HomeMy WebLinkAboutReview ChecklistLocation: A.M. /07 Lot 5 .>----- Zone of Contribution Street Commercial: Floor Plan: unt Lc ln_----O-ul _ Acreage_ _ Residential: r - # Bedrooms: +.- Owner Address Phone: ?Installer: Phone: Builder Address Phone: Engineer: Phone: YESl.R ired # ofc ies received 2. Date ofsoils exam and lation tesl not oider than 2 3. 4-5 ft of natural occulTln ious material, above water table 4. Foundation 2 ft above hi int of road H.P Fnd: Var Var.: 6. Benchmark indicated and shown - NGVD ifnear wetlands 7.S ic tank minimum l0 fi from foundation- dock Var-: 8. Leachin minimum 20 ft firll, l5 ft crawl, 10 ft slab Var. 9. Leachi minimum I00 ft fiom wetlands Var. 10. Leachi minimum 150 ft fiom drinkin well/25 ft in ion well Var I I - Tank/leachin minimum l0 ft from line Var 12. s stem meets all other setback uirements Var.:t 13. Uses a stment for maximum hi ndwater Var 15. s em not in or subsoil A,B horizons or 5' removal 16.contours are suitable 17. s stem meets sl irements - min. 118", '/;' 18. s meets breakout uirements PVC liner:Wall 19. s ified tee sizes are baffle on outlet tee 21. No ba di osal 22.5 stem ad uatel sized fbr its intended use 24. Manhole covers within 6" of chamber cover to 26. Electrical it for um chamber/S ate meter for d lexes 27.Pl s em -2" line,hole,check valve, tee in dbon,u slze 10. Bu calculations for tanU UM chamber 12.neer/R istered Sanitarian and Land S stam st ture 33. H-20 kradin ls sub ect to vehicular tralfic,ndwater 34. Thle V A lication and it fee, installer si ture 35. Foundation footin min. 2 feet above ad usted nd water for new house 16. Deed Restriction ired max.# bedrooms:max. flow: Plan reviewed by: _ TOWN OF YARIVTOUTH SEWAGE PLAN REVIEW CHEbKLIST , b"se*t/#s"/ Village: {^uL , . t..,,- 4 1-,' t, .4lLlz la /4 >q \ltt1 *.fpD NA t --/ fuiuur P /ry d a N/A NO years 5. Water line I0 ft liom septic components L_...i 14. Leaching set 4-5 ft above ad.i. water or bottom of test hole Var.: 20. Sewage is under I0,000 gpd for parcel 23. Minimum 6" stone or compacted below tank and dbox 25. Inslryction port on plastic chamberVleach field 28. Septic tanVpump chamber to be factory waterproofed 29. Vent provided if leaching below 3 feet, under driffi 3 l. Engineer to inspect and certifu soils: wall: commercial: IIDd 37. Qheck area lots for groundwater/Label groundwater in Assessor's Map I I \...-