HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD-23-002810 t ptc YRdq`r tilt- / I�Lc 6r i i1c, S, � Office Use Only /..+.. �!' % Li/3 /I Beri Permit# Wit) 0 1, y Il J2)& (Amount &V,i x NAF TA n hb E, '1 �Opti0 ;' iPermit expires 180 days from _ �;;�." / t issue date. 6 -A 3--dpae/o EXPRESS BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIOj E C E ! V E TOWN OF YARMOUTH Yarmouth Building Department NOV/2022 1146 Route 28 South Yarmouth, MA 02664 BUIL TMENT (508) 398-2231 Ext. 1261 By CONSTRUCTION ADDRESS: -2- J 16 '>e%bYi -Da i v1 LAI ,$ ) �/ r»rt,,y , r+7,f l �/ y 7] ASSESSOR'S INFORMATION: / Map: 1 L—Parcel: �7 Off' -)g7 ,/ OWNER: Ai11 f A�v�y-7�A C y LJLA414n1 12-- TT? v')t;v.J DIZ . W y�L--)1447ft " 4 4 / NAME (/ PRESENT ADDRESS / TEL. # CONTRACTOR: NAME MAILING ADDRESS TEL.# sidential ❑Commercial Est. Cost of Construction$ S( U7A?. (ems Flome Improvement Contract or for Lac.# Construction Supervisor Lic.# Workman' Compensation Insurance: (check one) am the homeowner ❑ I am the sole proprietor ❑ I have Worker's Compensation Insurance Insurance Company Name: Worker's Comp.Policy# WORK TO BE PERFORMED Tent Duration (Fire Retardant Certificate attached?) Wood Stove ?C. Siding: #of Squares Replacement windows: # Replacement doors: # Roofing: #of Squares ( )Remove existing* (max.2 layers) Insulation Old Kings Highway/Historic Dist. ( )Replacing like for like Pool fencing *The debris will be disposed of at: Location of Facility I declare under penalties of perjury that the statements herein contained are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that any false answer(s) will be just cause for denial or rev ation of n licens and for prosecution under M.G.L.Ch.268,Section I. Applicant's Signature: Date: // /- Z Y Owners Signature(or attachment) ��. Date: [ /-� . � �'Y Approved By: Date: / Building 0 al( signe ) EMAIL 'WO' SS: Zoning District: Historical District: ❑ Yes ❑ No Flood Plain Zone: ❑ Yes ❑ No Water Resource Protection District: Within 100 ft.of Wetlands: 0 Yes 0 No 0 Yes ❑ No '� • The Commonwealth of Massachusetts �^=,►* Department of Industrial Accidents -17%11= 1 Congress Street, Suite 100 _,j Boston, MA 02114-2017 °.,,.=V, www.mass•go v/dia Workers' Compensation Insurance Affidavit: Builders/Contractors/Electricians/Plumbers. TO BE FILED WITH THE PERMITTING AUTHORITY. Applicant Information Please Print Legibly Name (Business/Organization/Individual): ]7, // j 0 7'9c ( C £' ,)-r / Address: 1-�-, C r),•U J z I Li h City/State/Zip: ',, i y' r �G•,,, t)/ Phone #: S C " 7 -�-S. 6 6 L Are you an employer?Check the appropriate box: Type of project(required): 1.11 I am a employer with employees(full and/or part-time).* 7. New construction 2._I am a sole proprietor or partnership and have no employees working for me in 8. ❑ Remodeling ,�.-�,//any capacity. [No workers'comp.insurance required.] 3.I7Q.I am a homeowner doing all work myself. 9. ❑ Demolition 7T`� y [No workers'comp. insurance required.]t 4. I am a homeowner and will be hiring contractors to conduct all work on m YP roPeny. I will 10 [ Building addition ensure that all contractors either have workers'compensation insurance or are sole 11.E Electrical repairs or additions proprietors with no employees. - 12.E Plumbing repairs or additions 5.E I am a general contractor and I have hired the sub-contractors listed on the attached sheet. 13.El Roof repairs These sub-contractors have employees and have workers'comp. insurance.1 1 ,! 6.E We are a corporation and its officers have exercised their right of exemption per MGL c. 14. Other r}(y� S 152,§1(4),and we have no employees. [No workers'comp. insurance required.] *Any applicant that checks box#1 must also fill out the section below showing their workers'compensation policy information. T Homeowners who submit this affidavit indicating they are doing all work and then hire outside contractors must submit a new affidavit indicating such. $Contractors that check this box must attached an additional sheet showing the name of the sub-contractors and state whether or not those entities have employees. If the sub-contractors have employees,they must provide their workers'comp.policy number. I am an employer that is providing workers'compensation insurance for my employees. Below is the policy and job site information. Insurance Company Name: Policy#or Self-ins. Lic. #: Expiration Date: Job Site Address: City/State/Zip: Attach a copy of the workers' compensation policy declaration page(showing the policy number and expiration date). Failure to secure coverage as required under MGL c. 152, §25A is a criminal violation punishable by a fine up to $1,500.00 and/or one-year imprisonment, as well as civil penalties in the form of a STOP WORK ORDER and a fine of up to$250.00 a day against the violator. A copy of this statement may be forwarded to the Office of Investigations of the DIA for insurance coverage verification. I do hereby certify under the pain d penalties of perjury that the information provided above is true'and correct. Signature: (----)_ Date: PIi` c� .�—' Phone#: 0 d • - � ,5 eo 6 V Official use only. Do not write in this area, to be completed by city or town official. City or Town: Permit/License# Issuing Authority (circle one): 1. Board of Health 2. Building Department 3. City/Town Clerk 4. Electrical Inspector 5. Plumbing Inspector 6. Other Contact Person: Phone#: ---21-7/6"(556mm)— INTREPID FLEXBURN "c..i , ��-Ii l 24 7/16' _Y r roe ` Peak BTU/hr Output' 37,000 ) —_ Vie/' _-(" (62tmm) Heating Capacity2 600-1,800 sq ft 22-7/6° i I I (581 mm) -- Maximum Burn Time, 8 hrs �( �� ■, Efficiency'' LHV:83%(Catalytic)80%(Non-Catalytic) I•.-22-3/6"(566mm)---.1 HHV:77%(Catalytic)74%(Non-Catalytic) Top Front Emissions 0.3 g/hr(Catalytic) 0.6 g/hr(Non-Catalytic) Firebox Capacity 1.3 Cu ft L=.1 L- J 25-3/ ���` -— • (654mm) (—___) Recommended Log Length 14" 24-7/16 kyy Actual Weight 348 Ibs -0"` z1-va" Technologies FlexBurn,Thermostatically Controlled b_ (540mm) Combustion,Top Load Technology —1 14-5/161_1 j , 14-5/16 i (364mm) (364mm) Side-Rear Vent ASPEN C3 SPECIFICATIONS 15 (361mm) 7-1/2" (I Peak BTU/hr Output' 35,200 (191m19 w 6�-,-1/a" (15rm) Heating Capacity2 400 1,200 sq ft 251n6 (637mm) 27-3/16' pl _ Maximum Burn Time' 10 hrs (69,mm) , 1( z3-v2" Efficiency' 81%LHV;75%HHV 11 =f:w (597mm) 11 Emissions 1.99 g/hr (40'smm) Top Front Firebox Capacity 1.25 cu ft 24-1/2• r (623mm) - I Recommended Log Length 16" .. ---,-I 25-1/16' Actual Weight 215 lbs --- (637mm) Technologies Continuous Combustion Control(C3) 27-3/16' (691mm) Side 1.BTU:1st hour output uses high burn efficiency number.BTU will vary depending on the type based on how the appliance is operated,load size,moisture content and type of wood used. of fuel used and moisture content of the fuel.2.This is a general guide,see your local dealer 4.Weighted Average LHV(Low Heating Value)efficiency.HHV(High Heat Value)efficiency for help in determining the product that best suits your heating needs based on climate,home used to qualify products for Tax Credit beginning in 2021. efficiency,location of the heater,and air movement in the room.3.Actual burn times will vary RECEIVED . 7 b 1 2 8 2022 Dimensions and Clearanc'3 °n U NGD j ir� t Are is ErARTMEN? ' A. Appliance Dimensions _ NOTE: Flue Collar size is 6"(152mm)diameter(ID) 15" (381 mm) Flue Centerline i .... to glass surface i , r7-1/2" 1 Ir L (445 mm) --"i I'I 25-1/16" ill. 1 I: 1 (637 mm; — ---_ Door o -- pening 9-v2" — width (241 mm) —i_ _; Ij I i 7-T1/2 n \P I i '_ I ' (191 mm) _' 16" _------- s-va (159 mm) (406 mm) --'" Figure 3.1 -Front View Figure 3.3-Top View 1 r �_— 27-3/16" (691 mm)—__—__—.---►, L 24-1/2" a; (623 mm) ; sh no _II ob; = j Pro II �� Stat �I -- - 23-1/2' U.S. vas�eoxr (597 mn r@ qui cwsri.os the fr ,I.1 II C:=3 EZ:1 _ door Canac \ , '� require the fror 24-1/4" " must al (616 mm)-- 5" (127 mm) either si, Note: Fc Figure 3.2-Side View, Outside Air Inlet: 3.5"Diameter(Use with 3"Flex Outside Air Pipe) measure( installatio 8 and front, Vermont Castings • Aspen rs!net.uns;,,-..-_.._, .. B. Hearth Protection Requirements Floor Protection Requirements ® CAUTION _ U.S. Canada A 8" 9" (229 mm) Hearth and Home Technologies does not recommend B 16" 18" (457 mm) adhesive based vinyl flooring due to thermal expansion. C 8" 8" (203 mm) Floating-style flooring (LVP - luxury vinyl plank or LVT— 39-7/16" 48" (1219 mm) luxury vinyl tile)can be used,but it will reach temperatures up to 110 °F in a room with ambient temperature of 70 E 25-1/2" 31" (787 mm) °F. Consult flooring specifications to ensure compatibility. When using LVP/LVT flooring, wood stove and inserts an--- require 57 inches of alternative flooring in front of the 0 stove or insert before using LVP/LVT. Whether the stove .IA or insert sits flush on the floor or is elevated on a raised hearth, 57 inches of alternative flooring is required in O front of the stove or insert. U For all other flooring, continue to follow clearance to A A _ D..�► A combustible requirements in the installation manual. B NOTICE: Clearances that do not meet the minimum guidelines could result in damage or buckling to the vinyl B flooring and is done at the installer's risk. E E The floor area directly under and around the stove will require Figure 3.4- These dimensions are minimum requirements only. protection from stray sparks or embers that may escape the Use greater dimensions whenever possible. firebox. Type 1 hearth pad with no additional "R" value is required. Fireplace Hearth Protection: Use a noncombustible floor protector such as 1/4" non- For all fireplace installations, follow the floor protection asbestos mineral board or equivalent, or 24 gauge guidelines described above. sheet metal. The floor protector may be covered with a Keep in mind that many raised hearths will extend less than noncombustible decorative material if desired. Do not the required clearance from the front of the heater when obstruct the space under the heater. it is installed. In such cases, sufficient floor protection as Protection requirements vary somewhat between the United described above must be added in front of the hearth to States and Canada as follows: satisfy the minimum floor protector requirement from the front of the stove: 16" (406 mm)from the front in the United U.S. Installations: Non-combustible floor protection is States and 18" (457 mm)from the front in Canada. required under the stove and must extend at least 16"from Hearth rugs do not satisfy the requirements for floor protection the front of the door opening and 8" from the sides of the door opening. (C, Figure 3.4) as they are only fire-retardant, not fire proof. Canadian Installations: Non-combustion floor protection is Fireplace installations also have special clearance required under the stove and must extend at least 18"from requirements to the side walls, side decorative trim and the front of the stove and 9" from the sides of the stove. It fireplace mantel. Refer to the information on fireplace and must also extend under the chimney connector and 2" to mantel trim shields in this section. either side of any horizontal runs. (A, Figure 3.4) o Note: For US installations, floor protection dimensions are 11I measured from the door opening of the unit. For Canadian IO installations, all dimensions are measured from the sides /II and front of the unit. ICI ICI r v4e. - T i _t Immo Wood framing requires protection from radiant heat Figure 3.5 - Supporting timbers under fireplace hearths are considered to be combustible. 8390-950i Vermont Castings • Aspen C3 Installation Manual_R11 • 2019-_• 11/21 9 C. Clearances To Combustibles Note: It is recommended that you have the unit in place for proper measurements and installation. Vertical Venting Configuration Description Single-Wall Pipe A Side Wall to Appliance 14"/356 mm B Back Wall to Appliance 8"/203 mm ._r _i C Side Wall to Connector Pipe 18-1/2"/470 mm e t3 D Back Wall to Connector Pipe 11"/279 mm A '144.1.0 ' Description Double-Wall Pipe r; A Side Wall to Appliance 14"/356 mm n a B Back Wall to Appliance 3"/76 mmo C Side Wall to Vent Pipe 18"/457 mm Fri_p__ � D Back Wall to Vent Pipe 5-1/2"/ 140 mm Figure 3.6 Vertical Vent, Horizontal Exit A Description Single-Wall Pipe G A Side Wall to Appliance 14"/356 mm B Back Wall to Appliance 8"/203 mm 0 C Side Wall to Vent Pipe 18-1/2"/470 mm *T"D Back Wall to Vent Pie c p 11"/279 mm E Minimum Vertical E /Omm F D 0" F Minimum Floor to Ceiling 84"/2134 mm G Minimum Vent Pipe to Ceiling 20"/508 mm - 1 l�l�� A IL I I � B /I 1 0= y rmi ralla i Figure 3.7 Vertical Vent, Corner Configuration tf ti- Location Single-Wall Pipe at G Corner to Wall 6"/152 mm H G M, I H Vent Pipe to Wall 12-3/4"/324 mm m` Location stc Double-Wall Pipe G Corner to Wall Tot 3"176 mm G fact H Vent Pipe to Wall 9"/229 mm / fron � H shle ie (' ' For, eater be in Figure 3.8 Side meas 10 Vermont Castings • Aspen C3 Installation Maniia� Ra, �n, y • Alcove Clearances When: Description Single-Wall Pipe A=9"(229 mm)Max. A A Side Wall to Appliance 14"/356 mm ,B=22-1/2(572 mm)Min. 9" B Back Wall to Appliance 8"/203 mmMax. pp A=7-1I2"(191 mm)Max. I(229mm) C Side Wall to Vent Pipe 18-1/2"/470 mm B=21"(533 mm)Min. B— D Back Wall to Vent Pipe 11"/279 mm _ A=6"(152 mm)Max. E Minimum Floor to Ceiling 63"/ 1600 mm B= 19-1/2"(495 mm)Min. 22'/z" 11/2„ --1 F Minimum Vent Pipe to Ceiling 20"/508 mm A=4-1/2"(114 mm) Max. (572mm) 1 (38mm) Min. 15" Note: If mantle clearance specifications are not listed or B= 18"(457 mm)Min. (381mm) to reduce mantle clearances you can follow NFPA211 1 regulations to assure safe installation of this product.Please A=3"(76 mm)Max. ' consult with your local building inspector before attempting B= 16-1/2"(419 mm)Min.any clearance reductions. A= 1-1/2"(38 mm)Max. =I D Q 4 A B= 15"(381 mm)Min. t F F i ; 1 i �_ • . i 1 . c I Figure 3.10-Mantel and trim clearances. II D _ / E l B t A pl -7--_ e 1L 1i III r f 1 o t'II IllIt ICI --DL . D — , P : roma Figure 3.9 if 11 i Fireplace Clearances: B 'Mantel 22-1/2"(572 mm) A fireplace installation requires special clearance between C *Top Trim 12"(305 mm) the side of the stove and the right and left walls, the side of D Side Trim 8"(203 mm) the stove and the decorative side trim on the fireplace face, "Material is less than 1-1/2" (38 mm)Thick and the top of the stove and the mantel. Figure 3.11 -Mantel and trim clearances. Maximum Mantel depth (A, Figure 3.10) of a combustible mantel is 9" (230 mm). At that depth, the clearance to the I stove top(B) must be a minimum of 22-1/2" (572 mm). Top Trim (C) protruding less than 1-1/2" (38 mm) from the face of the fireplace must be a minimum of 12" (305 mm) from the stove top. This clearance may not be reduced by shielding. For every 1-1/2" (38 mm) increment that the trim or mantel extends in depth,the clearance from the stove top must also be increased by 1-1/2" (38 mm). Side Trim must have a minimum clearance of 8" (203 mm), measured from the stove's top edge. (D, Figure 3.11) • 8390-950i Vermont Castings • Aspen C3 Installation Manual_R11 • 2019- • 11/21 11 I ` F. Chimney Location (2-10-3 Rule) These are safety requirements and are not meant to assure proper flue draft. This appliance is made with a 6" (152 mm) diameter chimney connector as the flue collar on the appliance. • Changing the diameter of the chimney can affect draft and cause poor performance. • It is not recommended to use offsets and elbows at altitudes above 4000 feet above sea level and or when there are other factors that affect flue draft. i Less than 10 ft(305 cm) 2ft(61cm)2 ft(61 cm) 10 ft(305 cm)To Nearest Roofline 3 ft(91 cm) Minimum 3 ft(91 cm) Minimum i . Pitched Roof Figure 3.13 10 ft.(305 cm)or more Less than 10 ft.(305 cm) Wall or Parapet 5 4 1' H � I ! H 1 2 ft.(61 cm)Minimum 3 ft.(91 cm)Minimum 3 ft.(91 cm)i Minimum + /� �� j f-� f �f1 // k f / /, _,/, / / Flat Roof Figure 3.14 a 13 Vermont Castings • Aspen C3 Installation Manual R11 • 2019- • 11/21 8390-950i I