HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPR 120622 Formal Review
Date: December 6, 2022 Map: 37 Parcel: 147.2
Applicant: Faisal Ahmad Trust(Sunbird Annex) Zone: B2/HMOD1
Location: 226 Route 28, West Yarmouth
Persons Present:
Mark Grylls WagnerQuintannilha
Kathy Williams Phil Renaud
Laurie Ruszala Brittany DiRienzo
Lt Matt Bearse
Amanda Lima
Protect Summary
Proposed swimming pool and modify existing parking layout and entrance driveway.
Plan doe of show compliance with applicable standards of section 301 such as front buffers 301.4.4, In lot trees
301.4.6, and lighting 301.4.10 to include proposed shielding to prevent glare. Parking calculations should also be provided
to confirm the property is not overparked. Construction shall comply with all applicable sections of 780 CMR and 521
Community Development and Planning:
,,i1. Pool-Water Slides/Stone Structure: Why locate the pool in the front where street noise will be loud?
'i Applicant noted that this was due to the need to locate the new septic system further into the property.
What are the hours of operation for the pool? Applicant indicated would close at dusk.
2. Materials: Identify the materials shown in hatching and include a Legend. Unpaved areas and buffers
should be landscaped.
3. Landscaping: Provide a Landscape Plan
a. Buffer Trees (min. 3" caliper): Existing front buffer trees should remain, add additional buffer
trees/plantings to screen the pool and add tree in the front buffer on the east side of the driveway.
b. In-Lot Trees (min. 3" caliper): In-lot trees cannot be located within the newly created parking lot
island due to the location of the septic system. Provide some type of low lying vegetation in the
island acceptable over septic system..
3. Parking: Show dimensions of parking. The new 18 space lot is only about 53' wide, not sufficient for
perpendicular parking and does not meet bylaw. How do people parked in the angled parking exit? Also
check as to whether vehicles can drive over or park on top of the septic system.
4. Circulation & Access: The circulation shown is now one-way between the two properties (216 & 226
Route 28). Is this an issue with separate ownership in the future? The relocated curb cuts looks will it will
conflict with an existing fire hydrant and utility pole shown on the existing conditions plan. Also need to
show new sign location (if one is proposed)
5. Lighting: Lighting to have a maximum height of 20', 30' light post shown.
Conservation: The total area of disturbance is required to be calculated to determine if a stormwater management permit
will be required.
A work limit line with erosion control must be included to protect the bordering vegetated wetland along the north side of
the property.
Design Review: Not present. Design Review for both 216 &226 is needed.
• Drainage calculations not provided. It appears the design intent is a catch basin to DMH to one existing
leaching catch basin. Confirm capacity and condition for reuse. The disturbance is approximately 0.55
• Should the two leaching basins have grates as shown? Should they be piped together?
• Catch basins do not appear on Sheet 2 of 2 and difficult to locate if within the fenced in pool area.
Coordinate utilities between drawings.
• Provide pavement profile detail for new paving areas.
`Fire: Fire Department access shall be to 527 CMR 1 Ch. 18 specifically but not
test analysis per curb cuts per Access to building needs to conform toIr18. Fire sweep
apparatus cannot travel in opposing lane as a fire lane per Recommend adding sprinkler system to
building per NFPA 13, to gain some relief from code.
(�`�Swimming Pool must meet 105 CMR 435.000 State Sanitary Code— Sanitary Standards for Swimming
Suggest Engineer schedule a meeting with me to discuss pool plan.
t ) ater: The water services are not shown accurately on the drawings. Water meter pits should be installed on each
service at the property line. Water line renewals from the meter pit to the buildings are recommended.
Read & Received by Applicant(s)