HomeMy WebLinkAbout5055 - 1272, 1276, 1282 Route 28 Application Materials Submitted with Planning Board Certificate of ApprovalZONING BOARD OF APPEALS HEARING APPLICATION (Appeal Information) Appeal#: Hearing Date: %D a Fee $: Applicant is the (check one): Owner XX Tenant Prospective Buyer Other Interested Party Applicant (full names, including d/b/a): Ekaterina & Family L_ LC / Jay Imad, Trustee of the Cedars of Lebanon Trust Address: c/o Paul R. Tardif, Esq., 490 Main Street Yarmouth Port MA 02675 Phone: (508) 362-7799 Email: ptardif(a-)tardifiaw.com This application relates to the property located at: t272 1276 & t282 Route 28 South Yarmouth Shown on the Assessor's Map as: Map # 60 Parcel #:130,131 and 132 Zoning District: B2 and R.O.A.D. Property located on un-constructed (paper) street? Provide nearest cross street name or other identifying location: NIA Project Summary (this information is used for the Legal Notice in the newspaper): Applicant seeks permission to (e.g., add a 10' by 15' deck to the front of our house). See attached Narrative RELIEF REQUESTED: The applicant seeks the following relief from the Zoning Board of Appeals: REVERSE BUILDING INSPECTOR OR ZONING ADMINISTRATOR DECISION (include a copy of this decision with this application). What is the decision date? The reason for reversal and the ruling you request the Board to make: XX SPECIAL PERMIT under Yarmouth Zoning By-law Section: 411(R.O.A.D.) and/or for a use authorized upon Special Permit in the "Use Regulation Schedule" §202.5: H2, 116, H10 and Al2 VARIANCE from the Yarmouth Zoning By-law. Specify all sections of the by-law from which relief is requested, and, as to each section, specify the relief sought: Section & Relief sought: Section & Relief sought: Section & Relief sought: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (which you feel should be included in your application): _ Z 0' O {� 'IAA7J�CNEESE �" ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS HEARING APPLICATION (Property Information) Name & Ad ftss of Current property Owner (if other than applicant) as listed on the Deed: Same as applicant Title Deed Reference (provide a copy of most recent Deed): • Book & Page #: Book 34755 Page 26• Book 21043 Page 13• Book 20629 Pa a 48• • or Certificate #: • Land Court Lot #: • Plan #: Use Classification: • Existing: Gas Station Convenience Store multifamily §202.5 # H2 H6 and Al2 Proposed: Gas Station, Convenience Store, multifamily, Drive Through §202.5 #112, H6, H19, and Al2 Is the property vacant? Yes_ No XX If yes, how long has property been vacant? Lot Information • Size/Area: 49,833 square feet • Plan Book & Page: Plan Book 110, Page 143 (1276 Route 28) and Plan Book 110, Page 125 (1282 Route 28) • Lot #: Is this property within the Aquifer Protection Overlay District (APD)? Yes _ No XX Have you completed a formal commercial site plan review (if needed)? Yes XX No� Which other Boards and/or Town Departments are/have/will review this project? What is the status of review? Completed Site Plan Review CEDC Design Review Committee and Planning Board Is this a repetitive petition (re -application)? Yes_ No XX If required, do you have Planning Board Approval? Yes XX No _ Has this property been the subject of prior relief from the Zoning Board of Appeals? Yes XX No If yes, provide the date(s), Appeal number(s), decision(s), and other pertinent information with this application. N 276) — Decision 2648 (siffn variance — Granted); (1282) — Decision 3537 (Variance for new Canopy — Granted : used cars -- Building Commissioner Comments: Applicant / Attorney / Agent Signature: Property Owner Signature, by Attorney/. " Address: 490 Main Street, Yarmouth Port MA 02675 Phone: (508) 362-7799 Email: ptardiL@tardiflaw.com Building Commissioner Signature: Date: Ekaterina & Family, LLC and Jay Imad Trustee of the Cedars of Lebanon Trust 1272. 1276 and 1282 Route 28. South Yarmouth, MA 02664 Yarmouth Zoning Board of Appeals Project Narrative — R.O.A.D. Application Redevelop the property and demolish all existing buildings (8) on site and construct a gasoline filling station with four dispensers, overhead steel canopy, two double walled fiberglass fuel storage tanks and a convenience store, coffee shop, and drive-thru, and construct a separate building with 4 residential apartments on two floors. Project will combine three lots, 1272, 1276 & 1282 Route 28, South Yarmouth, which are in the B21 R.O.A.D. Zoning Districts. The existing gas station/convenience store, canopy and 5 rental units will be razed and replaced with a new canopy, and a building containing a drive through coffee shop (H10 use), convenience store (H2 use) and a gas station (H6 use). The second building will contain four two -bedroom dwelling units (Al 2 use). The combination of the lots will create a conforming lot of 49,833 square feet. Building coverage is currently at 12.2%, lot coverage is 52.6% and 4 curb cuts exist on site. Building coverage will adjust to 15.9% (from 12.2%), lot coverage will increase to 63.3% (front 52.6%), rear setback will be 47.2 feet (instead of 6.8), front setback will be 10 feet (instead of 3.3), and one curb cut will be eliminated Applicant proposes to use the Revitalization Overlay Architectural District (ROAD) Section 411 of the Yarmouth Zoning Bylaw as allowed for mixed use projects in the B-2 zoning district. Planning Board approval of the R.O.A.D. Application has been secured, and is a necessary prerequisite to proceeding for a R.O.A.D. Special Permit from the Yarmouth Zoning Board of Appeals. Relief for this project is listed as follows: Building front setback, section 203.5 Only 2 in lot trees, section 301.4.6 (we believe that we comply) Drive through buffer distance to residential zone of 100'. Section 301.8. Front landscape buffer, section 301.4.4. Al2, Multifamily Use in the 132 Zoning District, section 202.5 and 411 H6, Gas Station Use in the B2 Zoning District, section 202.5 Signs on front and right -side elevations, section 303.5.5 Development of the project is being proposed under the ROAD bylaw which allows for zoning flexibility in exchange for a high standard of site and building design. The Yarmouth Planning Board, which serves as the Design Review Authority for ROAD projects, has determined that the project substantially adheres to the Yarmouth Architectural and Site Design Standards (Design Standards), and has recommended that the Project be filed with the Zoning Board of Appeals. 411.5 Criteria for approval. The Board of Appeals when considering a petition for a Special Permit for a ROAD District Development Plan shall consider the following criteria, standards, objectives and recommendations: 1. GeneraI Criteria. All proposals shall be reviewed according to the following general criteria. These criteria are evaluated under the discretion of the Planning Board, and a proposal need not necessarily satisfy all criteria in order to receive the approval of any of the reviewing boards or authorities. A. site plan review objectives pursuant to section 103.3.1; 103.3.1 Objectives. The design of projects requiring submission of a site plan, pursuant toy this section, shall comply with the following: 1. Internal circulation and egress from the site are such that traffic safety is protected and access via minor streets servicing single-family homes is minimized. 2. Reasonable use is made of building location, grading and vegetation to reduce visibility of parking areas from public ways. 3. Adequate access to each structure for fire and service equipment is provided. Installation of Yarmouth Fire Department (YFD) Lockbox(es) shall be required to ensure building and', site access. 4. Utilities and drainage serving the site provide functional service to each structure and paved area in the same manner as required for lots within a subdivision, and fire protection provisions meeting Fire Department regulations are provided. 5. Drainage serving the site must comply with Section 304 — Stormwater Management. 6. The proposed development will: a) minimize adverse environmental impacts on such features as wetlands, flood plains, and aquifer recharge areas; b) minimize obstruction of scenic views from publicly accessible locations; c) preserve unique natural or historical features to be preserved on the site or within the Town of Yarmouth; d) maximize open space retention; e) avoid major topographic changes; and f) minimize removal of existing trees within the required buffer zones. 7. In or abutting residential districts, effective use is made of topography, landscaping and building placement to maintain, to the degree reasonable, the character of the neighborhood. Site Plan Review (SPR): Most of the comments in the attached June 6, 2023 SPR Comment Sheet are related to other permits or regulatory requirements that the Applicant needs to adhere to and will be addressed during permitting for the project. Edits were made to the submitted plans to address design related SPR comments including adding more in lot trees, removal of one menu board, the installation of fencing on the eastern and northern boundaries, the relocation of underground infiltration, lighting over the pumps, and building design on the residential building. B. the criteria, standards and objectives of design review pursuant to section; 103.4.3 Goals and objectives. The goals of the design review process shall be to revitalize all commercial uses south of Route 6 by: 1. Improving the aesthetic quality of buildings and sites therein; 2. Promoting attractive and viable commercial districts, and; 3. Providing a process for review of all changes in land use, the appearances of structures, or the appearances of sites within the districts. The objectives of the design review process are to: 1. Preserve the natural and cultural patterns of the surrounding landscape whenever possible. 2. Encourage incorporation of public amenities, including, but not limited to, sidewalks, benches, and bike racks within commercial developments. Encourage clustering of buildings in large developments to retain more open space. 3. Building is encouraged to be of a style which complements and promotes traditional Cape Cod architectural styles and character with proper scale, proportion and roof pitch. Traditibnal building materials (clapboards and cedar shingles) are recommended for usage. Colors of clapboard and trim should be muted colors of traditional usage, not designed to shock or stand out. 4. Identify the internal parking circulation system in a manner which will reduce curb cuts (4 to 3), improve landscaping and traffic flow, allow for proper turning radius and parking space, encourage pedestrian uses and access, screen trash receptacles, and minimize any accessory signage. C. the goals, purpose and objectives of this section 411; The intent of this ROAD is to provide a carefully controlled mechanism that promotes business opportunities through the use and reuse of business properties while preserving and enhancing the ambiance of our historic community. 411.2 Objectives. The objectives of this section are: 1. to respect and accomplish the intent and purposes of the Yarmouth Zoning Bylaw underlying this ROAD District; 2. to encourage the development and redevelopment of sites and buildings within commercial districts through the incentive of zoning flexibility. If new development is proposed on a site where existing building(s) are to remain, then no approval shall be granted unless the existing building(s) and the entire site are redeveloped and revitalized to meet the criteria of the Yarmouth Architectural and Site Design Standards; 3. to require, in exchange for said flexibility, submission to design standard review so as to further encourage variety and choice within commercial and business development, to further encourage mixed commercial, business and residential uses, to stimulate economic development and, to further encourage the construction of projects with Historic, Seaside, Village, Colonial, arid/or Old Cape Cod style themes and designs, while preserving and protecting Yarmouth's natural environment and aesthetic values. D. the economic benefits of the proposed development; The project will be an economic benefit to the Town of Yarmouth in many ways. First, there are currently 2 employees who work at Jay Mart. Once complete, the Project will employ up to 10 employees. Second, the Town of Yarmouth will benefit from the upgraded Septic System to be installed at the site. Currently there are five septic systems on site, with four systems serving the residential units and one system for the gasoline filling station with leaching pits. With the proposed redevelopment, there will be one septic system for the proposed mixed building in compliance with the current MASSDEP Title V requirements and the current Yarmouth Board of Health regulations. This system will adequately serve the property until sewers are installed on Route 28. Finally, there are a total of 5 residential units on the site, of which one is a 2 bedroom and 4 are one bedroom dwellings, each constructed in approximately 1936, for a total of 6 bedrooms. There will be a total of four new residential units with eight bedrooms in a separate, self-contained building (two bedrooms in each unit). In addition, there will be tax revenue benefits from this project. Currently, the owner of the property at 1272 Route 28 pays annual Real Estate Taxes in the amount of $1,580.00, which is based on Taxable Value of $187,700.00. The owner of the property at 1276 Route 28 pays annual Real Estate Taxes in the amount of $4,272.00, which is based on Taxable Value of $510,500.00. The owner of the property at 1282 Route 28 pays annual Real Estate Taxes in the amount of $3,443.00, which is based on a Taxable Value of $409,100.00. Combined, the three properties result in the generation of real estate taxes in the amount of $9,295.00, based on combined assessed value of $1,107,300.00. Based on the tax rate for the Town of Yarmouth for Fiscal Year 2023 of $9.18 per thousand, and based on the estimate that the property will be valued at approximately $4,000,000.00, the total real estate taxes will be $36,720.00, an increase of $27,425.00. Even if the property :will not be valued at $4 million dollars, which is what my client is spending to build this project, a valuation of $2 million would still generate real estate taxes in the amount of 18,360.00,.and increase of twice what is being paid now. The location will house 2 separate businesses — the gas station/convenience store, and a Dunkin Donuts franchise. The gas station/convenience store will create 3 full time jobs - 2 clerks and a Store Manager. These jobs will be offered with accrued Personal Time Off, as well as Sick Time as provided under the Massachusetts General Laws. The Dunkin Donuts location will create employment for up to 16 employees as clerks and a Store Manager. It is anticipated that there will be 8 part time positions and 7 full time positions. We have been advised by a representative of Dunkin Donuts that benefits will include health insurance.) E. the recommendations of the Site Plan Review team and the Community and Economic Development Committee; F. supplementary ROAD District standards: (1.) architectural styles. Site, elevation, landscape, and sign plans (plans shall be drawn in the context of one (or a mixture of) the following styles: Historic, Seaside Village, Colonial, and/or Old Cape Cod (style) which shall have their common and ordinary meaning. Portions of the overall plans may include contemporary design where necessary for public health and safety or to eliminate architectural barriers; (2.) design. Plans shall be evaluated in the context of the findings, objectives and criteria set forth in this section 411; (3.) intrinsic or reproduction style value and significance; (4.) aesthetic and/or artistic quality of the style; (5.) balance and mixture within the general style design of factors to include, but not limited to: a. relative size and setting; b. color; c. material, and; d. arrangement; (6.) respect for the need to balance economic well-being and stability, economic growth, and employment with protection of the natural environment. (7.) balance. The benefits of the ROAD District development plan shall outweigh its detriments. Further, the benefits of any deviation or relief from the underlying zoning bylaw shall outweigh any detriments as determined by the Planning Board. 2. Mandatory Criteria: In order to grant a Special Permit hereunder the Board of Appeals must find that the ROAD District Development as proposed satisfies the following criteria: A. those criteria as set forth for the grant of a Special Pen -nit pursuant to section 103; B. that the goals, purpose and objectives of the ROAD district bylaw will be accomplished; C. that the project as a whole substantially accomplishes the purposes of the underlying zoning bylaw; D. that the benefits to the neighborhood, district and Town from the ROAD District development's approval under this bylaw section 411 outweigh the effects of any deviation or relief from the requirements of the underlying zoning bylaw, and; E. the architectural and site designs of the proposed development plan is as previously approved by the Planning Board, pursuant to 411.6. N 0 T A N O F F I C I A L C 0 P Y MASSACHUSETTS STATE EXCISE TAX BARNSTABLE COUNTY G19TL� OF DEEDS Date: 12-16-2021 @ 0: 4 CtLfl: 166 &Aq a1629 Fee: $301.8() FbnE`. V00(101.09k L C 0 P Y B]c 34755 Pg26 #81629 12-16-2021 @ 10:04a N 0 T A N O F F I C I A L C O P Y BARNSTABLE COUNTY EXCISE TAX @�EtN6T T,E COUNTY REGISTRY OF DEEDS d ta: 1 -16-2021 0 10:04am Ct $-M66 DocO: 61629 O F EVej: C 7_T•4% T-?ns: $90,000.00 C 0 P Y QUITCLAIM DEED KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that, JASON FRAZIER, TRUSTEE of the PLATINUM REALTY TRUST, u/d/t dated May 1, 2006, see Certificate of Trust recorded with the Barnstable County Registry of Deeds in Book 21027, Page 291, with an address of 27 Commercial Street, South Yarmouth, Massachusetts 02664, for consideration paid and in full consideration of Ninety Thousand and 00/100 Dollars ($90,000.00), grant to EKATERINA & FAMILY, LLC, a Massachusetts Limited Liability Company, with an address of 381 Camp Street, West Yarmouth, MA 02673, with QuiTCLAIMCOvENANTS The land together with the buildings thereon, located at 1272 Route 28, South Yarmouth, Barnstable County, Massachusetts, bounded and described as follows. WESTERLY by land now or formerly of Albert and Ethel Whitehead, One Hundred Seventy -One (171) feet, Six and one-half (6 1/2) inches; NORTHERLY by land now or formerly of Samuel D. Elmore, Seventy (70) feet, Nine (9) inches; EASTERLY by land now or formerly of the Heirs of Frank B. Homer and William N. Hamblin, One Hundred Seventy -Three (173) feet and Six (6) inches; SOUTHERLY by Massachusetts State Highway, Route 28, also known as the Bypass, Seventy (70) feet and Nine (9) Lnehes. Bk 34755 Pg27 #81629 The grantors herby certifft0oNows: N 0 T A N A N 1. 1 am the sod Tn tel ottfae IiNadnum RealtjJTMSE I C I A L 2, Said trust has noCbanNtyred, amended or revoked andis56till in full force and effect; 3. All of the beneficiaries of the Platinum Realty Trust are of full age and legal capacity and none of the benefioapets a corporation; N 0 T 4. I, as Trustee, have IWejN directed by said beneficiarieAtcNtransfer the property at 1272 Route 28, Fdptitkt Yatmept�, N4aVachusetts,&rE$V,OPOCp02 tl-g ggnsideration recited in this deed. C O P Y C 0 P Y For title see deed recorded in the Barnstable County Registry of Deeds in Book 34188, Page 327. 2 Bk 34755 Pg28 #81629 N O T N 0 T A N �VN SIGNED under thepainwaidd penhltksbf perjury tbisF A I �a}�of��CP,wI , 2021. C 0 P y C O P Y N 0 T A N 0 F F I C I A L C O P Y County of Barnstable Platinum ReAlt)Tyust COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS On this day of Qe)C � , 2021, before me, the undersigned notary public, personally appeared Jason Frazier, Trustee, and proved to me through satisfactory evidence of identification, being (check whichever applies): driver's license or other state or federal governmental document bearing a photograph image, n oath or affirmation of a credible witness known to me who knows the above signatory, or o my own personal knowledge of the identity of the signatory, to be the person whose name is signed above, and acknowledged to me that he signed the foregoing instrument voluntarily for its stated purpose and who swore or affirnied to me that the contents of this document are truthful and accurate to the best of his knowledge and belief on behalf of Platinum Realty Trust. SEAL My commission expires: 1 I - �& X( k JOHN F. MEADE, REGISTER BARNSTABLE COUNTY REGISTRY Off' DEMOS RECEMD & RECORDED ELECTRONICALLY Bk 21043 P!gl3 �3244_5 05--30--2006 a 10 e 36a N O T QUITCLAIM DEEDN 0 T A N A N O F F I C I A L O F F I C I A L I, Diane E. CIput&rpof),P,0. Box 1250, MashpLz,A%4VWhusetts 02649, for consideration paid %f I puf Hundred Seventy-five Tlnu8aq and 00/100 ($475,000.00) Dollars, grant to A N A N 0 F F I C A O C I A L Ekaterina & Family, L�, ssacusetts ].irnitedia ilor�pany, with an address of 16 Macomber Drive, Yarmout sport, Massachusetts 0 7 , with Quitclaim Covenants, the land together with buildings and improvements thereon, situated in Yarmouth (South dYarmouth), Barnstable County, Massachusetts described as follows: o being shown as "Parcel `B°" on a plan of land entitled "Plan of Lane in South Yarmouth, V\ Massachusetts, for Lawrence R. Sherman, Scale 1" w 30', July 15, 1953," which said plan is recorded with the Barnstable County Registry of Deeds in Plan Book 110, Page 143. t;a N The premises are conveyed subject to and together with the benefit of all easements, rights, reservations and restrictions of record, insofar as the same are in force and applicable. For title, see deed recorded with said Registry of Deeds in Book 10994, Page 4. cC�1 Witness my hand and seal this day of May, 2006. VI '15i'ane E. Cloutier COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Barnstable, ss; �7 On this `30 day of May, 2006, before me, the undersigned notary public, personally appeared Diane E. Cloutier, personally known to me to be the person whose a Bk 21043 Pg 14 #32445 name is signed on the Mcodipg or attached document, Ni4c�nowledged to me that she signed it voluntarily and XoiNts stated purpose. A N O F F I C I A L O F F I C I A L C O P Y C O P Y N 0 T ' A N O F F z C_j A L phi ti el oudreau, Notary Public ph1�p fJ�te>,ael P Vi My ComrnisssioPti Lyxpixes: January 28, 2011 Notary public Ares January 26� MY Cornm� at Maw Corn MASSACHUSETTS STATE EXCISE TAX BARNSTABLE COUNTY REGISTRYOF DEEDS Date: 05--30-2006 D 10:36am Ct1t: 545 Dor_T: 32445 Fee. $IY624.50 Cons: $475000.011 BARNSTABLE COUNTY E C SE TAX BARNSTABLE COUNTY R. STRY OF DEEDS Dsf e: 05-•30-2006 D 10:36o.m rtI4: 545 Doct: 32445 FQka. $17093.00 Cons: 1,475P00I.00 BARNSTABLE REGISTRY OF DEEDS QUITCLAIM DEED I, Nick NaWloliqad, as Trustee of TheoCledars Realty Trust, under declaration of trust fla*d April 28, 2000 recordeg q4 Barnstable County Registry of Deeds in Wglc f2Q9ZahPAgC053. O F F I C I A L C O P X C O P Y In CONSIDERATION OF One ($1.00) Dollar N O T N O T GRANT TO: 44 Imad as Trustee of Cedai1 of Lebanon Trust under an Indenture oftFuh dafedlD8c6nber 29, 209 Fo becreidd&I with the Barnstable N County Registry a]Re�dsylterewith. /6 m,�B•4 i�i2�;�'�� r�/�k�iuvrt,'P�TT r�9 WITH QUITCLAIM COVENANTS, the following described premises; All that certain parcel of land with all buildings and improvernents thereon, situated in the Town of South Yarmouth County of Barnstable, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, bounded and described as follows: 4 A tract of land with the buildings thereon situated in South Yarmouth, Barnstable County, Massachusetts, more particularly described as follows: N 4J BEGINNING at a point on the northwesterly side of the Massachusetts State Highway commonly known as Route 28 in that part of the Town of Yarmouth known as South N Yarmouth, said point being 69.50 feet southwesterly of the southwesterly confer of property 00 now or formerly of Eugene A. Homer; thence turning in a southwesterly direction by' the northwesterly side of the Massachusetts State Highway 200.00 feet to a point at other property now or formerly of Jeannette S. Stanovich; thence turning and running M 18 odegrees, 26', 10" W by other property of said Jeannette S. Stanovich 85 feet to a point at other property now or formerly of Jeannette S. Stanovich; thence turning and running N 70 degrees, 08' la" E still by other property of said Jeannette S. Stanovich 177.95 feet to a point at still other property now or formerly of Jeannette S. Stanovich; thence turning and running S 31 degrees 50' 10" E still by other property of said Jeannette S. Stanovich 95 feet to the northwesterly side of said Highway and point of beginning. Said property containing about 17,007 square feet, as shown on a plan entitled: "Plan of Land in South Yarmouth, . Massachusetts property of Nicholas Frabotta Scale I inch = 30' April 16, 1953, Bearse & Kellogg Civil Engrs. Centerville, Mass," which said plan is duly filed with Barnstable County Registry of Deeds in Plan Book 110, Page 125. Being the same premises conveyed to the grantor herein by Kenyon Oil Company, Inc. Successor by Merger with Alcott Management Company by deed dated April 25, 2000, recorded in Book 12997 at Page 058, of the Barnstable Registry of Deeds, Barnstable, Massachusetts. Together with all easements, rights and appurtenances thereto, and all right, title, and interest of Seller in and to any roads, streets and ways bounding said premises. Subject to taxes for the. current fiscal year. BIc 20629 Pg 49 #496 This conveyance does not constitute all or substantially all of the assets of the Grantor. In Witness Wl r f,TI, Nick Nabil Imad, as TAW2 of The Cedars Realty Trust, have hereunto set myy hadn oabblialf of The Cedars Realty T&st� this 3 clay of Ja K, C , 200 �. F F I C I A L O F F I C I A L C O P Y C O N 0 T Nick NabV I16N, as Trustee A N A N 0 F F I C I A L, O F F I C I A L C (20IONWEALTH OF MASSM49SETTS Barnstable, ss. 200 , The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this -3 day of 200& by Nick NabiI Imad. He is personally known to me and/or has produced Massachusetts Driver's License as identification and acknowledge the foregoing instrument to be his free act and deed before me. NOTARY PUBLIC Print Name /-Dy-t' ,9hh Kaiekli*y My Commission Expires: Q tc [NOTARIAL SEAL] RETURN TO: Richard J. Harb, Esquire 45 Bristol Drive Suite 205 Easton, Massachusetts 02375 dARNSTABLE REGISTRY OF DEEDS :. .t'.�'. o� .+: 9 WOOD ROAD k :•/ =a �l r /f '� N 6� 1 b M N/F MUR/E4 P. NEMMIL A / \ oDEED Bx rsoo vC s97 "� N W Foc✓s msP 23.3s A'66-�4 -OOE N 62-44.26 C.2n. _ E 7D. 37 .. (Se" ) (Indl N B4 0 ' 45 70. 33 a a o h HEA G 0 m 3 O M N4 Z r` x J ti q O m m } O h p, a y L � 67 66 �d jv OF mRMOUYN o PLANNING 8OAR0. !w� *AP�PROVAL UNDER YN£ SUB01V1S/ON E0ITROL LAW Nor REOUIR£D, W GL-1 LOT I LOT 2 h j - NIF OAVID CArTEN y� DEED BK. 1956 PG 254 11,849=5 F I1'966= S.F, a27 s AC. 0. 27= AC. � N In M h .y c. S./D. N. (11d) WOOD SHED Q CESSPOOL COVER N j IM m y iq o; Ey N/F PAUL E. SULLIVAN 2 b 4 DEED 84136p PG. 943 r` PLAN " bO I43 /-f�25TORY � W -- W000 2 STORY GARAGE ICY WOOD I OWELLINC � kl R y L. R, = 204,9 L48 t.e7o.B3 C. 8. (me.1 Af 4/N 19a3UrE 2s, 8o'Iy1OE. st4;E LAYOUT J STREE7- No re., LOr I IS R£COROEO IN SOOK 575 PAGE 155, LOT 2 IS RECORDED IN 80VK 720 PAO£ 110 Ar THE 9ARN5rA8LE RE0ISTRY OF DEEDS. e/fg/aI PLAN OF LAND DArE r IN �AISAND PLAN CONFORM TO rhW THE PROCEDURAL AND TECHNICAL - SOUTH YARMOUTH, SrANOAROS FOR THE PRACrice OF LANO SURVEYINGG IN THE COMMONWEALTH MASSACHUSETTS OF MASSACHUSETrs. rHIS PLAN HAS BEEN PREPARED /N SCALE I'= 20' ' DULY 7, /981 - - - CONFORMITY W1rH TH£ RU1eT' AND - REGULArIONS OF rNE REC/SYERS OF PREPARED FOR - DEEDS OF T/IE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSAGHUSErrs. DAMES DOOLEY OAT£ E$MrEREO L D SlffYOH ar y, CAPE COD SURVEY CONSULTANTS �yx i AVAES 76 ENTERPRISE ROAD v3LSleaa „ HYANNIS, MASS. 02601 ` S ianisl:a331i ?.:L9islC �'t L277ia ~ ypC •yu 'cs�i7- - aqrn 4xo such JOB NO. C-971 OWO, NO, 4Z3 �J 4 1 E U G it N E_ A. E-1 O M 3= 2 QI iU Wlre Fc—c Q 0cr �o � m � Qom} W �./ � o, ._ N-31=Soy-lo'%•w K-• 4B2.9 Z� - 1 � < m xa rm � m IT uj Z o M1 Q •� Q h h U 0 0 I >F - K�OD k Q LO 1 ID O o. Y O a 1±4 -' oa Q L N f S-IB- ✓� N O _ Sy 137.10t -• - �S�A. Si' F��B RT mrHr=_ WHITEHEAI7 1 44 GZ•J O 0 PLAN OF LAND or, DEEDS IN Aft= 1.6 IS53 SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA55ACHU5ETT5 F O R 'LAWRENCE. R. SHERMAN Of Md _ SCALE i° = 30' JULY 15, 1953. _ SN ff4Cy �JOHN E, "H v YNTE J �Id��ST6F 46 �URv� ti5OHN E.W"VrV-- RFrGI Y1 PLEO i-RNC 5URVEY09L HA RWICH� SYtASSACMU58.7TS V.0. .%s CrA I 10 Y'o 143 E� erie i1 O �7y A `l _9 O F }l+ ,Ty A L, t s5/•-•/�E-•y Fl lbs.&7 � V Y w•.. ..1 l rN 0 T O F��� Y A "q F C Y L • _ s 3,-so-,o�- J V b 0 ry QA oy j n T L `U PLAN OF LANb IN SOOT" YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS PROPER-ne OF NICHOLAS FRABOTTA SOALP- I INCH - 5d APRIL 16, 1953 !j!4;SSS"i 1SLL•1 I ma;Esm" u !)Wl l /},. g@ARBC � IS4Ll.000 C.IVI4 �KQR9 • • ��J CeNTenvl4l Cr +�sS. J;r}. I �i p.1;) Oofa token {Yor., survey of - n ' John E.Whilc.Narwrch,Moss. `Q _ } � b ���A } Is ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS HEARING APPLICATION REQUEST FOR ABUTTERS NOTIFICATION LIST Notices must be sent to the petitioner (applicant), abutters, and owners of land directly opposite on any public or private street or way, and abutters to the abutters (only within 300 feet of the property line) of the petitioner as they appear on the most recent applicable tax list. • Postage charges for all applications are determined by the number of abutters (and the parcel(s) in question) times .56 cents (which is the current cost for the two required mailings). • Add the postage charges to the application fee and include your check with the application. For postage charges, see Zoning Board of Appeals Administrator or provide the abutters map and lot numbers below. Applicant Name: Ekaterina & Family LLC and Jay Lead, Trustee of the Cedars of Lebanon Trust Property Address: 1272, 1276 & 1282 Route 28, South Yarmouth Map Number Lot Number Map Number Lot Number Applicant 60 13,131 & 132 Abutters See attached 2 Labels-1 Hard Copy Assessors Field Card with photo Andy Machado, Director of Assessing TOWN OF YARMOUTH 1 146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS 02664-24451 Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext. 1276, Fax (508) 398-2365 PLANNING BOARD TOWN OF YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL OF A R.O.A.D. PLAN August 30, 2023 Town Clerk Town of Yarmouth, Massachusetts Planning Board RE: Planning Board R.O.A.D. Reference No. 2023-1 Applicant: Ekaterina & Family LLC and Jay Imad, Trustee of the Cedars of Lebanon Trust, 381 Camp Street, West Yarmouth, MA Property Location: 1272, 1276 and 1282 Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA Assessor Map 60, Parcels 130,131 & 132 It is hereby certified by the Planning Board of the Town of Yarmouth, Massachusetts, that at a duly called and properly posted and advertised Public Hearing of said Planning Board, held on August 16, 2023, the Board voted as follows: On a motion by Jim Saben and seconded by Joanne Crowley, and amended by Chris Vincent and seconded by Joanne Crowley, the Planning Board voted (4-1) to approve ROAD Application 2023-1 as presented with the following conditions, with Chris Vincent, Joanne Crowley, Ken Smith, and Jim Saben voting in favor, and Susan Brita voting against: 1. The 8' acoustical fence shall have an STC (sound transmission class) rating of 26. 2. Maximum 60 decibel reading 4' from the order speaker. The plans and the application for the requested action were filed with your office on July 10, 2023. PLANS SUBMITTED AND MADE PART OF THIS APPROVAL: The development plans consist of the following: 1. Colored Renderings of Building Elevations facing Route 28 2, Site Plans: All plans prepared by Choubah Engineering Group, dated June 20, 2023, unless otherwise noted: • Cover Sheet • Demolition and Erosion & Sediment Control Plan ■ Erosion Control Details & Notes ■ Site Layout & Fuel Truck Access Plan ■ Grading & Drainage Plan — Revised 8/11/23 Form R-1, Ref. 2023-1 Page 2 of 3 • Utility Plan • Landscape Layout & Fire Apparatus Access Plan • Lighting Plan ■ Site Details #1 • Site Details #2 • Site Details #3 • Underground Fuel Storage Tanks Details 3. Architectural Plans: All plans prepared by Choubah Engineering Group, dated June 20, 2023: • Proposed Convenience Store Building Floor Layout • Proposed Convenience Store Building Elevations • Revised Proposed C-Store Left Side Elevation, revised 8/16/23 • Proposed Residential Building Floor Layout • Proposed Residential Building Elevations • Canopy Elevations & Details 4, Existing Conditions Plan: Prepared by Borderland Engineering, Inc, dated December 7, 2021 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The site consists of three parcels totaling 1,14 acres which currently contain five cottages, a convenience store and two gas pumps with canopy. The Applicant proposes to demolish all existing buildings on the three adjoining properties and construct a new gasoline filling station with four (4) dispensers and overhead canopy, a 3,890 square foot (so convenience store with coffee shop and drive-thru, a separate 3,755 sf two-story building with four (4) residential units, and associated site improvements including parking, traffic circulation, pedestrian walkways, site lighting, various utilities and landscaping. The Applicant may also include a small officelstorage area of approximately 600 sf on the second floor of the convenience store. ZONING RELIEF: The project will require the following zoning relief from the Zoning Board of Appeals: 1. Building front setback, section 203.5 2. Parking behind front setback, section 301.4.1 3. In lot trees, section 301.4.6 (1 short) 4. Drive through buffer distance to residential zone of 100', section 301.8. 5. Front landscape buffer width, section 301.4A, 6. Al2, multifamily use, table 202.5 and Section 411 (with no more than 50% of total building floor area being used for residential) 7. H6, gas station use, table 202.5. 8. Signs on front and right -side elevations, section 303.5.5 FINDINGS: The Planning Board finds that the project meets the following general criteria for approval of a R.O.A. D. District Development Plan as outlined in Section 411.5 of the Zoning Bylaw as follows; 1. Results in economic benefits to the Town and recommended by the Community & Economic Development Committee. 2. The Design Review Committee and the Planning Board have both determined that the project substantially adheres to the applicable sections of the Yarmouth Architectural and Site Design Standards. 3. Improves the aesthetics of the buildings using traditional looking building materials and muted colors. Form R-1, Ref. 2023-1 Page 3 of 3 4. Improves the buffering along the public way with wider buffers, additional landscaping, and fewer curb cuts, and provides for enhanced landscape buffers along abutting properties. 5. Provides fire access, internal circulationlegress, pedestrian access, and bike racks. 6. The residential building will have a sprinkler system for fire protection. 7. Utilities and drainage provide functional service for the site and structures. 8. Property does not impact wetlands, floodplains, or drinking water recharge areas. 9. The benefits of the project outweigh the detriments resulting from the requested relief being through a Special Permit, NOTE TO THE APPLICANT: Approval by the Planning Board does not grant zoning relief. Application must be made to the Board of Appeals. NOTE TO PLANNING BOARD: Approval by the Planning Board must be noted on the plan to the Board of Appeals as an endorsement, per Zoning Bylaw section 411.6. NOTE TO THE BOARD OF APPEALS: Planning Board approval is a recommendation to the Board of Appeals that the above referenced zoning relief be granted in the form of a Special Permit, as outlined in Zoning Bylaw section 411.3.2. Mandatory criteria of Board of Appeals approval are outlined in Bylaw section 411.5, paragraph 2. A true copy, attest: Jo nne Crowley, Chair Yarmouth Planning Board Duplicate copy sent to applicant Duplicate entered into project file Duplicate sent to Board of Appeals TO: FROM: SUBJECT: DATE: TOWN OF YARMOUTH 1 146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS 02664-41492 Telephone (508) 398-2231, Ext. 1277, Fax (508) 398-2365 Yarmouth Planning Board Community and Economic Development Committee (CEDC) 1272, 1276, and 1282 Route 28 ROAD Application August 2, 2023 Department of Community Development The Yarmouth Community and Economic Committee recently met on July 25, 2023 to discuss the ROAD application submitted to the Planning Board on July 10, 2023 for the properties located at 1272, 1276 and 1282 Route 28. A project update presented to the Committee by project proponents noting that the economic benefits of the project (job creation, new construction, housing and related tax revenues) were similar to those previously presented. Based on this information, the Committee voted 4-0-1 (Peter Slovak abstained) to recommend the project as presented to the Planning Board. Thank you for the opportunity to comment and please let us know if you have any questions.