HomeMy WebLinkAboutImage_001.pdf - BLDX-23-15481 20871ONE & TWO FAMILY ONLY. BUILDING PERMIT Tolvn of Yarmouth Building Department I146 Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA 02664-4492 508-398-2231 ext. l26l Fa\ 508-398-0816 Massachusefts State Building Code, 780 CMR BLtilding Permit Applicqtion To Construct, Repai., Renovate Or Demolish a One- or Trvo-Fanily Dv,elling l.l Pro rR Address: 0 )E R!t t \. Yri \ro r t lJ Assessors NIap & Parcelliumbers l.la [s this all accepted stleet? yes {no Ivlap Number ParcelNumber I 3 Zonins Informatio(-t{0"n: ItSrDrNCE LJ Proo!.1 tt,ertl Dimensions:o rl 7119 Zoning Disrict Proposed Use 1.5 Building Setbaclis (ft) Front Ya.rd Required Piovid.d Lot Area (sq ft) Sr,lc Ya-rds SICTIOr" 2: PROPERTY OWNERSHIP' Frontage (ft) Re3r Yard 1.8 Servage Disposal System: ivlunicipal 0 On site disposal sysrem 1.6 lvater Supply: (NI PublicJ Pr:rrt: C G.L c .l0, $i4) J 2.1 Ownerr of Record:JvAIE? Al,RA,J \^/tS ?YapF.lrrI AA 026\ l I nrs sectlon for Othclal Use UDI v Building Polmit Numb€r:Date Applied: Building Off;cial (Prior Name)S ignarure I ).,i( SECTION l: SITE INTORMATION Requircd ProlideC Requirerl ProvideC Check if yestr 1.7 Flood Zone l[formation: Zooe: \ Ourside Flood Zone? Nane (Print)Cit), Statc, ZIP(o rirFE0.\$N l!E ),io. and Street Brief Description of Proposed Workz (A(!0 F Telephone il Address SECTION 3: DESCRIPTION OF pROpOSED tVORK:(check all that appty), (-/v1- t t.ltl ,N0 !v lN Do\J \lJ t*lb Estimated Cosrs Labor and Materials Official Use Onlv l. Building Permit Fee: S-- Indicate how fee is detenninedtr StaDdard City/Toun Application Fee tr Total Project Cost3 (Item 6) x multipLier x2. Other Fees: S List: Total A.ll Fees: $ 2. Electrical lb Check No. _C tr Paid in FUU heck Amount: _Cash Amount E Outstaading Balance Due: New Consrruction tr I existing euitaingd Ou,ner-Occupii a r/ i nepni.rlt; 3f Alteration(s) tr Addition tr Demolition D Accessory Blde. tr Number of Units Other tr SpeciS SECTIOT- l: ESTITVIATDD CONSTRUCTION COSTS Item l. Building s ct0,!Lg S 3. Piumbing s 4. Mechanical (HVAC)s ressloD5 5. Mechanical (Fire S 6 Total Project Cost S htlnil 5.1 ConstructioD Supervisor License (CSL) NBjlle ofCSL HolJe. No. and Stre€t Unrestricted to 35 000 cu ft. Ciry1Town, State. ZIP Te ne Email address 5,2 Registered Home Improyement Contractor (HIC) !flC Compaay Name or HIC Registrart Narne HIC Registration Number Etpiration Date No. and Street Email address Ci o!1Tl State, ZIP Tele ne Workers Compeusation Iusurance affidavit must be comp leted and submifted lvirh rhis application. Failwe to providethis affidavir yill result in tire detrial ofthe Iss ce of the buildiDg pemir Sigoed Allidavii Anached? Yes No SECTIO\ 7a: O\1\-LR AUTHORIZATIOS TO BE CO}IPLETED \1}IENo}\\.ER'S AGENT OR CONTR,{CTO R APPLTES FOR BUILDII{G PERIIIT l, as Owner ofthe subject properry, hereby au-lboiize to act on my behalf.in all matters relarive to lvork authorized by tbis building permit application PrL'lt O!v':ler's Name rElccnonic Slenature)Drte SECTION 7b: Ow\i'ER'OR AUTHORIZED .4.GENT DECL.{R{TIO\ By entering my name belolv, I hereby attest urder the paiDs ard penaltles ofperju) that all ofthe il]formatioo cotrtained h this applicatioq is true and accurat. to the bes! ofmy knorvledge and understandlng. .)!Afi.Et A0 RAr t 1t- {f - li Print Owner's or,{uthorized Agenas Narne (Elcctronic Signature)Dat". .\OTESI l . Ar Owaer rvho obrains ajuilding permit to do his,fter o,,t n rvork. or an owner rvbo hires an unregistered cootractor(not resist--red in the Home Improvetr}ellr Conhactor (] C) progan), will lro/ bave access to the arbirationProgram or guaxant_v fund uDder M.C.L c. l4lA. Other important infomation or the HIC Prog.am can be fouud atw w-w.mass. gov/oca Iaformation on the Construction Superuisor License can be found at wr.v rv. mas s . go v/dps2. When substaDtial worl. is planned, provide the information belorvTotal floor area (sq. ft.)(including guage. finished basement/antcs. decks or porch)Gross living area (sq. ft.Habitable room couDtNumber of lueplaces Nur.ber o[ bedroomi -... -.....-.- - Number of batbloom T,?e ofheating syste m ' ---_ Number ofhalitaths Number ofdecks/ porches Ooen SECTION 5: CONSTRUCTION SER!,ICES Licensc Number List CSL Tr?e (see bclow) Expiration Date Type Description U R Rcstrictcd I&2 Famil Dw:l\I 1,'[aso RC Roofi Coverin rVS Window and S SF Solid Fuel Buming Appliances lnsulation D Demolition SECTIoN 6: woRKERs' collpElrsATIoN DtsLIR{f{cE AFFIDA!-IT (NI.c.L. c. rs2. s 25c(o) roJotalTP Sct Fq Co t'Proj T)?e ofcooling system Enclosed ootage" may be substituted for ,,Total Th e C o mmo n w ea lth of lllass ac h us ett s D ep artme nt of I ndtctr ial A cc id.e nts 1 Congress Street, Stite 100 Boston, MA 02114-2 017 www.mass.gov/dia satiorl Insurance Affi davit: Builders/Contractors/Electricians,?lumbers.TO BE FILED WITH THE PERIVIITTING ALITHoRITY. \\'olkers'Compen Name (Business/orgrizaiio tndividlal): J! A p tt IrlO Address 6o :rfFr Iloru Avt City/State/Zip V t :l yln no,,rr I hA ozrtl Aft you .n .mploy.r? Ch€ck th. appropri.tc bor Btion I an a employer wrih --cmployees (full and/or pa(-rime) * B \r S Phone +: 15oY)9(0 - {.r62 } Type of project (requirecl): c!nfo 5e t '). l d I am a sole proprietor or pannership and havc no arn,rloyees work,nq for mE rnany capzclty lNo workars,comp. tnsr.rrarce relurrcd l I aft a homcowner doing all work myself [No workers. comp insurance requrred ] r a D 11. u 13-.."a"r and will be hirint conlractors to conducr all work on my proDcny I wiliensurc that all contractors althcr hava workers, coap"nr"r,on lnrr,rn.a o, .L rft.'proprictors with no amDloyces. / . L__l 8 9 New constructioI Remodeling Demolition Building addition Electrical repairs or additions Plumbing repairs or additions Roofrepairs I.i E other wrNDtv!rDrlu [i I(l I am a gencral contracror anC I havc hircd thc sub-con-lractors lisrcd on Lhe anached shccrThese sub-contraclots hav! employels and havc workers, comD. insurance t d il 12 tl 5 i Homcowrers who submit thrs We aie a corporaUon anC ,ts officcrs have ererctsed tnetr rrsh! ofexe:nptton .lel5l, Sl{aJ. and we have no.mplovecs iNo workers. compl rnsr*;;; I;;;:;r rvlcl c ,] , *Any applicanr thal che.ks boy 9 I mus! also fiil out rh. secton bclow showing rheir worl.crs'affjdavit indrcanng thcy are doaig all work aod then hire oursi compeasalion policy tnibnnahon de contractors mus! submit a new atidavr! indicatrb-coniiacrrrs anC stetc \,nerner cr not .hose cnulres lconr.uctors rl.rut chcck ttris Uor musi attachad an adCittonal sheet showing the narne ofrhe suemployees. If fie sub-contrac:ois have amDloyecs, lhcy mJsr og such harepaovrd€ their woakers' ccnp. pohcy number I am an employer that is providing \)orkers,it{ormdtion, Insurance Company Name: c rj ontpensatiott insurancefor my employees. Belote is the policy anttjob site Policy # or Self-ins. Lic. # Job Site Address; Attrch a copy of - the lvorkers! .o.punrrtion potiiE.i iiln prg. Ghirli Ciq,/State/Zip nq the policy number and expirntion d,rte).Farlure to secure coverage as required under Ir4GL c. 152, $25A is a cri:linal violarion punishable by a fine up to $ i,500.00and,/or one-year imprrsonment, as well as civil penalties in the form of a STOp WORK ORDER and a fine of up to $250.00 aciay against the violator. A copy of this statement may be forwarded rc the Office of Investigatio ns ofthe DIA for insurancecoverage verific n I do hereby ce ttttcler llrc pains and penalties of pe ury th(rt the i lornwtto n provided above is true and cortect. re Il City or Torvn: Perm it/License # l. Electrical Inspector 5. plumbing Inspector Phone #: OfJicial use ong. Do not Nrite in this area, lo be completed by cit! or tovn ofrtcial. Depa rrmert 3. City/Town Clerk Contrct Person: lssuing.Authority (circle one i:L Board of Health l. Buildine 6. Other