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23-A114 11 Ironwood Court Approved
sr�y_YAkC TOWN OF YARMOUTH RECE'VE 1�°r x 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 026644451 Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext. 1292-Fax (508) 398-0836 SEP 0 SOLID KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE f Artiviuj ; r, APPLICATION FOR OLD KINGS HIGHWAY CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS Application is hereby made for issuance of a Certificate of Appropriateness under Section 6 of Chapter 470, Acts of 1973 as amended, for proposed work as described below & on plans, drawings, photographs, & other supplemental info accompanying this application. PLEASE SUBMIT 4 Copies OF SPEC SHEET(S), ELEVATIONS, PHOTOS, & SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION. Check All Categories That Apply: Indicate type of Building: Commercial X Residential 1) Exterior Building Construction: New Building Addition Alterations Reroof Garage Shed X Solar Panels Other: 2) Exterior Painting: Siding Shutters Doors _Trim Other: 3) Signs/Billboards: New Sign Change to Existing Sign 4) Miscellaneous Structures: Fence Wall Flagpole Pool Please type or print legibly: Other: Address of proposed work: 11 l roKwood Court Map/Lot # Owner(s), JOhn Nlarhevka Phone #: 508-362-0262 All applications must be submitted by owner or accompanied by letter from owner approving submittal of application. Mailing address: 21- Ironwood Court Year built: M11 Email: Jvmnarhevka303@comncast.net ^ Preferred notification method: �_ Phone Email Agent/contractor: Craig Orm _ Phone #: 774-318 -0950 Mailing Address: 50 D+ CoccfiQ rA 0y1)'P-rr+'.;#1 5 a 1Q Can) Email: perwA_it5ma46mnomPntumn50lar.COPA Preferred notification method: Phone X Email Description of Proposed Work: lnstafling rooftop railed solar PV of q.855 KW and 27 mnodu[es. No E55 installation. Signed (Owner or agent): _� .'&r '�f Date: 7/14/2023 > Ownerlcontractorlagent is aware that a permit is required from the Building Department. (Check other departments, also.) ➢ If application is approved, approval is subject to a 10-day appeal period required by the Act, > This certificate is good for one year from approval date or upon date of expiration of Building Permit, whichever date shall be later. All new construction will be subject to inspection by OKH. OKH-approved plans MUST be available on -site for framing & final inspections. Rcvd Date: Amount , tO _ Cash1CK #: i 04 Rcvd by: L.15 45 Days: Date Signed: Approved Approved with Modifications Denied ! 1 APPLICATION #: 0 TOWN OF YARMOUTH OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS 02664-4451 Telephone (508) 398-223 ! Ext.1292 Fax (508) 398-0836 STATEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING CHANGES TO AN OLD KING'S HIGHWAY APPROVED PLAN As property owner/contractor/agent for construction at Wool Map/Lot r 3 Oa'". �r CIA # 3 -1A14 Approval Date: I certify that I understand the following requirements regarding any changes that may be required for this project: In accordance with paragraph 2(a) of section 1.43(General Procedures) of the OKH 972 CMR Rules and Regulations: Only minor changes may be approved by the Committee without the filing of a new application and a new hearing. Minor changes include alterations that can be done without a detrimental impact on the overall appearance of the project such as altering a single window or door change or a minor change of colors. All minor changes by amendment will require the local Committee's or its designee's approval. All changes to previously OKH approved plans require notification to and approval from the local OKH Committee. Change requests must be submitted to the Committee in writing on the appropriate request form, which may be obtained from the OKH office. All change approvals must be obtained before incorporating the change into the project. If the change has been implemented prior to receipt of OKH approval, a Minor Change approval or Certificate of Appropriateness application for the revised plans is still required and will result in a doubled filing fee for the appropriate category of work. Failure to comply with the above statements will result in the Building Department issuing a stop -work order or delaying issuance of an Occupancy Permit or final inspection approval. I have read and understand the above statements. Date:12A)2-'36Signed: A�p—R—OV D O rlContractor Agent) OCT 2 3 2023 signed: (Chairman, Old King's Highway Committee) H'.IOKH COMMITTEE4Application Forms4Stalement of Understanding 2015.docx Updated 1212015 Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext. 1292 Fax (508) 398-0836 OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE Application #: o-? 3 A it Project Address: 45-DAY TIMEFRAME WAIVER Wag Application Received Date: 45 Day Decision Deadline: RECEwo SEP 0 5 20?3 hiriiviVll ! f . l We, the undersigned owner, contractor, or agent, do hereby waive the 45-day timeframe for a determination on our application for a Certificate of Appropriateness/Demolition/Exemption by the Old King's Highway Historic District Committee for the following project: Pmv,(s Date: S 3 Signed: APPROVE OCT 2 3 2023 YARMOUTh Owner O er Contra or/Agent TOWN OF YARMOUTH _ I L/ OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE 2023 MEETING SCHEDULE TOWN OF YARMOUTH OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITT ERlFce n ABUTTERS' LIST SEP 0 5 2023 Ytir=ifbiOiJi �, Applicant's (Owner) Name: 3AI VI A-) �,>r -ea Property Address/Location: Hearing Date: Notices must be sent to the applicant and abutters (including owners of land on any public or private street or way) whose property directly abuts or is across the street from the applicant. The OKH Office will send out notices using the addresses as they appear on the most recent applicable tax list. Note: Instructions for obtaining the abutters Map and Lot numbers can be found on the Old King's Highway Department page on the Town website: www.varmouth.ma.us Map Number Lot Number Applicant Information: Abutter Information: APPROVED OCT 2 3 2023 YARMOUTH vim.3 i-7 y3 10:5s 6, � L13 -7 i7 8.2018 3 OF.YA w Application #: 1�23"'1" Il TOWN OF YARMOUTH 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS 02664-4451 1431 105.7/ 1 1 CAMPBELL PAUL M CAMPBELLBERNADETTE M 8 IRONWOOD COURT, YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675 1431 105.61 1 1 KARNIB HALA RAYFIELD KARNIB LEAH 12 ALEXANDER DR YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675 1431 105.31 1 1 MARINOS STERGE TIFFANY 4 ALEXANDER DR, YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675 1431 105.41 ! 1 LANE KAREN V 979 ROUTE 6A YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675 Please use this signature to certify this list of properties directly abutting and across the street from the parcel located at: 11 Ironwood Court, Yarmouth Port, MA, 02675 Assessors Map 143, Lot 105.5 dy Mach rector of Assessing R FI Sul ED AHMUU 1_i APPROVED O C T 2 3 2023 2�� YARMOU -I'h Nq F ♦) O §j 'o zg u +� a N ro S7 � Un 4 t o L; ro N C vi C� RECEI w EE SEP 0 5 2023 rAhfviuU v, JAPPROVEDI OCT 2 3 2023 YARMOUTH Daniel W. Dunzik Architect LEED-AP 370 Burnt Hill Rd. Skillman NJ. 08558 908-872-3664 StudioGdesign@comeast.net June 28, 2023 Re: Proposed Photovoltaic Solar Panel Installation John Marhevka 11 IRONWOOD COURT YARMOUTHPORT, MA 02675 Dear Plan Reviewer: RECEIVED SEP a 5 2023 1AhiviVU I r, KING'S HIGI- Certification: I have reviewed the engineering testing reports for the racking and attachments to be used on this project and I certify that the products are capable of supporting the code required loads and are suitable for this installation when installed in strict compliance with the manufacturers printed instructions. Regarding the solar panel array installation on the above referenced project please note that an inspection was performed by a representative of the Architect/Engineer of Record, and analysis of the existing structure was conducted. There is adequate structural capacity for the installation of the array with the following recommendations: 1. The array will be installed on the existing roof. The roof framing is constructed of 2"x8" wood rafters @16" o.c. spanning 124" with 112" plywood sheathing. The new array (See Site map by contractor) will add 2.63 Lb. / Sf overall to the roof. The existing structure is sufficient to support the new loads associated with the additional weight & wind resistance. No additional structural support is required for the roof structure. 2. The attachment system shall be secured to the roof and shall be in strict compliance with manufacturers printed instructions. The attachment system shall be UL 1703 approved tested. Provide water tight sealant at all penetrations. Attachments shall follow panel rows as specified by the system manufacturer's installation manual. The panel angle shall match the roof slope. Reference summary table below: Roof Type: Shingle Fastener Max Spacing (in.) Attachment System: "ROOFTECH"@ "RT MINI IF' & "UNI AC SM" Mounting Systems Wind Zone 1 Wind Zone 2 Wind Zone 3 Fastener Info: min. 5116" x 4" long stainless -steel lags with a min. 48 32 32 embedment of 3" into the rafters 3. Solar Modules shall be UI,1703 rated. Refer to manufacturers specifications sheets. 4. Positive drainage of the system shall be so as not to void the existing roof warranty. 5. All aspects of the installation shall comply with the 2015 Massachusetts building code, 2020 NEC, the American Society of Civil Engineers, ASCE 7-10, 2018 American Forest & Paper Association, wood frame construction manual, local municipal code and all other codes and ordinances adopted by referance or enacted by law. 6. Please refer to the attached structural calculations. If you have any questions relating to this matter, please contact me at your earliest convenience. Thank ageyr Daniel W Dunzik $Y` W.0f, �C�lI CN = Daniel W Dunzik No.9i2284 C = US O =Daniel '+LD NEW dEERSEY JyW OF LSSP4� Dunzik Architect Daniel W. Dun . . LEED-AP MA. Lic, No 952284—AR—R APPROVED OCT 2 3 2023 rAH[viOu i h (ING'S HIGHW Daniel W. Dunzik 370 Burnt Hill Rd. Skillman NJ. 08558 StudioGdesign@comeast.net Gravity Load Calculation Criteria Structural Design Loads per ASCE 7-10 Dead Loads = 10 psf + 2.6 psf (new solar panels) = 12.6 psf Roof Live Load = 20 psf Ground Snow Load/Live Load = 30 psf Architect LEED-AP 908-872-3664 June 28, 2023 Roof Slope Factor ASCE-7-16, Eq.7.3-1, Pf=0.7CeCtIsPg*30=21psf ASCE 7-16, Sloped Roof, Eq.7.4-1 Ps=CsPf, Figure 7.4-1, Cs= 0.66 Snow Load= 13.86psf Wind Load Calculation Criteria Wind Loads per ASCE 7-16, Ch. 30.4 Design wind pressure deternvned by Eq. 29.4-7: Zone I = -34.7 psf Roof Slope = 23 degrees Zone 2 = -60.4 psf Basic Wind Speed = 145 mph Zone 3 = -89.3 psf Exposure = B Per section 2.4.1, ASD combo = D + 0.6W: Zone i = 2.6 psf + 0.6(-34.7 psf) = -18.2 psf Zone 2 = 2.6 psf + 0.6(-60.4 psf) = -33.6 psf Zone 3 = 2.6 psf+ 0.6(-89.3 psf) = -51 psf Roof Mean Height = 15 ft Check Attachment to Wood Rafter Use 5116 dia. Lag screw w/ 3" embedment into 2 in. wide roof rafter Lag Screw Spacing: Lag Screw Tributary Area: Zone 1 = 48" o.c. max Zone I = (48" o.c. max)^2 / 144 — 16 SF Zone 2 = 32" o.c. max Zone 2 = (32" o.c. max)^2 / 144 = 7.11 SF Zone 3 = 32" o.c. max Zone 3 = (32" o.c. max)1,2 / 144 = 7.11 SF Lag Screw Forces: Zone 1 = 18.2 psf x 16 SF = 291 lb < W', OK Zone 2 = 33.6 psf x 7.11 SF = 2391b < W', OK Zone 3 = 51 psf x 7.11 SF = 363 Ib < W', OK RECEIVED SEP 0 5 2023 r Ahivjuu I r, OLD KINGS HIGHWAY APPROVED O C T 2 3 2023 YARM0UTh I W = 266lb/in (Table 12.2A, 2015 NDS) Cd = 1.6 (Table 2.3.2, 2015 NDS) Ct = 1 (Table 2.3.3, 2015 NDS) W'= W x embed x Cd x Ct W' = 266 lb/in x 3 in. x 1.6 x I = 1276.8 Ib U) z 2 0 � 3 O 0 V 0 Z 0 RECEIVED S E P 0 5 2023 OLD KINGS HIGHWAY U") O (D ti r 0 0 (D c M 00 69? r � c H C a m 0 O fD co 0 0 0 to 69 a- R C i ro ' c i N 04 U O co O Co CD M O O N M Lo 0 N Z d m as c °a au d o o N U in N C'1 APPROVED OCT 232023 YARMOUTh i» rn Illkjflln . ...... . U rl- co N � � z a z U a 0� > oO a -L. = Q = a o 0 0 � L C o N 0 0 L a F� Lei 0o co co rl_ as o m a G N _m _m �_ _� N N O O N C) O O O 0 z cb o O O o cm IL ad O OOo 0 M to co ti O) a m p (D o U U O N y 2 affi � d , C t o o a o 0 a iff o o efl ` coo c`6v to a � � m RECEIVE] SEP 0 5 2023 YARMUUi r, APPR�WE® O C T 2 3 2023 1'ARMOU TF, c 0 Q. a� 0 o _ N p + CD a: o U Q� c o Q - ¢ 0) N U) r- ~ 'O N ? 6 m � m 0 0) r 'C 3 F- r_ O O 0 O O +� w 0 z o 0 0 N is d (j Q Q Z _ 'y O z Of ❑ C r i1 Q1 a N ►' jw Ili >- z C 7 Q d C 4) O O P.-Q m a1 0 Q z z 111 d 7 N N H H d Lu > - m a ! LL a i U) 0 G -; 3—A-lnl O •* O r a 0) c m RECE -ED SEP 0 5 2023 r AnfviUU'i-r APPR p, OCT 2 3 2023 YARMUU7"�-; d Er+ na ? C L � Q �a�i U ' a Q O L w U C 3 2 C9 �° = `' is N M N vs E m V CL O O W CV w N 7 > O of > L)CL W T lG CO C N Ifl ` •- C � i •� C N k +- C L N = N N = U Q N 2 .+ O H N r+ O H m O 1— Lo � O #— E .+ O Vo m Y L E Z a C U m E 7 Z N OL O LL I IL �[C C u ;-,-;-A/L/ L0 00 cV cd a O h 'a X t y L V N Y N L m LL APPROVED OCT 2 3 2023 YARMOUTH c c fT co 0 w V) m O O c a c c M co qr cce) L mt Cy! s � a N ` th U) C 8 LL ii C Il CL {n m H C ID -a U rn U� LL QL O 2 a C C m � m [ m m LL H U w 0 LL 0- 0 LL D RECFIVED SEP 0 5 2023 rARMOu I r, RECFIVFD SEP 0 6 2023 � ril-SiVIUIJ i rr APPR—O--VE—D OCT 2 3 2023 ? MOUrfi ;?3-AdY Customer: Address: Winter Solstice Y / Battery BU Y / 10 C !r45 23 fAHIVIUU f r-+ -OLD KINGS HIGHWA Lain ZService Fanel (MSP 1-3) Sulu Panel (SP 1-5) Electrical Meter (EM 1-4) Service (S) Generator (Gen) Battery (B 1-3) Gas Meter (GM) Water Main (WM) Attic Access (At 1-5) ,_z Theodolites (Theo) Ladder (L) Search here APPROWlop: nrr 9 R ?n?') Ms: Interior.COnly Exterior Only IV O 0 ®momentum Assessor: ix SOLAR Arrays: Date: A IV Stories: 4_l i a- j 0 ECFl SEP 0 5 M3 PROVED (Ahivluu'jr -JCT 2 3 2023 KINGS HIGHWAY YAHMOU i H �3-�)II �f f �i '•tirr'i�Ii `'� '�gS�l� �� � e �. t f �•., �L� fFd: : � f 1 �� Ifni JF LLAI N (D L U) N O f+ O Z CL RECEIVED SEP 0 5 2023 Lr) N KING'S HIGHWAY 0 d' PROVEI 0 C T 2 3 2023 Y MOUTH 23-All y FS - f�. r `r r j z 6-1 I V a 1 A A W � Ilrl� f f '• f ii 1� ^y i-,� Y• yr, r `� to N Q.RNTUM1=1ZA 01110 THE IDEAL SOLUTION FOR; 62�Rooftop at on resideesident'.al Wildings Englneered in Germany s YR ' 0 TOP 6RANt7 PV lN■tlr[ 020 Warranty G CELLS Pron+cracrero�menco Yield 5ecurfty BREAKING THE 20%EFFICIENCY BARRIER Q,ANTUM DUO Z Technology with zero gap cell layout boosts module eHiclency up to 20,6%. r, INNOVATIVE ALL-WEATHER TECHNOLOGY Optimal yields, whatever the weather with excellent low -light and temperature behavior, 1k". ENDURING HIGH PERFORMANCE 11 Long-term yield security with Anti LID Technology, Anti PiD Technology', Hot -Spot Protect and Traceable Quality Tra-07'4 EXTREME WEATHER RATING High-tech aluminum alloy frame, certified for high snow (6000 Pa) and wind loads (4000 Pa). 2E A RELIABLE INVESTMENT InclusW 25-year product warranty and 25-year €1near performance warrantya. STATE OF THE ART MODULE TECHNOLOGY `off_ Q.ANTUM DUO combines cutting edge cell separation and innovative 12-busbar design with C.ANTUM Technology. 'APT lest conditions according tolFC/TS6260A-1:2015,method A(-15OOV,168h) APPROVE[ F See dale cheat on rear for rcrtho• informetioa Rt�EjVr_� OCT 2 3 2023 s E P 0 5 2023 t AHIVIOU I- I-- -- YARMOUTH <ING'S HIGI- QCELLS a3-MnI MECHANICAL SPECIFICATION Format72.4inx40,66tx1.26In(.ncludatgframe) 3209mry (1840tnm x 1030mm x 32mm) urrreee.y fie•"+ Weigh: 43.0lbs(19.5kg) I� rrz rv•y 4 Front Cover 0.111n(28mm)thermally pro -stressed grasswRh anti -reflection technology <.co •e:.y.c_rl+s a.,, Sack Cover Comnos3e fi!m Frame Black anodized elurninum A r'al 6 x 22 monocrystalllne Q.ANTUM solar hall cells Junction Gov 2,09-3.98in x 1.26-2.36in x 0.59-0.71fn v _ .•a .47Ytu00-A (W-101mm x 32-BOmm x 1-848mm), IP67, with bypass diodes Cable 4mm% Solar cab[g;(+)t47.21n{120pmm),(-)x47,21n(1204mm) Connector S:iiubli MC4; IP68 �� •i•�.rt ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS POWER(PLAW 386 370 375 380 385 MINIMUM PERFORMANCE AT STANDARD TEST CONDITIONS, STCi (VOW EN TOLERANCE 5 W 1-0 W) Power at MPP' p„- a70 375 380 385 Short Circuit Current' I- [A] 10.40 10.44 10.47 10.50 10.83 E - - - - - ' Open Circuit Voltage' Voo IV) 44.93 44.97 45.01 46.04 45.08 c Current at MPP 1, [A] 9.87 9.92 9.98 10.04 10.10 Voltage at MPP Vwr IV] 36.99 37.28 37.57 37.85 38.13 Efficiency' q [%) z19.3 219.5 21" z20.1 z20.3 MINIMUM PERFORMANCE AT NORMAL, OPERATING CONDITION 'h1OT' Power at MPP PrW TW] 273.3 2771 280.6 284.6 288.3 � Short Circuit Current Ise IA] 8.38 8.41 8.43 8.46 8.40 E Open Circuit Voltage Voc [V] 42.37 42,41 42,44 42.48 42,51 Current at MPP I� [A] 7.76 7,81 7.86 7.91 Z06 Voltage at MPP Vwr (V) 35.23 35.48 35.72 35.96 3e.20 'Measurement tolerances P,n, 23%:I•e; V= t5% at STD. 1000 Wlm', 25 2 2'C, AN 1,5 eccerd:ng to IEC 609 C4 -3. 2 900 W;'rnt, NMOT, spectrum AM 1.5 0 CELLS PERFORMANCE WARRANTY PERFORMANCE AT LOW IRRADIANCE l RECEIVED L� a'10i ^es At ��--�-----�-----�---�T-----i e t r r r`lstyaecThereaffermex.0.5% g ao r degadationperyaar Atleast935%of nominal power up'o 10 years. At���� ,leasf88%o'nom'nalPowere.ptB r r r25years, w-__-----r_-___r_-__--__--- j Ali data within measurement toleranc- i i ; r Ht-iIVIUl1 I rr es. Full warranties Inaccodoncewith " .� ,I OLD KING'S HIGH AY the wenarty terms of the 0 CELLS uw salesorganisononofyourrespecvver,cslwrm�a country. x.�►,.rr`«.vwmwv.f..r -. e� Typical modWe performance under low irradiance oonditfons in comparison toSTCconditions (25°C,1000W/mr) TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENTS iea,p �: :,iurci or;1u•_.zir:I of ;;� Q Temperature Coefficient of P"r f [%/ KT [%/ K] +0,04 jemperature Coefficie ni of V_ -0.35 itnn:: :IP,7nrh nr1rroiPgTemperature NMM PROPERTIES FOR SYSTEM DESIGN Maximum System Voltage Vs, IV) 10000EC)/1000(UL) Maximum Series Fuse Rating [ADC) 20 Max.Design Load, Pus h/Pull' _ [ba/(t!] 84(4000Pa)/55(P660Pa) Max, Test Load. Push 1 Pulls - [b811119 125 (6000Pa)/84 (4000Pa) - 39ea lnstalkdon Manual QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATES i1L 81730. CE. -ph-1, SEC 012163018. tEc ev30.2o1a. U.S. PS-1 No$893,215 All /L /� AL (Wareek) rxmw t� miriiarm ,S r1 U0161,'i loss lIC d'.. 1. --ire Rating based on ANSII UL 61730 LDW r WA ^ermilted Module Temperature -40'F up to+185•F 0° ;MContinuous Duty (-40•Cupto+86'C) n r PACKAGING AND TRANSPORT INFORMATION 74.41n 42.5in 47.6in 1458Ibs 28 24 32 1890mm 1060mrn 1208mm 661kg pallets pallets modules - Note: Instailator m1rucTors must he followed See the installation and operating manual o• contact our techrJc81 service department for further n`onnation on approved installation and use of Ns product. Hanwhe 0 CELLS Arne Has lac, 400 Spectrum Cantor Drive. Surta 1400. Irvine, CA 92618, USA I TEL +19429 748 59 961 EMAIL tnqulry@usq-oalls.com I WEB vrww.q-ce6s us S n 1 2 3 4 5 Cut Sheet - Rock-it-4.0-Coupling Installation to be completed in accordance with manufacturer's written specifications and installation instructions. See spec sheet or contact manufacturer for detailed material, finishes, and configuration options. Contact manufacturer for detailed layout. not scale drawings. Su RECEIVE Subject to change without notice. 3.17in ® ® ® [80.54mm] 7.00in -7[177.80mm] REM SEP 0 5 2023 rAhIViUU I ro APPROVED OCT 2 3 2023 n, n YARM0U-f11 f . 2.02in d 2.14in 2.34in d [51.38mm] [54.37mm] [59.36mm] �32mm � 35mm � 40mm ALPINE �! i'� r 4741 W Polk Stree Ste, 4 '� SNNC� UARD&: `r' `EGO St ll 01 Phoenix, AZ 85043 Toll Free Phone 1.888.766,4273 Toll Free Phone 1.877.859.3947 Material: See Spec Sheet Toll Free Fax 1.888.766.9994 Toll Free Fax 1.888.766.9994 Scale: 1:4 6/28/2017 ASG: - EFS: x Cut Sheet - Rock-It-4.0-Hybrid Coupling 1. Installation to be completed in accordance with manufacturer's written specifications and installation instructions. 2. See spec sheet or contact manufacturer for detailed material, finishes, and configuration options. 3. Contact manufacturer for detailed layout. ���C�� r 4. Do not scale drawings. c 11I 5. Subject to change without notice. j F1D I ■IIIII I� I [Ul Cl � ! • 7.00in [177.80mm] [� 2.02in d [51.38m m] 32mm 2.14in d [54.37mm] �35mm 5 XGUARDS ` ` EcoFasten Solar° Tall Free Phone 1.888.766.4273 Toll Free Phone 1,877.859,3947 Toll Free Fax 1.888.766.9994 Toll Free Fax 1.888.766.9994 Material: Scale: 1:1 6/28/2017 S E P 0 6 2023 f HFIIVIC)lJ � f ASG: - EFS: X ;3 -'All`f ROCK -IT SYSTeM 4.0 sysTem sPeclFicaTlons Max No. of Panels 300 Modules per ground lug Materials 300 Series Stainless, 6000 Series Aluminum Max System Voltage 1000VDC Coating Black Andodization/Mill Finish Class A Fire Rating With ULI703Type 1 Rated Lug Specifications BurndyCL50-ITN Ground Lug Modules, see note below. (UL Listing #KDER E9999) Leveling Range 3-4" Ground Wire 14 AWG-4 AWG Copper Per above Lug spec. Ground Wire Rock -It Slide Comp Range 3" Max Module Size 64.96"(1650mm) x Rock -It Slide Tile 7" 39.05"(992mm) x 2"(50mm) Min/Max Roof Slope 1/2-12/12:12 Max Downforce/Uplift Rating 45 PSF Max Anchor Spacing (35mm/40mm) 72" Rock -It Mount Load Rating 547lbs with Single 5/16" Lag 3.0 Max Anchor Spacing (32mm) 48" Safety Factor Skirt Box QTY 6 units Slide Fastening Hole 5/16" diameter Mount Box QTY 12 units Module Cantilever Maximum cantilever is 1/3 Rock -It Slide Box QTY 50 units bracket spacing Coupling Box QTY 12 units Warranty 20 Year Material and Workman- ship Codes: National Electric Code, ANSI/NFPA 70, NEC 250, NEC 690, IRC, IBC Standards: UL 2703: First Edition, UL 1703 EmTasornSolar i ofksun Me, RC)C Ft-Ir SYSTEM Mao<mi:w ui Mie MFG 10 CODE: GGT-Q2-2016 CDREOPMTO UL nos CONFORMS TO U12703 RECEIVED S E P 0 5 2023 f AHMOUI Ni The EcoFasten Solar Rock -It System is a rooftop PV racking system consisting of 6000 Series Aluminum and 300 Series Stainless Steel components. The Rock -It System includes the rack components but does not include the PV panels, inverters or electrical components. The PV modules to be used with Rock -It shall be certified under UL 1703. The system shall be used on steep slope roofs mounted over a Class A fire rated roofing material and attached to the roof structure using 5/16" diameter, minimum 4" long 300 series Stainless Steel lag bolts with minimum thread embedment depth of 21/2" into the roof structure. Periodic re -inspection for loose components The system is subject to re -inspection as required by the PV module manufacturer or by the Authority Having Jurisdiction. Re -inspection, as required, should include evaluation of any loose components or loose fasteners. All loose components and fasteners should be secured in accordance with these instructions. The system should also be evaluated for any evidence of corrosion. Any corrosion should be removed. Any affected part should be cleaned or replaced in accordance with these instructions. www.ecofastensolar.com APPROVED 0 C T 2 3 2023 iARMou rH anA EcoFasten Solar® v Info@ecofastensolar.com 877-859-3947 15 FeaTU res • New and improved design North -South adjustability • Fastest, easiest to level system on the market • Only one tool required (I/2"deep well socket) • Integrated electrical bonding Vertical adjustment of 3"-4" • SIMPLE- only 4 components EvaLUaTeD, COmpaTIBLe MODULes SEP 0 5 2023 u , YAHMOU-r J Module ManufaMurer Model Type CY' used to indicate variable test) Module Dimensions (mm) Module Dimensions (in) Downward Pressure Design Load (psf) upward Pressure Design Load (psf) Dawn -slope Design Load (psf) Maximum damp Spadng (in) Trina Solar TSM-xxxf)05.08 1640 x992 x40 64.95"•39.05"x1.57" 33.3 33.3 20 72 Canadian Solar CSGP-xxxM 163Bx922x40 64.48"08.66"x1.57" 33.3 33.3 20 72 CanadlanSolar CS6P-xxxP 163Bx982x40 64.5"08.7"x1.51' 33.3 33.3 20 72 Jinka Solar J(M)=P-60 1650 x992 x40 64,96"09.05"x1,57" 30 30 20 72 Jinka Solar JKMxxxM-60 1650 x992 x40 64.96"x39.05"x1.57" 30 30 20 72 Jinko Solar JKMxxxPP-60 1650 x992 x40 64.96"x39.05"x1.57" 30 30 20 72 Jinko Solar JKMXXXMM-60 1650 x992 x40 64.96"x39.05"x1.57" 30 30 20 72 Yi i$olar YL2xxP-29b 1650x990x40 64.96"x3B.97"x1.57" 30 30 2D 72 LG Elcetronics LG3001\11C-B3 1640 x 1000 x 35 64.57"x39.37'x1,38" 30 30 20 72 LG Elcetronics LG900N1K-G4 1640 x 1000 x 40 64.57"x39.37"x1.57" 30 30 20 72 AzitecSolar AC-xxxM/156-60S 1640x992x40 64.579.06"x1.38" 30 30 20 46 RECOM RCM•2xx-6MB 1640x992x35 64,56"49.05"x1.37" 30 30 20 72 Silfab SLA2xxP 1650x990x38 64.96' 38.97'4.49" 30 30 70 72 Solaria PowerAT )=R-BH 1621 x 1056 x 40 63.89"01.53"x147" 30 3D 20 48 Hanwha-0Oells* Q.PRo642xx 1670x1000x32 65.75"x39.3T'x1.25" 30 30 20 48 Hanwha- Qcells* Q.PROG42xx 1670x1000x32 65.75"x39.37'x1.25" 30 30 20 72 Sunpreme GxB-3xxT 1670x997x40 65.75"x39,25"x1.57" 30 30 20 48 REC REC-xxx-6MB 1675x997x38 65.94"x39.25"x1.5" 20 20 20 72 REC REC-xxx-6MB 1675x997x38 65.94"09.25'Sd.5" 30 30 20 40 SolarWorld SW xxx Mono Black 1675 x 961 x 33 65.95"x37.8"x1.30" 20 20 20 72 Solarworld SW xxx Mono Black 1675 x 961 x 33 65.95"x37.8"x1.30" 30 30 20 48 *Hanwha Q-Cells 32mm modules to be used with special order Rock -It System components. Call for details. APPROVj= OCT 2 3 2023 rir rn r;;ARMOUTI`, aO>EcoFasten Solar® aoa www.ecofastensolar.com info@ecofastensolar.com 877-859-3947 16 �AIY Data Sheet Enphase Microinverters Region: AMERICAS Enphase IQ 7 and IQ 7+ Microinverters APPROVED OCT 2 3 20Z3 YARMOUTH U� To learn more about Enphase offerings, visit enphase.com RECRVED SEP 0 5 2023 fARMOUI> i The high-powered smart grid -ready Enphase IQ 7 Micro' and Enphase IQ 7+ Micro' dramatically simplify the installation process while achieving the highest system efficiency. Part of the Enphase IQ System, the IQ 7 and IQ 7+ Microinverters integrate with the Enphase IQ Envoy', Enphase IQ BatteryT", and the Enphase Enlighten'' monitoring and analysis software. IQ Series Microinverters extend the reliability standards set forth by previous generations and undergo over a million hours of power -on testing, enabling Enphase to provide an industry -leading warranty of up to 25 years. Easy to Install Lightweight and simple Faster installation with improved, lighter two -wire cabling Built-in rapid shutdown compliant (NEC 2014 R 2017) Productive and Reliable Optimized for high powered 60-cell and 72-cell* modules More than a million hours of testing Class II double -insulated enclosure • UL listed Smart Grid Ready Complies with advanced grid support, voltage and frequency ride -through requirements Remotely updates to respond to changing grid requirements Configurable for varying grid profiles Meets CA Rule 21 (UL 1741-SA) "The IQ 7+Micro is required to support 72-cell modules. ENPHASE 04 g3-✓A1ly Enphase IQ 7 and IQ 7+ Microinverters INPUT DATA (DC) IQ7-60-2-US / IQ7-60-B-US IQ7PLUS-72-2-US / I07PLUS-72-8-US Commonly used module pairings' 235 W - 350 W + 235 W - 440 W + Module compatibility 60-cell PV modules only 60-cell and 72-cell PV modules Maximum input DC voltage 48 V 60 V` /�� C I�/ Peak power cracking voltage 27 V - 37 V 27 V - 45 V Operating range Min/Max start voltage 16 V - 48 V 22 V / 48 V 16 V - 60 V S 22 V / 60 V EP 0 5 2023 Max DC short circuit current (module Isc) 15 A 15 A Overvoltage class DC port II IIIARMUTh OLD KING q HIGHWAY DC part backfeed current 0 A 0 A PV array configuration 1 x 1 ungrounded array; No additional DC side protection required; AC side protection requires max 20A per branch circuit OUTPUT DATA (AC) IQ 7 Microinverter IQ 7+ Microinverter Peak output power 250 VA 295 VA Maximum continuous output power 240 VA 290 VA Nominal (L-L) voltage/range' 240 V / 208 V / 240 V / 208 V / 211-264 V 183-229 V 211-264 V 183-229 V Maximum continuous output current 1.0 A (240 V) 1.15 A (208 V) 1.21 A (240 V) 1.39 A (2018 Nominal frequency 60 Hz 60 Hz A�PPI�IOVIED Extended frequency range 47 - 68 Hz 47 - 68 Hz AC short circuit fault current over 3 cycles 5.8 Arms 5.8 Arms 0 C T 2 3 2023 Maximum units per 20 A (L-L) branch circui13 16 (240 VAC) 13 (208 VAC) 13 (240 VAC) 11 (208 V C} Overvoltage class AC port Ili III � r'AHfvIQ�}Th AC port backfeed current 0 A 0 A OLD K N S HIGHWAY Power factor setting 1.0 1.0 Power factor (adjustable) 0.7leading ... 0.7 lagging 0.7 leading ... 0.7 lagging EFFICIENCY @240 V @208 V @240 V @208 V __--__._..._-._.__-_....- 97.6 °.6 97.6 °i 97.5 i CEC weighted efficiency 97.0 i 97.0 % 9 7, 0 i° 97.0 % MECHANICAL DATA Ambient temperature range -40°C to +65°C Relative humidity range 4%to 1001i (condensing) Connector type (IQ7-60-2-US & IQ7PLUS-72-2-US) MC4 (or Amphenol H4 UTX with additional Q-DCC-5 adapter) Connector type (IQ7-60-B-US & IQ7PLUS-72-B-US) Friends PV2 (MC4 intermateable). Adaptors for modules with MC4 or UTX connectors: PV2 to MC4: order ECA-S20-S22 PV2 to UTX: order ECA-S20-S25 Dimensions (WxHxD) 212 mm x 175 mm x 30.2 mm (without bracket) Weight 1.08 kg (2.38 Ibs) Cooling Natural convection - No fans Approved for wet locations Yes Pollution degree PD3 Enclosure Class II double -insulated, corrosion resistant polymeric enclosure Environmental category / UV exposure rating NEMA Type 6 / outdoor FEATURES Communication Power Line Communication (PLC) Monitoring Enlighten Manager and MyFnlighten monitoring options. Disconnecting means Compliance Both options require installation of an Enphase IQ Envoy. The AC and DC connectors have been evaluated and approved by UL for use as the load -break disconnect required by NEC 690. CA Rule 21 (UL 1741-SA) UL 62109-1, UL1741/IEEE1547, FCC Part 15 Class B, ICES-0003 Class B, CAN/CSA-C22.2 NO. 107.1-01 This product is UL Listed as PV Rapid Shut Down Equipment and conforms with NEC-2014 and NEC-2017 section 690,12 and C22.1-2015 Rule 64-218 Rapid Shutdown of PV Systems, for AC and DC conductors, when installed according manufacturer's instructions. 1- No enforced DC/AG ratio. See the compatibility calculator at https-1/enphase.com/en-us/support/module-compatibility. 2. Nominal voltage range can be extended beyond nominal if required by the utility - 3. Limits may vary. Refer to local requirements to define the number of microinverters per branch in your area. To learn more about Enphase offerings, visit enphase.com O-I E N P H AS E O 2018 Enphase Energy. All rights reserved. All trademarks or brands used are the property of Enphase Energy, Inc. 2018-05-24 Data Sheet Enphase Networking Enphase IQ Combiner 3 (X-IQ-AM1-240-3) APPROVEV OCT 2 3 2023 YARMOUTH LISPED To learn more about Enphase offerings, visit enphase.com SEP 0 5 2023 rAH[vlUu i h The Enphase IQ Combiner 3'" with Enphase IQ Envoy"' consolidates interconnection equipment into a single enclosure and streamlines PV and storage installations by providing a consistent, pre -wired solution for residential applications. It offers up to four 2-pole input circuits and Eaton BR series bulbar assembly. Smart Includes IQ Envoy for communication and control • Flexible networking supports Wi-Fi, Ethernet, or cellular Optional AC receptacle available for PLC bridge Provides production metering and optional consumption monitoring Supports Ensemble Communications Kit for communication with Enphase Encharge" storage and Enphase Enpower`" smart switch Simple Reduced size from previous combiner Centered mounting brackets support single stud mounting Supports back and side conduit entry Up to four 2-pole branch circuits for 240 VAC plug-in breakers (not included) 80 A total PV or storage branch circuits Reliable Durable NRTL-certified NEMA type 3R enclosure Five-year limited warranty UL listed n ENPHASE ;g;i,-'III y Enphase IQ Combiner 3 MODEL NUMBER IQ Combiner 3 IQ Combiner 3 with Enphase IQ Envoy' printed circuit board for integrated revenue grade PV X-IQ-AM1-240-3 production metering (ANSI C12.20 +/- 0.5%) and optional* consumption monitoring (+/- 2.5°i). ACCESSORIES and REPLACEMENT PARTS (not included, order separately) Enphase Mobile Conned" — - CELLMODEM-03 (4G/1 2-year data plan) Plug and play industrial grade cellular modem with data plan for systems up to 60 CELLMODEM-01 (3G/5-year data plan) microinverters. (Available in the US, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and the US Virgin Islands, CELLMODEM-MI (4G based LTE-MI5-year data plan) where there is adequate cellular service in the installation area.) Consumption Monitoring* CT Split core current transformers enable whole home consumption metering (+/- 2.5°i). CT-200-SPLIT " Consumption monitoring is required for Enphase Storage Systems Ensemble Communications Kit Installed at the IQ Envoy. For communications with Enphase Encharge'" storage and Enphase COMMS-KIT-01 Enpower' smart switch. Includes USB cable for connection to IQ Envoy or Enphase IQ Combiner'" and allows wireless communication with Encharge and Enpower. Circuit Breakers Supports Eaton BR210, BR215, BR220, BR230, BR240, 1313250, and BR260 circuit breakers. BRK-10A-2-240 Circuit breaker, 2 pole,10A, Eaton BR210 BRK-15A-2-240 Circuit breaker, 2 pole,15A, Eaton BR215 BRK-20A-2P-240 Circuit breaker, 2 pole, 20A, Eaton BR220 EPLC-01 Power line carrier (communication bridge pair), quantity - one pair XA-SOLARSHIELD-ES Replace the default solar shield with this Ensemble Combiner Solar Shield to match the look and feel of the Enphase Enpower" smart switch and the Enphase Encharge" storage system XA-PLUG-120-3 Accessory receptacle for Power Line Carrier in IQ Combiner 3 (required for EPLC-01) XA-ENV-PCBA-3 Replacement IQ Envoy printed circuit board (PCB) for Combiner 3 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS I �Ci u—st ffIP'rltA Rating System voltage Eaton BR series busbar rating Max. continuous current rating (output to grid) Max, fuse/circuit rating (output) Branch circuits (solar and/or storage) Max. continuous current rating (input from PV) Max. total branch circuit breaker rating (input) Envoy breaker Production Metering CT Continuous duty 120/240 VAC, 60 Hz 125 A 65 A SEP 0 5 2023 rAHIW()U-I r, 90 A ""' nu�u rlthr`IVYHY Up to four 2-pole Eaton BR series Distributed Generation (DG) breakers only (not included) 64 A 80 A of distributed generation / 95 A with IQ Envoy breaker included 10A or 15A rating GE Q-line/Siemens Type QP /Eaton BR series included 200 A solid core pre -installed and wired to IQ Envoy MECHANICAL DATA Dimensions (WxHxD) _ 49.5 x 37.5 x 16.8 cm (19.5" x 14.75" x 6.63°). Height is 21.06" (53.5 i Weight 7.5 kg (16.5 Ibs) Ambient temperature range -400 C to +460 C (401 to 1151 F) 0 C T 2 3 2023 Cooling Natural convection, plus heat shield Enclosure environmental rating Outdoor, NRTL-certified, NEMA type 3R, polycarbonate constructio YARMOUTH OLD 06N HIGHWA`r Wire sizes 20 A 10 50 A breaker inputs: 14 to 4 AWG copper conductors 60 A breaker branch input: 4 to 1/0 AWG copper conductors Main lug combined output: 10 to 2/0 AWG copper conductors • Neutral and ground: 14 to 1/0 copper conductors Always follow local code requirements for conductor sizing. Altitude To 2000 meters (6,560 feet) INTERNET CONNECTION OPTIONS Integrated Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n Ethernet Optional, 802.3, Cat5E (or Cat 6) UTP Ethernet cable (not included) Cellular CELLMODEM-M1 4G based LTE-M cellular modem (not included). Note that an Enphase Mobile Connect cellular modem is required for all Ensemble installations. COMPLIANCE Compliance, Combiner UL 1741, CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 107.1, 47 CFR, Part 15, Class B, ICES 003 Production metering: ANSI C12.20 accuracy class 0.5 (PV production) Compliance, IQ Envoy UL 60601-1/CANCSA 22.2 No. 01010-1 I o learn more about Enpnase Otterings, visit enpllase.COm © 2021 Enphase Energy. All rights reserved. Enphase, the Enphase logo, IQ Combiner 3, and other trademarks or service names are the n E N P H A S E trademarks of Enphase Energy, Inc. Data subject to change. 2021-05-20 93 --M t/ NH-P02 nDnn3-i az03D=C ;a❑3;0V)m� monTC N = O S r u} W r Z 3 N N N r W U, N >iam>Uim3 Z N;j! L D v o ❑wxam-10 N�"�`nZ0n V NV n q❑ Z z 3 m 0 Ns0 n r, N 0 [n l0 ❑ N m m v N m m r 0 i7t N r O r Ln r M D tin w n C Ln cn O n n C W m O C^ n O Z m m zC) s m 0 W Z CO n O � D m Z z C m -7-'-•1 cis O 0 C m {" z 0 Z Z K 0 m �' W r r O m D --� m z cn N N 1" F- 00 V V iv- w+vv•w C T r r r r m 2oOK? -< 0 50+ co ve m n m D ga),,Nm '� m ��z O m m p m ��In nZO O C 3t LA O u7OCQn w Z C O Z C O Z.. cn A = m w 4 n D S� W m N o d ' m per' a �p �.i D 1t :1 m m m '� "� O f�ii n �mN N �1 UJ A w W M 2 r nn O i OcN �j �•• NS z z z LnV Z Ol O A iv Z N CO W Qn W m N C c n :w KmN0(nn DmflOD, G7z�mA zmMM0> 0—= a� „ ;v Q- mz m aW�z-1 0X0(wo 1Om00 � ro, Cz�Zz �c❑o �NmOm r W'n> CX7 m > o m 0m(1)CCOK X:�_:ooma (n=inxz cz�°0)> �aAaOm� a x C) U�DXo;3 a�0;� Q 0 n m 0 r m Cn W 000 m G) O C/)m-n N �O Z c(Oimr' N m�Q° CA 2 w m N � 0�rn a ao om-n _ (n Qy0 Z moo z C D ;o m om� C, 0M� 'n iL. — =a0 �mm 1-i f V ui r q fV W m C ►L 1-4 z 1OW y n 7W � �ma �w ry Knw �mg�OG)+mmo>aO z r- >o�=>Mzmzcn�y0� 0c cnTcmn�mot o T n m=� O O m C m m D z z O cn cnp--om-JxmX=z 0 Z c �, m „O Zn manD�mm W z � C)m �= r m K MM -1 O�� QJ� sn>rO>— z❑ m -uFQ zm mx m m x r?9 Xca 0 CInm m n vn zm,ZlmD,� p D z� m-0K�0 �Q m m (n0 t9�R-DC C,)W 0 -n cm-�mODC�i� _) nm D r D -na 0 ml m C❑W-j Z 2 Z D C� ozgcoz v;u z m-n -wnmm3 000 0 z2Q.zr- <mm D �n-OiZ D m0 mm n r zD C) p -4p G? 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