HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPR 12622 Formal Review SITE PLAN REVIEW COMMENT SHEET Date: December 6, 2022 Map: 37 Parcel: 147.1 Applicant: SUNH LLC (Sunbird) Location: 216 Route 28 Zone: B2/HMOD1 Persons Present: Mark Grylls Wagner Quintanilha - Mgr Kathy Williams Amanda Lima Lt. Matt Bearse Phil Renaud Laurie Ruszala Brittany DiRienzo Project Summary Sport Court, Modify parking layout. Comments Buildinq6 Court would be considered an ancillary use to the existing hotel. Lot coverage calcs are not provided. Table 203.5 allows for 25% building coverage. Footnote P allows up to 70% impervious lot coverage when an approved recharge system for stormwater is provided. Recommend increased buffer as court directly abuts a residence. If lighting is provided, a lighting plan will be required to prove compliance with section 301.4.10. ,:-community Development and Planning: 1. Hours of Use & Lighting: To be respectful of the noise associated with the proposed sports court so close to residential abutters, the hours of use should be limited, and no night-time play should be allowed, so lighting is not needed. 2. Circulation & Access: The circulation shown is now one-way between the two properties (216 & 226 Route 28). Is this an issue with separate ownership in the future? 3. Landscaping: Provide a Landscape Plan a. Buffer Trees (min. 3" caliper): Provide front buffer tree on west side of entrance and also along the east side if curb cut is being reduced as shown. Supplement buffer trees around sports court as needed to fully screen from residential abutters. Additional buffer trees should be included along the western property line in general as there are only small shrubs now. b. In-Lot Trees (min. 3" caliper): Reorganization of the parking with the addition of a new landscaped island is a benefit and in-lot trees can now be provided within the newly created island. Show dimension of revised parking spaces. Conservation: The total area of disturbance is required to be calculated to determine if a stormwater management permit will be required. Design Review: Not present. Design Review is necessary for this project, especially with the proposed port cochere which will need architectural plans. Engineering: • Current disturbance appears to yield about 0.15 acre. • No drainage improvements proposed for this area. Consideration should be evaluated. • Reflect existing drainage on the drawing. Fire: Fire Department access shall be to 527 CMR 1 Ch. 18 specifically but not limited to Fire requires a sweep test analysis per curb cuts per Access to building needs to conform to Fire apparatus cannot travel in opposing lane as a fire lane per Recommend adding sprinkler system to building per NFPA 13, to gain some relief from code. ftHealth: No comments. ,)\,Water: No comments. Read & Received by Applicant(s) c e t