HomeMy WebLinkAboutZoning Determination - Gama 91823 • �' � :�+ TOWN OF YARMOUTH BUILD!... ' ' - DEPARTMENTD v 1146 Route 28,South Yarmouth,MA,0 6 SEF' 18 2073 (508)398-2231 eat..1261 Fax: (508)39 DING DEPARTMENT ZONING DETE °y • The 1tMINATION FOIL BUSINESS CERTIFICATElPmpose of this form is to determine if your business co APPLICATION complete'the top section of this formwcomplies with the Town of Yarmouth Zoning Bylaw. The applica made a determination,it will be forwarded to and Towno Clerk.Please h the haveg lyou �dentiDfn� the Building security number available when completingrd the and/or�parour sotment h; application cation number your soci process with the Town Clerk. The Building Department will render a determination based on the following factors: zoning district In which the business is to be located Allowed uses are based on Bylaw Table a 202.5 activity,(c) TA or new zoning relief from the Zoning Board of Zoning Y Table 202.5 and(c)prev)iou • f Appeals. Date: p9.- /g - ao,23 • Telephone: C 8)36'J-6686 (.11 ).$-3 -6'S‘, Busies Ate; 87 t yCcw OR/ye �/Esr .9,eiYOUT�y Name Of Applicant: lei /q S GSA • DBA. AtO 1°i%teTi%VG . . Mailing Address: 8 T ' 'we vAi OW/VE,. et/ESj y /Yovrhi zz Description of Business Activity: ' ''lE' 0,-C/CC • • D 2 ems 0 fir �� • TheappUcant acknowledges that a deterriination,will be provide)on this date. Anychaig made by the Building Department based on the information es in the business use and/or.activity will -' .-';'= '' .lt I,�'�.1 ,: �: require additional approval. The a appropriate Zoning ' .'`L.� 1 `'ure to do so may result in the revocation of the Business Cant a /ees ot wo n;s,,, , d it . .I „',ed that the changes Certificate and/or ��_ g are non-compliant. Applicant's Signature: `1. ��= Date: 09- /8 '6/00?•3 pi c uildin 1 )apartment Determination Approved:Comments and Conditions -' •A -C.-r)011\--{ . 4 eze-4.4\im•±7.------ g z--K-0—zi • • • • El Disapproved:Comments and Conditions • Building Official's Signatu ' • Date: 2