HomeMy WebLinkAboutvoting sheet 6.6.2019Yarmouth Conservation Commission Voting Sheet Address: 61 Congressional Drive Applicant: James Gilmartin Date of Hearins: 6/6l2An Owner: Representative: Jrk 74, G ' L rflnt77 'u Proiect Description: proposed 4x4' landing and 3x10' stairs for porch access within the buffer zone to Long Pond Green Receipts:f nm nlc*nL.s,,'t"rJ*ru Incom plete {expl*ir":} f aicl Not laid iexplain) Leeal Ad 55: Notice of lntent: DEP File Number Certificate of Com pliance : TYPE OF HEARING $pening C*ntin ue d Requ est lsr le1erllualjA ni Request to Amend an Order {*ntin ued Opening Conlinued Other: 0pening DECISION: Notice of lntent: Apprnr,*d De nicd C*ntinr-rtri VOTES: For: Bishop Durkin Johnston Lawrence Luttazi Huggins /'- Mulhearn v' frf ,/ Against Bishop Durkin Johnston Lawrence Luttazi H uggins Mulhearn Request for Determ ination : r$rlR. Ii FQs. "! ____ ntinued DISCUSSION : {apprcval conditions, denial resons, ccntinuation reasonsi &r q-a ezr /r