HomeMy WebLinkAboutYarmouth - validated permit 2nd time out cover letter 10-19-23DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY
CONCORD MA 01742-2751
October 19, 2023
Regulatory Division
File Number: NAE-2008-03660
Bill Bonnetti
424 Route 28
Yarmouth, Massachusetts 02664
(via email: kvonhone@yarmouth.ma.us)
Dear Mr. Bonnetti:
Enclosed is your validated Department of the Army permit from the U.S. Army Corps
of Engineers (USACE) authorizing your project. This project is located in several
embayments and beaches in Yarmouth, Massachusetts. We have assigned the file
number provided above to this project. Please refer to this number in all communication
concerning this matter.
This permit is a limited authorization containing a specific set of conditions. Please
read the permit thoroughly to familiarize yourself with the conditions, including any
conditions contained in the enclosed State Section 401 water quality certification. If a
contractor performs any authorized work for you, both you and the contractor are
responsible for ensuring that the work is performed in compliance with the permit’s
terms and conditions, as any violations could result in civil or criminal penalties.
Please contact us immediately if you change the plans or construction methods for
work within our jurisdiction. We must approve any changes before you undertake
This authorization does not obviate the need to obtain other Federal, state, or local
authorizations required by law.
We continually strive to improve our customer service. In order for us to better serve
you, we would appreciate your completing our Customer Service Survey located at
Please contact Charles Farris, of my staff, at (978) 318-8336 or
Charles.n.farris@usace.army.mil, if you have any questions.
Paul M. Maniccia
Chief, Massachusetts Section
Regulatory Division
Laura Teracino, U.S. EPA Region 1, teracino.laura@epa.gov
Ed Reiner, U.S. EPA Region 1, reiner.ed@epa.gov
Rachel Croy, U.S. EPA Region 1, croy.rachel@epa.gov
Robert Boeri, Mass CZM, Boeri, robert.boeri@state.ma.us
David Wong, Mass. DEP, david.w.wong@state.ma.us
Brittany DiRienzo, Yarmouth Conservation Commission, bdirienzo@yarmouth.ma.us
Sabrina Pereira, NOAA NMFS, Sabrina.pereira@noaa.gov
Nathan Margason, U.S. EPA Region 1, margason.nathan@epa.gov