HomeMy WebLinkAboutRDA application939 main street rte 6a yarmouth port mass 02675 tel. (508) 362-4541 fax (508) 362-9880 down cope engineering, inc civil engineers & land surveyors TRANSMITTAL OCTOBER 3, 2023 FROM: HEATHER CORNELL HCORNELL@DOWNCAPE. COM YARMOUTH CONSERVATION RE: 44 CEDAR STREET PARCEL 34/134 PRICE RDA DCE# 23-175 PRICE METHOD OF DELIVERY: EMAIL IN PERSON ATTACHED PLEASE FIND SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS FOR A REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION OF APPLICABILITY AT 44 CEDAR STREET IN SOUTH YARMOUTH, INCLUDING. • YARMOUTH CHECKLIST • WPA FORM 1 • PROJECT NARRATIVE • ASSESSOR'S MAP • SITE ACCESS AUTHORIZATION • 1 SITE PLAN DATED 8-31-2023, 5 COPIES • CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT • FILING FEES CC: FILE CONSERVATION OFFICE i All filings must be made on Town of Yarmouth forms. The filing deadline is two weeks prior to the next scheduled Conservation Commission meeting for new applications. Failure to follow this Checklist shall result in an Administratively Incomplete Application and will not be advertised for a Public Hearing. Refer to the meeting schedule. Contact the Conservation Office if you need assistance. r*ff or mailed to the Conservation Office includins: RDA Administrative 1 complete RDA application with original signatures (double sided). Detailed narrative of the project with sufficient information to enable the Commission to determine whether the proposed work will alter an area subject to protection. BVW delineation sheet(s), coastal bank calculation and other relevant material if applicable (not applicable for flood zone only projects). J' Yarmouth Assessors locator map highlighting parcels) where work is proposed, including map and parcel numbers 1 original and 5 photocopies of the plan/sketch, folded separately, right side out with title and address visible. All plans shall reference NAVD1988 unless otherwise noted. Landscape plans shall be / detailed to show proposed and existing conditions, native species, size and spacing. By-law filing fee: Separate check made payable to "Town of Yarmouth" Legal ad fee: Separate check made payable to "Town of Yarmouth" Please list project property's street address on checks. Refer to Fee Schedule. Digital and DEP filing ��// A pdf of the entire application emailed to bdirienzo(a�Varmouth.ma.us, kbrooks(c�Varmouth.ma.us and DEP Southeast Region at SERO NOICcDmass.gov in the same email. Subject line shall be "YARMOUTH - RDA — Street Address - Applicant Name" Please list project property's street address in the pdf file name. Initial below �I CERTIFY that all on -site requirements will be completed by noon on the Friday prior to the hearing date. All proposed structures must -be staked, and all relevant resource areas and buffer zones must be staked or flagged. Please consult the Yarmouth Wetland Regulations, page 17. If the applicant is NOT the property owner: Please submit a,signed Site Access Authorization Form; AND The owner must be sent a copy of the application via Certified Mail on the ame day it is filed with this office. Please submit a copy of the Certified Mail receipt with application If A plicable a' Certified Mail Receipt for Massachusetts Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program G"Certified Mail Receipt for Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries. If filing via email, CC bdirienzo yarmouth.ma.us and kbrooks iyarmouth.ma.us Yarmouth Conservation Commission • 1146 Route 28 •South Yarmouth, MA 026644492 Tel. (508)-398-2231 Ext. 1288 •Fax (508)-398-0836 • TTD# (508) 398-2231 • bdirienzonyarmouth.ma.us Rev.3/2023 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Water Resources - Wetlands WPA Form 1- Request for Determination of Applicability YARMOUTH Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c. 131, §40 Municipality Important: 1 When filling out forms on the computer, use only the tab key to move your cursor - do not use the return key. General Information Applicant: WESLEY First Name 161 MAIN STREET Address YARMOUTHPORT City/Town 774-212-2942 Phone Number Property Owner (if different from Applicant): ANTHONY First Name 3COBBLESTONE LANE Address CANTON City/Town Phone Number 3. Representative (if any) DANIEL A First Name DOWN CAPE ENGINEERING, INC Company Name 939 ROUTE 6A Address YARMOUTHPORT PRICE Last Name 02675 State Zip Code WESLEY@WDPRICE.COM Email Address CHIULLI Last Name MA State Email Address (if known) OJALA PE PLS Last Name 02021 Zip Code 02675 City/Town State Zip Code 508-362-4541 INFO@DOWNCAPE.COM Phone Number Email Address (if known) R. Project Description 1. a. Project Location (use maps and plans to identify the location of the area subject to this request): 44 CEDAR STREET SOUTH YARMOUTH Street Address City/Town How to find Latitude 46.65128 -70.20681 and Longitude Latitude (Decimal Degrees Format with 5 digits after decimal Longitude (Decimal Degrees Format with 5 digits after e.g. XX.XXX)(X) decimal e.g.-XX.XXXXX) and how to convert 34 to decimal degrees Assessors' Map Number 134 Assessors' Lot/Parcel Number b. Area Description (use additional paper, if necessary): Residential Neighborhood c. Plan and/or Map Reference(s): (use additional paper if necessary) Site Plan of 44 Cedar Street Title Title 8-31-2023 Date wpaformt.doc •rev. 4l28l2023 WPA Form 1 —Request for Determination of Applicability •Page 1 of 3 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Water Resources - Wetlands WPA Form 1= Request for Determination of Applicability Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c. 131, §40 YARMOUTH Municipality B. Project Description (cont.) 2. a. Activity/Work Description (use additional paper and/or provide plan(s) of Activity, if necessary): Proposed addition to an existing single family dwelling. b. Identify provisions of the Wetlands Protection Actor regulations which may exempt the applicant from having to file a Notice of Intent for all or part of the described work (use additional paper, if necessary). None of the proposed work will adversely affect the resource area. 3. a. If this application is a Request for Determination of Scope of Alternatives for work in the Riverfront Area, indicate the one classification below that best describes the project. ❑ Single family house on a lot recorded on or before 8/1/96 ❑ Single family house on a lot recorded after 8/1/96 ❑ Expansion of an existing structure on a lot recorded after 8/1/96 ❑ Project, other than a single-family house or public project, where the applicant owned the lot before 8/7/96 ❑ New agriculture or aquaculture project ❑ Public project where funds were appropriated prior to 8/7/96 ❑ Project on a lot shown on an approved, definitive subdivision plan where there is a recorded deed restriction limiting total alteration of the Riverfront Area for the entire subdivision ❑ Residential subdivision; institutional, industrial, or commercial project ❑ Municipal project ❑ District, county, state, or federal government project ❑ Project required to evaluate off -site alternatives in more than one municipality in an Environmental Impact Report under MEPA or in an alternatives analysis pursuant to an application for a 404 permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers or 401 Water Quality Certification from the Department of Environmental Protection. b. Provide evidence (e.g., record of date subdivision lot was recorded) supporting the classification above (use additional paper and/or attach appropriate documents, if necessary.) wpaforml.doc •rev. 4I28/2023 WPA Form 1 — Request for Determination of Applicability •Page 2 of 3 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Water Resources - Wetlands PA Form 1= Request for Determination of Applicability YARMouTH W Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c. 131, §40 Municipality C. Determinations I request the YARMOUTH Conservation Commission make the following determination(s). Check any that apply: ❑ a. whether the area depicted on planks) and/or maps) referenced above is an area subject to jurisdiction of the Wetlands Protection Act. ❑ b, whether the boundaries of resource area(s) depicted on plan(s) and/or map(s) referenced above are accurately delineated. ❑ C. whether the Activities depicted on planks) referenced above is subject to the Wetlands Protection Act and its regulations. ❑ d. whether the area and/or Activities depicted on plan(s) referenced above is subject to the jurisdiction of any municipal wetlands' ordinance or bylaw of: YARMOUTH Name of Municipality ❑ e. whether the following scope of alternatives is adequate for Activities in the Riverfront Area as depicted on referenced plan(s), D. Signatures and Submittal Requirements I hereby certify under the penalties of perjury that the foregoing Request for Determination of Applicability and accompanying plans, documents, and supporting data are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I further certify that the property owner, if different from the applicant, and the appropriate DEP Regional Office were sent a complete copy of this Request (including all appropriate documentation) simultaneously with the submittal of this Request to the Conservation Commission. Failure by the applicant to send copies in a timely manner may result in dismissal of the Request for Determination of Applicability. Signatures; I also understand that notification of this Request will be placed in a local newspaper at my expense in �c�ordance with ction 10.05(3)(b)(1) of the Wetlands Protection Act regulations. ti ^ •Zo23 ,u 2 o Date i gnat ru e V Applicant gnature of Representative (if an Date wpaforml.doc •rev. 4I26I2023 WPA Form 1 —Request for Determination of Applicability •Page 3 of 3 REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION OF APPLICABILITY #44 Cedar Street, South Yarmouth Project Narrative The applicant is pleased to submit a Request for Determination of Applicability application for the construction of an addition to an existing single family dwelling. The 9,395 s.f. property is located in a residential neighborhood. The proposed addition will be located within Land Subject to Coastal Storm Flowage (LSCSF) zone AE (EL 11). No other resource areas are located within 200' to this property. No work will take place within Priority/Estimated Habitat of endangered species. Work Proposed within Resource Area Existing single family dwelling. Proposing to construct a lateral addition of living space on a sono- tube foundation. All work will take place within existing developed areas. Land Subject to Coastal Storm Flowage • The property is located within flood zones AE EI. 11 • No fill is proposed • The proposed work will not generate any additional stormwater runoff. • No adverse impacts are expected during any flooding event. All work will conform to flood zone and building code standards. No fill is expected to be required for this project. --_ -- _- RUN POND ROAD N M lops] � U1 W �I vo CD tIOU m N p M � M n M w � d' Ln � � M OD N �:l M 74 -- M -- M Ln -- --- M Enca tm C 4- LS a) coN C ca 3 O M C mac_ u a)N � C N a I I O L J l-1 llT;PARTMENT OF CONSERVATION � " I4 wggg"nxrrur<itcciuz: If the applicant is not the property owner, please submit this form with your application. The owner must be sent a copy of the application on the same day it is filed with this office. PropertyAddress: 44 CEDAR STREET, SOUTH YARMOUTH Assessors Map/Lot: 34/134 I (we) hereby authorize the individual members of the Yarmouth Conservation Commission and its agents to enter upon the referenced property for the purpose of gathering information regarding the application filed with the Commission pursuant to the Wetlands Protection Act (M.G.L. Ch. 131, s. 40) and/or the Yarmouth Wetlands Protection Bylaw (Chapter 143). .r1 �N Authorized Signature: r t1 "s - Date: I t% 11 T� f Please Print I ame: ANTHONY CHIULLI If other than owner, please state whether tenant, agent, or other: Mailing Address• 3 COBBLESTONE LANE CANTON, MA 02021 Phone: ��I'!.��i `����Cell: •���-Z��-S�v''� )Emaih Ohio V 13C IV in 3 Fax* Yarmouth Conservation Commission • 1146 Route 28 � South Yarmouth, MA 026b4-4492 Tel. (508)-398=2231 Ext. 1288 •Fax (508)-398-0836"• TTD# (508) �98 2231