style/Size (if not listed/shown on elevations): See Plans YAHMUUI ti STORM DOORS: City: Material: Color: OLD KING'S HIGHWAY GARAGE DOORS: Qty: _ Mel']: Style: Color. WINDOWS: lslde:: Front: 3 Left: 2 Right: 7 Rear: 10 Color: White: ManufacturedSodes: Anderson 400 Series Material: Wood (Interlor)/Qomposits (Exterior) Grilles (Required): Pattern (616, 2/1, etc.) 818 (3-front1312:124oft sldell: 616 (3 side -right sldel: No Grille (14-rear&right side- millgh 2xisting g9noltional Grille Type: True Divided Lie: X Snap4n: Between Glass: Permanently Applied: _Exterior _Interior STORM WINDOWS: Qly: Material: Color: SHUTTERS: Mat'I: Style: Paneled Louvered Color: SKYLIGHTS: Qty: Fixed Vented Size Color: DECK: Size: 14,x 30' Decking MatT Wood or Composite Color. natural or to T13C Railing MatT Stainless Steel Style: cable Color. black TBC APPROVED WALLSIFENCES* (Max 6' height): Height: Mat'l: Style: Color `Finished AUG 2 8 2023 (Show running footage & location on plot plan.) side of fence must face out from fenced in area UTILITY METERSIHVAC UNITS: Location: Screening: 1AHM(ju I h OLD KING HIGHWAY LIGHTS: W. 7 Style: TAD Color: Black (TBC) Localion(s): 1 ftS,2 side, 3 rear LIGHT POSTS: Qty: Material: Color: Additional information: Please see attached plan for details and specifications 2-General APPLICATION #: ?� AL�5- TOWN OF YARMOUTH OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE ABUTTERS' LIST Applicant's (Owner) Name IVOv2 L&I' - P—Opertji 1 dd-re s"Locatio^. ig 1 ?k Hearing Date Notices must be sent to the Applicant and abutters (including owners of land or, any public or private street or way) who's property dTect#y abuts or is across the street from the Applicant Please provide the Assessor's Tax Map and Lot numbers only, The OKH Office will send ejt not, --es using the addresses as they appear on the most recent applicable tax list Nate InStru--!;or,s For obta ^;ng tr1e aau'ters Map a^d Lot nirr;bers can be toured or) ine O!d K�,�g s Highway Departrr:en; oage Or. the Tow-, webs,te www. Yarmouth.ma. us Map Number Lot Number Applicant Information 1& 7 y l Abutter Information 1 f ! AuG 0 3�2023 ip1W�? t ruk APPROVr.® AUG 2 8 2023 YARMOUTH 1-7 Applicatior i #. 2-� 117 0 Ka18 3 1411 151 1 1 WELCH MADISON MELIA ALLISON Please use this signature to certify this list of properties 1006 CAMERON ST directly abutting and across the street from the parcel located at: ALEXANDRIA , VA 22314 20 Mattis Dr, Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 Assessors Mal) z.�16 1411 11 1 And M ado, Director of Assessing MEYER RICHARD C y g MEYER NINA L August 16, 2023 18 MATTIS DR YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675-1327 1411 271 1 1 MCPOLAND MICHAEL S 117 FOR 117 FOREST RD RFORVED MILLIS , MA 02054 AUG 16 2023 1411 141 ! 1 DEMACEDO SCOTT E (AhiVIOU-1►t 17 MATTIS DR OLD KINGS HIGHWAY YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675-1326 1411 161 1 1 COLANGIONE LYNN TR C/O LOVE NORA M PO BOX 1371 OAK BLUFFS, MA 02557 1411 59.11 1 1 TOWN OF YARMOUTH i 0 1146 ROUTE 28 SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664 1411 59.21 1 1 TOWN YARMOUTH APPROVED CONSERVATION DE DEPT 1146 ROUTE 28 SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 026644463 AUG g 202 rARIWUUTH 0 40-- M1 N L-07 --QNAA80N1 � o w a � N � Gi LYi 4 y} v s ?s 7G n b arc P'o Q7 Z 6i n � fV f V i� �j Tv 7 Ln ; k h EZP Li I ECEIVEn AUG 0 3 2023 YAHf IOW r, r'f N ff & ON isft �Uf APPROVED AUG 2 S 2023 rARMOUTH OLD KING'S HIGHWAY ZZ po ° r J o� i to z W z)uzo� w Ho 06 Z Z ° 0 0 0 2e ulw N °°° i p �J9z n Ln❑ �,Z wvcaxi W w ❑ <o ! zV 2g222!!Eo O .0�Z dabO�J n `� Q �zzzzzpoae¢¢px Q wLU F Qry J � a o°e o°e oa°e a a 0.1—H HH F0.wV V� wnv nnnpZddyyU Q j u LL Z v�ww wwwd V�i— W w O p ce y a g d o Q n cv Q >- Q d ? a z _ ¢¢Q QQQ Q<QQQw AP ROVED A IG 2 8 2023 MOU ! F OLD INHG'S &I &WAY 9�3-AO5- - tME Y DEWE - SITE PLAN :: MV ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES 1.yaam 20M TTIS DRM lxnn y� YAW/UDR11nRT,— PARCELID141-16 1.iv'm�nnl.vxvmu'`�rwwl aN �' -40 1 n � W s. y � j -- - - Op Nora Love 20 Mattis Drive Yarmouth Port Certification of Appropriate Photos July 2023 Rear of House RECOVED AUG 0 3 2023 Y AHNIUl% 1 r APPROVED AUG 2 8 2023 f AHMUt1 l i 23'A1c25— rg-p-M R.- im SOL 1-F i nnmIiHk a' - ERJ 1 z X Z # o 4 0 0 a I nnwmW £ZOZ E ® OAV 03AI33 --MULLERWAM RESIDENCE IOEARK Aw. WEST & SOUTH ELEVATIONS MV ARCtI�T aC RALSERVICEs � Ef�GnRTOl4.5,hw 1ut�h �•+ PARCEL IO ]4150 �aw.eKa�x 9l-l�l Oi l37MVd inrv�uxmw um. vW SMOdWflOwtl`/A N �* �° :: sa�inaasivani�3iiH�avnw:: SNNId NOUVON 103 3AMOSLL—OZ a :- 23mo M awl -- .9-.91 I I RFCFl VLz I AOG 0 3 2023 rAFifUIUU1 f, OLD KING 'S HIGHWAY I b I p oW a LH O O z wm t n 3 .S.LI ° O O .U19-.9 .Vl 9-,9 O O N Z 2 � Z Q F 8 g APP>RDVEDi Z i ° m AUG 2 8 2023 m 5; r'ARMOU fh i OLD KINGS HIGHWAY U ? zw X W x� w m RECFIVED x A U G 0 3 2023 3 tANVIUU1 r, p OLD KINGS HIGHWAY b� p a X N � Z = n a O APPROVEW AUG 2 S 2023 — I AHMUU I V. OLD KING'S HIGHWAY T_ A N --I T O O I'17 r lr� Y Z ❑ Li L-J ti Ni g • s �' - p ]'-3 n 4'-11 12' in v1eYe O ° b m is £ O H O r a 3 n 1 3'-1/3' E-r I - 2'A IlL' I Ig. ry• ::Low �Op -' :: MV ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES 1.4 umes - y aMATTnoRn� FIRST FLOOR PLANS „„ „ W YARMOLTH➢ORT, MA PA Cft IO 141.16 uux .nux�.n u.+uuinxisacMv..mx _ vw'�tloeHil}owavx � S3DW aSlvan�3iiH�av�'Zo SNYId NOOIJ ONOD35 3nlxusluvwoi ¢ 37NMl0lMN 3h01-- [ECFIVr:D AUG 0 3 2023 r AhtMUU'i r I OLD KING'S HIGHWAY d - z d oe Z a 75� ++ U O A OT U z0 V a W N �Z W O APPROVED AUG 2 8 20z3 OLD NG S HIGHWAY -/1 o RECEIVED AUG 0 3 2023 YARMOUTh OLD KING'S HIGHWAY �ll m El z n z b E m [ME, o ® 0 m APPROVO. O AUG 2 S 2023 m r m i AHIVIUU I h a OLD KINGS HIGHW � ro 771 0 0 0 O mU Z m ® O D S rn rn m C _ O Z Z �: �ov[nsioeace = D� rano arw.,omusMocwaveer, rw ::MREAST &NORTH ELEVATIONS TTEEMt, SERVICES -1°'�'aa `- �� 53JIN135ltlNf11J3i1HJ8tl AW �� vW UodwomvA S31ON 1V21f11J mis 1V83N3`J 3 10 survwoi Q RECFI ^ ED AUG 0 3 2023 MRMUUI h ' 1� p 1 e f tE Eli ''l i� ^' EL) jar 111111 1i AU E!$f��E� �ij1'}E G 2 8 2023 I lil g i{�i I� ! ��Bii 4�Y• {�� ! HiA r ; i 2[ $ Y E6i ss'il� all, �i5 ' r . l OLD KINGSUUfF1 Eli i� 3;��! _ � $ i Eel. E sc ; ; i � �w. ;� Jill HIGHW i si pi$�ig,i 1�f i ! ! i•—�-l• s_ AY 1 !l� I fl.. �t e e fi I l; s �f. �� � 7i�;; ��e !e i ■e j�j� E i f �. �,, i� 9FFF# FE ',2 :tI441q � i� • � 1 g a E ! g ,it`:Y925 d All it. �i`:tr,Et.jttit ill 6 = 4 it 1i l[i Jill Ill 11, } ��i � 11 �j�� tax �� � •��� �!; �� � it i sE i 1 yyY t ! 43} 1 zca:a 3..:' a`n2 � fj i st3 l Ze tittit e e i �• a 13 �� �fl 3� i s;i 1.� lf. l ja is fit " !E Ill HIM i i�t Ill 12� 1 1_ ,h"q Q_'S' AUG U 3 2023 YARMOUTH OLD KINGS HIGHWAY P gilt- m a 1.€ 3 m All n _ S 3 �, z f z � F ■ s A " S i1 f9 94 4 rn 4t MR; � m f l 2�9fc Fy &,Re a m E 4 a aFyB OR Z o ¢ v o 15 a 1 1z. a �¢ 4 = --- pa® c s 1 F O/v �.-- J s n zA Y�z .- p om y s 9 a li 2_� p 20 APPROVED 0 AUG 2 8 2023 s g Z aea 4 f NHIVIUU I h OLD KINGS HIGHWAY LOVE MIDRWF -- :: T{1RA� SERVICES y-oMAi-MORM TYPICAL FOUNDATION DETAILS MV AR[HITECn, RA YARMWLHPORI,AN PARCEL 11)141-16 uwL rrwn�nrn.e.uaevr.rw.+Law. .+ao �Pv%M��HI�CW�:tiMI �w ki�»f vx�rvne[niww �Y"M= :- s3�Ina35�ran�aliH�arnw:: 91-1416113]riYd 5M1V 1aodHsnowavA � SIMAI DOOM 1VD1&U wsa SML war Q t E jai;ssbas a�E66i �R8�l g as#ias Ye!<a� F5 gill I�pgQpgkFr Iia filly e w R1 CFI M ED AUG 0 3 2023 1 A ! AUG 2 S 2023 'wNnrruU r r, '23_ApG6 ( —� —� 5 � . \ > r | T' f§ § - - LA RECEIVED A U G O 3 2023 APpRO E fABUOUIh OLD %NOSRGHAA AUG 2820 �ahmQu,n KINGS m HIN \ OLD \ %�- !;||; §§|�§ § 'R 9 \J H; § ) §\) §§�� | j SECTION Ar N 17MVARCHTECrURAL _I : „ 91-LIL MIIJWd S37IA5135IV)Jn"IJHDMVAV4:: NVId IVDIHID313 IN31N3SV8 Dmalm RECEIVE] AUG 0 3 2023 YAHIVIOU I 8 OLD KING'S HIGHWAY CL O JAPPROVED AUG 2 8 2023 r AHIVIUU Fh --OLD _KINGS HIGHWAY_ 20 Mattis Drive Window and Doors OKW Certificate of Appropriateness WINDOWS SYMBOL A B C D E F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 MANUFACTURER Andersen 400 Series Andersen 400 Series Andersen 400 Series Andersen 400 Series Andersen 400 Series Owner Sourced MANUFACTURER Andersen 400 Series Andersen 400 Series Andersen 400 Series Andersen 400 Series SIMPSOM SIMPSOM SIMPSOM SIMPSOM SIMPSOM RECEIVED AUG 0 3 2023 r AHMOU I ri MODEL NO TW28310 CTR1510 CX16 CX145 CWI 3 N/A MODEL NO FWG5068L FWH2968AR FWH6068PALR FWH9068SASL TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD UNIT SIZE (NOT NOTES R.O. ) 2'-9 5/8" x 4'-0.7/8" Double Hung 1'-7" x 1'-0" Awning 2'-7 1/2 " x 5'-H n18 Casement 2'-7 1/2" x 4'-4 13/16" Casement 2'-4 3/8" x 2'-11 15/16" Casement TBC Fix Stained Glass UNIT SIZE (NOT R.O.) 5'-11 1/4" x 6'- 7 1/2" 2- 8 1/8" x 6'-7 1/2" 5'-11 1/4" x 6'- 7 1/2" 8'-11 1/8" x 6'- 7 1/2" 2'-6" x 6' -8" 2'-6" x 6' -8" 2'-6" x 6' -811 21-611 x 61 -811 1'-2" x 6' -8" NOTES Gliding RH Inswing Inswing Pair RH Inswing Pocket Interior LH Inswing Interior RH Inswing Interior LH Inswing Interior RH Outswing A PPQ D AUG 2 S 2023 {ARMOUTh ,23- A O�- ANDERSEN" WEN DOWS & DOORS f� CASEMENT & AWNING WINDOWS .. Alignment Grid .......................................... 22-23 Tables of Sizes .......................................... 24-28 Specifications ........................................... 29-32 Custom Sizes ........................................ 33 Grille Patterns ........................... --................... 34 Window Details ....................................... 35-36 Joining Details .................................................. 36 Combination Designs ................................... 181 Product Performance .................................... 197 . - —, CUSTOM SIZING A in "A" (3) increments Dimensions in parentheses are in millimelers. �• 1�.. `'51.. �� � i.�y � -� tin ��./ CASEMENT & AWNING WINDOWS Alignment Grid for Standard -Size Casement, Awning, Picture, Transom, Half Circle, Quarter Circle and Arch Windows 1'-5" T-81/2' 2'-01/8' 2'-43W 2'-71/2' 2'-93/4' 2'41151le 3'-43/:" 3'453/is" 4'-0' Specialty (432) (521) (613) (121) (800) (857) (913) (1035) (1037) (1219} See the r� M� l specialty AFCI06 ® AFCW106 om AFCP3006 AFC206 window section AFC11 AFCW11 AFCP301 AFC21 staging on page 117 for these and CTQC3 CTQCWS CTQCXI CTQA3 other specialty shapes n and Sizes. CTCWI CTcX1 CTCXWI CTC2 Transom (305) CTR1510 CTR1810 CTR2010 CTR2410 CTR2810 CTR2910 CTR3010 PTR3010 CTR3410 PrR3510 CTR4010 PTR4010 00 00 CTH21810 CTR22010 Awning 1'-5' (432) 1'-8 1/2' (521) 2'-0 1& (613) 2'-4 3/6' (721) 2'-7 1/2. (800) 2'41 15/W (913) 3'-4 3/4' (1035) AR31 ZD AR351 L::J AR41 1= AR221 = AN31 AN351 AN41 =M AN221 A31 A351 A41 A221 it t, 0 F=7 i tt i t' AW31 AW351 AW41 AW221 AX31 D AM61 El AX41 �D UM31 AM51 r n AXW41 Casement, Awning and Picture A—M F ■ >< TI w+p w R_ V � (613) 19 El AUG 2 8 202. �0 613J CR12 CN12 C12 CW17 CN22 C22 2 431s" � (721) -_.��II i' 0 � r AHMU(J f h CR125 CN125 0125 CW125 CX125 OLD KINGrs 5 C225 (913 13)15/1s 7 M � 1:1 �� El L . )i CR13 CN13 C13 CX6 CR23 CXW13 P3030 CN23 P3530 C23 P4030 (1037�ts" — — �� 7_7 T 1:100 CR135 CR135 C135 CW�135 CX135 CR235 CXW135 P3035 CN235 P3535 C235 P4035 (1219) T, 17 7-11 CR14 CN14 C14 A212 CW14 CX14 CR24 CXW14 A312 AP32V P3040 CN24 AP352V P3540 C24 AP42V P4040 4'-413/ls" (1341) �'d M L L M CR145 CM145 C145 CW145 M CR245 CXW145 P3011 C11241 _ P3545 C245 P4045 4'-11 t/sr9" Tnr7 LL I CR15 CNI5 C15 CW15 _CM CR25 CXW15 PA3050' P3050 CN25 VA-3-51T67 C25 P4050 5'-413A6" -- -- —_ — _ (1646) LJ W' L CR155 CN155 C1550 CW155 CX155 CR255 CXW155 P31155 CN255 P3555 C255 P1115 (1826) 0 d M Li CR16 CN16 C16 A213 CW16 CR26 CXW16 PA3060 AXW312" A313 P3060 CN26 MUM P3560 PA4060 P4060 • Dimensions in parentheses afe In millimeters. 'Actual height of 4'-1113/16' (1519). ••Actual height of 5'-116/a' (1819). 22 CASEMENT & AWNING WINDOWS Table of Casement and Transom Window Sizes Scale 1/8" (3) - 1'-0" (305) —1:96 Window Dimension Minimum Rougfl Opening Unobstnlcted Glass (casement, singe sash only) Unobstructed Glass (transam, single sash only) O ia C3 o m c m o Y 1'-5" 1'-81/2" 2'-61/a' 2'-43/8" 2'-7112' 2'-1115/1o' 2'-93/4' 3'-43/4' 4'-0" 4'-81h" (432) (521) (613) (721) (800) (913) (857) (1035) (1219) (1435) 1'-51/2' 1'-9' 2'-OS/e' 2'-47/8" 2'-8" 3'-01h 7-101/4' 3'-51/4' 4'-01/2' 4'-9" (445) (533) (625) (733) (813) (927) (870) (1048) (1232) (1448) 12 5/8' 161A' 19 3/4" 24' 271/8' 31 9h6" 12 5/8' 161/8' 19 3/4" 24" (321) (410) (502) (610) (689) (802) (321) (410) (502) (610) 123/i6" 1511/ls" 195/16" 23Vie 26"Als" 311/8" 2815/10 3515/10 433/16' 5111/16" (310) 11 (398) l (491) (599) (678) (791) (735) (913) (1097) (1313) CUSTOM WIDTHS - 17" to 84 %" E..:,� CTR1810 CTR2010 CTR2410 CTR2810 CTR3010 CTR2910 CTR3410 CTR4010 CTR4810 V�DF FAP—P—R RPr-F-1V R 181 CM2010 CTR22410 CUSTOM WIDTHS - 17" to 3515/is' 01 CR12 CN12 91/N 11-11 CR125 CR125 0125 0 0 H11 CR13 CN13 C13 no �0no CR135 CN135 0135 n a 0 CR14 CN14 C14 000 ]h H 1H CR15 CN15 C15 CR155 CN155 C155 CR16 CN16 C16 8 2023 Atj-fi 0 3 2023 ^,Fl1NAYT/11-tivlVU I r• — CW125• CX125 1111 In] In—] CW13• CX13 CXW13 H11 H117M] CW1350' CX1350 CXW1350 CW140' CX140 CXW140 CW1450' CX1450 CXW1450 Ono CW150' CX154 CXW150" CW1550' CX1550 CXW1550" CW160' CX160 6XWS60" FID CR23 IIE7 CR235 01 CR24 01 CR245 CR25 00 CN22 CN225 CN23 CN235 CN24 CN245 CN25 00 C22 C225 023 C235 C24 C245 C25 D O CW22• CW225• CW23• CW2350' CW240' CW2450' CW256' • "Window Dimension' always refers to outside frame -to -frame dimension. • •Minimum Rough Opening" dimensions may need to be Increased to allow for use of building wraps, flashing, sill panning, brackets, fasteners or other Items. See pages 210-211 for more details. • Dimensions in parentheses afe in millimeters. OMeet or exceed clear opening area of 5.7 sq. ft. or 0.53 m2, clear opening width of 20' (509) and clear opening height of 24' (610) with approprfate hinge specified. See tables on pages 29-30. 'Meet clear opening width of 20' (508) using hinge with wash mode and control bracket (bracket can be pivoted for cleaning position) and meet clear opening width of 22' (559) using hinge for widest clear opening. •'Available with straight-arm operators (hinged for widest clear opening) only. 24 ,� h CASEMENT & AWNING WINDOWS Casement Window Opening and Area Specifications (confirmed) Clear Opening Area Clear Opening in Full Open Position Window Hinge for Widest Hinge with i Hinge iorWidest . Hinge with Number Clear Opening Wash Mode ClearOpening Wash Made A HECFIVFD AUG 0 3 2023 YAhIVIUU I r, nnrn�c , nr+, Hinge forWldest1 Hinge with ClearOoenin¢ 1 Wash Made /4PP . VED AUG 2 8 2023 (AhdIV�I+Ul,U� I hy17�� f , �'1 nr ifiWW AY Sill Stop j Area sq. RAM,) Sq. Ft./(mx) I Inches/(mm) Inches/(mm) j Inches/(mm) 1 Sq. ft ffinz) I Sq. Ft./(mz) ! Sq. Ft./(mz) I Inches/(mm) ! Sq. Ft./(m=) C255 7.6 (0,71) 6.0 (0.56) 185/„ (465) 147/,; 1367) 59Z/,e' (1522) 16.4 {1.52) 15.3 (1.42) 15.0 (1.39) 19'/; (505) 21.6 (2.01) C26 &5 (0.79) 6.7 (0.62) 185/,; (465) 147/,; (367) 67' (1702) 19.4 41.71) 17.1 (1.59) 16.8 (1.56) 1213/,; (325) 24.0 (2.23) C32 2.5 (0,23) 1.9 (0.18) 186/,e' (465) 147/se' (367) 191/; (489) 7.8 (0.73) 5.0 (0.46) 4,8 (0,451 601/,6 (1538) 12.0 (1.12) C325 30 (028) 2.4 (022) 185/,; (465) 147/,; (367) 237/1; (595) 9.6 (0.89j 6.0 (0.56) 5.8 (0.54} 56%' (1432} 14.1 (1.31) C33 4A (0.37) 3.1 (0.29) 18s/,; (465) 147/,; [367) 311/,6 (789) 12.8 (1.19) 7.9 (0.73) 7.8 (0.73) 483/; (1238) 17.9 (1.66) C335 4.6 (0.43) 3.6 (0.33) 185/,a (465j 147/,, (367) 35A& (913) 14.9 (1.38) 9.2 (0.86) 9.0 (0.84) 431/a (1114) 20.4 (1.90) C34 5.5 (0.51) 4.3 (0.40) 185/„ (465) 14 7/,6 (367) 43 (1095) 17.7 (1.64) 11.0 (1.02) 10.8 (1.00) 36 11/,e' (932) 24.0 (2.23) C345 6.1 (0.57) 4.8 (0.45) 185/ , (465) 14 7/u (367) 47 i5/,; (1218) 19.7 ,(1.03) 12.2 (1.13) 12.0 (1.12) 31 7/; (810) 26.4 (2.45) C35 7.0 (0.65) 5.5 (0.51) 1851 (465) 14 r/,a (367), 55' (1397) 22.6 (2.10) 14.0 (1.39) 13.8 (1.28) 24 13/,e (630) 29.9 (2.76) CW12' 3.0 (0,28) 2.5 (0.23) 229/,; (573) 181E/s (475) 19% (489) 3.2 (0.30) 3.0 (0.28) 3.0 (0.28) 609/,; (1538) 4.8 (OA5) CW125' 3.7 (034) 3,0 (0.28) 229/,; (573) 1811/,6 (475) 237/,; (595) 3.9 (0.36) 3.7 (0.34) 3.6 (0.33) 563/e (1432) 5.6 (0.52) ISM (4-OJ U0O il• iiiii� iiiiiiiiii� CW1350• 5.7 (0,53) 5.1 (0,47) 229/,; (573) 20' (508) 363/; (924) 6.0 (0.56) 5.7 (0.53) 5.5 (0.51) 437/; (1114) 8.0 (0.74) CW140' 6.8 (0,63) 6.0 (0.56) 22%„ (573) 20' (508) 431/,' (1095) 7.2 (0.67) 6.8 40.63) 6.6 (0.61) 361%,; (932) 9.5 (0.88) CW1450• 7.5 (0.70) 6.7 (0.62) 229/,5 (573) 20' (508) 4715/,s (1218) 8.0 (0.74) 7.5 (0.70) 7.3 (0.68) 317/; (810) IDA (0,97) OW150' 8.6 (0.8m) 7.6 (0.71) 221/11" (573) 20, (508) 55' (1397) 9.2 (0.86) 8.6 (0.80) 9.4 (0.78) 2419/,e (630) 11.8 (1.10) CW1550' 9.4 (0.87) 8.3 (0,77) 225/,; (573) 2W 508) 5915/,; (1522) 10.0 (0.93) 9.4 (0.87) 9.t (0.85) 19% (595) 12.8 (1.19) CW160' 10.5 (0-98) 9-3 (0,86) 22 °/,; (573) 2W (508) 67" (1702) 11,2 (1.04) 10.5 (0.98) 16.2 (0.95) 12 %1; (325) 14.2 (1.32) CW22• 3.0 (C.28) 2.5 (0,23) 22 3/.6" (573) IS 11/:a (475) l9 :/," (489) 6,4 (0.59) 5.0 (0.55) 6.0 (0.56) 609/,; (1538) 9.6 (0.89) CW225• 3.7 (0-34) 3.0 (0,28) 22 1/;," (573) 18 11/„` (475) 23 /, (595) 7.8 (0.72) 7.4 (C.69) 1.2 (0.67) 56 %; (1432) 11.2 (1.04) CW23• 49 (C.46) 4.0 (0.37) 229/ (573) 181y„` (475) 31y1e" (789) 10,4 (0.97) 9.8 (0.91) 9.6 (0.89) 483/; (1238) 14.1 (1.31) CW2350• 5-7 (0-53) 5.1 (OA7) 22 /,; (573) 20' (508) 363/; (924) 12,0 (1.12) 11.4 (1.06) 11.1 (1'03) 43%,' [1114) 16.0 (1.49) CW240' 6.8 (0.63) 6.0 (0.56) 229/,e" (573) 20' (508) 4311," (1095) 14.4 (1.34) 13.5 (1.25) 131 (1.22) 3611/s (932) 18.8 (1.75) CW24501 7.5 (0.70) 6.7 (0.62) 22 9/,; (573) 20' (508) 47 %,; (1218) 16.0 (1.49) 15.0 (1.39) 14.6 (1.36) 31 %$ (810) 20.8 (1.93) CW250' 8.6 (0.80) 7.6 10.71) 229/,; (573) 20' (508) 55- (1397) 18.3 (1.70) 17.3 (1.61) 16.7 (1.55) 24v/,fi (630) 23.5 (2.18) CW2550• 9.4 (0.87) 8.3 (0.77) 229/1; (573) 20' (508) 59's/u' (1522) 20.0 (1.86) 1&8 (1.75) 18.2 (1.69) 19%e (505) 25.6 (2.38) CW260' 10.5 (0.98) 9.3 (0.861 22 g/�.; (573) 20. (598) 67" (1702) 22.3 (2.07) 21.0 (1.95) 20.4 (1.90) 12 -& (325) 28.2 (2.62) CW32• 3.0 (0.28) 2.5 (0,231 229/1; (573) 181y,; (475) 191/," (489) 9.6 (0.89) &0 (0.56) 6.0 (0.56) 60'/1; (1538) 14.4 (1.34) CW325' ___ 3.7 (0.34) 3.0 (0.28) 229/,; (573) __.._,._ 181ye" ... (475) _._.__...... 231&- (595) .... 11.7 .. ... (1.09) _...,......._. 7A (0.69) 7.2 (0.67) ....---....... 563/; ......._ (1432) 16.8 (1.56) CW33' 4.9 (0.46) 4.0 (0.37) 229/,; (567) 181'/,; (475) 31'/,; (789) 15.6 (1,45) 9.8 (0.91) 9.6 (3.89) 49 (1238) 21.1 (1.96) CW3350' 5.7 (0.53) 5.1 (0.47) 229/,; (567) 20' (508) 363/," (924) 19.0 (1.67) 11.4 (1.06) 11.1 (1.03) 43% (1114) 24.0 (2.23) CW340• 6.8 (0.63) 6.0 (0.56) 229/,; (557) 2W (508) 431/," (1095) 21.6 (2,01) 13.6 (1.26) 13.1 (1.22) 361f/,; (932) 2&2 (262) CW345 0' 7.5 (0.70) 6.7 (0.62) 22 9/1g (567) 20" (508) 47 1s& (1218) 24.0 (2.23) 15.0 (1.39) 14.6 (1.36) 31 r/,' (810) 31.0 (2.88) CW350' 8.6 -- (0.80) 7.6 (0.71) 229/,; (567) 20' (508) 55' (1397) 27.6 (2,56) 172 - (1.60) 16.7 (1.55) 24 W/,; (630) 35.2 (3.27) CX125 4.2 (0.39) 3.5 (0.33) 2511/. (653) 21 u/ ' (554) 23 7/; (595) 4.4 (OA1) 4.2 (0.39) 4.1 (0,381 56 %' (1432) 6.2 (0.58) CX13 5.5 (0.52) 4.7 (0.44) 2511/,; 4653) 21 k3/,e' (554) 311/,; (789) 5.9 [0.54) 5.5 (0.52) 5A (0,51) 48 % (1238) 7.9 (3.73) CX1350 6.4 (0.60) 5.4 (0.51) 2515/,; (653) 214z/,e (554) 3515/,; (913) 6.8 (0.63) 6.4 (0.60) 6.3 (0.59) 439/; (I114) 8.9 (0.83) CX140 7.7 (0.72) 6.5 (0.61) 2511/,; (653) 21k3/,a (554) 431/; (1095) &1 (0.76) 7.7 (0.72) 7.6 (0,10) 3611/,; (932} 10.5 (0,98) 0X150 9.8 (0.91) 8.3 (0.77) 2515/,; (653) 2143/,6 (554) 55' (1397) 10.4 (0.96) 9.8 (0.91) 9.7 (0,90) 2413/,; (630) 13.1 (1,22) OX1550 10.7 (0.99) 9.1 (0.84) 2511/16 (653) 21 i31,6 (554) 59 u/Is (1522) 11.3 (1.05) 10.7 (0.99) 10.5 (0.98) 191/e' (5051 14.2 (1.32) CX23 5.5 (0.52) 4.7 (0.44) 2511/,; (653) 2119/1; (554) 311/,6 (789) 11.7 (1.09) 11.1 (1.03) 10.9 (1.01) 489/.' (1238) 15.7 (1.46) CX2350 6.4 (0.60) 5A (0.51) 2511/,; 4653) 21 (554) 3555/„ (913) 13.6 (1,26) 12.8 (1.19) I2.6 (1,17) 437/; (1114) ITS (1.65) OX240 7.7 (0.72) 6.5 (0.61) 25 11/,e [653) 21 v/,6 [554) 431/; (1095) 16.3 (1.51) 15.4 (1.43) 15.1 (IAA) 36 hl,; (932) 20.9 (1.94) 01.2450 8.6 (0.80) 7.3 (0.67) 25 IS/,; 4653) 21 -/1; 4554) 47 S5/„ (1218) 18.1 (1.68) 17.1 (1.59) 16.8 (1.56) 31 r/; (B10) 23.0 (2.14) OX250 9.8 (0.91) 8.3 (0.77) 2511/,; 1653) 2113/,; [554) 55' (1397) 20.7 (1.93) 19.6 (1.82) 19.3 (1.79) 24 i9/,s (630) 26.1 (2.42) CXW130 6.5 (0.60) 5.6 (0.53) 301/," (765) 261/i (667) 311/,; (789) 62 (0.63) 6.5 (0.60) 6.1 (0.57) 483/; (1238) 9.0 (0.84) GXW1350 7.5 (0.70) 6.6 (0.61) 301/5" (765) 261/,' [667) 3515/,j (913) 7.9 (0.73) 7.5 (0.70) 7.0 (0.65) 437/; (1114) 10.2 (0.95) GXW140 9,0 (0.84) 7.9 (0.73) 301/e" (765) 261/; --- (667)- -- -- 433/; (1095) 9.5 (0.88) 9.0 (0.84) BA (0,78) 3611/,; (932) 12.0 (1.12) GXW1450 .. . 10.0 ................................................. (0.93) 8.8 (0,82) 301/8 (165) 261/; [667) 4715/,; (1218) 10.5 (0.98) 10.0 (0.93) 9.4 (0.87) 317/; (810) 13.2 (123) GXW150`" 11.5 (1.07) - 301/; (765) - 55- (1397) 12.1 (1.12) 11.5 (1.07) - 2413/,s (630) 14.9 (1.38) CXW1550'" 12.6 (1.17) - 301/,' (765) - 59i5/I5" (1522) 13.1 (1.22) 12.6 (1.17) -- 197/; (505) 162 (1.51) CXW1601' 14.0 (1.30) - 301/; (765) - 67' (1702) 14.7 (1.37) 14.0 (1.30) - 1213/,s (325) 17.9 (1.66) GXW23 6.5 (0.60) 5.6 (0.53) 301/; (765) 261/; (667) 311/,o' (789) 13.6 (1.26) 13.0 (121) 12.2 (0.57) 483/; (1238) 17.9 (1.66) GXW2350 7.5 (0.70) 6.5 (0.61) 301/," [765} 261/4' (667) 355/„ [913) 15.8 (1.47) 15.0 {1.39) 14.0 {0.57) 431/; (1114) 20.3 (1.89) CXW240 9A (0,04) 7.9 (0.73) 301/5" (765) 261/; (667) 43'/; (1059) 19.0 (1.17) 18.0 (1.67) 16.8 (0.57) 3611/,e (932) 23.9 (2.22) CXW2450 10.0 (0.93) 8.7 (0.81) 301/; [765) 261/; (667) 4715/,6 . ........._............ (1218) 21.0 _...�. (1.95) 20.0 .....___-____...._. (1.86) 18A (0.57) 317/,' (810) 26.3 (2.44) CXW250•' 11.5 (1.07) ........... ... ....._._._.-......... - 301/; ......... (765) - 55' (1397) 24.2 (225) 23.0 (214) - 24131,s (630) 29S (2.77) •'Top of Subfloorto Tap of Inside Sill Stop' is calcvlaled based upon a structural header height of 6'-101/2' (2096). • Dimensions in parentheses are in millimeters or square meters. OMeet or exceed clear opening area of 5.7 sq. R or 0.53 W, clear opening width of 20' (508) and clear opening height of 24' (610) with appropriate hinge specified. 'Meet clear opening width of 20' (508) using hinge with wash mode and control bracket (bracket can be pivoted for cleaning position) and meet clear opening width of 22' (559) using hinge for widest clear opening. "'Available with straight-arm operators (hinged for widest clear opening) only. f-KJ 30 I 1 CASEMENT & AWNING WINDOWS Awning Window Opening and Area Specifications (cononuea) Clear Opening in Full Open Position Top of SuhOoor Window Clear Opening Glass Vent to Top of Inside Overall Window Number Area Width Depth Area Area Sill Stop Area Sq. Ft./(m') Inches/(mm) _ Inches/(mm) Sq. Ft./(m'Z _I Sq. Ft./(m,) { Inches/(mm) Sq. Ft./(ml) AW22B1 1.2 (0.11) 261/B {683) 61/=" (165) 8.8 (0.82) 2.4 (0.23) 56 (1424) 12.4 (1.15) AW231 1.4 (0.13) 315/s' (795) 6 r/2` (165) IDA (0.97) 2.8 (0.26) 56 y,: (1424) 14.2 (1.32) AW321 0.9 (0.08) 191/2. (495) 61/2" (165) 9.6 {0.89) 2.6 (0.25) 56 /,: (1424) 14.4 (1.34) AW3251 1.1 40.10) 233/: (603) 61/2' (165) 31.7 (1.09) 3.2 (0.30) 561/,: (1424) 16.8 (1.56) AX251 1.1 (OAD) 23% (603) 61/i (165) 4.4 (0.41) 1.1 (0.10) 53i5/,: (1370) 6.2 (0.58) AX281 1.2 (0.11) 261/s' (683) -(795) 6 y2' (165) 5.0 (OA7) 1.2 (0.11) 5315/,: (1370) 6.9 (0.64) AX31 1.4 (0.13) 316/,: 51/2'^ (155) 5.9 {0.54) 1.4 (0.13) 5311/11' (1370) 7.9 (0.73) AX351 1.6 (0.15) 363/,0` (919) 61/,' (155) 6.8 {0,63) 1.6 (0.15) 5311/1: (1370) 8.9 (0.83) AX41 - 2.0 (018) 433/e (1102) 61/, (155) 8.1 (0,76) 2.0 (0.18) 5315J1: (1370) 10.5 (0.98) AX451 2.2 (0.20) 483/,6'--(1224) 61/,'-(155) 9.0 (0.84) --- 2.2 (0.20) 5315/,: (1370) 11.6 (1.07) ---_.__ AX51 ............................................... 2.5 (0.23) 551/2' (1410) 61/1' (165) 19.4 (0.96) 2.5 (0.23) 5315/1: (1370) 13.1 (1.22) AX551 - -2.7 - (0.25) 6031,e' (1529) 61/2' (165) 11.3 (1.05) 2.7 (0.25) 53-1,, (1370) 14.2 (1.32) AX61 3.0 (0.28) 671/2' (1715) 61/2• (165) 12.6 (1.17) 3.0 (0.28) 53%6" {1370) 15.7 (1.46) AX2251 1.1 (0.10) 233/,' (603) 61/, 4165) 8.9 (D.82) 2.1 (0.20) 533i/,: (1370) 12.4 (1.15) AX2281 1.2 (0.11) 261/: (683) 61/3' (165) 10.0 (0.93) 7A (0.23) 53 Mho (1370) 13.8 41.28) AX231 1.4 (0.13) 316/,: (795) 61/: (165) 11.7 (1.09) 2.8 (0.26) 5315/16" 41370) 15.7 (1.46) AX3251 1.1 (D.10) 233/: (603) 61/: (165) 13.3 (1.24) 3.2 (0.30) 5316/,: (1310) 18.6 (133) AXW281 1.2 (0.11) 267/: (683) fit/: (165J 5.8 (0.54) 1.2 (0.11) 48'/2- (1232) 7.9 {0, 73) AXW31 1.4 (0.13) 315/n, (795) fit/z (165) 6.8 (0.63) 1-4 (013) 48y{ (1232) 9.0 (084) AM351 1.6 ................... (0.15) 363/,f (919) 61/2' (165) 7.9 (0.73) 1.6 (0.15) 481/' (1232) 10.2 (0.95) AXW41 2.0 (0.18) 433/: (1102) 61/2- (165) 9.5 (0.88) 2.0 (0.18) 481/: (1232) 12.0 (1.12) AXW451 2.2 (0.20) 481/n, (1224) 6 % (165) 10.5 (0.98) 2.2 (0.20) 481/' (1232) 13.2 (1.23J AXW51 2.5 (0.23) 551/: (1410) 61/: (165) 12.1 (1.12) 2.5 (0.23) 481/2' (1232) 14.9 (1.38) AXW551 23 (0.25) 601/s (1529) 6 (165) 13.1 (1.22) 2.7 (0.25) 481/' (1232) 16.2 (1.51) AXW61 3,0 (0.28) 67 1/: (1715) 61/= (165) 14.7 (1.37) 3.0 (0.28) 48 % (1232) 17.9 (1.66) AXW2281 1.2 (0.11) 261/: (683) 6 (165) 11.6 (1.08) 2.4 (0.23) 481/' (1232) 16.8 (1.47) AXW231 L4 (0.13) 312/: (795) 61/: (165) 13.6 (1.26) 2.8 (0.26) 481/2' (1232) 18.0 (1.67) A335' - _--1.4 (0.13) 315/1: (795) 6'/= (676) 7.0 (0.65) 1.3 (0.12) 4311/n, (1110) 10.2 (0.95) A3535 L6 (0.14) 361/16' (943) 61/2' (165) 8.1 (0.75) 1.6 (0.15) 4311/,e (1110) 11.5 (1.07) AP32V 1.4 (0.12) 315/1: (795) 61/= (165) 9.4 (0.87) 1.4 (0.13) 36 7/,: (926) 12.0 (1.12) AP352V 1.6 (0.14) 363/,: (919) 6'/2' (165) 10.9 (1.01) 1.6 (0.15) 36r/,: (926) 13.6 (1.26) AP42V 2.0 (0.17) 431/3' (1102) 6'/2" (185) 13.1 (1.22) 2.0 (0.18J 36 7/,: (926) 16.0 (1.49) A212 0.9 (0.08) 191/: (495) 61/Z (165) 5.2 (0.48) 1.8 (0.16) 605/,: (1532) 8.0 (0.74) A213 0.9 (0.08) 191/r (495) 6'/1' (115) 7.8 (0.73) 2.6 (0.25J 606/1: (1532) 12.0 (1.12) A312 1.4 (0.13) 31 511y (795) 6 y," (165) 8.6 (0.80) 22 (0.26) 605/,: (1532) 12.0 (1.12) A313 1.4 (0.13) 311/,: (795) 6 y,- (165) 12.9 (L20) 4.2 (0.39J 605/,: (1532) 18.0 (1.67) PA3050" IA (0.13) 315 /,r' {795} 6 1 / (165) 4.3 (0.40J 1.4 (0.13J s 60 /_: (1532) 6.0 (0.56) PA3060'• 1.4 (0.13) 31'/,r' (795) 6y," (165) 4.3 (040) 1.4 (0.13) 605/,: (1532) 6.0 (0.56) PA3550" 1.6 (0.15) 361/n,' {919) 6y," (165) 4.9 (0.46) 1.6 (0.15J 605/,: (1532) 6.8 (0.63) PA3560" 1-6 (0.15) 361/16 (919) 61/," (165) 4.9 (0.46) 1.6 (0.15) 60%,fi (1532) 6.8 (0.63) PA4060" 2.0 (0.18) 431/' (1102) 6y,' (165) 5.9 (0,55) 2.0 (0.18) 605/,: (1532) 8.0 (0.74) AXW312 1.4 (0,13) 311/3 (795) 6'/z' (165) 13.6 (1.26) 2.8 (0.26) 481/: (1232) 18.0 (1.67) Transom Window Area Specifications Window Glass Overall Window Number Area Area Sq. Ft/(m2) Sq. FIQ22) CTR1810 0.8 (0.07) 1.7 (Oa% CTR21810 1.7 (0.16) 3A (0.32) CTR31910 2.6 (0.24) ........... 5.1 (OA7) CTR2010 1.0 (0.09) 2.0 (DA9) CTR22010 2.1 (0.19) 4.0 (0.37) CTR32010 3.1 (0.29) 6.0 (0.56) CTR2410 1.2 (0.11) 2.4 (0.22) CTR22410 2.5 (0.24) 4.7 (0.44) CTR32410 3.8 (0,35) 7,1 (0.66) CTR2810 1.4 (013) 2.6 (0.24) CTR22810 2.9 10.271 5.2 (0.49) =3010 1.6 (0.15) 3.0 (0.28) CTR23010 3.3 (0.31) 6.0 (0.55) CTR5110 2.8 (0.26) 5.1 (OA7) CM2910 1.5 (0-14) 2.8 (0.26) CM3410 1.8 (0.17) 3.4 (0.32) CM4010 2.7 (0.20) 4.0 (0.37) - CTR4810 2.6 (C.24) 4.7 (0.44) CTR5210 2.9 (0.21) 5.2 (0.48) CTR51110 3.4 (C.32) 6.0 (0.56) M6010 3.4 (0.32) 6.0 (0.56) CTR7010 4.0 (0.37) 7.1 (0.66) PTR3010 1.6 (0.15) 3.0 (0.28) PM3510 1.8 (0.17) 3.4 (OX) PTR4010 2.2 (0.20) 4.0 (0.37) PfR4510 2.4 (0.22) 4.4 (0.41) PTR5010 2.8 (0.26) 5.0 {0.47) PTR5510 3.0 (0.28) 5.4 40.50) PfR6010 3.4 (0.32) 6.0 (0.56) • Dimensions in parentheses are in square meters • Top of Subfloor to Top of Inside Sill Stop' is calculated based upon a structural header height of 6'-10 V? (2096). • Dimensions in parentheses are in millimeters or square motors. 'Clear opening area of 5.8 sq. ft. or 0.54 m1 and clear opening height of 26'/: (673) can be obtained by detaching operator from sash. --Dimensions and calculations are for bottom renting sash. A PROVED AUG 2 S 2021, ,AHMUU 1 it WIrHVVAY RECRVED AUG Q 3 2023 rAKiVIUU i r, OLD KINGS HIGHWAY 32 d3, LANANDERSEN' WINDOWS & DOOR$ TILT -WASH DOUBLE -HUNG FULL -FRAME WINDOWS Tables of Sizes ............................. 78-8I Specifications ........................................... 79-83 Cusiorn Sizes ................................................... 84 Grille Patterns ................................................ - 85 Window Deiails ........................ 85-86 Joining Details .................................................. 86 Narroline"'Conversion Kit ............................. 87 Combination Designs ............................. 181 Product Performance ........ ................. ....... 197 CUSTOM SIZIN in 1/8" (3) increments Dimensions in porenlkeses are in millimeters e;_,_ A 05-- 0 ff Am lff� TILT -WASH DOUBLE -HUNG FULL -FRAME APPROVED. Table of Tilt -Wash Double -Hung Window Sizes AUG 2 8 2923 AUG 0 3 2,23 Scale 1/8" (3) = 1'-0" (305) -- 1:96 r ARMC)Ul h 1'-9 5/8" 2'-15/8' 2'-5 5/8' 2'-7 We' 2'-9 5/s" 2'-1 5 O LD Xif S I Y 3'-s 5ie" OLD K! NG y5 H I G H WA Y Window Dimension (549) (651) (752) (803) (854) (905) (956) (1159) Minimum -101/e 2'-21/s" 2'-61/8' 2'-81/8' '-101/a 3'-O We' 3'-21/s' 3'-611a' 3'-101/8" Rough Opening (562) (664) (765) (816) (867) {917} (968) (1070) (1172) Unobstructed Glass 15" 19" 23" 25' 27" 29' 31' 35" 39" (lowersashonly) (381) (483) (584) (635) (686) {73T} (787) {889) (991) CUSTOM WIDTHS — 2151a" to 45 8/4" F F 0 E F FH1 n Q n Custom -size windows are p M p M i] OI m m �' m available in 1/a" (3) increments. M TW18210 M0210 TW24210 TW26210 TW28210 TW210210 TW30210 TW34210 TW38210 m see page 84 for custom sizing. 101 o f ® FHI H ■ 0 1 Grille patterns shown on page 85. = TW1832 TW2032 TW2432 TW2632 TW2832 TW21032 TW3032 TW3432 TW3832 ti F ❑ ❑ El ❑ for tage or reverseshown cottage sash ratio available ro ro for heights shown below in all widths. 11 H EJ CUSTOM WIDTHS — 21 a/i to 45 a/." TW1836 TW2036 TW2436 TW2636 TW2836 TW21036 TW3036 TW3436 TW3836 CUSTOM HEIGHTS -- 48 r/a" to 78'/a" a @ m0 0 El 11 1111 m m El 11 v TW18310 TW20310 TW24310 TW26310 TW210310 TW30310 TW34310 M11310 Cottage levers, Cottage TW1842 TW2042 TW2442 TW2642 M842 TW21042 TW3042 7W3442 TW3842 0 El 11 B 0 TW1846 TW2046 TW2446 Tw2646 TW2846 TW21046 TW30460 TW34460 TW38460 H H `� m ❑ . ■ ■ In V In ��.. N •-" TW18410 TW20410 TW24410 TW26410 TW28410 TW2104100 TW304100 TW344100 TW384100 F7 F_ En Cr r— -~ TW1 552 TW2052 TW2452 TW2652 Tw28520 TW210520 TW30520 TW34520 TW38520 no I[1 .`�'... 1f] .`... N v Li 11 L�j [:1 ::1 E TW1856 TW2056 TW2456 TW26560 TW28560 TW210560 TW30560 TW34560 TW38560 o o m I E ❑ ❑ . ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ and Gables for windowsittt cottage or reverse Cottage Sash are available at F andersenwindows.com/sizing. Fo� co Mm .El El .Window DIme0510n• alWeys refers IO outside TW18510 TW20510 IW245100 TW265100 TW285100 TW2105100 TW305100 TW345100 Tw385100-Minimum dimension. •mRough Opening' d3mans[ons ay ", N , ❑ ❑ . . ■ L L pages need - be Increased et allow for use building wraps, flashing, sill panning, ackets, fasteners or other Items. See m M1 m m 210.211 for more details. n rn v � It rn cO Oimensicns in parentheses are in millimeters. F. -- io � M 0 Meet er exceed clear opening area of 5.7 sq.It. or 0.53 m2, clear opening width D H El I LL-4 LL_____J� of 20" 1509) and clear opening height of TW1862 TW2062 TW24620 TW26620 TW28620 TW210620 TW30620 TW34620 TW38620 24• (610). See tables on pages 82-83, continued on next page 78 TILT -WASH DOUBLE -HUNG FULL -FRAME WINDOWS Tilt -Wash Double -Hung Window Opening and Area Specifications Clear Opening in Full Open Position Tap of SubOoar Window Clear Opening Glass Vent to Top of Inside Overell Window Number Area Width Height i Area Area SII) Stop Area TWI9210 TWI932 TWIS36 TW19310 TWIS42 TWI946 TW18410 TW1852 TWIS56 TW18510 TW1862 TW1872 TW1876 TW20210 TW2032 TW2036 TW20310 TW2042 TW2046 TW20410 TW2052 TW2056 TW20510 TW2062 TW2072 O TW20760 TW24210 TW2432 TW2436 TW24310 TW2442 TW2446 TW24410 TW2452 TW2456 TW24510 0 TW2462 0 TM472 0 TW24760 TW26210 TW2632 TW2636 Tw26310 TW2642 TW2646 TW26410 TW2652 TW26560 TW28510 0 TW2662 0 TW2872 0 TW26760 TW28210 TW2832 TW2836 TW28310 TW2842 TW2846 TW28410 TW2852 0 1.77 (0.16) 17 7/i (454) 141/4' (362) 2.90 (0.27) 1.78 (0.17) 481/' (1231) 5.53 (0.51) 2.02 (0.19) 171/,' (454) 161/4' (412) 3.32 (0,31) 2.26 --- (0.21) -....._..... 17.1/i (454) 18 �/: (463) 3.74 (0.35) 2.51 (0.23) 171/i (454) 201/: (514) 4.15 (0.39) 2.76 (0.26) ................ 171/,' (454) ................ -22 �/: - (565) 4.57 (0.43) __.. 3.07 (0.29) 177/i (454) 243/4' (628) 4.98 (0.46) 3.26 (0.30) 17 %,' (454) 261/,' (666) 5.40 (0.50) 3.51 (0.33)- 171/i (454) 281/,' (717) 5.81 (0.54) 3.75 (0.35) 17 %i (454) 30 y; (768) 6.23 (0.58) 4.00 (0.37) 171/i (454) 32'/; (819) &65 (0.62) 4.12 (0.38) 17 %1' (454) 33 1/,' (843) 7.06 (0.66) 5.00 (0.46) 17 rya (454) 40 y,' (1022) 8.32 (0.77) 5.24 (0.49) 17 %a' (454) 42 1/," (1073) 8.74 - (0.81) 2.16 (0.20) 21 W (556) 141/,- (362) 3.68 (0.34) 2.03 (0.19) 44 % (1130) 6.14 (0.57) 2.29 (0.21) 401/' (1028) 6.74 (0.63) 2,53 (0,24) 361/2' (926) 7,34 (0.68) 2.78 (0.26) 321/' (825) 7.94 (0.74) 3,03 (0.28) 281/2' (711) 8,54 (0.79) 3.27 (0.30) 241/' (622) 9.14 (0.85) 3,52 (0.33) 201/i (520) 9,74 (0.91) 3.77 (0.35) IS% (418) 10.34 (0.96) 4.02 (0.37) 12 % (317) 10.94 (1.02) 4.24 (0.39) 81/i (203) 11.54 (1.07) 5.03 (0.47) to'/i• (260)• 13.35 (1.24) 5.27 (0.491 61/,'• (159)• 13.95 (1.30) 2.18 (0.201 481/2' (1231) 6.56 (0.61) 2.47 (0.23) 21 T/,- (556) 16 yi (412) 4.21 (0.39) 2.48 (0.23) 44 �/i (1130) 7.27 (0.68) 2.77 (0.26) 21T/,' (556) 181/.' (463) 4.73 (0.44) 2.79 (0.26) 401/z (1028) 7.98 (0.74) 3.07 (0,29) 21 T/i (556) 201/i (514) 5.26 (0.49) 3.09 (0.29) 361/i (926) 8.69 (0.81) 3.38 (0.31) 217/a (556) 221/: (565) 5.79 (0.54) 3.40 (0.32) 321/2' (825) 9.41 (0.87) 3.76 (0,35) 21T/i (556) 243/; (62B) 6.31 (0,59) 3.71 (0.34) 281/2' (111) 10.12 (0.94) 3.99 (0.37) 21 T/i (556) 261/.' (666) 6.94 (0.64) 4.00 (0.37) 241/i (622) 10.83 (1.01) 4.29 (0.40) 21 T/i (556) 281/: (717) 7.37 (0.69) 4.31 (0,40) 201/2' (520) 11.54 (1.07) RECEIVED AUG 0 3 2023 Y ArtivlUU 1 r 1 (ING'S HIGH Opening calculations change when using PG Upgrade sill stop. For opening specifications for windows with Stormwatch' Protection, visit and ersenwind ows.com/open(ngspecs. For cottage and reverse cottage sash opening specifications, visit andersenwindows.cam/openingspecs. 4.59 (0.43) 21 1/i (556) 30 %' (768) 7.89 (0.73) ............................-...... 4.61 (0.43) 16 % (4181 12.25 (1.14) 4.90 (0.46) 21 T/i (556) 32 1/,' (819) 8.42 40,78) 4.92 (0,46) 12 1/2' (3171 12.96 (1.20) 5.04 {0.47) 211/i {556) 331/,' (843) 8.95 40.83) 5.18 (0.48) 81/,' (21)3) 13.68 (1.27) 6.11 {0.57) 21T/i (556) 401/: (1022) 10.54 (0,98) 6.14 (0.57) 101/i • (260)• 15.82 (1.47) 6.42 (0.60) 21 % (556) 42 1/,' (1073) 11.06 11.03) 6.45 (0.60) 61/: (159)• 16.53 (1.54) �APPROVED 2.56 (0.24) 251/i (657) 141/i (362) 4.46 (0,41) 2.58 (0.24) 811 4i (1231) 7.58 (0.70) - 292 (0.27) 251/i {657) 161/.' {412) 5.09 (0.4T) 2.44 -- (0.27) -- 441/," (1130) _ 8.40 .._ (0.781 . AUG 2 8 2023 3.28 (0.31) 251/i (657) 18 % (463) 5.73 (0,53) 3.30 (0.31) 40112 (1028) 9.23 (0.86) 3.64 (0.34) 251/i (657) 201/,' (514) 6.37 (0.59) 3.66 (0.34) 36'h' (926) 10.05 (0.93) f AHIVI(.}U I f , 4.00 (0.37) 251/i (657) 221/: (565) 7.01 (0.65) 4.02 (0-37) 321/i (825) 10.87 (1.01) OLD KING'S-IIGFfWAY 4.44 (0.41) 251/i (657) 243/,' (628) 7.65 (0.71) 4.39 (0.41) 281/2- (711) 11.70 (1.09) 4.71 (0.44) 25 1/i (657) 26 1/i (666) 8.28 (0.77) 4.74 (0.44) 24 1/2' (622) 12.52 (1.16) 5.07 (0.47) 25 y2' {657) 28 1/,' (717) 8.92 (0.83) 5.10 (0.47) 201/,' (520) 13.34 (1.24) 5.43 (0.51) 251/,' (657) 301/," (768) 9,56 (0.89) 5.46 (0.51) 16t/Z (418) 14.17 (1.32) 5.79 (0.54) 25 y2' (6571 32 1/4' (819) 10.20 (0.95) 5.81 (0.54) 121/,' (317) 14.99 (1.39) 5.97 (0.55) 25 ye' (657) 33 1/,' (843) 10.84 (1.01) 6.13 (0.57) 81/i (203) 15.81 (1.47) 723 (0.67) 257/2' (657) 401/i (1022) 12.76 (1.19) 7.26 (0.68) 101/: • (260)• 18.28 (1.70) 7.59 (0.71) 251/,' (657) 421/' (1073) 13.40 (1.25) 7.62 (0.71) 61/i• (159)• 19.11 (1.78) 2.76 (0.25) 2711, (708) 141/,- (362) 4.84 (0.45) 2.78 (0.26) 481/i (1231) 8.09 (0.75) 3.14 (0.29) 277/i (708) 161/,' (412) 5.54 (0.52) 3.17 (0.30) 441/i (1130) 8.97 (0,83) 3.53 (0.33) 27T/i (708) 181/4' (463) 623 (0.58) 3.55 (0.33) 401/i (1028) 9.85 (0.92) 3.92 (0.36) 277/i (708) 201/' (514) 6.92 (0.64) 3.94 (0.37) 361/i (926) 10.73 (LOD) 4.30 (0.40) 277/i (708) 221/,' (565) 7.52 (0.71) 4.33 (0.40) 32y=° (825) 11.61 (1.08) 4.79 (0.44) 277/i (708) 243/,' (628) 831 (6.77) 4.73 (0.44) 28'/2' (711) 12.49 11.16) 5.08 (0.47) 27T/i (708) 261/i (666) 9,01 (0.84) 5.10 (0.47) 241/2' (622) 13.36 (1.24) 5.47 (0.51) 271/i (708) 281/,' (717) 9.70 (0.90) 5.49 (0.51) 201/t' (520) 14.24 {1.32) 5.85 (0.54) 277/i (708) 301/: (768) 10.39 (0.96) 5.88 (0.55) r61/= (418) 15.12 11.41) 6.24 (0.58) 277/i (708) 321/.' (819) 11.09 (1.M) 6.26 (0.58) 121/i (317) 16.(10 11.49) 6.43 (0.60) 27T/i (708) 333/: (843) 11.78 (1.09) 6.6E (0.61) 81/2' (203) 16.88 11.57) 7.70 (0.72) 271/,' (708) 401/,' (1022) 13.86 (1.29) 7.82 (0.73) 101/; ' (260)' 19.52 {1.81) 8.113 (0.76) 277/i (708) 421/: (1073) 14.56 (1.35) 8.21 (0.76) 6y; (159)• 20.40 (1.89) 2.95 (0.27) 291/i (759) 141/,' (362) 5.23 (0.49) 2.98 (0.28) 48'/i (1231) 8.61 10.80) -------- - - - ---------- •"Top of Subfloor to Top of Inside Sill Stop' is calculated 3,37 (0,31) _ 291/i (759) 161/i (412) 5.99 (0.56) 3.39 (0.32) 44 1/i (1130) 9.54 (0.89) based upon a structural header height of 6'40'/2' (2096) 33B (0.35) 29 % (759) 18 %' (463) 6.73 (0.63) 3.81 (0.35) 40111 (1028) 10.47 (0.97} except for T-5' and T-9' heights which are calculated l40 _ _ _ _ -- using header parent of 8' (2438). - eses are in millimeters or square • Dimenn sions in parentheses 4.61 {0,43) 29%' (759) 221/,' (565) 823 (0.77) 4.64 (0.43) 321/2' (825) 12.34 (k.15) meters. --.-...... � � """'0 Meet or exceed tear opening area of 5.7 sq. ft.or 5.13 (0,49) _- 291/i (759) 243/i (628) 8.98 (0.83) 5.07 (0.47) 281/2° - (711) _ _ 13.28 (123) -..._ 2 0.53m,clear opening width of 20'{508)and dear 5.44 (0,51) 291,' (759) 261/,' (666) 9.73 (0.90) 5.47 (0.51) 241/2' (622) 14.21 (1.32) opening height of24'(6l0). ..........--- ----....... ........ ........ `" - - ---"' •Calculated based upon a structural header height o 5.86 (O.SA) 291/i (759) 281/: (717) 10.48 (0.97) 5.88 {0.55j 20'/x' 52 (520) 15.14 (k.41) 8' (2438). cen&nued on next page 82 'JANDERSEW WINDOWS & DOORS i fN FRENCHWOODO GLIDING PATIO DOORS Table of Sizes ............................................... 144 Specifications................................................ 146 Custom Sizing ................................................ 145 Door Details ........................................- 146-148 Joining Details ................................................ 148 Grille Posterns ................................................ 155 Combination Designs ................................... 181 t Product Performance .................................... 197 CUSTOM SIZING in%" (3) increments Dimensions in parentheses are in miliimelem 93- fqos-� �APPR OVE AUG 2 S 2023 fAHMOUTH OLD KING'S HIG�IWAY RECRVED AUG 0 3 2023 r AHIVIUU I r . OLD KING'S HIGHWAY j. Y j t 0 = FRFNCHWOODO"' GLIDING PATIO DOORS Three Patio Door Heights m 8 tor all Tour -panel gnaing pauo o Cn o i o '" ti E. N doors, add /4" (6) to the n %S cv io iv C) m ev o E D V "Minimum Rough Opening" _ a height dimension. FWGxx68 © FWGxx611 © FWGxx80 Table of Frenchwood'Gliding Patio Door Sizes RFCEIVCD Scale 1/s" (3) = 1'-0" (305) — 1:96 Door Dimension 2'-8- 4'-111/4' 4'411/4' 9'-9' A U G 0 3 2023 (813) (1505) (1505) (2972 ) Minimum 2'-83/e 5•-0' 5'-01 9'-93/4" Y Ahiviuo I r, Rough Opening (832) (152a) (1524) (2991) OLD KING'S HIGHWAY Unobstructed Glass 211/8' 21 W 211/a" 211/8' (single panel only) (537) (537) (537) (537) Custom -size doors are available in 1/e" (3) increments. 3 heights 4- 4- See page 145 for custom sizes and specifications. 462968S FW05068R FWG10068-4* Viewed from the exterior. Arrow indicates direction of FWG29611S FW050611L FW050611R FWG100611-4• FWG2980S FWGSOSOL FW05080R FWGIOORO-41 panel operation. Stationary (S) doors can be used as an individual unit or as a sidelight. Two -panel doors are DoorOimensian 3-2° 5'-111/4' S'-11114" 11'-9' (965) (1810) (1810) (3581) available factory assembled and arrive at the jobsite Min mum 3'-23/4' 6'-0' 6'-0' 11'-93/4' ready to install. Rough opening (984) (1829) (1829) (3600) Unohstnrcted Glass 271/8' 271/8' 271/8' 271/e' Grille patterns shown on page 155. (singe panel only) (689) (689) (689) (689) � pp" — V ® 3 heights 4- 4- A U G 2 S 2023 FWG33685 FWG60681 FW06068R FW0120684' tAF3 IIr FWG33611S FW660611L FWG60611R FWG120611-4* OLD ICING'S HIGHWAY FW03380S FW06080L FWG608OR FWG12080-4* 4'-2' 7'-111/4' 7'-111/4' 15'-9' DoorOimension (1270) (2419) (2419) (4801) Minimum 4'-23/4' 8'-0' 8'-0' 15'-93/4' Rough Opening (1289) (2438) (2438) (4820) Unobstructed Glass 391/8' 391/8' 39Ma' 391/8' (singe panel only) (994) (994) (994) (994) 3 heights 4- t a FW043683 FWG8068L FWG8068R FWG16O68-4* FW043611S FW080611L FW080611R FWG160611-41 FWG4380S FWG8080L FW08080R FW016080-44 • `Door Dimension' always refers to outside frame-to-lmme dimension. • `Mlnlmum Rough Opening' dimensions may need to he Increased to allow for use of building wraps, flasbing, sill panning, brackets, fasteners or other Items. see pages 210.211 for more details. • Dimensions in parentheses are in millimeters. .Add `/' (6) to the'Minimum Rough Opening' height dimension far four -panel doors. 144 par— Y/l,v FRENCHWOOD° GLIDING PATIO DOORS Two -Panel and Four -Panel Frenchwood` Gliding Patio Door Opening and Area Specifications Door Number Clear Opening Area Sq. Ft./(m2) Clear Opening in Full Open Position Width Height Inches/(mm) Inches/(mm) Glass Area Sq. RAM Vent Area Sq. Ft./(m2) Overall Door Area Sq. Ft./(mi FWG6068 14.57;, {1.35) 27-/1a (747) 755/„" I (1914) 23.77 (221) 14.57 ', (1.35) 39.34 (3.65) FWGBOfiB FWG10068 20.85 23.12 (1.94) (2.15) 39-/re° 1 (1012) 755/rs (1914) 34.29 (3.19) 20.85 1 (1.94) 52.59 (4.89} -_-6.0 (6.00} 441/a {1122) 75 /1a (1914) 37.03 (3.44} r 23.12 ; (2.15) 1 FWG12068 FWG16068 FWG50611 FW060611 FWG80611 FWG100611 FWG120611 FW0160611 FWG5080 FWG6080 FWG8080 FWG10030 FWG12080 FWG16080 29.39 ''�; (2.73) 41.95 ` (3.90) 11.9 1.10) _.15.1 I (1.41�. _ 21.65 ! (2.01) 24.00 - (2.23) 30.52 (2.83) 43.55 (4.05) 13.96 (1.29) 1Z67 (1.64) 25.28 (2.35) 28.02 (2.60) 35.64(3.31) 50.86 (4.73) r 56 /a {1427J 801/a 1 (2037) }21 F3/ia (555) 27,1Y3e" I (707) 39 13&- (1012) 441/e 1 (1122) 561/B (1427) 801/e {2037) 2113/s' ! (555) 271Y1, (707) 3911/is" (1012) 441/1' (1122) 561/' (1427) 501/a (2031) s 9, 75 /1a !(1914] 47.55 (4.42} 29.39 41.95 11.87 16.13 21,65 24.00 30,52 I 43.55 I 13,86 i (2.73) 77.84 77.84 (3.90) i 304.34-- (1.10) 33,89 (1.41) 40.76 (2.01) 54,49 (2.23)----66.93 (2.83) 80,66 (4.05) 108.12 (1,29) 3929 (7.23) (9.69) (3.151 (3.79) (5 06) (6.22) (7.49) (]0.C4) (3.65) 75%.- (1914) 68.59 (6.37} 781/rs (1987) 1936 (1.80) s i 78 /rs i (1987) 24.86 (2.31) 781&' (1987) , 35,85 (3.33) 711 ,', (1987) 38.72 (3.60) 781/16 1 11987) I 49.72 (4.62) 781/16 i {1987) I 71.71 (8.68) 911& (2320) 2321 (216) 911/rfi (2320) I 29.80 (277) 17.67 (1.64)----47.25 j (4.39) 1 911&- (2320) 42.99 (3.99) 2528 I (2.35) 63.17 (5.87) . 911/rs (2320) 46.42 (4.31) 911/,6 (2320) 59.60 (5.54) 911/s (2320) 85.97 (7.99) 28.02 (2.60) 77.59 (721) 35.64 I (3.31) 93.51 (8.69) 50.86 (4.73) 125.34 (11.64) • Dimensions in parentheses are in millimeters or Square meters Frenchwood Gliding Patio Door Details Scale 11/2" (38) = 1'-0" (305) - 1:8 51/1e' (138) 13/4' (44) �QL (am) 1 3/8" 10 Unit Dimen Auxiliary Foot Lock Horizontal Section Stationary 13/a' (44) Jamb 5 3/8" Jamb (10) Stationary Panel Active Panel i i Jamb Left `Hand Meeting Stile 31/a' 31/81 53/8°(137) (79) (79) Astragal 4911e" 4Vie' Actire Panel Stationary Frenchwood Gliding Patio Door Area Specifications Door Glass 1 Overall Door Number Area Area Sq. R./(rill) I Sq. Ft./{ms} FWG2969 9.26 (0.66) 17.67 (1.64) FWG3368 11.89 (1.11) 20.98 (1.95) FWG4368 17.15 (1.59) 27.60 (2.56) FWG29611 9.68 (0.90) 18,31 (1.70) FW033611 12.43 (1.16) 21.74 (2.02) FWG43611 ---17.93 (1.67) 28.60 (2.66) FW02980 11.60 (1.08) 21.22 (1.97) FWG3380 14.90 (1.38) 25.20 (2.34) FW04380 21.49 (2.00) 33.16 (3.08) • Dimensions in parentheses are in square meters I RECFIuED AUG 0 3 2023 t AhlVIUU I l i OLD KING'S HIGHWAY Stationary Panel 49/t6" (116) Jamb Depth 1 5/16, (33) i Jamb B' ) 5 3/8' f 137) Unit Dimension Width Minimum Rough Opening Widhl Horizontal Section Two -Panel Active Panel Stationary Panel i ! Unit Dimension Width Minimum Rough Opening width Horizontal Section Four -Panel Right Hand Meeting Stile 3 1/8" 3 1/8„ (79) (79) Jamb 5Ale (137) -- i � 3/a" (10) APPROVED AUG 2 S 2023 /AHMOUTh ni r1 vIkl .. , ..-...... _ • 4IA; (116) overall jamb depth measurement is from back side of installation Flange. • Light-colored areas are parts included with door. Dark -colored areas are additional Andersen' parts required to complete door assembly as shown. • Minimum rough openings may need to be increased to allow for use of building wraps, Hashing, sill panning, brackets, fasteners or other Items. see Installation Information on pages 210-211. • Details are for illusuadon 3/8^ only and are not intended to (1Q) represent product installation methods or materials. Refer to productinslelation guides at andemenwindows.com. • Dimensions in parentheses are in millimeters. 146 0,ANDERSEN- r.FOV D i hlt'IIUIVt� UNG'S H1G s zo2 y"Hti1�UU I rr f} 1KING'S HIr,'I- FRENCHWOOD° HINGED INSWING PATIO DOORS Table of Sizes ....................................... 152-153 Specifications................................................ 154 Custom Sizing ................................................ 155 Grille Patterns ................................................ 155 Door Details .......................................... 156-157 Joining Details ................................................ 158 Combination Designs ................................... 181 Product Performance .................................... 197 CUSTOM SIZING in Va" (3) increments Dimensions in parentheses are in millimeters. 23,4/ 1 ' ERENCHWOOD° HINGED INSWING PATIO DOORS APP nVED A U G 2 8 2023 Table of Frenchwood` Hinged Inswing Patio Door Sizes Scale Ma" (3) = 1`4' (305) — 1:96 (ARIviou I r , OLD KfNG'S HIGHWAY 2'-01/x' 4'-0" 4'-0" Door Dimension (620) (1219) ' --1R 4-4-( F I �[ F D Minimum 2'-1' 4'' 4'-1.. Rough Opening (634) (1242) (1242) Unobstructed Glass 131/4' 131/4" 131/4" A U G V 3 2023 (single panel only) (336) (336) (336) r AmivluU I r, OLD KINGS HIGHWAY Custom -size doors are 3 heights available in 1/s" (3) increments. See page 155 for custom sizes FWH2168S FWH416HAPLR Ft'I1F14168PALR FWH21611S FWH41611APLR FWH41611PALR and specifications. FWH2180S FWH4180APIR FWH4180PALR 2'-61/s" 2'-61/8" 2'-61/8" 4'-111/4' 4'-111/4' 4'-111/4' 4'-111/4" 4'-11 Me uaor u,menslan (765) Minimum 2'-7' Rough Opening (787) Unobstructed Glass 187/e' (singe panel only) (479) (765) (765) (1504) (1504) (1504) (1504) (1504) Stationary (S) doors 2'-7' 2'-7" 5'-0" 5'-0" 5'-0" 5'-0' 5'-0" can be used as an (787) (787) (1524) (1524) (1524) (1524) (1524) individual unit or as a 18 7/8" 18 7/8, 18 7/8' 18 7/8, 18 7/8" 18 7/8" 18 7/8' (479) (479) (479) (479) (479) (479) (479) sidelight. In addition to venting door panels shown in table, other 3 heights standard configurations are available tar two - and three -panel doors. FWN2780S5 FWH27BOARRFWH2780ALL FFWWH508OSSS FWH5060ASRR FWH5080SALL FWH5080APLRR PNH5080PALRR Grille patterns shown on page 155. 2'-81/8' 2'-8 Ma' 2%81/a' S'-31/4" 5'-31/4' 5'-31/4' S'-31/4' 5'-31/4" Door Dimension (816) (816) (816) Minimum 2'-9" 2'-9' 2'-9' Rough Opening (838) (838) (838) UnobstnlctedGlass 207/6' 207/a' 207/a" (single panel only) (530) (530) (530) (1607) 5'4' (1607) 5'-4" (1607) 5'4' (1607) 5'4' (1607) 5'-4" (1626) 20 7/8" (530) (1626) 20 7/9' (530) (1626) 2a 7/S" (530) (1626) 20 7/9' (1626) 20 7/8' (530) (530) 3 heights FWH2980SS FW FWH29BOALL FWH54BUSS FWH54860RRFWH5480S R �AL FWH5480APLR FWH5480PALR 3'-01/8" 3'-01/e' 3'-01/s' 5'-111/4' 5'-111/4' 5'-111/4" 5'-111/4' 5'-111/4" Door Dimension (918) (918) (918) (1810) Minimum 3'-1" TT 3'-1' W-0' Rough Opening (940) (940) (940) (1829) Unobstructed Glass 247/8" 247/s' 24 7/8' 24 7/8' (simoe pane, only) (6321 (6321 f6321 16321 (1810) (1810) (1810) (1810) 6'-0' 6'-0' 6'-0' 6'-0' (1829) (1829) (1829) (1829) 24 7/s' 16321 24 7/a' 16321 24 7/8' f6321 24 7/8' (6321 3 heights FWH3180SFWH3180 R L R FWH3180ALFWH608OSS FWH60BOASRFFWWH6080 5 L R ALFWH6080AP R FWH6080PALR •'Door Dimension' always refers to outside frame-to-tmme dimension. •'Minimum Rough apening' dimensions may need to be Increased to allow for use of building wraps, flashing, sill panning, brackets, fasteners or other Items. See pages 210-211 for more details. • Dimensions in parentheses are in millimeters. 152 ;7 )-7— AW ANDERSEN- -, WINDOWS & DOGIRS Three Patio Door Heights o e Co M c O a r o O [O Eo 9 v _ f5a © FWH xx68 M .~-� C ra' rC 0 00 N p N to M m © FWHxx611 Order Designation Description Viewed from the exterior. ti FWH 6068 S A L FWH 6068 A S R I I f ( I I I I l Frenchwood' Stationary Left Frenchwood Active Panel Right Hinged Inswing Panel Hinged Hinged Inswing Hinged Patio Door Patio Door Door Rough Active Door Rough Stationary Opening Panel Opening Panel T-111/8' T-111/e' T-111/8" (2416) (2416) (2416) 8'-0' 8'-0" 8'-0" (2438) (2438) (2438) 20 7/8" 20 7/8' 20 7/8' (530) (530) (530) FWH8068M FWH8068BASR FWH8068SASL FWH80611SSS FWH80611SASR FWH80611SASL FWH80BOSSS FWH8080SASR FWH8080SASL 8'-11 Ue' 8'-11 1/8" W-111/s' (2721) (2721) (2721) 91-0" 9'-0' 9'-O' (2743) (2743) (2743) 24 7/8' 24 7/8" 24 Yam (632) (632) (632) FWH9068SSS FWH90611SSS fWH9080SSS FWH9068SASR FWH90611SASR FWH9080SASR FWH90611SASL FWH9080SASL qCn N 00 m N ©FWHxx80 RFCFIVED AUG 0 3 2023 r Ar-11VIUU I r OLD KING'S HIGHWAY FWH 6068 A P L R FrengcIhwoo d g ActivelPa-I Legft Hin ed Inswin tmornnuenl Hine Patio Door Door Rough Passive Right Opening Panel Hinged FWH 9068 S A S R lFrenchwood I Stationary I Stationary Hinged Inswing Panel Panel Patio Door Door Rough Active Right Opening Panel Hinged APPRnVED AUG 2 S 2023 (AH$VIUU I r, OLD KING'S HIGHWAY • •Ooor Dimension' always refers to outside frame -to -frame dimension • .Minimum Rough Opening' dimensions may need to be increased to allow for use of bullding wraps, flashing, sill panning, brackets, fasteners or other Items. See pages 210-211 for more details. • Dimensions in parentheses are in millimeters. � '/�lUS 153 FRENCHWOOD° HINGED INSWING PATIO DOORS Frenchwood® Hinged Inswing Patio Door Opening and Area Specifications Number of Clear Opening Maximums Door Panels in Clear Opening 9D' Open Position Full Open Position : Number Open Area Width Width Height Position* Sq. PUN') Inches/(mm) Inches/(mm) I Inches/(mm) FWH2168S FWH2768 FWH3168 FWH4168 FWH4168 FWH5068 FWH5068 FW115468 FWH5468 FWH5468 FWH6068 FWH606g FWH6069 FWH9O6B FWH216115 FWH27611 FWH29611 FWH31611 FWH41611 FWH41611 FWH50611 FWH50611 FWH50611 FWH54611 FWH54611 FWH54611 FWH60611 FWH60611 FWH60611 FWH80611 FWH90611 FWH2180S FWH2780 MH2980 FWH3180 FWH4180 FWH4180 FWH5080 FWH5080 FWH5080 FWH5480 FWH5480 FWH5480 FWH6080 FWH6080 FWH6080 FWH8080 FWH9080 6Eass Vent Overall Door Area Area Area Sq. Ft./Cm z) Sq. Ft./(m2) Sq. Ft./(m') 5.74 (0,53) - 13.39 (1.241 ...... 1 ... _.... 12.99 _ (1.21) 24 %,i (630) 26' (660) 75 1/i (1911) 8.32 (0.77) 12.98 (1.21) 16.63 (1.55) • = = = = = M IM = M M M = M 1 16.11 (MO) 30 "/,a (783) 32' (813) 751/.' (1911) 10.96 (1.02) 16.11 (1.50) 19.95 (1.851 2 21.43 (1.99) 41' (1039) 43 1/j (1112) 75 1/i (1911j 11.68 (1.09) 21.43 (1.99) 26.50 (2,46) 1 11,01 (1.02) 191/s (505) 211/li {535) 751/: (19111 11.68 (109) 11.01 (1.02) 26.50 (2.46) 1-AS/SA 12.96 (1,21) 24"/,i (630) 26' (660) 75:/,' (1911) 16.64 (1.55) 12.98 (1.21) 32.71 (3.04) 8_ a' (1400) 751/i _I_ 1-AP/PA 13,32 (123) 25'/z (647) 2611/;. (678) 75=/,' (1911) 16.64 (1.55) 13.32 (1.23) 32.71 (3.04) 1-AS/SA 14.02 (1.30) 26:1/:j {681) 28- (711) 75 /4- (1911) 18,39 (1.71) 14.02 (1.30) 34,92 (3.24) 2-AP/PA 29,39 (2.73) 56'/4' (1429) 59'/;- (1502) 15'/i (1911) 1839 (1.71) 29.39 (2.73) 34.92 (3.24) 1-AP/PA 14.37 (1.33) 271/' (698) 28:1/:.' (729) 75yj (1911) 18.39 (1.71) 14.37 (1.33) 34,92 (3.24) 1-AS/SA 16.11 (1.50) 3011/,.' (783) 32' (813) 751/i (1911) 21.92 (2.04) 15.11 (1.50) 39.34 (3.66) 2-AP/PA 33.58 (3.12) 641/' (1632) 67%' (1705) 751/i (1911) 21.92 (2.D4) 33.50 (3.12) 39.34 (3,66) 1-AP/PA 16.46 (1.52) 313/{ (8001 3211/le (930) 751/4' (1911) 21.92 (2.04) 16A6 (1.52) 39,34 (3.66) 1 14.02 (1.30) 2613/,e (681) 28' (711) 75 yf (1911) 27.60 (2.56) 14,02 (1.30) 52.52 (4.88) - - - - - 6.01 (0.56)- _ 13.89 (1.29) 1 13.48 (1,25) 2419/,e (630) 26' (660) 781/e (1984) 8.69 (0,81) 13.48 (1.25) 17.21 (1,60) I 14.55 (135) 26'3/,e (681) 28' (711) 781/e' (1994) 9.61 (0.89) 14.55 (1.35) 18.35 (1,71) 1 16.72 (1,55) 3013/,, (783) 32' (813) 78'/e {1994) 11.45 (1,06) 16-72 (1.55) 20.64 (1.92) 2 22.24 12.07) 41' (1039) 43 7/s (1112) 78 1/; (1994) 12.20 (1.13) 22.24 (2.07) 27.46 (2.55) 1 11.43 (1,06) 191/a (505) 21 t/16 (535) 78 1/.- {1984) 12,20 (1,13) 11-43 (1.06) 27.46 12.55) 1-A8/SA 13.48 (1.25) 24"/,s (630) 26' (660) 781/.' (1984) 17.38 (1.62) 13.48 (1.25) 33.89 (3.15) 2 -AP/PA 28.34 (2.63) 521/i (1327) 551/s (1400) 781/3' (1984) 17,38 (1.62) 28,34 (263) 33.89 43.15) 1-AP/PA 13.83 (1.28) 251/i (647) 261% (678) 781/a (1984) 17.38 (1.62) 13.83 W(1.28) 33.89 (3.15) 1-AS/SA 14.55 (1.35) 2613/,i (681) 28' (660) 781/: 41984) 1922, (1.79) 14.55 (1.35) 36.11 (3.36) 2-AP/PA 30.51 (2.83) 561/.' (1429) 59% (1502) 781/a (1984) 1922, (1.79) 30.51 (2.83) 36.18 (3.36) 1-AP/PA 14.91 (1.58) 271/2' (698) 28 tyu (729) 781/+ 41984) 1922, (1-79) 14.91 (1.58) 36.18 (3.36) 1-AS/SA 16.72 (1.55) 3011/14 (783) 32' (813) 78% 11984) 22.91 (2.13) 1&72 (1.55) 40.76 (3.79) 2-AP/PA 34.86 (3.24) 641/2' (1632) 671/e (1705) 781/i (1984) 22.91 (2.13) 34,86 (3.24) 40.76 (3.79) 1-AP/PA 17.08 (1.68) 311/2' (800) 3211/,6 (830) 78% (1984) 22.91 (2.13) 17.08 (1.68) 40.76 (3.79) 1 14.55 (1.35) 26 11/16' (681) 28' (660) 781/; (1994) 28M (2.68) 14.55 (1,35) 54.43 (5,06) 1 16.72 (155) 30 "h6 (183) 32' (813) 781/a (1984) 34.36 (3.19) 1672 (1.55) 61.30 (5.70) __...___. - - _. - .. .. ...._......_. - - - 7.19 (0.67) - 16.08 (1.a9) t 15.73 (1.46) 24 "/,i (00) 26' (660) 911/.' (2318) 10.41 (0.97) 15.73 (1.46) 19.98 (1.86) 1 17.00 (1.58) 26 "Ll (681) 28' (711) 911/4- (2318) 11,52 (1.07) 17.00 (1,59) 21.31 (1.98) 1 19.54 (1.82) 30 14/1fi (783) 32' (813) 911/,' (2319) 13.72 (1.28) 19.54 (1.82) 23.96 (2.23) 2 25.98 (2.41) 41' (1039) 43 T/e (1112) 911/i (2318) 14.62 (1.36) 25.98 (2,41) 31.83 (2,96) 1 13.35 (1.24) 19 %' (505) 21'/,c' (535) 911/i (2318) 14.62 (1.36) 13.35 (1.24) 31.83 (2.96) - 1-AS/SA 15.73 (1.46) `___..__.._ 2413/1i ..................._ (630) 26' (660) 911/i (2318) 20.82 (1.93) 15.73 (1,46) 39.30 (3.65) 2 -AP/PA 33.11 (3.08) 52 1/i {1327) 551/e (1400) 911/,' (2318) 20.82 (1.93) 33.11 (3.08) 39.30 (3.65) 1-AP/PA 16.15 (1.50) 251/, (647) 2611/,6 (678) 911/i (2318) 20.82 (1.93) 16.15 (1.50) 39.30 (3.65) 1-AS/SA 17.00 (1.58) 26"/1g (681) 28, {660) 91'/4' (2318) 23.03 (2.14) 17.00 (1.58) 41.95 (3.90) 2 -AP/PA 35.64 (3.31) 56 %.' (1429) 59 1/s (1502) 911/." (2318) 23.03 (2.14) 35.64 (3.31) 41.95 (3.90) 1 -AP/PA 17.42 (1.61) 271/] (698) 28'1& (729) 911/i (2318) 2103 (2.14) 17.42 (1.61) 41.95 (3.90) 1 -AS/SA 19.54 (1.82) 30 19/$ (783) 32' (813) 911/.' (2318) 27.44 (2.55) 19.54 (1.82) 47.25 (4.39) 2-AP/PA 40.71 (3.78) 641/2- (1632) 671/e 11705) 911/i (2310) 27.44 (2.55) 40.71 (3.78) 47.25 (4.39) 1 -AP/PA 19.136 (1.85) 311/, (800) 32 "/,6 (830) 91'/," (2318) 27.44 (2.55) 19.96 (1.85) 47.25 (4.39) 1 17.00 (1.58) 2651/1i (681) 28' (660) 91 1/a' (2318) 34,55 (3.21) 17.00 (.58) 63.09 (5.86) 1 19.54 (1.82) 3013/,s (783) 32' (813) 911/.' (2318) 41.16 (3.82) 19.54 (1.82) 71.05 (6.60) • Dimensions in parentheses are in millimeters or Square meters. *For two -panel AP/PA doors with only one panel open, clear opening is based on the active panel open and the passive panel closed. A PROVED �F�.FIVFD AUG 0 3 2023 AUG 2 $ 2023 i HIl1vIVu 1 I , d ARMUU I rr OLD KING'S HIGHWAY AR C uir_I41AtGv �� 154