HomeMy WebLinkAboutApp-Permit=Compliance(/0- No COMMONWIATII OT MASSACIIUSTTTS Board of Healrh,Lnn MA. APPTICATION TOR DISPOSAT SYSITM CONSTRUCTION PTRMIT Appli.arion foraPermit toConstrucl( ) RePair(') Upgrade( ) Abandorr( ) - ElGomplere System O Individusl ComPonents lncadon I Jr Map,/Parcel#7 //,a<A (( Address Lot+Tetephone#l i9l-! Installer's Name \a'c :f\xcp5l Designer's Name ic(T Address a'b Lr )Addr-ess }ED q\ ab Jarrocuth oaul9 Telephone#Telephone*Y)I Tlpe ofBuilding Gtr denY,G\l,ot Size ?,.sq. ft. Garbage grindet ( )Dwelling - No. ofBedrooms Other - Tlpe of Buildi.g No. ofpersons - Showers ( ), Cafeteria ( ) Other-Fixtures Plan: Date Design FIow (min leqtrired) ./a/z+/z o .'' ' t': gpd Calculated design flow Design flow provided 8Pd Numbdr of sheets Revisio[ Date >Title Description of Soil(s) Soil E\?hla orm No DESCRIPTION OF REPAIRS OR AIIf,RATIONS Name ofSoil Evaluator Date ofEvaluation //2. Trita //F. I5/A 7s k z<ke Theundcrsign€dageestoiDstalltheabovedescribedlndividualsewageDisposa!spteminaccotdancewirhtheProvisio,sofTlTl,E5andil;;. ;;i;;.; pr... m" q"* i" "p"".ion untit a certificaL of iompliance has been issued bv the Board of Health' Signed ... - ..' Date Inspectiotts 107Or,tDc' zo'c,FEE No C0MM0NWTALIH 0t MASSACIIUSIIS !,,,,(4.. Board of Health,MA.)At 4/ *<ftl <r'?^tA 14-(.' CTRTITI OT COMPTIANCT Description of Wort: 0 Individual Component(s) E Complete Sptem gy',Upgaded ( ), Abandoned ( )hereby cer.iry that the Ssrage DisPolal S)'stem; Constructed ( ) ' RepairedThe(;4 / 5--tbI al t42.4,., has been insulld in accordance with t-he dated Approved Design Flow .' (gPd) of 3I0 CMR 15.00 ('Iitle 5) and the aPProved design plans/as'built plans relating to n No. '-0-z t\tt Y11 ,/ 20-zIv 01 applicatio Installer l\*-Date 1_l Designer The of this perrnit shall not be c!-nstrrred as a gurrantee that tie system will function as desigaed. FEEVNo. CO},IMONWTAITII OT MASSACIIUSTITS Board of Health, I usposAt SYSTIM coNSIRUCIIoN PTRMII permission is hereby granted to; construct( ) Repair(aJ' upgrade( ) Abandon( ) an individual sewage disposal system as described in the application for MA at Disposal System Construction Permit No'dated Provided: Construction shall be completed within three vears of the date of this Permrt. All local conditions must be met' l2 Z2 \//5DForm 1255 B.!.5/96 A.M. Sulkin Co ClBdedoin,lilA ate Board of Health t\1 U;tib 20 cvlDS IEE - Owrrer's Name -:t 9 I >1u