HomeMy WebLinkAboutNAE-2008-3660_10-17-23_Yarmouth SP 2nd time around proferred permit (002)ENG FORM 1721, NOV 86 EDITION OF SEP 82 IS OBSOLETE. (33 CFR 325 (Appendix A)) (Proponent CECW-OR) 1 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY PERMIT Permittee Town of Yarmouth Permit No. NAE-2008-03660 Issuing Office New England District NOTE: The term "you" and its derivatives, as used in this permit, means the permittee or any future transferee. The term "this office" refers to the appropriate district or division office of the Corps of Engineers having jurisdiction over the permitted activity or the appropriate official of that office acting under the authority of the commanding officer. You are authorized to perform work in accordance with the terms and conditions specified below. Project Description: The permit authorizes a potential 20,000 cubic yards of sand material from each channel to be removed by hydraulic and mechanical means and disposed of as beach nourishment on an as needed basis. Approximately 166,100 cubic yards (CY) of this total will be dredged from all project areas during the 2023 - 2024 dredging season. The specific maintenance dredging authorized for each channel is as follows (see Table 1): Dredging six channels within harbors and waterways in the Town of Yarmouth. Suitable sandy material from these areas will be used to nourish beaches in the vicinity of each project. The expected volume of material to be dredged from all project areas over the next 10 years is approximately 295,800 CY. Of this total, approximately 8,654 CY of this dredged material found suitable and compatible for beach placement will be used for beach nourishment by placement below the high tide line. All other dredged materials will be placed on adjacent beaches above the high tide line if composed of compatible material or in an upland location if the material is not suitable for beach placement. All project areas will be hydraulically and /or mechanically dredged to the various permitted depths plus one foot of allowable overdepth. A summary of the proposed dredge areas, depths, volumes, and anticipated nourishment sites is presented by project area and waterway in Tables 1 and 2 (REVERSE OF ENG FORM 1721) 2 Table 2. Yarmouth Dredge Sites - Area Dredge Site Name of Dredge Site Area of Dredge Site (square feet) 20 Pine Island Entrance Channel 101,193 21 Englewood Entrance Channel 60,053 22/23 Englewood Basin and Boat Ramp 64,430 24 Bass River 1,432,455 28 Parker’s River 290,389 33 Mill Creek 46,693 TOTAL 1,995,213 The work is shown on the enclosed plans entitled “Yarmouth Town-Wide Dredging Program” on eight-seven sheets and dated “November 16, 2021.” A number of revisions were made, thesr o which were done April 6, 2023.. Project Location: The proposed work is a comprehensive plan for maintenance dredging the historically sandy portions of three municipal channels within the Town of Yarmouth: Lewis Bay, Parker River and the Bass River. Permit Conditions: General Conditions: 1. The time limit for completing the work authorized ends on October 17, 2033. If you find that you need more time to complete the authorized activity, submit your request for a time extension to this office for consideration at least one month before the above date is reached. (REVERSE OF ENG FORM 1721) 3 2. You must maintain the activity authorized by this permit in good condition and in conformance with the terms and conditions of this permit. You are not relieved of this requirement if you abandon the permitted activity, although you may make a good faith transfer to a third party in compliance with General Condition 4 below. Should you wish to cease to maintain the authorized activity, or should you desire to abandon it without a good faith transfer, you must obtain a modification of this permit from this office, which may require restoration of the area. 3. If you discover any previously unknown historic or archeological remains while accomplishing the activity authorized by this permit, you must immediately notify this office of what you have found. We will initiate the Federal and State coordination required to determine if the remains warrant a recovery effort or if the site is eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. 4. If you sell the property associated with this permit, you must obtain the signature of the new owner in the space provided and forward a copy of the permit to this office to validate the transfer of this authorization. 5. If a conditioned water quality certification has been issued for your project, you must comply with the conditions specified in the certification as special conditions to this permit. For your convenience, a copy of the certification is attached if it contains such conditions. 6. You must allow representatives from this office to inspect the authorized activity at any time deemed necessary to ensure that it is being or has been accomplished in accordance with the terms and conditions of your permit. Special Conditions: 1. The permittee shall ensure that a copy of this permit is at the work site (and the project office) authorized by this permit whenever work is being performed, and that all personnel with operational control of the site ensure that all appropriate personnel performing work are fully aware of its terms and conditions. The entire permit shall be made a part of any and all contracts and sub-contracts for work that affects areas of Corps jurisdiction at the site of the work authorized by this permit. This shall be achieved by including the entire permit in the specifications for work. The term “entire permit” means this permit (including its drawings, plans, appendices and other attachments) and also includes permit modifications. 2. If the permit is issued after the construction specifications, but before receipt of bids or quotes, the entire permit shall be included as an addendum to the specifications. If the permit is issued after receipt of bids or quotes, the entire permit shall be included in the contract or sub-contract. Although the permittee may assign various aspects of the work to different contractors or sub-contractors, all contractors and sub-contractors shall be obligated by contract to comply with all environmental protection provisions contained within the entire permit, and no contract or sub-contract shall require or allow unauthorized work in areas of Corps jurisdiction. 3. The permittee shall complete and return the enclosed Work Start Notification Form to this office at least two weeks before the anticipated starting date. (REVERSE OF ENG FORM 1721) 4 . 4. The permittee shall complete and return the enclosed Compliance Certification Form to this office at least within one month following the completion of the authorized work. 5. To protect sensitive life stages of winter flounder, diadromous finfish, and horseshoe crabs, the following time-of-year (TOY) restrictions for selected dredging and nourishment locations in Table1. Table 1: An organized list of Time of Year (TOY) restrictions for all proposed dredging and nourishment sites within Yarmouth, Massachusetts. * The winter flounder TOY restrictions will not be required when dredging within approach channels if less than 10,000 cubic yards of material is proposed for removal 6 Dredging activities are prohibited within 100 feet of all eelgrass beds to protect these important special aquatic sites. Since eelgrass beds are ephemeral, changes to eelgrass distribution that have occurred since previous dredging events should be identified prior to all dredging activities. The Town of Yarmouth conduct eelgrass surveys prior to dredging if necessary; surveys should be conducted within summer months and according to MA DMF Eelgrass Survey Guidelines. On-site eelgrass surveys should be conducted to verify that the distance from the dredge footprint and the eelgrass beds is 100 feet or more. Surveys should be provided to dredge operator. No survey vessels should dock within eelgrass beds. Provide copies of the survey results to the Corps and the resource agencies. 7. Beach nourishment should maintain a minimum 100-foot buffer between the nourishment footprint and landward edge of any bordering eelgrass. 8. Beach nourishment equipment (e.g., excavator, delivery/dump truck) should be staged upland of intertidal habitat to minimize impacts and avoid compaction of sediment in mapped shellfish habitat. 9. To the extent possible, all land-based equipment shall not be refueled on-site. If equipment is refueled on-site, adequate containment and clean up material should be required to minimize impacts. (continued on Page 5) (REVERSE OF ENG FORM 1721) 5 10. No dredging or disposal from January 15 to May 31, of any year, to protect sensitive life stage winter flounder. The winter flounder TOY restrictions will not be required when dredging within approach channels if less than 10,000 cubic yards of material is proposed for removal. 11. No nearshore disposal or beach nourishment activities within 100 ft. of tidal SAV; or 25 ft. of natural rocky habitats and shellfish habitat. 12. No dredging should produce sedimentation in SAV, natural rocky habitats, or areas containing shellfish. 13. The First Coast Guard District, Local Notice to Mariners Office, (617) 223-8161, and Aids to Navigation Office, (617) 223-8358, shall be notified at least ten working days in advance of the intended start date of the location and estimated duration of the dredging and disposal operations. 1610. The U.S. Coast Guard, Sector Southeastern New England, Waterways Management Division, (401) 435-2355, shall be notified at least ten working days in advance of the intended start date of the location and estimated duration of the dredging and disposal operations. An alternate contact is the Coast Guard Sector Southeastern New England Command Center, Woods Hole, (508) 457- 3211. 14. This authorizes dredging and disposal of dredged material on a beach as shown on the enclosed plans. Once this authorized dredging and disposal is completed, any future maintenance dredging will require a new authorization from this office. 15. You must complete and return the enclosed Work Start Notification Form to this office at least two weeks before the anticipated starting date. 16.`On-site eelgrass surveys should be conducted to verify that the distance from the dredge footprint and the eelgrass beds is 100 feet or more. Survey should be provided to dredge operator. No survey vessels should dock within eelgrass beds. Provide survey results to resource agencies. 17. You must complete and return the enclosed Work Start Notification Form to this office at least two weeks before the anticipated starting date. 18. Disposal of beach fill above the high tide line should be consistent with DEP’s Beach Nourishment Guide (March 2007). Beach fill material should match the grain size profile of the receiving beach. The placement must be conducted in a matter to maintain an appropriate slope. This condition is to avoid premature loss placed material from the beach and impacts from re— sedimentation of placed materials to the adjacent near shore bottom habitat. 19. The Northeast Region, USFWS, April 15, 1994 document titled, “Guidelines for Managing Recreational Activities in Piping Plover Breeding Habitat on the U.S. Atlantic Coast to Avoid Take Under Section 9 of the Endangered Species Act” (“Guidelines”) and the March 9, 2015 document titled, “Addendum Regarding Timing of Management to protect Unfledged Chicks” (both located at http://www.fws.gov/northeast/pipingplover/recguide.html)]; shall be in place and implemented for the proposed onshore dredge disposal and/or any related construction activity (“beach nourishment”) location prior to, during and after any disposal of dredged material. 2215. The initial and all subsequent beach nourishment/disposal activities authorized herein, unless otherwise directed by the Corps, shall be placed at no steeper of a slope than 10:1 (10 horizontal to 1 vertical) as shown on the enclosed plans and have no vegetation plantings. This is to create or restore degraded plover habitat. (REVERSE OF ENG FORM 1721) 6 20. All beach nourishment/disposal and related construction activities are prohibited on or within 200 meters (656 feet) of suitable piping plover nesting habitat from April 1st to September 1st of any year. If any disposal or construction activity could unavoidably extend into this restriction period, the permittee must notify the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) (see 3d below) at least two weeks prior and the USFWS may require the following in order to avoid adversely affecting breeding piping plovers: 21. A qualified, on-site, piping plover monitor: 1 must be under contract before disposal occurs, and must be in place by April 1st of the year in which disposal is to occur to document location and activities of breeding plovers and to observe disposal activities relative to plover activities during the upcoming disposal period. In any calendar year, pre-disposal or related construction activity surveys shall begin one week prior to April 1st or one week prior to the commencement of any on-site project activity if the activity starts after April 1st. On at least four non-consecutive days, the piping plover monitor shall survey the project area (including landing, staging, operation, sand-transport and beach nourishment areas) for the occurrence of territorial, courting or nesting piping plovers. Each day’s monitoring shall consist of two separate surveys conducted during different times of the tidal cycle; 22. Dredge/disposal activities must be located 200 meters (656 feet) or more from piping plover territories and/or nests; 23. Plovers must be monitored continuously during project activities. Piping plover monitoring field notes shall be provided to the USFWS upon request. Piping plover monitoring is the process of observing and recording data on piping plover breeding activities without causing disturbance to the birds under observation. Monitoring includes, but is not limited to, detecting and recording locations of territorial and courting adults, locating nests and incubating adults, locating broods, interpreting piping plover behaviors, and documenting observations in legible, complete field notes. Except to determine the number of eggs in a newly discovered nest, monitoring is done using binoculars or spotting scopes from a distance of at least 50 meters (164 feet); 24. If the piping plover monitor determines that piping plovers are disturbed by the activity: (i) all work shall cease immediately; and (ii) the USFWS shall be notified immediately at (603) 223-2541 x22 for further consultation. 25. A qualified, on-site, piping plover monitor1 must be under contract prior to the commencement of beach nourishment/disposal. The following management actions, which also may be listed in the approved Plan or Agreement, must be implemented each year following disposal in perpetuity as long as the piping plover monitor determines that it remains potentially suitable piping plover nesting habitat. This is to avoid adverse effects to piping plovers from recreational impacts associated with the nourished beach: a. Any suitable piping plover habitat created by work performed under this authorization shall be managed in accordance with the Northeast Region, USFWS, April 15, 1994 document titled, “Guidelines for Managing Recreational Activities in Piping Plover Breeding Habitat on the U.S. Atlantic Coast to Avoid Take Under Section 9 of the Endangered Species Act” and the March 9, 2015 document titled, “Addendum Regarding Timing of Management to protect Unfledged Chicks” for managing recreational beaches on which Federally-listed piping plovers may be present. These documents are enclosed and located at: http://www.fws.gov/northeast/pipingplover/pdf/recguide.pdf. b. The disposal area shall be posted with warning signs and/or “symbolic fencing”3 before April 1 of each year and managed according to the Guidelines. (REVERSE OF ENG FORM 1721) 7 2821. In the unlikely event a crushed nest or a dead piping plover chick or adult is found, the permittee is required to immediately contact the Division of Law Enforcement, USFWS, Office of Law Enforcement, 70 Everett Avenue, Suite 315, Chelsea, MA 02150; (617) 889-6616. 1.A qualified piping plover monitor is a person who has the skills, knowledge and ability to conduct monitoring. 2. “Potentially suitable piping plover nesting habitat” is habitat that contains natural features associated with known plover habitat and that could be reasonably expected to be occupied by piping plovers either in the upcoming nesting season or in the reasonably foreseeable future. 3. Symbolic fencing refers to two strands of light-weight string, tied between posts to delineate at least a 50- meter (164-foot) radius around nest areas where pedestrians and vehicles should not enter. 26. All dredged materials shall be placed above the High Tide Line on the receiving beaches. Further Information: 1. Congressional Authorities: You have been authorized to undertake the activity described above pursuant to: ( x ) Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 (33 U.S.C. 403). ( ) Section 14 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 (33 U.S.C. 408). ( x ) Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1344). ( ) Section 103 of the Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act of 1972 (33 U.S.C. 1413). 2. Limits of this authorization. a. This permit does not obviate the need to obtain other Federal, State, or local authorizations required by law. b. This permit does not grant any property rights or exclusive privileges. c. This permit does not authorize any injury to the property or rights of others. d, This permit does not authorize interference with any existing or proposed Federal project. 3. Limits of Federal Liability. In issuing this permit, the Federal Government does not assume any liability for the following: a. Damages to the permitted project or uses thereof as a result of other permitted or unpermitted activities or from natural causes. b. Damages to the permitted project or uses thereof as a result of current or future activities undertaken by or on behalf of the United States in the public interest. c. Damages to persons, property, or to other permitted or unpermitted activities or structures caused by the activity authorized by this permit. d. Design or construction deficiencies associated with the permitted work. e.Damage claims associated with any future modification,suspension,or revocation of this permit. 4.Reliance on Applicant’s Data:The determination of this office that issuance of this permit is not contrary to the public interest was made in reliance on the information you provided. 5.Reevaluation of Permit Decision.This office may reevaluate its decision on this permit at any time the circumstances warrant.Circumstances that could require a reevaluation include, but are not limited to,the following: a.You fail to comply with the terms and conditions of this permit. b.The information provided by you in support of your permit application proves to have been false,incomplete,or inaccurate (See 4 above). c.Significant new information surfaces which this office did not consider in reaching the original public interest decision. Such a reevaluation may result in a determination that it is appropriate to use the suspension, modification,and revocation procedures contained in 33 CFR 325.7 or enforcement procedures such as those contained in 33 CFR 326.4 and 326.5.The referenced enforcement procedures provide for the issuance of an administrative order requiring you to comply with the terms and conditions of your permit and for the initiation of legal action where appropriate.You will be required to pay for any corrective measures ordered by this office, and if you fail to comply with such directive,this office may in certain situations (such as those specified in 33 CFR 209.170)accomplish the corrective measures by contract or otherwise and bill you for the cost. 6.Extensions.General Condition I establishes a time limit for the completion of the activity authorized by this permit. Unless there are circumstances requiring either a prompt completion of the authorized activity or a reevaluation of the public interested decision,the Corps will normally give favorable consideration to a request for an extension of this time limit. 7.This permit also constitutes your approval under Section 14 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 (33 U.S.C.408)as it has been determined that the activities authorized do not impair the usefulness of the USACE Navigation project and are not injurious to the public interest. See Special Condition [X]above. Your signature below,as permittee,indicates that you accept and agree to comply with the terms and conditions of this permi (~aY~1~~i __~~-ioa (Permittee —print and sign name)(ate This permit becomes effective when the Federal official,designated to act for the Secretary of the Army,has signed below. (District Engineer)(Date) (REVERSE OF ENG FORM 1721) 19 Oct 2023 (REVERSE OF ENG FORM 1721) 9 When the structures or work authorized by this permit are still in existence at the time the property is transferred, the terms and conditions of this permit will continue to be binding on the new owner(s) of the property. To validate the transfer of this permit and the associated liabilities associated with compliance with its terms and conditions, have the transferee sign and date below. _______________________________________________ (Transferee) (Date) (REVERSE OF ENG FORM 1721) 10 Special Conditions 6. 8. No nearshore disposal or beach nourishment activities within 25 feet of natural rocky (Atlantic cod HAPC) habitats. 9. No dredging should produce sedimentation in natural rocky (Atlantic cod HAPC) habitats. This may be achieved using setbacks of 25 feet from natural rocky habitats. TOY special conditions 10 No dredging or placement should be performed from January 15 to May 31 to protect sensitive life stages of winter flounder. 11. No in-water work should be performed from January 15 to June 15 to protect winter flounder, horseshoe crabs, and diadromous fish species. 12.. The First Coast Guard District, Local Notice to Mariners Office, (617) 223-8161, and Aids to Navigation Office, (617) 223-8358, shall be notified at least ten working days in advance of the intended start date of the location and estimated duration of the dredging and disposal operations. 13. The U.S. Coast Guard, Sector Southeastern New England, Waterways Management Division, (401) 435-2355, shall be notified at least ten working days in advance of the intended start date of the location and estimated duration of the dredging and disposal operations. An alternate contact is the Coast Guard Sector Southeastern New England Command Center, Woods Hole, (508) 457-3211. 14. This authorizes dredging and disposal of dredged material on a beach as shown on the enclosed plans. Once this authorized dredging and disposal is completed, any future maintenance dredging will require a new authorization from this office. 15. You must complete and return the enclosed Work Start Notification Form to this office at least two weeks before the anticipated starting date. 16. Disposal of beach fill above the high tide line should be consistent with DEP’s Beach Nourishment Guide (March 2007). Beach fill material should match the grain size profile of the receiving beach. The placement must be conducted in a matter to maintain an appropriate slope. This condition is to avoid premature loss placed material from the beach and impacts from re— sedimentation of placed materials to the adjacent near shore bottom habitat. 17. The Northeast Region, USFWS, April 15, 1994 document titled, “Guidelines for Managing Recreational Activities in Piping Plover Breeding Habitat on the U.S. Atlantic Coast to Avoid (REVERSE OF ENG FORM 1721) 11 Take Under Section 9 of the Endangered Species Act” (“Guidelines”) and the March 9, 2015 document titled, “Addendum Regarding Timing of Management to protect Unfledged Chicks” (both located at http://www.fws.gov/northeast/pipingplover/recguide.html)]; shall be in place and implemented for the proposed onshore dredge disposal and/or any related construction activity (“beach nourishment”) location prior to, during and after any disposal of dredged material. 18. The initial and all subsequent beach nourishment/disposal activities authorized herein, unless otherwise directed by the Corps, shall be placed at no steeper of a slope than 10:1 (10 horizontal to 1 vertical) as shown on the enclosed plans and have no vegetation plantings. This is to create or restore degraded plover habitat. 19. All beach nourishment/disposal and related construction activities are prohibited on or within 200 meters (656 feet) of suitable piping plover nesting habitat from April 1st to September 1st of any year. If any disposal or construction activity could unavoidably extend into this restriction period, the permittee must notify the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) (see 3d below) at least two weeks prior and the USFWS may require the following in order to avoid adversely affecting breeding piping plovers: A qualified, on-site, piping plover monitor1 must be under contract before disposal occurs, and must be in place by April 1st of the year in which disposal is to occur to document location and activities of breeding plovers and to observe disposal activities relative to plover activities during the upcoming disposal period. In any calendar year, pre-disposal or related construction activity surveys shall begin one week prior to April 1st or one week prior to the commencement of any on-site project activity if the activity starts after April 1st. On at least four non-consecutive days, the piping plover monitor shall survey the project area (including landing, staging, operation, sand-transport and beach nourishment areas) for the occurrence of territorial, courting or nesting piping plovers. Each day’s monitoring shall consist of two separate surveys conducted during different times of the tidal cycle; 20. Dredge/disposal activities must be located 200 meters (656 feet) or more from piping plover territories and/or nests; 21. Plovers must be monitored continuously during project activities. Piping plover monitoring field notes shall be provided to the USFWS upon request. Piping plover monitoring is the process of observing and recording data on piping plover breeding activities without causing disturbance to the birds under observation. Monitoring includes, but is not limited to, detecting and recording locations of territorial and courting adults, locating nests and incubating adults, locating broods, interpreting piping plover behaviors, and documenting observations in legible, complete field notes. Except to determine the number of eggs in a newly discovered nest, monitoring is done using binoculars or spotting scopes from a distance of at least 50 meters (164 feet); 22 If the piping plover monitor determines that piping plovers are disturbed by the activity: (i) all work shall cease immediately; and (ii) the USFWS shall be notified immediately at (603) 223- 2541 x22 for further consultation. 23. A qualified, on-site, piping plover monitor1 must be under contract prior to the commencement of beach nourishment/disposal. The following management actions, which also may be listed in the approved Plan or Agreement, must be implemented each year following disposal in perpetuity as long as the piping plover monitor determines that it remains potentially (REVERSE OF ENG FORM 1721) 12 suitable piping plover nesting habitat2. This is to avoid adverse effects to piping plovers from recreational impacts associated with the nourished beach: a. Any suitable piping plover habitat created by work performed under this authorization shall be managed in accordance with the Northeast Region, USFWS, April 15, 1994 document titled, “Guidelines for Managing Recreational Activities in Piping Plover Breeding Habitat on the U.S. Atlantic Coast to Avoid Take Under Section 9 of the Endangered Species Act” and the March 9, 2015 document titled, “Addendum Regarding Timing of Management to protect Unfledged Chicks” for managing recreational beaches on which Federally-listed piping plovers may be present. These documents are enclosed and located at: http://www.fws.gov/northeast/pipingplover/pdf/recguide.pdf. b. The disposal area shall be posted with warning signs and/or “symbolic fencing”3 before April 1 of each year and managed according to the Guidelines. 24. In the unlikely event a crushed nest or a dead piping plover chick or adult is found, the permittee is required to immediately contact the Division of Law Enforcement, USFWS, Office of Law Enforcement, 70 Everett Avenue, Suite 315, Chelsea, MA 02150; (617) 889-6616. 1A qualified piping plover monitor is a person who has the skills, knowledge and ability to conduct monitoring. 2 “Potentially suitable piping plover nesting habitat” is habitat that contains natural features associated with known plover habitat and that could be reasonably expected to be occupied by piping plovers either in the upcoming nesting season or in the reasonably foreseeable future. 3 Symbolic fencing refers to two strands of light-weight string, tied between posts to delineate at least a 50- meter (164-foot) radius around nest areas where pedestrians and vehicles should not enter. 25. All dredged materials shall be placed above the High Tide Line on the receiving beaches. This authorization expires on October 20, 2033. You must commence or be under contract to commence the work authorized herein by October 20, 2033 and complete the work by October 20, 2034. If not, you must contact this office to determine the need for further authorization before beginning or continuing the activity. We recommend that you contact us before this authorization expires to discuss reissuance. Please contact us immediately if you change the plans or construction methods for work within our jurisdiction. We must approve any changes before you undertake them. SITE 14 SITE 2SITE 3 SITE 4 SITE 5 SITE 6 SITE 7 SITE 8SITE 9 SITE 10 SITE 11 SITE 12 SITE 13 SITE 1 SITE 15 SITE 17 SITE 16 SITE 18 SITE 19 SITE 20 SITE 21 SITE 22/23 SITE 24 SITE 25 SITE 26 SITE 27 SITE 28 SITE 29 SITE 30SITE 31 SITE 32 SITE 33 & 34 SITE 35 SITE 36 SITE 37 Consultants MAJOR CONTOUR MINOR CONTOUR MLW MHW HTL PROPERTY LINES SAMPLE LOCATIONS DREDGE AREA Consultants DREDGE VOLUME AND NUMBER OF SAMPLES BY SITE SITE # 20 21 22/23 24 28 33 PINE ISLAND ENTRANCE CHANNEL ENGLEWOOD ENTRANCE CHANNEL ENGLEWOOD BASIN AND BOAT RAMP BASS RIVER CHANNEL AND MOORING BASIN PARKERS RIVER MILL CREEK TOTAL VOLUME SITE NAME PROPOSED VOLUME (CY) SAMPLE NUMBERS 2,200 2 300 2 1,000 2 152,000 15 8,000 6 2,600 2 166,100 29 DISPOSAL VOLUME BY BEACH NOURISHMENT SITE SITE # 1 2 3 4 5 6 BASS HOLE - GRAY'S BEACH SITE NAME PROPOSED VOLUME (CY) 500 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 25 26 27 29 30 31 32 34 35 36 37 BAY ROAD 490 BAYVIEW STREET 660 BAXTER AVENUE 950 BERRY AVENUE 65 COLUMBUS AVENUE 540 CROSBY STREET 200 GLENWOOD STREET 396 GROVE STREET 425 HOMER AVENUE 200 MALFA AVENUE 120 NEW HAMPSHIRE AVENUE 50 RIVER STREET 24 SHORE WHARF CREEK BEACH 1,285 AKIN AVENUE TOWN LANDING 305 VERMONT AVENUE 275 VERNON STREET 115 WINDMILL PARK 315 WILBUR PARK 325 WEST DENNIS BEACH 22,500 SOUTH MIDDLE BEACH 5,800 BASS RIVER BEACH 18,417 SEAVIEW BEACH 5,000 PARKERS RIVER BEACH 3,000 SEAGULL BEACH DUNE 6,700 THATCHERS BEACH 3,000 COLONIAL ACRES BEACH 29,200 DENNIS POND 550 LITTLE SANDY POND 200 WING GROVE PARK 507 TOTAL 102,114 LEGEND SAMPLE LOCATIONS SAMPLE #NORTHING EASTING PIC-01 PIC-02 EC-01 EC-02 EB-01 EB-02 BRC-01 BRC-02 BRC-03 BRC-04 BRC-05 BRC-06 BRC-07 BRC-08 BRC-09 BRC-10 BRC-11 BRC-12 BRC-13 SC-01 SC-02 PRC-01 PRC-02 PRC-03 PRC-04 BRC-05 BRC-06 MCC-01 MCC-02 2693704.61 2693251.86 2695080.12 2695270.51 2696254.89 2696038.96 2697772.91 2698718.60 2699445.81 2700998.01 2701825.15 2702395.82 2702939.29 2704694.56 2705477.22 2706512.36 2707267.48 2700834.02 2701030.09 2693844.20 2694978.48 2695161.07 2695448.98 2695626.53 2695755.17 2698338.10 2698684.18 997207.30 997397.89 998175.97 998594.97 998705.16 998782.90 1012546.68 1012450.29 1012324.58 1012303.29 1012629.81 1013383.02 1014125.23 1015084.16 1015488.18 1016019.77 1016511.58 1017383.19 1013061.75 1013480.22 1006380.89 1005817.59 1005719.61 1005605.52 1005665.21 1005710.55 995640.19 995706.36 2702523.33 1014479.39 2704419.85 5 10 15 150'± BEACH NOURISHMENT AREA (125 cu.yds.) (3,600 sq.ft.) MHW HTL 0 SCALE: 100 200 1" = 100' Consultants E B B F LOOD NOTE: MLW NOT SHOWN MHW +9.68 100'± BEACH DUNE HTL +11.30 10 1 NOT TO SCALE Consultants PROPOSED BEACH NOURISHMENT AREA BEACH NOURISHMENT AREA 490 cu.yds. 3,210 sq.ft. 5 10 5HE D G E R O W LEWIS BAY M L W MLW M H W H T L M H W H T L C O A S T A L B A N K CO A S T A L B A N K 0 SCALE: 50 100 1" = 50' Consultants EBBFLOOD NOURISHMENT BELOW HTL NOURISHMENT ABOVE HTL MLW (0.0) MHW (3.4) EL.+10.0101 HTL (4.1) NOT TO SCALE HEDGE ROW PROPOSED BEACH NOURISHMENT AREA Consultants 5 5 7 5BAYVIEW STREETWINDMILL LANE MLW MHW HTL ML W MHW HTL BEACH NOURISHMENT AREA 660 cu.yds. 302 sq.ft. BEACH NOURISHMENT AREA 9,655 sq.ft. DUNE 0 SCALE: 60 120 1" = 60' EBB FLOO D Consultants NOURISHMENT BELOW HTL NOURISHMENT ABOVE HTL MLW (0.0) MHW (3.4) HTL (4.1) 50 1EL.+5.0 3 1 BAYVIEW STREET NOT TO SCALE PROPOSED BEACH NOURISHMENT AREA Consultants 8 BAXTER AVENUEMLW MHW HTL MLW MHW HTL LEWIS BAY -5-5-5BEACH NOURISHMENT AREA 950 cu.yds. 1,660 sq.ft. DUNE DUNE 116 -2.9 MLLW 0 SCALE: 100 200 1" = 100' EBB FLOOD Consultants NOURISHMENT BELOW HTL NOURISHMENT ABOVE HTL MLW (0.0) MHW (+3.4) EL.+5.5 10 1 BAXTER AVENUE PROPOSED BEACH NOURISHMENT AREA HTL (+4.1) NOT TO SCALE Consultants BEACH NOURISHMENT AREA 65 cu.yds. 1,171 sq.ft.-152NEW HAMPSHIRE AVENUEBERRY AVENUELEWIS BAY MLWMHWHTL MLW MHW HTL 0 SCALE: 50 100 1" = 50' EB B FL O O D Consultants NOURISHMENT BELOW HTL NOURISHMENT ABOVE HTL MLW (0.0) MHW (+3.4) EL.+4.0 10 1 BERRY STREET PROPOSED BEACH NOURISHMENT AREA HTL (+4.1) NOT TO SCALE Consultants BEACH NOURISHMENT AREA 540 cu.yds. 2,000 sq.ft. -2 -1 0 1 2 3 5 6 7 COLUMBUS AVENUES H O R E A V E N U E LEWIS BAY MLWMHWHT LMHWHT L MLWDUNE 0 SCALE: 50 100 1" = 50' Consultants EBB FLOOD NOURISHMENT BELOW HTL NOURISHMENT ABOVE HTL MLW (0.0) MHW (+3.4) EL.+8.5 10 1 PROPOSED BEACH NOURISHMENT AREA COLUMBUS AVE HTL (+4.1) NOT TO SCALE Consultants -215 13CROSBY STREETBASS RIVERBEACH NOURISHMENT AREA 200 cu.yds. 1,330 sq.ft. 0 SCALE: 50 100 1" = 50' Consultants MLWMLWHTLHTL HTLMHWMHW MHW EBB FLOO D DUNE TOP OF COASTAL BANKNOURISHMENT BELOW HTL NOURISHMENT ABOVE HTL MLW (0.0) MHW (+3.4) EL.+7.5 10 1 PROPOSED BEACH NOURISHMENT AREA CROSBY STREET HTL (+4.1) NOT TO SCALE Consultants GLENWOOD STREETMHWHT L M L W MHW MLW HTL SAL T M A R S H 0 SCALE: 50 100 1" = 50' BEACH NOURISHMENT AREA 517 sq.ft. 396 cu.yds. Consultants EBB FLOOD NOURISHMENT BELOW HTL NOURISHMENT ABOVE HTL MLW (0.0) MHW (+3.4) EL.5.0 10 1 PROPOSED BEACH NOURISHMENT AREA GLENWOOD STREET HTL (+4.1) NOT TO SCALE Consultants 5 10 10 1535 5 VERNON STREETPA R K A V E N U E GROVE STREETMHWHT L M L W MHWHT L 0 SCALE: 60 120 1" = 60' BEACH NOURISHMENT AREA 1,120 sq.ft. 425 cu.yds. Consultants EBB FLOOD MLW (0.0) MHW (+3.4) EL.5.0 10 1 PROPOSED BEACH NOURISHMENT AREA GROVE STREET HTL (+4.1) NOT TO SCALE Consultants -5-4 -3-2 -1HOMER AVENUE BASS RI V E R MLW MHW HTL BEACH NOURISHMENT AREA 200 cu.yds. 1,300 sq.ft. 0 SCALE: 50 100 1" = 50' Consultants EBB FLOO D NOURISHMENT BELOW HTL NOURISHMENT ABOVE HTL MLW (0.0) MHW (+3.4) EL.5.0 10 1 PROPOSED BEACH NOURISHMENT AREA HTL (+4.1) NOT TO SCALE Consultants 8 8 105 10 WATER STREETWH A R F L A N E 0 SCALE: 100 200 1" = 100' RENOURISHMENT AREA 4,440 sq.ft. 100 cu.ft. Consultants MHW (+9.68) EL.11.3 10 PROPOSED BEACH NOURISHMENT AREA 1 EXISTING BEACH HTL (+11.3) NOT TO SCALE Consultants -7-6-5-4-3-2-1135 PLEASANT STREETTO W N L A N D I N G A V E N U E BASS RIVERMLWMHWHTLBEACH NOURISHMENT AREA 1708 sq.ft. 305 cu.yds.2DUNE DUNE 0 SCALE: 100 200 1" = 100' Consultants EBBFLOODNOURISHMENT BELOW HTL NOURISHMENT ABOVE HTL EL.7.0 10 PROPOSED BEACH NOURISHMENT AREA 1 MLW (0.0) MHW (+2.8) HTL (+3.6) AKIN AVENUE TOWN LANDING NOT TO SCALE Consultants -25 7VERMONT AVENUES H O R E R O A D BEACH NOURISHMENT AREA 665 sq.ft. 275 cu.yds. MH W HT L M L WMHWH T L DUNE 0 SCALE: 50 100 1" = 50' Consultants EBB FLOOD NOURISHMENT BELOW HTL NOURISHMENT ABOVE HTL EL.4.5 10 PROPOSED BEACH NOURISHMENT AREA 1 MLW (0.0) MHW (+3.4) HTL (+4.1) VERMONT AVENUE NOT TO SCALE Consultants 5 10 10 1510 5535 5 VERNON STREETPA R K A V E N U E PA R K A V E N U E STONE ROADGROVE STREETMALFA ROADML W MHW HTL 0 SCALE: 100 200 1" = 100' BEACH NOURISHMENT AREA 796 sq.ft. 75 cu.yds. Consultants EBB FLOOD DUNE NOURISHMENT BELOW HTL NOURISHMENT ABOVE HTL EL.5.0 10 PROPOSED BEACH NOURISHMENT AREA 1 MLW (0.0) MHW (+3.4) HTL (+4.1) VERNON STREET NOT TO SCALE Consultants -6-5-4-3-2-1114BEACH NOURISHMENT AREA 1,036 sq.ft. 315 cu.yds. WILLOW STREET RIVER STREETBASS RIVERMLW MLW MHWHTL MHWHTL COASTAL BANK0 SCALE: 60 120 1" = 60' Consultants EBB FLOO D NOURISHMENT BELOW HTL NOURISHMENT ABOVE HTL EL.9.0 10 PROPOSED BEACH NOURISHMENT AREA 1 MLW (0.0) MHW (+2.8) WINDMILL PARK HTL (+3.6) NOT TO SCALE Consultants -4-3-2-1 15 10HIGHBANK R O A D B A S S R I V E R MLW MHW HTL MLWMHWH T L BEACH NOURISHMENT AREA 7,687 sq.ft. 325 cu.yds. 0 SCALE: 100 200 1" = 100' Consultants EBBFLOOD EL.5.0 10 PROPOSED BEACH NOURISHMENT AREA 1 MLW (0.0) MHW (+3.4) HTL (+4.1) WILBUR PARK NOT TO SCALE Consultants -2-4-3-1 105 51062 233 233434 5 6 10PINE ISLAND PINE ISLAND CREEK LEWIS BAY MHW MHW M H W MLW MLW -10 -10 -10 -5 -10-10-1 0 PIC-02 PIC-01 N: 2693998.00 E: 997126.00 N: 2693975.00 E: 997071.00 N: 2693045.00 E: 997524.00 N: 2692999.00 E: 997478.00 N: 2692989.00 E: 997491.00 N: 2692965.00 E: 998152.00 N: 2692905.00 E: 998144.00 PINE ISLAND CHANNEL LIMIT EXISTING JETTY 0 SCALE: 200 400 1" = 200' Consultants EBBF LOOD MLW (0.0) MHW (+3.4) 3 1 60' WIDE CHANNEL OVERDREDGE LIMIT EL. -7.0 DREDGE LIMIT EL. -6.0 HTL (+4.1) NOT TO SCALE DREDGE VOLUMES TO DREDGE LIMIT (EL.-6.0) = 2,200 cu.yds. TO OVERDREDGE LIMIT (EL.-7.0) = 3,700 cu.yds. Consultants -2-3-4-5 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -9 - 8 -7 - 6 -5 - 5-4-3-4EC-01EC-02N: 2694940.52E: 997969.25N: 2695082.43E: 998429.01N: 2695357.11E: 998883.46N: 2695442.69E: 998831.74N: 2695174.37E: 998387.79N: 2695036.08E: 997939.75ENGLEWOOD ENTRANCE CHANNEL LIMITAREA OF DREDGING0SCALE:2004001" = 200'LEWIS BAYEBBFLOODConsultants MLW (0.0) MHW (+3.4) 3 1 100' WIDE CHANNEL OVERDREDGE LIMIT EL. -7.0 DREDGE LIMIT EL. -6.0 HTL (+4.1) NOT TO SCALE DREDGE VOLUMES TO DREDGE LIMIT (EL.-6.0) = 300 cu.yds. TO OVERDREDGE LIMIT (EL.-7.0) = 1,700 cu.yds. Consultants -3-2-152-5-6-76 7 52 EB-01 EB-02 N: 2696129.02 E: 998955.77 N: 2696254.81 E: 998915.41 N: 2696277.52 E: 998869.11 N: 2696258.00 E: 998825.00 N: 2696324.51 E: 998643.27 N: 2696290.45 E: 998617.56 N: 2696061.78 E: 998925.61 N: 2695934.63 E: 998782.05 N: 2695934.33 E: 998741.89 N: 2696051.74 E: 998752.11 N: 2696231.86 E: 998695.72 0 SCALE: 200 400 1" = 200' AREA OF DREDGING 6,600 cu.yds. DEWATERING BASINS NEW HAMPSHIRE AVEBERRY AVEMLW MLW MLW LEWIS BAY EBB FLOOD Consultants MHW HTL MLW (0.0) EL. +2.1 EL. 7.5 1 2 TEMPORARY 8' BERM EXCAVATE AREA TO FROM BERMS PARKING AREA TO REMAIN NEW HAMPSHIRE AVE 125'±x 190'± MLW (0.0) EL. +2.1 MHW (3.4) PROPOSED GRADE EL. 7.5 TEMPORARY 6' BERM EXCAVATE AREA TO FROM BERMS EXISTING MARINA WALKWAY WITH CONCRETE RETAINING WALL PROPOSED GRADE 1 2 EXISTING BOAT RAMP HTL (4.1) MHW (3.4) HTL (4.1) NOT TO SCALE A 44 NOT TO SCALE DEWATERING BASIN #1 B 44 NOT TO SCALE DEWATERING BASIN #2 Consultants 1 15 MLW (0.0) OVERDREDGE LIMIT EL. -7.0 DREDGE LIMIT EL. -6.0 EXISTING BOAT RAMP NOT TO SCALE DREDGE VOLUMES TO DREDGE LIMIT (EL.-6.0) = 1,000 cu.yds. TO OVERDREDGE LIMIT (EL.-7.0) = 4,500 cu.yds. Consultants AABBCCDDEEFFGGHH0102030405060708ENTRANCE CHANNELSPUR CHANNELMOORING BASIN 4MOORING BASIN 3Consultants0750' 1500' 3000'SCALE: 1" = 1500'NANTUCKET SOUND160-5.72 MLLW161-5.52 MLLW162-5.51 MLLW164-5.11 MLLW178-5.36 MLLW177-5.77 MLLW177-5.77 MLLW169-5.13 MLLW168-5.23 MLLW167-6.05 MLLW166-6.06 MLLW N: 2694013.89E: 1012713.13LAT41°37'58.77"LONG70°11'44.63"N: 2694019.79E: 1012812.93LAT41°37'58.81"LONG70°11'43.32"AAAA166-6.06 MLLW0SCALE:2004001" = 200'EBBFLOODConsultants N: 2697164.02E: 1012631.77LAT41°38'29.90"LONG70°11'45.07"N: 2697158.19E: 1012531.94LAT41°38'29.86"LONG70°11'46.38"ABABAAAA167-6.05 MLLW168-5.23 MLLW169-5.13 MLLW0SCALE:2004001" = 200'EBBFLOODConsultants AA-6-5 -4 -3 -1 -4-3-2-1MLW HTLMHW N: 2697164.02E: 1012631.77LAT41°38'29.90"LONG70°11'45.07"N: 2697158.19E: 1012531.94LAT41°38'29.86"LONG70°11'46.38"N: 2698403.48E: 1012559.34LAT41°38'42.15"LONG70°11'45.77"N: 2698391.68E: 1012459.86LAT41°38'42.05"LONG70°11'47.08"BASS RIVER CHANNELEXISTING JETTYEXISTINGBOAT RAMPBASS RIVERNANTUCKET SOUNDABAB169-5.13 MLLW177-5.77 MLLW178-5.36 MLLW0SCALE:2004001" = 200'EBBFLOODConsultants AABB-5-4 -4-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -5 -4 -3-2-2 MLWHTLMHWMLW MLWBASS RIVER CHANNELBASS RIVER0SCALE:2004001" = 200'ConsultantsEBBFLOOD BBCC-1-2 -3 -4 -5 -5 -4-3 -1 HH- 1 -2 MHWMHWMLWHTL MLWML W MLW0102030405060708N: 2700436.15E: 1012092.68LAT41°39'02.30"LONG70°11'51.51"N: 2700393.48E: 1012201.95LAT41°39'01.86"LONG70°11'50.08"N: 2701554.26E: 1012502.02LAT41°39'13.29"LONG70°11'45.89"N: 2700509.55E: 1012216.42LAT41°39'03.00"LONG70°11'49.87"N: 2701598.78E: 1012410.52LAT41°39'13.74"LONG70°11'47.09"2702011.30E: 1012841.51LAT41°39'17.75"LONG70°11'41.33"SPUR CHANNELSPUR CHANNEL BASS R I V E R BASS RIVER CHANNELEELGRASS TRANSECTS (TYP.)LIMITS OF EELGRASS (2020 SURVEY)0SCALE:2004001" = 200'EB B FL O O DConsultants CCDD2 21 -1 -2-3 -4 -4 -3 -2 -1 MHWHTL MLWMLW270 1 5 5 4 . 2 6 101 2 5 0 2 . 0 2 41 ° 3 9 ' 1 3 . 2 9 " 70 ° 1 1 ' 4 5 . 8 9 "N: 2702086.36E: 1012772.69LAT41°39'18.50"LONG70°11'42.22"N: 2702011.30E: 1012841.51LAT41°39'17.75"LONG70°11'41.33"N: 2702723.50E: 1013806.72LAT41°39'24.64"LONG70°11'28.47"N: 2702643.48E: 1013867.48LAT41°39'23.84"LONG70°11'27.69"BASS RIVER CHANNELBASS RIVER BA S S R I V E R C H A N N E L EE L G R A S S T R A N S E C T S ( T Y P . ) LIM I T S O F E E L G R A S S ( 2 0 2 0 S U R V E Y ) 164 -5.1 1 M L L W 0SCALE:2004001" = 200'EBBFLOODConsultants DDEE-5-4 -3 -2 -1 -4-3-2-1MHWHTLMLW MLWN: 2702723.50E: 1013806.72LAT41°39'24.64"LONG70°11'28.47"N: 2702643.48E: 1013867.48LAT41°39'23.84"LONG70°11'27.69"N: 2703184.92E: 1014305.34LAT41°39'29.12"LONG70°11'21.81"N: 2703125.93E: 1014388.83LAT41°39'28.53"LONG70°11'20.72"41°39'39.93"70°11'15.35"BASS RIVER CHANNELBASS RIVER0SCALE:2004001" = 200'EBBFLOODConsultants EEFF-6-5-4 -3-2 -1DESCRIPTION EL. 0.0MHWHTL MLW MLWN: 2704286.20E: 1014778.67LAT41°39'39.93"LONG70°11'15.35"N: 2704219.87E: 1014859.01LAT41°39'39.26"LONG70°11'14.31"N: 2704904.88E: 1015690.16LAT41°39'45.90"LONG70°11'03.22"N: 2704837.44E: 1015768.86LAT41°39'45.22"LONG70°11'02.20"BASS RIVER CHANNELBASS RIVER0SCALE:2004001" = 200'EBBFLOODConsultants U N I O N S T R E E T BASS RIVERFFGGDESCRIPTION EL. 0.0-5 MHW HTLMLWMLWN: 2706906.66E: 1016638.76LAT41°40'05.53"LONG70°10'50.32"BASS RIVER CHANNELBASS RIVERN: 2706835.18E: 1016715.55LAT41°40'04.81"LONG70°10'49.32"F160 -5.7 2 M L L W 161 -5.5 2 M L L W 162 -5.5 1 M L L W0SCALE:2004001" = 200'EBBFLOODConsultants GG-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 -1 -2 -3 MLWMHWHTLBASS RIVER N: 2706835.18E: 1016715.55LAT41°40'04.81"LONG70°10'49.32"N: 2707342.77E: 1017411.02LAT41°40'09.72"LONG70°10'40.05"N: 2707255.69E: 1017460.19LAT41°40'08.85"LONG70°10'39.42"BASS RIVER CHANNEL0SCALE:2004001" = 200'EBB FLOOD Consultants 2HH-2 -2 MHWMLWMHWHTLMLWHTL N: 2702011.30E: 1012841.51LAT41°39'17.75"LONG70°11'41.33"BASS RIVER CHANNELSPUR CHANNELBASS RIVER CHANNELEELGRASS TRANSECTS (TYP.)LIMITS OF EELGRASS (2020 SURVEY)N: 2701066.70E: 1013704.19LAT41°39'08.29"LONG70°11'30.16"N: 2701157.96E: 1013663.29LAT41°39'09.19"LONG70°11'21.81"0SCALE:2004001" = 200'EBBFLOODConsultants 1 3 MLW (0.0) OVERDREDGE LIMIT EL. -7.0 DREDGE LIMIT EL. -6.0 100' CHANNEL 0 SCALE: 20 40 1" = 20' DREDGE VOLUMES TO DREDGE LIMIT (EL.-6.0) = 73,300 cu.yds. TO OVERDREDGE LIMIT (EL.-7.0) = 49,600 cu.yds. Consultants 0 SCALE: 400 800 1" = 400' BEACH NOURISHMENT AREA 119,337 sq.ft. 22,500 cu.yds WEST DEN N I S B E A C H Consultants EBBFLOOD MLW (0.0) MHW (+3.4) 10 EXISTING BEACH PROPOSED NOURISHMENT HTL (+4.0) 1 NOT TO SCALE Consultants SOUTH M I D D L E B E A C H 0 SCALE: 100 200 1" = 100' Consultants EBBFLOOD DEWATERING BASINS AND BEACH NOURISHMENT 34,991 sq.ft. 5,800 cu.yds. NOURISHMENT BELOW HTL NOURISHMENT ABOVE HTL DUNEDUNE DUNE MLW (0.0) MHW (+3.4) HTL (+4.1) 3 1 TEMPORARY 10' BERM DEWATERING BASIN NOT TO SCALE Consultants -4-5-6BASS RIVER BE A C H BASS RIVER -11010 101115 MLW MHW HTL MLWMHW HTL 01020304 0 SCALE: 200 400 1" = 200' BEACH NOURISHMENT AREA 161,742 sq.ft. 18,417 cu.yds. Consultants EBBFLOOD NOURISHMENT BELOW HTL NOURISHMENT ABOVE HTL DUNE MLW (0.0) MHW (+3.4) 3 EXISTING BEACH HTL (+4.1) 1 EL.14.0EL.14.0 EDGE OF STILLING BASIN ABOVE MHW PROPOSED STILLING BASING TO HOLD 750± CU.YDS. WIDTH VARIES MHW (+3.4) HTL (+4.1) EL.+10.0 10 1 NOT TO SCALE Consultants BEACH NOURISHMENT SECTION DEWATERING BASIN SECTION ML W MHW HTL MLWSEAGULL BEACHPARKER'S RIVER CHANNEL0SCALE:4008001" = 400'NANTUCKET SOUNDConsultantsEBBFLOOD173-5.53 MLLW172-5.90 MLLW174-5.13 MLLW171-5.60 MLLW170-5.80 MLLW180-3.62 MLLW179-4.38 MLLW AAN: 2694080.91E: 1006223.40N: 2694107.66E: 1006277.11N: 2693633.67E: 1006451.51N: 2693665.27E: 1006502.74171-5.60 MLLW172-5.90 MLLW173-5.53 MLLW174-5.13 MLLWPARKER'S RIVER CHANNEL0SCALE:1002001" = 100'EBBFLOODConsultants BAAB25689 107 N: 2694573.61E: 1006039.46N: 2694541.55E: 1005988.46PARKER'S RIVER CHANNEL0SCALE:1002001" = 100'ConsultantsEBBFLOOD BB82 5 5 2 2102 2 12710M L W MHW HTL MLWN: 2695383.50E: 1005626.40N: 2695375.27E: 1005564.51N: 2695545.14E: 1005589.85N: 2695528.61E: 1005648.04N: 2695793.09E: 1005761.65N: 2695816.77E: 1005706.52179-4.38 MLLW180-3.62 MLLWPARKER'S RIVER CHANNEL0SCALE:1002001" = 100'EBBFLOODConsultants MLW (0.0) 1 3 OVERDREDGE LIMIT EL. -7.0 DREDGE LIMIT EL. -6.0 60' CHANNEL NOT TO SCALE Consultants 120'±SEAVIEW BEA CH EXISTING GROIN EXISTING GROIN REVETMENT BEACH NOURISHMENT AREA 25,680 sq.ft. 5,000 cu.yds. 0 SCALE: 100 200 1" = 100' Consultants MLWMHWHTL EBBFLOODNOURISHMENT BELOW HTL NOURISHMENT ABOVE HTL MLW (0.0) MHW (+2.8) 10 PROPOSED NOURISHMENT HTL (+3.6)1 20' REVETMENT REVETMENT TOE EL.+6.0 NOT TO SCALE Consultants SOUTH S H O RE DRIVEPARKER'S RIVE R BEAC H MLW MHW HTL 01 02 03 EXISTING GROIN REVETMENT BEACH NOURISHMENT AREA 50,253 sq.ft. 3,000 cu.yds. 0 SCALE: 100 200 1" = 100' Consultants EBBFLOODNOURISHMENT BELOW HTL NOURISHMENT ABOVE HTL MLW (0.0) MHW (+2.8) 10 PROPOSED NOURISHMENT HTL (+3.6) 1 90'± REVETMENT TOE OF REVETMENT EL.6.0 NOT TO SCALE Consultants 522 5 689 1072 10 7 10 BEACH NOURISHMENT AREA 112,274 sq.ft. 6,700 cu.yds. SEAGULL BEA C H DUNE DUNE PROPOSED DEWATERING BASIN 0 SCALE: 200 400 1" = 200' Consultants MLW MHWHTL EBBFLOODNOURISHMENT BELOW HTL NOURISHMENT ABOVE HTL 2 1 TEMPORARY SAND BERM EXISTING GRADE EXCAVATED AREA TO FROM BERM NOT TO SCALE Consultants SOUTH S H O RE D RIVE MLW MHWHTL MLW MHWHTL 123510101110 7 125BEACH NOURISHMENT AREA 13,937 sq.ft. 3,000 cu.yds.THATC HE R BEA C H DUNE 0 SCALE: 100 200 1" = 100' Consultants NOURISHMENT BELOW HTL NOURISHMENT ABOVE HTL MLW (0.0) MHW (+2.8) 10 PROPOSED NOURISHMENT HTL (+3.6) 1 NOT TO SCALE Consultants 8 MLW MHW HTL ML W MH W HTL -5-5-5-5-5-5 0 SCALE: 200 400 1" = 200' Consultants EBBFLOODAPPROX. DREDGING LIMITS APPROX. CHANNEL LIMIT 117 -3.9 MLLW 116 -2.9 MLLW 1 3 OVERDREDGE LIMIT EL. -4.0 DREDGE LIMIT EL. -3.0 50' CHANNEL MLW EL.0.0 NOT TO SCALE Consultants 8 -5-5-5-5-5-5 0 SCALE: 200 400 1" = 200' Consultants EBBFLOODDEWATERING BASIN AND BEACH NOURISHMENT AREA 36,217 sq.ft. 29,200 cu.yds 450'± 120'± 75'± COLONIAL ACRES BEACH NOURISHMENT BELOW HTL NOURISHMENT ABOVE HTL DUNE MLW (0.0) MHW (+3.4) HTL (+4.1) 3 1 TEMPORARY 10' BERM DEWATERING BASIN NOT TO SCALE Consultants 30SUMMER STREETDENNIS POND RAILROAD 2 7 BEACH NOURISHMENT AREA 6,075 sq.ft. 444 cu.yds. O H W 0 SCALE: 100 200 1" = 100' Consultants 1 10 OHW EL. +25 SUMMER STREET NOT TO SCALE Consultants 23 28 13 LITTLE SANDY POND 24 69.13 AC TOWN OF YARMOUTH SANDY POND RECREATION AREA BEACH NOURISHMENT AREA 1,913 sq.ft. 80 cu.yds. 0 SCALE: 100 200 1" = 100' Consultants 1 10 OHW EL. +10 EL. +20 NOT TO SCALE Consultants BEACH NOURISHMENT AREA 7,393 sq.ft. 507 cu.yds. MEMORIAL DRIVE 0 SCALE: 100 200 1" = 100' Consultants NOURISHMENT BELOW HTL NOURISHMENT ABOVE HTL 1 10 OHW EL. 0 EL. +20.0 NOT TO SCALE Consultants MALFA ROADMHWHTL MH W HT L M L W MHW HTL MLW SAL T M A R S H 0 SCALE: 50 100 1" = 50' BEACH NOURISHMENT AREA 1,207 sq.ft. 120 cu.yds. Consultants EBB FLOOD NOURISHMENT BELOW HTL NOURISHMENT ABOVE HTL MLW (0.0) MHW (+3.4) EL.5.5 10 1 PROPOSED BEACH NOURISHMENT AREA MALFA ROAD HTL (+4.1) NOT TO SCALE Consultants 1 6 7 5 2 NEW HAMPSHIRE AVENUEMH W HT L M L W BEACH NOURISHMENT AREA 467 sq.ft. 50 cu.yds. 0 SCALE: 50 100 1" = 50' Consultants EBB FLOOD NOURISHMENT BELOW HTL NOURISHMENT ABOVE HTL MLW (0.0) MHW (+3.4)EL.3.0 10 PROPOSED BEACH NOURISHMENT AREA HEW HAMPSHIRE AVE 1 EL.2.0 HTL (+4.1) NOT TO SCALE Consultants -7-6-5-4-3-2-1RIVER STR E E T RIVER STREETBASS RIVERMLWMHWHTLBEACH NOURISHMENT AREA 430 sq.ft. 24 cu.yds. 0 SCALE: 50 100 1" = 50' Consultants EBBFLOOD EL.8.0 10 PROPOSED BEACH NOURISHMENT AREA 1 MLW (0.0) MHW (+2.8) HTL (+3.6) NOT TO SCALE Consultants