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HomeMy WebLinkAboutDevelopment of Refional impact 81622 RECEIVED AUG 18 2022 BUILDING DEPARTMENT By 3225 MAIN STREET • P.O. BOX 226 BARNSTABLE, MASSACHUSETTS 02630 CAPE COD (508) 362-3828 • Fax (508) 362-3136 • COMMISSION DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONAL IMPACT MINOR MODIFICATION TYPE 1 WHITE'S PATH COLISEUM WAREHOUSE EXPANSION DATE: August , 2022 APPLICANTS: Two Twenty Five White's Path Units Two and Three, LLC do Attorney Eliza Cox Nutter McClennen & Fish, LLP 1471 lyannough Road, P.O. Box 1630 Hyannis, MA 02601 PROJECT: Coliseum Warehouse Expansion(Commission File No. 92009) SITE ADDRESS: 225-233 White's Path, South Yarmouth, MA 02664 ASSESSOR'S ID: Map 99 Parcel 33C TITLE REFERENCE: Land Court Certificate of Title No. 134967 Lot 242, LCP 31209-M, C326-2; C326-3 Cape Cod Commission Decisions Recorded: Land Court Doc. 806,893 BCRD Deed Book 8122 Page 136 SUMMARY Pursuant to Section 11 of the Cape Cod Commission's Chapter A: Enabling Regulations Governing Review of Developments of Regional Impact("Enabling Regulations")(revised November 2021),the Development of Regional Impact(DRI)decision dated June 11, 1992, as modified by Minor Modification Type 2 dated April 7, 2022 (collectively,the"DRI Decision"), for the above referenced Project is hereby further modified by a Minor Modification Type 1.This Modification allows de minimus changes to the approved Project as discussed herein that will not result in different or increased impacts to the resources protected by the Cape Cod Commission Act or the Regional Policy Plan. Coliseum Warehouse Expansion-CCC File No. 92009 DRI Minor Modification Type#1 August 2022 Page 1 DISCUSSION The Project proposes installation of sound walls ranging from 13 to 16 feet in height, located to the south and southwest of existing and proposed paved areas of the Property, as depicted on the Revised Site Plans listed below. The proposed sound walls are located along existing paved areas and/or the limits of previously approved work areas to minimize new disturbance to existing vegetation. New plantings are proposed adjacent to portions of the sound walls, as depicted on the Supplemental Landscape Plan listed below. MODIFICATION TO THE DRI DECISION This Modification recognizes, approves, and incorporates into the DRI Decision the plans set out below.The modified Project shall be undertaken and maintained in accordance with the Revised Site Plans set out below,which plans are hereby incorporated by reference into the DRI Decision,to substitute for the site plans referenced and set out in said Decision.All findings and conditions in the DRI Decision continue to apply as written except as modified herein.This Modification does not result in a change to the scope of DRI review established in said Decision and thus does not require further DRI review for the Project, as modified. Revised Site Plans: • Alteration to Existing Warehouse&Distribution Center, 225 White's Path Units 2&3 LLC; Sheets 1-52;prepared for 225 White's Path Units 2&3 LLC by Catalyst Architecture/Interiors Inc., dated 4/25/2022. • Site Development Plans,225 White's Path, Yarmouth, MA;Sheets 1-12; prepared for 225 White's Path Units 2 &3 LLC by CHA Consulting, Inc., dated 6/14/22. • Supplemental Landscape Plan, prepared for 225 White's Path Units 2 &3 LLC by CHA Consulting, Inc., dated 7/6/22. SIGNATURE PAGE FOLLOWS Coliseum Warehouse Expansion-CCC File No.92009 DRI Minor Modification Type#1 August 2022 Page 2 SIGNATURE PAGE Executed this day of August 2022. 4C44 -1P...-PLZ Kristy Se21 tori, Executive Director COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Barnstable,ss August lie,2022 Before me,the undersigned notary public, personally appeared Kristy Senatori in her capacity as Executive Director of the Cape Cod Commission,whose name is signed on the preceding document,and such person acknowledged to me that she signed such document voluntarily for its stated purpose on behalf of the Cape Cod Commission. The identity of such person was proved to me through satisfactory evidence of identification, which was[ ] photographic identification with signature issued by a federal or state governmental agency, [ ] oath or affirmation of a credible witness,or[] personal knowledge of the undersigned. p �SsiotiF .Oc,, Notary�Public: �yJ cL ,.9,20 °i 0 0.0 Ci '15% My Commission expires: I 0/pq (Zc 2(p • SEAL c;. y O�PTARYP <'4 „ NW ,s -\\\�• '/SSA S M'o" Coliseum Warehouse Expansion-CCC File No. 92009 DRI Minor Modification Type#1 August 2022 Page 3