HomeMy WebLinkAboutHERS Certificate 22323 ad, ‘ ;C p 40 lJ LC+ LJ t0i V LCJ `� c 13 .O «. 0 0 o a o o � " ct s' r w �1 rn V .. `{ • `" ° X KS „ CO v, QJ au QJ t1.1 VI VI y) vy .. i .0 tg CC Q! in474" Q� .' C C C C C C �,#� a, ,v rtr cx+ >. > `s 4 d L1 L) L) L! L1 l.1 w 000000 " O C `,1 W ° II I :' '- - C V� C C C C C 4 uj co r f� j`*� 47' ro Q .G 2 . 4 ics to m +o as To* �• a` l+ m c .0 C C C C C C L. r.v c .4c ry u', u c QJ4"° o a 0 0 0 0 S r. 5..2 - w i ° ° a... a tilro ' E a rt r'"a a rro s O o C z p`t 2� m o 0 �-+ %; ccaccc CD-C .G a.. 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V5 E n ' , u c 0) g cr, C L. `- c ZU > �C3 "I' N p E m a ,00 r 7' 0 v m E CI) o W a E L) � a. � 0 .. i 1 E c U _ $ it]2 p. x Ag )0► ivE E W CD o a, c1 q C v1 t33 v1 '' 0 +e +�+� C L O C :; Q t c am . a' T. — cc CC O o -C 5 c az a. } = V I a) cn 1� �u Air Leakage Report Property Organization Inspection Status 42 Sister Circle Home Energy Raters LLC 2023-02-22 Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 Andrew Popielarski Rater ID (RTIN): 5363711 508-833-3100 RESNET Registered Sister Cir 42-9vgIDoR2 (Confirmed) 42 Sister Cir Builder Rabih Bassil General Information Conditioned Floor Area [ft2] 3,520 Infiltration Volume [ft') 39,919 Number of Bedrooms 4 Air Leakage Measured Infiltration 773 CFM50 (1.16 ACH50) ACH50 (Calculated) 1.16 ELA[sq. in.] (Calculated) 42.41 ELA per 100 s.f. Shell Area (Calculated) 0.420 CFM50 (Calculated) 773 CFM50/s.f. Shell Area (Calculated) 0.077 Duct Leakage System 1 System 2 Leakage to Outdoors 30 CFM @ 25Pa 10 CFM @ 25Pa (1.51 /100 ft2) (0.65/ 100 ft2) Total Leakage Test Type Post-Construction Post-Construction Total Leakage [CFM @ 25 Pa] 52.0 35.0 Total Leakage [CFM25/ 100 s.f.] 2.6 2.3 Total Leakage [CFM25/CFA] 0.026 0.023 Mechanical Ventilation Rate[CFM] 158 CFM Hours per day 17.0 Fan Power 123 Watts Recovery Efficiency% 68.0 Runs at least once every 3 hrs? true Average Rate [CFMJ 111.9 CFM 2010 ASHRAE 62.2 Req. Cont. Ventilation 72.7 2013 ASHRAE 62.2 Req. Cont. Ventilation 106.7 Ekotrope RATER-Version All results are based on data entered by Ekotrope users.Ekotrope disclaims all liabihly for the information shown on this report. Energy Code Inspection Checklist Property Organization Inspection Status 42 Sister Circle Home Energy Raters LLC 2023-02-22 Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 Andrew Popielarski Rater ID (RTIN): 5363711 508-833-3100 RESNET Registered Sister Cir 42 -9vgIDoR2 (Confirmed) 42 Sister Cir Builder Rabih Bassil General Building Information Conditioned Area (sq ft) 3,520 Conditioned Volume (cubic ft) 39,919 Insulated Shell Area (sq ft) 10,097 The building energy model in Ekotrope reflects the building assemblies and energy features listed below. Sometimes energy features will change in the field from what has been modeled. The inspection process should identify any changes and ensure that the home continues to meet the applicable energy code. Slab None Present Framed Floor oName: >basement(1,992 s.f.) R-0 continuous insulation, R-29.7 cavity insulation Insulation Grade: I ri Name: >garage(624 s.f,) 4 R-0 continuous insulation, R-29.97 cavity insulation Insulation Grade: I ri Name: >basement stairs (49 s.f.) R-0 continuous insulation, R-30 cavity insulation Insulation Grade: II Foundation Wall None Present Above Grade Wall 11 Name: >ambient(3,317 s.f.) R-0 continuous insulation, R-20.35 cavity insulation Insulation Grade: I I-1 Name: >gables(256 s.f.) R-1.85 continuous insulation, R-20.35 cavity insulation Insulation Grade: I 1 Energy Code Inspection Checklist Property Organization Inspection Status 42 Sister Circle Home Energy Raters LLC 2023-02-22 Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 Andrew Popielarski Rater ID (RTIN): 5363711 508-833-3100 RESNET Registered Sister Cir 42 -9vgIDoR2 (Confirmed) 42 Sister Cir Builder Rabih Bassil Eli Name: >basement stairs(144 s.f.) R-0 continuous insulation, R-15.05 cavity insulation Insulation Grade: I ri Name: >garage(120 s.f.) 4-4 R-0 continuous insulation, R-21 cavity insulation Insulation Grade: I El Name: >attic(92 s.f.) R-0 continuous insulation, R-20.35 cavity insulation Insulation Grade: I Rim Joist r-f Name: >ambient(134 s.f.) R:20.00 Ceiling / Roof ri Name:Vaulted (1,122 s.f.) R-0 continuous insulation, R-42.6 cavity insulation Insulation Grade: I ii Name: Vaulted -2 (2,247 s.f.) R-7.4 continuous insulation, R-42.6 cavity insulation Insulation Grade: I Opaque Door ri Name: Front 1 (33.3 s.f.) U: 0.184 r-i Name: Front 2 (20 s.f.) U: 0.140 ri Name: Rear(20 s.f.) 4-4 U: 0.140 rt Name: >basement(20 s.f.) 2 U: 0.526 Energy Code Inspection Checklist Property Organization Inspection Status 42 Sister Circle Home Energy Raters LLC 2023-02-22 Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 Andrew Popielarski Rater ID (RTIN): 5363711 508-833-3100 RESNET Registered Sister Cir 42 -9vgIDoR2 (Confirmed) 42 Sister Cir Builder Rabih Bassi! ri Name: >garage(18 s.f.) U: 0.140 Glazing 11 Name: Front dh (116.3 s.f.), U: 0.290, SHGC: 0.25, Orientation: WEST Name: Front awning (12.5 s.f.), U: 0.270, SHGC: 0.23, Orientation:WEST D Name: Front shaded dh (67.5 s.f.), U: 0.290, SHGC: 0.25, Orientation: WEST ri Name: Right dh (27.5 s.f.), U: 0.290, SHGC: 0.25, Orientation: SOUTH D Name: Right awnings(18.8 s.f.), U: 0.270, SHGC: 0.23, Orientation: SOUTH 11 Name: Right ca (14 s.f.), U: 0.260, SHGC: 0.25, Orientation: SOUTH n Name: Rear dh (145 s.f.), U: 0.290, SHGC: 0.25, Orientation: EAST D Name: Rear slider(80 s.f.), U: 0.300, SHGC: 0.28, Orientation: EAST 11 Name: Left dh (25 s.f.), U: 0.290, SHGC: 0.25, Orientation: NORTH 1i Name: Left awn (12.5 s.f.), U: 0.270, SHGC: 0.23, Orientation: NORTH EEl Name: Left slider(40 s.f.), U: 0.300, SHGC: 0.28, Orientation: NORTH Skylight None Present Mechanical Ventilation Mechanical ventilation system rated for, and capable of, providing continuous ventilation. System shall include automatic timing controls. System type: ERV, 17 hrsiday, 123 Watts 3 Mechanical Equipment nergy Code Inspection Checklist Property Organization Inspection Status 42 Sister Circle Home Energy Raters LLC 2023-02-22 Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 Andrew Popielarski Rater ID (RTIN): 5363711 508-833-3100 RESNET Registered Sister Cir 42 -9vgIDoR2 (Confirmed) 42 Sister Cir Builder Rabih Bassil Eli Furnace(1) • Natural Gas • 55%Heating Load @ 96 AFUE 1— Furnace(2)• Natural Gas • 45% Heating Load @ 96 AFUE 11 AC (1)• Electric • 55% Cooling Load @ 14 SEER ri AC (2) • Electric •45% Cooling Load @ 14.5 SEER r/ Water Heater• Natural Gas • 100`)/0 Hot Water Load @ 0.69 UEF Air Leakage Control ri Test Status: Blower-door tested House is air-sealed as to achieve 773 CFM50 (1.16 ACH50) or less at final blower-door test. Infiltration Requirements for IECC in Climate Zone 5 2009 IECC Infiltration limit for the design home is 7 ACH50. 2012 IECC Infiltration limit for the design home is 3 ACH50. 2015 IECC Infiltration limit for the design home is 3 ACH50. 2018 IECC Infiltration limit for the design home is 3 ACH50. 2021 IECC Infiltration limit for the design home is 5 ACH50. Duct Leakage Duct System 1 NOT entirely within conditioned space, testing required Leakage to Outside specified as: 30 CFM @ 25Pa (1.51 / 100 ft2) Total Leakage specified as: 52 CFM @ 25Pa (Post-Construction) Duct System 2 NOT entirely within conditioned space, testing required Leakage to Outside specified as: 10 CFM @ 25Pa(0.65 /100 ft2) Total Leakage specified as: 52 CFM @ 25Pa (Post-Construction) 4 Energy Code Inspection CheckUist Property Organization Inspection Status 42 Sister Circle Home Energy Raters LLC 2023-02'22 Yarmouth Port, MA02G75 AmdrewPop|e|araki Rater ID (RT|N): 53G3711 508-833-3100 F{EGNETRcg|atoned Sister Cir42 -0vg1DoR2 (Confirmed) 42 Sister Ci, Builder Rab|h Bmuoi| Duct Leakage Code Requirements for IECC 2OOQiECC: PcmtoonstruoUon Leakage Test: Duct Leakage to Outdoors <= 8CFK435/ 1UOmqftCFA. Rough in Test with AHU: Total Duct Leakage <= GCFK435/ 10OoqMCFA. Rough in Test without AHU: Total Duct Leakage <=4CFM2S/1O8uqftCFA. 2012 |ECC Mandatory, 2015. 2018. &2O21 |ECC Prescriptive Paths: PnmtuonmtruoUon Leakage Test: Total Duct Leakage «= 4CFM26 / 1UOmqftCFA. Rough in Test with AHU: Total Duct Leakage <= 4CFK425/ 1OOsqftCFA. Rough in Test without AHU: Total Duct Leakage <= 8CFM26 / 1OUeqftCFA- ^ No0o: |ECC2U2Y requires Total Duct Leakage <= 8CFKA25 / 1DOsqftCFA when all ducts and air handlers are within the building thermal envelope. 2O15 and 2O18 |ECC Performance Paths (Cost Conmp||anue): Leakage testing is required UNLESS all ducts and air handlers are located entirely within the thermal envelope. There iano pass/fail threshold for duct leakage on the performance path. Project Notes Errors and Warnings have been Rater Reviewed 5 Energy Specifications Label 42 Sister Circle Ekotrope RATER-Version: HERS®Index Score: 55 Ceiling:R-50 Above Grade Walls: R-20 Foundation Walls: N/A Exposed Floor: R-30 Slab: NIA Infiltration: 773 CFM50 (1.16 ACH50) Duct Insulation: Supply: R6, Return: R6 Duct Lkg to Outdoors: 30 CFM © 25Pa(1.51 1100 ft2) U-Value: 0.29, SHGC: 0.25 Door: R-7 eitE4 .. Heating: Furnace• Natural Gas • 96 AFUE Cooling:Air Conditioner• Electric• 14 SEER Hot Water: Residential Water Heater• Natural Gas • 0.69UEF Average Mechanical Ventilation: 111 9 CFM Signature: ___ RESNET COVID-19 REMOTE INSPECTION HOME ENERGY RATING Standard Disclosure For home(s) located at: 42 Sister Circle, Yarmouth Port, MA Check the applicable disclosure(s): i 1. The Rater or the Rater's employer is receiving a fee for providing the rating on this home. 12 In addition to the rating, the Rater or the Rater's employer has also provided the following consulting services for this home: D A. Mechanical system design LIB. Moisture control or indoor air quality consulting 4 C. Performance testing and/or commissioning other than required for the rating itself D. Training for sales or construction personnel El E. Other(specify) ri3. The Rater or the Rater's employer is: DA. The seller of this home or their agent El B. The mortgagor for some portion of the financed payments on this home C. An employee, contractor, or consultant of the electric and/or natural gas utility serving this home 4. The Rater or Rater's employer is a supplier or installer of products, which may include: Products Installed in this home by OR is in the business of HVAC systems Rater InEmployer Rater Employer Thermal insulation systems EIRater rjEmployer Rater Employer Air sealing of envelope or duct systems Rater :Employer Rater 'Employer Energy efficient appliances Rater FlEmployer Rater Employer Construction(builder, developer, construction contractor, etc) Rater lEmployer Rater EiEmployer Other(specify): NEAB FRater IrlEmployer Rater Employer 5. This home has been verified under the provisions of Chapter 6, Section 603 "Technical Requirements for Sampling" of the Mortgage Industry National Home Energy Rating Standard as set forth by the Residential Energy Services Network (RESNET). Rater Certification #: 5363711 6. This home has been verified using RESNET's COVID-19 interim remote verification protocols. https://www.resnet.us/about/us/resnet-covid-19-updates/ Name: Andrew Popielarski Signature: Itnetiew Pepie/aA.shi Organization: Home Energy Raters LLC Digitally signed: 2/23/23 at 11:33 AM I attest that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. As a Rater or Rating Provider I abide by the rating quality control provisions of the Mortgage Industry NationalHome Energy Rating Standard as set forth by the Residential Energy Services Network(RESNET). The national rating quality control provisions of the rating standard are contained in Chapter One of the standard and are posted at https://standards.resnet.us The Home Energy Rating Standard Disclosure for this home is available from the rating provider. • jn fp: W >, 4) w gi. . e Ct. 4) E D th 0 0 a- >, 0 1,... c NMI 43 U1 4/a. LU E G 4). 0 co 0 E o -cs o 431 0 S 2 .c S. 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