HomeMy WebLinkAboutCape cod Commission - final certificate of compliance 070623 RECEIVED JUL 10 2023 BUILL'INL. , : ;,iiEN'1- 3225 MAIN STREET . P.O. BOX 226 BARNSTABLE, MASSACHUSETTS 02630 ) CAPE COD (508) 362-3828 • Fax (508) 362-3136 • www.capecodcommission.org COMMISSION APPLICANT PICKED UP DECISION IN PERSON July 6, 2023 Two Twenty Five White's Path Units Two and Three, LLC c/o Richard Fenuccio, Principal Project Manager ClearPath Advisors 8 West Bay Rd, Suite A Osterville, MA 02655 RE: Final Certificate of Compliance Coliseum Warehouse Expansion CCC File No 92009 Dear Mr. Fenuccio, Enclosed please find the Final Certificate of Compliance for Coliseum Warehouse Expansion, 225 Whites' Path,Yarmouth, MA 02664. Once you record this decision, please forward a copy of the recorded version to our office. Please do not hesitate to contact our office if you have any questions. Sincerely, �c L'sa Dillon Commission Clerk Enclosure cc: Kathleen Williams,Town Planner,Yarmouth Mark Grylls, Building Commissioner 3225 MAIN STREET • P.O. BOX 226 ` .¢ BARNSTABLE, MASSACHUSETTS 02630 CAPE COD (508) 362-3828 • Fax (508) 362-3136 • www.capecodcommission.org COMMISSION FINAL CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE DATE: July 6, 2023 APPLICANT: Two Twenty Five White's Path Units Two and Three, LLC do Richard Fenuccio, Principal-Project Manager ClearPath Advisors 8 West Bay Road, Suite A, Osterville, MA 02655 PROJECT: Coliseum Warehouse Expansion (CCC No. 92009) SITE ADDRESS: 225 White's Path,Yarmouth, MA 02664 ASSESSOR'S ID: Map 99 Parcel 33C TITLE REFERENCE: Land Court Certificate of Title No. 13967 Lot 242, LCP 31209-M C326-2; C326-3 ORIGINAL DRI DECISION: Land Court Doc. 806,893 Recorded in BCRD Book 8122 Page 136 The Cape Cod Commission (Commission) hereby issues this Certificate of Compliance, certifying compliance with the Approved Project Plans, in accordance with the Minor Modification Type #2 Decision for the Project, dated April 7, 2022, as further modified by the Minor Modification Type#1, dated August 16, 2022, and registered with the Land Court as Doc. 1,466,108.The Commission certifies and acknowledges that the Applicant has satisfied and complied with the terms and conditions of the modifications to the DRI Decision, sufficient for issuance of this Certificate, subject to the understandings below. This Certificate is issued with the understanding that the Applicant will complete post-construction traffic monitoring in accordance with the signed proposal dated June 12, 2023 between VHB and Greg Bilezikian, as owner of the property, consistent with the requirements of the modifications to the DRI Decision. This Final Certificate of Compliance authorizes, under the Decision,the issuance of any and all local development permits for the Project, including a Certificate of Occupancy. *** Coliseum Warehouse Expansion DRI Modification,Yarmouth, MA- Commission File No.92009 COC-July 2023 SIGNATURE PAGE Executed this day of July 2023 For the Cape Cod Commission by: 77_,4.4;(5f SCirtiarr4) Kristy Senatori, Executive Director COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Barnstable, ss ird C , 2023 Before me,the undersigned notary public, personally appeared Kristy Senatori,whose name is signed on the preceding or attached document, and such person acknowledged to me that he signed such document voluntarily for its stated purpose in her capacity as Executive Director on behalf of the Cape Cod Commission.The identity of such person was proved to me through satisfactory evidence of identification, which was [] photographic identification with signature issued by a federal or state governmental agency, [loath or affirmation of a credible witness, or [X] personal knowledge of the undersigned. Notary My Co mission Expires: f o .26 at- 4.7 JEFFREY MARK RIBEIRO -j-- t NOTARY PUBLIC Commonwealth of Massachusetts '\ My Commission Expires on �D`'.-"' October 20,2028 SEAL Coliseum Warehouse Expansion DRI Modification,Yarmouth, MA- Commission File No. 92009 COC-July 2023